#nene rants
lovelycureaestetic · 14 days
Rant. You can just skip it.
I've tried to type this post many times in my head but in the end I think I'll just say:
I don't give a shit about kudos, tell me what you thought about my fic. Yes even if it's just "Dick Hard". That would be legit better than nothing.
Do you have any idea what it's like to see a fucking shitpost getting 100+ notes while your personal, more time consuming shit gets single digit notes?
It sucks. Not because I don't appreciate the ones who showed they cared, not at all, bless your hearts! But it really just feels like nobody actually gives a fuck about the thing that matters to me the most: my writing. Once, twice, three times, ten times "you have to write for yourself!" I do I fucking do, I write because I want to, because I need to and I'm proud of my works but I SHARE my works for OTHERS to see and yes, to get some nice fucking feedbacks because I'm human and I crave that sweet sweet positive reinforcement that is external validation. I do not need it to know I'm good at what I do, but it's disheartening to see my work ignored because if I'm alone in an echo chamber than what's the fucking point of sharing in the first place?
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apotelesmaa · 4 months
I don’t think ppl give enough credit to rui for his dedication to fucking with people (outside of tsukasa of course) like. Knowing & acknowledging that nene wants nothing to do with him and Tsukasa on her first day of second year and deliberately following tsukasa to loudly ask if she’s getting along with people (just to be a jackass)? Implying his gift to akito will explode even though it won’t bc he wants to bug akito? Like I think rui at his core is full of love and a desire to make ppl smile but I also think he’s 200% committed to the bit first and foremost. If something will be funny he’s going to do it regardless of the consequences. Guy filled with zero social anxiety & a never ending desire to embarrass his friends.
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v3ratrix · 2 months
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black cat x fish energy 🐈‍⬛🎏
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sharksplats · 3 months
adding to my previous post... i Think more people need to pay attention to Hanako being shorter than Yashiro y'know!?!? it always makes me a little upset (not in a serious way! a silly way) when people draw Hanako taller, and why??
because Hanako being shorter (and younger!) than Yashiro makes their relationship cuter . how? because Hanako is NOT Yashiro's type! Yashiro likes taller and older than her guys, and Hanako is not any of those things! but she still falls in Love w him!!! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
Yashiro mentions many times how Hanako is not her type, how she doesn't like that he's shorter than her! but as you know, she ends up liking him anyways
so yea.. hanako being shorter in fanart is very important to me ok... I don't play abt hananene heights... /j
well, that's it!!! thanks for coming to my ted talk . i hope This post makes u all realize this cute little fact that I've never seen ppl pay attention to, buh bye!!!
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mari-lair · 1 year
Here are a handful of Hanako and Teru parallels/similarities cause I love them both!
Sulk when others are having fun without them.
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“I have a plan and it will work, but you will fear for your life lol.” 
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“ignorance is bliss”
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“You can’t alter fate. Don’t even try it.”
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“Fuck fate, the girl I love is involved, you bet I’ll try.”
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Bonus: Teru living Hanako’s dream life
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uraniumnm333 · 1 year
[heads up this leads into a kanade tsukasa parallel rant so uh. :thumbsup:]
dawg i love mafuyu and tsukasa i think they're both so fun. it's so silly to see how even though they grew up in situations that are like complete opposites they still cope similarly
like listen tsukasa was hurt from the absence of his parents and mafuyu was hurt because of the presence of her parents. tsukasa's parents had to focus on someone else and mafuyu's parents had to focus on her. mafuyu looks inside herself and tsukasa looks outside himself. mafuyu is calm and tsukasa is not. hell even how others perceive them !!! people see tsukasa as self-centered and see mafuyu as considerate of others !!! but they still both hurt so much and have pushed down what they feel to make others feel better which sucks. i would like to present another, possibly even better parallel tho: tsukasa and kanade. they're similar in the way that they want to save others, they became extremely self-reliant, they both are WAY too hard on themselves and they're both basically a doormat i'll be honest. they both look towards other people to ignore how they're feeling (kanade wanting to save her fellow niigo members and tsukasa's future star dream), they both lead other people, they both have music notifs, ectectect. i think kanade and tsukasa should hang out. it would be very funny.
like kanade starts going to kakiyama and tsukasa sees her and it's on sight bro !!! he sees this girl who looks like she's about to melt and the thought process goes straight to "HEY GARRUU MY NAMU IS TSUKASA TENMA I AM STAR I AM WARUDO FUTURE STAR" and kanade is fucking HORRIFIED
tsukasa is slowly integrated into nightcord to the point where he's just. in the discord server. i think it would be so goofy tbh. there's a wxs/n25 group chat and they end up doing a collab song that is just carnival by otetsu also i think mafuyu and rui would get along. ourple to ourple communication. all of wxs has spidey senses and as soon as any of them see mafuyu they Know. like have you read the rui and mafuyu interaction where rui is just ominous as shit like "maybe. you should be careful. perhaps you should communicate with others." and he just leaves. all of wxs know that's a given. mizuki emu pink to pink communication and ena and nene just. they just. yknow how sometimes you just.
anyways yeah give me tsukasa kanade friendship or give me death
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dearchose · 14 days
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Can someone explain to me how Nene can be so f***ing stupid? Like literally ten pages earlier, he KISSED HER!! Does that not say it clearly enough for her brain????
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(This is from toilet bound Hanako-kun btw) It's very good but sometimes it's... like this :D
Probably gonna draw them at some point ^^
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prinzessinscloset · 5 months
I think about hakubo and sumire a LOT
I don't ship them I don't enjoy the "romance" between them but what aidairo did with them was genius writing that we tend to gloss over a lot because their arc was boring or irrelevant They serve as a direct parallel to hananene in the sense that this is what hanako and Nene could be, this is real, this can happen to them
Hanako is a supernatural, Hakubo is a supernatural
Nene is a human, Sumire is a human
Nene expresses love towards hanako, Sumire expresses love towards hakubo
The crucial difference is that hanako was introduced to us in a way that made us sympathize with him, we saw all the human parts of him
Hakubo was shown to us in a rough perspective where we can mostly only see the harm he's done
Hakubo loves sumire and hanako loves nene
And in the end, hakubo eats sumire as a show of love- fucked up but oh well
We tend to forget that we don't know much about hanako's tendencies as a supernatural or even his backstory
And in a twist of events he could end up doing something like that to nene because supernaturals although sharing human traits will always be supernaturals
Also- This has been showing recently with mitsuba and his cannibalistic tendencies towards kou
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lovelycureaestetic · 30 days
Not to clown some more on the antis in this fandom, but, beside the fact that butlers did NOT dress up their masters like that ever, do they also think that they just... Were allowed that much close contact? Do they believe butlers in the Victorian Age carried their masters around? Bridal style? Let them climb them like a fucking tree? "It's a fantasy story" oh so NOW it's a story that diverges from reality, when it's convenient to YOU
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aria0fgold · 23 hours
I can't be mad at my daughter for too long, she's just too cute for me to get mad at!
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Crunchy graphics I know, it adds to the experience I think.
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wearepurplejackets · 4 days
Jibaku Shonen Hanako-kun 115 Theory
Okay, okay, OKAY.
(Spoilers btw.)
Long time not see, sorry, like a lot. I was busy... crying.
1,2,3 LET'S GO! So, if I understand what is going on correctly, in this new timeline...
Hanako is dead. I mean: DEAD. Like for real. Like no spirit or whatsoever. (Also TERU AND KOU'S MOTHER IS ALIVE OH MY GOD, EVEN IF I EXPECTED IT, OH MY DOG.)
Or not, (yeah, maybe not, sorry for the heart attack) it depends if the clock keepers went to the exact moment when Amane killed his fake assassin kind of a brother in the school for real. (And then he did a seppuku or something.) with the kitchen knife.
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Or to the moment Tsukasa went straight to the cursed pit of their house when they were like... 5(?) years old to save Amane because he was dying of... some 1960 illness I don't know. He was pretty ill all the time. (My baby, you never have a rest, eh. I don't know what God is doing right now, but doing a good job is not on the list.) So if Tsukasa never met the THING and made a deal with it to save his brother, Amane could have died in the end, #killme :((((((
Anyways, what do you think? Are the other kids like number 3 gone for sure too? Pffft, my poor girl T.T The thing with number 6 never happened so he is still wandering in the other side not remembering a shit again? Will Aoi-chan (seriously, why these two have to be called the same? AidaIro what were you thinking, this is so confusing???) remember the other timeline/correct timeline?
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I don't know but Kou is going to be so destroyed when this is over, Teru you are gonna need to contact a therapist this time, I mean, this kid got his dear mother and his (boy)friend back, my poor soul. At least hot (traitor) senpai didn't killed Mitsuba with this sh*t happening, I GUESS AIDAIRO. I DOUBLE GUESS.
I also think is pretty stupid for the clock keepers to go to the instant when Amane killed Tsukasa. Even if we saw the 1968 number all over last chapters. I think it could be smarter if they stopped the THING to come over to little Tsukasa in the first place. Or are they going to let Amane kill him and let them be, nah.
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Or at least to stop Tsukasa to come back to Amane when they were little. So that way Amane would be alive (and traumatized for life anyway because his brother dissapeared) and their parents... too... Leave me alone, I'm sad.
I think this last one possibility is the most reasonable since the three girls who did the ouija thing/ceremony in class (there is no better place to do this sh*t? What is going on in Japan's schools anyway??) talked to some spirit called Tsukasa. And then one of them dissapeared, like, yeah. F*ck. Try again. (Even when they knew some other girl did this sh*t in the past and they never saw her again. Jezz, you were asking for it!!!)
Maybe Hanako saved everyone when he killed his brother and make himself one of the protectors of the school because WOW, you let this kids by themselves for a second and they are already dying like flies!!!
And I still think Yashiro is going to die either even if they changed this timeline, sorry not sorry, my girl will survive of course. But this present is so fake. Hanako wil try to find her to save her.
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I KNOW. Believe in the... me, that believes in Hanako. (Still pretty weird the scene where we saw that old Yugi as a teacher wandering the school while the girls did the ouija. And the creepy smile in his face. Do you think that's really Hanako? Cause I don't know Rick,)
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And what with the Hot senpai??? You have cursed blood eh, I knew something was wrong with this guy since the moment he survived EVERYTHING FROM THE START. (And you start to use it now, AidaIro, you both are ruffians. I love it, let them cook, let them cook...) This guy is immortal and bored to death, change my mind I dare you.
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Well, that's all. But you know what? Let me dream and find in this plot something interesting and different, AidaIro. You never let me down. (Believe in the me taht believe in Hanako that believe in AidaIro that believe in Akane was so handsome in this last chapters like I BELIEVE IN ANGELS) I want to believe that the Yugi Tsuchigomori is talking about when he was asked about his broken watch, note that he said only Yugi as a surname (strange isn't it), so... what if that was Tsukasa? And not Amane.
What if Tsukasa is the one old and alive in this time line? It would be so cool to have Tsukasa and Yashiro working together to bring his brother back. What if Amane is now the evil psycho little kid.
Let me dream or write the fanfic. (Nah it wont make sense, the girls of the ouija called for Tsukasa, sighs.) BECAUSE WHO KNOWS, SOMETHING IS GOING ON IN THIS TIMELINE AND IS NOT OKAY.
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flipperdipper10 · 1 year
Not a chapter but some ideas that came to mind for the sekai fnaf au
-Not all 4 robots of the wxs members come alive on the first night, they come on a one by one cycle. emu comes first, then nene, rui, and lastly tsukasa. night 4 and 5 they’re all active.
-Nenerobo is just there she acts as golden freddy I’m not really quite sure how to impliment her since nene as a robot and nenerobo are two different things. she probably just shows up whenever she wants to mess with the group. She’s also avalible on each night.
-The miya girls team also doesn’t show up all at once. Saki and kohane go first, with mafuyu and mizuki joining later. mizuki probably shows up the same time rui does, so around night 3.
-I think once mizuki shows up they might know how to operate the cameras better and learn more about the camera-deterred robots. Mafuyu would be best at dealing with tsukasa since i imagine it’s easy for her to ignore people.
-in terms of ideas on gameplay mechanics, the office i’m currently thinking is similar to the fnaf 3 office but you get one singular door this time and a vent. both can be closed. power is limited because the amusement park doesn’t have much power due to the landslide. 
Emu would likely come through the vent, you can either block her and wait for her to leave or play a sound on the camera system to lure her to a separate place in the park. She’s fairly simple and easy to deal with, which is why she comes first. You can tell she’s in the vent with an audio cue of “WONDERHOY!”, and if you hear it, close the vent.
Nene would go through the door, and she’s pretty timid so you need to constantly check on her location with the cameras. the longer you don’t look at her the closer she gets to your office until she sits outside your door. After a while if she does get to your door and you lock her out, she’ll eventually just go back a few cameras. She also faintly sings as she travels, and if the singing is able to be heard you need to close the door. because nene’s there.
Rui is another vent goer and you also need to check the cameras to see what he’s making. I’m thinking he could temporarily disable a system, whether it be camera or audio for a short time depending on what he makes, and also there’s a third item that just does nothing and if you’re lucky he’ll happen to make it. The systems would reboot after a short time, but when they’re down you need to be really careful about which robot uses what feature. However I’m thinking he might be more like the puppet where if you can keep him distracted with his creations he won’t come after you. But to have him make more things would mean he could shut down your systems, so it’s a toss up between letting him make what he wants or letting him move. I’m not sure how to give the materials for him to make stuff though, so if anyone has any ideas for this please let me know. His audio cue is his laugh. 
Then there’s tsukasa and he also uses the door like nene. (I just figured splitting them up 2 by 2 would be easiest) Tsukasa starts on a stage, and moves around freely. He doesn’t actually kill you, instead if he gets into the office he sits outside your door and makes a loud HAH HAH HAH noise in true Tsukasa fashion. The noise lures Emu towards your location much quicker than she might normally move. To make things even more challenging if she’s in the vent you can’t close it on her. She’s too fast. I picked Emu for this because even though rui also uses the vents i feel like emu is more likely to laugh alongside tsukasa than rui or nene would. If he gets in your office he won’t leave for a few seconds, but after a while he’ll go away, taking some of your power with him as he goes to light up the stage he starts on. I think it’d be more interesting if he acted more like a more dangerous balloon boy than anything deadly just because in real life tsukasa probably wouldn’t hurt a fly.
rui could probably be deterred from moving in a certian way by flashing them with a flashlight. If Rui’s at the vent if you flash the vent with your light he’ll go away instead of slamming the grate on him like emu. Tsukasa on the other hand if you flash him he’ll come closer because star wants the spotlight. So the best thing to do for him is to just ignore him. Don’t look at him don’t acknowledge him just ignore him.
-I added audio cues in case rui cuts your camera feed.
-if there is a night 6 maybe tsukasa can actually kill you instead of attracting emu
-Also yes the idea hinted at in my first text dump of lore ideas was that the reason the robots attack people is that can’t recognize who it is that’s in the park and they mistake the students for vandals because it’s dark out, but the students don’t stay long because why would they they almost died
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teruwasright · 2 years
*pokes u* so. what did u think abt amane’s apology in ch96 lol, just wonderin ehe
I hate to say I don't believe him.
That's how done I am with him. He's apologized before but he didn't mean it.
And I'm aware that people should pay attention to his INTENTIONS more but he still looked sinister as fuck and how he expected Nene to just- be ok until she forgot?-
Ugh....I just- have lost faith in him. I'm done giving him the benefit of the doubt when I have for half this series. (Teru stans aren't born right when you start reading)
So as much as I would like to I don't believe him.
He's done this shit before and I'm confident he'll do it again. That's why I believe Teru's been right this entire time. Especially about Hanako. He's told Kou that he's dangerous and Kou didn't listen. It cost so much pain. It just- seeing how being connected to supernaturals have affected the living characters in this series just makes me wish people saw that Teru WAS right.
Even if not ALL supernaturals are bad he was definitely right. Most are.
With the reveal of Nene's life being tied to the school mysterys it just makes you think that in the beginning we were trying to take down the school mysterys.
Nene wouldn't have gone through ANY of this shit if she didn't fuck with supernaturals.
And Akane- him being distanced from Aoi and like- she hates lying. She hates that Akane's lied to her. And why was that? Smh
Teru WAS right. Getting involved with supernaturals will only be bad.
You can argue that Hanako has saved the living and helped before. And yes. He has and I see that because well- that's his fucking job.
I respect the arguments to defend Hanako. But people need to realize they can't use it to justify his actions currently.
The arguments were good for the time. But you can't use an old argument to justify the now.
With all of this. I just can't believe him. And I'm not sorry. Teru's been a way more reliable side then Hanako ever has.
Hanako will always do something that's even tho it had good intentions just- rubbed you the wrong way. Teru you can always expect to do something people would never be willing to do. He gets the job done even if it's cruel.
The difference is that Hanako only wants Nene to live.
Teru wants EVERYONE to live.
They have such similar jobs but at the same time so different.
Hanako has just...disappointed me.
And I'm not gonna feel obligated to forgive him when all he's done is say sorry.
I don't believe him. He's lied before. He'll do it again.
Why do you think Teru's been able to mark off Hanako perfectly?
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Whether Hanako will still do unforgivable things to get what he wants is up to him now.
And if he does stick to his promise. Then fucking finely. About damn time-
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uraniumnm333 · 1 year
dropping more tsukasa kanade lore guys >>>
i think that after kanade has the initial tsukasa jumpscare they start to get along well but like. kanade talks to think man because even though she goes to the same school as mizuki GUESS WHO NEVER FUCKING ATTENDS !!! and once she talks to tsukasa long enough she's introduced to rui and nene by being invited to ★★★ SUPER COOL EAT-LUNCH-ON-THE-ROOF TIME [kool kats only ★★] ★★★ and kanade sits down like "okay. these people seem calm. theyre probably normal. i think. i can do this :]" and then emu. climbs onto the roof. and kanade thinks "OHFUCKOHSHIT NEVERMIND NEVERMINDNEVERMIND"
so they eat lunch and kanade is introduced to tsukasa's not boyfriend, tsukasa's not girlfriend and tsukasa's not girlfriend. and they have a good time !!! kanade gets along well with nene, but also doesn't because i think the two of them are the equivalent of the "shy people vs introverts" meme. rui is fun but kanade cannot understand that man for the life of herself. and. emu. so ironically tsukasa is the one she gets along with most.
so they hang out and also i think that kanade has tsukasa look over her compositions and has probably gotten him to play an actual piano bit for one of nightcord's songs. idk which you just gotta trust me. and one day kanade comes to their daily meet up thing which happens in the park because silly and tsukasa isn't doing his usual thing. bc when she usually comes tsukasa is happy and smiling like :D :D :D and helping out little kids on the playground equipment but this time nobody's here and he's just. off. and kanade can feel The Vibes but she goes over anyways. and she sees him and he sees her and suddenly he's happy again but this time it's all wrong. and she leaves and goes back home and she thinks back and realizes how Wrong all their interactions had felt. but at the same time it didn't. and she's trying to make sense of all this and talks to nightcord about it because who else would she talk to ??? and general consensus is "make discord server with him" so that's what she does. yes this results in silly tsukasa uses discord for the first time shenanigans. and they all start talking !!! ofc she introduces mizuki as mizuki but mafuyu and ena are left as "my online friends enanan and yuki"
tsukasa ends up inviting rui nene and emu because WHO ELSE ??? and rui dms kanade like "okay i know why you did this but we. are getting nothing out of this. also is yuki mafuyu from the all girls school that emu goes to ???" also SIDE PLOT with emu not feeling creeped out around yuki like she is mafuyu. just wanted to mention. anyways rui is like "i know who you are" and kanade is like "help me help you help your bf (boy best friend)" and idk how but eventually tsukasa just. breaks down.
it's not even anything special he's just in a discord vc w everyone and they start talking about fun things they did as children and tsukasa realizes he can't even remember talking to his parents unless it was over the phone and he just. goes quiet !!! and that's not normal because tsukasa is never quiet so everyone is just a teeny weeny bit worried. and then they hear this man. CRYING ???
so of COURSIES they all meet up in the empty sekai bc we love sekai mashups !!! and idk from there tbh im just bein silly atp
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shroom-gloom · 6 months
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swap au wip stuff
childhood friends fight to the death with garden shears <3
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litteralflower17 · 2 years
so update on how tbhk chapter 94 affects my theory!
Ok so before I get into theory talk I wanted to quickly touch on the first half of the chapter, which was definitely really fucked up, but expected. Remember Hakubo is an Oni and onis eat humans, that kinda their thing. So as gross as that was it was completely in character. (Also I'd argue that it might've been unwilling on Hakubo's part and had quite a bit to do with Sumire taking about being destroyed in the previous chapter)
Either way on to Sakura! So for starters I still think she's the god.
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While she claims to be an esper she quickly brushes it off and a joke and claims that it's only half true, quickly followed by saying she'd answer yorishiro's but I'm really caught up on the fact that she uses the term "wish" especially with the significance wishes have in the series and the fact that the god grants wishes. Now I don't know a lot about espers and as far as I could find they don't originate from any kind of irl mythology or urban legends, which in of itself is odd, every supernatural we've met so far is either from irl mythology like the mokke (which are a real life yokai) or Oni, or they come from irl urban legends like Hanako himself. Or are just supposed to follow in horror tropes. Sakura as an esper would be the only one not following this trend, to add to that, I looked online an couldn't find any examples of an esper being immortal or having a longer life span then a normal human. But what would bring this all together and make it so that she was infact telling a half truth, would be if she were an esper that gained the power of a god, possibly through eating one.
This theory actually backs some of the criticism I got on my first post about Sakura being a god, being that the god seems to go back all the way to Sumire's time period which is probably more than 100 years. (Though I do have other rebuttals to that criticism like the fact that Japan was in isolation from pretty much the entire world until late in the industrial revolution and because of that what might at first seem like ancient Japan might actually take place only a century or so ago, or the fact that there is no limit on Sakura's age just that her wish was created over a hundred years ago meaning that she could be in her thousands for all we know.)
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