#new fishing equipment
pagingdrmusic · 1 year
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Two lures from Rapala I got from Basspro.
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isayoldbean · 5 months
just realized 6.55 is coming up Really soon and i never finished my splendorous fishing rod this is a nightmare
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mothmiso · 10 months
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New England (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) by Jennifer Ashby
Via Flickr:
(1) Rockport, Massachusetts (2) Lobster buoys (3) (4) (5) Boat ride around Lake Winnipesauke (6) Little Cranberry Island in Acadia National Park (7) Acadia lighthouse    
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littlegaysweater · 2 years
It's important to me that the American audience understands that when Ed says Stede can only come to his restaurant if he's not being a dick, he means it in the Kiwi way. As in he's saying "only if you're not being a dumbass" rather than "only if you're not being an asshole." He wasn't being mean 😤
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jcmarchi · 2 months
Researchers in Antarctica to help safeguard vital krill stocks - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/researchers-in-antarctica-to-help-safeguard-vital-krill-stocks-technology-org/
Researchers in Antarctica to help safeguard vital krill stocks - Technology Org
The University of Southampton is leading an expedition to the Antarctic Peninsula to survey Antarctic krill and the baleen whales that feed upon them.
The team, who departed the UK a fortnight ago, are travelling to the remote region on a yacht to tag the whales and survey their main source of food – krill, a small shrimp-like crustacean.
A whale – illustrative photo. Image credit: Pixabay (Free Pixabay license)
Their expedition will provide data to assess whether the current fishery management framework is sufficient to safeguard krill stocks, which underpin the unique Southern Ocean ecosystem.
“The risk is that fishing becomes concentrated in krill-rich predator feeding spots and then depletes them, leaving nothing behind for the marine animals that rely on them to survive,” says Dr Ryan Reisinger from the University of Southampton, who is leading the expedition.
Antarctic krill are one of the most abundant animals on earth and are a major food source for many predators, including fish, penguins, seals and baleen whales. Antarctic krill also send carbon to the deep ocean through the sinking of their faeces and by moulting their exoskeletons. The small crustaceans are the focus of a commercial fishery and are being caught at an increasing rate to be processed into feed for fish farms (e.g. salmon) and oils for nutritional supplements.
At the same time, populations of baleen whales, a major consumer of krill, are in recovery. Fin whales – the second largest baleen whale after the blue whale, had been hunted to near extinction. Now they are growing in number, returning to historic feeding grounds, and finding themselves in competition with fishing vessels.
The Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) is the international body which sets limits on how much Antarctic krill can be caught, where and when. These catch limits are measured in thousands of tonnes across vast swathes of ocean, but krill are particularly concentrated in smaller shelf areas close to land which are frequented by both predators and fishing vessels.
To address this mismatch in scales, CCAMLR plans to implement finer scale management procedures. To inform this, the researchers from the University of Southampton, the British Antarctic Survey, the University of California Santa Cruz, and the Scottish Association for Marine Science are collecting data to better understand the distribution of foraging fin whales, Antarctic krill and fishing vessels.
Team members from the University of California Santa Cruz are fitting two different types of tags to fin whales. CATS tags provide short-term detailed data, monitoring swimming speed, direction, body orientation and more, while LIMPET tags provide longer-term information on the location and behaviour of the whales.
Dr Reisinger adds: “Tagging whales helps us to understand in far greater detail where and how whales feed on krill, information that is essential for us to manage and conserve Southern Ocean ecosystems. We know surprisingly little about how the largest whales – including fin whales – behave in Antarctica”.
The researchers are using echosounders – a type of sonar – to locate and measure swarms of krill. These are fitted to the bottom of the research vessel and a new type of autonomous vehicle called an ImpYak®. Developed by the Scottish Association for Marine Science, this is essentially a remote-controlled, impeller-driven kayak which will be used to survey near-shore areas that research vessels can’t reach.
Three University of Southampton PhD students are on the expedition, funded by the INSPIRE programme. Amy Feakes, one of the PhD students, said: “Being part of this research cruise has been an incredible learning experience – from collecting data for my PhD to understanding the planning that goes into a research cruise. Working in this challenging environment and with new equipment and technology has given me some new skills which I can hopefully continue to use throughout my PhD.”
The data collected from this fieldwork will be combined with information on fishing vessel activity provided by CCAMLR and Global Fishing Watch to model overlap between krill, whales and fisheries, to provide forecasts which could be used for finer scale, more dynamic fisheries management.
Dr Sophie Fielding, an ecologist at the British Antarctic Survey, said: “Antarctic krill play a central role in the Antarctic marine ecosystem. Making measurements of krill (prey) alongside their predators (whales) in near-shore areas is technically challenging and will provide new insights into controls on swarm behaviour and distribution.”
The project is funded by the UK Government through Darwin Plus.
Source: University of Southampton
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23rdhunter · 6 months
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cheerfulfisherman · 8 months
Selecting the right fishing rod is a critical decision for anglers of all levels. A well-chosen rod can significantly impact your fishing experience, affecting your casting accuracy, distance, and overall success on the water.
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artistalley · 5 months
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FISHERCAT enamel pins
by @saltmalkin
Cats want me, fish fear me. These hard enamel pins come equipped with the catch of the day attached by chain to a mini-pin.
Can’t get enough @saltmalkin art? Good news—use code TUMBLR10 for 10% off any order from their store.
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schakira · 24 days
(Unedited Version, Patch 0, May 14th 2024)
Approval Ratings — You now get to intimately know when your entourage approves or disapproves of your choices. You get to accurately see how you fair within their approval ratings.
Info tips — Every now and then, a little window in your field of vision shares crucial tidbits of information to you. Very situational, but always helpful.
Field of View — When crouching, you can you see exactly where people are looking, and you can also tell if people have detected you, whether or not you can see them. (This includes cameras, animals...)
Model Equipment — Once per week, you can declare one outfit; this outfit will remain clean, temperate, and comfortable for the rest of the week, but you will not be able to take it off. You will not be getting dirty or sweating, if that's a concern. You will remain clean, and in a stasis appearance-wise, for 1 week at a time.
Check / Examine — You can check people and get a detailed description of who they are, their strength, their health, their life's story.
Turn-Based Action — Once per day, you can force people and objects to abide by the rules of turn-based encounters. Stuck at an intersection between cars? Turn-Based. Someone keeps cutting you off when you talk? Turn-Based. Not even I know the true ramifications of this.
Emote — Observe movements done by someone; you can set them as emotes. Maximum of 60 emotes. Emoting does not tire you, or exhaust you. You can delete and replace emotes. (The exhaustion can be interpreted however you want.)
Fishing — Fishing, now turned into a mini-game. You'll always catch something within a few seconds!
3rd person view — You can now toggle your vision between 1st person and 3rd person view, and navigate the world like so whenever you want.
Quick Grab — You can quickly grab and acquire anything within arm's reach, in the blink of an eye.
Menus, settings — Change the video, sound, and control settings of your brain's sensory inputs.
Subtitles — You can toggle subtitles on or off. Can not translate.
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untilthenexttee · 1 year
True Blue Golf Club, Caledonia Golf & Fish Club Set To Host Golfweek/Any Given Tuesday Intercollegiate
PAWLEYS ISLAND – True Blue Golf Club and Caledonia Golf & Fish Club, two of America’s top 100 resort courses, are poised to host 36 teams from across the nation for the Golfweek/Any Given Tuesday Intercollegiate.  The 54-hole event will be played March 27-29 with 18 men’s and 18 women’s teams competing on the highly acclaimed Mike Strantz designs. The women will play Caledonia all  three days…
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convolutedblasphemy · 3 months
Cursed Idea: Hazbin Hotel as an open world RPG with romance options
The only characters you can't romance at all are Charlie, Vaggie, Alastor and Vox (because he's just too fixated on Alastor)
You can start a QPR with Alastor but this is insanely hard and only works if you (1) never upset him or Rosie on that route, (2) your choices fall at least 80% in line with his twisted moral compass that you have no idea what it is, (3) you freed him and (4) you keep offering him dishes you cooked with the cannibal cookbook (obtainable from the 666 news studio) from "ingredients" you looted from enemies you killed. This only works if you chose a melee type weapon. Alternatively you can buy the ingredients from Rosie's Emporium but they're pretty expensive.
Lvl 10 friendship with Alastor rewards you by letting you scritch his ears and gives you a tail you can equip on him if he is in your party.
You can kill every sinner in hell as long as you own an angelic weapon, except for the overlords. The exception to this is Valentino, whom you can kill whenever as long as your level is high enough. He is the only boss fight that is not level- or story-locked.
You can be redeemed and go to heaven if you get 10000 heaven points by doing good deeds and helping people. If your first boss fight is Valentino, you win and choose to kill him, you get 1000 heaven points
Spending 50k at the Hellmart gets you Alastor's cane to equip on your character. If you destroy every TV at the Hellmart, you unlock a special achievement titled "Radio killed the Video Star" but it also deducts 3 friendship levels from your bond with Vox.
You can pick a romantic and sexual orientation for your character and there's an achievement called "unbridled asexual rage" that you get if you consistently murder the first 30 people who hit on you. If your character is male, this includes Angel Dust who hits on you in the tutorial.
Every story-relevant character you kill prematurely gets replaced by an egg boi. This makes the cutscenes very interesting.
Killing both Valentino and Angel Dust is recommended for players who might be triggered by the Valentino and Angel Dust questline, as they will both be replaced by egg bois with limited animation.
Romancing Valentino locks your heaven points bar until you decide to kill him.
You can get kicked out of heaven again if you commit crimes. You can make soul deals in heaven. Every soul you have comes with you to hell. Bringing Alastor's mother to hell deducts 5 friendship levels from your bond with him but unlocks a heartfelt cutscene where they reunite.
You cannot bring Emily, Sera, Adam or Lute to hell with you. Adam respawns in hell if you kill him though. Then you can forge a soul deal with him if you're smart about it.
Killing Lilith before the story forces you to do her boss fight replaces her with a giant egg boi.
Killing Lilith frees Alastor and raises your approval rating with him significantly.
Killing Rosie or his mum permanently makes Alastor hate you
One of the first dialogue options you get with Adam is (Bite him...) where you violently chomp down on his arm and he screams like a little girl
Other characters the game lets you violently bite include: Angel Dust, Sir Pentious, Vox, Valentino, Lucifer and St. Peter.
Weapons are customizable in appearance. Notable skins for weapons include: severed arm, radio on a stick, wet fish (with sound effects!), angelic spear, Cherri's bombs, Adam's axe and many more
Marrying and immediately divorcing Lucifer will lower your approval rating with Charlie
You can customize your room at the hotel. Divorcing Lucifer unlocks a special crying Lucifer-esque rubber duck that you can put on your shelf.
If your approval rating with Husk is high enough, he will keep bringing dead mice to your doorstep that you can either throw away or feed to Alastor
You can pretty much feed any being to Alastor whether raw or cooked, as long as you have it in your inventory.
Obtaining enough souls will give you access to the overlord meeting room in Carmilla's house where you can obtain "rotting severed angel head", which you can use as a special ingredient in the Jambalaya recipe from the cannibal cookbook
You can enter Vox's room during your stealth mission in the V Tower, which lets you steal several Alastor-themed decorations for your own room including the Alastor body pillow, 3 Alastor posters including the beach art of him, an Alastor figurine and a cursed cat Alastor plushie.
Every character at the hotel has one of those figurines. Collecting them gives you rewards and if you put all of them on your shelf you get a "Found Family" achievement.
You can burn Valentino's studio down during the V Tower stealth mission. Angel Dust's figurine is in his room so be sure to grab that before you burn the studio.
Other locations for the figurines include: Charlie's room (Charlie), Hotel Room in Heaven (Vaggie), Casino (Husk), Utility Closet at the "Consent" club (Niffty), nest of giant hell chicken (Pentious) and Duck Pond (Lucifer)
There's a Voxtagram function in your phone where you periodically receive new posts from the characters with comment options that they reply to. You can repeatedly be mean to Vox online. This is a running gag and Vox eventually complains on TV about getting cyberbullied.
You can turn on the little radio in the hotel lobby or get a customizable radio as a gift from Alastor that you can put in your room. You can select between playing Alastor's radio show, Alastor's radio show from when he was alive, the Hazbin Hotel soundtrack, screams and Mimzy's singing.
Achieving lvl 10 friendship with Alastor also unlocks camera mode for him. Now he no longer glitches out on photos as long as you equip an old-fashioned camera.
Romancing St. Peter lets you persuade him to smuggle you into heaven whenever you want to go.
There's a billboard near the V Tower that displays a slideshow of Vivziepop tweets where she engages in her own fandom discourse
If you keep walking ahead in the swamp in Alastor's room you eventually fall out of the map and respawn at the nearest unlocked waypoint.
You can adopt a little fawn from Alastor's swamp and a rabid raccoon you can find in a trashcan behind the hotel. If you do not take the raccoon to the vet first, there is a rabies breakout at the hotel.
You can interact with the alcohol bottles at the hotel bar and pour them down the sink. This lowers Husk's approval rating with you.
Might make a part 2 of this
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pagingdrmusic · 1 year
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Picked these up at Wal-Mart today.
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Fully Stocked Tackle Box
Fully Stocked Tackle Box
Tackle boxes have for many years been an essential part of the anglers equipment. Fishing tackle boxes were originally made of wood or wicker and eventually some metal fishing tackle boxes were manufactured. The first plastic fishing tackle boxes were manufactured by Plano in response to the need for a product that didn’t rust.  Fishing tackle is the equipment used by anglers when fishing. Almost…
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literallymechanical · 8 months
So an "Alkaline Water" company gave a bunch people liver failure because their water was contaminated with hydrazine?? That's a new one.
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Fun fact: Boston tap water has a pH above 9, they do that so it won't leech too much metal from old plumbing. If you want to drink alkaline water for cheap, just move to Beantown. Your sensitive aquarium fish will hate it.
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Electricity + water + air makes for a pretty lousy ammonia generator, but it works. There are probably a lot of ways to get hydrazine out of it when you start dumping reactive chemicals in there, idk I'm not a chemist.
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Look, we all know that Soviet military surplus is a great source for cheap lab equipment, I can't say I wouldn't be tempted. But what the hell.
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Hang on. Hang on, it's been a minute since I did any chemistry, but wouldn't you get magnesium hydroxide out of KOH and MgCl2 if you fucked this up badly enough? You know, milk of magnesia? A powerful laxative?
Whatever, that's beside the point.
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This is the company's legal defense. I feel bad for the lawyer, who had to walk into a courtroom and say those words with his own mouth.
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lem-argentum · 2 years
i loove prom’s voice i love when he drags out words i love when he hums some things and sings other things i love when he’s sarcastic and when he’s dramatic and when he’s excited and <3
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aardvark-123 · 7 months
~Bad Ideas for Skyrim Mods~
Stylish Lore-Friendly Vampire Lady Attire 4K CBBE 3BBA BHUNP HDT-FMSP SSE AE WACCF OWL CACO ACE: Puts Serana in a stylish tuxedo and top hat.
Immersive Mud: Replaces the mud in Morthal and along the coastline with a deformable mesh into which actors and objects can sink. Characters with legs have a chance of getting stuck in the mud, increasing with the mud's depth and their armour's weight. You can escape from the mud by jumping repeatedly or using Whirlwind Sprint, but any boots you have equipped will stay buried, and must be dug out with a spade.
Realistic Lore-Friendly Fishing Rods: Adds three thousand, seven hundred and twelve new variants of fishing rod, each with different chances of fishing up various types of treasure, rubbish and water-dwelling fauna.
Organised Bears in Skyrim: Adds stronger tiers of bears to bear levelled lists, from Dire Bears at level 32 all the way to Evolved Ancient Frozen Panda Deathlords at level 78. Diversifies bear spawns with exciting new bear archetypes, including slow and tanky armoured bears, powerful bear warlocks, deadly bear crossbowmen, and even bear necromancers who can conjure fearsome bear draugr.
Silent Hill in Whiterun: Puts a small hill on the Whiterun tundra which makes no sounds whatsoever. Maybe it could go in that empty part east of Rorikstead.
Very Realistic Horses: 2023 Edition: Speeds up horses. They now canter as fast as a human can sprint, and gallop faster still. Horses need to eat and drink at least once per day, and will feed automatically on nearby water and grass while not being ridden. When stabled, they'll pretty much take care of themselves; otherwise, they should be left near some grass and a river or lake. If you don't feed or water your horse for one day, it will refuse to run. If you don't feed or water your horse for three days, it will die. If you don't clean up your horse's manure, which it deposits by the side of the road every three hours, you will be fined 100 septims or arrested.
Immersive Dragon Bridge Bridge Dragon Overhaul: Replaces the dragon-themed bridge outside Dragon Bridge with an actual dragon. Instead of walking across her, for a small fee she'll lift you up ever so carefully in her jaws and deposit you on the far side of the gorge.
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