Dear you,
I don’t like the way I look. But you are slowly making me love the way I look. Growing up I had a mother who was skinny and beautiful (later on I realized it was because she has a money and was able to recreate herself) but it made me wish I was too. She also tore me down and told me I was too fat and needed to lose weight my entire life. And then I dated numerous guys who told me to lose weight and that I was fat. Every guy called me thick and fat and overweight. I had one guy offer to buy me a gym membership so I could lose weight. And then when a guy finally came along that didn’t say that, he wanted to pimp me out. He was willing to sell me to other guys so that he could make money without getting a job. And so I could bring in more money and he could buy stuff like a car and a house and all that. But basically by just using me. So when you say I’m perfect, I’m scared that you’re lying or you’re going to use me. So I’m being cautious and I’m sorry.
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