#next installements might take a little more time as I need to decide on stuff + I want to write on Burn it Down again
prince-liest · 3 months
I know you’ve gotten asks already talking about how happy they are that you’re going more in depth on the subject of Vox being trans in your next installment, but I can’t help myself… I’m so excited that you’re writing about that. It can be difficult to find trans rep in fandom spaces sometimes and your stories are so well written that this is like a gift from god. SO ANYWAY I’m super happy and your works are amazing and I just hope you know how many people value your works for all that they give.
Secondly, I was wondering whether or not Vox would have been trans on earth or just in hell? I mean I’m sure it would be difficult considering the time period but I also couldn’t think of a reason why he would be cis on earth but trans in hell. UNLESS he realized he was trans in hell/was finally able to do something about it?? Anyway, all of this is just speculation, I am only curious!!
Regardless, great work. It genuinely means a lot to me, if no one else :)
Oh, man, I'm ngl, one of my little, "Wait! I can do anything I want!!!!" moments of going mad with power once I got more and more experience at writing was realizing that I could just trans anyone's gender at-will and I didn't need anyone's permission for that. I still remember the first time I quietly decided an OC of mine was trans (love you, Laledy, you obnoxious asshole). I'm always a little apprehensive to start writing trans characters in new fandoms, mostly because I've been in a number of fandoms that have corners that get very tetchy about their weird gender role stuff, but it's consistently been met with such a positive reaction that it really brings me joy. So thank you so very, very much!!
My personal take on Vox in 666 specifically (a lot of which isn't going to come up because he does not want to get into it) is that he wasn't personally really in a position or environment conducive to considering trans-ness as, like, a thing that happens when he was alive, and he put his all into putting on The Correct Gender Performance with the vim and aplomb that we see from him in canon, plus all the underlying bullshit that goes into maintaining that facade. So, y'know. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, minus the Jewish. Which did not do amazing things for his mental health, not that he let himself pay attention to that at the time!
And then he wakes up, in hell, with this weird-ass demon body with a television for a head, and - well, it just makes sense to present as a man at that point, doesn't it? Hell is dog-eat-dog, and he's not going to pick the submissive gender to put himself on the back foot from the start!
He figures out what the fuck being trans even is eventually, just. Not for a while, and not until after someone like Valentino, having known and assumed that Vox is trans as a given for fucking months, mentions it offhandedly to Vox, who had been mentally describing himself as "just lying about his sex like those girls in stories that get shit done by dressing up as men". Then he gets to have his own little spiral about it, and also why it's upsetting him, and why he felt so vulnerable about Valentino knowing, and why Valentino specifically, Mr. Fishnets, Heels, and Microminis, is the one that ended up in a position not only to know this about Vox but for Vox to feel comfortable having any kind of sex with. It wasn't something Vox had to analyze back when it was just "her" freaky boyfriend being into pegging!
Okay, fuck, I have even more feelings about trans Vox than I thought I did, hahahaha.
Might fuck around and write a staticmoth-centric prequel interlude at some point if I have the brain cells for it. Vox is a lot more confident and comfortable with his gender now, to the point where he can absolutely see fucking around in a dress for kinky reasons as crossdressing and not being forced back into a box that doesn't fit, but it'd be neat to explore the earlier days. Val isn't here for gender, he's here to be sexy, but Vox... this IS the origin of the daddy kink, just saying.
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vickyvicarious · 1 year
I went on to make a thorough examination of the various stairs and passages, and to try the doors that opened from them. One or two small rooms near the hall were open, but there was nothing to see in them except old furniture, dusty with age and moth-eaten. At last, however, I found one door at the top of the stairway which, though it seemed to be locked, gave a little under pressure. I tried it harder, and found that it was not really locked, but that the resistance came from the fact that the hinges had fallen somewhat, and the heavy door rested on the floor. Here was an opportunity which I might not have again, so I exerted myself, and with many efforts forced it back so that I could enter. I was now in a wing of the castle further to the right than the rooms I knew and a storey lower down.
Speculation time: why is this door not locked?
I think there are two main options. In the past I just assumed it was the first one, but now I'm a bit more open to considering the second, which changes the tone of what comes next a bit.
Dracula didn't think he needed to lock it.
First consideration: this is a ways away from Jonathan's rooms and the ones he usually has access to. It's possible that Dracula was less careful about locking away different doors in further reaches of the castle. After all, there are a few other rooms in the hall that are open but don't really have anything to hide. Going along with that consideration, the fact that the door itself was heavy and had fallen on the floor so seemed locked at first, may have been all the justification he needed. It's possible that he didn't think Jonathan would have been able to open the door anyway, so there was no need to bother installing a new lock on a broken door.
If this is the case, then his warning to Jonathan about not sleeping outside of his own bedroom may well have been entirely genuine. Dracula has decided that he wants to keep his solicitor around a while longer, and so he gave him a warning which should ensure he actually stays alive to toy with. He's genuinely surprised and angry to find Jonathan about to be fed upon when he returns.
Dracula knew it could be opened.
While the door is heavy and is stuck, it's not impossible to move. Perhaps Dracula knew that. This year, I have noticed that a couple of the moments where Dracula tells Jonathan not to do something can almost be taken as a challenge. It could match the way he is constantly pushing boundaries in other ways as well - verbally, physically, what-have-you - he is trying to press and find Jonathan's breaking point. So far, Jonathan has just kept bending, and in doing so has avoided snapping (and getting immediately killed). The fact that he obviously knows what is going on but goes along with it anyway is super fun for Dracula, and possibly a big part of the reason he is still alive/his stay has been extended.
But something else Jonathan has done - and will continue to do - is to resist where he can. He doesn't confront Dracula directly but he does sneak around and spy on him. He doesn't mention the many doors being locked including the front door, but he did run around and check a bunch of them. I talked about both the locked doors and the warning about sleep as bait the other day, so I won't rehash all of it... but if it was meant as bait that points to a couple key differences.
Firstly, that Dracula could still be testing Jonathan's limits where he isn't involved. Perhaps it isn't just the way Jonathan reacts to him in person that is so fun for him, but also the way he's always pushing limits in his own way. He takes cues and tries stuff! He keeps Dracula on his toes! It might be just interesting/engaging enough to be fun without being annoying (like any sign that he could actually succeed in escaping/any direct confrontation would be). In that view, Dracula might enjoy dropping hints that give Jonathan what looks like chances to learn things or escape, but which in his opinion won't get him anywhere. The fact that he is able to manipulate Jonathan's behavior with these type of comments could also be a part of the fun, extending his feeling of control over him even through Jonathan trying to resist it.
Of course, this means that Dracula was willing to take a chance that Jonathan would get drunk from first by his roommates, which is the second big difference. There's a couple options there as well: he may have been okay with it since they don't tend to kill immediately (at least until he saw it about to happen and then got more possessive than he'd expected to, and became genuinely angry). He may have wanted to test if Jonathan would ignore his advice but didn't expect him to make progress so quickly (perhaps expecting him to sleep in a different room like the library or hall if he slept anywhere outside his bedroom). This second option could overlap with the first bullet point too actually, where the warning was still meant as bait but Jonathan took way more of the bait than Dracula expected, and he wasn't actually supposed to get access to this room yet/ever. The only downside there is that every other time Jonathan disobeys Dracula he is faced with near-immediate negative consequences to 'punish' him. The ladies serve that purpose very well here, and if Jonathan was supposed to disobey but not meant to meet them, it makes me wonder what the consequence would have been supposed to be.
Still, I do kind of like that last option, because it fits with a recurring theme where Dracula enjoys toying with Jonathan... not realizing that the act of doing so is directly giving Jonathan the tools and information he uses to later defeat him (also contributing to big reversals/exchanged traits between them as Jonathan learns way more than expected). This repeats with Mina as well in a big way, when him establishing a mental connection allows her to spy right back on him. Perhaps Dracula is having fun right now watching Jonathan follow various bread crumbs of hints and try to figure things out and try new ways of escaping, all of which are doomed to failure. But, and this is later exemplified by his diary full of information which he manages to keep despite Dracula stealing all his other things, Jonathan is both accomplishing and learning more than Dracula expects or realizes at every turn. And all of it will eventually be turned against him.
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bookinit02 · 10 months
s5 script info/faq
hi guys! in exactly a week, i'm going to start posting my original stranger things s5 script. here's a general info/faq post for easy reference :)
about the script:
what: this script is designed to be a culmination of my ongoing rewrite series, which is a fanfic version of each season of stranger things, written through the lens of alternating byler pov. since season 5 hasn't released yet, and we've still got a ways to go, i decided to write an original script to base my last installment off of. the script will be 10 episodes, at about 60 pages each, and serve as a companion to my season 5 fic.
where: script episodes will be posted here on my tumblr, and be linked to a pinned post (which will go up in a few minutes). fic chapters will be posted on my ao3, as usual.
when: currently, i'm planning to have at least one post a week: the script episode will release on a sunday, and then the two accompanying chapters on the next two fridays. so, for example, the first few releases will look like this: script 1 on sunday 9/3, chapter 1 on friday 9/8, and chapter 2 on friday 9/15. this gives you about a week to read each new post! of course, you can read however you'd like: script first, or fic first, depending on your preference. i decided to post the scripts first to try and mimic the rest of the rewrite experience: "watching" the show, then reading the fic. if there's any schedule delays due to typical life stuff, i'll let you guys know!
frequently asked questions:
will the script cover every plotline?: yep! with 60 pages per episode, there's a bit of time dedicated to every character, as much as i can feasibly manage. of course, this means that the script will be less byler-focused than the fic series has been (but still more than the original show, lol). but not to worry—the fic companion will add extra scenes and plenty of byler content. this also means that some of the plots will only be accessible through the script, as the fic is entirely from byler pov. but it's still up to you whether you would like to read or not!
will there be any character deaths?: i'm going to answer this right now: there will be no character deaths. i want the script to be realistic, but it's also my version, and i always try to give my characters happy endings :) this doesn't mean that there won't be some close calls, though. we'll have to see. :)
will there be a playlist?: yes! i've spent some time testing out playlists for the first two episodes, and they're both fully completed. they'll be linked along with the script, along with a timing guide for anyone (like me) who likes being insane about the details. playlists are always tricky because everyone reads at different speeds, so i've written out which scenes go with each song, and you can skip along as needed. if you prefer not to listen with music, of course you don't have to—though i will say that most songs are just soundtrack instrumentals to set the mood :) it might be a little finicky, so i'm sorry in advance! i'll always try to perfect them as much as possible before posting.
will you do another rewrite after s5 releases?: currently, i'm planning on it. of course, we have no idea how much longer it's going to take, or what exactly will happen in canon (or in life), but if i'm in a place to write fic, then yes! i'll do a typical rewrite and add it to the end of my series, so you guys can have your choice of endings :)
how do we leave comments?: if you want to leave a comment on the script, i'm happy to receive them in asks, messages, or post comments! you can also leave them on the fic chapters if you'd like. edit 9/1: you should be able to leave comments in the google doc! be mindful of what account you are using, as these comments will be public. for a more comprehensive comment policy, click here.
do i have to read the rest of the rewrite series first?: reading the rest of the rewrite isn't necessary, but it is a good idea. i know it's a lot to read, so don't feel pressured, just know that some things might not make as much sense without the prior context! my rewrite series is pretty canon-compliant, but a lot of relationship dynamics are developed in a very specific way, and we pick up right where we left off at the end of a new place to be from. so, essentially: no, but you'll probably want to.
do i have to read the script?: definitely not. if you prefer to just read the fic, you absolutely can! it'll make sense on its own, you might just miss out on some of the extra plotlines and context.
that's about all i can think of for now—if you have any questions that weren't answered in this post, please send me an ask and i'll edit this post to include your question! i've been working on this project for a few months now, and i'm really excited to share it with you guys :) thank you all for giving it a shot! see you next sunday <3
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gren-arlio · 10 months
Folks, one and all, Welcome to Episode 4 of (Waku) Puyo Extras, along with some fairly big announcements again.
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(There's no real context for these images. They're basically title cards and the table of contents.)
Hello everyone, and welcome to the fourth installment of Waku Puyo Extras, the filler series before I start Arle's route where I post things about this game, what I can find, and maybe even another game sometimes if I really feel like it. The more lore, the better, eh? After getting verified into the English Puyo Puyo Community Discord, I've been speaking there while doing this sort of stuff.
I'll start off with a quick announcement, a time change, if you will.
Yes. I will translate Arle's route. WHEN though is a bit...in the air. I know I said in a week or so, but... School is starting soon, and obviously, I won't be having as much time as I usually do making this stuff, so I decided ahead of time to prepare.
It's basically certain that I won't be posting every week. Maybe sometimes, but there might be a post every 2 weeks, or longer if needed. School and home life is more important after all. Even in a rare case of me not posting for a while, I'll still be quietly working. In that scenario, I'll again mostly, if only, post on weekends. I don't want this stressing me out, after all.
There's a chance I may be taking a hiatus during that time. Even I need breaks sometimes, and I also want to make time for my friends, family, and my education.
Basically, expect my schedule to be fucked up from now on. Hope you'll understand. I'll try to keep a schedule though.
So with this, what're we covering today? Simple, really.
A new video. About the latter half since I've done the first half on Episode 1 of Extras.
This really won't be factual stuff, but me talking about Lagnus as a whole. (Madou Saturn, Puyo Chronicles, etc) Consider the 2nd parts of these to be...random trivia, games, etc. Spices things up. The manga section will be for next time...didn't have enough time.
With that, let's talk about what'll happen today.
Whole new video.
Thing is about this video, I did...half of it already. It's the first Extra episode actually, the one where Witch sees Schezo and blasts him and me with the ♡'s. The latter half is with the OTHER 2 protags, which is the part I'm properly translating.
(Also the song for the Battle Castle is actually alluding me to an annoying degree, I'm still trying to find the song.)
Satan 1 (Rulue): (22:13)
Battle Castle Explanation (Rulue): (22:44)
Succubus Boss 1 (Rulue): (23:12)
Witch Trade (Rulue): 25:25)
Satan 2 (Arle): (26:03)
Battle Castle Explanation 2 (Arle): (26:32)
Succubus Boss 2 (Arle): (27:05)
Witch Trade 2 (30:15)
God, Witch acting normal is gonna be so uncanny to me now after like 6 months of working on Schezo Story. I'm used to her being a menace to society.
With that little remark, hope you enjoy.
Satan 1 (Rulue): (22:13)
What the!?
Umo!? (God I still do not like this bozo)
Well...there's the last tower.
Oh, Satan!? (Here I believe she says the one honorific with someone who's highly respected/they like. San? Kun? Don't fully know.)
The magical item is in that tower.
Is that so?
W-well, I think so...
No, hahaha...it must be in there! (Can also be interpreted as "Must've been the wind!")
If I can get my hands on that magical item, I'll finally be able to have magical powers...
Master Rulue?
Darling Satan... ♡♡ (And thus, they return...)
I'll certainly come back with the magic item!
Oh, you're motivated. Keep it up, and do your best.
Yes, Satan. ♡ (again an honorific here. I think San?)
Battle Castle Explanation (Rulue): (22:44)
Welcome. Nice to meet you in such a place.
Oh...who are you? Are you the boss of this place?
I'm a Succubus. I guess I'm the boss of this place here.
I'm not trying to lure in people...I'm an usher.
Well...let me ask you this, what is this place?
Huh? You haven't heard? Eh, I'll explain.
This is a special attraction where many of the bosses you've fought wait.
The guys there are at least level 50, and at their very best, well over level 100.
If you're good, you'll make it halfway through, but if you're not confident, don't go.
Heh...do you really think that'll stop me?
If you want to go in, be my guest. Do as you please. ♡ (With Succubus it feels much more normal because...she's a Succubus.)
(Who is this woman...?)
Succubus Boss 1 (Rulue): (23:12)
Oh? You're here this time?
Fufufu...♡ Yes, I'm surprised you made it this far.
Heh? Who do you think I am? It was easy.
Heh~ I really don't care... (Man she's different compared to her talks to Schezo.)
You don't care? What is there not to care for!?
Your face, your voice, the way you talk, everything!
Oh, now you've done it!
Now that you've said all that, you ready for this? It's far too late to apologize...
Hm...you seem rather ready.
Oh, you're unforgivable!
[Putting these here, I've translated Succubus loss quote too many times for my own good, and when Rulue gets to the chest at 22:10, it says Rulue got a book.]
Witch Trade 1 (Rulue): (25:25)
Oh my goodness! All of that hassle for a book. (She can also say my god.)
And I got no clue how to use it! (...By reading it, genius. Granted it's Meteor but still.)
Master Rulue...
Ugh! What do I do with this junk!?
What do you want!?
It's outrageous that you would try to destroy my grimoire!
"Your Grimoire," you must be joking! It's mine.
What're you talking about? Aren't you unable to use magic? (Harsh, but true.)
It's like giving a pearl to a pig, so give it to me! (The Pearl to a Pig thing is something I'm a lil unsure about but yea.)
What the hell!
(Either way she gives it.)
...Finally, I got my hands on the "Meteor Grimoire" I've been searching for.
...yes, in return, I'll give you the "Ultimate Queen's Secret Manual".
Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go.
I see. Even with that special manual, that girl wouldn't be able to use it.
That's her "Pearl's to Pigs".
Good for you, Master Rulue.
Satan 2 (Arle): (26:03)
Oh...that's the final tower.
There's a great magical item in that tower.
What? I thought you didn't know about any item.
What's so funny? I was upset at the time...
...This place is weird. You sure you're the owner?
I'm for sure the owner of "Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Land."
Then why...
Well, I've been busy with a lot of things.
A person like me can't check every single attraction.
You...I guess you really don't know anything about this, do you?
N-no, that's...
Guess I have no choice...Let's go, Carbuncle!
Battle Castle Explanation 2 (Arle): (26:32)
Huh? What's a castle doing here... seems like a new attraction.
Let's go for now, shall we?
Welcome. Pleasure to meet you.
Hello...who are you anyways?
Im a Succubus. (Hm...haha...) [I wasn't able to find the parentheses text out. Sorry.]
I'm not here to lure you in... I'm an usher.
Hm...my goodness...
Why don't you go into this place without sounding so harsh?
Well? Can I enter?
Yes, you can. ♡
So, is this a new attraction?
Huh? You haven't heard? Well, let me make this easy for you.
[She then explains the same thing she told Rulue.]
What? I didn't know enemies could get that strong...
Succubus Boss 2 (Arle) (27:05)
I met you outside...
Fufufu...well, we're finally here...
If we're talking now, by any chance, are you the boss here?
Well, you're right, I am the boss here.
But don't talk to me like I'm just a boss, talk to me like I'm a queen.
(Her and Rulue share a lot in common...)
Did you say something?
Uhh, it's nothing...
Then I'll make you my special servant.
You should be honored, I usually only take very good looking men. (THAT explains Schezo's Route...)
A servant!? I don't want that!
Oh...you're a funny girl. You're missing out on a lot.
Are you...is your head okay? I think you need to see a doctor...
Shut up!
I think people with your attitude need to be taught a lesson...prepare yourself!
Ugh, what a mess!
[Once again at 30:05 it says "Arle got a book."]
Witch Trade 2 (Arle): (30:15)
That was fun, Carby!
...But I don't understand what this grimoire is for.
Ah! Don't just appear like that randomly!
Oh, sorry about that. (WITCH? The horrors beyond my comprehension? Apologizing? I'm too used to Schezo's Route...)
But I'd like to ask, may I have that grimoire that you have right now?
(They give it.)
Finally...I got my hands on the "Meteor Grimoire" I've been looking for.
...Yes, in return, I'll give you the "Jugem's Grimoire." (Idk what Jugem means...Probably just call it the Great Mage Grimoire.)
Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go.
I'll do my best to use "The Jugem Grimoire"!
And that's translations. I won't deny, I delayed them a good bit, but they're done. Expect Part 1 of Arle's Route within'...maybe a week or two depending on how long the first episode is. Might split it in half like Schezo's.
And with that...We're on Random Puyo Extras. Filler INSIDE of filler where I speak about a Random Puyo thing very unprofessionally.
Today, it'll be on Lagnus/Ragnus Bishasi.
So, my boy Lagnus. Top 3 character in Puyo/Madou IMO, and I'm just kinda here to talk about the man, and how different he is COMPILE vs SEGA Era Puyo, least personality wise. And since I don't want this to JUST walls of text...I'll throw in a few images.
Let's start with SEGA Era, shall we?
Let's begin with Puyo Sun, his first introduction.
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(Concept art of Lagnus, along the Puyo Sun cast as a whole.)
In Sun, he's portrayed as a bit of a fool. He's trying to become stronger and all that, which power to him, powerscaling in Puyo seems mad fun, and you see him in Arle's route first killing a Puyo to transform into his teenage self. He then challenges Arle...only for his pants to fall down. This is why we wear belts.
You then see him in Schezo's route next, fresh off his loss against Arle. He notices Schezo is a Dark Mage, and rushes in to attack, only to fall down when Schezo dodges, reverting back to a kid, before throwing a temper tantrum...Not the best showcasing of the man. However, in the novels, it IS said that he only turns into a kid due to Satan being a bit of a jerk.
Minna De Puyo Puyo has a similar beat with SUN Lagnus. Here, he offers to help out Arle out with her journey, but unfortunately, guy is still a kid, so Arle assumes he's joking. Guy can't catch a break.
Oh. But Chronicles got you covered, right?
No. It doesn't.
He appears in Purplune Aqueduct, basically gaslighting himself into thinking he's The Great Hero, when it's Arle...and he's stupid pissy about it. He challenges Arle, loses, and runs into the final dungeon alone. Arle sees him again, is still annoyed with him, and beats him again, before joining your team.
I genuinely don't like how he's portrayed here at all, probably my least favorite version of him ever.
But COMPILE got you covered. For real this time.
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(Concept Art of Lagnus and art showing the major characters...and Witch/Draco.)
In Madou Saturn, he's basically the 3rd protagonist of the game, next to Arle and Rulue. You start off the game playing as the man, who's kinda cracked, before he uses all of his power to slay Yoggus, the main antagonist, before he realizes that a portal opened up and that the Yogs (Main villain group) are in other dimensions, before the portal sucks him in. Thankfully, Satan saves the guy and traps him in a crystal to prevent the man from dying.
However, not all was lost. He's able to transfer his soul into Schezo's body, and be able to control it for a small period of time, though he does get removed due to the large amount of darkness in Schezo. It's the reason why Arle and Rulue were so confused when Schezo decided to help them sometimes. He even fights Satan with you in Schezo's body.
When Arle finally meets the guy fairly late into the game, he's turned to a child due to his curse, before telling Schezo that he had to keep controlling him for his own good, annoying Schezo. He starts to tell Arle and Co. about what went down in his world.
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(This happens after, but it's always fun to throw in.)
After tons of trials and tribulations, they finally reach Yoggus, and...win the first time around, and Lagnus gets his Reactor Blade back, turning him back into his teenage self, and he fights Yoggus as his full power with Arle and Rulue, and slay Yoggus.
As the place they fought in begins to collapse, Arle and Rulue run off, and Lagnus and Satan...stay behind. Least for a bit with Satan. At that moment, Arle wonders where Lagnus is, and Satan breaks the news: He went back to his own world.
However, what went on was slightly different. Lagnus decides to stay in the collapsing area, saying he'll go back home, as he thinks he was one of the main causes for the problem, and risks being sent to another dimension just for a chance to get home. Satan says otherwise though, as not only did he remove the curse, but indeed was helping Lagnus, pulling things behind the scenes, like deliberately putting important things in obvious spaces.
Satan did this...mostly because we wanted to show the people of his world a reason to defend it. That and he was bored. After that, he gives Lagnus the Azorecrack, a pendant that allows him to transfer between his and Arle's world, saying he was intentionally hiding it. Lagnus, quietly cursing Satan, thanks him, and says he'll be back another day.
With the plot synopsis of SATURN for Lagnus, it shows that not only is he fairly smart and has a strong sense of justice, but he's pragmatic to boot, never going too far with everything, besides the start of the game. He develops a good friendship with Arle and even Rulue, and Schezo kinda hates the guy. He even develops a small acquaintanceship with Satan, thanking him for a lot but also cursing him for not stopping everything. In a game like Saturn, where a lot of characters are hit or miss, Lagnus stands out as probably the best written one out there...until Chronicles kinda messed him up badly.
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With this little image, I think I did the man a tad bit of justice.
That'll be all. Thanks for reading.
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bvannn · 5 months
Weekly Update December 29, 2023
I got surgery this week, which was apparently a lot more urgent than I had realized, since the removed tissue was absolutely covered in cysts! Doesn’t matter now, it’s gone, and I got time to work on artstuffs.
TRGA: I finally got a good bite of the props done, just kinda missing the actual playing table and background for the next few shots (plus maybe some miscellaneous ones, but I think I can do those in another big go at the end). I got a room plan for this and future TRGA animations too, so backgrounds should be nice and consistent once I get around to them. Also cleaned up 1-4 Tim, his face is all done, I’m developing my a faster method of doing faces in the future, and I started and mostly finished keyframing Jon for 1-5, so tweens would be the next step after I finish finagling all the props. Might take a bit more time than expected but since I know what kinds of props I’m missing now it shouldn’t be as hard for the rest.
Music: was able to move around my plugins and install the remaining stuff from Black Friday, as well as the trial version of Vocaloid. I’m not looking to dive headfirst into vocaloid yet but I’ll watch some tutorials once I get around to it, I’m more concerned about doing instrumental music production because I want to a) have something to show, b) have something to animate, and c) eventually add it as a commission option. With any hope my pain from surgery will be down tomorrow so I can take a crack at it.
On the topic of commissions I’ve been putting off redoing them for probably a bit too long, and to combat this I have made a spreadsheet, to be filled out over the next few weeks, of miscellaneous OC drawings so I can time myself and calculate appropriate prices. I’ll try to post those drawings here as they’re completed. TRGA is still going to be highest priority, but I’ll also keep trying at music and at general drawings. I’ve decided to drop the remaining October prompt sets I didn’t finish, due to lack of interest, and in order to make room to hopefully do that epithet erased weekly set I made. I’ll also try to do those comic thumbnails where I can (probably I’ll take another crack at them tonight).
And finally on the topic of epithet erased I’ll try to throw together a little campaign for friends to drag them into it, hopefully to stabilize my mood this upcoming semester. I have at least one ‘episode’ generally planned, just need to tighten up villain motivation and stuff.
Lot got done this week but a lot still needs to go. Tonight I’ll either do a timed drawing or timed music thing, followed by some comic thumbnails.
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A couple of curious cousins [E. M]
Eddie Munson x Tozier!reader
Warnings: Eddie has scars (and he's fucking sexy) ptsd basically on everyone's part, mention of death, a bit of angst, both sets of friends are so cute and I think that's all
word count: 8k
A/N: first, I need to apologize because I haven't touched tumblr in MONTHS. college and work were (one of them still) killing me, and for emotional reasons I just couldn't write. But during this period I watched both chapters of IT and thought, why not a crossover? There's a bit (just a pinch) of Blyer and Reddie in here, but I tried to keep it all focused on Ed. I hope you like this, it's obviously a crazy invention that I don't quite like but I'd rather it not end up in the trash Thanks for reading, tell me your opinion in a comment if you want<3
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“Do you want to go to the movies next week? There's going to be a movie about robots and stuff coming out,” Lucas suggested, looking around at all of his friends.
A year had passed since the horrific events of the near destruction of Hawkins and the party were just adjusting to normal life again. Of all of them, perhaps the most affected (physically) was Max, since she still had a limp on one leg and needed glasses to see well, but with everyone's support, she had coped. The emotional aftermath, on the other hand, had hit everyone equally. Some still had nightmares and scars, but luckily no one had died. That was too much to say.
So now that they had finally gotten used to a slower pace of life and the emotional barriers between the group had broken down, they had all decided to go to the lake for a while to rest and celebrate the end of another school year. They were sitting on soft blankets, eating sandwiches Joyce had made for them and sent with her son.
"I can't, I'll have visitors," Mike snorted. Now that he and Eleven had decided to take a break from their relationship, his friendship with Will had grown stronger, even to the point of asking for an apology for all the times he had been a jerk to him. It really had been a year of ups and downs and many things had changed. They had done it themselves.
"What kind of visits?" Dustin asked, raising his eyebrows curiously.
"My cousins. They're from Maine and Mom invited them to spend a few weeks here, but I think they'll bring some friends and stuff. I don't know, I just know that there will be tremendously hateful people in my house and I'm already suffering because of that,” the black-haired man complained.
“Maybe it's not so bad,” Will said, shrugging, always trying to find the best part of everything.
"It will be, Richie is the worst you can imagine and surely his friends will be the same" he snorted, while the others laughed a little. Everyone knew that Mike was the biggest complainer in the group.
“And will you introduce them to us?” questioned Lucas, who was sitting next to Max and sharing a bag of chips with her “We'll be bored as hell this summer, even if they're obnoxious I want to meet them. Maybe there's even a pretty girl."
"That she probably won't listen to you," Max sneered, knowing that Lucas was only saying it to annoy her.
"Maybe we can make some new friends," Eleven murmured, as soft and kind as ever.
"That's a good idea, they might even like dungeons and dragons" added Will and followed by a general groan.
"If you want to talk for hours about nerdy things, you have Eddie," Dustin said with amusement.
"I'm kidding, calm down" clarified the young man. Will had also changed, in many ways, for now that the threats of the Upside down were gone (at least for a while) he was more relaxed and cheerful. Plus, he had finally grown his hair out and gotten a cut that Mike had suggested which definitely flattered him.
They continued to talk about more trivial matters, and the matter of the visit to the Wheeler house was almost forgotten. That was until a couple of days later Mike gave the fateful news that people were already installed in his house.
“The boy brought half of his classmates! I swear, they're like 6 and they're all chaotic” he complained to the Byers-Hopper siblings, who eventually told someone else until the whole world found out. Including the older ones in the group, who were already laughing about it.
"More kids to look after, huh, Harrington?" Eddie had said when he found out, while he was at it he had played Family video on his break at the auto shop to steal some of his friends' lunch.
"I truly believe that life is sending you those children you love so much through teenagers," Rob added, enjoying teasing his best friend who was stacking the movies.
The appearance of so many teenagers in the place hadn’t gone beyond jokes and teasing until Joyce and Hopper finally decided to organize a meeting in their cabin to which they clearly invited outsiders. After all, it was summer, what else were they going to do if not eat hamburgers and enjoy the outdoors?
"Do you bring the sodas?" Steve asked into the car; in the passenger seat was Dustin and in the back were Robin, Vickie, and Eddie respectively. Most people were already in the place and the sound of laughter and scandal reached where they were.
Between Eddie and Dustin, they loaded the bottles (because Steve didn't want to arrive empty-handed) but no one had time to say anything as a scream filled the air.
"Eddie!" they listened, which caused them to jump in place. It was a girl approaching them with a murderous look.
"Now what did you do?" Dustin said in a worried whisper.
"Nothing" answered the long-haired one almost immediately, but the way she was walking made him hesitate for a second. The five looked expectantly at the scene, imagining that the woman would slap the aforementioned or something like that, but when the time came, nothing like that happened. She only softened her features to look up and down at the man she had just noticed, incredibly attractive, by the way, while changing the angry scowl for an embarrassed smile.
"Huh, excuse me," you said politely, glancing quickly at the rest of the people who already had curious eyes on you. As soon as he moved out of the way and you took a couple of steps, you yelled again “Eddie! If you don't come right now, it's going to be very bad for you!”
"I'm here!" someone muttered out of who knows where. He was a skinny boy with black hair “My God, I just went for a walk. Just relax"
“It's not funny, Eddie. If you die on this trip, your mom will kill me” you exclaimed. They were still standing nearby, too curious to move, and saw a boy who looked like Mike Wheeler walk up to you.
"Stop being a neurotic bitch, he's fine"
“Call me a bitch again and I'm going to slam your myopic face into the ground,” you growled, pointing a finger at him. It was obvious that the discussion wasn't a matter that needed an audience, but for them it was very entertaining "Go back there, we must not be rude to our hosts" you scolded them, while you pushed them with both hands and the two teenagers walked awkwardly win.
Once you finished your look went over to the group of people who had been watching you and they were suddenly very embarrassed, as were you that they had seen your mommy act.
"We should go in," Vickie said quickly, always being the most cautious, but you came over a second later.
"I'm sorry you heard that, those children are sometimes a nightmare" you apologized "And it's hard to take care that they don't break something"
"We completely understand you" laughed one of them, whose name you didn't know, but he seemed very friendly "My name is Steve"
“I think I know you” you exclaimed with a smile, because after hearing the name you knew it was the boy who was once the Wheeler’s son-in-law “I'm, huh… Nancy's cousin. My name is Y/N”
"Nice to meet you. These are Rob, Vickie, Dustin, and…”
“Eddie” he was quick to say “I almost had a heart attack when you yelled my name” he laughed and you widened your eyes.
“God, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you” you replied embarrassed. You would be lying if you said that the boy wasn’t the most beautiful for you and that is why you wanted to make a good impression. Apparently, you've already failed at that.
You couldn't help but look at them all. Dress up Nancy's ex-boyfriend in a colorful print shirt, the red-haired woman wearing a nice dress and hat, the girl next to her wearing khaki overalls over a green shirt, and the little one wearing shorts with a shirt that surely also belonged to Steve. But obviously, the one you turned your attention to the most was the brunette dressed in a dark shirt from a group that was probably metal with scars scattered on the side of his neck, part of his cheek, and one of his arms, with beautiful brown eyes. Three seconds had passed and you already wanted to know everything about him.
"It was nothing," he exclaimed nonchalantly.
“Are you going to enter? Honestly I'm a little hungry” said the curly-haired man, and more than a claim, this was heard as a joke.
The six of you walked in silence to the door where you had entered earlier and suddenly noticed the chaos inside. The rumors were true and there were at least 6 extra people concerning the usual meetings. With a quick glance, they realized that there was now another redhead talking animatedly to Eleven, who if they hadn't known could have sworn she was Max's long-lost sister. There was a chubby and shy boy sitting near them who also joined in the talk from time to time, with whom they seemed very comfortable. Will was sitting next to the copy of Mike with a goofy smile at the apparent joke the young man with glasses was telling him and the one they knew was called Eddie was just rolling his eyes next to them, not very convinced that he was funny enough. Further on, a tall curly-haired young man, a straight-haired one, and Mike were talking, while Lucas and another boy just like him were sharing a friendly conversation. It was a most interesting sight, to tell the truth.
"Who brought the whole kindergarten?" Eddie asked without thinking and he froze when he heard you laugh next to him.
“The frog-face with glasses,” you said pointing to a young man “He is my brother and he insisted that it would be fun for his friends to know more than just our little town” you replied with a soft laugh “But the 17-hour road trip was anything but fun for me”
"Guys!" Nancy greeted everyone, followed by who you had learned was her current boyfriend; Jonathan “I see you already met Y/N”
"An embarrassing accident" you joked, making a funny face. Eddie paid you a little more attention and was able to notice the slight resemblance you had with Nancy and at the same time with the dark-haired man with glasses sitting on the couch. You were pretty, that's for sure.
"You want to eat? Hopper is preparing meat on the patio and Joyce is in the kitchen” she exclaimed cordially. As for the adults, there was only the two of them and the Wheelers and for some reason also Murray Bauman, but they were enough to prepare food that looked delicious.
Everyone parted ways with their own favorites and the wave of greetings and introductions began, so you decided to stay put to avoid trouble, but you weren't the only one with that idea.
"So... you drove 17 hours here?" the curly-haired one asked to break the ice. So far he hadn’t seen your parents and that assumption was the one that seemed most logical to him.
“Could you believe it? I learned to drive a few years ago and my dad decided it was a good idea to take advantage of it one more time” you snorted.
"Where are you from?"
“Derry, it's in Maine” you explained “It's like here, but with more paranormal shit”
Oh, if you knew everything that had happened, Eddie highly doubted you would really think Derry fit those bills.
"Like ghosts and stuff?"
“I would say monsters” you continued. Eddie thought you were joking and just laughed, not realizing that Derry had as interesting a story as Hawkins itself.
As if your minds were connected you looked at a vacant chair and with a silent agreement you walked over to sit down.
"They look a lot alike. Your brother and Wheeler, I mean," Eddie observed.
"Our moms were sisters, I think their genes predominated" you laughed. He couldn't help but notice that you said they were instead of they are.
"And she didn't come?"
“I don't think she can come anymore. She is dead”
"Oh," the boy sighed. He must have imagined it and felt bad for asking such a reckless question "I'm so sorry."
“It's fine, it was a year ago already. Dad's been kind of depressed ever since and we haven't had a great time either, so she sent us here for a few weeks. You know, to distract us” you explained to him. Apparently you were telling him too much about your life but it wasn't like that; you were skipping the part where your mother was killed by a monstrous clown-clad creature that had preyed on you and the children “And I think it will work, I've had a lot of fun so far and met a lot of people. The only thing I could complain about is that it's fucking hot here” you exclaimed to lighten the mood, separating the already sweat-stained fabric from your body.
Eddie's attention dropped to your chest and the ridiculously revealing shirt you wore, which revealed your bare shoulders and part of your torso. The shorts didn't help his prying eyes too much either.
"It's summer, you can't ask too much of us"
"Aren't you hot with that hair?" you asked, reaching out to playfully pick up a curl near his cheek. It was a vacation in a town where you didn't know anyone, and there was a handsome man in front of you, of course you were going to flirt without shame.
"I don’t know, am I?” he joked, making you smile “Sometimes. But it's part of a metalhead's commitment,”
"I guess your shirt belongs to some band"
"Don't you know Judas Priest?" he asked and you gently shook your head. "So what kind of music do you listen to?"
"I like Madonna and Elton John" you shrugged and he made a face "Is there a problem with that?"
“Not my favorites, more Buckley or Stevie style,” he muttered, nodding at the two friends of his. Your eyes couldn't help but look at the scars on the boy's face and neck, thinking about what would have been so bad to leave that mark. Unfortunately, he noticed "They are ugly, right?"
"No, not at all" you quickly explained, embarrassment painting your face "I was just curious, sorry if I made you uncomfortable"
"You didn't," he assured you. The truth was that he was still trying to deal with the matter of his self-esteem after his visit and near death in the Upside down, but it was always easier for someone who had never seen him before to get used to the marks "They were made by some bats from another dimension, could you believe it?” he confessed to you, but by the laugh you let out he knew that you hadn’t believed him. Maybe it was easier that way, being transparent with someone who didn't take him seriously.
"Y/N" someone near you exclaimed. It was Bill, trying not to stutter, “Can we go into the woods for a walk?” 
“What do you ask him for? She's not your mom, let's just go!" Richie complained from afar, but the truth was that everyone present except him was waiting for your permission.
"You guys be careful, if something happens come back right away, okay?" you said and they nodded. You saw at least 10 teenagers leave the place laughing and murmuring and suddenly the place felt awfully empty, but luckily the spaces near you were filled by Nancy and her friends. Everyone was very nice and even the adults got in on the chat. It was clear that everyone there had a great unity and, although at first you felt out of place, seeing them talk to each other pleasantly warmed your chest. Most of the questions went to you, of course, for being the only one who didn't live in Hawkins. About where you and the kids studied, what the town was like, what each of your friends was like, childhood memories, and even Eddie asked if you had a boyfriend, with the most shameless smile of all, which only grew when you said no.
You learned a lot from them, about how the Byers and the Hoppers were now one family, about the kids' problems, their hobbies, personal information about everyone present your age, each other's jobs, and God only knows how many things.
You had never chatted so much in a single afternoon and even your aunt Karen let you share a few beers with your new friends, even though everyone there had consumed and drunk worse things, and you were so happy that when you least expected it all the children were already back. When they entered it seemed as if they had been a single group all their lives.
"Did you see how Stanley jumped when we found that bug?"
"You shut up Richie, you were scared by a frog"
"You're good at climbing trees, Lucas!"
"Oh, Will, I'm so tired."
“So you once got into a drain? That's fucking disgusting!"
Those were some of the phrases that you managed to register within the conversations, since everyone spoke at the same time and with a fairly high volume.
"Did you guys have fun?" Joyce asked with a smile, reaching out to hug her son from the side, who nodded from her place. Both she and her husband looked happy that the boy had a smile and after everything they had told you, you were also a little happy. They didn't tell you the full story, for obvious reasons, they just told you that Will had had a very bad few years due to multiple illnesses and family problems.
"I think we are abusing your hospitality Joyce, we have to go now" Karen murmured, as she noticed that the night had already fallen on the town. She worried you about how you would get home in a couple of cars, even though the people who were there were exactly the same as the ones who had arrived.
Both women exchanged a few words and hugged each other goodbye, while you took a look at your brother and his friends.
"Losers" you called them, more as a kind of endearment than really a tease "It's time to go"
You heard a collective groan and tried to suppress a smile as you turned the other way, but a second later you collided with a warm body that held you up to prevent you from falling.
"Careful," he laughed, looking down at you. His hands were on your elbows and felt callused against your skin. The contact didn't last more than a few seconds and then he looked at his younger friends "It's time to go too, Steve will take you first" he informed them. Most got up and walked towards the exit as they said their goodbyes.
You and Eddie stood facing each other in a moment of comfortable silence, and then you smiled at each other.
"I guess I'll see you around, huh?"
"I'm free the day you want"
"Are you this forward with all the girls?"
"I'm just being nice" he replied with a shrug "If you want to walk around town or have a good time, just look me up"
With such a cute face and such a charming attitude, of course you were going to do it.
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Your days at Hawkins are over and as promised, you had hung out with Eddie Munson on more than one occasion.
It seemed as if he was stalking you, because when you went out somewhere he was magically walking around. Whether it was shopping, going to the park, or walking around the city; he was there. The truth seemed creepy to you at first, but he swore with his soul that it was all about coincidences, the same version that you ended up believing and accepting.
Your brother and the children were having a great time, as there was always something they could do. Even the ones you thought would have the most trouble fitting in, like Beverly, Ben, or Stanley, were quickly making friends.
One night someone called the Wheelers' house and you were surprised when they said it was a call for you. Who was going to call you? Your first thought landed on your father, but you were surprised to hear not his raspy voice but a softer one on the phone.
“I just wanted to know what you were doing. I was bored” Eddie had told you, in a lame excuse. You answered and from that, you had a conversation that took all afternoon. It had been something new for you, because most of the time talking on the phone was something that was very uncomfortable for you, and that was repeated more than once.
In the end, there were so many calls that Nancy was merciful to you and she gave you her old landline phone to put in the room you were staying in so you could talk to Eddie more freely. All the kids, including Mike, were staying in the basement, and once you caught them eavesdropping on your conversation, infinitely grateful that he hadn't thought to flirt in some way.
Because he was very flirtatious, too much for your taste, but it always seemed to come naturally. As if Eddie behaved like this with everyone or was a second language. You were comforted (and let's be honest, also disappointed) a little bit that the way he talked to you was the same as his friend Steve or his friend Robin or even Nancy and Jonathan. But there was something about the way he looked at you that was different. He made you feel nervous and even unprotected, always with those big bright brown eyes following your steps. But part of you liked the attention and having him hover around you waiting for you to say literally anything to smile at you.
The absence of your father and the fact that your little brother was busy almost all day made you feel confident to play along with the curly and unruly hair, something that you had not allowed yourself too much in recent years. You'd had a few boyfriends, but the Derry disappearances, the murders, and having to babysit a group of teenagers had robbed you of an enviable love life. So even though this wasn't someone you'd go so far as to marry, for example, this thing you had with Eddie was interesting. And with any luck, you might even get a kiss or two.
A blow in the distance made you jump and you suddenly became aware of where you were. A new bowling alley had opened and your aunt suggested you go check it out, so the whole gang had gotten together to go.
The weeks you had spent in Hawkins were enough for a friendship to form between both groups of teenagers and that was why they were having so much fun, but frankly you were starting to get bored.
“Hey, beauty,” said a voice next to you that made you jump. It was Eddie, of course, who looked freshly showered and smelled of intoxicating cologne that made you want to bury your head in his neck. You felt a little embarrassed about the clothes you were wearing, because it was literally the first thing you found thrown in your suitcase "How you doing?"
"Eddie" you pronounced softly, a smile automatically spreading across your face "what are you doing here?"
“Heard you were coming so I thought I'd stop by to say hi,” he mumbled, pretending it wasn't a big deal “Do you want to go out with me, or are you having too much fun to leave it?”
"I could die of joy" you replied sarcastically. The idea of ​​being alone with him was great but you still didn't want to leave the kids alone. He felt wrong and if something happened to them you couldn't live with the guilt so you barely had time to think about it before he spoke again.
“In that case, there's a nice place on the shores to talk and stuff, so I thought maybe you'd like to go with me. We can buy things to eat and drink, but you don't have to go if you don't want to,” he said, speaking a little softer at the last part.
"But what about the children?"
"What is going on with them?"
"I don't want to leave them here"
"They'll be fine," he said, completely unconcerned "Let's talk to them, okay?" Eddie got up from his place and took your hand to get you up too, guiding you to where the others were. When Max noticed Eddie he smiled and she was the first one he approached "Hello, Red" he greeted her kindly. Nearby were Eleven and Beverly, who also leaned in to hear him "Listen, I want to take this lady for a walk with me, but for that, I need someone to watch the bunch of fools that are playing right there" He pointed at the men, with one of their ringed fingers, who were arguing heatedly over a point on the board. "Would you guys be so kind as to help us with that?" he asked and the three girls nodded. Eddie seemed to have an effect not only on you, but on your younger peers as well. Both he and Steve could ask them for any favor and they would be delighted to do so "You are angels, thank you"
"But can I hit them if they disobey me?" Max asked, causing Eddie to burst out laughing.
"Just a little, okay?"
"Boys!" you called them and all the mentioned ones looked in your direction "I have to go to a place; the girls stay in charge"
"What?! Why them?” Richie complained.
“Because I want you to make it to the end of the night alive” you replied without thinking and a shiver ran through you. Richie was a hateful thing most of the time, but you couldn't imagine your life if something happened to him. "You guys just be nice and call my Aunt Karen if you need anything, okay?" They all nodded and you'd swear you heard Richie blurt out an indecent comment, but you didn't pay attention to it. You looked for a pay phone and Eddie lent you a coin so you could call home. No one answered and even though you tried again, it stayed the same. They were probably out for dinner or just spending time away from their guests.
You got into Eddie's van in silence and he asked if you wanted to listen to anything in particular, but when he heard you say no, he decided to put on a rock cassette he had lying around.
"So…" he began, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel, his gaze on the road and seeing him so focused made you feel strangely drawn, "Shall we stop at a grocery store?"
You didn't buy much, just a bag of chips and drinks for both of you: a beer and a strawberry soda.
“I like your chain” you murmured at some point during the trip. Whenever you were with him his neck was a point of attention and therefore anything that was in it, today was a silver chain.
“A present from my uncle, a long time ago.” He smiled. “We know a guy in Indiana who sells all kinds of silver stuff and I sometimes shop there. They are expensive, but at least they don't stain your skin and they are quite durable” he explained. The young man's ability to create a conversation from anything was surprising "The only disadvantage is that if one day I became a vampire, I would never be able to use them again"
"Oh yes, that's the most common" you replied sarcastically, followed by a laugh "Are you really worried about becoming a vampire?"
"You never know," he simply replied, shrugging. He stopped near a park that was nearly empty at this hour. The lighting was dim and the benches looked rusty, with grass growing sloppily under them. Eddie came downstairs without saying anything and at first you thought he was being rude, but then you saw him appear from your side to open the door and you smiled with pleasure.
As soon as you sat down on the bench, the intention that Eddie had when taking you there crossed your mind; a place almost in darkness, secluded, silent and wide… maybe it was just trying to get between your pants. And it wasn't like it bothered you, you just felt slightly disappointed that he was being so nice with that sole intention. But as you two talked, you discovered that maybe you were misunderstanding and what he wanted was just that: to talk and that's it.
"So you play the guitar?" you asked after he made the mention of his band. The fries were gone and you two were relaxing, and he nodded to your question "And you're good at it?"
"I can't judge myself, to say yes would be presumptuous and to say no would be foolish," he argued, with an amused grin.
"You have very pretty lips," you said without thinking. His eyes widened and when he looked at you, you noticed that his cheeks had flushed. Your comment had taken him off guard and even you felt embarrassed, which you tried to mask with a laugh.
"Regularly when someone is looking at my lips it's because they want to kiss me" you wanted to answer that it wasn't like that, but when he gently bit his lower lip your eyes went there and the words got stuck in your throat. Once your gaze met his, you caught a glimpse of a peculiar mischievous glow and swore he was going to kiss you right then. But it was you who walked away when your eyes caught the scarlet glow of a balloon floating behind Eddie.
You were paralyzed with fear at that simple appearance and the feeling only intensified when you noticed a red-haired figure who was dressed in white and was hiding in the bushes. It was grinning at you ghoulishly and you felt like you were going to throw up when he raised his gloved hand to show you something. It looked like a piece of cloth with black and white figures that were smeared with red all over. It took you barely a second to realize what it was; it was Richie's shirt.
“No…” you said, your voice breaking. Eddie was surprised by your change in attitude, especially when you got up from the bench and your face turned pale.
“Hey, what's up? Did I misunderstand something?” he asked with concern.
But you couldn't speak, you couldn't move: you were completely paralyzed with fear. So many memories had suddenly come to him that it was nauseating. You even swore to smell the iron in the blood, as if you were the one who was hurt.
“We have to…we have to go,” you stuttered, staring into the bushes expecting the bloody clown to jump at any second.
He tried to follow your gaze but at that very moment, the lights above your heads flickered in uneven patterns, which made Eddie tense. Many questions crossed his mind: Had you seen something that he didn't? Was Vecna ​​haunting the town again? And you, seeing him so nervous, also wondered if he had finally noticed the horrible clown that was a few meters from you.
"Let's get out of here," he said, giving no room for complaint or question. Eddie took your hand while still looking in the direction of the lights and you let him drag you away while you stared into the bushes where there now seemed to be nothing.
You got into the van in record time and once inside you felt that the air was beginning to fail you. In your head there was only Richie's name repeating itself over and over again, filled with despair by the image you had witnessed. You were sure that this was his shirt, precisely the one he had put on that day.
Eddie, on the other hand, wasn't as upset as you were, but the flickering of the lamps had brought back unpleasant memories. And that signal made him think that you had seen something; how was he going to explain to you what it was about? Sometimes even he didn't understand.
The man drove a few meters to the road and when he took a look at you, he noticed that his hands were shaking. He expected you to ask questions or say anything, maybe a startled comment about how you just saw a six-foot monster rolling around, but when you finally looked at him you only sobbed a few words.
"I need to find my brother, please"
He asked you if you were okay and asked what had happened there, getting no response other than something along the lines of “take me to Richie” or “I need to see my brother”.
The road was faster than last time and you asked him to go directly to the Wheelers' house, since you had probably taken so long that they were already there. Or at least that's what you hoped.
You got out of the car as soon as he parked, stumbling a bit in your haste, and walked across the porch with Eddie following you by just a few steps. When you arrived, you knocked on the door insistently, feeling the adrenaline rushing through your body and the beating of your heart completely accelerated. It was Mike who opened the door for you, a confused expression on his face.
"And Richie?" you asked bluntly, but instead of waiting for an answer you pushed your cousin aside and walked down the hall. You could hear the laughter of the young people, probably from the room, and you expected to find him there. But upon arrival, a quick scan was enough to realize that he wasn’t there.
"Something happened?" murmured Ben, who was one of the most perceptive in the group, noticing your pale face.
"Where's Richie?" you exhaled, feeling suddenly dizzy and tears stinging your eyes. It wasn’t difficult to think why you had that question and this put everyone on alert, even those who did not know your situation. When Eddie reached your side, his gaze went directly to Jane.
“The lights… it happened again”
"Will," she said almost immediately, her eyes reflecting the same panic as you. Everyone almost jumped to their feet, each group understanding their own bizarre situation, and you started scouring the house looking for the two boys.
Your breathing began to be erratic and you had to hold on to the wall to keep from falling. Eddie, noticing this, walked over to you and grabbed you by the elbows.
"Are you okay? What's going on?" he said, genuinely worried about you. One of his hands went up to your face to force you to look at him and somehow seeing his big, brown, frightened eyes made you feel back in the real world.
You wanted to tell him everything. You wanted to tell him about your mother, about the clown, about the terrible disappearances, and about the panic that caused you to think that this thing had probably come back and taken your little brother. Even if he didn't understand a word, you just wanted to let it go.
"I found them!" someone yelled and your feet moved on their own in that direction. You were expecting the worst, but when you arrived you found your brother stuck in a kind of closet with a cigarette in his hand and Will Byers in front of him.
"What the hell, man?" Richie said, rather annoyed at the interruption. You pulled him by the arm to get him out of the closet and when you looked him up and down Richie thought you were going to give him the worst scolding of his life, but instead he felt you pull him towards you and hug him. Honestly, he preferred the scolding “What are you doing? Let me go!" he whimpered. You breathed properly for the first time and with your hands you looked for some kind of wound, but you found nothing. You took a moment to bask in relief that he was safe and sound, but as soon as this moment was over you pulled away and yanked hard on his ear, only making him complain more.
“Are you an idiot, are you? I thought something had happened to you! I… I… I thought you were dead” you exclaimed in a sob. You didn't mean to cry, but you were already doing it.
"Why should I be?" he said as a first reaction, not really understanding your point, it wasn't until you whispered a soft 'I saw it' that his face turned pale and his lips exhaled an expression of understanding.
"Wait a minute, are you smoking?" Mike said, glaring red-cheeked with anger at Will. That brought you back to reality and you observed the cigarette, as well as the smell that your brother emanated.
“Oh, you are so dead, Tozier” you exclaimed without thinking, but instantly you covered your mouth with a hand “No, no… I don't mean that. I'm so sorry. I love you” you completed immediately, with a sweeter voice, and then gave him another hug and a quick kiss on the forehead. But just as the sweetness came, that's how fast it left, because you pulled the dark-haired man by the arm and ripped the cigarette out of his hand to put it out on the floor "If I see you doing that shit again, it's going to be very bad for you, and I also don't want you to be perverting other people so that they accompany you in your idiocies”
"But we were just chatting!" he defended himself. He looked at his friend for a second and then he looked at Eddie (the young one, of course) who looked really upset, with the same look that Mike was giving your brother, while Will was just flushed with embarrassment. You didn't know what was going on between those four, but you were too busy lecturing the guy with glasses to really think about it.
At some point, the groups parted noticeably and when they approached to check on you, you spoke in whispers, explaining that the sight of Derry's favorite killer clown had probably just been your paranoia. Eddie, for his part, was talking the same way to the youngsters, muttering things about the state you'd put yourself in and how likely it was due to the sight of some creature from the upside down.
In the end, you sent all the children to sleep, and from that point on you didn't know what happened to them, because you just stood in the corridor with a pain well installed in the back of your neck and a sudden tiredness.
"You okay?" you heard behind you. You had forgotten about Eddie, about your date with him, and about how you almost kissed him, all because of the terror of imagining that Richie was dead.
“Oh, yeah,” you said turning around. He was watching you with tender, careful eyes and there was a silent question in the air. You decided to close the distance and let his arms wrap around you warmly "I'm… I’m sorry about all that"
"Don't apologize" he replied and although he didn't ask for an explanation, you decided to offer it.
“It's just… my mom died in a horrible way and we all witnessed it. Since then we have been very afraid that this will happen again and I think that… the fatigue and the heat and all the change of environment affected me and I thought I saw something that was not there. That's why I needed to get there so fast, I was afraid that… you know” you sighed, not daring to say it. There was silence for a moment and to try to eliminate the discomfort you spoke again "Sorry if I scared you"
"No, you didn't" he was quick to say "I was just thinking that something similar happened to me and my friends a long time ago and... well, sometimes we can see crazy things, right?" he tried to cheer you up. The truth is that it wasn't very good, but it was enough for you to feel that he wasn't judging you “What I'm trying to say is that I understand you in a way and it's okay what happened, we both care about our brothers. Well, your brother and my children” he laughed. The natural and paternal way in which he referred to the young people touched you.
You separated to look at him and one of your hands reached almost by itself to his cheek, the one where he had the scar. Your index finger trailed along the edge of it and there was something about that caress that felt too intimate for Eddie like you were two longtime lovers sharing a routine moment.
“Sorry for ruining our date”
"Was that a date?" he said, more meant to joke than to make fun of you. You felt silly for a second, until you heard him laugh "I didn't know you liked me so much"
"I thought that meant pulling me out of the bowling alley for snacks and taking me to a point in the middle of nowhere just to stare at my lips while I talked," you said, trying to sound as confident as possible so he wouldn't notice that you were a mess inside.
"Sorry? You were the one who said I had pretty lips. If anyone here was dying for a kiss, it was you” he smiled. Suddenly your face was hot and the air around you felt heavier, as if all the tension you had hours ago had returned in a heartbeat. You didn't realize it, but your lips parted to release a sigh and Eddie swallowed, completely nervous.
The next thing was the obvious: your lips and his coming together in long-awaited contact. It started slow and careful, but it didn't take long for the bites and tongues to kick in. You wish you were thinking a little more like an adult instead of making out passionately with a guy you barely knew in the middle of the hallway at your aunt and uncle's house, but the truth was that having someone like Eddie around you could barely form a coherent thought connection. His hand hovered carefully on the edge of your waist, almost reaching your breast but not really touching it, while your hand had already left his cheek and flown to his silky hair thanks to the styling cream he had put on before seeing you and, to be honest, you probably would have kept kissing him for quite a while if it hadn't been for the sound of the front door opening.
"My aunt,” you said, breathing hard and with a nervous smile "Come, hide" you exclaimed, taking his hand to drag him to the room you shared with Nancy. She was sleeping with Jonathan that day and you felt the situation couldn't be more perfect. It wasn't like you wanted to get into anything more with Eddie, you just… didn't want to stop having him around.
“I'll climb out the window,” he muttered, immediately grasping (from his logic) where this was going. More than once he'd had to sneak out of someone's house and right now it didn't seem to bother him.
“I was thinking maybe you could stay,” you said quickly, before you lost the courage to do so “It's late and… I just thought we could spend the night together. Like… maybe… just sleep,” you explained, hoping he didn't think you were suggesting something else. Your intentions were sincere, you just wanted to be with him a little longer.
"Will you bear my talking in the night?" he said playfully, giving an implied response to your invitation. You managed to get into your pajamas in record time and he only got rid of the most uncomfortable things from his outfit before falling into bed with you. Both of you were staring at the ceiling, giving you a sidelong glance. "Is this okay for you?"
“Uh-huh,” you nodded with a smile. He hardly dared to move or touch you, so you moved closer in the hope that he would give you some of his warmth. Still without looking at him, you rested your head on his shoulder and he did the same on yours. It was a comfortable, friendly, and calm position.
“I like you, Y/N” he ​​blurted out “Just in case you haven't noticed” he added, making you smile. You kept silent to think that it was pertinent to answer.
"I like you too, Eddie" you finished saying. One of your hands shyly traveled to his and you started playing with your fingers for a while in which both of you were silent. "I'm glad I came to Hawkins this summer, you know?"
“I'm glad you're here” he imitated you, smirking even though you couldn't see him “I was thinking that when you leave maybe I should visit you one day”
"Will you travel 17 hours just to see me?" you asked with a sour laugh. You hadn't thought about the distance thing until now that he brought it up and you didn't want to dwell on it too much, dreading the idea that you were literally on different ends of the country.
"Perhaps. It will be fun. And I can take the children, so they know your place. Like a family trip,” he exclaimed. The light in the room was still on and you reached out a bit to turn it off and continue talking.
"You do not have siblings?" you asked curiously, because the family was a subject that you had only superficially approached during these weeks of knowing him.
“No, my mom died before I could have one. And then my dad ended up in jail so the chances were greatly reduced” he exclaimed casually. You had no idea that he had been through that and you felt bad in some way, but when you told him that you were sorry, he shook his head "It doesn't matter anymore, life has put good people in my way" he smiled. Hearing him say those things only showed that he was such a sensitive, kind and pure man that it was hard to believe “But I imagine he must be cute. You cared too much about Richie."
"He has his good times and his bad times," you said quietly. The darkness was making you drowsy, but you refused to let go of the moment. “Can you tell me a story?” 
“A story” you repeated. His skin was soft and warm against yours. “Something from when you were little or… something with your friends, I don't know. I just… want to hear your voice” you kindly asked. Eddie blushed at this and nodded, then started telling you about how he met most of his friends. He told you about his band, his school, his club, and a thousand other things that you listened to carefully until late at night, when both of you gave in to exhaustion and fell asleep peacefully, having the peace of mind that on waking the space next to the bed wouldn’t be empty.
taglist: @sweetdayme44274427 @smol-book-nerdd @ilikewomendealwithit @harringt8ns @katsukis1wife @ilovereadingfanfics-blogs
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ashiyn · 7 months
Hi! Hope it's all good, I wanted to ask you what software you use for your edits I've honestly no clue where to start but I've loads of little clips of yours saved :D
hiya!! im so sorry for the delayed answer, i swear tumblr doesnt give me notifs about my inbox im fuming. this is quite long so the answer and some editing tips are under the cut! please feel free to reach out if there's something that doesn't make sense or if you ever need any tips or help!
i personally use adobe after effect 2020 with some plugins! most people would probably use adobe premiere pro for compilations like the ones i do but im WAY WAY WAY more used to after effect due do making daily fancams/edits in the past (i do not recommend doing this btw- got burned out after doing it for about a year LMAO). so for example if you're interested in making edits like this or this i'd go for after effect but if you wanna make stuff like this or this, premiere pro is probably the way to go, even if i use AE for both 😭
adobe products are very expensive and you need quite the computer for it to run it without crashing all the time so if you dont have the resources or want to dedicate some time into researching turrenting + vpn and how to install it properly + the plugins on top of learning a pretty confusing (at first) program i'd recommend capcut! it's a free phone app and ive personally never used it, but ive had a lot of mutuals before use it and it looks great and pretty simple to use once you get the hang of it.
learning after affect is extremely frustrating i wont lie, but it's probably the best software if you want to do complicated stuff or simply just get smooth slow mo that you often use in edits! it's worth it in the end after you get the hang of it! there's a lot of youtube tutorials out there and i'd love to help with settings and keyframes if needed!
using AE can be a little bit of an overkill if you're only looking into trying editing to see if you think it's fun and worth the time it takes, so phone apps is honestly an amazing start to get into it. i just decided to go 120% out of nowhere due to getting a hyperfixiation on deciding to learn how to edit and doing it in a more "professional" way and potentially become an editor in the future -> which did not happen. or well. i did end up having a tiktok account with 45k followers when i posted a lot of my edits of shows that i liked but i was potentially thinking of becoming a yt editor or maybe work in media more. however im a burned out nurse student now LMAO
personal tips when it comes to editing;
i use while editing is to make a mindmap or simply just write down key elements you want in your edit to make it easier and prevents you from having to redo your edit (which is painful).
to make the edit "run more smoothly" make sure to fade the clip to be more dark at the end and start the next coming clip with a fade from dark to light. learning slow mo can be tricky in any app, but if possible i use the same thing with clips where it starts faster, is the slowest in the middle of the clip, and starts to get to normal speed at the end of the clip to make the transition over to another clip seem smoother and not like a raw cut.
this might be more of a editing style preference but i always add a slight zoom (either in or out depending on the transition) at every clip so that it's not as awkwardly still. i also always add a slight shake that you cant really see unless you focus on it for the same reason as the zoom. i found that even if the transitions are extremely simple or not even there at all, these small things make an edit look way more "professional" and less choppy.
next thing is "just" to learn what transitions you like after that and dont be afraid to mess with settings, even if you follow a tutorial. its all about finding your own editing style and what you like more!
i download youtube videos using loader.to but screen recording also works! i download mine to make the fps be correct to match when im slowing down a clip but that might be a bit overkill. youtube4kdownloader.com is a great website to cut clips from youtube videos to download too! just make sure to use adblockers when using the websites!
also: editing takes a lot of time and dont feel discouraged if it takes long to finish one! once you have more of an editing style it becomes more of a routine the more you edit!
these tips can be used on any editing app (with the slow mo being an exception in some apps) but then again, dont feel like you need any of it and just go ham on whatever ideas you have! id love to see any edit of yours :D
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aknileibo · 2 years
Levihan drabble week: Levihan randomized
Prompt: Levi and Hange are a pair of ghosts haunting a house, and every day they try to outcompete each other in scaring whoever comes in.
TW: Emotional Abuse. (I didn't like to think about Sasha in this type of situation, but I wanted Levihan to adopt her in the end.)
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The realtor looked at all the books laying on the table.
Realtor: I told you! You’re not allowed to use anything in here! Just clean!
Maid: Sir, I swear I didn’t, besides, the place wasn’t really dirty, and I did put the books back in place, I don’t know what happened!
R: I don’t have time for this. The owner’s son will be here any minute now and for some reason his father wanted me to show the apartment to him instead of doing it himself. Hurry up and leave.
A few minutes later, Floch arrived with his girlfriend.
R: Good morning mister Foster, miss Braus, please come inside.
Floch: What the hell is this place? This looks like a dumpster!
R: On the contrary sir, this apartment contains all of your father’s valuable antiques, books, expensive furniture and-
F: I don’t give a shit. I have better stuff at home.
Sasha: I think it’s pretty…
F: Shut up. You’re lucky I decided to bring you with me. Nobody wanted you back at home.
R: Sir, your father believes you will appreciate your family heritage more once-
F: You shut up too. I don’t give a fuck about them. Just get this over with.
Levi: Why do I even bother putting these back into place…
Hange: Levi look! The realtor brought a real jerk this time, his girlfriend seems sweet though…
L: Alright. My turn to beat your score.
H: Ha! Last time you said that you came asking me for help!
L: I don’t like scaring little kids…
H: But they’re the easiest targets!
L: Whatever. This one shouldn’t be hard.
F: Ugh. There isn’t even a TV here… Sasha! Make yourself useful and get rid of this trash! I’m getting a new TV set.
S: Ok…
L: What a scum… Hange, let’s allow them to move in.
H: So we can scare him away and let the girl keep the apartment right! She seems interested in this place…
L: Exactly.
H: Great! I already have sooo many plans…
L: Relax. We need to make sure we don’t scare her too or get her in trouble
On the next day, Floch brought a crew to install the new TV he bought.
F: I told her to get rid of this shit… Sorry guys, my dumb girlfriend didn’t do her job yesterday. You can throw those away.
Crew: Ok sir.
L: “Those are Hange’s books…”
Levi grabbed a picture frame and threw it at them.
F: Shit! What the hell was that!
The glass cut one of the crew member’s cheek.
C: Sir! We have to take him to the hospital!
F: You’re not leaving me here with this!
C: I’m sorry sir but he’s bleeding!
Floch sent Sasha a text message.
F: Sasha come back here now! you have work to do, these cowards left me alone here…
H: Levi! Thank you!
L: I think I went a bit too far…
H: It’s just a small cut, he’s not even gonna need stitches…
L: If you say so…
H: Hey, I’ve been practicing something, wanna see?
L: As long as you don’t shoot plasma off your mouth again…
H: Come on! That was fun!
L: Not when you’re the one that has to clean it later.
A few days after the incident, Sasha was picking up some books in the living room, and she found one titled “The big fat potato book, 700 recipes for potato lovers.” She started looking through it when a piece of paper fell out. It had something written on it.
Hi Sasha! Thank you for hiding my books instead of throwing them away, some of those I got a long time ago and are very dear for me and Levi. I noticed you like food so I thought you might like this book! Have fun with it! Oh, by the way, don’t worry about Floch. Leave him to us. We’ll take care of him.
Sasha didn’t know if she was scared or relieved.
S: …Hange? Is it someone from Floch’s family? I don’t remember anyone named Levi either... How did they know I was hiding the books? Or maybe it’s my dad’s family? …Maybe I should go back to my dad’s house-
F: Excuse me? Do I hear you planning to leave me?
S: Floch! No! I was just wondering if maybe he had more cooking books-
F: I thought I told you to get rid of those! Why the hell are you bringing more trash!?
S: No… It’s so I can make you better meals…
F: Whatever… I’m too tired for this. I’m taking a nap.
As Floch went to the living room, Hange and Levi started to take action.
L: He’s here.
H: Let’s do it.
Hange began creeping up behind Floch and touched his shoulder.
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F: Stupid old man trying to make me live here…
As soon as he turned around, Hange’s skin started melting, turning into muscle, then into bones.
F: Shit!
Floch started screaming and running towards the main door. Sasha was paralyzed. Still, he didn’t make it far until he saw Levi carrying a big scythe.
L: Going somewhere?
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F: No! Don’t kill me please! Take her!
He pushed Sasha in front of him.
L: I don’t kill good people. Just abusive assholes. But I am merciful, so I’ll let you go if you get out of here and leave her alone.
Floch jumped immediately and ran off. Sasha was still speechless.
H: That was so much fun! Did you like my new trick Levi!
L: It was ok.
H: Awwwe come on!
L: Sasha, are you ok? Sorry you had to witness that…
H: Sasha hi! Did you like the book? You found my note?
S: …I-It was you?
H: Yes! We promise to be less scary if you stay here! I can bring you all the books you want about food!
S: Can I bring my dad here?
H: Sure!
L: Four-eyes, Does this mean we stop scaring people now?
H: Yep, it means we start protecting people now.
L: I’m good with that. Guess it also means I win our bet then.
H: Not at all! I scared way more people than you!
L: Groups count only as one.
H: Hey! We didn’t agree to that!
L: We do now.
S: You guys are a cute couple!
H: Wha- no no, we’re-
L: Yes Sasha. We are.
S: Hange! I thought ghosts couldn’t blush…
Sorry I'm late for this one
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brainrattlers · 2 years
Play It Cool - Tyson Jost (15/n)
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Author’s Note: Short installment. Literally just a little Valentine’s Day fluff because some intense stuff is coming soon. I’m really great/awful about dragging this out, but damn it I have so many ideas I want to somehow incorporate.
Pairing: Tyson Jost x OFC
Warnings: Language. Nakedness in the shower together. It’s not graphic, but probably should give it an 18+ because reasons.
Word Count: 1626 (SO SHORT, I’m sorry, but it’s just a brief interlude!)
Missing Part 14? https://brainrattlers.tumblr.com/post/690822714485817344/play-it-cool-tyson-jost-14n
Tyson woke up at AJ’s, thankfully she had the day off knowing that she and Jess’ flight back from Dallas was going to be late. However it was a very quick breakfast together, as Tyson wanted to hit up optional practice (he had been working with Jussi and the goalies more, trying to work on his own skills while helping them out), and then said he “needed to go shopping.”
This was code for, “I still need to get you something for Valentine’s Day.”
You know, because… this very day is Valentine’s Day.
“Okay babe. Do you want to get dinner or something? Although that might be next to impossible being February 14th.”
Tyson thought about it for a few moments. “How about I bring some Chinese? Just a chill evening in, yeah? I mean, if you had your heart set on going somewhere fancy I can try playing the ‘I play for the Avalanche’ card…”
“You, me, and some Chinese sounds pretty good. I’m not usually one for big gestures on Valentine’s Day honestly. I think the sign yesterday was the biggest gesture I’ve literally ever made for it, honestly.” 
Tyson snagged a quick kiss before ducking out, heading directly to practice… wearing another one of AJ’s hoodies. He knew he was going to get crap for it, but he couldn’t get enough of how soft they were, and how they smelled like the body spray she often wore. She just rolled her eyes, knowing she’d reclaim it later at his place sometime, smelling instead of him. It was a vicious, beautiful cycle.
The two had previously talked about not going overboard on gifts like Tyson did at Christmas, but it was still a relative thing. AJ felt like she found a great *small* gift for him, and it came from the heart with the silliest of intentions. There was no way he wasn’t going to love it. And because she planned in advance, AJ was able to crawl back into bed for a few more hours of sleep (or at least scrolling TikTok and sending Jess videos most of the morning). 
It was finally around 1PM that AJ decided to be an adult and get out of bed. It simply was one of those mornings where it was just too comfortable to get out of, but she also knew that her back would be pissed off with her if she didn’t move soon. Pajamas seemed like a comfortable idea until Tyson texted around 4:30, saying he was heading over with dinner shortly. Frantically, AJ hopped in the shower, but lost herself a few minutes to the scalding hot water that washed away the sleepiness that was plaguing her. Not hearing the door open downstairs, AJ was surprised (and by surprised, I mean she screamed and threw a punch at the shadowy figure on the other side of the shower curtain) when a single rose poked itself into the steamy bath. And thankfully Tyson was pretty good at dodging fists.
Fighting to catch her own breath, AJ pulled the shower curtain back enough to poke her head out to voice her frustration after realizing it was only Tyson.
She couldn’t stay angry seeing Tyson nearly falling over against the vanity trying to take his own clothes off as fast as possible to get into the shower with AJ. That goofy, giddy look that always took over his face was everything to her. Every time he saw her naked, he acted as if it was the first time all over again, trying to engrave every little detail into his memory. It gave AJ butterflies in her stomach every time too. 
Sometimes the nerves made her shy, covering her torso, hiding what she didn’t like about herself. But it never failed that being the hype man Tyson is, that he would talk her out of her own worries. He’d praise and worship every inch of her, which when in the shower, inevitably ran the hot water out. This was actually much preferred to Tyson. AJ never understood why he liked cold showers, where Tyson couldn’t grasp the concept of why hot showers were superior. But it also never failed that the two would be laughing as the hot water would run out, and Tyson would shield AJ from the cold spray, but also tease that he was going to pin her against the shower wall. Normally, this would be sexy as hell, but the walls in AJ’s shower were icy cold to the touch when she’d have taken a hot shower.
That damn glint of mischief was bright as day in Tyson’s otherwise darkened hazel eyes.
And more often than not, AJ would squeal as Tyson pressed her against the cold tile, but then doing something else that would make her forget all about the cold tile.
Stepping out of the shower first, he grabbed a fluffy bath sheet from the rack and tossed it to AJ still inside the curtain. After scrunching her curls, she wrapped the towel around her midsection and exited the tub. She was completely unable to not stare at the dripping wet naked Tyson in front of her, who was toweling off his legs, then chest.
“I’m going to straight up admit it, I’m staring very disrespectfully, Mr. Jost. Please do continue though.” AJ bit her lip while enjoying the sight before her. 
A deep crimson blush flooded Tyson’s cheeks, and went down his neck. 
“Oh yeah? Liking what you see?” Using his towel, he started exaggerating his moves and in doing so, became more ridiculous. 
Leave it to Tyson to diffuse what could have been an incredibly hot situation and turn it into something that leaves them both laughing, so much that AJ is nearly in tears. And Tyson loved to see and hear it - one of his favorite things was getting her to laugh, the kind of laugh that shook her whole body. He took that as the most real sound she ever could make.
After a few quick kisses and finally getting dried off and dressed, Tyson grabbed AJ’s hand (and the rose that started this whole mess) to bring her downstairs to get dinner that likely now would need reheated. However something on the sofa made AJ stop and stare, first at the fluffy shape, and then at Tyson.
“What is this?”
The smile on Tyson’s face couldn’t be contained as he guided her around to the front of the sofa.
In front of the two of them was a giant teddy bear holding a box of Smarties (Canadian Smarties, not American Smarties), the rest of the roses, and was clad in one of Tyson’s old Team Canada World Juniors jerseys.
“His name is Maple. I thought you could cuddle with him when I’m on the road, you know? And he’s bringing you Smarties, because you are what you eat. Ignore the fact you’re eating General Tso’s tonight, just think about that when you eat the Smarties. Because you’re my smarty!”
Tyson was clearly proud of himself on this one, when he looked over and saw that look again of “what the hell did you do/why did you do this/I love it.” It was a look AJ gave him often. 
“I love him, Tyson. You shouldn’t have, but… I do love him.” AJ gave the bear a giant hug before grabbing the small box off the coffee table. “I got you something too, it’s not nearly as substantial, but when I saw it, I knew you needed it.”
Unwrapping the paper from the long slender box, Tyson stopped and stared at AJ before opening the lid, revealing a necktie.
But not just any necktie, it literally had a waffle print on it. As in the breakfast waffle, including a little pat of butter and a splash of maple syrup at the bottom. He fingered the fabric as he started giggling.
“Really babe?”
“Oh yeah. We’ll find you a shirt that this tie will go with, and that way you can wear it on the road, and think of your Eggo. I can only imagine what the rest of the guys will think though.” AJ tried to stifle the chuckle but it still happened, and Tyson joined in. 
His fingers touched the fabric, and he got quiet, seemingly lost in thought. But he quickly came back to the current moment.
“I love it. And I love you baby. Happy Valentine’s Day.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day love.” AJ pulled Tyson in for a tight hug and a soft kiss. He kissed the tip of her nose again for good measure.
“Now let’s go reheat those eggrolls, I’m starving!”
AJ just rolled her eyes at Tyson before being pulled into the kitchen. With food reheated, the two retreated back to the sofa to put on a movie, but not before having to move Maple to the overstuffed chair. And with full bellies, the bowls were set on the coffee table and the two curled up together. Tyson was texting someone while AJ laying across his lap, and was getting frustrated that his phone was blocking the view of the TV for her. Usually the two were good about not being on their phones when hanging out, but this was important to Tyson. But he could tell that she was getting a little frustrated.
“Sorry babe, just about finished. Showing Grandma and Grandpa the tie.” He snapped a photo of the tie and texted it, along with one more message before putting his phone on the coffee table.
Tyson: Hey, this message is just for Grandpa Jim.
Tyson: How did you know that Grandma was the one? Peep Chapter 16 at  https://brainrattlers.tumblr.com/post/692092027971796992/play-it-cool-tyson-jost-16n-authors-notes
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I've written a ton this year btw. I just haven't been posting because I'm trying to finish multiple very long stories before I start posting them just so they will for sure get finished. My goal is to be a lot more active on this blog this summer.
ANYWAY, going back to the good old days of posting "goals" I wish to achieve, here are some things I'm hoping to finish/start this year.
Sunset, Moonrise. Top of my priority list right now because the Spooky Month brainrot has sunk in so severely again after the new episode released.
The next two installments of my Epithet Erased series, which I have decided to start calling The Convergence AU. I've actually been working on these on and off for a year now. The first is a one shot that I just keep revising and revising and should probably just post, and it's called "It'll Be Okay," and its the AUs version of Giovanni "kidnapping" Molly at the end of PoP. The other is called Waking Nightmare, and it's Lorelai-focused, but naturally there's a lot of Sylvie in it too because I can't help but pop him into situations.
Heroes (And How Not to Assign Them). Just finish all of it.
I've been working on a Villainous series about Dark Phantom and Ghoul for about a year now. It's called Name of My Own and currently I have 5/8 fics in the series finished, and have begun to write the 6th one.
I've also been working on a small series about Caine from the Amazing Digital Circus, so I'm hoping to have some of that stuff out by the end of the year.
It's Dangerous Not to Feel Loved, my Adventure Time fic, will be finished sometime this year as well. I have four more chapters proper to write, and then all that's left will be posting a revisions. I'll probably post another chapter here very soon.
I started by never finished a character study for Khan from Murder Drones, so I'm hoping to finish that too, since I've been tinkering around with some ideas recently, given the new episode.
I'm like 2 chapters away from finishing the first installment to a silly little Rayman fic series. It's just kind of a remix of the original stories taking the aspects of the different lores I like and mashing them all up together. Also: OCs.
A Captain Laserhawk fic about Ramon, Bullfrog, and the clone Rayman. Because Bullfrog is so so so beloved to me. So far there's 3ish chapters finished and I don't know how long it'll be. Maybe 5 or six chapters long? Not too much more to go though; it's about halfway done.
I've been working on a crossover between The Amazing Digital Circus and The Pink City (another show by Gooseworx) and I'm hoping to get the first installment out sometime this year, but I will at least be starting it. It's going to be called The Pink Digital City (creative, I know /sarcasm).
I want to write more Spooky Month. Maybe something about Roy and the Cult because I love those "Roy in the Cult" AUs.
Might do something about a Spooky Month OC I've got, too.
Super early in the planning phases still, but I'd like to start the next installment of The Convergence AU after I finished Waking Nightmare. It'll focus on Crusher.
The next chapter of Operation: E.P.I.T.H.E.T.
More Pokemon crossover things, particularly more for the South Park crossover and actually getting something for the Ed, Edd, n Eddy AU I keep talking about finished and out there.
More oneshots. I need to write more oneshots. I never have oneshot ideas anymore because I really have been enjoying long form stories these days, but I need to keep practicing short form stories too or I'll get rusty lol. Feel free to send me oneshot requests for any of the fandoms listed here.
Okay, if you actually ready this gigantic thing, thanks lol. I appreciate it tons.
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the-firebird69 · 10 months
We're looking forward to a couple of events one is the sinking of the bunkers the second is the install of the second wall at lake Superior the first one had hardly any customers literally is like 20 trillion and only 10 trillion tried something and that was it. For the crab attack I'm trying to get people ready. They're going to go up that way tonight with big ships haven't been up there with a huge ones last night they went up with up to three mile but they don't really do it that much it's only a small crab attack every time tonight they're going up there with four Mile chips probably about three each River when they come down it's going to play a lot of those skeletons out I'll be about 1/3 which is a lot and it'll attract the ton of them probably up to half mile those are gigantic and those May attract more and more and make pile up but I don't think so I think a bunch of them will die in the rest will sit there and they'll get removed and they won't come in small ones will come in and much it all out it's going to get captured every few minutes and there won't be that many left at that point. A couple other things once this happens with the four Mile ships it won't it will bring a bunch of fish in we don't think it's going to be enough for Bobby McGee and Forrest Gump but it will show you what it's like there's going to be 2/3 of the skeletons left and bja has a bunch of heavy stuff to grab and I'll probably do it tomorrow night because the shaking is pushing everybody out and the stuff is all disappearing and he thinks the big stuff might disappear and there's a bunch of it it's about 200 pieces at 20 miles it's going to take several trips by 500s about four trips and plans on going up and down it's going to create torrential rain all over the place and it's a nightmare and it's going to pressurize the river and harbor and the river has not had any muck excavated and there's no tobacco field which is ridiculous the lake oh has been excavated about half of it and by bja who has a huge crop it's Giant and it's south of the lake and it's probably really towards the south of Miami and then you go Weston about 10 miles before the asteroid. Is a 5x5 patch with tobacco his first harvest is will be this week we think and a sunset if any of it's mature you should go in and see if it's any good and harvest a bunch of cigars or so today he's looking for mature plants and found a few maybe about 20 acres and he said I'm going to do it and it's perfect and it's tanning it and his processing and by tomorrow he'll have cigars I need to smoke a little bit of it kind of raw it's a way to tell he said it's kind of ready only a few of the plants in a certain area so you check the mix and he said what is this it's different you said it washed down and we didn't use enough so that you can sprinkle it up there it's in Rose so he said you gave machine cuz it's in Rose and it was oh yeah so he went and he mixed up more and the piles almost gone and he put it in there and he said you have to put like a ridge or something every four things but then again it's going to all gather right there and then he said this I suppose you're right about something you almost have to terrace it or it flows off..... So he took his tractor and he made another field and he terraced it it's only about 10 acres he said it only takes a few minutes and he can aqueduct it and stuff and it's going to work so he decided to do that on the next field and it's plowing now it's like 10 by 10 it's a huge one cuz he knows it works so tonight is going to go get Muck
Started rampaging and DC and New England and Trump is now pushed out and small and it worked
-here in punta Gorda the police the sheriff is down to 125 and they're holding and they couldn't get rid of more the police heard about 40 and they couldn't push them out and we talked about the public workers and private and other than that it's not time going on except Trump to get in indicted. You're thinking about when to hold the trial a lot of people think it's in a month but you have to wait and see I guess there's a lot of stuff going on in a lot of things are getting beat up and a lot of BGA we're kind of loud they're only 3% of the population now they got the living s*** kicked out of them they're still in leadership roles and they're in the media it's disgusting the biggest f****** weekly f***** I've ever seen you're doing stuff with him. Right now we're using them for things we're going to start taking over companies again soon airlines is a big one we started with JetBlue and allegiant and Southwest they're all kind of smaller and rebel type places there's a few more Swiss hair Canada and a couple more but we are in process and what we're doing is we are taking over the airports and they're reassigning them to the islands they cannot handle the pressure all the fact that hardly any of them are flying and they get mad so we're working on it and we're doing okay and we do need people for this duty and immediately same with the gasoline and oil production and processing we need volunteers for the student to sign on for the studio and people to sign up for our military now but we need you to means we need you.
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
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sr-colle · 1 year
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the thumb tacks came in!!! this took me like 5 hours and my back hurt so much afterward lol. still a wip because i didn't get everything up that i wanted to, plus i have more stuff coming in a few weeks and i forgot to leave space for those so i'm gonna have to rearrange everything anyway 😭
i got a pack of standard thumb tacks and a tin of map pins; i'd planned on using the thumb tacks as feet to have items sit on top of and lean against the board, but turns out hardly any of my items are flat or stiff enough to make that work. the map pins were going to be for things i didn't mind putting holes in (home-printed stuff like the shu dialogue screenshot) but i ended up using them to secure the edges of pretty much everything. the thumb tacks only got used on the largest items that needed stronger security (the hanging bromides, the clearfile, etc).
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finally have a real shurei shrine happening.... i'm not too keen on the composition of this arrangement though, so i'll see what i can figure out once my next batch of goods arrive.
on an atrociously long list of problems i encountered, a major one was that some of the paper items didn't sit flat, even though i made sure none of the pins were pressing the corners down (all items are secured by their own weight resting against the pins)
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so that was just warping in the paper i guess. this effect was at its worst with reiji's ticket because of how he'd been displayed previously, so i cut a piece of chipboard to serve as a firm backing. i made it a couple millimeters short on each side so it wouldn't be visible on the edges.
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i attached him with my weakest washi tape so he can be peeled off cleanly and easily if needed; i later placed more rolls of tape on the center of each edge to hold down the spots that were warping outward. this idea ended up working fairly well so i made more backings for other items, especially large and thin ones like the gift drawings and the epsi clearfile. though the chipboard turned out to be thin enough itself to bend a bit too... so i might have to find something even stiffer to protect the items from long-term warping :/
my next catastrophic event was when i was hanging up my little guitar keychain and accidentally dropped it into the abyss behind the wall.... it was a whole 20 minute project to rescue the poor thing, which involved taking the board down entirely and knocking a bunch of items out of alignment 😭 i've now installed preventative measures so anything else that falls will be caught by a safety net. PHEW! glad that the first thing to fall was an easily-cleaned and hard-to-damage metal keychain, and not one of my precious pieces of imported paper.
and speaking of, the felix miroir card is my #1 enemy now. he'd been in a side loader and a plastic sleeve ever since i received him from a trade, and i made the debatable decision to unsleeve everything for the board because i didn't like the reflectiveness and the way it effected the true colors of the items. however, felix's sleeve (which was a long sleeve suitable for bookmarks, folded over for him) was such a snug fit that it was really difficult to get him out of there safely... this man was so stubborn that he straight up broke open the edge of the sleeve instead of just coming out peacefully. in the interest of avoiding further damage to his previously immaculate corners, i just tore the edge of the sleeve the rest of the way down with a pen tip to free him. and THEN he decided to be the only item to fully tumble out of his pins while i was moving the board during the keychain rescue operation. he still looks perfect from a distance, but if you were to inspect him very closely you'd see some small inconsistencies along his edges. that's what i get for unsleeving a nobleman i guess 🙄
as for the fire emblem section...
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feeling much better about it this time, though i'm kinda mad the byleth cards ended up misaligned bc i'd originally had them centered over the steelcase, but then i shuffled things around on the shelf and shifted the board and just didn't feel like fixing the cards lol. i'm getting a claude card in my next order anyway, so i'll rearrange them then.
i set up the desk calendar and its sleeve as a little stage way too far in advance so now i'm like. this is where i'd put my linleth acrylics. IF I HAD THEM! the calendar should make for nice backgrounds (it has the monthly murals from fe3h on the reverse side of the calendar months), but i'll need to stuff the sleeve with something so the weight of the acrylics don't bend it.
i might remove the sound selection disc case since it sticks out weirdly and makes for the fourth crest of flames in a very small space, but i also kinda like having a "floor" for the whole section. big ol' memo claude is also a pain to find a decent spot for. i might grab the byleth and sothis memo pads in the future so i can have them all lined up somewhere.
my favorite decision was reappropriating the ridiculous friction album as a stage for shurei. when i have the ceiling light on, it reflects pink light like this (slightly more conspicuous irl)
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this stupid thing delights me so much that i took a bunch of pictures playing with it :') below is all lights off except the string lights, and then shining my lamp at an angle to catch the album
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the effect works best with a phone flashlight, so i got my sister to take these pics of the album's reflective properties at its maximum potential while i held my phone
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makes me want to set up a dedicated light for it LOL.
i wish i could flip the album around to hide the open side, but to get the text on the closed side to be right-side-up i'd have to have the back of the album with the tracklist facing up. i also want to get something to sit behind shurei as a background.... for these two i might just home-print a fancy dinner party type of thing lol, and once i get the og stage outfit shurei acrylics i'll give them the friction album floor and a stage background. as for poor lonely rio... i'll think of something 😭
that's that for now, i think!! will be back at it again once my next order shows up. janus reiji and lrfes shu tickets are definitely getting first choice of board real estate
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There are many devices on the market for motorcycles
The last thing anyone wants to happen is for their bike to be stolen. Motorcycle theft is a big problem now days since people are trying to make some money, no matter who they hurt in the process. There are several things you can do to help make sure your motorcycle doesn't get stolen. Here are a few tips you can do or use to help prevent becoming a victim of motorcycle theft. The first thing is to keep your bike as out of sight as possible. If a thief can't see it, they are less likely to be tempted to "borrow" it for a little while. There are several High speed electric motorcycle with ABS Manufacturers  ways you can do this. No, I am afraid they do not make invisible bikes, as cool as that would be. However, you can cover it up with a tarp. Thieves will be less likely to steal it since they aren't completely sure what is under the tarp and what they will need to do to make the swipe. Of course, if you are somewhere that you have a personal garage, which is the best place you should store your bike.
 If your garage is too cluttered, simple solution, clean it. Taking a day or two to make sure you have a spot in your garage for your motorcycle is well worth the time so that it isn't stolen. The next thing you should do is use a lock of some sort whether that is a steering lock or a wheel lock. Normally, when you buy your bike, the dealership should give you a steering lock. Use it. There are ways around the steering lock, but it will at least make it more difficult for the thieves, and who knows they might decide they don't want to deal with it. If for some odd reason you don't have a steering lock, you can always buy a new one or you can get some other locks. You can buy some u-locks, and secure your bike to a large pole or to another bike if you are traveling with a buddy. Don't let your locks rest on the ground or right up against a wall because they can be easily broken. You can also look into buying an alarm for your motorcycle. 
There are many devices on the market for motorcycles that are discreet, and can even track your bike with GPS in the event that it is stolen. When it comes to protecting your stuff, you shouldn't go with the cheapest option available. Yes, no one wants to spend their life savings on bike security, but you want to buy something that you know will last and will deter if not prevent someone from stealing your motorcycle. You may also want to get sneaky, try and out think the thief. This may mean you install a kill switch or a device that prevents you from turning on the bike if you don't hold down a switch or whistle three times or something like that. Being prepared is probably your best weapon against thieves. You should also check to see if your motorcycle insurance policy covers theft. If you do not have insurance, it is probably the best thing to invest in.
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dollbrace78 · 2 years
This Gorgeous (and Reusable!) Peel N’ Stick Wallpaper Instantly Transformed My Bathroom Into a Spa-Worthy Retreat
It’s rare to find an apartment with an awesome bathroom. And while I’m lucky to have scored a beautiful spot with lots of light and hardwood floors, to say I like my bathroom would be an overstatement. It’s got meh, grey shower tiles, an old vanity (which, if changed would cost me my security deposit), and questionable vinyl flooring. I’d been thinking of sneaky, reversible ways to make the small (dark) space a little less sad. I mean, who wants to brush their teeth in a drab room?! So, after seeing what wonders a little peel and stick wallpaper has done for AT readers and editors alike, I decided to take some for a spin. Misty Garden Wallpaper turned to RoomMates, because they’ve got wide array of patterns and colors, and all of it’s reusable! With Meditation Buddha Mural for every decor preference (kiddo-approved styles included), I was torn between multiple designs before finally landing on a calm, winsome lily pad print with a water-themed blue and green color scheme. These Mediterranean tiles or even some fun gold polka dots would’ve done the trick just as well IMO. Now, just like any peel and stick (or regular old wallpaper for that matter), putting up the paper takes a lot of patience and dedication. For Botanical Wallpaper like my Lily Pads, lining up the edges of each segment was essential, especially because RoomMates paper is meant to be put up seam-to-seam with no overlap. Chinoiserie Wallpaper ’ll be honest — the first few panels took multiple tries; they were either crooked or gathered air bubbles as I pressed them to the wall. What made the process easier, though, was the fact that this wallpaper is reusable. In other words, no matter how many times I had to peel it off, correct my angle, and reapply, it never lost its stickiness. In Bird Tree Chinoiserie Wallpaper , I sort of expected the paper to curl a bit at the corners or on the edges, but it has remained steadfast and stuck — even after weeks of steamy showers! On the multiple occasions (don’t judge, this was my first time putting up wallpaper!) the sticky side of the paper fell onto itself. I imagined it would remain glued together and need to be thrown out; however, as if by some miracle, it was surprisingly easy to pull the sandwiched stuff apart and take another crack at getting it on the wall. But it’s not only relegated to use on the wall! Think of how Nature Wallpaper would be to cover your old dresser, the light switches, your front door, you name it! Lord Buddha Wallpaper is such an easy way to add a pop of color into your space.
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By the time I got through the second panel, I was confident and quick. Using a helpful installation video from RoomMates, I mastered the use of a smoothing tool (which I ordered for just $3 on Amazon) and was able to put up each subsequent panel in under four minutes. I love that the paper was durable enough to last through my mistakes, it never ripped or stretched. The coolest feature? If I move and want to bring the paper with me, all I need to do is remove it, lay it onto its original backing, roll it up, and re-install in my new spot. Pretty cool, right? The paper has completely altered the feel of my apartment. I’m obsessed. Garden Wallpaper makes my space feel more like me and more like home. And after learning the ropes, I might just have to take advantage Amazon’s discounted price on so many RoomMates designs and do my bedroom next!
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swimwrist0 · 2 years
This Gorgeous (and Reusable!) Peel N’ Stick Wallpaper Instantly Transformed My Bathroom Into a Spa-Worthy Retreat
It’s rare to find an apartment with an awesome bathroom. And while I’m lucky to have scored a beautiful spot with lots of light and hardwood floors, to say I like my bathroom would be an overstatement. It’s got meh, grey shower tiles, an old vanity (which, if changed would cost me my security deposit), and questionable vinyl flooring. I’d been thinking of sneaky, reversible ways to make the small (dark) space a little less sad. Lord Buddha Wallpaper mean, who wants to brush their teeth in a drab room?! So, after seeing what wonders a little peel and stick wallpaper has done for AT readers and editors alike, I decided to take some for a spin. I turned to RoomMates, because they’ve got wide array of patterns and colors, and all of it’s reusable! With a choice for every decor preference (kiddo-approved styles included), I was torn between multiple designs before finally landing on a calm, winsome lily pad print with a water-themed blue and green color scheme. These Mediterranean tiles or even some fun gold polka dots would’ve done the trick just as well IMO. Now, just like any peel and stick (or regular old wallpaper for that matter), putting up the paper takes a lot of patience and dedication. For an intricate pattern like my Lily Pads, lining up the edges of each segment was essential, especially because RoomMates paper is meant to be put up seam-to-seam with no overlap. I’ll be honest — the first few panels took multiple tries; they were either crooked or gathered air bubbles as I pressed them to the wall. What made the process easier, though, was the fact that this wallpaper is reusable.
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In other words, no matter how many times I had to peel it off, correct my angle, and reapply, it never lost its stickiness. In fact, I sort of expected the paper to curl a bit at the corners or on the edges, but it has remained steadfast and stuck — even after weeks of steamy showers! On the multiple occasions (don’t judge, this was my first time putting up wallpaper!) Chinoiserie Wallpaper of the paper fell onto itself. I imagined it would remain glued together and need to be thrown out; however, as if by some miracle, it was surprisingly easy to pull the sandwiched stuff apart and take another crack at getting it on the wall. But Garden Wallpaper s not only relegated to use on the wall! Think of how fun it would be to cover your old dresser, the light switches, your front door, you name it! RoomMates is such an easy way to add a pop of color into your space. By the time I got through the second panel, I was confident and quick. Using a helpful installation video from RoomMates, I mastered the use of a smoothing tool (which I ordered for just $3 on Amazon) and was able to put up each subsequent panel in under four minutes. Bird Tree Chinoiserie Wallpaper love that the paper was durable enough to last through my mistakes, it never ripped or stretched. The coolest feature? If Botanical Wallpaper move and want to bring the paper with me, all I need to do is remove it, lay it onto its original backing, roll it up, and re-install in my new spot. Pretty cool, right? The paper has completely altered the feel of my apartment. I’m obsessed. It makes my space feel more like me and more like home. And after learning Nature Wallpaper , I might just have to take advantage Amazon’s discounted price on so many RoomMates designs and do my bedroom next!
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ibijau · 4 years
Worst engagement AU // on AO3
Nie Huaisang finds it's nice to have people who enjoy his company
(Part of this chapter had already been posted a while back for an ask about how the Jiang boys views nhs’s engagement. I’ve added to it and touched it up to fit the rest)
warning for canon typical underage drinking
It was so nerve wracking to stand up to Lan Xichen that as soon as he is out of view of his fiancé’s house, Nie Huaisang breaks into tears. He can’t decide if he regrets speaking so bluntly or not. He half wants to run back and go tell Lan Xichen he’s sorry, that he shouldn’t have said this, that he’ll be good again, that he’ll do his best.
He doesn’t.
He  can’t . As he’s said, he’s tried that already and it was miserable. Everything good he’s gotten in life, he got by being bold and not caring for consequences. Everything from his dear nightingale, to Lan Wangji’s good opinion, and now the company of Jiang Wanyin and Wei Wuxian he got by doing what he wasn’t supposed to do.
He can’t grovel in front of Lan Xichen. Not now, and not ever again. Even if he’s crying now, even if he cries after every time they meet, as long as he stands strong in front of Lan Xichen then everything is fine. Besides, even if he’s sure that his behaviour will be reported to Lan Qiren and he will get a scolding for it, it was all worth it for the shock on Lan Xichen’s face. Just thinking back on it is enough to make Nie Huaisang chuckle through his tears.
Once he manages to calm down, Nie Huaisang dries the traces of his crying with his sleeves, puts on a smile, and returns to his cabin.
It’s a bit of a shock to find that Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian really stayed there and waited for him. Nie Huaisang assumed they would just return to their own cabin. Instead Wei Wuxian grins at him as if he’s truly happy to see him and waves his hand at him.
“We were starting to wonder if we should go rescue you!”
Nie Huaisang snorts as he closes the door behind him, but feels his heart beat a little faster. This is… nice. It might be selfish, but he likes the idea of his company being wanted.
“Wei gongzi, it was just a talk with my fiancé,” Nie Huaisang protests with a smile. “I was quite fine. We’ve decided that we should meet every so often, now that things are getting more concrete. He’ll be of age in just two years after all, and we might marry soon after.”
“Were you really fine?” Jiang Cheng asks, scowling at him. It seems that just his normal expression most of the time, so Nie Huaisang tries not to take it personally. At the same time, his eyes are probably a little red still from crying, so maybe Jiang Cheng is worried.
Nie Huaisang decides to laugh it off.
“Why wouldn’t I be? It really was just a small chat. But let’s talk about something more fun now, right?”
They don’t insist, but as they start discussing again an expedition to nearby Gusu to buy forbidden contraband to make their stay in the Cloud Recesses more fun, Nie Huaisang feels that everyone looks at him a little too much. He tells himself it’s just because he’s the only one who has really visited Gusu before while the others just passed through it on their way here (though Wei Wuxian did still manage to spot several interesting shops) but it might also be that he failed to hide how upset that chat with lan Xichen made him. He’ll have to hide it better in the future. 
There’s no way of being sure that they’ll all leave him behind if they realise he’s not naturally as daring and bold as them, but it’s not a risk he wants to take.
  After dinner that evening (boring, disgusting, bitter… Nie Huaisang is going to starve when he comes to live here permanently) and as they start heading back toward their cabins, Wei Wuxian grabs Nie Huaisang by the elbow and pulls him away from the other guest disciples. He’s grinning in a way that, in only a few days, Nie Huaisang has learned means he has a very awful idea to share.
“Nie gongzi, let’s trade tonight,” Wei Wuxian offers in a whisper. “We send our disciples to your cabin, and you come to ours for a bit of fun with me and Jiang Cheng.”
That breaks a number of rules, of course, and Nie Huaisang is already waiting for the fallout of his chat with lan Xichen.
“I’m not sure…”
“I am. Come on, it’ll be fun! Just bring some of those prints you’ve mentioned, alright?”
Nie Huaisang grins and gives in. Apparently, Sect Leader Jiang’s wife is a very strict woman, so it is nearly impossible for Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng to get their hands on that sort of pictures, and they get badly punished if any are found in their things. Finding release outside of dual cultivation is supposedly bad for the flow of spiritual energy, and madam Yu takes these things very seriously, especially with her son.
It makes Nie Huaisang very glad that he has so little spiritual energy himself. He can waste it if he likes, it won’t make much difference. 
With this plan agreed on, they go to their separate cabins to prepare for the night. Nie Huaisang companions don’t seem too upset that the Jiang disciples are being dumped on them. If anything, they seem as excited by the perspective of an evening without their young master as Nie Huaisang is. It’s likely that both cabins will end up doing the same sort of things, drinking and looking at forbidden pictures, but at least this way young masters and disciples can all pretend that nothing inappropriate happened. As soon as he has everything he needs, Nie Huaisang leaves the cabin and heads for the Jiangs’ one.
It is impossibly thrilling to sit down with Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian, past curfew (forbidden), ready to spend the night in their cabin (forbidden), with some wine and those artful prints (both  extremely forbidden). They’re all three sitting on blankets that they threw on the floor. Well, Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng are sitting, still clinging to some vague illusion of propriety, while Wei Wuxian is lounging without a care in the world, refilling everyone’s cup with wine as often as necessary.
Giving up on being good is the best idea that Nie Huaisang has ever had in his life, and he’s so glad he’s found people ready to encourage him on the path to fun. Getting to meet these two makes it almost worth the annoyance of another year in the proximity of Lan Xichen. If not for the weekly meetings ordered by Lan Qiren, then Nie Huaisang would be quite happy with this situation.
When Wei Wuxian reveals that along with the wine, he managed to smuggle in some candies, Nie Huaisang decides that this is worth putting up with Lan Xichen. This is going to be the very best year of his life.
That sentiment lasts until the second cup of wine.
“So, you and Lan Xichen really don’t get along, uh?” Wei Wuxian asks.
Instantly, Nie Huaisang tenses. Well, he should have guessed. It’s never about him. And they were there when Lan Xichen came to pick him up for that stupid meeting they’re supposed to have, and Nie Huaisang didn’t think to hide his annoyance, and it must have been obvious that he cried, and now Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian will realise they can’t reach Lan Xichen through him, and…
“You can never trust the nice ones,” Jiang Cheng grumbles. “The better the reputation, the worst they act in private. It’s the same with Jin Zixuan honestly. He acts all high and mighty around adults, but when there’s nobody to see he’s a pest.”
Nie Huaisang chuckles nervously and reaches for his fan, although he doesn’t open it yet. “Right. Your sister too is engaged, uh? To Jin Zixuan… I mean, at least he’s not too ugly, and he has good cultivation.”
Both Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian groan in annoyance.
“Shijie says the same!” Wei Wuxian complains, nearly spilling his wine. “She’s always trying to defend him, even though he made her cry last time he came to visit. He said she needed to improve her cultivation before they got married or it’d be embarrassing him. Can you believe that?”
“Peacock,” Jiang Cheng hisses. “Like he deserves her anyway.”
Nie Huaisang nods, and feels himself relax a little though he still fidgets with his fan.
“It’s not like she can help it,” he says carefully. “I’ve not met her, but Mingjue says whenever he came to Lotus Piers, she gave him the impression of a very nice girl, very polite. And he’s not the sort to just say something nice without meaning it.”
That, it turns out, is the best thing Nie Huaisang could ever have said. The instant they hear their sister praised, the other two beam at him as if he’s just told them they’ve reached immortality.
“Your brother is a man of great tastes,” Wei Wuxian proclaims, downing another cup of wine. “You know what? We should work on breaking the engagement between Shijie and that peacock, and see if she can’t marry your brother instead. That way she’ll get a good husband, and your sect gets a good alliance, and so you don’t need to marry some stuffy old Lan kid!”
“Wei gongzi, don’t go tempting me,” Nie Huaisang sighs. “I can’t start dreaming like that!”
Wei Wuxian laughs, and pour some more wine for all of them while Jiang Cheng, by far the one who’s had the least to drink, watches Nie Huaisang like a hawk.
“So it’s not just an impression, you don’t get along with Lan Xichen,” he says. “We’d heard some of the disciples who came here last year say it, but I figured maybe they just misunderstood.”
Nie Huaisang hesitates. This alliance between Qinghe Nie and Gusu Lan is important, and while Yunmeng Jiang is friendly now, they have their own alliance with Lanling Jin, who in turn everyone knows would never have the guts to turn against Qishan Wen. It’s important to make it look like Qinghe and Gusu have strong links, it’s important to make it seem like his future marriage is as certain as the rising sun and the winter snows.
If it ever reaches Nie Mingjue’s ears, Nie Huaisang will blame the wine. But he’s decided already that he was done pretending, and for this too he can take a leap of faith, show a little courage. Politics are politics but he likes Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian, who seem to like him back and… and it’d be nice to be pitied a little.
“Your sister isn’t the only one whose cultivation is deemed unsatisfactory,” he admits. “And of course, Lan gongzi isn’t wrong about me. I don’t have a great cultivation level.”
“But you have great porn,” Wei Wuxian retorts, as if somehow, that compensates the rest. “And you’re pretty fun to have around.”
“We wouldn’t have invited someone like Lan Xichen to come here,” Jiang Cheng agrees with a huff, as if it annoys him to admit that some people don’t, well, annoy him. “He’s got a good reputation for sure, and everyone admires him, but he doesn’t sound like someone you’d want to be friends with.”
Nie Huaisang grins, and sips on his wine to hide how giddy he is.
He’s really going to enjoy becoming friends with those two over the months to come.
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