#nightmare manager changed my review
tacosaysroar · 2 months
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littledollll · 1 year
Hi there! I was wondering if I could request a Larissa Weems x fem reader fic? Reader is an outcast too, she can control people's dreams (for better or for worse) however she can't control her own, and she's the language teacher at Nevermore and her and Larissa have been dating for a little while now. One night she has a really bad nightmare about something from the past, Larissa manages to wake her up from it; as reader had been clawing at her own skin, making it bleed etc and when she wakes up larissa has her arms pinned and is trying to calm her down? Like laying on top of her trying to level out her breathing, kissing her cheek as she whispers "You're okay, you're okay." Like Larissa baby-ing her, that kind of thing? I'm sorry if this is a little long
I’ll keep you safe
Larissa Weems x outcast!reader
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Warnings: annoying teenagers٫ Stress٫ nightmares٫ unintentional self harm(it’s not too focused on), being physically restrained, idk what else
A/n: Anon i have to say, i loved this request so much i got down like 6 paragraphs in about 10 minutes, instant ideas so thank you!!, I chose Spanish since you didn’t specify and it’s my first language (in short im lazy)
“We’re doing oral reports in two weeks! I want you all to pick a topic of interest and do research on it, this will have to include a progress turn in every two days, I don’t want you guys doing it all last minute, that’s one grade. Then your written work, just what you’re going to say up front so I can follow along and assist you when you need it! That’s another grade. The final grade will be your oral report, there’s different criteria I will be reviewing but that will be in a handout I’ll give you guys on Monday we will discuss it then!”
You can hear the collective groaning and complains coming from all sides of the class, “wait when do the two weeks start”, people trying to convince you to do something else, “Would you consider adding more time?”, those asking if they can skip the oral part and just to the other two things, and the two or three going “oh does it have to be in Spanish” like it’s not the whole point of the class and assignment.
“It will be three easy grades don’t let me down guys! Yes I know how much you guys hate it but it’s in the curriculum and you will need this depending on what you want to do in the future. You! Yes my love we can negotiate the turn in period, don’t worry”
“No I am not changing the assignment! No you can’t NOT do the oral report, you will lose a full grade unless you can give me a justified reason as to why you can’t speak up front. Yes it has to be in Spanish that’s the whole point, please calm down!”
“I will give you all nightmares if you don’t stop complaining!” The whole class went silent. Finally. “But I can just as easily help you guys out if you just behave and ask nicely. As I said the details will all be discussed on Monday so stop screaming at me, class time is already over, we could all be in our rooms by now if you guys didn’t throw a tantrum”
Your abilities as an outcast were something you genuinely loved about yourself, being able to control others dreams came in handy more than you’d think. You’d use dreams to give extra practice for those who asked (which was mostly the music, choir, theater kids), those who needed extra study time for tests, when you knew your students needed comfort or a safe space, specially since you could allow them to remember their dreams. It being the last class of the day you dismissed them and headed to Larissa’s office.
Once you came in Larissa greeted you. “You seem rather annoyed.. stressed? did something happen, beloved?”
“Just my last class, I assigned oral reports and they are not happy about it, i mean they were basically screaming at me about it, I love them, really, I do but they don’t know how to listen!” You sighed, coming around her desk and wrapping your arms around her behind her chair.
“Who would have thought advanced Spanish students would hate Spanish so much! I know it’s not personal but the way they groan and complain isn’t that encouraging either, just makes me feel like I’m doing everything wrong.”
Larissa’s hands soothed over your arms, taking one of your hands in hers and kissing it. “You’re the cool teacher, they aren’t used to not doing “fun” things in class, they’ll come around٫ love. Is there anything I could help you with?”
You groaned, hiding in her neck. “No, you’re right, I’m sure they’ll be better Monday once I explain.” Larissa nodded.
“30 minutes and we’ll get out of here, alright?” Teachers got out one hour before the principal, leaving you to wait for her everyday. You nodded and went over to one of the armchairs٫ pulling out your phone and deciding to answer emails.
You whined, dramatically putting your head on her desk, she chuckled. “More complains?” “You think they understand what “I’ll explain on Monday” means?”
They were stressing you out even more, and in your experience٫ Stress means nightmares.
“Love?” Larissa woke up to your squirming she thought you just couldn’t sleep, then she heard the whimpers, from there it somehow got worse so fast. The way your hands gripped your arms, your hair, how you curled into yourself, what broke Larissa out of her trance was a sob that tore through your throat. It was enough to spring her into action as she forced the sleep from her mind.
She was trying to be gentle, you were scared enough, frantic, she didn’t want any sudden movements to hurt her or you. First she tried to grab one arm, trying to shake you awake. “Angel?-“ she gave up on that quickly as she saw the cuts made from your own nails that ran down your arm and how you tore away from her just to claw at your own skin, alright option two. She straddled your legs to stop the kicking, taking your hands pinning them down.
She settled for talking you down as her thumb rubbed over your palms in what she hopped would be a calming notion “you’re okay sweetheart, you’re our room my love, it’s just us.” Your squirming died down but you were still tense, your complains and whimpers never stopped, the way you were gripping her hands was clear sign the squirming stoped merely because she essentially forced it.
“Oh my darling girl.. it’s me, my love it’s Rissa, it’s just a nightmare, my sweet, listen to me.” When you calmed slightly more she decided it was safe to loosen her hold and lean over to turn the lamp on. “It’s time to wake up darling.”
The way you snapped awake made her heart clench. How unsettled you looked, the way you looked around the room and eventually up at her, pupils blown wide panic written all over your face. She smiled at you reassuringly and leaned down kissing your cheek and forehead. “It’s okay, my sweet little love. You’re okay with me, angel.”
She didn’t want to fully surround you, it would be too much while you’re already panicked, but she also couldn’t afford you hurting either of them in that state, so she waited, and spoke softly. “You are in Nevermore, in our room, in our bed.” Larissa deemed it safe enough to let go of your arms, gently cupping your face. “I know, my love that you’re scared, but I’m with you, I’ll protect you for anything and anyone, you are safe, 100% safe, I’ll make sure of that, yeah?” You only nodded.
Larissa gave you a second. “Would you like me to move away?” You shook your head, wanting to cry at the thought, she saw it, and moved slowly, moving to your side and turning you with her, she hugged you tight and purposely slowed her breathing for you to follow, you of course did. She only hugged you tighter when she felt your arms coming shyly around her and you hid into her chest.
“I’m not expecting you to tell me what you just lived, nor am I asking, but if you want to my love, I will listen.” You shook your head again. “You hurt yourself angel, a lot, we have to take care of that later okay? But I’ll take care of you, I’ll keep you safe every second.” You frowned and looked up at her. “How can you be so sure..” you barely mumbled out. “Well because I risked a slap across the face to save you from you.” You giggled. “I’m- very sorry.”
She pinned you down and furrowed her brows. “Are you apologizing for having a nightmare?” She kissed the tip of your nose. “Is that stupid?” A kiss to your cheek this time. “Did you cause the nightmare?” Now on the other side. “No! you know I can’t- ohhhh” she pressed a final kiss against your lips and moved to look at you, making you smile. “Right, so it’s not your fault, which means you don’t have to apologize for that, my beautiful beautiful girl.” You blushed at that, hiding your face in your hands.
“Would you like to try going back to sleep?” She asked as she moved the lay beside you, and you shook your head, curling into her. “Darling, you got here exhausted.. you still are. I’ll wake you if the nightmares start again, and the lamp will stay on.” You didn’t say anything, instead pulled yourself closer to her and closed your eyes, she smiled. “Sweet dreams, angel, you’ll be okay with me, I promise.”
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doomedpuppetyuri · 3 months
i think my meds have been making my already weird dreams even weirder because i cannot remember the last time i had a normal dream some highlights have been: -having someone over at my house and wanting to show them my signed copy of A Hat in Time, but every time i picked it up it would inexplicably morph into a copy of Travis Strikes Again for the Nintendo Switch. Except it wasn't even the game's actual cover because it had just been replaced with a picture of Mii Fighter Travis. Eventually I got so fed up that I managed to wake myself up out of pure spite -literally just the entirety of Flipping Death except instead of her very much canon husband Regan was married to a character from another game by the devs entirely -being lost in a hotel and being surrounded by these incredibly uncanny heads attached to really long necks(think the teacher from little nightmares 2) who would just watch me as I wandered the halls and parrot the things that people who had been lost previously had said with no meaning behind the words ok yeah maybe watching a full playthrough of ad infinitum at about 12:59 am had something to do with that one -that Double Fine released a Psychonauts tie-in novel that was just several hundred pages of Sasha Nein talking about why transphobes should die -that I was listening to a dub of Survival Street except every line from Hippy had been inexplicably cropped out and replaced with Chandlo Funkbun dialogue -that I read a Buzzfeed article titled "top 10 British people that deserved better" and #1 was "the one Hatsune Miku wouldn't talk to" -that someone got in legal trouble because they were roleplaying as Irma from Survival Street in the reviews sections of random Amazon products -That I wrote a fanfiction on AO3 where I shipped Penny Doewood from Flipping Death and Mariska from Lollipop Chainsaw and it got so popular that the website had to be shut down for 3 days
and one from last year or so where @eviltoxicmosssauce gained the ability to legally change my name to whatever he wanted and then changed it to like. pissballs or something except then he couldn't change it back so my name was pissballs for the rest of the dream
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lacunafiction · 1 year
Hello!! First of all, I offer a flower 🌷 Could you give some tips for raising the resistance stat? I want to see the consequences in my next run ☕
Hello Friend!
Thank you for the flower! In return, I give you a set of swords: ⚔.
I like how you mention 'consequences' because that is one of the achievements that directly links to something the ??? says.
A guide on how to raise resistance is below the 'read more'!
Chapter 3: When in the burning house nightmare, instantly be suspicious about what is going on rather than call out to your mom, dad, or be hopeful. You will notice a change in role after you do this.
Chapter 3: Question everything. So, it depends a bit on your choices, but Stop the water, Remove the thing from the drain, Take the seat it's your house; those choice options give you tiny bumps to the stat.
Chapter 3: Never give into the emotion until the ??? forces you. So keep picking the apathy/null options until you get a taunt. This will also unlock the worst injury in Chapter 5 when leaving the woods.
Chapter 6: Don't look at Milton's picture too closely, so stop staring at it when given the chance. I can't get into why that raises resistance rn, but it's something to think about. 👀
Chapter 8: First, you will already start to notice some differences by now in the text, but the mask now hurts your MC more due to prior choices. You should take a seat in the Host's place for max resistance.
(Again, be aware of the role changes and how the tone shifts.)
Chapter 8: Each RO route has different choice options about how the MC can accept, retaliate, and avoid contact. Getting physical and being more willing to fight back will raise your resistance some.
Chapter 8: Keep refusing to lift the lid until you can no longer do so, but also check the role, your inventory, and notice how things start to get much worse. If you want to make this scene extra creepy, in Chapter 7, say your MC has the same color eyes as their grandfather!
Chapter 11: The tree creature's mask will be especially jarring, if you followed this guide. I didn't point out all the narrative changes, since that would take up a lot of space, though this one is cool and linked to how many times you resist. The more resistance, the more horror.
Chapter 13: You can stay with your RO(s) if you want or follow after B instantly; I didn't want to punish those who wanted to spend more time with their beloved(s). But you shouldn't pick this choice: "Stay where you are. It's better this way.", which means you do need to eventually follow after B!
Chapter 13: The good news is that if you followed this guide, you should be able to beat the stat checks. How far the MC can walk along the road is directly tied to the resistance stat with increasingly harder checks; you can learn so much, if you break push yourself.
(Heck, even if the MC can walk along the road is tied to resistance, so compliant MCs might not be able to take a single step.)
The checks for the road are greater than or equal to: 55, 60, 65; with each check relating to a new section of the road and new insight!
Chapter 13: What the ??? says to you during the end will also be harsher now and remind you of all the times you were defiant. That end text changes based on all your choices throughout Book One!
I'm pretty sure I managed to touch on the high points; this stat is very fun because of how it will continue to shade the series and the tone.
I hope you have fun resisting and experiencing the consequences.😉
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Please remember if you’re enjoying Fernweh, that positive reviews/ratings motivate me and help the series grow! 💚
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brightbeautifulthings · 3 months
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Katzenjammer by Francesca Zappia
"They're all so dark, Dad said one day, watching over my shoulder as I worked at the kitchen table. Why don't you paint things like a blue sky, or a field of flowers, or a bird flying on a breeze? Something happy that your mom can put on the fridge. She can put these on the fridge, I said. Maybe just one flower? he asked. There are no flowers where I live, I said."
Year Read: 2023
Rating: 4/5
About: Cat has been stuck in School for as long as she can remember. The hallways slowly expand and contract with School's breathing, the showers run red with blood, and the students have divided themselves into changed and unchanged. While the unchanged hide in the fortress of administration, Cat and her friends haunt the courtyard and hallways. Her best friend is turning into cardboard, and Cat's face has become a cat mask made of her own hardened flesh. There are no doors or windows in or out of School, and something is hunting them down one by one in the hallways. To escape, Cat will have to understand why they're trapped in the first place. Trigger warnings: Some triggers are listed at the end of the review because they include spoilers. Character death, guns, violence, blood/gore, dismemberment, body/eye horror, bullying, slut-shaming, vandalism.
Thoughts: Thanks to @ninja-muse for recommending this book, since I'm not sure I would have found it on my own. This is probably my favorite Francesca Zappia novel to date, and one of the best novels on this subject I've ever read (more on that after the spoilers). However, I believe it's best to go into it not knowing much more than the description provides. This book works extremely well as a slow reveal. What starts out as a mindfuck becomes slow understanding as we realize more or less alongside Cat what is happening in School, and you'd be doing yourself a disservice to read the spoilers if you plan to read this. However, it covers a number of very heavy and potentially triggering topics (and it's difficult to gush about how I think it works without giving things away), so I'll include those thoughts at the end. I can't stress it enough though. If you're not easily triggered, stop here and go read this book!
This is also one of the best examples of uncanny horror that I've read in a long time. Zappia expertly manages to capture the quality of a nightmare without sacrificing the continuity. School is creepy and semi-sentient, and the changes it brings about in half the students are a study in body horror. Perhaps even more terrifying are the parallels it draws to some very real life horrors such as bullying and, indeed, I found the flashback chapters of Cat's surfacing memories of her former life of being targeted, bullied, and slut-shamed at school more difficult to get through than the surreal scenes of hacked up bodies or bloody showers in School. Real life horror always affects me a lot more than the supernatural, and Katzenjammer does an excellent job of balancing both. The ending is cathartic and effective, and there's less of a plot twist than a sort of inevitable, dawning horror-- which is honestly the best kind.
Remember how I said that real life horror is always worse than the supernatural or the uncanny? I stand by that statement. Zappia draws such excellent parallels to real life in her uncanny School that it's almost impossible not to realize before Cat does that the traumatic event that put them there was a school shooting. I've read a couple YA novels that handled the subject fine, but I don't think any of them capture it as well as this one. We need something like the supernatural School and the horror of bodies changing in ways we can't explain to fully grasp the senseless horror of gun violence. Killing children makes no more sense than hallways that breathe or girls who turn into their cat masks. It takes Cat the entire novel to understand the horror and absurdity of what's been done to her and to accept it-- that there are reasons but not excuses, and that we will never know all of them. I cried a little at the end, but I think the real life horror of it is too big for tears. Instead, it's a feeling that will sit with me long after I've turned the last page.
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tigerlilla · 2 years
a bakugo x reader fic
part 2 …. next /// chapter list
part 3 of 4
tws// nightmare, mentioned death, mentioned fire
ps not proofread<3 sorry
“turn on the tv!” momo yelled, nearly sliding around the corner, “channel 8!” practically half the school followed her.
you turn on the tv, flipping through channels until you see bakugo’s face. he looks terrible. chest heaving, soot smeared in his hair and on his face, a big gash by his eyebrow.
a reporter held a microphone in his face, “and the fight today?”
“fine,” bakugo said, clearly out of breath.
the reporter changed subjects, “can you tell us about the girl at the gala?” a picture flashes on the screen of the two of you leaving together. bakugo’s hand is on your bare back and you’re laughing about something. it does almost look like - no. absolutely not.
bakugo quickly hid the shock on his face.
“are the two of you dating?”
“what? no,” bakugo frowned.
“why are they asking him this now?” you asked. “blood is literally dripping down his face.”
someone shushed you.
the reporter continued, “the hero student’s girlfriend is a journalism student at UA college. she has a history of writing negative articles about the school and hero society on her blog ‘this-is-not-government-propaganda.com.’ her recent blog, posted right after the banquet, criticizes all might and other top heroes for financially investing in PowerHouse, the private data company the government partnered with for the new public hero rating system.
the article also criticizes the public rating of young heroes, especially students of UA highs school and UA college. she claims they ‘pit the students against each other’ and ‘harms the self confidence and reputation of underage and undertrained heroes.’ as a hero with a negative public image right now, do you think her claims are valid?”
poor bakugo. they’re trying to trap him.
“first, she has a name,” his red eyes stare through the camera and he says your name like a poem. “and she’s not my girlfriend. i just said that.”
you smiled, he was doing well.
he continues, “i do think the new ranking system is bullshit. as she said in the article,” he pulls out his phone (why does a hero costume have a phone pocket), “‘the new ranked pay system puts minority heroes and smaller heroes at a disadvantage. endeavor has millions of fans who would rank him highly, a negative review on a smaller hero would drastically lower the overall ranking, lowering their pay.’ that was a direct quote from the article. thank you.” bakugo walked off the screen, leaving a frowning reporter fumbling for words.
you couldn’t help but burst out laughing, totally missing if the reporter managed to close out the segment.
“that was surprisingly good for him,” todoroki frowned.
deku was mumbling something, already heading back to his room.
“i don��t care what he says,” mina picked at her nails, “you two definitely have something going on. he would do that for just anyone.”
that sobered you up quickly.
momo quickly jumped in, “can you imagine how much attention this will bring your blog?”
“mostly negative,” you frowned.
“bakugo convinced me to read it,” kirishima said over the top of his phone. “i’ll leave a positive comment.”
a few students hummed in agreement, most of them on their phones.
you smiled. hero students weren’t terrible, too bad your favorite wasn’t even here.
“oh my god,” you crawled over to bakugo the minute he sat down on the couch. it was well past midnight, your tea was cold. “can i touch it?”
“no,” he grunted.
you didn’t listen. you brushed his forehead with your fingers, slowly circling the few stitches. “did it hurt?”
“no,” he rolled his eyes.
you’re close to him. you’re sitting on your knees, feet tucked underneath you. your knees pressed against his thigh, the edge of your t-shirt brushing his arm.
“stop, it’s going to get infected,” bakugo said, but made no move to swat you away.
you sat back on your heels, hands folded on your lap. your knees still pressed against him. “i saw the interview. thank you for standing up for me like that.”
he swallowed loudly. you watched the bob of his adam’s apple. you’ve never noticed it before.
“and thank you for reading my post. i didn’t expect you to.”
“of course i would read it,” he replied softly, quicky. almost as if he regretted it, he cleared his throat, pulling back from you. “whatever. no problem.”
“i didn’t even know you could read, brute,” you smirked.
“i didn’t know you could write well after you posted that shitty article about the oil fire,” he spat.
“aww, poor katsuki is mad i criticized him over a year ago,” you fake pouted.
bakugo didn’t fire back, just stared at you, something flashing in his eyes you can’t place.
“are you really upset?” you frowned. “i’m sorry. i wasn’t trying to criticize you, just the people who sent you to deal with that alone. i’m sorry.”
he blinked, out of his trance now. “i’m not mad,” he turned away from you, switching on the tv to the news. the station was talking about his interview. he flipped to the next station. they were replaying the interview.
“let’s watch a movie,” you said, trying to change the subject as quickly as possible. “you’ve been doing hero work all day. let’s watch your favorite movie.”
he grunted, something you had to come anticipate.
“really,” you said, looking at his profile in the blue glow of the tv, “tell me your favorite movie. i bet it’s some action movie where the hero’s a womanizer.”
“free solo,” he turned his head to look at you, half his face in shadow.
“the documentary?” you replied. “about mountain climbing?”
he nodded.
you smiled, “do you mountain climb?”
your phone continued to buzz in your pocket, the alarm muffled by your sweatpants. you groaned, rolling around to turn the alarm off.
“do you need to get up?” bakugo mumbled.
you shook your head into his stomach, settling back into his side. "my next blog post just automatically posted."
bakugo hummed, a deep rumbling in his chest that tickled your skin. his hand fell back onto your back. he was warm. so warm.
this was the best sleep you’d gotten in months. years, probably. maybe even your whole life. that’s why you ignored the nagging in your brain that asked why you were cuddled against bakugo on the dorm couch at 3 in the morning.
you didn’t ask yourself how the tv had turned off. you didn’t try to think about the conversation you had with bakugo during the movie, how we answered all your questions and explained everything you would ever want to know about mountain climbing. you didn’t ask why his sweatshirt smelled like your tea.
you didn’t care. you didn’t care about the way his eyes crinkled when he laughed at something funny you said. you didn’t care that he visibly softened when you called him katsuki. you didn’t care that he knew exactly how you liked your tea. you didn’t care that he kept your shitty blog pulled up on his phone. you didn’t care. you didn’t care. maybe if you said it enough, it’d be true.
you woke up cold. bakugo was gone.
you wrapped the blanket around your body. you can’t remember where it came from. the kitchen light is on. you stumbled into the kitchen, smiling at the honey and a single teabag left on the counter next to your mug.
you read through the comments on your blog on the couch. you screenshotted your favorites so you could show them to bakugo. a few were mean, most supportive, but there were a couple ridiculous ones.
that’s how you discovered bakugo fanfiction. you couldn’t help but laugh at the nsfw fan art. now you were getting ads for bakugo body pillows.
you waited on the couch. you read a few chapters of your book. you edited another blog post, did basic postings on the school newspaper website. you even watched the news. for fun. because you thought the news would make bakugo appear out of thin air. you watched an episode of new girl. you sent a very professional interview request email. you checked the time, 1:30 am. no bakugo.
you googled “dynamighte fight today.” nothing. “dynamight mission today.” still nothing. he would have told you if he had a mission, right?
you knocked on the door to his room. nothing. whatever. if he wanted to ruin your couch streak, he could.
you laid in your bed and stared at the ceiling.
“hey,” you grumbled, pouring coffee into your tea mug.
momo nearly jumped out of her skin, “sorry, you spooked me.”
“sorry,” you grunted, trying not to spit out the terrible black coffee.
“are you okay?” momo asked. “you look like you don’t feel well.”
“couldn’t sleep,” you ran a hand through your messy hair.
“i’m sorry,” momo frowned.
“do you know where bakugo is?”
momo gave you a look, “i think he got pulled into a mission last minute.”
you grunted. bakugo was rubbing off on you.
“it’s hard for me to sleep when shoto’s on a mission,” she squeezed your shoulder. “he’ll be back soon, don’t worry.”
“it’s not that.“
"are you sure?" momo cocked her head. "why are you asking about him, then?"
"i..." you frowned, "he's my friend. i'm worried about him."
"you slept just fine when i was on a mission last week."
"because i knew you could handle yourself-"
"so you don't think bakugo can handle himself?" momo asked.
"you know that not what i mean," you frowned.
“morning, mo,” shoto walked into the kitchen, immediately heading for his girlfriend.
you groaned, leaving the room.
you would get through today fine. you rubbed the sleep out of your tired eyes. you’d be fine.
it had gotten cooler outside recently, dark grey skies looming. your walk to the dorm was terrible, maybe you should have just stayed in the newspaper room. you spent half of the walk on your phone, reading through the comments on your blog.
the dorm was cold when you walked in, the common room lights on. you stomped up to your room, getting ready to pull the door closed behind you.
“hey,” the voice made you stop and turn.
bakugo stood there in his black skull hoodie, a new gash on his jaw.
“your face,” you gestured to his jaw.
he ran his hand over it, trying to hide his wincing.
“where were you?” you asked, something hot building behind your eyes.
bakugo clenched his jaw, "i told him to tell you i was on a mission. kirishima told me he would send me your number but he never did, the fuckin' shit head. the damn loser-" he stopped talking at your giggles. "what? why are you laughing like that?"
"sorry," you laugh. "i just can't imagine you asking kirishima for my number. why'd you think he would have it?"
bakugo was trying very hard to act annoyed with you, you could give him that.
"give me your phone," you smirked, holding out your hand. you sent a message to yourself before passing his phone back, smiling at the buzz in your pocket. “i ended up asking momo the day after you left, burying my pride and admitting i missed you. i spent the whole night thinking you were avoiding me because of my article.”
he frowned, “i liked your article. i read half the thing on fucking tv.”
"yeah, but there were so mean comments and i know all might’s pissed. i’m worried i'm ruining your image," you sighed.
“i think i’ve already ruined it enough,” bakugo snorted.
you winked, “at least you’re self aware, kitty kat.”
“don’t you start fucking calling me kitty kat,” bakugo narrowed his red eyes.
you smiled. “i’m glad you’re back, katsuki. i’ll see you tonight,” you closed the door behind you.
he was back.
“no tea today,” you groaned, catching bakugo in the kitchen. “i’ve already had what my budget allows for sleepytime for the week.”
he raised a blonde eyebrow. “i thought you needed your tea to sleep.”
“reading a chapter of that god awful journalism book will do the trick.”
“i know something that could help,” bakugo said.
you raised an eyebrow, “i am the worst person to tell if you have a drug addiction.”
“i don’t have a fucking drug addiction. what the hell is wrong with you?” bakugo knitted his eyebrows together while you smirked. “i was going to suggest rock climbing.”
“rock climbing?”
“there’s a wall in the gym,” bakugo added.
you groaned, “that is a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad idea bakugo katsuki, but i secretly want to do it.”
“s’not a secret if you tell me.” bakugo stood up from the couch.
“i’m a very much going to regret this,” you grumbled to yourself, following the blonde to the door.
“oh my god,” your whole body shook, “oh my fucking god.”
“calm down, sparks, you’re two damn feet off the ground,” bakugo growled, stepping back from the wall.
“no!” you yelled. “stay close so you catch me. please. oh my god.”
bakugo stepped behind you, hands floating behind your waist. “you’re fine. i’m right here.”
“i hate this,” you cried. “i hate this so much. why did i agree to this?”
bakugo said your name, harsh and jarring. you breathed in. “what are you so scared of?”
“falling and dying,” you managed to breathe out. “why aren’t there any harnesses?”
“i’ll catch you if you fall,” bakugo replied, oddly comforting although he didn’t say it nicely. “there’s no ropes in bouldering. you aren’t going to die. you’re fine. move your left foot up.”
“i can’t,” you mumbled, face tucked into the wall.
“fuck that. i know you can. move your foot up.”
you did as he said, moving your foot onto another colorful “rock.”
“now, move your left hand and then pull yourself up.”
you obeyed, bakugo’s confident voice giving you what you needed.
“keep going,” he continued.
“is this why you talk to civilians the way you do?”
“it helps them,” bakugo said. “when i’m firm in what i’m saying, they follow it. they’re not thinking about anything else, just following what i tell them to do. being mean keeps them distracted from what they just saw.”
you’re slowly making your way up the wall, bakugo’s fingers brushing against your ankles. “you give them direction.”
he shrugged, “sometimes brashness can be a good thing.”
“do you do this every night?” you asked, your fingers already starting to ache.
“it calms me down,” he replied.
“do i have to go all the way to the top?” you asked, turning your head to look down at him.
“no! don’t look down.”
you snapped your head back up.
“go as high as you want,” he replied.
you went a few rocks higher. bakugo’s presence below you encouraging you. “okay,” you mumbled, every part of your body shaking. “i’m done. i’m done. please get me down.”
“do you want to jump?” he asked.
“no,” you cried. “oh my god, no. i’ll just climb down.”
bakugo sighed loudly. what a drama queen.
you began your descent, which was somehow worse than the climb up. still, you managed.
“you’re almost down,” bakugo said.
your foot slipped, slamming you against the wall, fingers gripping to the stupid rocks for dear life.
you felt bakugo’s hand on your waist, pulling you away from the wall, “you’re fine. stop whining. you’re okay, i’ve got you.”
he pulled you off the wall, your fingers digging into his forearms. bakugo set you down on the ground, hands still gripping your waist. you could feel him behind you, his breath on your neck.
“bakugo,” you said, your voice a whisper. “those people are recording.” you caught a small group standing across the room pointing their phones at you out of the corner of your eye.
his grip of you tightened for a split second before he let go, stalking over to the group.
“bakugo,” you hissed, pulling at his hoodie sleeve. “bakugo. no. don’t cause a scene. katsuki! please, i don’t want you to.”
the people were already shuffling out of the gym, scared off by bakugo pacing towards them.
“just let them go, please,” you sighed. “i want to see you climb to the top.”
“don’t feel like it anymore,” he grumbled, still staring at the spot the group was standing.
you rubbed circles into his bicep through his sleeve, “mkay, let’s go home.”
bakugo hummed in agreement, eyes flickering over your face. “okay.”
you forced your eyes open. you would finish this movie. you could do it. you predicted the ending five minutes into it, but you needed to be sure you were right.
bakugo dozed on the couch next to you. he quickly fell asleep after complaining about the main character because “who the fuck would date this dickwad?”
you looked over at him, expecting the peaceful expression he had when he slept, the only time he knew peace. instead, his brow was furrowed, eyes scrunched shut. he was frowning.
“bakugo?” you whispered, feeling his forehead. he was burning up. “katsuki?”
he mumbled something you couldn’t make out.
“katsuki?” you frowned. he was never like this. but when did you ever see him sleep? never.
he stood up quickly, jumping up from the couch. his eyes darted around the room, fists up in a fighting position.
“katsuki,” you whispered, reaching for him.
bakugo whipped around to face you, terror and panic written all over his face. he calmed slightly when he saw you.
“hey, kats, you’re okay,” you slowly took hold of his fists, lacing your fingers through his. “you’re okay. we’re in the dorms, in the living room. i’m right here.”
his red eyes darted around, hands trying to escape your hold. “takehiko,” he mumbled. “i need to find him.”
takehiko? you racked your brain trying to remember where you had heard the name.
“i need to get to him. he’s hurt,” bakugo blinked rapidly, a tear sliding down his cheek.
shit. the boy from the oil accident. “he’s okay. he’s fine. he’s okay,” you whispered, rubbing circles onto the back of bakugo’s hands. takehiko wasn’t fine. he died last year, after the oil fire.
bakugo’s red eyes caught on yours.
“good. i’m right here. you’re okay. you had a nightmare. it’s not real,” you whispered.
he blinked at you.
“let’s get you to your room,” you said, wrapping an arm around him, slowly leading him to his room. “you’re burning up, kats.”
he mumbled something you couldn’t hear.
“almost there, babe.” you opened his door, leading him into his dark room. “let’s get you out of this sweatshirt.” his forehead was burning. “i’m worried you have a fever.”
you slid his hoodie over his arms and head. you sat him down on the edge of his bed. his stomach and chest were littered with scars. you tried not to stare at his bare torso. you stood in front of him, looking down at his sad face.
you took his face in your hands, wiping the tears. “you’re okay, katsuki. it’s okay. i’m right here.”
you could tell he was slowly coming out of it, recognition flickering in his dark eyes.
“hi, kats,” you smiled, the back of your hand resting against his forehead. “i like your room.” you looked at the vintage hero posters framed on his wall. “you’re such a nerd.”
he looked up at you, his face still in your hands.
“‘says you,’” you grumbled in a deep voice, doing your best bakugo impression.
“says you,” his voice was quiet and hoarse.
“there’s my kitty katsuki” you smiled. “how ‘ya feeling, champ?”
“like shit.”
“atta boy,” you grinned. you took your hands off his face. “are you feeling any better?”
he nodded, looking away.
“i’m sorry,” you whispered, grazing his bare arm with your fingers. “i’m sorry i couldn’t do more and i’m sorry you have to go through that.”
“s’not your fault,” he mumbled, still not making eye contact.
“doesn’t mean i can’t feel bad about it,” you said softly.
bakugo said nothing.
“i’m going to get the thermometer,” you stepped back.
bakugo grabbed your wrist, pulling you in between his legs. he wrapped his arms around you, yanking you to him, his face buried in your stomach.
“katsuki,” you whispered, rubbing a hand through his hair.
you let him hug you, not saying anything as he squeezed you tighter.
when he let go, he looked up at you with his big red eyes. “i’m sorry.”
“don’t be sorry,” you smiled softly. “we all need hugs sometimes.”
“are you tired?” bakugo asked.
“a little, why?”
you didn’t protest when he swung his legs over the edge of the bed, laying down and pulling you with him. you didn’t want to leave. you couldn’t.
bakugo’s arms went around you, pulling you into him. he needed this. you needed this. friends did this. right?
you sighed against his shoulder. “sweet dreams, katsuki.”
tag list:
@briokayama @tonysttank @cathwritestragediesnotsins @killingloneliness136669 @rockyriot @thesonoffireandice @the-coffee-is-on-fire @sashatanaka @sincerelyyrosemary @abadonkori @buzzyboi79 @haychhans @mentallyablaze-writes
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Megan Shepherd's TNBC Novelization: Review
Here are my thoughts and full review on Megan Shepherd's Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas (Novel). Although the book is closely based on the movie, there are a few unique things about it that I deem necessary to hide under a 'Read More', for spoilers to those who wish to avoid them.
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Review + my thoughts below!
The book closely follows the movie with descriptives for each scene, except it doesn't contain any of the songs or lyrics, so substitutional dialogue is used instead. Most of these went well to describe/summarize the songs they replaced. I have no complaints with how Megan followed the movie in novel form, it's pretty accurate beyond some...minor things.
One example: Halloween just ended when Jack goes missing and stumbles upon Christmas Town, and when he comes back, he decides to have Halloween Town handle Christmas themselves. It's noteworthy to mention that they manage to do this from only November 1st - December 25th, a timespan of only 2 months. However. In this novel, the timing is changed - and it takes the Town a whole year to manage their own Christmas, and it is stated in the text that they "skipped their first Halloween" in order to do it.
Wouldn't the humans notice something different with Halloween, without the monsters and creatures of the night to scare them? Wouldn't it be kind of lame, and warrant the title of a "bad Halloween"? When Santa Claus and his gifts were missing, the humans nearly brought an end to Christmas. Is Halloween exempt from impacting the humans like this? Wouldn't there be any repercussions? Isn't it the Holiday World's purpose/job to bring the holiday TO the humans??
The text is beautifully written and I loved Megan's portrayal of Jack Skellington's internal struggle and depression, and how Sally related to it. She wrote the two of them wonderfully in the novel and even brought new details into the picture, mentioning Sally had done sewing tasks for him and is the one who recommended putting white stripes on his suit. She also delivered his book of The Scientific Method from the Doctor to him. <3
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The novel contains a lot of little details/changes like these. I loved most of them and only had minor issues with a couple choices. One particular recurring mention, that I and other readers have disliked, was the heavy reference and implication to Jack Skellington's death. A few times in the novel, he thinks of his "previous life" and how he died. I share a fandom headcanon that Jack is a special skeleton from a species in Halloween Town itself, rather than him just dying. But this is a personal nitpick and doesn't impact anything, really - it's Megan's choice for his backstory, and I respect that!
Another small nitpick of mine is that I always thought Jack nabbed all the Christmas books from Christmas Town, but in this novel, it says that he got them from Halloween Town's Library. This brings all sorts of confusing questions into my mind...
A couple of my favorite lines from the book:
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Also, the MOST interesting part of this novel, for me, is how it follows The Pumpkin King Game's backstory for Oogie Boogie, where he attempted to overthrow Jack Skellington to become Bug King. The novel mentions this a few times, and it's one of my favorite takes of Oogie Boogie - so I was delighted to see canon from my favorite TNBC game implemented into the novel!
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Overall, I loved this novelization and the new headcanons it brought to me. It was wonderfully written and stayed close to the movie while also portraying the author's own takes on the characters and their feelings. Beyond my few minor nitpicks, it was great and I can't wait to see what the author will do with Long Live the Pumpkin Queen's sequel.
Check out this novelization if you can!
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okayto · 6 months
Mini-Review: My Happy Marriage
Miyo's abusive family deems her worthless without a magical gift, and her betrothal to an infamously cold man has everyone—including herself—expecting that she'll be thrown out into the streets. With no home to return to, Miyo resigns herself to her fate—and soon finds that her pale and handsome husband-to-be is anything but the monster she expected. As they slowly open their hearts to each other, both realize the other may be their chance at finding true love and happiness.
I was super excited when I heard earlier this year that My Happy Marriage was getting an anime, because I had coincidentally picked up the first volumes of the manga on a whim from the library and was immediate hooked. First, the manga covers that caught my eye are gorgeous, and while obviously things change in adaptation, this is still a very pretty anime.
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It's set in an alternate Taisho era (circa 1912-1926; I'm guessing this takes place sometime in the second half of the era, considering we see some flapper fashion) where magic exists. Miyo is enduring a Cinderella-esque nightmare that's lasted a lifetime: despite both parents coming from strong magical family lines, she's powerless. Her mother died when she was young; her father immediately remarried his old flame, who takes delight in beating Miyo down, metaphorically and literally.
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Normally in a Cinderella-type story, the father is dead, gone, or oblivious, but here her father is absolutely complicit in the physical and emotional abuse hurled at Miyo. Her mother's belongings are stolen, she's kept malnourished and inadequately-clothed. To her father she's nothing more than a tool to marry off, and abuse is a great way to make sure she doesn't have the energy to try doing literally anything other than what she's told. To her stepmother and half-sister, she's an object of ridicule for her lack of powers, and a target for the crime of being born from a political marriage rather than the love match that they're related to.
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Even when told she's now engaged to and going to live with an infamously-cold man who has driven off multiple fiancees already, Miyo just accepts the situation, because what else can she do? She fully expects to be thrown out at some point, and just hopes that she can manage to put that day off as long as possible by being as invisible and inoffensive as possible.
Kiyoka, the man, for his part is a little prickly, but mostly annoyed at having to deal with a string of upper-class socialites, and rapidly comes around when it's clear that Miyo isn't that.
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In fact, Kiyoka realizes what's going on, and also recognizes his feelings, faster than she does--a lifetime of abuse isn't easily healed by a few weeks of respite, and Miyo is essentially waiting for the other shoe to drop the entire time. She's survived abuse, but if she lets herself actually want things, and enjoy her life, then it will feel so much worse when it inevitably gets ripped away like every other nice thing she's ever had.
It's easy, as the viewer, to get a bit frustrated with Miyo sometimes because she won't say when she really wants something, but that's the point. This isn't just the story of a young woman escaping her abusive family for someone who values her, it's also about her having to come to terms with that fact that she has value, and that she's allowed to want things.
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Overall, this was a great series, and I'm hopeful it'll get another season at some point. The original light novels, and the manga, are still ongoing (I can recommend the manga; haven't tried the novels) so there's more story. And it's ripe for more: the Cinderella story is the beginning, but the magic of the world and Kiyoka's role in what's essentially an anti-demon military unit of all supernaturally-gifted soldiers gets a good amount of screentime and has its own tantalizing mysteries (and exciting action sequences).
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Honestly, the only thing I disliked about the series was this scene near the end when Kiyoka and Miyo are attending an event wearing western-style clothing...those aren't ~1920s clothes, right? I'm not crazy? What Miyo is wearing doesn't matter (I'm still dubious about it but far less so), but the background women... are those gowns with bustles like it's ~1884? Why are there Victorian ballgowns??? This scene lasts for less than 3 minutes in a single episode, it doesn't matter, but I can't stop thinking about it.
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English dub? Yes!
Visuals: Very pretty. It's a pleasure to watch!
Worth watching? Absolutely. The Cinderella story aspect is great if you like those types of stories, but that's not the only thing going on. The magic here, and politics surrounding it, are intriguing and I can't wait to dive in deeper, whether than manga or anime. Plus, who doesn't like a cool character who can set things on fire? I LOVE a cool character who can set things on fire.
Where to watch (USA, as of December 2023): Netflix
Click my “reviews” tag below or search “mini review” on my blog to find more!
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dial-m-for-movies · 10 months
Oppenheimer [2023] – A Noncontextual Analysis
Dreams and Desire of an Artist, The Nation, Loyalty, Politics, and the Intensifying Philosophy
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The overwhelming or shall I say, overpowering hype across social media and the circle of friends, a bunch of cinephiles coercing each other to go for the film irrespective of the rave reviews that it has been receiving on the wide and wild Internet, and my inner conflict and skepticism for the (recent) films a’ la Dunkirk (2017) and Tenet (2020) by Christopher Nolan, who once was my favorite filmmaker – everything made up for my eternal denial to watch this merely out of peer pressure, if not for the visceral moment when one of my close friends asked me to book the tickets, with an impulse of a rather great effect, and needless to say, the way I fell in love with the film and the cinema form of art, proved the impulse all the more worthwhile and gratifying.
Having conversed with a couple of old friends about the film, I, for one, knew that it is not going to be a theatrical spectacle comparable to the likes of those created by the director himself in the past. Moreover, I also knew that the film has more words than visuals – none of these bothered me. The only thing that was a matter of worry was the director’s style of storytelling with which I have been in a dynamic love-hate relationship. While I love his Following (1998), most of his films with nonlinear storytelling have failed to impress me, not just because of the effort it demands to comprehend the complex timeline but also because the effort never led to fruition in my case, especially when I tried too hard to make a sense of the equilibrium the filmmaker achieves by playing between the time and space.
The name of the game doesn’t change much in the case of Oppenheimer, but what makes it impressive is that the storyteller (and not just an ambitious celebrity filmmaker) manages to evoke emotions with admirable aplomb and conviction. While the contextual analysis of the film might warrant me to dig into the facts and the impact the horrid event in the history had on almost two hundred thousand people of Japan, I would rather like avoid the self-evidential narrative of the film and delve into the ways the filmmaker has fashioned the central character, depicting a diverse range of motives and narrative threads, not to make him a hero but a grey protagonist whose internal trials and battles supersede the external trial he faced to prove his loyalty for his nation, if there was anything of that sort intended by him in the real life.
Dreams and Desire of an Artist
Despite the flaws in his personality and pursuits, Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer was a technical artist, which is to say that he was a scientist with the eternal thirst, anxiety, doubts, and restlessness of an artist, and that is well-portrayed in the initial scenes of the film in which we see the protagonist as a troubled, homesick human being incessantly crippled by his own dreams, and the moment of the dream overriding his sleep is represented by a series of confounding visuals wherein he envisions his it as nothing short of a nightmare for a mind of an ordinary kind. The scene gives its audience a peek into the catastrophic mind of their perpetually perturbed hero. And this envisioning of the dream set the conviction in the life physicist, who wants to see his vision come afore as a reality. Having a vision as an artist and having it on the canvas or reality are two different things, but when the artist pursues the former to achieve the latter, he can become the bazooka of the bandits, the guns of the goons, the maverick of the mafia, and a perennial incendiary for the world, the carrier of the fire within, which he hauls with the armor of an undying fidelity towards his ultimate goal, which becomes his identity.  
The narrative, which is more often than not sidelined by the other aspects the filmmaker wanted to explore, becomes the most indispensable part of the film, a foreground for the future events, a foundation for the plot points, and the device that brings in other narrative threads into the picture.
In the due course, despite all other aspects of the narrative taking precedence over the dreams of the artist and the uncontrollable aspiration of the character, this part puts him in steadfast for what he would “achieve” – irrespective of its moral merit or lack thereof – in the future.
The Nation, Loyalty, Politics
Americans, traditionally, love to fight. All real Americans love the sting of battle.
- General George S. Patton, Patton (1970)
While the above quote does not apply to Dr. Oppenheimer, because the violence wasn’t the objective of the man who made the atom bomb a reality – a claim that he makes in the film, or rather tries too hard to, which only gets defeated by his conviction discussed in the final part of this article, the quote has a contextual significance when the well-known war-driven American patriotism and the communist philosophies collide to put forth the protagonist in the question about the loyalty towards his country. While this narrative makes up for the most part of the film, Christopher Nolan uses it as a mere plot device to express the opinions on the character through a demanding yet gratifying exchange of the dialogues. In the American custom, the aversion from war and battle in general, is looked down upon from a political perspective, and it’s evident in a scene wherein Oppenheimer meets the States’ President, who calls him crybaby.
Moreover, early on in the film, the character is interrogated about his thoughts about the States to which his response is warm and favorable towards the officials and the country. However, Oppenheimer’s thoughts on the country that he calls his, the warmth he feels in America, his close association with the nation’s Army and the contribution in bringing the World War to a closure, all in the garb bringing peace and neutrality for the posterity, doesn’t resolve to his heroism and loyalty, especially because Christopher Nolan uses this on-the-face narrative segment, which occupies the most part of the script, as a deceptive device to hide what’s substantial – the aspirations of this technical artist and the philosophy that stirred him to usher his visions towards making him an instrument of massive destruction.
Philosophy of Violence
In mainstream Hollywood, violence is often associated with either a crime of passion a’ la Alfred Hitchcock’s Rope (1948), Strangers on a Train (1951), Dial M for Murder (1954), and Frenzy (1972) to name a few, or a planned act of violence rooted in a lingering emotion like vengeance, as in Unforgiven (1992). Most of the times, the violence is a meager device of entertainment, as you would quintessentially witness in Tarantino and Scorsese films. It would be safe to say that tangible forms of violence have been a part of cinema, and they add cinematic value to the story.
However, in Oppenheimer, you don’t get to see the tangible form of violence. Even if there is violence depicted by the vivid visuals of a detonated bomb, you get to see the vague images and not hear a sound – a sequence brilliantly staged by Christopher Nolan to once again hide what happens in the world outside the mind of the protagonist and rather emphasis the way he sees the world after having committed an act that brought mass destruction and tragedy in Japan. The exploration of human consciousness through violence and the disguise of the political scenario in the country are the conflicting threads that cross their path as mere strangers, oblivious of each other’s existence.
In what could have been a vital sequence in the film – inappropriately mingled with sexual intercourse and is now receiving its share of flak from the audience and censor board – we get to learn the philosophy of Oppenheimer and the roots that have stoked an insatiable fire in his curious mind. The quote from Bhagwad Geeta, “I am become Death, the destroyer of (both the) worlds,” founds a philosophical ground for the film, which justifies – but not in moral terms – the core conviction of the protagonist and how he uses the philosophy to see his dream come true. The moment when an artist combines a deep philosophy with what he wants to achieve, the internal conflicts and disparagement from the external worlds are exterminated from the mind, and become a botheration only after he establishes his motives. 
While Christopher Nolan shows the protagonist’s outer struggle with the world that questions his loyalty to the country, his inner fight has his soul laid bare in front of the audience, and this is done not to gain sympathy for the protagonist or make him emerge as a hero. However, the filmmaker achieves this with a conviction to confound his audience and provoke thoughts only as conflicting as those in the mind of the hero, if only we can call him by that title. This beguiling act of perplexing the audience, not with the nonlinear storytelling the director is famous for – which is done right in bits and pieces to juxtapose the present, past, and the future in a historical context – but by imbibing a moral conundrum of no ordinary kind, happens to be the filmmaker’s artistic triumph.
To conclude, Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer will be remembered for the vision and wounds he gave to the world, but Oppenheimer (2023) will be remembered for the consternation, conflict, and most importantly, the emotions it manages to stir, irrespective of where you see it from, for it’s neither a theatrical essential nor an OTT dispensable.
It is what it is – a moving piece of cinema, a story told with guts and gusto in equal measures.
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sinsiriuslyemo · 3 months
Orphan: First Kill (Review)
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In 2009, going to the movies was somewhat of a special occasion for my family. We were better off financially than we had been when I was much younger, but still, spending money on going to the theater was something we did only when a film was being released that we absolutely wanted to see. I remember whenever a trailer would release, waiting for it to be shown on TV (how we would see a trailer long before online trailer drops) and weighing whether we wanted to watch it as soon as it was put in theaters or whether we could wait for the DVD release.
Orphan was one of the films that we just had to watch in theaters.
It did not disappoint. I’ve never been a superfan of horror films, but a well-made thriller is right up my alley. The films that stretch the imagination in terms of what’s possible in a film meant to make you feel terrified. Orphan more than delivered on that front, both with the interesting storyline of a young couple wanting to adopt a child after suffering a horrible loss, and the amazing performances from Vera Farmiga and Isabelle Fuhrman.
And who can forget the adorable Max, played by Arianna Engineer.
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So when I heard recently that a prequel had recently been released on Paramount +, I knew I wanted to check it out.
Bring on the scares!
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I’m always very skeptical of sequels and prequels, especially ones that are made years after their original films. When I decide to watch one, I have high expectations. Orphan: First Kill was no different.
I was encouraged by the fact that Isabelle Fuhrman was reprising her role as Leena Klammer/Esther Albright, but that was all I knew going into it. The morning I sat down to watch Orphan: First Kill, I was expecting a journey on how Leena came to be Esther, with plenty of thrills and kills.
Not only did it not disappoint, but it also veered away from the typical prequel formula and subverted my expectations in ways I could not have anticipated. In the original release from 2009, we learn a bit about the Albright family, the first family to adopt Esther and bring her to America (or so we thought). We learn that they died in a house fire that is later revealed to have been arson, and by then we assume that Esther was responsible for the fire. So going into Orphan: First Kill, I was expecting a similar nightmare situation of a grown woman with a hormonal disorder terrorizing a family, leading to their imminent death.
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I did not anticipate that expectation to be turned on its head. Instead of a run-of-the-mill origin story, we get a more complex and nuanced story that in the end, had me actually rooting for the last person I thought I would ever be rooting for.
Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t better than the original. I’m not even sure I would say it was as good as the original. But it did surprise me in some great ways. And it was really great to see Julia Stiles on my screen again. So now let’s talk about performances!
Isabelle Fuhrman had already impressed me in 2009 as Esther. She had done such an amazing job convincing me that she was a grown adult without giving away the final twist that for a second I wondered whether she actually was an adult in real life. Nope. She was 12 in the original Orphan, and she was absolutely brilliant. That hasn’t changed in Orphan: First Kill. If anything, she managed to add more depth and texture to the character, delivering a performance that makes me want to watch everything she’s ever been in. I think we can expect great things from her in the future.
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I hadn’t seen Julia Stiles since I watched Save the Last Dance. Never in a million years did I ever think I would see her in a psychological thriller. Ya’ll, she was amazing. She played her character, Tricia Albright with such nuance and complexity, and even managed to make the cheesiest of the writing sound believable. I sincerely hope this is only the beginning of a comeback for her.
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The rest of the cast was good in their supporting roles, but Isabelle and Julia’s performances were what truly kept me engaged from beginning to end.
The writing was just okay. It had some really great, impactful moments a lot of the time, but every once in a while there was a line that would have me rolling my eyes. Overall though, it was a well crafted and well packaged story that was a nice follow up to the original from 2009.
At the end of the day, I think it was the right decision to release this onto a streaming platform instead of having a theatrical release. It was good, it wasn’t great. It didn’t have me thinking about it days after like the first one did. Still, I’m not sorry I watched it. I was thoroughly entertained, appropriately creeped out and never bored. You can’t ask for more from a psychological thriller.
Stars: 3/5
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emmatgc · 5 months
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There are only 3 movies that highlighted 2023 for me. To be fair, this year I only managed to watch maybe more or less, 10 current movies , my fewest, ever. I had so many challenges faced this year that 2023 feels like a freaking nightmare and the problems never stop. 🤣 But anyways....
Oppenheimer is one of the 3 movies I liked this year. The best for me but not my favorite, my favorite is Air: Courting a Legend then Journey to Bethlehem.
This is not a total or intricate review of the movie. Everybody played their role great esp Cillian Murphy and Robert Downey Jr. Hence, their nominations are well deserved.
Only a few 3 hour movies will keep me glued, this is one of them. Im always interested about the atomic bomb and warfare policies, history and such. When this was announced, I became so interested esp the actors in it.
For me, Robert Oppenheimer is both a hero and anti hero. A very conflicted man but not an innocent one, he knew what he was doing, he made his bed and laid on it. His moral compass has always been there and to be fair most, most scientists are in no way morally upright. They value science more than anything. Weird, nerds-they are exactly like that. Geniuses, extraordinary intellectuals with flawed, egoistic character, not to mention their not so perfect love life- the messy ones like any other.
Robert is a very complicated man. He is just good at compartmentalizing. He did his duty as he sees fit but yes,he also aimed for glory. Why not? Are politicians and war mongers are the ones only allowed on Time magazines? scientists greatly deserve it, too. The movie made Robert human and not just focus on his brain cells and the atomic bomb. It is both a gift and curse to mankind.
A gift to science and breakthrough but a curse to people. However, as much as ideally speaking, we can always say Robert has a choice, if he doesn't want blood on his hands, he could have walked away but no, he knew. He changed his convictions later on but he still made the bomb that killed hundreds of thousands. There was a war and in wars, you have to pick a side. He chose his. He made a bomb but doesn't want the bomb to hurt anyone? Ridiculous, right?
Both Oppie and Straus made sense. Oppie just had the better resume for a war hero plus, Straus was really vindictive and jealous, too. Scientists, majority of them rallied around Oppie because the system sucks. One day you are a hero, the next you are not. The government has always been an enemy for some but at the same time,the standard of excellence and success. Oppie wanted the masses to know, wanted his theories to be for the common people and good.
Oppie as he said became a bringer of death. As much as I loathe wars, old people deciding wars killing innocent ones, a war or fight sadly, is part of our DNA, whether as a system or among ourselves. We are all conflicted, Oppie just happened to be conflicted more.
The bomb to end all wars is also a bomb that starts a war. They are all soldiers. If Robert didn't make it, others will. That is a fact. Robert and America just wanted to be 1st. It killed a lot and saved a lot, too but I know killed more. That's why in war, it is always unfair. Christopher Nolan wanted to show the bad side, the conscience of Oppie, the government's trait of using people for their benefit trope but in the end, the movie still projected Robert to be the hero majority of Americans view as. He did what he had to do.
I oppose wars and fights by all means, but growing up as a child of a man in uniform, we are fighting for what we believe is right. We protect people we love esp our homeland and mostly at the expense of a lot. Unfair as it may seems, our freedom is not absolute and mostly, we choose a side. Robert did, too. History will continue to judge him and the movie? Well, for me is a masterpiece of story telling.
He made his bed until now he is laying on it even after his death. Robert was unapologetic. Even though he was conflicted, he didn't reason out himself as "i didn't know it will be in the wrong hands". No, he owned it through and through. The right and genius thing to do. Let the people decide. But I guess Oppie wanted that, too. To be deemed a hero, a villain and a victim. To be an eternal debate. Nonetheless, to be remembered, forever whichever side you are on.
Oh, lastly, give Cillian his fookin oscar next year!
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tacosaysroar · 3 months
Did you know U.S. expats have to renounce citizenship to stop paying taxes? So if I moved out of the country on a work visa, I’d still pay taxes to the U.S.* for as long as I lived. That’s bonkers to me — and we should have WAY better public resources if all of our expats are still funding us. (Willfully ignoring you, enormous military force! I mean other resources, like education and social programs.)
I listened to a podcast recently all about feijoas and now I’m desperate to try one.
Work drama continues. HR has officially recommended my manager change my rating and several big wigs are now involved. I can’t believe how long it’s taking to resolve this.
My first content piece went to the PR agency yesterday. They always have edits, that’s part of the process — they went two rounds with the writer my nightmare manager loves (which he took like a cat being forced into a full bathtub) — but they loved my piece. ZERO edits. My work partner made sure to point that out to both the nightmare manager and the beloved writer (who treats me like this is my first job).
It would be nice to win them over, but at this point I’m just collecting a paper trail of accomplishments to present as evidence if the nightmare manager tries to give me another shitty review or get me fired. I’d love to leave and wash my hands of the whole thing, but I need to stay long enough for [redacted] to happen. So I have to make the best of it — while continuing to search for internal job openings.
Having plans in my calendar over the next several months to see NFA and my family — mostly in warm, sunny places — is doing wonders for my sanity.
*Eritrea and Myanmar also have this policy, and THAT’S IT. Every other country is like, “Bye! Enjoy not paying taxes on services you don’t use! Have a good life!”
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findlayccarter · 1 year
High Tide - Kick and Prance (Runner)
Dir: @rossrjohnston Prod: @kat.tweedie DoP & Edit: Eathan Currie Talent & Choreo: @hannah_collins01 Location: @mellerstainhouseandgardens MD: @alexportersmith-blog
Now that Ethan has finished the edit for the their mini passion project film I thought I'd talk about the experience of working on the shoot with them.
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I got an opportunity to work with High Tide quite last minute, but I was keen to get involved because I thought it would be good to learn from a company that do a mix of commercial and art films. Also I wanted to meet Ethan, who I think it primarily a cinematographer but also does editing. Something I'd be keen to do in the future, because as much as I love editing, I like the pressure/stress of being on set and having to act on impulse sometimes. Ethan also told me that they work with Davinchi most of the time, which was reassuring to hear.
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It was a 6am call time which was a shock to the system and I didn't know what we were doing until we were on the car ride down to the borders. Ethan and Alex had wanted to create something like this for a while and it worked with needing some music based work to show on a show reel - as well as working and showing off a location:
Mellerstain House is a stately home around 8 miles north of Kelso in the Borders, Scotland. It is currently the home of George Baillie-Hamilton, 14th Earl of Haddington, and is designated as a historical monument.
It was a truly stunning house and the weather was perfect creating a-lot of light beams through the windows and meaning that my job as runner was very limited in terms of doing any fill lighting etc. A lot of the work I did was just fetching and carrying stuff and helping in any small way as possible like holding the camera. The camera, weighed a ton and really made the URSA handheld setups look pathetic.
There wasn't a lot of technical aspects that I was able to pick up on, however here's a list of things that I noticed there: -
The gimbal setup seemed like a bit of a nightmare even for someone who was used to it - definitely need to have play around with one in the future.
Ross (director) and Ethan (DOP) clearly had worked alot together so there was good chemistry. But I noticed that there was alot of problems that occurred that would be resolved very quickly. I think it showed how much they had planned it out and both had a very similar and clear mindset of what to get.
Lenses - the lens was fairly wide the whole time, I want to say it was a 25. There was very few lens changes, I think there was only one and it was only for a shot of Ross being the other tourist.
Producing - Kat was great and really organised the whole day. Even though there was a time constraint and it wasn't completely stress feel, they did not seem like they were stressed at all. The whole shoot was under control with well managed breaks and other commitments in between.
Wireless monitor - I wish the screen academy had these, the setup for it was so much easier and it made the playback and reviewing so much faster. I've learned to hate plugging BNC cables in.
Overall it was a great experience seeing everyone work, and the whole setup of High Tide was something that was very appealing to me. A small but varied group of people who worked together seamlessly and worked on projects that they all enjoyed and on top of that get paid for. To me it really seemed like the perfect job to be in. I hope that they reach out again and I have the opportunity to work with them.
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mery-cm99 · 2 years
In the Stars (Cp. 2)
In the Stars Masterlist
Description: Harper doesn't want any pilot near her, at least as far as possible. But that's really difficult when you work around them. She has managed to keep her “no pilots'' rule to date. That's until Bradley Bradshaw enters the Hard Deck like a great wave, destroying everything in his way and smashing all the walls Harper had built all this years ago.
Pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x plus size!OC
Warnings: Mention of trauma, blood, crashes and sad stuff in general. There's some spice and mention of sex, but nothing too explicit. English is not my first language, so sorry in advance for any grammar  or spelling errors.
Rating: Teens and up
Chapter 2/11
Word Count: 1,550 words
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Harper nearly felt out of her bed when her alarm went off. She was trembling, her heart pounding against her chest like she was a little mouse hiding from a cat. She looked at her hands, still shaken, but there was no blood there. It was just a nightmare, a very real one.
She jumped in the shower, trying to get rid of the feeling, then change into her uniform before eating breakfast. After that, Harper took her bag and left to get to the Naval base where the best pilots were trained, also known as Top Gun. And her workplace for the last three years.
Once there, her first stop was her office, so she could leave her bag and get her new worksheets. Then she headed to the Vice Admiral Simpson's office.
“Good morning, Vice Admiral” she saluted.
“Dr. Richards” Simpson said in response, sitting behind his desk. “The mission candidates start their training today. You have their files'' he continued once he saw the folder in her hand.
“That's right, sir. I'll review them now. I'd like to ask for a medical examination of all of them and the instructor” she requested. She didn't need to, though. Simpson had worked with her for three years, so he knew she was gonna ask.
“Indeed, they will be informed after today’s meeting. then they’ll get to you” 
“Thank you, sir. Is there anything else I need to do?” 
“Nothing. You’re dismissed”
Harper saluted again and headed to her office. It actually was a medical box, with a desk, some chairs, a stretcher and a white screen that divided the room in two. Once there, Harper threw on her white robe and sat on her chair so she could start her work.
Two hours later, someone knocked on the door. Harper told them to come in.
“Come in, sit down and take off your shirt” she told them without looking up, still setting the paper she had to fill with the information of the pilot. She saw from the corner of her eye how he —now she knew it was a he— did as she had told, but lost him on the other side of the screen. Once ready, Harper stood up and followed him to the other side. There was him, she recognized him immediately, with his lovely smile she had seen in millions of photos. However, it didn't shock her because she had read his file in the folder. She knew Maverick was the instructor for the mission.
“Why am I not surprised it's precisely you who I find as the base doctor?” he asked rhetorically, the smile still glowing on his face while he watched the woman leaving the portfolio on the stretcher and taking two blue gloves from the box.
“Let’s say it was inevitable” she answered, shrugging her shoulders. Her father was a Top Gun instructor, that’s why she had grown there, in the base. And this one was the reason everyone knew Harper was gonna work for the Navy. It was everything she had known since she was one and a half years old. But in addition, Ava —the woman who had looked after her while her father was away executing his missions— was the base doctor, so Harper had, literally, grown around white robes, syringes and latex gloves.
She was finishing the medical examination when she talked again.
“I’ve heard everything they say about you, Captain Maverick. I must warn you I won’t be gentle if you show up here because one of your imposible maneuvers”
Maverick laughed while the woman removed the stickers that measured his vital signs and the sleeve of the tension meter.
“I’ve been warned about the doctor’s temperament. Mainly if the wound is due to the pilot’s irresponsability. I’ll keep that in mind” he assured, still smiling.
“In that case, we have finished. You can get dressed again and call the next” she said, removing her gloves to throw them in the bin. She took the portfolio again and returned to her desk to save the documents and prepare the next template.
The next few hours Harper kept examining the pilots, and as they were leaving, Harper feared the moment the next one would come in case it was him. It was a torture, her heart flutter eleven times for nothing. Then there was only one left. While she finished her examination on Lieutenant Jake "Hangman” Seresin, the brunette prepared herself for what was gonna happen next. There was no way to avoid it, she had seen his picture, his sheet. He was the next one.
But even that didn’t prepare her for the moment he entered the room. At least he was in his pilot jumpsuit, so he didn’t stand out from the rest, and his aviators were in his pocket again. Still, as soon as he closed the door behind him, the scent of citrus fruits and leather filled the room and Harper considered opening a window just for her survival. She didn’t think she could concentrate when his presence and aroma filled the room, enveloping her like it was the soft song of a siren, luring her to shore to devour her. In her opinion, his callsign should be Maverick, not Pete’s, because that man was like a great wave, fun to surf on, but extremely dangerous and lethal. Beautiful and scary at the same time. 
Still looking down, Harper told him to sit down on the stretcher and take off his t-shirt, like she had done with the rest of the pilots. But she took her time on her side of the white screen, far from him. She knew that the sooner she started, the sooner she would get away from him, but Harper couldn’t but delay it as much as possible. Then, she took a deep breath and turned around pulling her shoulders back. Shit, she was 38, no longer an hormonal teenager with a crush on a pilot. Besides, this was her job, her element. She had to be professional.
“You must be Bradley Bradhsaw, right?” she asked, walking to him still looking at her portfolio.
Bradley was about to give her an affirmative answer, but the word got stuck on his throat when he saw the doctor standing in front of him. Her brown hair was now in a low bun, not loose like he had seen the night before. Her curvy body was now wrapped in a uniform and a white robe, unlike the day before, when she had a blue blouse and some jean shorts, showing her wide thighs, that Bradley was still trying to shake off his head.
“Wait. You were in the Hard Deck yesterday. You served me a beer “ he said, as if he couldn’t connect both scenes.
“Yeah. I sometimes pour drinks there. But this is my real job “ she answered as if she was talking about the weather while putting on a new pair of gloves and taking her stethoscope again. “I’m gonna listen to your heart” she told him. While she listened to his heartbeat, Harper forbade herself to look anywhere but the instrument’s bell. She knew that if she looked an inch out of it, she would be lost.
Bradley was silent during the examination, only answering the brief questions the woman around him asked. He was confused. He had been in thousands of medical examinations over his years in the Navy, but this was the first doctor who looked tense, as if the mere presence of Bradley felt like an offense to her. Finally, he decided to ask.
“Did I do something to upset you?” he asked, looking down at her while she put the sleeve of the tension meter on his arm.
She looked up at the sound of his voice and her breath stuck on her lungs when she saw his hazel eyes looking at her closely. Bradley saw how her chocolate eyes dilated for a second, but then her gaze hardened again.
“I have nothing against you” she murmured, avoiding him. Bradley didn’t believe her, he knew there was something behind her discomfort, but he didn’t insist on that, didn’t want to make her feel more uncomfortable.
After letting him go, Harper returned to her desk to finish her work, but some time later, she got distracted at the sound of planes flying. She supposed they were in their first class. Harper looked out the window, where the runway  was visible, and watched them for a while, reminiscing about the old days. When she was young, her father was the instructor who flew with the pilots, so Harper used to sneak into the break room, climb onto the sofa and look out the window to see them fly, imagining she was up in the sky with him. While they weren’t flying, the rest of the pilots gathered in that room, listening to the radio comms and playing pool. When Harper was there, they used to keep her secret and joke with her. Those were good memories. At that age, Harper dreamed of following her father’s footsteps, became a pilot. Now, however, there was nothing she wanted less.
With a deep sigh, Harper walked away from the window and went back to work, trying to concentrate again.
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bouncehousedemons · 1 year
Very irritable today. Please don't click the read more unless you are interested in hearing about all of the minor inconveniences throughout my day that have left me feeling like I want to commit multiple acts of terrorism.
Took the dog for a walk this morning and it was swampy as fuck in the field, because the UK is a humid shithole nightmare island where it is always, always raining. She got super muddy and even though I towelled her off really thoroughly in the porch when we got home, she's still managed to smear mud on every conceivable surface in the house - even places she would never normally touch or go near - I feel like she's done it ON PURPOSE. Super stoked about getting to clean all of that up. We'll see how funny she thinks she is when I sell her on Gumtree. I won't really.
Went for a run in the park at lunch time. It's usually pretty quiet, but today was chock full of coffin dodgers and I had to keep changing my route to avoid them all. Some stupid cunt ran the same route as me the whole way round and I was a hair's breadth away from punching him in the head. I run to get AWAY from people - fucking fuck off.
Every bit of work I have tried to do today has been hindered by access issues for the software I need to do it. My team's quarterly performance reviews are due by the 31st, so of course HR have taken the system offline for maintenance.
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Daycare apps are insecure surveillance dumpster-fires
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When my EFF colleague Alexis Hancock signed her baby up for daycare, she was told that she had to download a childcare management app — to monitor and specify “feedings, diaper changes, pictures, activities, and which guardian picked-up/dropped-off the child.”
This was during the lockdown, and the app was a way to comply with social distancing and contact tracing rules, but it was also designed to help with “separation anxiety of newly enrolled children and their anxious parents.”
Alexis wasn’t the only EFFer with a newborn encountering these apps. Being a digital privacy and security expert, she and her colleagues started to pick apart these apps and seek dialogue with the companies that made them. They discovered a nightmare of bad security practices, worse privacy practice, and yawning indifference to the digital wellbeing of very small children and their parents.
First of all, there was the matter of account security. When Alexis and co started looking into these apps, they all shared a glaring defect: none of them implemented two-factor authentication, “one of the easiest ways to increase your security.”
They contacted Brightwheel, a leading childcare app vendor, who proudly announced that they were rolling out 2FA — and that this would make them the only childcare app to support it. Incredibly, this is true. As Alexis writes for Wired: this is “bullshit.”
Assessing whether an app has 2FA or whether it doesn’t is easy: you just have to poke around in the settings. But a more comprehensive look at app security requires a more sophisticated investigation. EFF undertook a static analysis and network analysis of childcare apps and turned up some disturbing results.
For example, the Android Tadpoles app exfiltrates a ton of data to Facebook’s Graph API, as well as extremely granular device info to Branch.io (neither company is mentioned in Tadpoles’ privacy policy).
Then there’s HiMama, which stores user data in Amazon’s cloud — and misleadingly labels this practice as “suited to run sensitive government applications and is used by over 300 U.S. government agencies, as well as the Navy, Treasury and NASA” (none of this activity runs on the Amazon cloud that Himama uses — it’s on the AWS Govcloud, a completely separate product).
There’s an industry-wide gap in disclosure of which data is collected and how it is used; the disclosures they do make are misleading or incomplete.
Worse, the companies have been vastly indifferent to these problems. In “‘We may share the number of diaper changes’: A Privacy and Security Analysis of Mobile Child Care Applications,” a peer-reviewed paper presented at the 2022 Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium, a team lays these problems out in eye-watering detail:
Writing for EFF, Hancock makes a series of recommendations to the childcare app industry:
2FA for all admins and staff
Address known security vulnerabilities in mobile applications
Disclose and list any trackers and analytics and how they are used
Use hardened cloud server images. Additionally, a process in place to continuously update out-of-date technology on those servers
Lock down any public cloud buckets hosting children’s videos and photos
She also strongly recommends implementing end-to-end encryption between schools and parents: “There’s no need for the service itself to view communication being passed between schools and parents.”
The irony here is that all of this is happening in the context of apps, which were sold to us as “curated computing.” We were promised that if we ended the practice of software authors providing code to their users, and instead let Apple and Google decide what code we were allowed to run, all the evils of software would go away:
In reality, apps are some of the dirtiest code we use. Muslim call-to-prayer apps harvest their users’ data and sell it to ICE and other domestic spy agencies:
Period-tracking apps share their users’ sex lives, fertility data, location and other sensitive info to all comers, and will be a bonanza for bounty-hunting forced-birth advocates seeking to turn in people who have abortions for cash rewards:
Why are apps such a consistent dumpster-fire? Well, for one thing, apps have to be built using the app stores’ specs, which are billed as imposing rigor on software authors. In reality, the overheads this imposes has driven app makers to use software development kits that sneak privacy-invading data-collection onto users.
Because apps come from “app stores” and not as standalone software, app vendors can “update” their code with new, malicious behaviors and users can’t “downgrade” to the earlier, superior versions. For example, when Audacity was taken over by dickheads who announced that the program would soon come with built-in tracking, users responded by announcing that they wouldn’t install the new versions, and the company backed down:
That’s not how it works for apps. A couple years ago, a trivial app I used to specify Bluetooth priority (so my phone wouldn’t connect to my kid’s speaker when I walked past her room) was updated to include intrusive adware that popped up ads every time I unlocked the device. Eventually I figured out what was going on and uninstalled the software, but because this was from an app store, I can’t roll back to the superior, pre-adware version.
The revelations about bad data-handling in childcare apps are disturbingly predictable. These are the very same bad practices that Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker and Ron Wyden have raised with mental health apps like Betterhelp and Talkspace:
It’s hard to say which is more disturbing: privacy-invading, insecure mental health apps, or privacy-invading, insecure apps that track your toddler’s play, sleep, location and diaper changes.
Neither is acceptable.
All of this should be viewed against the backdrop of legislative and regulatory initiatives to force tech giants to give their customers more say over which apps they run, and how. In response, Big Tech companies insist that allowing software developers to directly transact with device owners will expose the public to bad privacy and security practices — insisting, against all evidence, that “mobile” is a synonym for “secure.”
One intriguing way out of this mess is by forcing the mobile platforms to fully support Web Apps, or at least to get out of the way developers who want to offer mobile tools to users to make Web Apps fully functional:
A Web App is just what it sounds like: an app that is delivered into your browser, and runs inside of it. The Web App experience could be (but isn’t) pretty much identical to installing app store apps: choose your app, click install, grant or refuse permissions, get an icon on your home screen:
But because Web Apps run in browsers, they can be modified by browser plugins — like ad- and tracker-blockers. And because Web Apps are defined by open standards — not by corporate fiat handed down by monopolists whose own products compete with app developers — anyone can make a Web App development toolkit:
Regular software can spy on users and steal their data, too, of course. But turning “programs” into “apps” didn’t solve this problem — it just limited users’ ability to defend themselves, making them reliant on two companies to decide what protections they deserve.
[Image ID: A line of kindergartners horsing around in a toddler-sized institutional bathroom, looking into the mirror. Out of the mirror is the glaring eye of HAL 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey. The kids' reflection is color-inverted, and their reflected, inverted faces are traced with facial recognition geometry lines.]
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