#nezha waking mk up
dez-ku · 2 years
The class president waking mk up
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tealdoodles · 7 months
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Continuing my "got sick and decided to endulge in 'what if a Reader was in @emelinstriker. ESAU' as a series.
First day I have more energy and I decide to start this… then passed out. This was supposed to just be the three champions worrying Reader drawing will interrupt the “get some rest” time. (But by golly did I need that nap. Waking up at 2 am and just wide awake till finally your body decides to rest, even if I woke up and felt like i nearly needed a chiropractor.)
After that much needed snooze I ended up putting way more details into this than I needed.
This Reader doesn’t mind the Champions cuddling her/lying next to her/some form of touch (it comforts her)
MK doodling some stuff (mention of another au if u squint)
Nezha and Red Son focusing on tea for that extra boost. Still gotta drink fluids and take those vitamins. Nibble on crackers…
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cherllyio · 10 days
A timeline of the Season 5 trailer
This was a timeline i made with @lu-zijing in a youtube video we made together.
Video that helped me notice some details: "Lego monkie kid season 5 trailer breakdown" - Ash_Is_Bored
First scene:
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I theorise this to be the first scene for 2 reasons:
Wukong isn't wearing a circlet yet
The Sky isnt destroyed yet, and it just looks like normal training between Wukong and MK.
But, after they finish training, MK goes to bed but wakes up somewhere... different:
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The mystical monkeys got dragged to court in The Underworld, by The Underworld Kings, clearly by surprise since MK is in his PJ's. Also Wukong is still not wearing a circlet.
They are: "Do you three know of the crimes you have done", so its clearly the first time they are down there.
I imagine they are bassicaly told: "Everything is going wrong because of you three, so stop interfering with this, we will fix it".
This then followed by them getting sent back and being welcomend back to flower fruit mounatin... or what remains of it...
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(notice the volcanos around flower fruit mountain from the pilot ep):
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Wukong and Macaque are clearly pretty chocked and scared by this revalation, and even give eachother THAT LOOK.
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Ep 1 ends here.
After this they probaly gather all the monkeys from the island, and try to find a shelter for the time being.
And after everything is secure, they send MK home with a little: "We will figure this out, Bud, go check on your friends, they are probaly worried sick for where you have been."
What happens after MK gets home, i have no idea, but we do have a couple of scenes that look to be the closest to what happens afterwards:
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Pigsy has put up a noddle stand here, to celebrate some kind of "festival". Yet it is then intereupted by the sky suddenly breaking again.
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And if that wasnt enough, Li Jing (and Nezha in his mech) shows up, (probaly thinking that the skyes are breaking because of MK, Wukong and Macaque, hence why they were in court earlier)
Li jing sucks MK in his magical pagado (notice how MK is the only one dragged forward)(As mentioned in that breakdown i linked to)
Li Jing(to MK); Don't even think about running!
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We are then up in The Underworld again, where Li Jing is formely introduced and the monkeys are told that he is gonna be the next Jade Emperor:
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This is also here we learn about the "Pillar of Creation", which is the thing currently on beaming on Flower Fruit Mountain, and is also currently breaking apart (therefore why the sky is breaking)
MK: Sorry what the is "The Pillar of Creation"?
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This is also the same scene, where Wukong gets a new circlet on by Li Jing (because Li Jing and The Kings of the underworld think our mystical monkeys are the cause of the sky breaking)
This then followed by the monkeys getting teleported away(to what im guessing is going to be some kind of prison, since they probaly dont trust them out in the world).
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The scenes become a bit more scattered after this, and probaly take place further from eachother from now on, but MK, Wukong and Macaque are clearly breaking out prison here:
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They then join with the rest of the gang, and try to figure out how to prove that the mystical monkeys are innocent, while also trying to find out how to save the world.
In one of these scenes they stumble upon Li Jing, where Macaque stays behiend to give the others some time (but sadly gets trapped in the pagado in the process)
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This was mentioned in the breakdown with the glow, Macaque has on him in this scene, which is the same that shows when Li Jing uses his Pagado:
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Hence why Macaque isnt in the following scenes after this.
I can imagine Macaque gets trapped in The Underworld after this again (which would cause defintly some BAD MEMORIES to come back) (Shadowpeach backstoryyyyy????)
This though would also give us someone "on the inside", who can figure out why they are getting blamed for all of this (maybe he even meets the traitor king)
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Anyway, back to the rest of the gang.
On their way, they found out about "four mystical creatures" that can save the world.
But as they go too seek them, where they atleast found two of them, they are dying as they are trying to protect two magical stones.
Therefore, right before they die, they give the stones to MK (notice how they are the same place, in both scenes)
Mei: It seems to have something to do with the stone.
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They are though quickly interupted by our dear Li jing(who is honestly such an asshole at this point)
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Hopefully, they manage to get away with the stones.
There is a lot of other scenes i could talk about(but since Tumblr wont let me put in any more pictures) i am just going to talk about the last scenes in the season (before the special atleast):
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Wukong: Ok MK, there is something inside you that you cant control.
They have clearly gathered all the stones here (so its clearly near the end) , but something has gone wrong, and from what i could figure from others theories( @lunamikobrony2 ) its probaly that something happend to Wukong.
More specifically that (like the other magical creatures) he had to sacrifce himself, since Wukong is the LAST STONE. (again go check out @lunamikobrony2 theory)
So bassicaly this is going to be MK's "Apeshit scene". (and i dont know if that is going to be a good or a bad thing)
And thats all from me folks! If you want me to analysis more scenes from the trailer and where they fit in the timeline just ask me in my inbox.
!Or! if you have any changes you would like to make to the timeline, be free to say so! I am open to changing my mind about this!
Translations used: 1 (here) - 2 (here)
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quitealotofsodapop · 10 months
More details on my "The Monkey King and the Infant" au;
Sun Wukong was given MK's egg by Nezha under the Jade Emperor's command. The Lotus Prince, equally disgusted by Heaven's order, promised to keep quiet on whatever the Monkey King chose to do with the egg.
The Jade Emperor, Lao Tzu, most of the Celestials and Demons that had past beef with Sun Wukong; All want this stone egg scrambled. Save strangely enough for Princess Iron Fan, who's already watching the baby stone monkey's career with great interest.
MK's egg being formed is "somehow" connected to Macaque being resurrected by LBD. Only LBD knows the true reason.
Sun Wukong and Macaque reunited during the process of deciding what to do with the egg. It wasnt pretty, but both agreed that it was an issue far greater than their estrangement.
The two wandered for sometime, just trying to find a way for the unhatched Stone Monkey to live in peace separated from the chaos of Heaven. Until they came across a noodle stand with an unusually familiar face.
Macaque initially protested leaving the egg with Pigsy. However, when the pig demon assumed the pair were down-on-their luck soon-to-be-parents needing a safe space to rear their unborn, he offered the apartment above the shop for free. Macaque was quick to reconsider his first impression.
The Monkeys, Pigsy, and Tang, are all co-parenting the little undercooked Monkey. It can be a little confusing when MK grows up and mentions having four separate parents but people are mostly polite about it. Uncle Sandy has been tagging in for babysitting duty ever since Pigsy caught a horde of Flower Fruit Monkeys filling in for their King on diaper duty.
Nezha pops in after a few months post-hatch, and pretty much cries in relief and shame that he suspected for even a moment that Sun Wukong would harm the little infant. Becomes MK's unofficial Fairy Godfather.
Macaque and the few Celestials who know of MK's existance call him "The Egg" long after he's hatched. It's easier to see him as something that can still be crushed. Macaque's title eventually turns into an adoring nickname. The Celestial's title becomes a threat.
Pigsy and Tang were legit unaware that the two Monkey Demons that showed up are the ones from the stories. After all, there's gotta be a bunch of them hanging around right? Right?
One day Pigsy walks in on MK's egg being warmed in a nest of heated blankets, and quickly puts two and two together. Him and Tang both agree that all these little details stay inside the noodle shop.
MK hatched surrounded by adoring eyes and a warm bowl of noodles. More suspicions are raised when he looks like a odd mix of the two adult stone monkeys. His offical name is "Qi Xiaotang", since he's the little piece of Heaven that the Jade Emperor cannot control.
Sun Wukong: "First one to get called Dad gets naming privileges!"
Baby MK imprinted a lot from Pigsy. Cue piglet squealing and grunts in addition to regular baby monkey noises. The sounds made during bath time got animal control called on the shop more than once.
Tang is still a big Journey to the West nerd. Him and Macaque sometimes grab cocktails and talk about relationship issues.
MK has built-in Gold Vision + Glamour filter. Its a little startling for demons who thought they had perfect glamours. MK himself looks just "human-enough" that he can pass as human easily.
Mei is still MK's bff. Although she's confused why he keeps saying she has scales. Red Son keeps running into them pre-Staff and is very annoyed.
At the time of the show's canon; Sun Wukong's Staff willingly gets removed by MK, tricked by PIF and Red Son. And the Demon Bull King aint happy to see a mini-Wukong when he wakes up.
MK: "My parents are gonna Kill me."
The waking of DBK, and MK inheriting Sun Wukong's powers, things get a little heated at home. Esp since LBD wants to "cash in" her favor to Macaque, old wounds get reopened, and the Jade Emperor is starting to realise that Sun Wukong didnt smash the stone egg and that Nezha has been covering for him.
This au is consuming me.
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cloud-somersault · 22 days
anyway, what i've been doing to make myself feel better is imagining the epilogue from Wukong's perspective. like thinking about what he's thinking/feeling as each chapter happens
And I just know that this fool is giddy af whenever Macaque visits. He wakes up each morning and thinks "I hope! Macaque visits me today! 🥰😋🤭🥰😊😋😊" and then is slightly upset when Macaque doesn't visit him that day. And he goes to sleep hoping Macaque will visit him tomorrow. And the cycle repeats.
And I know this fool, every time Macaque visits for one of their walks, is SO HAPPY during the walk and then afterward, when Macaque leaves he is sad....for about ten minutes and then he's "Macaque!!!!!!! visited me today!!!" and then he goes and checks on his subjects and everyone gathers around him and is like
"Lao Sun, why are you so happy?"
And Wukong's dumbass is like, "Oh 🥰🥰🤭🥰😋😊😋😊😊I dunno!!" But he doesn't stop smiling. And he goes to bed super happy, tail wagging nonstop, all because Macaque visited him that day.
And whenever they decided to remove their illusions?? Wukong was OVER THE MOON (hahaha) because Macaque is fucking gorgeous and Wukong is so in love. Please, imagine every time Macaque is talking about something or he laughs or he lets Wukong hold his hand. Wukong is OVERFLOWING with joy and excitement, his heart is pounding, he's blushing, he's so so so happy. And then he goes to bed that night thinking about how pretty Macaque is.
And sometimes he wishes, wishes, wishes that Macaque would visit him more. He goes like three days without a visit and he's so UPSET he's like "UGHH!!! Why can't i just fly over and see him!!" but then they wouldn't be able to go on a walk and it's not what they agreed on and he can't just show up at Macaque's place uninvited so!!! UGHH!!! HE'S SO UPSET!!
Seeing MK makes him feel better, though. When Wukong feels like he's in these sad bouts of loneliness, he'll go hang out with MK and friends or go bother Nezha. And get! Some lovely energy and dopamine from that.
But I don't know, I know this fool is just...in bed. On the days Macaque visits, Wukong lays in bed, right. And he just goes over in his mind what they talked about. And he remembers every word Macaque says. And he just happily recalls their entire walk and he's so happy to even be able to talk to Macaque amicably again. He gets super emotional... He wants to see Macaque!! 😫😫😫😩😩😩
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newkatzkafe2023 · 5 months
What if Y/N and the Monkey King's met their future sons/daughters.
I'm gonna have (Y/N) As her snow white monkey form if that's okay with you.
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(Lmk Wukong) He was napping when he was tackle to wake up by various voices. He look to see two monkey boys with white fur with gold eyes and a little orange monkey girl with blue eyes. They were all talking at the same time so he couldn't understand a word they said. But they do look familiar especially their smiles. They ones he rarely gets from his rather Grouchy Wife. Then his guess was confirm when you got back from the market and him with 3 monkey Cubs. They soon run to you and overwelm you with their little voices. Wukong has never been so blessed before and he hopes their more to come.
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(MK Reborn Wukong) Those kids have to be one of the biggest demon brats on the planet. You meet them on your mountain when Wukong came by today. They were little angels to you mainly because you can kick their ass if they weren't. Their was a boy and a girl monkey they say your supposed to have another in a month or so and that shocked you. Wukong wasn't having it he refuse to believe them and mostly wanted to know where the hell did they come from. Until his daughter blamed her brother for their situation and now they're beating the snot out of each other. As Wukong tries to break it up you can't help but daydream about your future With your Two Feral kids and you're just as feral husband.
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(HIB Wukong) His kids make him so tired. First of all this tells him that he Managed to get that close to you and get married have children with you. Now those said children are here trying to help him get with you in order to protect their family. His 3 Sons We're surprised to see how savage you can be, but his youngest and only daughter knew you like the back of her paw😏She knows you like him but are not sure how to approach him so she goes and talks to you herself. With the children's help you guys have a proper date and find that you have more in common then you think Misson Accomplished.
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(Nezha Reborn wukong) Oh my god, oh my god, There is so many😨 why is there so Freaking many of you?! If it wasn't for the mask you will notice How much his eye is twitching. From what he heard these are his kids from the future after Accidentally getting sent back in time. Their was 5 boys and 2 Girls and apparently their was another one that hasn't been boen yet. He looks at you and you respond with that you always wanted a big family. He sort of wants to blame you. But his youngest daughter points out that he has no self control so that went out the window. All he can do now is sit and listen to the conversations As he feels his fur turn grayer than ever.
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(Netflix Wukong) He has never been so happy in his life. Looking at all the small monkey cubs that is supposedly his family. His 2 Sons tell him that your supposed to have 2 daughters in the Winter so that's gonna be exciting. You were always unsure if you would ever be a good mother. But the cubs praises made you feel better and Wukong loved you more then ever now 🥰🥰🥰
Feel Free to Reblog😇👍
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emelinstriker · 6 months
Love language of the champions? :D
(If you've already answered this don't bother answering this one)
Oh and I'm sorry for those people who gave you a hard time, I hope you're doing much better now <3
Hgfhnghfng thx, I've been doing much better and was even able to sleep for the first time this week without waking up two hours early^^
Ooooo I don't think I've ever covered the champions' love languages :o
Wukong's silent nature makes him amazing at acts of service. He doesn't need any commands or requests to find a way to make his Master happy.
Macaque's language is definitely physical touch with how he doesn't like letting go of his Master. He do be one clingy monkey.
Mink... I guess words of affirmation. He's straight forward and honest about his view on things. So if the Reader needs verbal comfort and praise, he would basically destroy any doubts they might have.
Nezha is more a mix of acts of service and words of affirmation. But he's not as brutally honest as Mink is. He's definitely paying more attention to what he says.
MK prefers quality time with how he likes to follow his Master around or even draw with them. He even enjoys trying out new things with them.
Red Son likes to hand his Master little gifts, especially his own creations. He sometimes even makes gifts for some other champions he respects.
Azure is all for that quality time and likes to show his Master areas he found outside the palace to relax in.
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fandomwriterlover · 2 years
Hello! If you are taking requests at this time, would you be able to do a scenario? It would be Macaque, Nezha, and MK (separate) x Reader (gender neutral).
The prompt: reader is normally very confident and fearless, with a cute and soft demeanor that's hard to hate. Then one night, they have a bad nightmare that wakes the boy(s) up, the reader is literally shaking and crying from the dream. When they can calm the reader down a bit and ask if they're ok, they just say that it was a dream about an old memory and refuse to say anything else.
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You both sleep seperatly. It was more confortable for him and you never bothered about it. That night he would change that arragement, when you startled him.
He rushed in your room at the moment he heard your screams, and found you sitting at the edge of the bed sweating. You always had an stoic and fearless look on your face... It was the first time he saw you like ... This.
You're fine, it's nothing- You asurred! Covering yourself with the blankets, you told Macaque to leave. It was embarrising to have him looking at you like this! But... That charming jerk not only didn't left; he sat close to you!
You felt his body laying next to you, trying to talk about what happened. If you don't want to talk about it, it's ok. But he would tell you little stories about his life: bad moments, good moments... Which you are included. You dift into a calm sothing sleep, and he stay by your side caressing gently your cheek.
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When he heard a scream, he awoke already sumnonding his spear and the pink fire wheels already on his feet. His eyes dashed into all directions, searching for any enemy or intruder... But then he saw you: with a terrefied expression he had never saw on your face. Ever.
He came to you, apologising... But you needed a moment, and walked out of the room. You walked fast, trying to calm your stupid beating heart and trying to get thoses images of your brain. The fresh air and the moonlight made you realice that you were in the garden...
Nezha found you there. You felt a wave of embarrasment coming through your head and couldn't face him; not with your angsty expression and your cheek wet by the tears that you shed in your horrible sleep. But he gently grabbed your arm, and that stopped you from keep walking.
Only him... Yes, you felt that this god that you deeply loved... He would be the only one who you could be a little more open. Both of you had difficult backgrounds that could be define as "difficult to handle". The two of you had a lot to tell... And that's what you did together. You wouldn't know how much it means to Nezha that you trust him enough to show him a side of you that you conceal; nor even the sweet gentle look he had while he watched you while you were sleeping, one he convinved you to go back to bed.
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Your mumbleling became shrieks and yelling at the night terror was getting worse. MK woke up with the thought that you were being attacked right next to him, didn't took the staff out of his ear yet because he saw that it was just the two of you in his room. He placed his hand on your arm and shoulder, calling your name with a worried tone; he panicked that you weren't waking up... and that you were crying!
As you were rising from a seas that swalow you deep, you sat up with a shaking breathing and the feeling of suffocation. Those images were still on your open eyes. The scents. The sounds echoing your hears... Until you heard MK's voice; his worried voice break you out of that trance. He was next to you, one hand still on your shoulder as the other reached at your face... Wait, you were CRYING?! Damm it!
You ran out of the room. Feeling angry, anxious, embarresed... Why did MK had to see you like THIS?! Like a coward baby. You end up downstairs at Pigsy's Noodle Shop, you sat at a couch that the gang place in a corner to watch the tv for next friday's movie marathoon. Resting your back againts the pillows, you whiped your eyes trying to erase the traces that your tears made. You heard foots steps coming down from the stairs, it was clearly MK.
He just peeked from the wall corner at you for a moment. You kept your hand on your face to avoid his gaze. Then, you saw a dim light coming from the kitchen. Then, bubbling sounds appears, along with choppings and cabinets door opening and closing. And the scent of... Oh, Chicken Lo Mein. Your sunshine came to you with two small bowls with your favorite dish, waiting for an invitation to sit next to you. You smiled at him and scoop on one side. No need necesary. If you didn't wanted to talk, he won't insist; but when you ever feel bad, he would always be at your side. Pigsy entered at the Noodle shop first thing in the morning, finding both of you fall asleep on the couch.
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yanderelmk · 1 year
Hey! So saw your ask yanderes and I decided to ask :)
It is okay if I ask : MK, Mei, Redson, Wukong, Macauqe, Syntax, Mayor, and Nezha ?
If I can then what would they do if their darling decided to just end the friendship because of their issues? Ahaha... TRUST ISSUES. their darling don't trust them no more and decided to end the friendship. And their darling will not be hearing any excuses from them and will end that friendship right there.
(My issues😘)
Hope you can do!
- 🌼 (did I request too much?)
A/N: You're good! I said no character limits, so no limit shall there be. Just a lil heads-up for anyone else, yes there are no limits, but do be warned I'll be taking extra time on longer asks to make sure everything flows properly A/N: Since Tumblr won't let me write too much (and started not letting me post it) I had to break it up into two parts! Don't worry I'll be posting it soon after this one <> CW: Kidnapping 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛 "Wait- what do you mean you don't want to see me anymore?" MK felt tears beginning to sting his eyes. "Listen, I know sometimes I kinda got intense, but I told you I don't mean to scare you. It's just- when I see someone who looks like they're gonna hurt you I get really angry, and I want to keep you safe. Y/N, please! Don't go!" He suddenly grabs you by the shoulders. "I can change, I swear! Just don't leave me!" As you turn and begin to walk away, his breathing gets shorter as panic begins to swell within his heart. In a blink, he's struck you unconscious. "It'll be okay...it'll be okay...I'll just get you home. Then we'll talk this out, it'll all be okay..." MK repeats this to himself like a calming mantra as he carries you off. 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚 Upon you saying you're breaking things off, Mei laughs. "Ahh, that's a good one Y/N. You really had me goin' there for a minute." When you continue to stare at her, she slowly sets down her milkshake. "You're...not kidding? But why would you want to stop hangin' out with me? Don't we have fun together? Don't you like hanging out with me?" She stands up from her seat, hand twitching towards her jade sword. "Who is it, huh? Who's so much better than me that you're willing to just throw away what we have for them? What do they have that I don't?! Are they prettier? Smarter? WHAT IS IT?!" Mei can feel her power beginning to spark up, but she's too upset to truly care. "TELL ME!!!" ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 Before you can even get the words out, Red Son's got you by the throat and is lifting you up into the air. His hair is completely aflame, and his eyes are blazing. "So that's it? You think you're just going to leave me? Well there's just one teensey little problem there, Y/N." He pulls you closer until your faces are inches apart. "You. Are. Mine. And I am not in the habit of letting go of what I rightfully own." Red Son's fingers are squeezing your throat, he doesn't seem to notice how much force he's using. "Now we are GOING back to my home, you will SIT in the dungeon and THINK about what you've done, and I EXPRESSLY FORBID YOU from EVER mentioning leaving me again. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 "Aww, it's cute that you think you can leave." Unbeknownst to Y/N, the seal to the entrance to Flower-Fruit Mountain begins glowing brighter, sealing them in. "Look Y/N, I think you've had a very long, very stressful day. Why don't you..." He picks from his fur a few strands and blows on them, transforming them into the sleep bugs he's used so often in his Westward journey. Before you can jerk back, he's got you by the throat and has dropped them upon you. "Take a little nap? Then when you wake up, you'll feel better! I'm feelin' like goin' out for dinner, we can talk then!" As the world begins to fade and your eyes begin to close you hear his laugh before he says, "Sweet dreams."
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staunr · 5 months
Mk- Life of the part and is the one to either get black out drunk or be the one helping the black out drunks
Pigsy- Would make noodles for everyone during and after the party. Would also make sure to always have an eye on once enemies and Bai He for her safety.
Mei- Also the life of the party, however she is more likely to break something sober instead of drunk
Tang- Freeloader and wine aunt #3
Sandy&Mo- would make everyone hot chocolate, always have a med kit, and repair anything that broke.
Wukong- Originally said he didn’t want to go but was convinced by Mk to go because 1) he would never get used to crowds again if he never tried and 2) Macaque would be going and if he wanted to repair his relationship with him he’d have to go (not a ship)
Macaque- Was dragged along with Bai He, he wanted to go before she offered. Wine aunt #1
Bai He- Running around the place in the first few hours, naps, wakes up, eats food, repeat.
Red Son- Was approached by the Demon Twins then Mei and Mk, eventually caved when Bai He also asked. Told his parents and asked if they wanted to join, to which they agreed.
PIF- Wine aunt #2
DBK- barbecue dad, like this is canon. He would bring demon exclusive ingredients and his wife ingredients that humans could have as gifts for Pigsy and Pigsy would have a field day with them.
Yin & Jin +their mom- Yin and Jin spiked the punch but then fell for their own prank. With Bai He present no one drank the spiked punch, but then Mk notified the duos mom and she picked them both up.
Nezha- Had attendees for a brief moment just to bring gifts and catch up with everyone then left because he’s a busy guy, BUT IF HE WASNT BUSY, he would be playing games with red son, just dance with Mei, cooking Mk, and getting to know Bai He. Of course he’d talk to the others but it’s brief.. but he would also participate in gossip by droppping random tea when walking by the wine trio
Mayor- Wouldn’t stay too long, just give gifts and leave.
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monkiebois · 5 days
Tang (oh wow, someone who isnt nezha or macaque its a miracle :o), 😇, 👻, 🌟, 🖕 and 😶
OH I LOVE TANG! I dont talk about him much but i adore my headcanons for him. He's so squishable. like a stress toy.
😇 A headcanon about their religion/lack thereof
hmmm, im unsure about this one. cause in a world where gods litterally go into the mortal realm, Sun Wukong is a popular celebrity and magic stuff happens all the time in places where everyone can see. its a little hard for me to imagine anyone in LMK having a religion that deviates from the gods that we know already exist in this world.
I think tang tho, would have a specific god he worshipped. and while it is definitly a more popular one I think it's a good fit. I think Tang would have a Statue of Quanyin and has prayed to her, worshiped her, all that stuff. Just seem's fitting to me.
I can also see him being the one that convinced Pigsy to put a statue of her in his noodle shop.
👻 A headcanon about what scares them
Tang definitly isn't the bravest of the bunch, he gets overwhelmed by all the crazy magic stuff pretty easily. Especially when LMK stars.
I feel like Tang just has alot of anxiety in general. Sometimes its obvious, sometimes it's not.
In general I like to think he's got a handle on his anxiety until something happens and then he starts spiraling and then will obsess over what happened for the rest of the day. Mess up a lecture? (i hc him as a scholar/teacher) he's faceplanted into the table in Pigsy's shop. Completly mortified for the rest of the day. the only thing that gets him pulling his head back up is a bowl of noodles. and then Pigsy can convince him it wasn't that bad, the students likely didnt even notice and if they did they probably dont even care.
Then a worse fear i think he would have is being alone and being useless. Ending up not worth anything to anyone and being alone because of it. Yeah Tang deals with it in that one samadhi ring episode but fear's and worrys dont go away emmediatly. He might have grown to handle it better but it's not gone. Especially with everyone around him growing stronger by the day. there's a little voice in his head that's telling him he wont ever catch up to them all, that he will be left behind in thier wake.
which, of course isn't true. He tries his best not to give that fear any attention and after the samadhi ring episode he and Macaqe have it mostly works. but it's still there.
🌟 A headcanon about their desires/wishes
Peace and quiet for one week, without something Mk and Mei did that gave him a heart attack. It's alot worse now that they both got powers.
but on a more serious note I can see him dreaming of becoming a renowned scholar. Like, he's known at work for knowing WAY more then the average teacher should (he works at a university) so i can see him wanting to write a book with all his reaserch.
🖕 A headcanon relating to anger
Tang would get heated in an argument about the subject he specializes in. History of the Gods.
If someone tries to tell him he's wrong he will stare at them, adjust his glasses, and then tell them exactly why their wrong. If they keep fighting thats when Tang gets heated. He will pull out sources upon sources and tear down every single arguement that person has with ease.
Most of his angry outbursts comes from being anxious and overwhelmed.
Otherwise he's a nerd arguing over historical accuracies.
😶 A random headcanon!
I dont have alot of headcanons for Tang but im sure i can come up with something.
I think he would have a tumblr account. He would answer questions about the information of the gods the mortal realm has, I would think he's pretty fluent in english so even accounts from the west could read them. he'd post mainly in chinese but under the 'read more' application would be the english translation of what was said in the post.
not only that but he would have a main and a side account.
Main is reblogging stuff and being in fandom (you cannot convince me he wouldnt be in fandoms. he has older millennial vibes. so like. late 30's early 40's. so he would be a veteran in fandom spaces atp XD) I think he would like Heavens official blessing. He would probably enjoy Madoka magica and analyze its themes and details.
there would probably be more but i think in general he would enjoy stories with fantasy/magic settings and love it even more when those stories have deeper themes he can dissect.
hes definitly a fanfic writer in hiding. posts once every blue moon in a new fandom and drives said fandom mad
Side account is for sharing information on the gods that he has.
no one knows theres one person behind these two blogs and the ao3 account. theres no connection to each account and neither is there any connection to the real him.
man, Tang is so fun to write about
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silvergolddraco28 · 11 months
Scorched Chapter 2 (full)
Wukong breathed until he could fully ignore the pain, plastering on a convincing smile as Mei began to wake up. “Hey kid, time to wake up from your nap. I fixed the problem.”
Mei lifts herself from the bench she was laying on and looks over at monkey king and his scrunched face that seems to be in pain “You okay there monkey king?” She questions tilting her head in concern.
“Must look bad if you asking me that twice now hug?” Wukong asked. “I'm fine kid. Just used a little too much energy and got some of your dragon fire by accident.” Wukong waved Mei’s concern. “Let's get back to the rest of the gang,” Wukong assured her.
Gives Wukong a concerned look. She wants to push further but decides against it. “Okay,” Mei says with a forced smile as she follows Wukong out of the room and into the one the rest of the gang.
“You're back! Did you get what you needed out of Mei Monkey King?” Mk asked his mentor.
“I did Bud. Took a little more out of me than I thought. Delicate work like that ain't much of my strong suit. Always was the bash and brawl while thinking on my feet type.” Wukong jokes.
Suddenly the train was ripped open from the outside as a person emerged from the pink flames. “Sun Wukong!” Nezha demanded through gritted teeth as he glared down at the golden monkey. Though as Nezha goes to approach, Tang jumps in front of Nezha and begins his dignified fangirling over the lotus prince, annoying Nezha immensely.
“Nezha, still mad about your temple being empty, Little Brother?” Wukong sheepishly questioned the angered celestial after getting Tang and the rest of the group to a safe spot away from any potential harm.
Nezha scoffs, ignoring the ‘little brother’ comment. “Do you even realize what you're doing wrong?” Nezha yells. “You're going to get us all killed if you reignite the Samadhi Fire!” Nezha's voice is laced with anger but the people who know them well can hear the fear underneath.
“It's the only way to defeat Lady Bone Demon Nezha! Who do you think she will aim her weapon at after the Mortal realm is nothing but ice? Heaven and the Diya would be next on her list!” Wukong pointed out while keeping his instincts at bay. ‘Protect protect proTECT CUBS!’ his eyes flashing demonic red for a moment before he refocused coming up with a plan on the spot to buy time. ‘Sorry Little Brother,’ Wukong thought as Nezha pulled out his spear in a flurry of lotus petals. Wukong flashed right into Nezha’s space and punched the celestial hard enough to punt him out of the train car and a few hundred miles away without hurting him. “Mk take the rings and head for the ritual sight but don’t do anything until I get there alright?!” Wukong ordered pulling a few hairs from his head to make fake copies of the rings the teenager was holding.
“But what about Nezha?!” Mk asked in shock.
“I’ll keep him busy!” Wukong answered, jumping into the air and summoning his golden cloud catching sight of the pink flames from Nezha’s wheels that were following him. ‘Come Little Brother. Follow the goose while the ducks get away.’ Wukong thought, pushing his cloud to go faster. ‘Let’s put on a performance that Plums would be proud of.’
Nezha follows Wukong out of the train and sees he has the rings unaware of his trick. “WUKONG!” He screams as he chases after the monkey and goes in for an attack with his staff.
“Missed me!” Wukong snickered, dodging the attack.
Nezha growls under his breath in frustration. He always hated how Wukong treated everything like a game like nothing was important no matter how dire the situation was. “You're nothing but a fool Wukong,” he said as he continued to attack the king. “This is why the rings should’ve been entrusted to me and me alone!” Nezha screams as he shoots pink pellets at Wukong.
Wukong dodged the petal-like bullets, getting a few nicks on his arms and legs. “You might have gotten faster Nezha but don't forget, I hit much harder than I used to.” Wukong reminded the younger celestial, getting into Nezha’s space and punching him in the gut.
Nezha lets out a pained noise but as he’s being punched away he wraps his ribbon around Wukong’s waist and throws him into a mountain smirking. “You may be stronger, I’ll give you that.” he dramatically pulls out the rings. “But I’m still faster than you remember.” he finished his dramatic speech.
Wukong growls before the sound of something whistling through the air sliced through the silence impacting the mountain and trapping both Wukong and Nezha in a spike of ice. ‘Damn it!’ Wukong thought before the strong smell of Plums mixed with winter ice hit his nose. An achingly familiar black-furred monkey landed on the tip of the ice, his right arm from the shoulder down encased in thick blue ice that continued to spread, gold eyes now a glowing ice blue. ‘Liu’er... What did she do to you Plums?’ “Macaque.” Wukong glared, keeping up the act, he couldn't let the black-furred monkey see his breaking heart.
Macaque ignores Wukong looking at the rings. He then begins to break them realizing they're not the real ones. Meaning the real ones are with the kid. “So you gave the real ones to Mk,” he smirks. This makes things easier to get the Samadhi to fire as much as he doesn’t want to hurt his cub- Mk. The ice on his body was becoming unbearable. He’ll make it up to the kid though. He doesn’t plan to be lady bone demons champion for long. Just long enough to survive until he can kill her himself. He looks at Wukong. He misses the love they used to have and hates himself for that. But he doesn’t need Wukong anymore, he just needs the kid, his cub. He won’t be alone anymore after this is all over. He’ll have the family he’s always wanted.
“Dont you dare lay a hand on my cub!” Wukong snarled his eyes glowing a bright protective red while ice cracked under the force of his threat.
“Or you’ll what?” Macaque bites out glaring at the golden monkey. “Make things worse for Mk?” he asks with so much venom. This is how Wukong is. He never considered how his actions affected others. Only sees himself and what he can gain. That’s why Mk was always getting hurt and he dares to act like Macaque is a threat to the kid.
“Break this ice and find out,” Wukong stated glaring while more ice splintered around the golden monkey, dark red embers spilling from the corners of Wukong’s mouth.
Macaque doesn’t grant Wukong any more of his time as he goes off in the direction of the rest of the gang in pursuit of the rings.
“Nezha...” Wukong stated in a dead serious tone. “Get us out of this ice... now.”
Nezha looks over concerned and not used to this side of Wukong. Nezha sighs. “Fine, I hope you know what you're doing,” He says as he uses his petals to free them.
Once the ice was free Wukong burst in a sonic bomb towards the ritual site. ‘Don't let me be too late!’ Wukong thought, locking onto his target and growling low at what he saw down below.
Wukong managed to slam down right into Macaque holding Mei in the center of the glowing circles, ignoring the discomfort in his chest and the burning pain in his limbs. ‘Why hasn't the ring settled yet?!’ Wukong idly thought and he pinned Macaque to the ground while using the tail to carefully toss Mei to Tang. “Mk! Mei! Are you hurt?!” Wukong called.
Mk glanced over at Mei and Tang. “Emotionally or physically?” The teen asked. Wincing as Wukong was kicked back a few feet into the utmost center of the circle. The golden rings pulsed out a dark fiery red aura that caused Wukong to grip his chest in utter pain, smoke and ash spilling out of his mouth.
“Kids get back!” Tang ordered grabbing the two teens as the three rings raced toward Wukong. The golden monkey let out a scream of pain before black fire and ash erupted into a dense sphere obscuring the golden monkey as pulses of gold and dark red power shot out wildly attacking anything that moved.
The ice on Macaque melted away due to the flames. He smiles victoriously until he looks over at Wukong who has flames combusting out of him.
“Monkey king!” Mk yells. “You're on fire! Hold I’ll get some water-“ he’s cut off as he leaps toward monkey king only to be stopped by Macaque grabbing and keeping him away from the other.
“Let me go! Monkey King needs my help!” Mk says as he tries to get out of the black-furred monkey's grasp.
“You can’t distinguish the fire, nothing can,” Nezha said in a defeated tone. “The flames will destroy the monkey king and everything in its path.” He continues.
“What?!” Mk shouted in shock and panic looking over to Monkey King in fear. He can’t let his mentor, his hero, die.
“If there’s a time to leave it’s now,” Macaque says as he tries to drag Mk away. Mk’s mind begins to panic. No, no he can’t leave. He can’t leave Monkey King. He can’t! Mk breaks out of Macaque's grasp as he goes into the fire.
“Bud!” Macaque yells trying to grab Mk.
Everything still when a thundering roar came from the center, most of the flames split and swirled showing Wukong like nothing they had ever seen before. His clothes had been burned away along with any illusions that had covered his body. Thin golden cat-like pupils set in deep ruby-red eyes gazed at the berthing one in sight with an unblinking stare. A familiar golden ‘crown’ rested on his forehead with scuffs and clear signs of age. The monkey himself no longer had flesh and fur, instead, his body was completely made out of stone with thin magma-like lines spreading from his chest to his limbs. Obsidian claws twitched at his sides looking to be at a threat’s choice of fight or flight. Several monkey-like noises came from Wukong’s throat as his gaze locked on Mk.
Mk looked at the monkey king in fear and desperation. “Monkey King…” Mk softly spoke while approaching him as the flames licked his skin but he ignored the burning pain and focused on his mentor. “It’s okay,” Mk says not sure if monkey king is there. “I know you're scared and in pain...” Mk can’t tell if he is projecting his feelings onto him or not. “but we’ll get through this...” Monkey King is now only arm's length away. “Together.” Finishes his sentence as he wraps around his mentor in hopes of reaching him and selfishly for his comfort the samadhi fire hasn’t taken his hero from him yet.
A chattering noise passed Wukong’s lips as he hugged the teenager before a twisted and primal energy seemed to spread over Mk. ”My cub.” Wukong seemed to chitter nuzzling Mk, his magma-like skin growing hotter as Wukong slipped into a primitive and feral state of mind.
Mk slowly began to panic as his body slowly shrunk while growing fur. “Macaque!? What’s Monkey King doing?!?”
Macaque, realizing what was going on, goes to approach them to get Mk away from Wukong.
Wukong bared his fangs at Macaque growling, holding Mk closer. “Bad mate! Mate hurt cubs!” Wukong growled.
Macaque growls out that statement. “I’m not the one who put burns on him, idiot,” Macaque yells at him as he points out the burns on Mk’s shrunken body. It also wasn’t good with Mk in the form of an actual cub leaving him much smaller and more defenseless.
Wukong huffed. “Heat good for Stone. Make it stronger.” Wukong chattered back, nuzzling Mk who now sported black fur and six cute ears with a red-to-gold gradient while the mask on his face was peach shaped which looked to be a lighter red color than Macaque’s. The greatly changed feature was Mk’s eyes. His left eye was a beautiful purple color while his right was a sunset gold.
Mk goes to say something but what comes out is a frightened chirp. One that says “Cub scared, need help.” Making Macaque overwhelmed with instincts and the need to take care of HIS cub. Growling as his instinct leaves his brain with only one goal in mind. Get. His. Cub. Back.
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the-night-writer1 · 19 days
Who is the father of Mony‘s child ?
Is Mony male, female, non-binary?
And at what point of the story does Mony get pregnant?
I feel like I missed some of the Au and now I try to find out what happened xD
In the simple nap timeline here are some details lovely anon
1. No matter the timeline Mony's a trans male I've shown his top surgery scars before. He was very blunt with his dads he was a boy when they met.
2. Wukong and Macaque as in explained in Simple Nap do not know that It's Wukong's baby. Wukong because of drunken face blindness And Mac giving Mony some privacy that night. Mony knows the baby's Wukong's but isn't about to say the baby's Wukong's because he's one independent and two doesn't want to be accused of baby trapping a man he barely knows.
3. In Simple nap the timeline goes as follows Mony meets Wukong at a night club called the Golden pear in episode 3 or 4 of season one. Things happen and Mony finds out about the baby about episode six or seven of season one. The first New years special Mony is four months along and he has just recently told the others and was forced to hide in the noodle shop by Pigsy. He fought off spider zombies with a spoon.
His proper meeting with Wukong is the replacement for Shadow play. Simple nap he's six months along and Mk is concerned with his health. So Mk asks Wukong the only other monkey he knows if he can check on Mony. (Simple nap is before Wukong disappears for LBD research). Wukong does so and well to put it simply becomes attached.
Wukong sends a clone to do the LBD research in this timeline because of Mony getting attacked by fake mayor and separated from Mac while Wukong wasn't with him. Wukong becoming a fuckin overprotective aggressive guard dog for Mony most of season three. The group afraid of pissing him off. Amnesia rules still happens but Pigsy's more relieved to have a break from aggressive hissy Wukong and Mony was napping in the truck. Him waking up and waking out the truck is what snaps Wukong out of it instead of a boulder.
The baby is born after the defeat of LBD the same day and a bit early. Wukong really did try to delay the little babe's birth with Nezha 's help but it only delayed it long enough to beat LBD. Mony is recovering at the beginning of season four with his sweet little baby. Gets abducted with his baby who just barely got released from the NICU by Azure.
4. Simple nap is a different timeline in the incomplete reincarnation au if you want more of it or other timelines feel free to ask I plan to post more art eventually
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quitealotofsodapop · 7 months
In honor of my birthday, how do all the characters in LMK celebrate their/others birthdays?
Happy birthday! I hope its going well for you!
The only issue here is that not many of the immortal characters know their birthdays!
MK is the one who wants the "kiddie party" no matter how old he is. He wants the cake, the presents, the balloons, all the trimmings. Pigsy likely had to come up with a date (i've seen January 15th due to a note in MK's room) based on when he found MK in the canonverse.
Mei wants money and to left to her own chaos inside of an arcade/disco for a couple of hours. Sounds like what she'd do every other weekend right? WRONG. She's wearing a full flashy "birthday girl" outift with a tiara that declares her queen for the day. So you have to let her win at Monkey Mech if you're playing against her. Thats the rules.
Red Son hasn't celebrated his birthday in a long while because his dad wouldn't be there. I feel that the first birthday he truly celebrates if after the madness of S3. He wakes up to see that his mom and dad have set up a whole-all ball/gala to celebrate him. He gets overwhelmed quickly and has to hide away after an hour - MK and Mei acting as his distractions/grounding for the evening. Overwise Red Son would probably spend his birthday in his garage, probably "treating himself" to a luxury model car.
Sun Wukong and Macaque don't know what their birthdays are, so they just agree that it's the respective Solar and Lunar Solstices. Wukong in the book also identifies that he was born between 3 and 5pm (guess an older monkey told him), so I bet he waits until evening to start partying down. Mini havoc in heaven-level party on his good years. Macaque spends his birthday alone save for times he's treated to dinner by his sworn family/friends. At the end of the day they just want to spend their birthdays in eachother's arms.
Pigsy doesn't like acknowledging his birthday. Far too tied to his age. He does appreciate any bonus help around the kitchen on the day + brand new equipment as gifts though. Tang sees it as an excuse to be super PDA on the day too.
Tang becomes a "little king birthday" on his bday (mbmbam ref). He wants free noodles, he wants to be carried around, he schedules the next few days off work. He's insufferable to be around. Will take his entourage to fancy clubs and pay for their covers though.
Sandy is just delighted that people remembered! First time new friends wish him well or give him a gift, Sandy just starts crying. Loves getting new tea blends and novelty mugs. Treats himself to a day volunteering at the animal shelter.
Nezha doesn't like his birthday. Don't remind him... will enjoy a geniune personalised cake though.
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splendentmoon · 3 months
So recently I read up on Nüwa’s stories and found out about her husband Fuxi (who happens to be a half-serpent like her) who happened to create the world, from there I came up with a ficlet that I think you might be interested in, I call it “Love Poisoned”:
(Jadepeach, past/pining/eventual Shadowpeach)
Some background information:
-The god of love Yue Lao has a special love potion that is used to bless marriages, it is commonly shared between a couple and once they land eyes on each other their love for each other is amplified and after they share their first kiss as a married pair the love effect wares off and the magic that caused it then blesses their love.
- If drank by only one person the results are the same but the love effect is multiplied tenfold, this is usually done when one member is especially shy or anxious about the ceremony.
- However this potion can quickly turn into a poison if the person’s eyes first land on someone they don’t truly love or worse hate, causing the love effect to try to compensate it by strengthening the effect a thousandfold.
- This causes the drinker to turn into a love obsessed monster, with the effects growing stronger by the minute, twisting the victim’s mind and soul until they literally turn into a love obsessed monster, destroying everything in their wake, all to have their “lover” to themselves.
- There are only three ways to cure someone stricken with love poisoning, a kiss from someone they love and loves them, or (and these are the less favorable options) the death of either the victim or their “lover”.
- Fuxi was at one point the most favored suitor for Nüwa, admired and respected by many for his powerful manipulation of the cosmos, including the Jade Emperor, and while Nüwa cared for him she never truly felt love towards him (in fact she felt more love towards her friend Wukong than she ever did Fuxi).
- Fuxi on the other hand believed that Nüwa was deeply in love with him (severely overestimating the affection she showed him) and believed that he was her soulmate, and was devastated when she disappeared (or as he preferred to believe, was kidnapped).
- This story takes place post season 3 and pre season 4
Now onto the story:
Fuxi was sent down to the mortal realm to help cleanse it from the remnants of LBD’s putrid magic, he ends up spotting Nüwa and Wukong together, and due to his own delusions ends up assuming that Wukong as revenge towards the celestial realm kidnapped Nüwa and altered her mind to turn her into his puppet.
He steals a love potion from Yue Lao’s workshop and confronts Nüwa forcing her to drink it, believing it to be the only way to break Wukong’s spell.
He then takes her back to the celestial realm and informs the Jade Emperor about what happened to her at Wukong’s hands and how he managed to save her, he then requests to have the two of them married, as well as request that the Buddha be summoned in order to deal with Wukong after the ceremony.
The celestial court celebrates Nüwa’s return and the upcoming wedding, all except for Erlang and Nezha who for multiple reasons know that Fuxi’s story is a lie.
The two rush to the mortal realm to collect Wukong, Macaque, the bull clan, and the monkie gang in order to save Nüwa, before she ends up destroying the universe in a rampage, with plan A (Nezha’s plan) being to get Wukong to Nüwa to kiss her and plan B (Erlang’s plan) being the assassination of Fuxi.
Of course during all of this MK ends up finding out about Jadepeach being his parents, resulting in intense flashbacks which trigger his monkey form, causing a massive hitch in both plans, resulting in Nüwa going monster mode during the wedding.
(Of course much like how the term soulmate in its proper meaning refers to someone who has a great impact on your life regardless of relationship, it’s not necessarily the kiss of a lover that will cure Nüwa (hint hint))
(Bonus: imagine during her rampage Nüwa ends up killing the Jade Emperor resulting in his power causing the universe to fall apart, with the only way to save it being either Nüwa or Erlang absorbing his power)
I have some questions about that!
First, after drinking the potion, is Nuwa aware of it or is she blacked out the whole time, as I'm not clear on that.
Second, does everyone know about Wukong and Nuwa's love relationship?
Third, shouldn't Buddha already know that Nuwa and Wukong are in a relationship? Since he is a supreme being and head of the Jade Emperor, he should see everything, right?
Fourth, the Jade Emperor should already know about the relationship of those two, so he is conspiring to keep his daughter away from Wukong, that's obvious, but he would know about the love position and its dangers? I don't think he wants his daughter to be a monster.
I have not mentioned Fuxi, not only because he is Nuwa's husband, but also her brother!
That made me uncomfortable, and I didn't mention it, I was only going to allude to the fact that Fuxi was a suitor of the Emperor for Nuwa.
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fangirlingpuggle · 2 years
Please.. I want to know all their reactions please
HA Oh 1000% SWK and Macaque find out and Jade emperor is just like 'I don't feel safe'
It's after LBD is dealt with and some artefact creates a bog magic affect that messes stuff up so MK, Mei and Red Son go and find an artefact that will remove any of those types of spells, they use it everything's fixed but Red and Mei are just staring at MK cause the spell on him to make him look human is gone.
At first they're like '....is this a side effect of being the monkie kings successor?' they're all very confused and go see SWK who just blanks looking at MK... who looks like him but also...so similar to him and Mac while in monkie form and just sort of short-circuits... he faints.
MK panics thinking that this may be something bad and since SWK is temporarily unavailable goes to other immortal Monkey Macaque doesn’t faint... but it's a near thing he just can't stop staring at MK and looks close to crying.
When SWK wakes up.... well
MK is processing that 1)SWK and Mac were a couple 2) these 2 think they're his parents 3) he actually does look like both of them, a lot like both of them 4) SWK AND MAC WERE A COUPLE!...are a couple again the phrasing is weird.
Mei is filming the argument and Red is trying to figure out what happened he eventually finds traces of magic... heavenly magic...
He's barely finished talking before Mac and SWK are heading to heaven... the result when they get there... not pretty.
Bonus: Nezha didn’t know anything about the plan and is very annoyed they made a kid, left the kid in some store room for hundreds of years and then just dropped the kid off somewhere to avoid having to tell the parents what they did… He is furious.
The Jade emperor is hiding under his desk trying speed dial the buddha to come help him
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