#nnbk au
zombiesama · 10 months
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^his Escape B4 outfit^
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ihateuno · 8 months
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I Open timber every month or so
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naquey · 1 year
omg dude i lvoe nanbaka!! What about likeeeeee
A nanbaka mha au???
You don't have too if you don't want too.
K thx!
mha/nnbk is something I have never thought of before! I think this is something really interesting, I mean, I think I'm only going to give the characters I like quirks because there are A LOT of characters.
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He either has a luck based quirk or telepathy/telekinesis. You cannot tell me that he wouldn't be a goddamn menace if he has either of those quirks. Totally will have as much fun as he can with them.
It's basic, but super strength. I mean. Come on. It's so obvious and like right in our faces this man has some massive strength.
My guy can grow plants at will, and he doesn't use them for fighting or anything. He would probably love his quirk because it's so pretty. Maybe even tries to turn himself into a bush.
I cannot think of a quirk for him, I mean, he's a gremlin that knows qigong. There isn't much that I could add to him that would make him anymore powerful than he already is. Maybe he qigong is a type of quirk? I dunno.
None. I can't think.
-Hajime Sugoroku
He already has something akin to a quirk in the anime/manga but if I had to give him one... The ability to read peoples minds. He hates people so it would make interacting with them so much easier than normal, and he wouldn't even have to talk to them much to know what they want.
-Samon Gokuu
Mans was born for super speed, I swear. He has like the perfect vibe for super speed. That is my only reason. No other quirk fits him.
It's so basic, but he can control water and any forms of water. He can control the ocean, can control ice, vapor, etc. It doesn't matter what form of water but he'll be able to control it just fine. Uses it to his advantage during track sometimes since he can like move his sweat.
Dude already controls lightning. He probably is like, able to be a human conductor. Or like uhh...... Idk. Man he probably doesn't have a quirk either because in canon he already has one.
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pinktatertots99 · 4 years
ABO Prompts List: "Every time I try to talk to you, I start stuttering so bad I can’t form sentences." fooooor uuuh *panics* Liang and Bort maaaybe? ( Well, the other prompts on this list are kinda... scary for me lol, so I went with the most innocent one )
HJKDKHJDKJHD tbh...i was not expectin to get a request for this prompt lol. but also i get ya jhfdkhjsfhks! also god i wasn’t expecting to have a hard time writin the ending lol. just decided the a///bo aspect to be...a bit subtle?
ABO Prompt List
28. Every time I try to talk to you, I start stuttering so bad I can’t form sentences.
he didn’t think this kind of power would still be over him, but he supposes even a year or two of not seeing them could test such a thing as liang sat next to the raven. passing them a woven carrier. “...what’s this?”
“j...just...ah-ope-op...” his eye twitched, lifting the top to show steaming peach buns to them. “oh...thanks. ...i don’t eat this much though.”
“i...i-i di-...”
“i’ll just share them with the others.” they immediately closed it, picking it up and leaving the lunchroom table, soon liang smacked his head to it’s surface...and his half finished lunch tray.
wiping his face he pouted at the continuing laughing from the trash bag himself. “man, you, god damn, never would’ve expected that haha!” he exclaimed laughing more as upa rolled his eyes. “thank goodness i couldn’t feel that.”
“shut up!”
“daawww, our lil dominator is feelin dominated, ain’t that cute~.” he teased, gaining a dirty towel to the face in response.
scratching the pencil onto the paper he overheard the footsteps of the flats coming towards him. “oi.” he looked up at the other, dawned in workout gear similar to his in color, design wise shorts and a long sleeved turtleneck as they glared to him. “you’ve been annoying with how you talk lately. choke up what you want to say.”
he moved to give them the paper, reading “Every time I try to talk to you, I start stuttering so bad I can’t form sentences. “ gaining a raised brow. “...am i that intimidating?”
“...no.” he mumbled, moving to get up. “just means i’ll have to surpass you.” both gave eye to eye contact, glaring as bortz nodded. “good. you can start by five miles.”
“...it’s on then.”
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zombiesama · 2 years
Nnbk vkei au.
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pinktatertots99 · 4 years
diamond in the rough became rougher - nnbk/hnk au fic
nanbaka/hnk au crossover thingy whatever tf i only know few peeps who might like dia having a crisis and trying to fight dirty. honestly this was built off listening to the veronicas songs and wanting to write fighting cause i need to do that more. also gems are inmates in this au, no one ask how their in a male prison i won’t confirm jack or shit probably a stupid reason.
synops: a typical training day at building five of nanba prison, and all they wanted was to be up a notch with one of the building’s better fighters, if they could beat him, they could beat their internal enemy...
a kick, a punch, their misses as swift as the wind blowing through dia’s hair as they watched the two ravens fight. piercing eyes glaring at the other, but with a sign of some sort of respect for the other’s moves, their disgusting jealousy forming into a smile as the male next to them whistled.
“man, those two could go on this all day.” he stated, grey green bangs flowing to the wind as dia’s smile grew. “indeed...how lucky.” they watched as the short blue haired male in black workout uniform snapped his fingers, launching a bright blue energy ball into the air that gave a small spark sound, causing the two to pause from fighting in panting messes.
“here ya fight-a-holics.” the purple cladded male stated, throwing both a water bottle to drink as he chuckled. “never give up do ya guys?”
“absolutely not.” the braided raven stated as bortz moved to their bag, dia watching them as they picked it up. “gonna go run a little.”
“i feel like i’m raising two liangs’ now.” qi mumbled as bortz ran off with it, dia taking their chance as liang looked ready to leave aswell. “liang-y~?” they asked sugary sweet, gaining his confused reaction as they looked up to him smiling. “wanna spar?”
“very well.” he stated, both staring at eachother as dia got into their fighting pose. “...well?”
“aren’t we gonna spar?”
“now?” dia pouted as liang put the water down. “alright.” getting into position upa snapped his fingers, immediately just a sliver after he did a fast gust past by him, talisman waving as liang quickly defended a punch with his arms. the same barrage came on them as both took steps forward and back.
‘just a little better. i can do better.’ dia thought, their leg moving to slider into the other’s, immediately they felt nothing as he jumped, immediately fending themself for a kick to their arms midair. ‘i can be on their level. if i defeat him, i can beat them.’
feeling their feet skid on the dirt they back flipped once liang landed back, dodging briefly his punches, feeling some barely brush their cheek. the warmth of the bruise fueling them as they moved to punch back, watching him avoid them so swiftly. ‘stop it.’ they thought, their moves becoming quicker but sloppier.
‘stop being this good.’
turning their eye lightly they watched the qigong master’s hand raise up slowly from it’s side. ‘it can’t be over.’ they thought, moving to fend themself. ‘i can’t have it end like this.’ as they felt the fists bruising their arms they moved their foot, kicking his shin that gained a yelp of pain and a pause.
it felt so slow as they moved to punch his gut next. as the energy ball formed on the tip of upa’s finger they felt their fist in the palm of liang’s hand, launching off they felt themself spin by force, catching themself off balanced they watched from the ground they laid on the power ball popping off like a firework.
laying there they heard the footsteps away, immediately getting up. “wait!” they exclaimed, slowly getting up. “i...i want a rematch! i...can’t lose...like that.”
“...why not?”
“...because...” they looked down whispering. “it’d...prove them right, about me.” the wind came back, blowing their hair as they looked up to liang, droplets from their bruise warming them up. watching those piercing eyes, reminding them so much of their cellmate, a look that screamed disappointment, it was impossible they thought. if they couldn’t beat him, they couldn’t beat them either.
...it was pathetic. they forced a smile as they closed their eyes to him. “thank you.” they thanked, forcing on a sweet accent as they moved to walk past him. “...you won’t be able to take them on fighting like that.”
“.....then...what else should i try?” silence was the answer as dia walked off, clacking of their shoes distancing as liang took a seat on the bench, taking the held out ice pack by qi onto his knee.
“they need their own rock or something.” he muttered as qi responded with “couldn’tve said it better myself.”
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pinktatertots99 · 4 years
And as a second request for the Prompt: 35. Water can solve many problems. Want to lose weight? Drink water. Clear skin? Drink water. Get rid of someone you hate? Drown them. *name*, no! For Dia and Bort please? That totally sounds like them!
YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSS god i’ve wanted to write sadistic dia for so long! not to mention...heeheehee au time~. since the name no one is a different person lol.
Dialogue Prompts #2
35. Water can solve many problems. Want to lose weight? Drink water. Clear skin? Drink water. Get rid of someone you hate? Drown them. *name*, no!
taking a swig of their water bortz watched the many runners on the track as dia giggled exhaustingly. “isn’t it nice? coming to a different building for training?” they asked as the raven gave a scoff. “didn’t have to be this one.”
“awwww, are you two still having a lovers quarrel?”
“dia i swear-”
“that wasn’t me.” both looked to the left to find the purple cladded inmate laying on the bench, magazine over his face as both got up to see him, bortz immediately pulling him by his greyish green ponytail gaining a yelp. “heeeey rude!”
“we’re in a prison.” bortz stated as the other looked off in thought at the statement. “anyways, go eavesdrop the doctor’s office.”
“easy for you to say they like red-heads more then me! after our time together in the underworld.” he sighed dramatically as dia gave a “awww poor thing.”
“don’t encourage him.”
“no PLEASE encourage me. maybe i can help solve ya two’s problems~?”
bortz gave a glare as they squeezed their water bottle to his face. “water can solve many problems. want to lose weight? drink water. clear skin? drink water.”
“get rid of someone you hate? drown them!” both stared at dia as qi gave a choked “dia no!”
“why not? their right.” bortz stated as he jumped lightly. “ya gonna get the guards attention!”
“and?” qi sighed but gave a light hum. “...you could get in trouble with your sensei~.” both stared at eachother as bortz gave a scoff, walking off. “i’m doing sit ups.” they stated as both watched them.
“daawww, ya know those two got more in common weirdly.” he stated as dia hummed. “maybe...i wonder if the difference would diverge into how long they can hold their breaths.”
“nothing nevermind~!” immediately they skipped off to follow bortz, leaving the chemist to lay back with the soaked magazine over his face again mumbling “this place needs a therapist.”
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pinktatertots99 · 4 years
Creepy/Halloween Sentence Starters: “Did you know that no one has ever made it out alive?” foooor maybe Liang and Bort please? If you don't mind~
HKDHKDKHJDKJ buddy writing my faves in my self indulgent crossover au is something i definietly WILL NEVER mind! actually just writing my au in general i’ll never mind lol.
Creepy/Halloween sentence starters & prompts
“Did you know that no one has ever made it out alive?”
he watched them, staring at the entrance to Gogyousan before tapping them lightly to get them to come outside. “Gogyousan Underground prison.” they mumbled, moving to a running position on the path. “did you know that no one has ever made it out alive?”
“no, but we did.” immediately bortz paused causing liang to in response as they looked at him big eyed. “wait- what?”
“yeah, well, first time was to help with some organizing, second time involved an underground jailbreak-”
“wait wait HOW- YOU-”
“me, qi, upa, cell thirteen, cell six, the daisens, the three supervisors including ours, hakkai-” with each name bortz’s eye twitched as they raised their hand infront of him. “HOLD IT. how should i believe such a thing?” he sighed, moving to the hem of his training top, turning around and taking off enough to show a burn mark, with some...stitches along his spine and..they moved to feel the large imprint of a shoe’s sole only for him to pull it back down quickly before looking back.
“....is he-” he only continued, not responding to their query as he rubbed his thumb to under his tattoo, showing the horizontal curved scar on it, doing the same to his other arm as the others piercing eyes noticed a scar slightly under it that looked more...surgical? moving to try and uncover more they were cut from so as he moved to sit, pulling up his pant legs to show matching ones on each.
“...how?” he eyed rokuriki from afar, lightly nodding to his direction. “via controlling talismans.”
“how could they-”
“escapees had them.”
“...this place is very flawed.” they mumbled, liang readjusting himself lightly as he got up. “why hide those?”
“they get annoying to look at.” he stated as bortz glared at him. “well, guess this means there is only one place left no one has escaped from.” he gave a look as both started jogging. “the lunar district. we were constantly getting taken there in someway, not many went there without fighting, begging to stay.”
“guess they can’t take you now huh?” the raven glared down to the ground as they replied. “don’t act so positive on that.”
“...your right, apologies.”
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pinktatertots99 · 4 years
Domestic Found Family Prompts: “B.” “Yeah?” “Is that a child?” “....only a little one” for Liang and Bort please? Oh how about Dia being the little child because they would be cute as hell! Okaaaay off to draw some pirate Rutile being gay for mersnails!
JKHDKHHDKKJHDHJKD omgl, michi, you spoil me too much on makin my au. but i shall! and good luck to your gays!
Domestic Found Family Prompts
“B.” “Yeah?” “Is that a child?” “….only a little one”
with the shut of the cell door and a mumbled “back” liang quickly tied the ribbon of his jumpsuit as he looked back. “welcome b-” he started, only to pause as he found the raven haired cellmate of his holding a small pastel rainbow colored child in a small patient dress.
“...is that a child?” bortz looked at the smaller wiggling tot then back at liang. “...only a little one.”
“...i...how’re you in a male prison the-” quickly he was met with an open palm infront of his face stopping him. “this is dia and it involves doughnuts, new medications and nico hugs.”
“...honestly this is the LEAST weirdest thing you’ve come back with.” he replied, both taking a seat setting the multicolored baby down to crawl between the two. “...so i take the silence you don’t know how to raise these things either huh?”
“we were both assassins i can’t even water a cactus right.” he sighed rubbing his temples as the small dia crawled close to his side, braid waving infront of them.
“so how long do we even need to ra-AISOW!” he shirked, the small dia busily pulling his braid with an angry pout. “ow ow OW what the hell!?”
“i mean they were doing that to me all the walk back-”
“THAT”S SOMETHING CONCERNING!” he exclaimed, trying to pull his braid away as bortz hummed. “otogis said they’d call whenever antidote’s ready.”
“that’s not answering the question on how long!” he exclaimed as the other moved to pick up dia, their small iron grip though still on the braid. “atleast...this can’t get...more awkwar-”
“eyyyy kids we’re ba-” all three looked to the entrance as qi walked in, upa peeping behind the door in pause of all their actions. “......well...i didn’t think we’d be gone that lo-”
“dia, nico, doughnuts.”
“explains everything.”
sleeping in bortz’s traveling container the raven watched outside of it with piercing eyes, not even aware of the long haired figure emerging out of the top bunk of the cell’s bunk bed till they felt the other sit next to them.
“this isn’t eight to nine hours of sleep.” liang whispered as both watched dia. “do they really take that much space?”
“no. i could sleep. ...but...” they mumbled. “i feel like, i should be watching their every move no matter the times.”
“doesn’t sound healthy.” he muttered bluntly as the ponytailed other nodded. “pretty much. ...then again i don’t know how your supposed to feel with offspring.” they stated. “weak and vulnerable, would be absolutely awful to have in the underworld.”
“even moreso a prison.” bortz nodded lightly. “...their in dependable hands least.” liang nodded at that as both watched them; he gave a sigh. “i already had eight hours of rest, you should catch up.”
“not an idio-”
“i’ll watch them.”
“i almost don’t trust that idea.” both sat in silence, before bortz slowly got up. “anything happens to them i’ll murder you.” he waved them off as he heard them plop onto his top bunk, continuing to watch the moon lighted child.
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pinktatertots99 · 4 years
“An octopus? An octopus did all of this?” for Bortz and maybe Neptunite please? And for the other prompt “Wh-who are you? Where are we? Why are we tied up together?!” for Yellow and Zircon? I try to vary the characters but my memory is bad lol
PFFFFT i love how everyone sees octopus and automatically think bortz. but also HELL YESSSSSSS you have given me the power of writing not only more nnbk au but also my oc marginatus! MUHAHAHAHHA! also yellow’s wearing a similar outfit to dia and bortz’s in this except yellow colored.
Writing Prompts
“An octopus? An octopus did all of this?”
Terrible First Meeting Starters
“Wh-who are you? Where are we? Why are we tied up together?!”
neptunite raised a brow under their bangs, continuing to give a lackluster reaction thanks to them as they found bortz dripping wet, with circular spots over where their powder was originally at and small cracks around their face.
“....have you seen benito?” they asked as bortz scoffed lightly. “your not even going to ask what happened?”
“i kinda just came to ask if you’ve seen benito but, okay, what happened?”
“the octopus did it.”
neptunite’s eyes continued to look un-surprised at such a statement. “...an octopus?” they asked looking the raven over and the brown bowl next to them. “an octopus did all of this?”
“yes!” they exclaimed, picking up the bowl to show them, only for water to splash out onto them with nothing emerging. they growled at the bowl. “damnit is it camflouging!?” they exclaimed as neptunite continued to look unamused. “i’m just gonna go ask rutile.” they stated as they walked off, bortz feeling the bowl only to find...nothing!?
hearing the water from the lake emerge they looked to find two brightly blue colored eyes and a bulbous bun like head ontop of it, looking anthropomorphic just like them.
“you.” they growled as the figure shook giggling. “no more cuddles.” they stated walking off as marginatus shook in fear rising up enough. “no no come baaaack!” they exclaimed in their own language despite knowing the gem wouldn’t be able to understand without looking back to them. looking to their side they found the blueheaded benito staring wide eyed at them.
“...cuddle?” they asked opening their arms as the gem shrieked and ran. “RUTIIIIILE I’M HALLUCINATING AGAAAAIIIIN!”
zircon’s orange eyes opened slowly, the area seemed rather dull despite the colorful looking aqua walls. trying to move their hands they gulped as they found themself tied to a chair, arms behind them and legs tied to the chair legs. panting in fear they tried to wiggle out, feeling another chair behind them.
“hey.” they heard shrieking lightly at it. “wh-who are you? where are we?” why are we tied up together?!” they exclaimed as the person sighed. “yellow, the underworld, and who knows. but what’re ya gonna do to get us out?”
“huh?! i...what?” they asked confused as they looked around. “i...i dunno uhm.”
“i can’t get us outta here.” they mumbled as zircon quickly tried to look around, finding a table of knives. “ii got it.” they stated, moving to hop...only to fall from the chair’s weight and lack of balance as they shrieked. groaning lightly they moved to wiggle around only to hear footsteps.
“heh, man you gotta long way to go newbie.” they heard yellow, looking up to find them standing up infront of them. “hhow-”
“i wasn’t even tied up.”
“i pretended. but man you really believe that stuff quickly huh?” they asked as they knelt down. “whwhy would you do that!?”
“cause this job isn’t so easy.” they stated as they moved closer. “ya do know what ya signed up for right?” they asked as zircon nodded lightly. “yyeah...hitman right?”
“pretty much. you don’t seem too fit for it though.” they stated as they moved to sit down. “why sign up for it?”
“...i got...unpaid student loans.” they mumbled, causing the blonde to look surprised. “...seriously?”
“yeah mean, this job seemed pretty hefty to help with that.” they stated as yellow sighed. “oh god, i kinda wish ya didn’t sign up now.”
“it’s nothing.” they mumbled as they got up. “well, whoever’s gonna be training ya’s gonna come in soon. just...be prepared to push any hope and good things outta ya kid.” they stated sadly as they moved to leave, leaving the confused orange haired younger trying to struggle out exclaiming more questions. they sighed. “damn that pig...i didn’t want another partner...this kid’s, too innocent i...i can’t lose em. not like the others.” they mumbled, falling to the ground as they curled into a ball, unbeknowest of the purple smoke passing by them.
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pinktatertots99 · 4 years
For the writing prompts: “Oh, so murder isn’t an option? So why am I here?” for Bortz and Dia please? Sounds like Bortz doesn't it? And for the train meeting thingy prompts: “He’s punching tickets? I snuck on without a ticket.” for Rutile and Jade? Hope it's okay if I send something for both
oh michi...you’ve awakened...the sequel au nut i em! this’ll be a sequel to this fic and the rutile and jade one will be connected in a short story in a way but are also in this au! featuring a vague crossover cameo of a certain chemist and pasta scientist.
Writing Prompts
19. “Oh, so murder isn’t an option? So why am I here?”
OTP Meeting on a Train:
4. “He’s punching tickets? I snuck on without a ticket.”
buttoning their top on again they heard light footsteps walk in. “feeling alright?” they heard that sugary sweet voice ask, looking to see dia smiling to them bortz scoffed lightly. “your doctor is a nutcase.”
“aw their just a little stressed.” they stated. “make friends with your bedmates?”
“one of them is unconscience and the other is a twerp with an annoying higher up complex.”
“yeah, but he is super cute. i could squish him!” they exclaimed as bortz jumped off the bed lightly. “enough small talk, when do i get to start?” they asked firmly as dia smiled a little more. “ah yeah, about that, our boss didn’t put that option on the table.”
“...oh?” they heard bort ask intimidatingly as they looked up. “so murder isn’t an option? so why am i here?” they growled the last question as dia leaned back a bit. “well not yet, with your scar healing and some newbies coming in, boss said you’d be the perfect one to whip them into shape early.”
“tch, what about that idiot in red?”
“he’s firm but he’s not very good at it, and he’s busy with his own assigned jobs. so what do you say?” dia asked as bort scoffed. “i say screw your boss.”
“he’s not my type. too porky.”
“if it means i stay then fine i’ll take it.”
“i’ll tell him that part then.”
jade panted lightly, rushing through the group of people in the train station until they bumped into someone. “ah sor-” they started only to pause as they looked up to the tall bruenette and blonde figure, their golden eyes staring at them as jade looked at them confusingly.
“no problem short stack.” they stated, immediately offending the green haired other. “short stack!? i’m only five feet and four inches you beanstalk!”
“ah as a beanstalk i have no idea what your saying from this height.” they teased as jade growled lightly standing next to them. “so which train you waiting for?” they asked as rutile hummed. “one that goes downtown. you?”
“to my job.” they looked closer, finding the taller in a fanciful doctor’s coat, with silk black gloves and long sleeved suit on, black stalkings underneath and black high heels. “so whatd’ya work as? guard?” they heard them as they smirked to them. “guard?”
“just a hunch. you seemed firm and hot headed like one.” they chuckled lightly as jade nodded. “well, hunch is almost correct.”
“deputy officer of the lustrous minimum security.”
“oh, that pushover place?” they asked gaining a glare from the smaller. “it’s NOT a pushover place. our supervising officer just believes in people to change.”
“change? for better or worse?”
“just...to change.” 
“not very firm...he might wanna be careful.” they mumbled as the train came, as they walked jade gave their ticket to the ticket puncher, seeing the doctor look at them.
“he’s punching tickets?” they asked as jade raised a brow. “yes?”
“shit. i snuck on without a ticket.”
“WHAT?!” they exclaimed as the doors closed, watching the doctor shrug. “i could arrest you for that!”
“i’d like to see you try officer.” they stated as they walked into the crowd of people, jade losing sight of them as they tried moving through. the tightness though making it harder as they ended up on a stop where half the people left, finding the doctor had vanished.
rutile snickered lightly as they walked down the path, taking a right they knocked on the door in a pattern, showing their ID to the one behind the eye peephole. once it opened they walked in, the long halls echoed with some fighting somewhere as they took a turn into the medical unit finding two of their co-workers looking at a magazine.
“does mister boss know?” they asked as they got both brown and magenta eyes looking quickly in fear as they pulled it away. the front showing flowers as they opened the inside to find...pictures of pasta.
“hah! we got ya!” the curly light browned male exclaimed, high five-ing the grey wavy haired doctor next to him as rutile groaned. “i miss that officer already. they were more fun to mess around with.”
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pinktatertots99 · 4 years
How 'bout another dumbfunny request? Rutile an Yellow get turned into babies like even their minds are back into babymode ya know and Padparadscha an also Zircon have to deal withe that
....-throws em into my nanbaka au cause fuck it i’m draggin this fandom with me!-
zircon panted lightly as they ran down the corridor of the building, coming straight from the medical bay. who could’ve thought that ray caused this??? now where were those guys the doctors mentioned??? they had friends turn small too right???
turning a corner they found the orange uniform wearing padpa laying on the floor, jacket open as a small brown and blonde haired baby was ontop of them papping their face and visible chest. “SSSENPAI?!?!?!” they exclaimed, the tanned elder’s padparascha colored eyes opened slowly, looking to the baby and to zircon.
“oh...eyyy little newby. uhh so, when did you get hitched?” they asked as yellow was busy on their shoulders playing with their curls. “iiii didn- i- you- aren’t you gonna ask bout the baby too!?!?” they asked as padpa looked down to the pouting baby. “...oh shit, who did i do?” zircon smacked their own face as yellow giggled.
“oh, that explains it.” they replied as yellow and rutile were busy play wrestling while zircon nodded. “and otogis gonna fix this?”
“i think? they look kinda younger too though.” padpa chuckled. “lets hope that doesn’t involve another kaguya~.” zircon blushed as they moved to watch the babies sprawling around. “maaan. i dunno anything about babies. they don’t teach you anything in hitman training.” they whined lightly as they moved to hold yellow again.
padpa chuckled as they scooped up rutile. “same. well, actually, i mean comatose hitman school too.” they joked as rutile batted at them lightly. “now that i think senpai, what’re you doing out of the medical bay?”
“ah, i asked ruti to take me to the bathroom. i guess my liver failed or something cause i fell right back asleep.” they chuckled lightly as they petted the small child. “and you?”
“got...invited to the game room.” they mumbled as padpa’s laugh got flirty. “oh ho~? like on a date~?”
“nno! least...i don’t think so? most of the guys got turned little though so i dunno.” they mumbled as the two waited. “...do you think...their not in much pain like this?” they asked. “senpai...used to mention how hard it was going through four partners. do you think, their in less pain now?”
padpa hummed. “...mean...maybe. but, i think they’d miss you guys as cellmates.” they smiled as zircon nodded unsurely. “yeah...”
“awwwwww ya cared bout me~?” yellow chuckled as zircon blushed. “dddamnit padpa-elder!!!!”
“oh trust me their gonna get it.” rutile stated as they pinched their ear. “faking needing the bathroom only to try an escape attempt. may be a doctor but you can’t run from me.” they growled as padpa laughed awkwardly. “eheh well...didn’t hurt to try.”
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pinktatertots99 · 4 years
youre in the wrong place at the wrong time for dia and bort please?
HELL YE my fave ship! if anyone needs any ref of what their outfits are based on here’s a link. it’s the third/fifth pictures. only difference is no thigh holes cause i ain’t that thirsty ehehe..heehehe.
Terrible First Meeting Starters
“You’re in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
kneeling down the long haired raven put an incense from the grey sleeves of their attire. setting it down infront of the decapitated body they reached for a match, only to hear something slip. turning to their left they found a pale figure with colorful hair and magenta eyes staring at them wide eyed in a long sleeved coat in a similar style to their own that was a lighter shade of their eyes, flowing shorts and mary jane slip ons; all just like their own attire.
once meeting their gaze they ran. quickly standing up they withdrew their cleaned up katana from it’s hold as they ran through the entrance the figure was in. taking a right down the hall they saw that glimmer in the moonlight of them taking a right and pursuing. down the long hall, past another two rooms till one of the coffee tables had tripped the runner.
taking their chance they ran forward as they got up, pushing them against a wall with their katana to their throat.
“you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time.” they growled. the other smirked looking to them as they rose their head up.
“funny, i could say that about you.” they rose a brow, feeling a sharp pain in their stomach. looking they found the sword’s tip stabbing into them, in enough pain to drop the katana and kneel lightly mid air.
“hmmmmm…such a shame, my boss would love someone like you~.” they cooed as they took the sword away, bortz kneeling on the ground holding their stomach panting lightly. “hmmm…maybe i can pursue him to let you join, how would that sound, you’ll stay alive if you say yes~.” they stated, using their sword to motion the raven’s head to look up at them, their eyes fearful turned into a glare.
“why…want me dead then?”
“the one your working for is his enemy. but, he does like the strongest. …unlike me, i only got spared cause he liked my eyes. a new face like yours would do wonders thought under him.” they offered their hand to them. “so? wanna join~?”
gritting their teeth they grabbed onto their hand. “just so i can stay alive, whoever i work with i couldn’t give two shits about.”
“good~!” they exclaimed as they picked them up. “our doctors will patch you up uhm…”
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pinktatertots99 · 4 years
Thought these prompts looked familiar ANYWAY could I get a “Can you let me twirl my knife in peace?” for feral Rutile and Padparadscha please? *glances at number 7 * Nope not giving in to my dumb ideas
HELL YEA also NU your ideas are amazing!!! and i’d love to write your ideas!!! also heehee yeah that was too good a prompt not to reblog! more au cause i’m GARBAGE for it lol.
Writing Prompt
23. “Can you let me twirl my knife in peace?”
rutile paused in their knife twirling, looking over to the red head in bed, currently flicking the metal bar of the heart monitor. glaring at them they caught the red headed patient’s attention as they paused their flicking. sighing they moved back twirling their knife-
they growled as they dropped it on their desk, glaring at them through their disheveled hair. “can you let me twirl my knife in peace?” they asked as padpa pouted. “aww but i’m barely alive often. and this stupid place won’t let me wander around.”
“because we have newbies running around with swords and dumbass scientists slacking on organ surgeries.” they stated, glaring at the two behind them who immediately threw their magazines out of the way and started work again.
“awwww c’mon ruti it’ll be fine. if i pass out SOMEONE’LL find me.” they stated as rutile pouted at them. “sides, what does my flicking have to do with your knife twirls?”
“it’s making me less intimidating to the clowns.” they stated as padpa laughed. “man, your something ruti haha! i mean, doing the whole black market stuff your intimidating enough.”
“hmmm...” rutile hummed as they threw their knife, gaining shrieks from the bruenette and grey haired males as it passed through them to the wall at the end. they chuckled lightly, brushing their rigid hair a little. “suppose so~.” they stated as padpa flopped back into their bed out cold yet again.
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pinktatertots99 · 5 years
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the patients.
their ages in this one are ranging but their not in the same world it just shows how young to how old each of the characters were when they got experimented on.
phos: eight cinnabar: nine antarc: twelve watermelon: fifteen bortz: sixteen
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pinktatertots99 · 5 years
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honestly pilot bortz with the sword hand is now a new hyperfix that I'm totally gonna incoperate into the building twelve au. and a bonus ship fic cause honestly I'm adding jyugo to the list of ship-mates.
minor backstory:
being an assassin they've been used as anything really. one of which being an experiment for the blade cuffs. only given one they were deemed successful, but the scarred neck man  saw it as obsolete and old, deciding to move on with improvements. as for the cuff, he let them keep it considering it'd make their job easier and it didn't matter to him what was done with old work. and they could get killed anytime from their job or boss.
despite the new weapon bortz never really used it for their kills. they were satisfied with their kills without it. besides, something felt...too off with this tool. the only one that knew about it were the other diamonds and later on adamant who left it secret, not wanting suspicion to fall on them and the prison being hard on them despite never using it except for experiments.
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