#night watchers
snootlestheangel · 8 months
Curious about the ocs you mentioned and your original work.
That has gotten me thinking about my own original work and adding it to my current hyperfixation, our darling COD and its men and women.
Though only a part of my original work would flow with COD, but it would flow better with Halo lol
Oh my work wouldn't flow super well with COD without some weird magic stuff going on but the characters will be unstoppable
*cracks knuckles* Prepare yourself for a long ass read cause we gettin' into it *screams of victory in the distance* (I have not introduced anyone to these characters/this story in literal years so I am flipping out. This is soooooo much information I apologize for the dump but holy shit the autism is autisming) (also halfway through writing this I am starting to realize this is not really what you are probably expecting... but I've had literally years to think about these characters soooooooooooooo *panic*)
First, the homebrew monsters cause important
Death Crawlers are humanity's greatest enemy, as they were created out of a greedy desire to bring humanity to its knees. Magic users with the capacity to live very long lives, but are easily killed by most things. Under the command of the first of their kind, Sortis, and the Elders, the first generation. They are cunning creatures willing to do anything to be successful, which we'll get into later ;)
Death Crawlers are strict in how they run things, actually. There is no such thing as friendly/neutral interactions with humans. Every interaction must have ill-intent behind it, otherwise you are subject to execution. Any magic with a visible presence, such as summoned fire, appears Blue. That is critical information! Limited uses of magic: cannot heal things/people, must study different books written by the Elders to learn new advancements (most DCs can wield a small flame as children but cannot make it useful aside from lighting a candle until they study). There's more worldbuilding stuff here that I can get into but I'm not gonna right now
Night Watchers are the predecessors/cousin species of Death Crawlers. The exact date of the beginning of their existence cannot be traced, but it is assumed they have existed alongside humanity the entire time. They get their name "Night Watchers" from the early humans, because they often kept the nightwatch to keep tribes/communities safe. Very well adapted for the dark. Night Watchers' greatest duty is to protect humanity. They have what is referred to as Red Magic, while DCs have Blue.
They are the reason humanity didn't know/believe in the existence of monsters and other species. When Death Crawlers became a nuisance, a war between the 2 broke out, trapping humanity in the middle. Together, the Council in the Night Watchers Royal Court came together to combine their magical knowledge/prowess to erase the memory of DCs and all other monster-kind, including themselves, from humanity's memory. All documents were destroyed and any trace of their existence completely wiped. This threw the DCs into hiding, as most of their power came from taking humanity out from within, but they didn't know how to blend in and relied on their status as magic-wielders to manipulate people. Night Watchers have taken sanctuary underground.
Dragons!! Live in what could be interpreted as a side dimension from ours. Massive creatures that can shift into a human-appearing form, although it isn't uncommon for most dragons to retain a few reptilian-like qualities in this form (such as slit eyes, sharper teeth, split tongues). Cold-blooded creatures so they are mostly found in warmer areas and are known for just lying in giant piles together. They "breathe" fire based on a system of gas produced in their digestive tracts and a small, hard piece in their throats that can be flicked to create sparks. The sparks ignite the gas, thus fire! (literally just basically think of it as they burp (exhalation of gas) and the spark just makes it fire breath). Don't have a true government system (there's a major story with that) but basically whichever dragon is the biggest gets to claim the "crown". Very rowdy creatures with some aggressive tendencies but that's just cause of their size. Have a hatred for unusually small dragons :)
First, the "protagonist" Maxlar
Utmaxos 'Maxlar' Whishling is a Death Crawler with a bounty on his head. Through some series of events, mostly not his fault despite what everyone believes, he is being actively hunted by the Death Crawlers. He was born with purple eyes and it was soon realized his magic did not have a blue appearance, but rather purple. (combination of Red and Blue is no bueno in this world). This was a huge scandal, of which his family suffered the most. His parents were put through several trials to prove their loyalty to their blood-line, and his brother got the worst of it
Believe it or not, DCs actually hate killing their own kind, hence why execution is typically left for those that have interacted with humans in ways that benefit the human/lack any ill-intention. Maxlar was exiled at one point because he never engaged in truly "evil" acts but more or less just acted as a trickster towards humans. They didn't like his poor commitment, especially when it was worsened after the murder of his family. However, upon finding out he's married to a human and has a family, Sortis puts a bounty on his head. Dragons are technically allied with Night Watchers and DCs are, in the modern era, allied with humanity. There's a special agreement between them that there is to be no travel between the Realms (Dragon realm, Night Watcher Realm, and DC/humanity).
Therefore, when a dragon with a vengeance against Maxlar breaks out of prison and into the, what is referred to as Natura, realm, Sortis declares war, thus giving him the excuse to hunt Maxlar down and execute him. However, one of the Elders with a unique focus on fortune telling, sees the inevitable downfall of the Death Crawlers through this war, thus she enlists the help of The Demon to both protect and "end the Whishling name in a fate worse than death".
Physical description: Roughly 5'11, maybe 6' if he's wearing the right shoes. Brown hair that lightens naturally as it gets longer. It's stuck between a constant state of curly and wavy, thus making it an absolute mess but he rocks it. Keeps it roughly at his collar/shoulders. Never clean shaven, kind of a mess appearance wise but he's just like that. Dad bod dad bod dad bod. Intense purple eyes, always wearing just like a leather coat that touches his knees, jeans, and a V-neck shirt even though he's in the middle of a war. Got the weirdest collection of socks. Is schizophrenic, according to those around him he "cannot shut up to save his life", is a really openly emotional guy.
Absolute Dad! Married to the most beautiful human woman named Andrea, has several children and adores them. Literally so in love with his wife sometimes he'll be sitting there just crying quietly cause he misses her. His best friend is Devon, a dragon, and they actually canonically have an invalid Las Vegas marriage. Andrea knows about it and thinks it's so funny, she gifts both of them flowers on their "anniversary".
Devon Blackstone
Technically the prince of dragons since his father is current reigning King, and he's bigger than all the other dragons. Doesn't really give a shit about the throne, especially since when he was beginning the process of becoming a full-fledged prince is the time he met Maxlar. Really chilled out dude, but is such an instigator. Literally has the best time doing stuff to intentionally annoy Maxlar. Carnivore diet? Sure, but also a massive seafood eater. Has been known to just go hunting in the ocean as a dragon. Fiercely protective of Max and his family. Likes to throw his weight around when in fights, can be a bit of a masochist. Darker skin, broad flat nose, kind of mean looking but then he smiles and you're like "ah! friend! :D"
Massive teal-colored dragon: has longer hind legs than front ones, uses this to pin and gain the upper hand on dragons that are closer to his size. Wish I could tell y'all just how big, but like roughly 200yards nose to tail, and maybe like 2/3rds of that in height when on his back legs. Wings are massive (the ratio is like 3x of their size I think). He's got spines along his back that are perfect for riding behind. Human form is roughly 7', and he still has some teal coloration to his hair, so he keeps it buzzed and pretends he dyes it. Literally the King of Dad Bods! Big, massive guy. Just really round and beefy and just *chef's kiss* I love my big boy.
Hades Evanchio
Tired, wants to go home. Please. The only Night Watcher that resides in Natura (referred to as Topside in the Night Watchers' Realm). This is because he was nearly executed for a crime he technically didn't commit; the crime being treason of the highest offense and him being royalty made the penalty that much worse. Only reason he was able to survive is because his mother, the Queen, begged for the Council to stop it. (Night Watcher executions are brutal. They have an executioner that is highly versed in the ways of using fire. The executioner will tie a thread around the victim's throat, set it on fire and force it through their neck. It also simultaneously cauterizes the wound/keeps them alive until their brain stem is destroyed. It is torturous.)
He, like most Night Watchers because they literally live underground, is unnaturally pale. British accent because it's where he first ended up and relearned how to speak due to his wounds. Has red eyes, dark very curly hair (just like his Mum), and chronic anxiety. Literally 6'4" ish but is so skinny and is constantly hunching in on himself because "please do not perceive me I will cry". Wears scarves/turtlenecks all the time to hide the really obvious scar on his neck from his near-execution. Runs naturally cold, uses his cold hands to get Maxlar to shut up (will wrap one around his neck to which Max freezes and just slowly drops to the ground cause COLD)
Hades got brought back into the Night Watch Realm after the war broke out because his father had been poisoned and stated no heir other than Hades. Literally dragged down there against his will. He hates the Council, the Council hates him, thank god for the Queen Mother. He just wants to go back to his little cabin, curl up with tea and write poetry while using his dragon husband as a pillow/bed.
Atendarajo Evanchio
Feral little dragon. Hades's beloved husband. Cannot put enough emphasis on the feral and little aspects of his character. Escaped the dragon realm a long ass time ago because he's dangerously tiny for a dragon. Devon is considered unnaturally big, but Aten is definitely like concerningly tiny for a dragon. Dragon form has legs of the same size, he stands only the same height as Devon's human form like this (7'). Has a beautiful headpiece made of horns and smaller spines. Gorgeous red-orange color. Literally a ginger in human form with so many freckles it drives Hades crazy. He's constantly having to fight Hades off cause "You cannot count them all! I am busy!" Retains his sharp teeth and wings in human form. (Thank goodness Night Watchers possess healing magic otherwise poor Hades lmao). Stands only like 5'4", maybe 5'5" on a good day. This does not prevent him from picking fights with anyone and everyone. Hades is so anxious he wants to cry in crowds meanwhile he's married to the feral little guy trying to fight a biker gang for literally no reason. Literally falls apart every time Hades calls him his "good little dragon" despite the fact that if anyone else called him little, he's trying to kill them. Will literally start fights with Devon because he's filled with rage. Severe small dog syndrome.
Asmalverious Whishling
He's the last one for today, I promise :')
Most commonly referred to as Malvo, or better yet, The Demon. Is Maxlar's younger brother. Died nearly 200 years ago but due to the curse of the DC Elder, he had to crawl out of his own grave. Is now contractually bound to protect Maxlar. Unless the threat against Maxlar's life is eliminated or Malvo is killed, Maxlar cannot be harmed by DCs when in Malvo's presence. Anyone actually within a certain distance of the younger Whishling brother is safe from harm caused by DCs. The curse cannot be broken unless the above stated or a much more upsetting scenario that I am not sharing.
Referred to as The Demon because he is. Demons aren't actual demons, but rather a group of people that participate in a forgotten, ancient form of Black Magic. When he was a child, Sortis contracted out several of these "demons" to twist Malvo into one. He is by far the most powerful being but still requires studying/practicing before able to do very complicated things. His magic is Black, not Blue, as he's more practiced in the darker arts of Demon kind. Sortis knows what he is capable of and hopes he will win the Demon's favor.
Literally a know it all. Thrives on learning and knowledge, thus he's far more advanced in his magic than he often lets on. Aten refuses to trust him. It's unclear why exactly.
Same height as Maxlar, perhaps a bit taller. Constantly clean shaven. His curly/wavy black hair is always slicked back, literally the image of perfect hygiene and self-care. Always wearing classy clothes. Prefers classical fighting styles such as using weapons like swords. Has a very cool looking navy blue sword that is like one of two possessions of his he cannot afford to lose. The other possession being a journal. No one knows what is written in it or why it's so important. Very unnerving cause he always makes too much eye contact and he's got really intense, empty green eyes. Speaks like he's from the 19th century, cause he is but he just refuses to adapt.
So fed up with Maxlar's bullshit. Constantly wants to go back to being dead. Not suicidal, just not happy he got dragged out of his grave.
And those are my boys!! I love them very much (clearly) and I cannot wait to write the thing with our beloved COD boys. Also, I have some visuals of their appearances (not drawn by me, but they're pretty accurate representations of my boys) if y'all want those
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Let's Talk: Night Watchers
Night Watchers are believed to have evolved alongside home sapiens, and are believed to have existed alongside some of the earliest ancestors of humankind. This makes them the oldest existing species to date, as there is no way to date the existence of Dragons. They are magic-users but draw much of their abilities from the natural world. Because of written texts from the earliest Watchers, many modern-day Watchers lack the more meditative personalities of their ancestors. This causes them to often lose certain abilities over time/to struggle to control certain things like fire and water.
They do not often refer to themselves as Night Watchers, but as Clatunate. When interacting with other species or when other species are present, they continue to use Night Watchers.
Humanity's Protectors
The earliest Night Watchers did not necessarily go out of their way to keep the early humans safe, but after a certain point, it was clear their ability to manipulate things like fire gave them a big advantage in survival. Thus, they began to integrate themselves into human societies as healers and guards. They provided fires and treated the wounded. Eventually earned themselves the name "Night Watchers" from the fact they would keep the night watch to protect the humans, as well as the fact they were mysterious people that could often be found watching the sky/stars.
Night Watchers helped humanity thrive and were rather proud of their relative species. Acted as a median between newer species like werewolves, vampires, etc. Once Dragons found a way into this dimension, the Night Watchers worked with them to find a way to keep their worlds separate.
This is where their alliance comes from; a joint respect for humanity's protection.
Then came along Death Crawlers, who were created out of a fear of the unusual. One particular human that found the magic of a Night Watcher to be unnatural and made a deal with Demons to create a new species that inherently wanted nothing but ill-fortunate for humanity. Humanity, by this time, had been named the Night Watchers' "Greatest Love", and it wasn't uncommon for humans and NWs to marry and have children.
However, when Death Crawlers began to run rampant, Watchers took the only action they deemed the best to protect humans.
The Council, a select group of the eldest/most skilled magic users within the Watcher community, came together to combine their power. They banished themselves, erased the memory of all monster-kind from humanity (thus were the myths came from, because there no longer existed any evidence), and cast a protection on humans. The protection meant that Death Crawlers could not directly hurt humanity, but could still influence them into hurting themselves.
The Night Realm
There are Night Watchers dedicated to the craft of maintaining their underground safe-haven. This includes monitoring the sealed portals between the Realm and humanity's space (what they refer to as Topside), keeping the caverns stable, and monitoring weak points.
Some of the animals/creatures found within the Realm are cavernous type creatures. Most are almost mythical, nightmarish versions of cave newts and salamanders (as if those weren't already terrifying enough). These are predatory creatures that pose a threat to the sheep, goats, and chickens the Watchers keep. They do not pose a threat to the thriving unicorn herds.
Unicorns were a gift from the Dragons as a sign of friendship. The Dragons intended this to be "Look, we offer great food!" whereas the Watchers took this as "Oh, a working animal! We shall care for and love these magnificent beasts!" Unicorns found within the Realm are so spoiled, in fact, rather than be skittish like the rest of their kind in the Dragon world, these ones tend to be aggressive/outgoing/bossy/arrogant. You name it. They've also adapted to living underground, and tend to come in more neutral colors, whereas Dragon Realm Unicorns come in a variety of colors. The white/lighter color ones in the Night Realm tend to be almost opaque, and all of them have more of a haunting appearance.
There is an entire agriculture-focused center of magic, where large groups of Watchers maintain fields and farm animals. This looks like providing "sunlight" and rainfall, while monitoring the growth of the harvests (which include wheat, barley, corn, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, and asparagus).
They Have Parasites
Yes, you read that right. Night Watchers have parasites.
These parasites are called Ethereals, as they are spirits that attach themselves to the essence of a Night Watcher. More often than not, an Ethereal goes unnoticed throughout its host's life, and when the host dies, the Ethereal will jump to another available Watcher in the area. Watchers can only have 1 (one) of these at a time. They are typically not bad, but also not necessarily good. They often exist undetected and when detected, aren't usually a nuisance.
Ethereals feed off of emotions, typically ones that are abundant (like happiness, stress, exhaustion, anger, sadness, etc. There are a few rare Ethereals that feed off of emotions like Fear or deeper things like adrenaline highs. These types are the dangerous kinds, as they often have to force their hosts into situations that trigger Fear or adrenaline.
These types are so rare, in fact, that they can all be named. There are four of them in existence today: Dante (feeds off depression), Starla (feeds off manic joy), Fineas (feeds off adrenaline highs), and Xander (feeds off fear). Starla and her host, Claudia, are kept safe in a facility after Starla's hunger drove Claudia mad, which led to her spree-killing. Dante and his host, Paul, live a quiet life, yet there are healthcare workers that regularly visit Paul to ensure his safety.
Fineas and his host, Alastor, serve as the Head Knight of the Royal Guard. Alastor is Hades's cousin, and I love my weird little freak. Hades is Xander's host :)
Ethereals can influence their host in a manner of ways. This includes speaking to them telepathically, making them involuntarily move, appearing as their reflection, or forcing them to laugh/cry. The other way is for an Ethereal to take full control of the host's body. This comes with minor shifts in the host's physical appearance such as becoming taller/shorter/fatter/skinnier, changing the color of their eyes, changing the way their hands/feet/nose/chin appear, and adjusting the tone/accent/other characteristics of the host's voice.
Anyone familiar with the Host will always be able to tell when the Ethereal has taken over. This is RARE though! It requires an inherently powerful Ethereal, one that is incredibly old which means they have a high count of hosts, or one of the rare types that feed on darker things, like the above mentioned.
As far as I'm aware, this is it for our good boys the Night Watchers! Please don't be shy in asking questions or complimenting my work! I don't care if it's in replies, reblogs, my inbox, or through dms!
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weatherman667 · 5 months
Night Watchers
Gene defect causes a group of Space Wolves to be turned from Wolf Vikings to Catboy Twinks. The Great Wolf Wolf Moon Moon exiles them as "gay vampires."
This is enough for the Blood Angels to adopt them, (exactly as the Great Wolf Wolf predicted). They can be scene dropping with the Blood Angels to act as stealthy outfighters.
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missmolly62 · 5 months
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(via "Mystical Owls" Jigsaw Puzzle for Sale by Molly62)
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lunart1cc · 2 months
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words cannot describe my excitement
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bootlegspiders · 2 months
Hey, so for Watcher fans who may not wanna pay for another subscription or just wanna watch something new here are some other youtubers you should take a look at if you want to get a spook or learn some history
(* = potentially triggering topics covered usually associated with crimes, so be careful)
Ghost Hunting and general spooky vibes:
AmysCrypt - Your typical ghost hunting show with two Australians traveling the world, though I will say they do go to places I've never heard of before and they do very good research. And there are some goofs along with the spooks.
The Ouija Brothers - Two British dudes finding ghosts in England. The vibes are generally pretty chill and it's a good time
The Paranormal Scholar - A mixed bag of all paranormal happenings from ghosts to demons to cryptids and aliens. Sort of an overview to deepdives on various paranormal occurrences. The research is immaculate and their voice is very soothing in my opinion.
Paranormal Quest - Ghost hunting in the US, sometimes goofy sometimes serious, but they do go to some interesting places and some familiar ones too
Weird History:
ObsoleteOddity* - This guy is great, like 80% of the things he covers I've never heard of before. Very atmospheric, fun little visuals, and a large variety of weird events and people for topics.
Georgia Marie* - A little bit of everything, but she focuses on strange things that have happened, lgbt history, true crime, and historical disasters. She covers enough of everything that I'm sure you'll find something
Stefanie Valentine* - I'm not sure if she even posts anymore, but I thought what she was doing was great. Think Vampira or Elvira but for older true crime and ghost stories, I think the latest covered would have been like early 1900s. Idk I just thought it was like a cute spooky lil storytime
Caitlin Doughty or Ask A Mortician* - Pretty sure y'all would know who she is but just in case, she's a mortician who covers topics relating to death! From odd ways people have died, or odd things that have happened to people after they've died. And just odd or tragic things that have happened through history. It's silly, but done with levity and care and respect the topics deserve.
General History:
Part-Time Explorer - Mostly history on ships and ghost towns with the occasional train. Lots of research and interviews, very well done and worth checking out even if it may not be your thing.
History's Forgotten People - Talks about sometimes obscure, or sometimes not, historical individuals. Even if you've heard of the person in the topic, they'll talk on something obscure about that person.
History Tea Time with Lindsay Holiday - A heavy focus on royalty around the world, a generally upbeat dive into historic individuals.
(Or you could always go watch time team, that's an option and it's my guilty pleasure love me some archeology)
True Crime:
There are so many out there, so I'll just recommend two of my favorites
Gabulosis* - She focuses on vintage cases 20 years or older (literally in her opener) and is well researched and respectful. Another one that talks on cases I've never heard of that deserve to be heard.
Mysterious WV* - True crime and missing persons based in the West Virginia area and neighboring states. Idk how to even explain the vibes. This guy is just great please watch him trust me you won't be disappointed.
That's all for now, feel free to add your own recs out there!
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shaniacsboogara · 5 months
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fanofspooky · 2 months
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Horror movies of 2024
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aeonfish · 1 year
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my big project is still underworks, so here's this silly comic :]
...they've both lost the one braincell, it's somewhere else
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crispycreambacon · 2 months
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The Post-Exam Moodboard
As represented by Puppet History characters. Tag yourself: I'm Clipped Coin + Molasses Horse (and maybe a little bit of Ryan ngl)
Bonus sketch of shan and ryn (both created by the lovely @ravxe3n) (I hope you don't mind me tagging you 🏃🏽🏃🏽🏃🏽)
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mediademon · 1 month
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The Watchers (2024) dir. Ishana Night Shyamalan
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snootlestheangel · 6 months
🌷 for something oc Bryn / Guardian of Mercy and Men related
🧨 for a surprise
👾 how are you feeling today sweetheart? Rough day?
🌷 Bryn is actually still extremely ticklish. Price thinks she's got the cutest laugh/smile and uses this knowledge to his advantage. She scrunches her nose and closes her eyes every time she laughs, without fail, and Price loves that she already has wrinkles; they're all smile lines :')
🧨 the surprise is a piece of art I made last month but didn't want to share cause it was my first time doing something like this. It's inspired by one of the homebrewed species in my original work; The Night Watchers. They earned this name because of they way they kept watch over humans at night, using their ability to conjure fire to keep them warm and safe.
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👾 today was good. I cleaned up my room and organized a bunch of shit, which felt nice.
It was this weekend that sucked.
I work the adoptions floor at the shelter I work at, and there's this thing called an "adoption application" where visitors will fill out a form with the names of the animals they're interested in, and then an adoptions staff member will sit down with them, go over the history of the animals, and then let them meet with the animal.
The other duty of my job is walking the dogs on the adoption floor, and cleaning kennels behind other dog walkers. And taking out the trash, taking the dirty laundry and dishes to the back and getting clean supplies. Oh and cleaning the unit floors and main floors. And bringing dogs up to the adoption floor when there's an opening.
Normally there's like 2-3 staff available for all these things and one that stays at the front desk.
Sunday it was just me 🥲
And we had 5 different applications sitting in the tray just for the cats. And four empty kennels that needed to be filled.
If our shelter didn't get so many volunteers *especially on the weekends*, there's no way I would have been able to do everything. It's simply because of volunteers that I was able to handle all the apps and everything else without having to worry about taking all 40 dogs out for a walk/to the runs. And because volunteers literally saved this weekend from being a train wreck/giving me a nervous breakdown, I'm bringing in cookies on Saturday for all the weekend volunteers (cause it's usually the same people)
So in other words, I was very in need of my two days off well before today. I'm still recovering from Sunday.
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dismas-n-dismay · 26 days
Suki - Chimera Falin amv
I present before you: The Chimera Falin Edit.
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toomanywatchers · 7 months
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missmolly62 · 5 months
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(via "Abstract Guardians" Coffee Mug for Sale by Molly62)
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auroranekai · 2 months
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Getting a second Rain World DLC was not on my bingo card but here we are
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