#nicknamed Destiny?
intooned · 1 month
What do you mean that's not a Lancaster Lovechild?!
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Look at dem Arc genes!
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She has mama's rose petals!
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Like, are you blind or just a few marshmallows short of a bowl of cereal?!
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Look at that semblance! That weapon! That speed! How is this not a huntress?
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"Logic" and "Reasoning"? Sounds like somebody who pours the milk in first!
Part 1 of 2 rwby ship kids
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searyyn · 2 months
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She thinks it's the other way around
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ahamkara-apologist · 1 month
[Rahool voice] Ah yes, the two Disciples. Daddy Long Legs, and Ketamine Ape
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thewitchwannabe · 7 months
Sneaking in (ninja style!)
The plan was simple enough, sneak in, get any information they could find on whatever the purple dragons were building, get out. Master Splinter even accepted their little endeavor. And so Leona stood on the top of the rooftop with her siblings and their two human allies. The plan was simple; the four turtles would sneak into the mechanical shop that worked at one the dragon’s hideouts, to find anything as to what they are doing with the tech. Casey will provide the getaway distraction, while April oversees the whole thing through the security cameras around. Donny set April up with their laptop and a headset with a microphone, “you have 6 cameras to watch over, you can double click on any of them to freeze the video for a few seconds, but if everything goes right you won't even see us”. 
April nodded with a confident smile, Casey crouched next to his childhood friend to look at the screen. His mind seemed to get a thought as his lips pulled into a tight line trying not to say. “Jones, don't you dare” April warned, but it was completely ignored. “Oh my gawd it's just like fnaf!”, the vigilante said. The two humans burst out laughing, quickly joined by Mikey who also thought the joke was hilarious. Donny, Raph and Leona stood watching the scene, with mostly amused smiles. Leo walked closer, placing her hand on Mikey’s shell, “according to the research Donny made, the opening should be happening in a few minutes so we gotta get moving”, she said “Casey you stay with April until we give the signal, alright?”
“You got it, blue” The human boy said with a sly smile. Leo felt her cheeks warm up at the nickname, but quickly went back into leader mode, instructing her siblings to follow her. The four ninjas jumped from the window with practiced ease.
The back door of the mechanical shop opened revealing a rookie member carrying two trash bags. From the shadows of the alleyway, four pairs of white eyes watched the unaware guy as he opened the trash bin. A fast shuriken shot from the shadows, creating cuts in both bags, making all the contents spill onto the floor. Making use of the distracted guy and the unlocked door, the four turtles slipped inside the building. 
The building had two stories, one used for the actual mechanic stuff, having different cars and car pieces around the first floor. While the other was offices and storage rooms. Or at least that's what they appeared to be. In reality it was more like the purple dragon's little club house. Leo spotted about twelve guys scattered across the floor, with only three of them actually working on a green van.
Carefully the ninja made their way to the second floor. A hallway of doors in front of them, one of said doors busted open as a clearly intoxicated guy walked out. The guy didn’t even see the turtles as they quickly climbed onto the ceiling and into a vent. Making their way through the air ducts, they looked through and counted another 6 gang members chilling and drinking around the place. But nothing that looked important. That is until Raph signaled at the vent he was checking. It lead to a sort of office. Two figures stood inside, the bigger one, that Raph recognized as Hun talked loudly.
“Those Foot bastards are holdin’ up on us, only giving us Baxter used stuff.” The gang leader said picking up some sort of machine and throwing it against the wall.
The other guy was of a darker complexion, clearly fit but significantly smaller than the huge Hun. “I still don’t get why we need them, we’ve been doing perfectly fine on our own,” the guy said, not even flinching at Hun’s actions. 
“Cuz right now we’re only small pond fishes, Xever, but with the stuff those ninjas can get us, we’ll be able to expand even further” Hun explained rather angrily. 
The guy, Xever, rolled his eyes at Hun. “So did you have anything important to say or did you just come here to talk shit about our sponsors?” 
Hun narrowed his eyes at Xever, as he walked over to the smaller man. Towering over him he roughly pushed something none of the turtles could make out into Xever’s chest. “Shredhead wants to meet with us” he said “Don’t be late”
Xever looked as Hun walked out the room, before pocketing the object. “Whatever you say boss” he said before following behind the gang leader. 
The office room was left silent and completely abandoned. Donnie asked April to freeze the video of the room before the youngest turtle busted the vent and jumped down, quickly followed by his siblings. The room was filled with blueprints and what looked like unfinished prototypes. Donny quickly got to work scanning the blueprints, quickly followed by Mikey completely destroying them. Leo and Raph looked through the boxes finding similar machines as the ones they got with Casey. Once he was done, Donny tossed Mikey a tiny mic, “Place it somewhere they don't see it” they instructed. The orange banded turtle gave a joking salute and went to find the perfect spot.
Donny reached his other siblings inspecting two almost completed models of the robot depicted in the blueprints. “We’re taking those, it’s much more finished than the ones we have in the lair”, Leo gave a sharp nod and went to pack the robot and a few spare parts into boxes. Raph looked up at the vent they had used to get it, and then back at the rather large boxes. “I don’t think we’ll be able to fit those through the vents”. Mikey appeared suddenly leaning heavily against his younger brother, who tried to swat him away only getting a chuckle from the other turtle. “I think Raphie is right guys” he says finally letting go of his brother.
The older sibling looked at the vents and then back at each other, silently agreeing. They agreed that they were going to have to get out the “normal way”, aka actually using the hallways. But doing so while carrying two big and heavy boxes and not being spotted by the approximately 20 gang members inside the building was not exactly easy. Luckily they had a distraction at the ready. Leo pressed her fingers to the earpiece, “Hey Case, time to do your thing” she said. The line turned to static for a second before Casey’s voice resonated in Leo’s earpiece, “Roger that, preciosa”. Despite not knowing what he had called her, the playful tone of the vigilante’s voice made her face warm up. Her mask hiding the small blush that formed on her cheeks. 
April informed them that Casey, now decked out with his mask, hockey bag filled with sports equipment and a pair of roller blades, had gone out to the main entrance of the mechanic shop to rile up the gang, with somewhat disturbing efficiency. Easily getting Xever and the whole gang inside the building to come out. Which correlated to the turtles hearing how the people in the second floor ran out their respective rooms. Waiting a few seconds to make sure everyone was gone, the four ninja carefully slipped out of the office. As they reached the first floor, they noticed the garage door wide open. Outside stood the gang members surrounding Casey. The gang was rowdy and impatient, ready to jump on the teenage vigilante.
Xever held a hand up, telling his guys to calm down “Go home garoto, Hun is already gone, so no need to beat you up” he said.
“What's wrong? Not so tough without your boss around, huh?” Casey loudly teased. Xever stood in front of the vigilante with an annoyed look. 
“You do realize we drastically outnumber you right?” Xever asked
“You do realize half your guys are completely drunk right?” the vigilante retorted 
The turtles knew exactly where the human’s little conversation was going, so they got back to action. They were almost at the door they entered through, when Donny spotted the green van sitting in the workshop. “I got an idea, go help Casey!” Donny said, running to the van with one of the boxes. Quickly picking up on Donny’s idea, Leo dropped her own boxes next to the vehicle and instructed her brothers to follow her. As the turtles start making they way towards their friend Xever brings down his hand, telling his people to go at Casey. 
The vigilante used his rollerblades to quickly evade the attacks coming at him. Many of them were sloppy, and unrefined as they tried to fight their own intoxication. Pulling his hockey stick, Casey blocked and hit his opponents. But he became predictably outnumbered, as the gang came in closer. Suddenly a fast blur that knocked out several goons appeared before him. “You really do know how to make an entrance blue”, Casey said. The turtle turned to face her friend with a confident smile and both swords drawn. “Not just me”, she said and as clockwork two more figures joined them, Mikey and Raph beating their way to them. 
The four stood with their backs against each other as the dragons quickly surrounded them, everything stood still for a second before one of the goons yelled “Get them!” and the fighting resumed. The four vigilantes took on the onslaught of gangsters, while Donny worked on hijacking the van in the mechanic shop. Casey used his great variety of equipment to attack his opponents, keeping them at a hockey stick length, while he used his rollerblades to skate around them and place a solid hit. Mikey jumped around the battlefield, mocking and teasing the drunken goons, easily avoiding their sloppy attacks and returning fast and hard hits with his chucks. Raph stood closer to his brother, taking on the guys that were left stunted from a nunchuck to the face, using his sais to bring them down. Leona was elegant as always, moving light on her feet like a butterfly, swiftly disarming her opponents as well as assisting both her brothers and Casey when needed. 
Xever stood back watching the fight, finally seeing the turtle freaks Hun had told him about with his own eyes. He dodges a few of his stumbling men as they walk off the hits they got and makes his way to the center of the fight. He pushes his way through until he’s face to face with the masked vigilante one again. “So little Armando really is friends with freaks”, he said, taking a hold of the baseball bat heading his way. Casey immediately dropped the bat and fell to his knees allowing Leo to jump on his back to attack Xever. The sword managed to grace Xever’s leg as he moved out the way. The two teens stood side by side, Leo gripped her katana tighter as Casey pulled out a golf club. Xever looked around to see most of his guys laying on the floor semi unconscious. 
Just as he was weighing his options, from the open garage a van rolled out at max speed towards them. Making a large drift it surrounded the group and got behind Casey and the turtles. Behind the wheel was Donny and April who had made her way to the mechanic shop while everyone was distracted with the fight. Leo signaled for Mikey and Raph to get in the van. The younger turtles gave their opponents a final hit before quickly getting in through the van’s back door. Once his little siblings were aboard Donny shifted the gear into reverse and back away and onto the street at a somewhat moderate pace. 
Leo and Casey stood back not making sure they weren’t trying to follow them. Leona shot three shurikens at the guys trying to go for their own vehicles, while Casey rounded the still conscious goons with his skates. Xever could only look as the group of teens left his group in shambles. Leo looked back at the van seeing it a little further down the street with the back doors fully open. “Casey! let’s book it!”, she said, deming her opponents effectively defeated and her siblings at a safe distance. Both her and Casey started running after the van which slowed down a little after seeing them approaching. Using his rollerblades to move faster Casey caught up to Leo “Let’s go preciosa!”, in a swift move lifted her from the ground bridal style. Leo’s eyes went wide open and her face warmed up as the vigilante held her tighter. Casey made sure to turn his head back at Xever who was watching them get away, and stuck his tongue out mockingly. It didn’t take long for the two of them to catch up to the moving van. Casey dropped Leo inside as gently as he could and was quickly pulled up by the oldest turtle. 
They looked back at the mess of purple dragons laying in the street, Xever looking rather pissed. Casey could help but smirk at their handiwork, “Hey blue, wanna learn some spanish?” he asked. Leo looked at her human friend and nodded with an amused look. The vigilante took a deep breath and yelled “CHINGUEN A SU MADRE!”. From the front seat Leo heard April burst out laughing, quickly followed by Casey and her sibling. She copied Casey’s deep breath, and tried her best to repeat what Casey had said. Knowing very well it was most likely a curse word but not finding it in herself to care, as she was filled with adrenaline and joined the human’s laughter. Quickly followed by her siblings. She and Casey closed the van’s door, big smiles plastered on their faces. Leona felt her face warm up in a way that was becoming rather familiar as she laughed with Casey. The teens rode on their new van back to the lair to celebrate their successful mission.
Part 1
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raiiny-bay · 7 days
reminding myself that they’re my characters & i can do whatever i want with them
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tiredvibehours · 1 year
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Dumb gayby exo can’t even stay still in bed, Ghost has to stay up all night just to make sure they don’t get frostbite (it’s cold on Europa!!)
Inspired by @thingsghostsdo post here (ps it’s a cute blog!! I use it a lot when musing about Angel, go check them out!!)
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chrimsone · 1 year
took a quick looksies at some Cayde dialogue to make sure I was writing him right, here's some interesting bits
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I'm tempted to make this lil bit part of my character canon since my newest Warlock, Oasis, kept some kind of journal when she was with the exoscience.
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I swear I've mentioned this before but I didn't see anything when scanning thru my blog, but this blurb really helps. reaffirm that I wrote Rin's pre-life right. she's technically a reef born but barely acts like it
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avionvadion · 1 year
Disclaimer: I’m weak for gentle giants that are fully capable of committing atrocities but choose not to, especially if it’s because they found something/someone they don’t want to ruin. Redeemed Rehydrated Ganondorf Totk please!!! I beg you!!!
It would have to be the AoC timeline. So specifically Iliandra.
Calamity Ganon had been properly defeated/sealed away, and Ganondorf’s possessed corpse has been rotting away for ten thousand years beneath Hyrule Castle. Ganondorf and Link are just two sides of the same coin (and because Demise is super petty he won’t let this current incarnation/body go) so the gods probably take pity and work together to give Ganondorf a second chance.
And who better to help him with this second chance than the very descendant of the hero he had once fought ten thousand years ago? So the gods (Hylia, and probably the Golden Goddesses) do some magic (I dunno the specifics yet, feel free to throw ideas at me; I’m currently leaning towards them making an entirely new body and just shoving what remains of Ganondorf’s human soul/heart in it) and having him wash ashore Lurelin completely amnesiac.
It would be at night too, while Iliandra is at the docks playing the Song of Healing to cope with all the abuse her dad put her through for the day. And she and Retah aren’t gonna know what to do when this giant 7’6 muscle mass of a Gerudo just… floats their way.
Iliandra sure as hell can’t lift him. But she never talks to anyone but Retah- her own parents think she’s mute because of it- so she doesn’t know how to socialize. He’s just laying there totally unconscious. Retah convinced Iliandra to try and wake him, she lightly smacks his face a few times, Retah uses her fairy dust in case he had some internal injuries, and when he wakes he’s very groggy and confused. Man don’t even know his own name.
After he realizes he’s on a beach and Iliandra (reluctantly) informs him he washed ashore at Lurelin Village (Retah has taken to hiding) he notices the Ocarina of Time and just gets the worst headache and demands what that is, where she got it, etc. She avoids answering by saying it’s just an instrument, and tells him if he wants somewhere safe to spend the night he should go to the village inn.
He probably has to sell one of his earrings or something since he lacks Rupees (or maybe Iliandra sneaks into the house and steals from her father- that one seems very petty and I love that for her. Revenge!) and he thanks her.
Next morning, he doesn’t see her at all. She’s just *gone*. He asks around about her, but no one really knows who he’s talking about. It’s not until he hears about one of the villager’s having an extremely reclusive daughter that he’s like, “Maybe that’s her???”
No one has seen her though. They don’t even know what she looks like. The father refuses to let him talk to her (suspicious) and the mother said that she isn’t feeling well and is currently resting (also suspicious) but then they smile and talk about how gifted she is. How she’s going to be doing great things one day. How her brothers must look up to her so much.
(He’s seen her brothers, they avoid their parents like the plague. Little boys, twelve years old, always sitting at the docks and whisper to each other while they stare longingly at other families/families that love their children, who are kind to them, who are close and spend time together)
He doesn’t remember anything about who he is or where he comes from, other than the fact that he must be Gerudo because of what the villagers say about his red hair and dark skin and intimidating height, but he knows something is wrong. He knows. In fact, something about all this feels so familiar. Like he’s seen it all before.
Children living in fear. Eyes so envious of what others had, and longing for salvation. Lies upon lies of a happy future being told.
It felt so close to his heart and at the same time just feels so wrong.
One day he approaches the brothers. Asks about their supposedly reclusive sister. They don’t answer him. He asks if she’s ever gotten hurt. They remain silent. He asks if they’ve ever followed her around to see how she got hurt.
They finally look at him.
The next morning, the twins follow their sister and their father into the woods, and the amnesiac Ganondorf follows after. They see Iliandra collapsed on the ground, back bleeding, the woman covered in blood. Sarian and Medkah rush out to defend her. Ganondorf is already there.
The Worst Link is thrown to the ground effortlessly, and when he gets back up, ready to fight, he doesn’t stand a chance. Ganondorf tells him he’s taking Iliandra and the twins away from him. He’s telling him not to follow, unless he’s prepared to die. He picks the bleeding Iliandra up and tells the twins that if there’s anything they need, to grab it from the house now alongside some bandages.
They do so. They don’t question it.
This is the first person to ever extend kindness to them. To show interest in what actually went on in their house, beyond the doting and bragging show their parents put on. To show interest in their sister, who they had noticed had long since been abandoned by their mother and seen as no more than a tool by their father. They didn’t know this man, but they trusted him.
His amber eyes that gleamed with the promise of salvation. Eyes that promised he would protect them.
They trusted him more than anyone else in this sickeningly warm village, who purposefully turned a blind eye to their plight to preserve their happiness.
The man didn’t know where to take them. Just that he had to take them away. They left the village. They head to the woods.
He doesn’t know his name. Iliandra and the twins don’t know who he is. But he’s dressed in fancy clothes and gold jewelry, and is clearly strong- so strong, stronger than most, so strong he could kill them with one hand- so he must not be your average traveler. He protects them. Iliandra gives him her name. After a few days of travel, Retah is comfortable enough to show herself to him.
He’s shaken. He’s confused. He looks at Iliandra like she reminds him of someone, someone he’s forgotten, someone he should know and despise but does not hate. He treats her like she’s glass. Glass that’s so brittle it’s about to break. He speaks softly with the twins. They thank him for saving their sister. They lament their powerlessness and smallness and age.
He offers to train them in the way of the sword once they reach somewhere safe to stay. They brighten. They pause. They hesitate. They ask if he’ll teach them like their dad tried to teach Iliandra. He tells them no.
They ask what his name is. He tells them he still doesn’t know. They asks if they can come up with one for him. He says they can try.
They wind up in Hateno Village, taking refuge in a house on a hill. It had a small farm and a stable, and he muses he might be fond of horses. He decides he wants a horse. A large one, a black one. Decides he’ll search for one after Iliandra has recovered and has taught the twins the basics of battle and stealth.
For there was one thing he learned during their travels, is that despite his size and strength he was fast. He was fast and he was quiet, and no enemy lasted more than a few seconds by the time he had them in his sight. It made traveling quite easy, and protecting the twins and the young woman they called a sister even easier.
He felt like he was made for battle. Like it was something he had done a million times before. Perhaps all his life.
Caring for others like this, on the other hand, felt new. It felt…
And he found himself becoming very fond of the two boys, who looked up to him as a mentor and a brother, and the young woman- who was awkward and unfamiliar with people and kindness, but was very grateful towards him. Who often watched him, trying to discern if he had another motive for helping them, before growing to enjoy his presence.
It was no longer a house they were living in, but a home. And he would destroy anyone that would threaten to harm it.
Even himself.
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thefirstknife · 2 years
so, i have a question regarding the whole "rat" discourse regarding Drifter and Eris. people keep saying it's racist of Eris, but... isn't Eris literally southeast Asian too? i'm struggling to find it but i could have sworn you had a post about her being Asian.
i definitely agree with your points that the nicknames have been handled badly and definitely should stop (especially being used by non-asian people in fandom), but i feel like it's not as black and white as people have been treating it when it comes to the actual interactions between Eris and Drifter (i say all this as a woc; i absolutely don't want to defend any of the potential bigotry behind it, but it seems like a lot of people are spinning the harshest bad faith takes on it when Eris is literally also Asian and the point of her calling him "rat" was really clearly supposed to be about the fact that he lives in the basement and is generally a shifty character.)
I'm not sure about Eris; it's really hard to tell. There are HCs that she might also be South East or East Asian, but we don't have any definitive proof. I definitely like HCing her as such but we can't really prove it, not to my knowledge at least. If there's conclusive evidence please drop it my way!
Either way, even if she is, I think the problem is still about how this is perceived by the players. A lot of players aren't comfortable with it, and wouldn't be comfortable even if Eris was Asian herself. There's also the issue of who wrote it at Bungie; white people writing Asian characters using slurs is kinda icky. But I don't know the identity of all people who are in charge of writing it so there's that. The issue still remains though, in how it's perceived by the players that are affected and also those that aren't.
Most claim it's not an issue at all, if they're even informed on it, so you have a lot of non-Asian fans just perpetuating it over and over in fanart, fanfics and elsewhere in the community which leads to Asian fans having to listen this term being used casually outside of the game. That's a bigger issue in my opinion, rather than the mechanics of Eris and Drifter using it in the game.
I think that current writers at Bungie are simply not informed about it (because after the initial usage in Arrivals, they stopped for 2 years) and don't understand the bigotry behind the term and are trying to use it for Drifter being a shifty character and Eris using that as an insult. I am very confused when they try to pass it off as a cutesy petname because Eris is clearly using it to annoy him and he doesn't like it. So I cannot for the life of me see the "cute" in it.
For what it's worth, I do genuinely believe it's just people at Bungie not knowing; I don't want to assume that someone is doing it on purpose to be anti-Asian. I think they possibly saw the stuff from Arrivals and wanted to emulate it and they personally see it as something cute without knowing that the term has nasty connotations against Asian people when used on Asian people. Even if used by other Asians; non-Asian people will certainly repeat it when they hear it. And ofc, in this case, Eris and Drifter have no agency of their own since they're characters, so they do and say things that their writers direct them to do and say. If those writers aren't Asian themselves, then whatever Eris is doesn't really matter.
I think that for the sake of safety, the best would be to just not use it. That includes Bungie as well, though I don't know if we can get them to do that. So the next best thing is that we as a fandom refrain from it. Not everyone minds it in the same way, but some are genuienly hurt and put off by it so it really costs us nothing to refrain.
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courtjester69420 · 5 months
Trying to talk about Es and the loss of personal identity, the lack of agency as someone who now only has his familial destiny to guide him, and how it influences his behaviour in that he’s entirely passive and a bystander to even events that directly involve him is so hard because the second I start I’m like wow this is just like my best friend Zhang qiling from the daomubiji series and then that’s my day
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telestoapologist · 7 months
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thinks to name your ferret and collective hoard it belongs to
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majikdog · 1 year
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phantomwarrior12 · 2 years
YW: *starting to zone out at a war council meeting*
Acrius: *noticing but unsure what to do*
YW: *startles Acrius by leaning into him until his hand gently cradles her shoulder*
Caiatl: *smugly notes the two being cute but opts not to mention it*
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ztym · 1 year
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Here's a one of my ss of funny nick :D
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thefirstknife · 2 years
i have been looking for a new destiny group to join but i have never used discord before and im nervous about joining :-( whats it like?
Discord is like any online chat, with different channels where you can talk. We have an offtopic section, section for Destiny specifically, section for OCs and art. There's also a little section for bots where you can set up or join events and check your stats and play games with bots. We have the intro section as well, you can introduce yourself if you want, post your socials and check out rules. This is what it looks like:
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Most recent chat in Destiny general to give you an idea about what the actual chat looks like (our admin Cass asking a question, I'm the last person responding in a way I usually respond when there's a question ("Buff Orpheus Rig")):
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There's an option to mute channels so you don't get notifications and there's also an option to mute the entire server so it doesn't constantly show notifs. We don't have any rules for that or for talking, you can hop on and off any convo whenever.
When a new member joins, we get notified and then everyone starts spamming worm emojis and giving the new member worms. We like Hive worms. So if you join and there's 20 people launching worms at you, don't worry, it's a welcoming thing.
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flooffydergen · 9 months
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Yes I'm a wings of fire fan as well get over it.
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