#nick sure just says whatever thoughts pop into his head doesn't he
sturniolowhore · 5 months
summary ⎯ matt and you are sworn enemies, bickering at any opportunity you get and disagreeing over everything. there is however one thing you can agree on, your desire to have one another. matt's desire roots a lot from your perfect mouth.
part two!
warnings ⎯ matt x fem!reader, blowjobs, cursing, slight smut
A/N ⎯ quickly whipped this up honestly, let me know if you want a part two!
i hope you enjoy <3
❛ ━━・❪ ִ ࣪𖤐 ❫ ・━━ ❜
matt hates you. he hates the way you saunter around the place as though you think you're better than everyone else. he hates the way he can't have a single conversation with you that doesn't result in one of you getting frustrated. most importantly though, he hates that you won't leave his head. he hates the way you pop into his head when he's touching himself, when he's trying to fuck someone else, you've left an engraving in his head that is a carved mantra of the way your hips sway whenever you're angrily walking away from him or the way you get aggressive but only towards him. so yes matt hates you but he hates the way you don't realise what you do to him even more.
even now as he watches you from across the living room, talking away with nick and paying no attention to him, he just can't seem to get the thought of you between his legs out of his head or the curiosity towards how it must feel to be inside you. he thinks he's never really hated you but having you associate an emotion with only him makes him feel special because he never sees you snap at nick or chris, only him. it's your shared hatred that turns him on even more. he just wants to show you how much he hates you, wants to be shown how much you hate him.
he shakes the thoughts from his head as nick gets up from his seat, you watching the boy with an almost pleading look to which he simply tells you you're being dramatic. you roll your eyes at nick and matt wonders what he'd have to do to make your eyes roll in a different manner.
"where are you going?" matt asks nick as he notices him grabbing his jacket and phone.
"out with chris, please don't kill each other because we're going to be gone for a bit," nick replies curtly before he slips his shoes on and walks out the door, leaving no time for matt to explain or question anything.
matt resists the urge to sigh loudly as he goes back to pretending to look at his phone, sneaking looks at you as you are currently on your own phone. when matt's sure you're not going to look up again, he allows himself to blatantly stare at you. whatever you're watching makes you smile and he sees your plump limps almost increase in size, god what he would do to have them around his cock. he stares at the cupid's bow shaped upper lip and the fullest bottom lip he has ever seen. he wants to sink his teeth into it, make it bleed and bruise it so no one else can ever kiss you.
he doesn't even realise how long he's staring for but it must be a while because you eventually look up and furrow your brows at the sight of him, "what the fuck are you looking at?"
your fucking lips that are shaped sinfully.
when you swipe your tongue over your teeth, matt thinks he's never going to get that image out of his head. he forgets all about your question and continues to stare. you let him for a moment or so, most likely waiting for him to answer but once you realise he isn't going to, you huff out a heavy breath.
"i'm not going to ask you again matt, what are you looking at?" you reiterate, your phone now discarded beside you as you stare back at him, an impatient look crossing your face, growing tired at the lack of his answer.
well shit.
"your fucking mouth," he finds himself saying without even thinking it through and he swears you stop breathing for a brief moment as you look at him with this stupid fucking look in your eyes that he captures in his head, so fucking hot.
"my mouth?" you repeat with a little disbelieving laugh that he wants to dissolve with his tongue, with a rough kiss to make you senseless.
"is that not what i said?" he scoffs and you stay silent for a second and then another, eyes trained on matt in a way that has him going absolutely feral internally.
you run your hand through your hair and now matt decides he wants to pull at your hair whilst he's pounding into you.
"matt..." you say with hesitation and he hums in response lightly so you continue, "why?" you ask and he thinks this is it; he's finally going to have his way with you.
"just wondering what it would look like filled with my cock," he smirks and you splutter on air, your eyes going wide just the way matt likes.
"as- as if i want that," you reply but you don't sound convincing in the slightest, if anything your voice falters in the sexiest way imaginable and so matt knows for sure that you don't dislike the idea at all.
"so if i go up to my room, you won't follow so i can stuff that pretty mouth?" he questions, his smirk growing because he knows you will, no matter how hard you are trying to deny it.
you don't verbally say anything though, not trusting yourself enough to sound unbothered like you're trying to act. you choose to shake your head but matt doesn't say anything further. all he does is stand up and walk out of the living room and towards the stairs with the most stoic look possible. you think for a second or so, you don't want to embarrass yourself if matt's only making fun of you but at the same time, you can't help your curiosity, can't help the want you suddenly feel from his words.
you let your mind run loose for a few minutes, thinking your actions through before you decide to get up and make your way to the stairs just as matt had done. sue yourself if you will, you're a little curious. does matt really mean what he said? what would his dick feel like inside of your mouth? questions are doing laps in your head and well, why would you stop yourself from finding out the answers?
admittedly, you're a little nervous as you walk up the stairs, the small creaking sound making you pull a face. matt's door is open ever so slightly so you're able to look inside. you look in and see him on his phone, as though he never said words that are making a dozen emotions hit you all at once. you find yourself thinking, wondering whether or not you should go inside and question his honesty for yourself.
fuck it.
you open the door further and step through it, coming to a brief halt when matt looks up, a look you've never seen before crossing his eyes at the sight of you. he drops his phone to the side so fast and licks his lips gently before rushing his hand through his hair, silence still filling the air in an almost deafening manner.
"come 'ere," he instructs and you go willingly, stopping just beside his bed and biting your lip nervously as he proceeds to roam his eyes over you, over your face and then your body.
you wait but soon you grow too anxious under his gaze, suddenly feeling like this is some sick and twisted joke that you have to speak on, "were you being serious or is this just another way for you to make fun of me?"
at your words, he pulls you onto the bed and you yelp slightly at the shock of his behaviour. you're now sat right next to him and he takes your jaw in his hand firmly, moving it a little so that you're looking into his eyes. he looks at you expectantly, almost like he's waiting for you to confirm something. you nod without even knowing exactly what he wants but it must be the right thing to do because he captures your lips with his instantly.
the kiss is messy, tongues fighting one another for dominance and with matt biting your bottom lip until you can feel a little blood pool out. he sucks on your lips and you let out an involuntary whine that makes him smirk against you. he moves his hand from your jaw to your head, tugging on it slightly as he holds you in place and moving his lips all over your jaw and neck.
you moan when his lips connect with a particular spot and he starts sucking on the area, a delightful burning sensation filling you at the feeling of his teeth grazing your skin in a not so delicate way.
when he looks up and disconnects his lips from your neck, you can't help but close the gap between the two of you once more, craving the throbbing you are enduring due to the utter roughness he handles you with. he kisses back eagerly, hand tugging at your hair again making you moan softly.
"want your mouth," he tells you and you look down, noticing how hard he is and you smirk at the sight, at the fact that you did this to him.
you graze your hand over his erection through his cargo pants and he grumbles lowly, eyes trained on the way your hand swipes against him. you reach for the waistband and pull down the pants and then the boxers, staring at his dick like it's the greatest thing you have ever seen. you just can't wait to wrap your mouth around it, can't wait for it to fill you up to the point you can't take it.
you clamber off the bed quickly and pull matt so he's close to the edge and then, oh god and then, you get on your knees and look up at him with the most lustful look matt has ever seen. he immediately pushes your head down and you just go, taking his inches into your mouth with ease. he groans at the feeling, at the way you start moving with no difficulty, giving yourself no time to adjust.
"god wanted this for so long, you fucking dirty little slut you have no idea how good your mouth feels. feels like heaven, oh yeah that's it baby, take it," he slurs out in between moans, his breathing heavy as you work your mouth around him, the hot sensation truly incredible as you bob your head and take whatever you can't reach entirely in your hands.
you moan against him when he bucks his hips so his dick moves inside your mouth. the moan sends vibrations through him and he in turn moans as a result of it, continuing to guide you with his hand on your head.
"look at you all filled up, such a good girl," he praises and you moan even louder with your eyes beginning to water at the firm grip he has on your hair.
your scalp is beginning to burn but it's the good kind of burn, the burn you don't want to part from because of how good it's making you feel. he notices and wraps his hand around the strands and pulls on them aggressively as another slutty whine escapes his lips.
when he hits the back of your throat, he fucking whimpers and you don't think you have ever heard anything as beatiful. you can tell matt is close from the way his eyes are half closing but you want to tease him slightly so you stop for a moment, looking up at him until he opens his eyes completely, staring back at you with a wanting look.
"why the fuck did you stop?" he asks you and well, you are a bit too full to reply even if you want to and the thought turns you on more than you would like to admit.
he laughs a little but there's evidently no humour behind it as he pushes your head so far down, you gag loudly. he moves your head with his hand, forcing you to take him and oh god, his hands are so firm, so handling. you let him use you, tears beginning to fall from your eyes.
"i never said you could stop. i'm gonna cum down your throat and you're going to swallow it all," he mumbles as he continues abusing your mouth without realising the effects he has on you right now.
you groan with your mouth ever so full and you honestly think you could die right here with matt using you to the point of no control and still be happy, still want to keep going. your tongue swirls on the surface of his dick, sucking and licking stripes to the best of your ability and making him moan with no sense of control. you fucking love the sounds he makes, the desperation to have more, to feel more clear through the tight hold on your head and his constant push of his body to meet you halfway.
"fuck," he whines softly, throwing his head back so you can see the strain in his neck better; god the way you want to hold onto it whilst he's slamming into you.
the thought itself makes you suck harder and that is seemingly enough because he cums right into your mouth, fast and without warning to the point you gasp slightly as the sensation hits you. you look to matt with your mouth full and his eyes are blown out completely yet he still manages to breathe out, "swallow it baby."
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timotheechlamett · 2 years
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contains: graphic smut, angst, fluff, dom/sub.
I pulled the yellow dress over my head and checked myself in the mirror one last time, today I was seeing Timmy and to be honest I was nervous. He and I have been best friends for years but I've found myself wanting more than that for a while now. I hear my phone buzz on my vanity.
"Hey angel I'm 5 away." His voice ringing through my ears, just hearing him made me wet.
"Okay Timmy, I'll be ready." I smile and hang up the phone.
I'm not sure how I would be able to control myself around him today every little thing he does sets me off, I sigh to myself wondering if he feels the same, but then again if he did I'm sure we would've been something by now.
'I'm outside!'
A text from him glowing on my screen, I grab my purse and make my way to the front of my apartment building, seeing him outside of his vehicle smiling at me. He engulfs me in a warm hug as I squeeze back I feel his nose nuzzle into my hair.
"I've missed you." He says softly, breaking the hug to look at me.
"Timmy it's only been 2 weeks since you last saw me!" I chuckle.
"I know but what can I say I'm needy." He smirks opening the car door for me and jogging around to the driver's side.
We went to the store, got beers, some snacks, and  then went to meet up with a few of our other friends, Nick, Zoe, Sarah, James, and Elise at our spot- an open clearing in a small portion of woods. Once we arrived I greeted everyone there, Sarah finally showed up and with a girl I had never met before.
"Guys this is Chloe!" Sarah introduced the blonde girl to everyone, she gave a small wave, we all introduced ourselves making her feel as welcome as possible.
She pays Timmy extra eye contact once he speaks up to introduce himself, already being flirty with him, I couldn't help but feel jealousy rise in my chest. She was beautiful there was no denying that and by the looks of it Timothee also thought so, returning the prolonged eye contact. I internally scoff and go to grab a beer, Elise coming up next to me.
"What's up? You okay babe?" Elise questions grabbing a beer herself popping the tab open.
"Honestly, I don't know.." I answer honestly taking a big swig of my drink. She grabs my hand and brings me over to the blanket set out on the ground.
"Okay spill." She sternly says.
"I don't know Elise, well I do know, but I don't-" I start to ramble suddenly feeling shy about the topic.
"You know I'm not gonna judge you whatever it is." She tilts her head giving me a small smile.
"It's Timmy, I'm absolutely without a doubt in love with him and have been for a long time. It just kills me because I know he doesn't see me that way and I can't shake the fact I want more with him." I sigh glancing back over at the curly boy, now helping the boys start building a fire for later.
"I think you should tell him sis, you don't even know how he feels you might be surprised. At least then you'll know and he doesn't feel at least something for you he's a dumb bitch." She chuckles taking another swig of her beer.
I smile at her thinking about how I would tell him when the time was right tonight.
"Okay never have I ever done it in public." Zoe laughs out, almost everyone takes a drink to that one.
At this point we had switched to vodka and I was definitely feeling it. We were all around the fire, the sun starting to set making the sky a blur of blue, pink and orange.
Of course Timmy and Chloe were sat next to each other, very obviously up each other's ass, it almost made me sick looking at them. Elise squeezed my leg to assure me she was there, a sympathetic look on her face.
The amount of alcohol I've consumed and the feelings swirling around in my head made the scene almost too much to handle.
Everyone was in their own conversations, I grab my cup walking along the hiking trail to a small creek I had never seen before, sitting on a rock by the creek bed.
I remove my shoes dipping my feet in, watching the water flow across my toes, getting into my own thoughts.
How could I tell him how I feel now? He hasn't left Chloe alone since she got here, of course he would want her, she was absolutely stunning, and I'm just..me- the best friend since 7th grade.
I feel tears swelling up in my eyes, the insecurities clouding my inner thoughts, not being able to help the droplets falling from my eyes rapidly.
Trying to control my little sobs, the sound of someone walking up behind me interrupts.
I turn to see him coming up to me.
"What's wrong my angel?" A look of worry spread across his face as he tries to grab your hands, you let out a low chuckle pulling your hands from his grip looking away.
"Nothing Timothée, what do you want?" You say more dryly than intended. He looks taken back, you never really use his full name.
"What the fuck is your problem? You've had an attitude since we got here." He has a slight tone in his voice.
I get up drinking the rest of the vodka in the cup, sitting it on the rock to put my shoes back on.
"Y/n." He steps closer to me with pleading eyes.
"Take me home." I say quietly, trying not to make it obvious the tears were running again.
I grab my cup walking past him back to the group gathering my things, saying bye to everyone as does Timmy while I wait for him by his car.
I could only look out the window the whole ride, catching him steal glances from the corner of my eye.
"Are you gonna tell me what's wrong now?" He looks over at me, I stay silent, the last cup you had now hitting you like a truck your emotions built up again.
"You wanna know what my issue is? You are Timothée." I spat getting out of his car making my way to the front door of the building, he follows closely behind you.
"What the fuck could I have possibly done y/n!" He steps in front of me blocking the door to my apartment.
I look into his eyes, tears stinging my eyes daring to fall.
"Do you really not see? Are you that blind to the fact I am hopelessly in love with you and have been since we met?" I choke out. All he can do is stare at you mouth agape.
"Of course you are, watching you with other girls- watching you not love me back is so fucking heartbreaking Timothée. I am so tired of feeling this way."
You were finally unraveling before him. Small sobs escaping you as you open your door, you go to close it but he stops it walking in and closing it behind him, "Y/n-" He grabs your wrist "Please don't. Just go." You whisper not able to look at him, tears still streaming down your face, "Look at me." He says sternly, turning your face to his.
"I've been waiting to hear you say that since 7th grade." He cups my face, wiping the tears fallen, all I can do is just look at him.
"You have no idea how in love with you I am y/n." He backs me against the wall, his thumb running across my lips, eyes boring into mine.
"What took you so fucking long?" He whispers ghosting his lips over mine, I let out a small sigh and he closes the gap between us.
I wrap my arms around his neck and he grips the back of my head deepening the kiss, he bites my bottom lip softly, and I run my tongue across his slipping it into his mouth.
His hands make their way down my body snaking under your dress, he kisses my neck now groping both of your breasts, the sudden contact making you moan his name softly.
"I've dreamed about what you sound like." He lowly growls in your ear nibbling your lobe, twisting your nipples with his fingers.
"Fuck." I breathe out now fully aware of how bad my heat was tingling for him.
He moves from my breasts to my soaking folds, massaging my clit through my lace panties. I throw my head back stifling my moans trying not to seem so needy for his touch.
"Do you want me to touch you y/n?" He's hovering over my lips once again.
"Oh god, please-" It comes out as more of a desperate whisper.
He brings his middle and ring finger up to my mouth, urging me to suck on them never breaking eye contact. With his other hand he pulls my panties down leaving them around my ankles, he removes his fingers from my mouth running the wet digits over my bud of nerves- my breath hitching.
He gently slides one finger in making you shiver with pleasure.
"You're so fucking wet for me." He adds another finger, hooking them inside of me rapidly, rubbing my clit with his thumb making the moans leave me loudly.
"Oh my god please don't stop- uhh" You moan into his ear gripping his shirt tightly, closing your eyes.
He brings a hand up to your neck squeezing lightly, you feel your walls tighten around his long fingers and butterflies in your stomach.
"Look at me baby." He pushes deeper into my abyss as I release onto his fingers looking him in the eyes.
He picks me up bringing me to the bedroom laying me down gently, undressing you leaving my body completely bare.
Suddenly a wave of self conscious washes over me and I cover myself.
He hovers over me moving the hair from my face.
"You are so beautiful mon amour, you don't need to hide from me." He leans down kissing my neck.
I begin undressing him, palming his erection through his boxers.
"Fuck me." He hums as I discard his last piece of clothing, now fully jerking him off. I get brave and kiss down his chest all the way to his tip, licking around the tip and he moans uncontrollably grabbing a fistful of hair, I look up at him.
"I want you to fuck my pretty little mouth." I say as innocently as possible causing him to let out a breathy sigh.
I get on my knees as he stands up still holding my hair. I continue sucking the tip as he guides my head further and further down his thick length making me look him in the eyes.
"Fuck you're so beautiful like that." He moans out thrusting into the back of my throat making me gag.
"Take it all baby, you can do it. Be a good girl for me." He pants out throat fucking me.
I hold your breath trying not to gag as much and he pulls out, a thick string of saliva connecting my mouth to him. I try to catch my breath- a couple tears falling from my eyes.
He lays me back down on the bed spreading my legs, getting in between.
"If I'm cumming anywhere, it's gonna be in that pretty little pussy." He lines himself up with my throbbing entrance, rubbing the head against the soaking folds, purposely teasing me.
"Please Timmy." I whimper out unable to contain how bad I need him.
"Beg for it." He rubs my clit with his tip staring intently.
"I need you inside my tight little pussy-" I moan out, "Please fuck me baby, I want you to fill me up." I.huff out into his ear earning a moan from him.
He slowly enters my folds making me gasp from how he was stretching me out, definitely unaware he was hung like this. I grip at his back only able to release small squeaks as he slowly thrusts into me, caressing my body as he does so.
"God you're so fucking tight y/n." He moans out gradually picking up the pace.
I'm a moaning mess underneath him as he grips the back of my knee pulling one leg up to his chest, hitting that glorious spot.
"Fuck me right there Timothée- oh my god you feel so good." You almost scream moaning uncontrollably, "You're so fucking big."
He repositions himself to ram into me harder than before, rubbing my clit with his thumb, my legs twitch about and that same butterfly feeling starts building up in the pit of my stomach.
"Jouis por moi." (Come for me) He thrusts harder and faster.
"I-I'm gonna c-cum." I yell out digging my nails into his back, eyes rolling back.
"You look at me when you cum, do you hear me?" He grabs my chin forcing me to gaze into his eyes.
His mouth agape moans slipping out with every pump. I finally reach my high screaming his name, he continues rubbing my clit and making my legs convulse from the over stimulation. I squirt on him sending him over the edge as he fills my insides with his hot sticky cum moaning out my name.
He collapses on top of me breathing hard, I the same.
"You're all mine now." He growls kissing me passionately.
"You're all I'll ever need." I cup his face lovingly.
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sebstanseabass · 3 years
Afterglow (A Bucky Barnes AU fan fiction) - Chapter 9
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Afterglow chapters
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
For the first time in your life, you awoke in your own pool of sweat and with the fresh thoughts of Bucky as he managed to scoop you up with his strong lean arms and take you right then and there at the kitchen counter in your wild, vivid memory of dreams.
You blamed Nat for this. If it wasn't for her, you wouldn't even have inappropriate thoughts towards Bucky. Yes, you did notice his strong masculine exterior, jaw sharp as a killer's knife, body as strong as a boulder, and legs that could easily kill but did you have any thoughts on advancing towards him? No, absolutely not. He was Peter's stepbrother for crying out loud. But last night, something changed in the laws of physics. It was as if two resting bodies silently reacted to one another without a sudden force acting upon the two.
That morning, you didn't dare find out if Bucky was still in your apartment. You skipped your morning run and headed up towards the rooftop using the ladder right outside your window with a hot cup of coffee in your hand (which spilled a bit on the way up, by the way) and enjoyed the scent and sight of the dirtier part of New York City -- all its damp, cigarette covered pavements.
For the next few days, you saw no sign of Bucky. He hadn't been in the bar or in your apartment, as much as you wished he would stop by once in a while. But then, you would hear Peter talk to him on the phone every single night.
You never thought Bucky's lack of presence would start to bother you. It wasn't just the feelings of sudden desire you had for him but also the weird time you shared together -- as if you were just old friends catching up. You found it absolutely crazy how a lot of things just happened in the course of a day.
You wanted to ask Peter about Bucky's whereabouts, just a casual slip of "Hey, where's Bucky?" but you never dared to ask. So when Peter blabbed during a movie night that Bucky had been way too busy managing some business meetings, gatherings, and whatnots ever since he got back in the city, you were more than glad.
Nat had been coming to the bar every night ever since Tuesday, picking up extra shifts. She kept badgering you about Bucky this and Bucky that. She was one of the reasons why you couldn't keep Bucky out of your head. Her sudden long shifts at the bar wasn't only because she was so invested with your nonexistent dating life or, to her, a possibility of one with Bucky, but because she and Steve were secretly hooking up. Of course, she didn't tell you that. It's not like she needed to, anyway. It only took one sniff of Steve's strong scent on hers for you to find out.
Every passing day at the bar felt so slow and the same. The only thing that changed was Peter rejecting a drink on one Thursday night.
"Woah, what got your knickers on a twist?" You asked as soon as he approached the counter.
"I'm just not in the mood, y/n." He sighed. "Can I just have a glass of water, please?"
"Of course. Coming right up." You slid the glass of water on the counter towards him, your fingers drumming against the thick wood. "So, what's bothering you?"
He looked up at you with sulky eyes. "Oh god, you really are a bartender."
"And your best friend. So, what's up?"
He shook his head nothing, sipping the glass of water like a scotch.
His little act was unconvincing. Especially that he didn't try hard enough to conceal whatever he was feeling.
"Parker." You insisted. "Come on, what's up?"
"You see right through me, y/n."
"Don't flatter me too much," you rolled your eyes, "you're just easy to read."
But Peter was also stubborn as a bull. He wouldn't budge or give you any clue on what was bothering him. You thought that leaving him as you tended to other bargoers would eventually give him time to change his mind but you were proven wrong. It itched your brain that he wouldn't tell you whatever it was. You usually told each other everything. But then again, you haven't really been open with him with your growing desire for his stepbrother -- which, you hoped you never would, as you hoped all those feelings would eventually go away and keep it in a state of latency.
Peter stood by his ground, consuming no ounce of alcohol and keeping his mouth shut the rest of the night. You knew when to keep away from other people's business, even if it was your best friend's. You did try to make his evening lighter though, checking up on him and telling some old, classic bartender stories, seeing as he was clearly in an uncomfortable state but all he kept telling you was: "You're killing me, y/n. You're absolutely killing me."
You felt a heavy feeling on your chest with his surprisingly fierce tone. You urged him to go home after that, so he did.
"Dick." You mumbled after he left.
Nick walked towards the counter. "What's wrong with your roommate?"
"Wish I could tell you."
You and Nick have been getting along well despite you rejecting him. Nat kept telling you it was a way of manipulating you or some sort, to get you close to him but nothing has really happened ever since he asked you out. There wasn't a change in mood in the atmosphere, or even the way he treated you. Just some good colleagues working together.
The next night, Peter was more in the mood and even apologized to you for the way he behaved last night. "Now, for some great news."
"Does this mean you're having a drink?" You asked.
He nodded eagerly and patiently waited for his beer. Once he got his cold sip, he continued talking: "So, I've been really in a slump lately because I'm kind of lovesick. But then -- "
"Wait, what did you say?" You knitted your brows together, catching the last word he said. "Did you say lovesick? You son of a bitch, are you in love?"
"Language!" Out of nowhere, Steve yelled over the buzzing noises inside the bar. You snickered and he just gave you a look before he disappeared back into his office.
He is such a grandpa.
Peter chuckled. "To be honest, I have been for a very long time."
Your jaw dropped on the floor, ears all perked up, wanting to hear every detail of this. "And you never thought to tell me? Parker, I've been your best friend since forever. Why the hell wouldn't you tell me?"
"Because..." He trailed off, avoiding your stare. "It's not that big a deal."
"Okay, was this after that bitch Denise?"
"Actually, waaaay before that."
"Oh wow, that long, huh?" You replied. "Oh my god, is it someone we know from college? Shit, is it MJ?"
"No, it's not!" He replied. "And I'm not telling you who because I don't have actual plans on pursuing her." He sighed through his nose while taking a big sip of his beer. He brought down the bottle on the counter with a loud thud.
"So, it's a girl."
He grunted in reply.
You laughed. "So, why not pursue her?" You asked while multitasking. You handed a bowl of peanuts to the man beside Peter who was asking for it. "Is she taken? Does she have a boyfriend? A girlfriend?"
"No, she doesn't."
"So, why the hell not, Parker?"
You impatiently waited for an answer from Peter as it took him a couple of minutes to do so.
"Because I don't think it's a good idea. I don't think it will ever work." He answered, scratching the label on his beer bottle with much frustration. "I've thought about all the probabilities, but every single one of them ends the same."
"And what is that?"
"That it won't work out."
The thing about Peter was he never dive into things headfirst. Even though he was a dumbass, he was always a man of intellect who calculated everything in his head before committing to something.
"Why is it always statistics and probabilities and all that crap with you?" You let out an exasperated sigh. "What if for once in your life, follow your goddamn heart? You keep treating everything with a business mind. Go with what your gut tells you to do. Don't think too much about it because the heart wants what it wants, Parker."
Peter gazed at you for a few moments, perhaps finding the right words to say but he just shook his head and fought against his feelings. "I can't do it, y/n. I badly want to, like, it's already at the tip of my tongue. I badly want to tell her but I can't. I don't want to know what's gonna happen next. I'm just scared of what's gonna happen. I don't think I can take it."
As much as you wanted to convince him to go for the girl, you let it go. You've said what you had to say but it was always up to him whether he takes your advice or not. "So, what now?"
"Well now, I'm going to tell you the good news, the one you robbed me off when you batted in."
You rolled your eyes. "What's the good news, Parker?"
"Me and my colleagues will go on a corporate retreat for at least a week!"
You raised an eyebrow, writing a confused expression on your face. "How is this good news?"
"I'll be gone for a week, away from the city, away from my love problems and all that. I think it'll be good for me." Then, a smile started to form on his lips. "There, I'll leave all my worries behind."
"Parker, it's just a one-week corporate retreat, not a sabbatical." You grimaced, unimpressed with the whole thing. "You're not gonna get over this thing in just seven days."
"You don't know that." He scoffed. "I'll be a new man once I get back. You'll see."
"Sure." You replied, a hint of sarcasm laced in your tone.
"Oh, one more thing!"
"What, another corporate retreat?" You snickered, amused with all the clever remarks you were throwing at him. Peter, on the other hand, wasn't.
"No!" He gave you a look. "Bucky will look after you while I'm gone!"
Shock crossed your face. "Bucky?"
"Yes, me."
And on cue, a figure emerged behind Peter.
You were so bewildered with Peter's troubles that you hadn't noticed Bucky creeping up towards the counter. He was wearing what seemed like a navy blue tailored Hugo Boss suit, paired with a nice, sleek tie. His whole fit, illuminated by the iridescent lights made his blue eyes pop even more. Like last time, he opened up a button on his waist, tossed the end flaps in the air and sat down beside Peter on a high stool.
Watching him, you could feel the air around you tighten, paired with a clump of saliva caught in your throat. He placed his elbow on top of the counter and tucked his chin on his palm.
"B-bucky," you finally breathed, silently choking up on your own saliva, "hey, it's been quite some time."
"Hello, doll." The vowels on his words seemed to drop, accompanied by that rhythmic sound he usually does when he speaks. Oh god, one day with Bucky and I've already picked up on that, you thought. "Missed me?"
You felt some blood quickly rushing to your cheeks but you played it cool. "Don't flatter yourself, James." You pretended to get quite busy, wiping some clean glass off the counter then faced Peter. "So, what's this thing about Bucky looking after me?"
"Well, I'll be gone. You'll be alone. Bucky will look after you." Peter tried to "expound." "What's not adding up, y/n?"
You rolled your eyes at the two and scoffed, placing the glass on the counter. "No, thanks. It's just one week. I can take care of myself."
It was true. You once spent a two-week vacation all by yourself to California after high school and you came home in New Jersey without a scratch -- like a brand-new car. You walked around the place as if it was your turf, and blended in with the locals while basked in the glorious heat of the California sun.
"Bucky insisted." Peter chimed in defensively.
"Oh. Bucky insisted." You said, your gaze averting to Bucky's eyes. "Again, I appreciate the offer but I can handle myself. I'm not a baby."
Bucky, clearly amused with the whole situation, leaned back with careful eyes fixed on yours. "Come on, y/n, don't you want some company?"
"Aren't you busy with your company?" You retorted.
"Yes, I have been but not anymore." He replied. "Unless something comes up. A week without Peter must be somewhat lonely. Come on," he insisted once again, "it's also for me. It'll give me something to do for a week."
"Wait, what?"
"You guys could get to know each other better and get along!" Peter blurted. "And without me around, Bucky won't have someone to hangout with. Please, y/n? I'd feel so much better."
"Hang out? What are you guys, like sixteen?"
Your mind was still set on Bucky's last choice of words but you saved it for later.
You sighed, knowing you could never refuse your best friend's pleas. "Fine."
"Just for the record," you said, holding up a finger, "I'm just agreeing because of Peter, not because I can't take care of myself."
Peter rolled his eyes while pulling out his phone from his pocket. "Yeah, yeah, you're an independent woman. Okay, I gotta take this call. I'll be right back."
And all then there were two: you and Bucky. While making two grasshoppers for a couple of girls who just entered, you could feel Bucky's intense stare towards you. Your mind, clouded with thoughts, wished it could tap into his and take a sly look at what was going on inside.
You locked eyes as soon as you handed the girls their drinks. Bucky wearing such a neat, tailored suit made you forget about all his child-like ways in Peter's countless stories. All you saw was a man favored by all the gods and at the same time sent by the devil to test you in so many ways imaginable. You wondered if he felt the same. Of course, you weren't like him or any other people carved perfectly by the gods, but his vehement stare said otherwise.
"Are you gonna order a drink?" You asked, breaking the silence, and also your train of thoughts.
"No." He replied. "I'm good."
Peter, where the hell are you?
"Hey, y/n?"
"You look beautiful tonight."
A plain black tank top, paired with some old jeans, minimal makeup and this man just told you that you looked beautiful. "Well not just tonight. You've always been beautiful. I just hope you know that."
"Okay what has gotten into you? You're being... weird."
He shrugged. "I'm just stating facts."
You hummed, a look of confusion spread across your face. "Thank you, I guess. Y-you look good yourself. Very different from when I first met you." You chuckled.
"Well, I was naked the first time we met so yeah."
Peter got back from his phone call and for the whole night, you spent your time working your shift while Bucky and Peter moved on to play some billiards and darts as well. Nat kept shifting her eyes between you and Bucky and you just shrugged her off, flipping your middle finger on her in which she reciprocated.
The next day, Peter was all set for his corporate retreat, surprised he didn't need any help from me at all. You helped him with some of his bags towards the sidewalk ("Jesus, Parker, are you going out of the country?"). While you waited for his Uber to arrive.
"You better take care of yourself, Parker." You said, standing beside him on the side of the street. "I'm gonna miss you."
"Really? I'm gonna miss you too."
"Well, yeah, of course. You're like a little brother to me." You smiled, ruffling his brown locks even though he was taller than you.
He looked down on the pavement with a tight-lipped smile. "Right, right."
Smiling, you grabbed his hand and leaned your head on his surprisingly broad shoulders. "Come on, cheer up. You needed this, right?"
"Yes, I definitely do." He whispered. "More than you know."
A few seconds later, the Uber arrived. Before climbing in the black vehicle, you were pulled into Peter's embrace with a soft, fluttery kiss landing on your forehead. Taken aback, you just smiled at him and watched the car get tinier and tinier as it drove further.
You got back in the apartment and five minutes later, there was a knock on the door. Behind it was a smiling Bucky wearing some casual clothes. "Good morning, doll. Missed me?"
You rolled your eyes letting him inside the apartment. Closing the door behind me, you replied: "You've already used that line last night. Pick another one."
"Aw, you haven't heard the rest of it."
You went to the kitchen, grabbed some water from the fridge, and took a drink. "Which is?"
"Miss me, miss me, now you gotta kiss me."
With unsteady hands, you choked on your water and felt the liquid on your skin as soon as those words left Bucky's mouth. Great now I spilled the drink on my chest.
You turned around only to be faced by Bucky. "Now I gotta what?"
His laughter echoed in the kitchen as he backed away from you. "I'm just messing with you. So, what's for breakfast?"
He left you there standing flabbergasted, with some water dripping down your top and shorts, down to the floor. You bore your eyes into the back of his head as he turned on the television.
Bucky tilted his head towards you, eyed you up and down and finished it with a swipe of his tongue on his lower lip.
Oh, this was going to be a long week.
A long, agonizing week.
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dobsmoneylake · 3 years
Prudence. Corazon. First actual date. (Or, it doesn't have to be a DATE-date...but the two of them as a pair for the first time.)
AN: I am so sorry that this took so long (Corazón wasn’t talking to me until I insulted him), I hope it was with the wait! Thanks for the prompt!! <3 I own nothing. Also thanks to the Historian for beta-ing for me.
At the sound of footsteps, Prudence looked up from where she was laid out in a sunchair on the deck of the Joyful Damnation, attempting to enjoy some of the sun. “I see you’re alive,” she called out to the owner of the footsteps, causing the sound of them to stop before starting to head toward her purposefully.
“Alive?” their owner proclaimed. “Of course I’m alive! It takes more than a few drinks to keep this pirate down!” A head popped into her view. “Honestly, Prudence, who do you think you’re dealing with here?”
Glaring at Corazón, Prudence took one hand and shoved against his shoulder, “Get out of my sun,” she warned.
Stumbling back at the force of her hand, Corazón straightened up and put his hands on his hips, looking around. Instead of the busy sight of their remaining companions that he expected, he instead saw a deck that was empty of everyone but Prudence. “Where is everyone?” he huffed. “We were supposed to set sail first thing this morning!”
“Well, you probably should have thought about that before sleeping the morning away,” Prudence said, smirking. “Now, I need to go into the town myself; are you going to sit around and sulk all day, or will you be accompanying me?” She stood up and stretched before reaching over to grab the robe that she usually wore, casually shrugging it on.
Corazón felt his cheeks heat up and he quickly looked away. “I don’t know, I have some things to do around here to make sure we’re ready to go as soon as you all get back,” he told her. “It takes a lot to get a ship as incredible as The Damnation ready to go, you know.”
“Yes, but how often do we get to spend time in public without having to talk Egbert out of blowing something up or making sure Dob doesn’t run off with all the gold?” she asked.
When he looked up, she was smiling. “You may have a point,” he conceded, “And I do deserve a vacation after all the work I do for you guys.”
“Exactly,” she said, brushing by him as she walked off the ship and looking over her shoulder at him. “Why don’t you say we have some fun?”
‘Fun’ led them to the market, which was in a little bit of a disarray when they arrived. Prudence immediately took off towards the most lethal looking stall, which was full of various sharp and pointy objects. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Corazón disappear, presumably to make use of the last bits of chaos from whatever had happened before they had arrived.
Letting all thoughts of her partner for the day leave her brain, Prudence started looking over at what this stall had to offer. There were a few bigger weapons that she looked at with some interest (they would be such a great benefit to her rage), but they weren’t elegant enough to really fit her aesthetic. In the middle of the table were a collection of sharp knives and daggers that her eyes kept getting drawn back to.
Idly casting detect magic (and how good it felt to be able to do that again), her eye was immediately drawn to a stiletto dagger in the middle of the table, which was just pulsating with energy.
“Are you going to, like, buy something or what?” the bored voice of the shopkeeper asked her.
“Can I try out that dagger in the middle?” She asked.
“Huh? Yeah, whatever. Just don’t steal it or anything.”
Picking it up, Prudence couldn’t help but let a grin spread over her face. The dagger was perfectly balanced in every way-- in fact it was perfect in every way. “How much for this, then?” she asked.
“That? 500 gold pieces.” The shopkeeper was still looking at her nails.
Prudence deflated. There was no way the party would be okay with her spending that much. She put the knife back on the table, but kept eyeing it, debating how much work it would be to just take it.
“Prudence!” Corazón said joyfully, walking up to her with his arms full. “Would you like any of these delicious artisan meats?”
“Sure,” she said, absentmindedly taking one.
“What do we have here, anything good?” he asked her.
“Nope,” she said.
“Really?” he asked skeptically. “Because you’ve been standing here for quite a while, and usually you would have left in disgust at this point.”
She glared at him. “Honestly, it’s all rubbish,” she said, “waste of my time.”
“Okay, if you say so,” he said. “Although if you really wanted something, I’m sure that we could afford it.”
“I said IT’S FINE,” she hissed at him before storming off towards the tavern. She needed a drink.
Corazón met up with Prudence just outside the tavern, which she was staring at for some reason. That reason became clear when the noises from inside the tavern drifted out as someone else entered-- specifically the sound of two familiar voices and the even more familiar sound of chaos.
“Oh, great,” Corazón said. “There goes our relaxing day.”
“Hm? What do you mean ‘hm’?” he asked, pointing dramatically at the tavern. “That doesn’t exactly sound relaxing.”
“Yes, but this isn’t the only place to get drinks,” she reminded him.
He thought for a moment before sighing. “You want to go to the nice restaurant.” When she nodded, he threw up his hands. “But Prudence! It will be expensive! They’ll expect us to actually pay! Please, think this through!!!”
“I have thought this through,” she told him. “I’ve thought that I don’t want to go in there.” She pointed at the tavern for illustration, where a conveniently timed crash happened for emphasis.
Corazón sighed. “Pirates don’t do fancy establishments,” he told her.
She took off walking. “Okay, I’ll go by myself then,” she said. “There might be someone I meet along the way who would want to get a nice dinner with me.”
He jogged up to her. “I never said I didn’t want to get dinner with you!” he said.
“Oh good,” she took his arm. “Then you can buy me something nice.”
Looking down at the top of her head, he smiled. “Don’t push your luck too far, I never agreed to pay.”
Dinner went well. Appetizers had been served, main dishes had been critiqued, and dinner was on its way out when music started and other people in the restaurant got up and made their way to the dance floor.
Corazón watched as they started to dance and scoffed. “Honestly, look at those idiots,” he said, never taking his eyes off the couples as he started moving his finger to the beat of the music.
“Why, because they’re dancing?” Prudence asked.
“Because they’re dancing horribly!” He said. “Honestly, look at that form! Dob could do better than that-- and I definitely could do better than that!”
Prudence took a sip of her wine, hiding a smile. “You’re sure about that, are you?”
“Am I sure about that?” He rolled his eyes. “Believe me, Prudence, I could dance circles around anyone in this restaurant-- no, around anyone in this town!” He sat back in his seat. “Honestly, ‘am I sure about that.’”
“Well then,” she said, setting her wine down, “You’ll just have to prove it to me.”
His eyes went wide. “Pro-- prove it to you!” he let out a shaky laugh. “I don’t need to prove it to you-- if anything, you should prove your dance skills to me!” He nodded decisively. “Yeah, Prudence, why don’t you prove your dance skills to me?” He raised an eyebrow at her.
“Okay,” she told him simply.
“What?” His eyes went wide. “What do you mean ‘okay’?”
“Okay, I’ll prove it to you,” she said. “Let’s dance.”
“You’re joking,” he told her.
“Well, unless you can’t dance after all,” she told him.
He stood up suddenly. “I am going to dance with you so hard you see stars!” he told her, holding out her hand.
“I’m sure you will.”
Still holding onto her hand, he led her out onto the dance floor as a tango started, pulling her into a picture perfect position and desperately trying to remember the steps of the tango-- for some reason, it was hard to focus when she was so close. He was so busy running through the steps in his head that he didn’t notice how quiet they were.
“You know, you’re right,” she said, breaking the silence. “You are a very good dancer.”
He smirked confidently down at her. “I told you so,” he said.
“But I think you’re overlooking some of the benefits of being not so perfect,” she continued.
He raised a confused eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
“I mean this,” she said with a smile, allowing herself to drift even closer so they were pressed together.
Corazón’s steps stuttered as she pressed closer to him, and he started moving with less confidence. “Prudence,” he said softly so only she could hear. “What are we doing?”
“Do you trust me?” she asked him.
Corazón didn’t even have to think about it. “More than anyone.”
“Then just keep doing that,” she told him, pressing her face to his chest.
As they walked down the path back to the ship (Corazón had ended up paying), Corazón grabbed Prudence’s hand. “Wait,” he told her, bringing her to a stop.
“What is it?” she asked, turning to face him.
“I know you said you didn’t want anything, but here,” he said, slipping out the dagger from earlier and shoving it into her hands. “You were obviously into it.”
She looked down at the dagger. “Please tell me you didn’t pay full price for this.”
“What?” he scoffed. “No. I nicked it. The shopkeeper was absolutely oblivious.”
“I don’t know what to say,” she told him.
“Don’t say anything.” When she went to open her mouth, he continued. “Really, don’t say anything. Let’s just agree to never bring it up again.”
“If you say so,” they made their way up to the ship. “Well, thank you so much for the lovely date,” Prudence told him.
Corazón stopped in his tracks. “Date?” he asked, his voice rising. “What do you mean, ‘date’?”
“Oh Corazón, you really are an idiot sometimes,” she said, shaking her head and grinning.
“What?” He sputtered, “I am the smartest member of the--”
He was cut off by her lips.
“You kissed me,” he said when she had pulled back.
“Well,” she smirked, “I certainly didn’t kiss myself.”
With that, she pressed her lips against his again. Corazón froze for a moment before slowly lifting his definitely not shaking hands to brush against her cheeks. When she didn’t pull back, he relaxed down into her, giving her the angle she needed to wrap her arms around his back.
After a few moments, Prudence pulled back and smiled almost shyly at him. “Have a good night, Corazón,” she said before walking into her room.
Corazón watched her go with his mouth half open before he closed it into a smile, reaching up to rest his hand on the back of his head. Suddenly, there came a rustle from above and the cat form of Merilwen jumped down to sit in front of him. If a cat could smirk, she was definitely making the facial impression.
“Oh, you shut up,” he told her irritably, turning around and walking into his captains’ quarters. He let the door shut behind him before leaning against it with a grin on his face.
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bumbershots · 3 years
Author’s note: Hello! We have finally reached the awaited date between Harry and Alma. I was really excited for this chapter, hopefully you will enjoy it as much as I did, forgive me in advance for any mistakes, my beta reader (my boyfriend) was unavailable, so this is a good time to say that if anyone out there has the time and willingness to beta read any future chapters send me an ask or message to let me know. Enjoy! (:
Story masterlist ** Word count: 2.6K **
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Harry wakes up feeling excited, nervous and hungry. He takes care of the latter, decides to make some blueberry pancakes, turns out he can't eat more than two and a cup of coffee. Not that the pancakes weren't great, in fact they were fantastic, he even decides to brag about them on an Instagram story that is published for his close friends only. Nick quickly replies to it with a laughing emoji.
You should take a Tupperware full of them to your date ;)
The reason behind his excitement and nerves make his heart race, he decides to type in a polite 'fuck off' to his mate before heading to the shower. Under the warm spray of water he tries to sort out his thoughts. Harry doesn’t want to think about his upcoming trip to California. 
It was necessary for the album or so he thought last week, after going through a box with the very few memories he kept from his ex. He wasn’t in a right state of mind then, he feels pathetic. The only reason why he wanted to spend time in Los Angeles was because everything there —from the pavement to the sky— was tainted by her. 
Why would he want to go back to that place where the constant reminder of his pain was literally living in the same neighbourhood? Because it would provide him the cathartic release he was looking for. That’s the line he used after Sarah and Mitch tried to dissuade him from flying across the Atlantic and Harry was so proud of himself when it worked. 
That very same day, he got the first text from Alma, it was the address like she promised. ‘In case one of your talents isn’t stumbling upon my work place ;)’ the second text read and Harry had to endure Sarah’s questionnaire about the girl that made him blush with a mere wink emoji. Not that he minded talking about her, he could go on all day.
He usually preferred a shower before breakfast, usually even work out before then but well, hunger clouded his judgement earlier today. Even with that taken care of that dread still niggled him away. Just slightly. So, he decided to pick up his guitar for a moment and strummed. There was no real intention to play seriously, or to write anything down on the journal by his desk. It was more of something he enjoys too much not to do it, a way to keep his hands and mind busy, faffing around with chords. With a bit of luck he might come up with a song, a tune which just worked, that just... clicked.
Contrary to what people might believe, genius didn't strike him here and then. Not like when he'd come up with Sign of the times or Two ghosts. But finding a neat little pattern of chords a good thirty minutes later makes him smile, it's something he can work with. It needs a little polishing from Mitch and company, sure, but it has a good rhythm. He scribbled down some notes on his journal and sent the audio to his fellow musician.
Maybe he will find the words in one of the old notebooks that are somewhere in the other room, perhaps on the ones that are still on his unpacked suitcase from Japan. Silently he also hoped to find the lyrics around London. He had lived in the capital for a few years now, but he had been different then. Now he likes to think that he's a man, no longer the teenager from the boy band or the shiny new solo artist. He has new perspectives, sights, smells in this new home of his. New ideas.
Harry gazes out his bedroom window; the view is not great –mostly of the other houses in the complex. His mind focused on the cloudy sky, confused because he swore it was sunny just a few minutes ago, can bet on his life that he woke up to dazzling sunshine rays of a warm yellow colour peeking through that same window. He puts his guitar away on the bed with care and makes a beeline to his wardrobe. He needs to figure out what to wear, pronto.
Skipping her afternoon kip was not something Alma did, it was a rare occurrence which meant one thing: something special was happening.
Walking down Oxford Street, trying to decide where to get some lunch without a care in the world, that was until the calmness faded, when her schedule for the day hit her.
She had a date with Harry. A date, with Harry Styles. It was weird to go by his full name in her head, she couldn't bring herself to call or think about him as The Harry Styles.
Maybe she'd settle to call him Harry the tube guy.
The clock on her phone showed that it was no longer single figure hours, she needed to get some food now or starve until her shift was over, and then he would have to watch her feast at whatever place he chose. Alma groaned, thought how ridiculous it was to worry about him watching her eat. Harry was a grown man; of course he knows that women eat too, right?
Walking into the nearest Sainsbury's she decided to take a deep breath. He's just some guy, she concluded after paying for her chicken baguette. Nothing to stress about.
Harry showered again, while belting out some classic pop tunes. Namely Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears, something that in the past he'd swear blind you'd misheard and it was actually The Rolling Stones or Pink Floyd. But he'd come to terms that he liked what he liked.
Towel clad in the bedroom, trying to shirk off hypothermia, he was quick to put on some pants and jeans, before throwing on some simple white tee proclaiming some fading band name. He uses a dry clean towel from the closet and attempts to dry his hair, as he styles his flopped mop the thought of a haircut crosses his mind. It was getting a bit long.
One last look at the clock and he is ready to leave. "You'll be fine. Trust me." He quietly speaks to himself before closing the last few buttons of his green parka and fixing the newsboy cap on his head.
When he walks out of Colindale tube station, a little earlier than half past five, he sees the bakery from her instructions just below the large modern building Alma was kind enough to describe. She was right; the bakery is right across the street, he waits for the green man to light up to cross, shoving his hands in his pockets. The huge front windows of the establishment allow Harry to see her behind the till, feeling the heat rise to his cheeks. She looks better than she did three weeks ago. He hesitates about going in for a few minutes, but feels it ought to be better than to lurk on the street.
Alma can feel his presence the moment he sets foot into the shop, her eyes are drawn to him and a content close lipped smile is the best greeting he could ask from her. The only customer in the place can feel the shift in the atmosphere when they lock eyes. So, picking up her bag full of baked goods, she steps out and leaves them alone.
"Sorry if I'm too early." He begins while she takes off her apron and hangs it in the back wall.
"You're right on time," Alma says after checking her watch, "I'm off Carlos, see you tomorrow!" She hollers to the employee that is taking a non-allowed nap in the back. Harry holds the door open for her and follows out of the warm store. "Shall we take the tube?" At his affirmative response, she then takes out her Oyster card and leads the way.
The café was not somewhere Alma expected Harry to go, the little shop with soothing music and simple stools full of the scent of organic coffee brewing is dazzling and unique. A bit like him, she thinks. She liked it. It reminded her of the places she used to frequent when she had recently moved into the city.
Harry orders a black coffee at the counter before asking Alma what she'd like.
"A cappuccino, and remember I'm paying for our food," she hands him a tenner that he reluctantly takes from her.
"Absolutely," he iterates the order to the woman behind the counter and adds two salted caramel cupcakes handing over the cash. "If you get a seat, I'll bring it over."
Alma thanks him before scampering across the room to sit at the back two seat table tucked in the corner. It was right beside the large back window, dimly lit. Before she sat, she removed her signature burgundy coat and Harry couldn't help his eyes being drawn to certain aspects of his companion. Nice arse, he remarked with a raise of his brows before the woman behind the counter tells him for the third time that his order is ready, a look of disdain as she probably caught his gaze. Giving her a sheepish smile to appease her, he manages to balance the two plates and mugs in his hands and walk over to the table.
"They asked if you wanted whipped cream or foam and I settled for foam, hope that's not a problem." He plonks himself on the seat across from her, removing his parka in a clumsy manner before hanging it in the back of the chair.
"No problem, I actually despise–
"Whipped cream, yeah, I kind of remembered what you told me about that birthday party of yours," the green eyed lad finishes for her and scratches the back of his neck. "You know with that dare..."
Her eyes flickered down to the cupcakes laid out before them and she started picking the caramel out of one, hoping to hide the nerves his words caused.
"Right enough, yeah... I can't believe you remembered that or that I told you about it." She chuckled nervously at the anecdote she chose to share with him, it was a bit inappropriate due to the amount of vomit around it, literally. But he shrugged with a charming smile. No big deal. "Nice place," she noted.
"I know it's a bit of a strange choice. It doesn't strike me as, you know, the kind of place you put so much effort into for a first date..." Harry stops talking and now his eyes meet the cupcake in front of him. "Bollocks I must have sounded so daft, I'm sorry." Lucky for him, she doesn't laugh, instead she reaches out to stroke his hand and give it a gentle squeeze.
"Nothing to be sorry about, I can be quite daft so..."
"I doubt that Miss suave." He gets a laugh out of her then, one that is almost a snort and earns a few glances from other customers.
"I’m far from it! Honestly, I once accidentally stepped on dog shit and didn't notice until my date couldn't bear the stink anymore and checked my shoe, in a very fancy restaurant. Terrible story. Trust me, I can be daft." Alma held up her hands and the musician giggled at her.
"Promise you won't laugh?" he raised an eyebrow at her, pleading. She promised. "Well, I kind of always wanted to have a first date here. It's always one of the first places I visit when I'm back in London, the food is amazing, and service is excellent. Came here completely hung-over after my twenty-first birthday party. I guess it has a lot of good memories." Pinked cheeks gave away Harry's embarrassment, he wanted to relax and for her to be more comfortable around him.
With a sincere smile Alma placed her hand over his resting on the table. "I think that is very sweet." This reply was not what he had expected; she leant in and beckoned him closer. "For your information Harry, this is exactly a great place for a first date." Up close he swore the darkness of her eyes were about to swallow him whole and spit him out to an alternate universe. He swallowed hard and took a sip of his coffee to distract himself a bit. Perhaps caffeine was not a good choice on a day where his heart was speeding so frequently.
"Did you have a good day today at work?" he asks with a familiarity that Alma can get used to.
"Yeah, had a bit of free time to plan my next video blog. It's been ages since I uploaded one." She bashfully admits. "This cupcake was delicious, a great flavour choice." And just like that they fall into easy conversation until their cups are drained. The place is almost empty around quarter to eight and they both know it's almost closing time –the death glances from the employees behind the counter gave it away. They put on their garments again before leaving.
Harry makes his way to the door expecting Alma to follow. Instead she first gathered up their mugs and plates, to place them neatly on the counter and thanked the three workers behind it with a genuine smile. Harry looked surprised; she didn't quite have to do that. She noticed.
"Just being polite," she stated the obvious, before walking under his arm that held open the door. He chose not to comment and fought back a smile.
They stood outside, not really sure of what to do next. Usually he would suggest going back to his place. It was near, but he watched her yawn discreetly and he suddenly remembered that she had a real job, well actually jobs in plural. He broke the silence.
"It was nice to see you again Alma." He meant it and she smiled as she toyed with the buttons of her coat. British summer weather was hardly cold, but today it seemed to be punishingly windy. Harry near gave a shiver, but instead took a deep breath before speaking again. It was now or never. "It'd be quite great, if I could... I'd like to see you again. Please." He shifted on one foot, nearly drowned in the silence that followed.
"I'd quite love to see you again," Harry gave a slight gulp, very slight and got out strength from the words she spoke to take a big risk, the first of today.
He stepped closer and cradled her face in his hands before leaning down and kissing her cheek. It wasn't the full on kiss he wanted to give her. But it is something he'd been dying to do since he first saw her today, something he hoped would make clear how attracted he was to her. Harry smelled like coffee and caramel. God this man's lips are prettier up close, she thought right before he straightened up.
She stayed close to him before speaking again. A low murmur so that the passing London traffic wouldn't steal her words from him.
"This was an amazing date."
Alma walked with him the long distance of one mile to the tube station, their hands brushing against each other. He was desperate to just hold hers, kiss her soft knuckles and ask about the lightning-shaped scar on her little finger. But decided against it, he knew that West Hampstead was not a common area for paparazzi, but he didn't want to risk her. Especially after the splendid afternoon they just shared.
They said their farewells.
"I'll call you," he said again. She warned that he better, before entering the station, he took great delight in watching her walk away from him, his gaze falling once more to her bum now covered by the coat. Harry spun on his heel and walked the short distance to his home.
Surely London could help him find the lyrics for that tune, this city definitely had something.
Let me know if you like the story! *** Join the taglist!
TAG LIST: @laurxn-robinson​ @mellamolayla​ 
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spencers-dria · 3 years
Completely Fantastic
Someone To Stay Ch. 8
Spencer x fem reader
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The next morning you wake up and start packing as you prepare for the drive back home. You take your hair out of the bun you had slept in, leaving it with some long loose waves. You throw on a long, flowing navy and white maxi skirt with a navy tank top and some strappy sandals. You are feeling particularly in touch with your bohemian side after a weekend spent in the great outdoors.
After filling up on a quick breakfast, you grab your bags and head out to the car. You look to Spencer. "Is it okay if I drive?"
He appreciates you asking. No one ever does. They just assume.
"Sounds good!" He tosses his keys over to you. After filling the trunk with both of your bags, you scoot into the driver's side and adjust the seat and mirrors. You may be tall, but Spencer was much taller.
As you pull out of the driveway and make your way down the road, Spencer looks towards you.
"I'm guessing you want music. I don't really have much. If you hand me your phone I can put on whatever you like."
You unlock your phone and hand it to him, smiling at the kind gesture. Seems like he catches on quick.
"Hmm" you think out loud. "Well, I know you haven't listened to quite as much as me so we have a lot of genres to cover on this car ride. We'll start with the 70's and go from there. Just put it my 70's playslist on shuffle. We'll let my phone pick for us."
Gypsy by Fleetwood Mac comes on. A smile of content spreads across your face. You reach into the compartment above your rear view mirror and grab what you liked to call your "John Lennon Sunglasses". They're rosy and oversized and perfect for your current mood. You roll the windows down and let the wind whip through your hair, resting your elbow out the window. Sunshine warms your skin as you listen to the incredibly talented Stevie Nicks.
After a few more songs you ask him to flip to the 80's playlist on shuffle. As Forever Young by Alphaville comes on, you see a look of recognition on Spencer's face.
"Oh yeah, I forgot you were an 80's baby! 80's pop is some of my very favorite."
He smiles and nods. You get it. There's something oddly comforting about nostalgic music from your childhood. You let the rest of the 80's playlist finish, since you both seem to enjoy it.
Eventually Spencer turns in his seat to face you.
"I had a lot of fun this weekend." He states this with a fairly serious look on his face.
"Yeah me too! Is everything okay though? You look like you have more to say?"
He continues, while fiddling with his hands and hair and staring down at his lap. He's clearly nervous.
"It's uh j-just...would you...well would you want to be friends? I know that's p-probably an odd question I just, well I enjoy hanging out with you. Since I don't see you at my uh place of work I wasn't really sure the c-correct protocol for..."
You reach over and squeeze his hand to cut him off, since you can see he's clearly only making himself more anxious.
"Hey" you give him a reassuring smile.
"We're already friends. I think we have no choice but to continue hanging out. I mean, we just get along to well, it's not really up to me" you joke.
The both of you laugh and he seems to relax again. He squeezes your hand back as a thank you. Before you return it to the steering wheel.
"How do you feel about a weekly movie night?"
His eyes light up at the idea before clouded over, clearly thinking it through.
"My job..." he starts before you cut him off.
"I know, Spencer. Don't stress. My job schedule is inconsistent too. I mean, I get my schedule given to me six weeks at a time but, I work different sets of days each week. It's completely random. But that means I have four days off a week so I like our chances. And if some weeks it doesn't happen, that's ok too. You go save lives, and I'll help heal them. It's what we do."
He raises his eyebrows in surprise before responding.
"Oh well you've thought of everything, huh?"
You shrug, trying to conceal a smirk. "Maybe."
He looks to you. "Ok so what will be watching first?"
"Hmm, I'll let you pick first. And we can trade off?"
"Well I don't know how into fandoms you are but... would you mind if we watched some of Harry Potter?"
Usually your face is a huge giveaway to what you were thinking, and not just to FBI profilers. In this instance, you were incredibly determined to keep a straight face and not let on a single thing.
You just give a small nod as you keep your eyes on the road, expressionless.
"Sure, we can do that."
"Ok, so when and where? Or do you have that planned too?"
"Well..." you think for a minute before extending the offer. You don't want to scare off your newest friend.
"I'm free tonight if you'd like. We can unpack and maybe sneak in a nap first?" You glance over to gauge his reaction.
He smiles and nods, on board with the idea.
"Yeah, and I can meet back at your place at 5? Want me to bring anything? The DVD's?"
"Oh no it's fine! I'm pretty sure I saw them on Amazon or YouTube TV..." you respond, still trying to control your face. You really wanted to fool the genius profiler.
Spencer asks to borrow your blanket before curling up in the passenger seat and taking a nap the rest of the way home. It was too adorable. You couldn't help yourself. As you pulled up to a red light, you snap a quick picture of him. You also take a selfie with you making goofy faces, Spencer sleeping in the background.
You gently shake him awake after parking outside of your building. You grab your bags out of the back and wave to him as he backs the car out.
Once in the apartment, you take Juneau out for a quick walk. The dog sitter had given you detailed  updates while you'd been away. You throw your weekend bags in the closet and hop in the shower. After drying your hair, you throw on a Black Borgin and Burke's T shirt and some black leggings and get to work.
It's September which, for you, meant the Halloween decor was abundant. You plug in all of your purple, green, and orange string lights placed all around your living room and kitchen. You light several candles you have scattered amongst your Halloween decor. Your shelves are lined with pumpkins, potion bottles, and various skeleton items.
You pop in your guest room to make sure it looks presentable. You're fairly sure he won't be expecting anything like what he's walking into tonight. On one hand, if it scares him off then it was bound to happen eventually. But if he doesn't mind...well maybe this friend is in it for the long haul.
You grab two butterbeer mugs and set them on the counter next to an assortment of flavored hot chocolate packets. You also set out microwave popcorn and a bowl of Halloween candy.
You decide to do one last thing, really hoping Spencer won't think you're completely insane. It's not long before you hear a knock at the door.
You open it, wearing your Ravenclaw robe and your glasses which just so happen to look a bit like Harry Potter's.
Spencer's brow wrinkles in confusion before he starts laughing.
"So I'm guessing you've seen Harry Potter before!" He says after finally catching his breath.
"Ummm..." you smile and just take his hand pulling him through your apartment till you reach your guest bedroom.
His eyes widen as he looks around at all your Halloween decorations. Before he can comment he's standing speechless in the doorway.
He looks around to see a completely Harry Potter themed guest bedroom, filled with creatures, books, wands, and more.
"Yeah Spencer, I've seen the movies" you finally say, letting out a laugh you've been holding back.
He looks stunned. "How did I... but you..."
"Yeah I'm usually pretty bad at hiding things so I have no idea how I pulled this one over on you. Aren't you supposed to read people for your job?" You joke with him, nudging his side with your elbow.
He's still just standing there, eyes wide, taking it all in. He walks over to the book shelf to flip through what you have.
"You have the potions book?...the maurader's map?...even the Quibbler?"
You just shrug, smiling as you watch him look around.
"So you don't think I'm completely crazy?"
"I think you're completely fantastic!" He blurts out, blushing a bit after he says it.
You bite your lip as you say " I may or may not also have the movies on DVD in 4K...to watch on my new TV."
He steps back into the living room to see where the two of you will be spending the rest of the night.
"Oh, this is going to be perfect!"
He takes a moment to finally take in the complete explosion of Halloween across your home.
"I hired Jack Skellington as my decorator" you snicker, making fun of yourself a bit.
He turns to you, eyes wide once again. "You like Halloween too?" He reminds you of an eager little kid with the look on his face.
You answer him with an eager nod and a grin.
"Y/N, I think it's pretty clear that we were meant to be friends! Where have you been all my life?" He laughs.
You don't know why, but you feel yourself turning red at hearing this comment.
You prepare some hot chocolate and popcorn for the two of you while Spencer sets up the Sorcerer's Stone.
"Oh I almost forgot, I brought something!" Spencer pulls something out of his sweater pocket. He has handfuls of Ghirardelli chocolates.
"Are those Rossi's? From the trip?"
"I have know idea what you're talking about." He states with a smirk as he plops down onto the couch, tossing you one. You lean back against the opposite end, leaving you room to both stretch your legs out and share a blanket.
You try your best not to quote the movie that you know by heart, but you just can't help it. Then you look over and see Spencer mouthing along with the lines. You give him a small kick under the blanket.
"I bet you could do a one man show of these movies, Mr. eidetic memory." You giggle.
"From the looks of it, so could you. We could take our show on the road. We'd make millions."
The two of you burst into a fit of laughter. With Spencer, you're always smiling.
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whump-with-wren · 5 years
I JUST SAW THE BAD THINGS HAPPEN BINGO CARD!!! I was reading over what you've already written and can I just say you've done an amazing job! If it isn't already written would you be okay with doing the prompt doesn't realize they are injured with Danny Rand? Maybe it can involve Ward as well?
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Bingo Prompt: Doesn’t Realise They’ve Been Hurt
Fandom: Iron Fist
Characters: Danny Rand, Ward Meachum
Word count: 1,747
A/N: Oh boy oh boy, this week has been busy. Haven’t managed to write every day, but I did get this done! It was lots of fun, enjoy!!
It had all started off so well. But really, Ward thought, most of their misadventures over the past few months could be summed up like that. It had started off so well, and then someone drew a gun. Or decided to go all ninja on them. Or pulled out some magic he couldn’t even begin to understand. Whatever the case, he wasn’t hugely surprised to find himself pinned down behind a pile of boxes in an- what they had thought was - empty warehouse, the former ‘drawing a gun’ option having happened this time around. 
Danny grinned at him from a pile of boxes nearby, and Ward returned the gesture with a glare. Unphased, Danny motioned for Ward to stay down, and then like the damned idiot he was, popped his head over the cover to take in the scene. Ward closed his eyes and leaned his head against the box, wondering once again how he had let Danny talk him into doing this. 
A sudden flurry of gunfire snapped his eyes open just in time to see Danny slide behind cover beside him, having sprinted the gap between their boxes. Ward made sure he hadn’t been hurt, then glared at him. 
“You’re an idiot,” he muttered. Danny’s grin only widened. 
“There’s a door in that direction,” he said, gesturing slightly. Ward couldn’t see it over the boxes, but he trusted Danny and nodded. “No one is between us and it, but they’re beginning to flank us. We have to run, and soon.” Again, Ward nodded - Danny was much better in these situations than he was, and he had long ago learned it was better to just do as he was told until they were safe. 
Danny risked another glance, earning a bullet past his ear, and ducked down again. 
“Ready?” he asked, and once again Ward found himself nodding. Danny counted down on his fingers. 
An instant later, they were sprinting across the warehouse, low to the ground, Ward close behind Danny.  Their attackers were taken by surprise, which gave them a chance to get almost halfway to the door before the gunfire began again. Danny rapidly took down the one man in their way, and they burst out the door. 
For a moment, Ward thought they were home free, that they had made it without any trouble. Then pain exploded in his shoulder and he cried out, stumbling forward. Danny was beside him almost instantly, supporting him, shouting something. 
The world was spinning as his shoulder throbbed. He was vaguely aware of Danny half carrying him through the streets, of his feet stumbling beneath him, his head spinning, his shoulder sending pain bursting through him. 
Finally, they stopped and Ward felt himself lowered onto a low bench. He grimaced, his senses slowly coming back to him. 
“Ow,” he muttered, wrapping a hand around his shoulder. It came away wet with blood. Danny was looking at him with concern. 
“Let me look,” he said, and Ward didn’t resist as he shifted, turning so Danny could take a look at the wound. “It’s not as bad as I thought,” he said after a moment. “It just nicked you.” 
“Still hurts,” Ward growled. Danny grinned, holding out a hand, speckled with Ward’s blood. Ward took it, wincing as he did and let Danny pull him to his feet. 
It was then that he noticed that Danny’s hands weren’t the only bloody part of him - a large stain was smeared across his shirt. Ward frowned, watching as Danny began to move, saying something about going back to the hotel. He was limping - more so than usual. 
“You okay?” he asked, holding his wounded arm to his chest in an effort to relieve the pain. It didn’t help much. Danny glanced back at him. 
“I’m fine,” he said, seeming surprised by the question. 
“You’re covered in blood.” 
Danny glanced down, frowning slightly. 
“I - I don’t think it’s mine,” he said, but his voice was weak and Ward wasn’t so sure. 
“Let me look,” he said shortly and without giving Danny a chance to protest, pulled the younger man’s shirt up to look at the wound. The sight that greeted him made him curse. 
Danny glanced down, pressing a hand to his side. The colour drained from his face. 
“Oh,” he whispered, suddenly swaying. 
Ignoring his own pain for the moment, Ward moved forward to catch Danny before he collapsed - an event that looked like it would happen at any moment. Danny didn’t resist. Ward suspected he’d been running on adrenalin alone for the past few minutes. 
“Sit,” he growled, lowering Danny to the bench he had just vacated. The wound on Danny’s side was worrying - it had to be treated now, or he would lose a lot of blood. As Ward tugged off his jacket and began ripping his shirt into rough bandages, he glared at Danny. “How the hell did you not noticed getting shot?” he demanded.
Danny shrugged, one hand pressed firmly to his side. There was a lot of blood and Ward was feeling very out of his depth. 
(The part of him that wasn’t preoccupied with helping Danny or his own pain marvelled that in only a few years he had gone from a scared addict, trapped under his father’s control to this - patching up his bleeding brother in an empty street in some city halfway across the world. He couldn’t help but wonder at how it had happened at all)
“I had to get you to safety,” Danny muttered, answering his question. Ward snorted, doing his best to bandage Danny’s wound. 
“You’re an idiot,” he responded and Danny gave a small chuckle, which Ward decided was a good sign, even though it was cut off by a groan of pain. Satisfied his crude bandage would last enough to get them back to the hotel and the first aid kit in their room he quickly fashioned a bandage for his own shoulder. He wasn’t sure how much good it would actually do, but the placebo effect was a thing, right?
 “You okay to move?” he asked. Danny nodded, pushing himself up, then hissed in pain and sank back down again. “Danny, we have to keep moving.” 
“I know,” Danny said, but he didn’t go to move again, and his eyes were closed. Ward crouched before him, laying a hand on his shoulder. 
“Danny,” he said, gently squeezing until Danny opened his eyes again. They were sharp with pain, but at least they were open. “We have to keep moving, okay?”
“I - I know,” Danny said shakily. “I’ll be up in a minute, just let me catch my breath.” 
Ward glanced back in the direction they had come, worry curling tightly in his chest. They couldn’t have got far from the warehouse, and he knew it was only a matter of time before their pursuers caught up with them. Besides that, he was growing increasingly worried about Danny’s condition - his shirt was soaked with blood, and the bandages were reddening very quickly. They couldn’t afford to let Danny catch his breath. 
“Up you get,” he grunted, pulling Danny up as he spoke. Danny swayed slightly, leaning heavily on Ward’s shoulder and not resisting. “Stay with me, alright?” 
Danny nodded, letting out a long breath. 
“I’m okay, I just… need a breather.” 
“You can have one when we get back to the hotel, we can’t stick around here.” He began moving, Danny slumped over his good shoulder, wishing he had brought his gun. 
They stumbled through the streets, Danny leaning more on Ward as they continued. Finally, as they began to enter more populated areas, Ward paused, glancing down at him. 
“We need to get you to a hospital,” he said, hesitantly. Danny was in bad shape. But he shook his head weakly, looking up through pain dulled eyes. 
“No,” he muttered. “They’ll be waiting.” 
Ward cursed. Of course - the group who had attacked them practically owned the town. They would have men watching the hospital, waiting to see if he and Danny showed up asking for help. And if they did - well, Danny was in no shape to fight anyone, and Ward still didn’t have his gun. 
“Hotel,” Danny muttered, slumping forward again. His hair was sticking to his forehead, his breaths shallow and weak. Ward was growing increasingly worried. 
“Danny, I - I don’t…” he sucked in a breath, glancing around the street. There were few people out at the late evening hour, those who were paying them no heed. “Maybe it’s worth the risk.” 
“No,” Danny said, his voice more forceful than Ward had expected. He shifted, lifting his head again and fixing Ward with a sharp look. “Not worth it. They’ll,” he shut his eyes, groaning, pressing a hand to his wound. “... kill you,” he muttered, leaning his weight back into Ward’s shoulder. 
“Maybe it is worth it,” Ward thought again. “Even if they do kill me, you might get the help you need. I’m the reason you got hurt in the first place.” He didn’t say anything - wasn’t sure Danny would even hear him if he did. 
By the time they made it back to the hotel, Danny was barely responsive. Ward hurried through the building to their room, slipping a few bills in the direction of anyone who saw them. Once inside, he sat Danny on one of the beds. The younger man swayed as he sat, but he didn’t collapse, which Ward took as a good sign. 
He hurried to his bag, digging through it to pull out the first-aid kit. Then, with a combination of his limited knowledge and the dubious usefulness of the internet, he set to work. 
It took him almost an hour, but eventually, Danny was sleeping, pale but alive. Ward sank into a chair, running a hand through his hair before he realised he was smearing blood everywhere. He dropped his hands, exhausted, hissing as he moved his shoulder. 
“Damnit Danny,” he muttered. “Stop doing that to me. Stop scaring me.” 
But the worst had passed now - Ward was sure of that. Danny needed sleep, and time to recover. And, Ward thought as he picked up the gun he had left in his bag, he would get that. 
He looked back at Danny, at the peaceful look that had come over his face. He was resting - he was recovering - and Ward let out a long sigh, trusting that Danny would be alright. 
“You’re an idiot,” he said softly. 
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spencers-dria · 3 years
Someone To Stay
Original story by fairytales1896
Spencer x fem reader
8. Completely Fantastic
The next morning you wake up and start packing as you prepare for the drive back home. You take your hair out of the bun you had slept in, leaving it with some long loose waves. You throw on a long, flowing navy and white maxi skirt with a navy tank top and some strappy sandals. You are feeling particularly in touch with your bohemian side after a weekend spent in the great outdoors.
After filling up on a quick breakfast, you grab your bags and head out to the car. You look to Spencer. "Is it okay if I drive?"
He appreciates you asking. No one ever does. They just assume.
"Sounds good!" He tosses his keys over to you. After filling the trunk with both of your bags, you scoot into the driver's side and adjust the seat and mirrors. You may be tall, but Spencer was much taller.
As you pull out of the driveway and make your way down the road, Spencer looks towards you.
"I'm guessing you want music. I don't really have much. If you hand me your phone I can put on whatever you like."
You unlock your phone and hand it to him, smiling at the kind gesture. Seems like he catches on quick.
"Hmm" you think out loud. "Well, I know you haven't listened to quite as much as me so we have a lot of genres to cover on this car ride. We'll start with the 70's and go from there. Just put it my 70's playslist on shuffle. We'll let my phone pick for us."
Gypsy by Fleetwood Mac comes on. A smile of content spreads across your face. You reach into the compartment above your rear view mirror and grab what you liked to call your "John Lennon Sunglasses". They're rosy and oversized and perfect for your current mood. You roll the windows down and let the wind whip through your hair, resting your elbow out the window. Sunshine warms your skin as you listen to the incredibly talented Stevie Nicks.
After a few more songs you ask him to flip to the 80's playlist on shuffle. As Forever Young by Alphaville comes on, you see a look of recognition on Spencer's face.
"Oh yeah, I forgot you were an 80's baby! 80's pop is some of my very favorite."
He smiles and nods. You get it. There's something oddly comforting about nostalgic music from your childhood. You let the rest of the 80's playlist finish, since you both seem to enjoy it.
Eventually Spencer turns in his seat to face you.
"I had a lot of fun this weekend." He states this with a fairly serious look on his face.
"Yeah me too! Is everything okay though? You look like you have more to say?"
He continues, while fiddling with his hands and hair and staring down at his lap. He's clearly nervous.
"It's uh j-just...would you...well would you want to be friends? I know that's p-probably an odd question I just, well I enjoy hanging out with you. Since I don't see you at my uh place of work I wasn't really sure the c-correct protocol for..."
You reach over and squeeze his hand to cut him off, since you can see he's clearly only making himself more anxious.
"Hey" you give him a reassuring smile.
"We're already friends. I think we have no choice but to continue hanging out. I mean, we just get along to well, it's not really up to me" you joke.
The both of you laugh and he seems to relax again. He squeezes your hand back as a thank you. Before you return it to the steering wheel.
"How do you feel about a weekly movie night?"
His eyes light up at the idea before clouded over, clearly thinking it through.
"My job..." he starts before you cut him off.
"I know, Spencer. Don't stress. My job schedule is inconsistent too. I mean, I get my schedule given to me six weeks at a time but, I work different sets of days each week. It's completely random. But that means I have four days off a week so I like our chances. And if some weeks it doesn't happen, that's ok too. You go save lives, and I'll help heal them. It's what we do."
He raises his eyebrows in surprise before responding.
"Oh well you've thought of everything, huh?"
You shrug, trying to conceal a smirk. "Maybe."
He looks to you. "Ok so what will be watching first?"
"Hmm, I'll let you pick first. And we can trade off?"
"Well I don't know how into fandoms you are but... would you mind if we watched some of Harry Potter?"
Usually your face is a huge giveaway to what you were thinking, and not just to FBI profilers. In this instance, you were incredibly determined to keep a straight face and not let on a single thing.
You just give a small nod as you keep your eyes on the road, expressionless.
"Sure, we can do that."
"Ok, so when and where? Or do you have that planned too?"
"Well..." you think for a minute before extending the offer. You don't want to scare off your newest friend.
"I'm free tonight if you'd like. We can unpack and maybe sneak in a nap first?" You glance over to gauge his reaction.
He smiles and nods, on board with the idea.
"Yeah, and I can meet back at your place at 5? Want me to bring anything? The DVD's?"
"Oh no it's fine! I'm pretty sure I saw them on Amazon or YouTube TV..." you respond, still trying to control your face. You really wanted to fool the genius profiler.
Spencer asks to borrow your blanket before curling up in the passenger seat and taking a nap the rest of the way home. It was too adorable. You couldn't help yourself. As you pulled up to a red light, you snap a quick picture of him. You also take a selfie with you making goofy faces, Spencer sleeping in the background.
You gently shake him awake after parking outside of your building. You grab your bags out of the back and wave to him as he backs the car out.
Once in the apartment, you take Juneau out for a quick walk. The dog sitter had given you detailed  updates while you'd been away. You throw your weekend bags in the closet and hop in the shower. After drying your hair, you throw on a Black Borgin and Burke's T shirt and some black leggings and get to work.
It's September which, for you, meant the Halloween decor was abundant. You plug in all of your purple, green, and orange string lights placed all around your living room and kitchen. You light several candles you have scattered amongst your Halloween decor. Your shelves are lined with pumpkins, potion bottles, and various skeleton items.
You pop in your guest room to make sure it looks presentable. You're fairly sure he won't be expecting anything like what he's walking into tonight. On one hand, if it scares him off then it was bound to happen eventually. But if he doesn't mind...well maybe this friend is in it for the long haul.
You grab two butterbeer mugs and set them on the counter next to an assortment of flavored hot chocolate packets. You also set out microwave popcorn and a bowl of Halloween candy.
You decide to do one last thing, really hoping Spencer won't think you're completely insane. It's not long before you hear a knock at the door.
You open it, wearing your Ravenclaw robe and your glasses which just so happen to look a bit like Harry Potter's.
Spencer's brow wrinkles in confusion before he starts laughing.
"So I'm guessing you've seen Harry Potter before!" He says after finally catching his breath.
"Ummm..." you smile and just take his hand pulling him through your apartment till you reach your guest bedroom.
His eyes widen as he looks around at all your Halloween decorations. Before he can comment he's standing speechless in the doorway.
He looks around to see a completely Harry Potter themed guest bedroom, filled with creatures, books, wands, and more.
"Yeah Spencer, I've seen the movies" you finally say, letting out a laugh you've been holding back.
He looks stunned. "How did I... but you..."
"Yeah I'm usually pretty bad at hiding things so I have no idea how I pulled this one over on you. Aren't you supposed to read people for your job?" You joke with him, nudging his side with your elbow.
He's still just standing there, eyes wide, taking it all in. He walks over to the book shelf to flip through what you have.
"You have the potions book?...the maurader's map?...even the Quibbler?"
You just shrug, smiling as you watch him look around.
"So you don't think I'm completely crazy?"
"I think you're completely fantastic!" He blurts out, blushing a bit after he says it.
You bite your lip as you say " I may or may not also have the movies on DVD in 4K...to watch on my new TV."
He steps back into the living room to see where the two of you will be spending the rest of the night.
"Oh, this is going to be perfect!"
He takes a moment to finally take in the complete explosion of Halloween across your home.
"I hired Jack Skellington as my decorator" you snicker, making fun of yourself a bit.
He turns to you, eyes wide once again. "You like Halloween too?" He reminds you of an eager little kid with the look on his face.
You answer him with an eager nod and a grin.
"Y/N, I think it's pretty clear that we were meant to be friends! Where have you been all my life?" He laughs.
You don't know why, but you feel yourself turning red at hearing this comment.
You prepare some hot chocolate and popcorn for the two of you while Spencer sets up the Sorcerer's Stone.
"Oh I almost forgot, I brought something!" Spencer pulls something out of his sweater pocket. He has handfuls of Ghirardelli chocolates.
"Are those Rossi's? From the trip?"
"I have know idea what you're talking about." He states with a smirk as he plops down onto the couch, tossing you one. You lean back against the opposite end, leaving you room to both stretch your legs out and share a blanket.
You try your best not to quote the movie that you know by heart, but you just can't help it. Then you look over and see Spencer mouthing along with the lines. You give him a small kick under the blanket.
"I bet you could do a one man show of these movies, Mr. eidetic memory." You giggle.
"From the looks of it, so could you. We could take our show on the road. We'd make millions."
The two of you burst into a fit of laughter. With Spencer, you're always smiling.
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