#need for speed finn
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Time taken: 2 hours 30 minutes
Speed paint under the cut!
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crewman-penelope · 17 days
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Rami Malek as Finn - Need for Speed
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ramimedley1981 · 1 year
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alucard007 · 2 years
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mrsnancywheeler · 2 months
i am BEGGING you to write more for finnick and virgin reader. what you wrote for 🌾 anon was like the hottest thing i’ve ever read. what about him going down on reader for the first time and him explaining what he’s doing every step of the way?
by popular demand 🫡🫡🫡
when you're finally ready and all laid out on his bed, just in your underwear and you feel like you're supposed to feel more nervous but he's looking at you so lovingly, so comforting, and he's kissing you and then you can't think because his lips are so addictive. he's already walked you through him stretching you out on his fingers, wiped away your tears, but you'd insisted you wanted to keep going. by the time you've gotten off on his fingers you're desperate for more.
"you sure you wanna keep going, sweetheart? we can stop if you want."
you're whining in a plea for him to do as he pleases, "wanna go all the way, finn, promise."
"okay" and his kiss on your forehead leaves you chasing his lips, "gonna line myself up with you, honey." just the feeling of his dick sliding over you, so close to the entrance has you squirming. "it's probably gonna hurt, sweetheart, might take you a while to adjust. I'll take it slow, but I need you to tell me if it's too much. you think you can do that for me?"
you're whispering out a, "yeah" that feels nearly impossible to get out when you just want to whine in agreement
"good girl." and he can't help but chuckle when your whining again, pouting. "we're gonna go real slow, just gonna slide inside of you honey, just a little bit... fuck, you're so tight. feel so good." and your eyes slam shut, fingers wrapped in the bed sheets, "are you okay? need me to stop?"
you're shaking your head vehemently, "no"
"okay, just a little more." he's sliding in just a little bit further, "here, honey, I'm gonna touch you right where I did earlier that made you feel good and it'll help. is that okay." he excuses the lack of verbal confirmation when you're nodding over and over again, mouth opening but nothing's really coming out. "yeah?" and you're nodding again, so he's finding your clit and it's heaven on your earth the way you sound when he starts rubbing.
"oh, finnick!"
"yeah, that feels good, honey? okay gonna slide in more, you're doing so good for me." this continues until he's finally fully inside, "look at that honey, you took all of me. told you, you're perfect."
"so full, finnick."
"I know, honey, such a good girl taking me all the way. I'm gonna start moving now, okay? super slowly and you tell me if I need to stop." his fingers continued their relentless assault on your clit that had your biting your bottom lip.
"okay, please"
slowly he began thrusting in and out of you, biting down on his own lip as he went. "feel so good, honey. how are you feeling?"
"keep going." he stops to peer at you, the pain evident in your eyes, the way your nose is scrunched up
"how are you feeling?"
"it hurts, but just keep going, please."
"tell me if it gets worse, I can stop, honey, that won't upset me." but he did as you insisted and kept going
"finnick, keep going!"
"oh, she's snappy. can't be upset with you though, you feel so perfect, you are perfect"
after a while, a couple more pauses when he can tell you're in pain, you're begging him for more, "faster, please, I can take it, promise."
"if you're sure, then I'll speed up- fuck honey, so good."
"feels so weird, finn, like it did earlier."
"yeah? my good girl gonna cum for me again? it's okay, you can let go, got me so close" and he talks you through your orgasm too, "that feel good, honey? you're okay, it's okay, I'm gonna go nice and slow. you've got this, taking me so well. fuck, I'm so close, gonna pull out now honey, you're gonna feel empty, it's all gonna be okay. when I cum, is it okay if it gets on you?"
and when you're muttering it's alright and he's letting go on you, listening to you whine as he pulls out, he's addicted to you
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russellsppttemplates · 3 months
Both Finn and Julia finding out that they were almost born in the paddock
"Careful, darling, the medical car is coming in our direction", you urged Finn, pulling him and Julia out of the way so the car could drive smoothly through.
"Do they have a lot of things going on at races?", Finn asked, pointing to the people working in the medical center, "well, it depends on what happens. When there are accidents on track, they're the ones they go straight to! They always have their routine check ups, and drivers are not the only ones that need help", you chuckled, "see that lady there? The one with brown hair? She was the one that told me you were coming super soon and that I should go to the hospital", you smiled at the memory.
You had been lucky you were in Monaco. Really, it had been the only reason Max even allowed you to be in the paddock because he knew the hospital wasn't far away, and despite your insistence that you were fine, "they're Braxton-Hicks", you'd say as the pressure increased. You were walking up to the podium to see your husband lift his trophy when your water broke, one of the doctors noticing it and convincing you to let her check you out, "Y/N, you really have to go to the hospital, your baby boy might born here if you don't leave now!", she urged.
"Really?", he wondered, "yes. It was all fine - and you did take your sweet time after that, got us all worked up for nothing", you chuckled as you brushed his blonde hair away from his eyes, Julia looking up and listening to the story, "well, not nothing, but we didn't have to rush all that much. And you father didn't absolutely have to make uncle Daniel speed on the streets while making the horn on his car sound so people would let them through!".
(Thank you for submitting an ask ✨️)
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localcoffeeshop · 21 hours
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i never posted this but a few months ago i was kind of toying with a too young rewrite au that wouldve come a bit later in the show and been more about PB's arc than finn's crush... this couldnt have realistically ever played out in the show because i definitely came up with it having the hindsight of uncle gumbald & neddy and stuff but to me it's still fun to think about, like, what if this is how this episode went?
notes abt this au under the cut:
PB resents being reverted back to childhood BECAUSE she's immediately aware of the way that being 'young and powerless' reflects poorly on the status of her empire... other princesses (like breakfast princess), starchy, lemongrab, etc. will look down on her for being 'too young'.
having been responsible for the wellbeing of others from pretty much day 1, childhood was never a time she could be fully nostalgic for (she'd rather be nostalgic for before that, when she was part of the mother gum)
she also associates childhood with the memory of gumbald trying to corner her and dump the dum-dum juice on her, feeling so small and vulnerable.
she personally has to make enough candy mass to re-age herself back into an adult using SCIENCE, however it takes a certain amount of time so the story has this sort of built-in timer where it's inevitable that she'll go back to being an adult SOON, but for now she needs to make do. i just wanted a low stakes vibe
i have to concede that if this version of the story did happen it would completely disrupt a lot of the later arcs from the show by speeding them up (arcs & episodes that i really like!)... an episode where pb learns how to have a childhood as i see it means that she learns the value of stepping back from her controlling tendencies way before the events of the cooler. also, as i see it, finn would fall out of his infatuation with PB at this point as well, rather than continuing to yearn. it's like a merging of too young with too old. so really this au has to kind of exist in a vacuum. ITS JUST FOR FUN.
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ereardon · 7 months
Snowed In || Sunday [Jake Seresin x OC]
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A Jake Seresin AU miniseries
Summary: When a massive storm shutters every airport in New York, you receive an unexpected call. Jake Seresin, the ex-boyfriend of your college roommate, is stranded at JFK with nowhere to go. Somehow you find yourself hosting Jake for a long weekend in your studio apartment. What happens when you realize that maybe your long-standing hatred for him was covering up something else? 
Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x OC [Ella Finnley]
Trope: Forced proximity; enemies to lovers
Warnings: Cursing, references to cheating, eventual smut
Wordcount: 4.4K 
Masterlist here; Part two aka Saturday here
Jake reeled back from your slap, his face pink from the cold and the heat of your palm as it smacked his perfect tanned skin. His clear green eyes were wide with shock. 
“Ella, I—”
“No.” You shook your head, hair whipping at your cheeks. “What the fuck, Jake? You can’t run down the street like an inmate who escaped from Alcatraz and then just kiss me. You can’t spend eight years hating me and making fun of me and then turn around and say actually, no, that was all a facade, it’s because I’m a five year old boy who doesn’t know how to say he has a crush.” 
You could feel heat rising to your face despite the cold and your voice echoed off the nearby buildings. The few people who were within spitting distance turned their heads at your raised voices. 
“Are you doing this to embarrass me?” you demanded and to your horror, a small tear rolled down your cheek. You were surprised it didn’t freeze as it trailed downward. “Pretend to like me so that I fall for your charm and then when it’s over you just leave? Or maybe if I come onto you then you’ll back away and mock me. Is that it, Jake?” 
“Honey, no, absolutely not.” Jake stepped closer, holding out one hand hesitantly before pressing it to your cheek, thumb sweeping away your tears. “Ella. I meant what I said. No ulterior motives.” 
“I don’t believe you.” 
Jake sighed, running his hand through his hair. The rush of cold air hit your face hard as he removed his hand. You had to give it to him. He looked distraught. If Jake Seresin, golden boy, was even capable of looking that way. “I don’t blame you,” he said after a moment. His eyes searched yours. “I’m sorry, Finn. For letting you think that I spent the last decade hating you. Couldn't be further from the truth.” 
“What’s the truth, Jake?” you gasped, air freezing in your lungs on its way down. 
“I think you know,” he whispered. 
You shook your head, backing away. “No. If there’s one thing the last twenty four hours has shown me, it’s that I don’t know you at all.” 
And then you were turning around, taking off down the street, following the path you had just chased Jake down but in reverse, eyes watering from the speed and the freezing wind whipping at your face and Jake’s voice calling after you was just a whisper that got picked up and sailed away in a gust.
You burst through the double doors of your apartment building. Gerry looked up, surprise lacing his weathered face. “Miss Ella. Everything OK?” 
You shook your head, heading for the elevators. “Do you believe in timing, Gerry?” 
“Yes, I do,” he replied as you pressed the button, finger shaking. “Met my wife at a New Year’s Eve party forty-three years ago. She was there with someone else and I was too. But it didn’t matter. It was the right place and the right time and everything since then has worked out in our favor.” 
You looked up at him. “That’s not helping, Gerry.” 
He smiled. “So he loves you.” 
“Never said that.” 
“Don’t need to say it,” he replied. “I can see it in your face.” The sound of the doors flinging open turned both of your attentions. Jake stood, barely winded, cheeks pink, eyes wide. Gerry added, “I see it in his, too.” 
The elevator dinged and the doors slid open. Gerry held out one hand, pressing it open. 
“Goodnight you two,” he said. “Stay warm.” 
You stepped inside. “Goodnight, Gerry.” 
Jake stepped forward slowly, entering the elevator, his eyes trained on you, your eyes glued to the buttons on the far right wall. It was an agonizing ride up in silence. The heat from Jake’s gaze alone was enough to thaw you and by the time the two of you had ridden up five floors you were a melted puddle. 
After you unlocked the door and stepped inside, Jake stood, hesitating, on the threshold. 
You frowned. “What?”
He sighed. “I’ll leave, Ella. I’ll get out of your hair. But I just need to say one more thing.” 
“Where would you go?” you demanded. “It’s midnight and the city is practically shut down, Seresin.” 
Jake put his hands in his pockets. “I bought a unit in One57 last month.”
Your jaw went slack. One57 was one of the unbelievable skyscrapers on 57th Street aka Billionaires’ Row. It’s the most expensive building in the city, towering over the base of Central Park. Your eyes narrowed. “You’re fucking with me.” 
“I’m not.” 
“How could you afford that?” you demanded. “You can’t even afford a hotel.”
Jake smiled sadly. “Ella. I never said I couldn’t afford a hotel. I said you were my only option.” 
“That wasn’t true then,” you replied. “You have a fucking twenty million dollar condo sitting forty blocks north of here that’s probably filled with furniture that you’re not allowed to touch.” 
“It was partially true,” Jake said. His voice was much calmer than yours. His eyes were soft. Begging. This was Jake Seresin begging, you realized. “I spent years thinking that you were the one that got away, Ella. I had to come back and make sure of it.” 
Your breath caught in your throat. “And?” 
Jake stepped closer, crossing the threshold into the apartment. “Ella Finnley. I’ve enjoyed myself more the last two days than I have in the last five years. I came back because I thought that maybe there was a chance you’d be able to see me more as more than the douchebag that I was in college. That maybe you would be willing to look past who we were and focus on who we are now. You don’t know this, but I never stopped thinking about you.”
All you could feel was your heartbeat in your chest, the pulsing in your fingertips and neck and near your ear. Was this really happening?
“You’re intelligent and you’re so fucking sarcastic and you don’t take anyone’s bullshit and I couldn’t believe that when you opened the door on Friday that it was really you and that someone else hadn’t scooped you up years ago. And I thought maybe this was it. Maybe this was my chance to be happy.” 
“You’re rich,” you whispered, the words still sinking in. “You’re telling me that you, Jake Seresin, aren’t fulfilled?” 
He shook his head. “None of that shit matters, Ella. The money, the cars, the nice restaurants, the fancy clothes. You get sick of it after a while. I’d rather come home to this apartment every single night and sit on that uncomfortable couch with you and watch you read romance novel after romance novel and eat ramen noodles than go home to an empty apartment overlooking the park. Any fucking day.” 
“It’s OK,” he whispered. “You don’t feel the same and I get that. Maybe I was stupid to try.” 
You stepped forward, closing the gap between the two of you, your chest practically grazing his as you breathed unsteadily. He was so fucking beautiful that it made you uncomfortable. “You are stupid,” you replied and Jake grinned. “That was never a question."
“I’ll get out of your hair,” he murmured, “and you’ll never have to see me again if you just answer one question.” 
“What is it, Seresin?” 
“Do you believe I changed? If not for you, just in general? Because that’s all I ever wanted, Ella. To be the kind of guy who was good enough.” 
You looked at him. How many times had you snuck sidelong glances at Jake Seresin while he and Suzannah were together? He was hot, even back then. Bronzed, muscular but not beefy, sweet Southern accent rendering anything he said charming with a side of cocky. Maybe you had only told yourself that you hated him because it was better than admitting the alternative. 
That you wanted Jake Seresin. But he hadn’t been yours to have. 
And now here he was, standing in front of you, begging for a chance. Asking if you saw his growth and change. Admitting that he had spent years of his life bettering himself so that one day he could stand in front of you a changed man and receive a simple acknowledgement. 
“Ella,” Jake whispered. “Tell me to go and I’ll go. I think this was a mistake.” 
“The mistake would be leaving before you convinced me why I should give you a chance to start with.” 
Jake smiled. “Convince you, huh?” 
You nodded. “I don’t know if you know this about me, Seresin, but I’ve been known to be stubborn.” 
“Is that so?” 
“It is,” you said slowly, reveling in the way Jake’s gaze never left yours. “So go on, Seresin. Why should I believe anything you’ve said in the last thirty minutes? How do I know it’s not some elaborate prank?” 
“You don’t,” he said. “None of us do, Finn. Life is a big cosmic joke. I’m just doing what we’re all doing. Trying to find that one person to spend your life with. Trying to find the person who makes you excited to get out of bed, the person you can’t get out of your head. The one person who sees you after everything you’ve done and still sees your potential, even when it was a bad day. The person who wants to celebrate with you on the good ones, too. The person who has more faith in you than you have in yourself.” 
“That’s a lot to put on a person, Jake,” you whispered. 
“I know it is, honey,” he murmured, raising one hand, skimming it along your cheek. “I can’t expect you to feel all those ways about me. Especially since up until yesterday I think you hated me. But tell me the truth. Do you feel differently about me right now, standing here, compared to yesterday when I showed up at this same doorstep?” 
“Yes.” It was automatic, the way the word tumbled out of your mouth.
He grinned. “Then anything is possible, Finn.” 
“You mean falling in love with you, Seresin?” 
You shook your head, laughing. “You’re still cocky.”
“I’m working on it,” he murmured, hand sliding from your cheek, fingers wrapping slowly around your neck, thumb pressed tightly under your ear. “What do you say, Finn? Want to give me a chance?” 
“I’m going to regret this, aren’t I?” you said softly, closing the gap between the two of you as Jake’s fingers on your neck tightened and suddenly his lips were on yours, his hand on your waist bending you backward from the force of his kiss. Jake swiveled you around, closing the door with one hand, pressing you against the wall both gently and firmly at the same time, his free hand locked behind your head, cushioning you. 
Jake slotted one thigh between your legs, pressing upwards gently until you found yourself moaning into his mouth as he grinned. “Fuck,” he murmurred, pulling back two inches, resting his forehead against yours. “You have no idea how long I’ve thought about that.” 
“Ten minutes,” you replied. 
Jake pulled back further, shaking his head, tracking one thumb pad over your swollen bottom lip. “Ella. Try ten years.” 
“Jake,” you murmured. 
He shook his head. “It’s OK if you don’t feel the same way,” he said quietly. “But if you want to stop, tell me and we stop.” 
You reached out and grabbed his collar, tugging him back in. “Don’t stop.” 
And then Jake’s mouth was on yours, his hands roaming over your chest and settling on your waist, pulling you in tightly before reaching down and hoisting you into his arms as you giggled. You didn’t even care that Jake’s shoes were tracking dirty snow into the apartment or that your jacket was brushing against the comforter as Jake sat you down gently on the edge of the bed. He stepped back, shrugging off his jacket and kicking off his shoes and you did the same, pulling your sweater overhead, locking eyes with Jake as you unbuttoned your jeans, shimmying out of them before settling back on the bed in a pair of lacy black panties and a matching bra. “Fuck,” he murmurred, closing the gap between the two of you, his mouth hot on your neck as his fingertips pressed against your side. “God, you’re gorgeous.” 
 “You going to compliment me all night, Seresin?” 
Jake pulled his lips from where they had slid down to the tops of your breasts. “Yes,” he said confidently. “And you’re going to like it.” 
You flushed. “Then at least take your pants off.” 
Jake smirked, standing up and unbuttoning his pants, sliding them off. With one hand he grabbed the back of his shirt behind his neck, tugging it overhead in a single motion. You couldn’t help it. You gasped. Jake Seresin looked like a marble carving that would sit in the Louvre. 
He was stunning. 
Jake leaned in, shifting you further onto the bed, his lips grazing your breasts before dipping lower, trailing a wet line of kisses down to your navel. “Like what you see?” 
“Shut up,” you groaned, but the words turned into a string of moans as Jake’s mouth landed on your panties, warm breath heating between your legs. He knelt on the floor next to the bed in his tight briefs, fingertips scraping along your sides, one hand squeezing your breast before he slid the silky material to the side, exposing your soaking core. 
“Fuck,” he muttered, leaning back to admire you. 
“Jake,” you whined, and he felt his heart start to rapidly beat in his chest. 
“I got you,” he murmured, sinking down, pressing his lips to your core, tongue darting out, spreading flat against your folds, tasting you for the first time. He hummed against you and you wiggled, but his hands held your hips steady, tugging you forward, consuming you. He was everywhere: his mouth on your clit, his tongue in your folds, his fingertips dragging along your hip bone under one sank deep inside of your walls, curling at the top, beckoning you to come. 
And you did. Unraveling at his touch, your moans filling the air as Jake plunged his fingers inside of your wet cunt, tongue lapping at your folds until you cried out. “Fuck!” 
Jake stood, hands still on your thighs as your chest heaved. Finally you pushed yourself up onto your elbows. There was an obvious tent in Jake’s tight black briefs. 
You smirked. “Want some help with that?” 
He leaned forward, pressing his lips to yours harshly, with one arm scooting beneath you and tossing you to the top of the bed as you let out a yelp. “You’re going to be the death of me, Finn,” he murmured, lips suctioned to your neck as you lifted your hips, brushing your soaking core against his hips. He was hard and you were desperate for him, your hand reaching out and grabbing him. Jake’s head collapsed against your neck as you smoothed your fingers over his bulge. “Fuck, Ella,” he whispered, voice thick and husky. “God, I want to be inside you so badly.” 
You pulled your hand away, shimmying off your underwear. “I need you.” 
Jake sat up. His green eyes were wide. “Sweetheart. You have no idea how long I’ve waited to hear those words come out of your mouth.” 
“Don’t make me beg, Seresin,” you whispered. 
“Wouldn’t dare.” 
Jake crawled out of his boxers and you had to stifle a gasp. His cock was thick and long, practically dripping with anticipation. He pulled your legs so your hips were closer to where he was kneeling on the bed, running the tip of his cock along your folds as you whimpered. 
“Condom,” he muttered.
“Top drawer.” 
Jake leaned over, opening the box as you undid the hooks on your bra, flinging it onto the floor in the living room. He sat back, seamlessly rolling a condom over his cock, fisting himself a few times, eyes trained between your legs. Finally, Jake lifted his gaze to you, hand still sliding up and down his length as he panted. “I’ve thought about this so many times.” 
“Please,” you whispered and Jake hinged forward, sliding the head of his cock against your entrance until it hooked inside of you, pressing in slowly as you moaned. “God, yes, oh, fuck!”
“Doing so good,” he murmured as your legs spread further to accommodate him. “Almost there baby.” 
Jake pushed the final inch in, stuffing you full. Your eyes flew open. Jake had one hand pressed to your cheek, the other resting on your leg, pulling it higher over his hip. Your mouth opened as he pulled back, pushing into you again, setting a soft, delectable rhythm. It was just you and Jake and the sounds of your body slowly coming together and backing away, over and over as his cock brushed your inner walls, begging you to come against him. 
“God you feel so perfect,” he groaned, fingertips pressing your thigh back further, letting his cock slide deeper inside of you. “I could live in your pussy.” 
You cried out as Jake brushed against your g-spot. He shifted his hand to your clit, pressing down gently and your eyes widened, Jake’s hips snapping against yours as his fingertips swirled on your swollen clit. “Oh, my God,” you breathed.    
“Come for me, please,” he begged, chest glistening with sweat as he thrust harder into you. “Please, baby, need to feel you coming while I’m inside of you.” 
“Oh, oh fuck!” you screamed as Jake pressed down, hard, against your clit, your vision going white for a split second as you broke apart along his length, shuddering, cursing as Jake grabbed your hips, driving his cock against your fluttering walls. 
“Ella, oh fuck! Jesus Chris, I’m gonna come!” And then he was filling the condom inside of you, collapsing so his chest was pressed against yours, his hips stuttering as he tried to slow his rhythm. “Fucking hell,” Jake whispered, rolling off of you gently, tugging off the condom and disposing it. He turned back, running one hand up your side. “You’re perfect.” 
And even though you were two orgasms deep, it had been almost a year since you had been touched before Jake. So when you leaned in to kiss him and his cock twitched against your bare leg, you smiled, pulling away. 
“What’s that look, Finn,” he asked. 
“Lay back,” you whispered, raking your fingertips down Jake’s rock hard abdomen, his cock already hardening against his thigh. 
“Oh, shit,” Jake muttered as you leaned down, taking his length into your hand, dribbling a ball of split onto the tip, massaging it over the head of his cock with the pad of your thumb. He laid back, eyes squeezed shut as you took him into your mouth, Jake’s fingers buried in your hair as he gasped, releasing himself against your throat, filling your mouth. When you pulled back, swallowing, wiping one thumb over your lips, his eyes fluttered open and he shook his head. “You’re full of surprises, aren’t you?” 
After showering, the two of you fell into a tangle on the bed. 
“This is so much better than the couch,” Jake whispered. 
“Go to sleep, Seresin,” you complained, his hand spread warm against your lower stomach. 
Jake pressed a kiss to your bare shoulder. 
Sometime just before sunrise, you woke up and looked over. Jake looked peaceful, golden hair spread out on the white pillowcase, one arm slung over the side of the bed, slumping down toward the ground, bare back and ass cheek visible from where he had thrown the covers off. Never in your wildest dreams had you imagined you’d be asleep, naked, next to Jake Seresin. That you would be able to tolerate being alone with him at all. 
But two days had changed everything. 
The sound of yelping woke you up a second time. The room was bright, light streaming in from the windows. You couldn’t tell yet if it was the brightness of snow or the winter sun blaring through. 
Next to you, the bed was empty. 
There was the yelp again, coming from the kitchen. Jake emerged a minute later wearing a pair of boxers but no shirt, carrying two cups of coffee. The minute he saw you sitting up, the covers pulled up around your bare chest, he grinned. “Morning Finn.” 
“What are you doing in there?” you asked. 
“Frying bacon,” Jake replied, setting down the coffee mugs on the nightstand to your right. Just as you raised your nose to sniff in the air, he grabbed your face with both hands, landing a kiss right on your lips. As if it was the most normal thing in the world. Like the two of you had woken up together for a hundred weekends in a row. When he pulled away, you felt your breath catch. Was this what it was supposed to be like? “Stay there,” he commanded. “And don’t you dare get dressed.” 
You leaned back, the sheets tucked beneath your arms, and grabbed one of the coffee cups as Jake scurried back to the kitchen. A few more yelps later and he emerged with a plate of bacon, two muffins and scrambled eggs. “Where did you get this?” you asked, picking up a piece of bacon and sliding it into your mouth. “Fuck that’s good.” 
“Snuck out while you were snoring.” 
You slapped his bicep and he chuckled. Jake was so muscular it didn’t even affect him. You let your fingers linger there for a moment before pulling them away. “I don’t snore.” 
“You do,” Jake said, a piece of bacon sticking out of his mouth. “It’s cute.” 
“No snoring is cute.” 
“Anything you do, Ella Finnley, is adorable.” A blush crept up your neck toward your face. You realized for a moment you had no makeup on. You couldn’t remember the last time you were this close to a man without makeup on. 
“Wait.” You frowned. “You went out this morning?” Jake nodded. “What about the snow?” 
“It’s gone.” 
“What!” You rushed out of bed, practically tripping on a corner of the rug, smashing your hands against the window. 
Jake was right. The streets which the night before had been layered with snow, were clear. Instead, they had been replaced by the usual threads of traffic: honking taxis and black town cars and every Toyota under the sun filled with Uber drivers. The sidewalks were congested once again. 
It was like the storm had never happened. 
You looked over at Jake, eyes wide. That was it. The magic of the snow was gone, replaced by the smell of the subway steam hot on the grates and hordes of pedestrians cluttering Fifth Avenue. 
Jake got out of bed, grabbing his henley shirt from where it was folded on his suitcase and handing it to you. You blushed, realizing for the first time that you were butt ass naked, standing in the middle of the room. The shirt was soft as you pulled it overhead and smelled like Jake: coffee, cinnamon, vetiver. The sleeves were long and you balled the excess fabric into your fists. 
This was the part of the movie where the princess turned back into a pumpkin. 
“Jake, I—”
“I’m staying,” he said, his words overlapping yours. 
“In New York. I’m leaving San Francisco,” he said. “That’s why I’m here. I’m moving my company’s headquarters out of the Bay and into the city.” 
“I own FreeTek.” 
Your head felt heavy. Congested. FreeTek was one of those Forbes 100 companies. The kind with billion-dollar valuations and IPOs that they had billboards for in Times Square. It was a tech company that also helped to build schools in Africa and Central America. 
Your eyes boggled. Jake reached out, one hand cupping your neck gently. “Ella. I don’t want this to be a one-time thing.”
“We don’t even know each other, Jake,” you replied. “You’re just some guy that my roommate used to fuck.” 
He looked hurt, lips pressed into a line. “We know enough,” he said. “And what we don’t know, we’ll learn.” 
“It’s not that simple.” 
“It could be.” 
“Fuck, Seresin, I don’t know, OK. Two days ago I hated your guts.” You looked up at Jake and he chuckled. “One really good fuck can’t change everything.” 
“Really good, huh?” 
“Don’t be so proud,” you said. “It had been a while. I probably would have gone home with Raji, the bodega guy in about a week if you hadn’t come along.” 
“Does Raji kiss you like this?” And then Jake’s lips were on yours, his hands traveling down your back, pulling you in tight, holding your chest to his. 
When the two of you broke apart, he brushed the hair from your face before letting go, taking a step back. 
“I waited ten years, Finn,” he said softly. “What’s another week or another month?” 
“What do you think is going to happen in a week or a month?” you asked. 
Jake grinned. “You’ll realize the fairytale doesn’t end here, Ella. You and me, that’s how this story ends.” 
You shook your head, reaching out, wrapping your arms around Jake’s neck, tugging him in close. “God you’re a conceited dick, aren’t you?” 
You rolled your eyes as Jake smirked. “Alright, prince charming. Let’s go see this palatial apartment of yours.” 
Jake slipped his arms around your waist. “Is it bad I’m hoping there’s another storm so I can trap you inside again and have you all to myself for another weekend?” 
You looked outside. The sky was perfectly clear. Blue skies and small puffy clouds as far as the eye could see beyond the buildings. It was as if the snowstorm had never happened. 
And then, so fast if you had blinked you would have missed it, a snowflake drifted in your field of vision, hovering in the air outside your fifth-story window. 
You grinned. “Be careful what you wish for, Seresin.” 
Jake kissed the top of your head.   
Tag list [using my list from The Off-Season since it's my most up-to-date Jake list but if you're not interested in these types of fics just let me know!):
@double-j @topguncultleader @momc95 @hangmandruigandmav
@teacupsandtopgun @xomrsalliej4787xo @xoxabs88xox @blue-aconite @seresinhangmanjake @eminyourjeans @shawnsblue @babyminghao @sadpetalsstuff @angelbabyange @taytaylala12 @wkndwlff @mygyn @oneelleandaneye @averyhotchner @rosiahills22 @djs8891 @rxmtoon @valkyrja-siren-blog @horseshoegirl @abaker74 @clancycucumber230 @theharddeck @redbarn1995 @shanimallina87
@memeorydotcom @joaquinwhorres @bobfloydsbabe @gretagerwigsmuse @djs8891
@blackcatdhisgf @buckysteveloki-me  @eli2447 @bellaireland1981 @seresinslady @hookslove1592 @shotclock24seconds @fanficfandomlove @ryebecca @onceupona-happilyeverafter-love @t8r-tots
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transforming · 7 months
For those requesting to see my stories from my previous tumblr account as reference for commissions, I'll be posting them here now!
To start off, here's one of my favorite stories of mine, which I wrote for Thanksgiving three years ago...
The House on Oak Street
There’s been some rumors spreading about the old grey house at the end of Oak Street. Built in the Victorian style of architecture, it’s been left in ruins for, say, 50 years? The deed to the house was never given up by the family who used to live in there, though the house has been for sale for some time. Apparently, it couldn’t be sold to anyone after what had happened to their friends, relatives, even the robbers or strangers that ever set foot inside…
Finn was tired. He’s at his breaking point. University is stressful enough, but add jocks and frats into it made it even worse. He was just walking home from class with his friends Peter and Ned, the three of them happen sharing an apartment far from campus since they couldn’t afford to stay in the dorms.They all shared the same interests - their studies, D&D, and architecture, all of them studying in the field.
The trio of friends were trying to avoid the Pi Kappa Alpha house, which was on the route they frequently took, when they passed by Oak Street that fateful day. As they passed by the line of houses, Finn stopped at one - an abandoned Victorian.
“Guys, look!” Finn said, pointing towards the empty house, intrigued.
“Finneas, it’s just an abandoned house,” Peter responded painfully, looking down at his shiny black school shoes.
“Not just any abandoned house Peter, it’s the Creepy Vic of Oak Street,” Ned added as he adjusted his thick glasses.
The three eighteen-year-olds looked at each other. According to urban legend, this very house on Oak Street had a reputation of endless trespassers, all of whom never reappeared once they entered the front door, some say having been pulled into another dimension or being eaten alive by a monster. 
“But those are just silly rumors, right? Does anyone actually believe that?” Finn asked as he took a step towards the porch.
“I do, Finneas. Do you want to disappear? And it’s just basic morals to never trespass someone else’s property,” Ned asked concerned.
Finneas nodded, and followed his friends, but something caught his eye, something he didn’t notice there before. A FOR SALE sign posted at the front of the yard. Finneas felt a connection with the house, but he couldn’t place a finger on it, so he quickly took a picture of the sign, making sure to get the realtor’s number, and sped towards Ned and Pete.
From the corner of the street, the trio could hear the speeding vroom of a sports car. 
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“Yo, ‘Lex, Chad! it’s the poor faggy nerd trio!” Leo jeered from the driver’s seat.
“Park the car, dude!” Alex said grinning, getting off and standing toe-to-toe with Finn.
“What do you want, Alex?” Ned replied angrily.
Chad pushed him to the ground. “No one talks to us like that that, lil’ pussy ass dweeb. Why’re you here, anyway? Didn’t wanna get your asses kicked?”
Peter helped Ned up and pulled Finn close to them.
“Leave us alone, don’t you guys have trainings to go to?” Peter retorted.
The jocks chuckled as they harrassed the three students, punching their faces and breaking Peter’s glasses.
“I’m bored, bro, let’s just go, they got nothing today,” Leo chuckled. The three frat jocks jumped into the Maserati and sped away, while the three nerds trudged home. They dropped their bags and headed for the kitchen, starving. Ned took out a box of corn flakes and poured milk into a bowl first.
“Milk first, Ned?” Peter asked, shocked.
“What? I’m hungry,” he replied frustrated.
“I know, but that’s just weird!”
As they argued over how to eat cereal, Finn opened his phone and stared at the picture of the sign. A weird feeling of need came over him and he felt like the house was calling to him, though obviously a house has no such power. He typed up the number of the realtor, and pressed call.
“Mike Philipps for Century 21, how may I help?”
“Uh– hi, I… I wanted to inquire about the house for sale on Oak Street?”
“1324 Oak Street, the old Victorian?” Mike asked.
“Y-yes… it says it’s for sale?”
“Well, yes… but the family hasn’t been cooperative with our previous interested buyers.”
“How come?”
“Some weird rumors spreading about it, nothing of substance, really. How would you like to arrange an appointment to see the place?”
“Sure, sir! H-how’s…” Finn fumbled as he checked his calendar and schedule. “How’s tomorrow, Mr. Philipps?”
“Perfect. I’ll inform Mr. Thomas of your interest in the place.”
After a few weeks of negotiating, and talking it out with Ned and Pete, the three friends somehow managed to buy the place at a real low price. Mr. Thomas was an odd man, for sure, and seemed interested in the boys. As the boys headed out of the tour, Alex, Leo and Chad harrassed them again, and Mr. Thomas watched silently. He may not have wanted what happened to the people in this house, but these three kids needed it.
Ned’s dad and his brother Colin came over to help renovate the place. New walls needed to be installed, new windows, new pipes (which Pete took care of with his uncle’s plumbing company), new roofing, all being supervised by Finn, who among the three was the best architect. The three painted the house and about a few months later, they moved in. 
“Can’t believe we got this place cheap,” Ned laughed as he carried his stash of comic books in. 
“Mind you, this being the Creepy Old Vic, it’s not so creepy now!” Pete added, starting the fire.
“Yeah, guys. We have a place now,” Finn said. 
Outside, the three douchebag jocks peered into the window. They’ve made some messes before, but this was gonna be the biggest prank they’ve pulled. Alex ran and switched off the house’s power. All the lights went out. The TV died. Silence and darkness, save the fire.
“Finn, what happened? I thought the electrical stuff was dealt with,” Peter shouted.
“They were-”
“Yo nerds! Need help?” shouted a voice, the sound of smug laughter coming from outside the front door.
“FUCK, it was them!” Ned whispered.
Finn cautiously unlocked and opened the door. Alex pushed him to the ground. 
“’Sup, nerd?” Alex grinned, “We wanna play!”
Ned and Pete hid, but they were pulled by the back of their t-shirts, their skinny frames revealed.
“LET US GO!” Peter screamed, trying to break free from Chad.
“What have WE ever done to YOU?” Ned squirmed in Leo’s arms.
“Oh, nothing,” Alex snapped, “Just being nerds is enough.”
As the trio of athletes tied and gagged the three trapped friends, the front door banged shut and locked itself.
“The fuck?” Chad said, running over and trying to open the door.
“We can go through the back bro,” Leo replied. He walked through the kitchen and tried to open the door as well, but it was bolted. 
“Bolted here as well?” he asked, as the curtains suddenly moved and closed. Pete spat out the cloth in his mouth.
“It’s the Creepy Old Vic. What did I tell you, Finn?!” he cried.
Finn’s eyes welled up, frightened. Ned was still moving about restlessly. As the three realized they could lose their lives, the fire died out, keeping them all in darkness. Suddenly, Chad felt a punch to the face as he fell to the floor, suddenly getting absorbed into the hardwood as if it were deep water. Leo heard Chad’s fall and ran towards the door, his phone’s torch on.
“Chad? Bro, where you…” his voice trailed off as he saw Chad’s hand sinking into the floor. Alex gasped in horror.
“Alex–” Leo replied, but he was cut off. He felt the wall grab him, pulling him in, hands gagging his mouth as they dragged him in. The four college students could only stare as Chad’s eyes drowned in the blue concrete. Alex ran and pulled out a knife from the kitchen. 
“I’m not afraid of this house!” he shouted as he walked towards the living room, only to find the nerds he tied up missing, the rope and gags strewn around the room. 
Alex looked up and saw two green eyes. He was petrified.
“NO!” he screamed as the eyes formed a mouth and swallowed him whole, the three jocks never to be seen again.
The next morning, Ned woke up lying on the floor, in front of the front door. His body ached.
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Meanwhile, Peter was in the attic experiencing the same as Ned. Muscles everywhere. 
“Woah,” he chuckled, pinching himself as if he was dreaming, but nothing. The muscle didn’t fade. 
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“I’m a handsome muscular guy?” he mumbled in his… super sexy voice. He stepped out of the tub and admired himself in the mirror. He looked so different, as if he was mixed with Leo. He certainly felt different, and was surprised when he looked down and saw his new, way heftier package.
He grinned.
The bathroom door opened, and two other handsome, well-built guys stood, hands on their hips.
“N-Ned? Peter?”
“Dude, what happened to us?” Pete flexed his arms, smirking and posing the handsome devil he was.
“I dunno, bro, Ned?” Finn replied, and realized he just said bro as if he always said it.
“I told ya it’s the house!” Ned’s voice boomed. “Didn’t you guys see when Chad and Leo were just… absorbed by the house?”
The lights turned back on. The three boys, well, men now, felt a sharp pain in their heads as knowledge of sports, fitness, working out and eating healthily, along with some knowledge of sex and a boost of confidence, filled into their minds, not completely altering who they were, but adapting them to their new physiques.
As they looked at each other, grinning with their new confidence, screams came from the basement. Pete ran down to check what was going on, when he saw a hooded figure surrounding three skinny boys, who were crying for help until the hood transformed into a blanket and covered the trio, the blanket absorbing them into the ground below.
Chad and Finn watched from behind Pete, as he closed the door.
a few days later…
“What now?” Pete asked
“We’re still the same… somewhat. Inside, at least,” Ned responed as he made his pecs dance.
“And our families and classmates?” Pete added.
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Ned had an idea. “We need to change names.”
“True,” Pete replied, smiling. “I’m… now Alex.”
“And I’m guessing Ned’s now Chad?” Finn asked, smirking.
Ned nodded.
“Cool, bro, then I’m Leo now,” Finn chuckled. 
It felt weird, but it also felt right. Like this was their destiny. Finn’s connection to the house finally made sense, but he had another idea come into his mind too.
“Why don’t we… start our own frat?” Leo beamed.
“A frat?” the two studs looked surprised.
“I mean, why not? We’re hot now, and plus, the house helped us become this,” he smiled as he demonstrated with their bodies. “We could help others just like us.”
Alex nodded, “You’ve got a point, but what would we be called?”
Chad pondered for a moment, thinking through the Greek alphabet. “How about Delta Beta Alpha?”
“Delta Beta Alpha,” Leo repeated. “The change of betas, like who we were, into Alpha men, like who we are now?”
Chad smirked and nodded.
Leo and Alex grinned as well. The house was gonna make some more changes to others like them.
Mr Thomas would be pleased if he ever knew.
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crewman-penelope · 1 year
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Rami Malek as Finn in Need for Speed
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Meeting the family
Summary: You and Rebekah are best friends. She told you to come over and she’d be back in a minute but you meet someone…
I walked into the compound looking for Rebekah. She was no where to be seen. I would’ve just went in her room to check if she left a note or anything saying she had to go out but she had my number anyway so I don’t know why she would have to do that. I’m not mad of course I know she has ‘vamp business’ to attend to. I just text her.
Y/n: Where are you?
Rebekah 💕: I had to go attend to some business with marcel. Elijah will be there if you need anything. I should be there in around 2 hours.
y/n: alright see you.
I understood she had business to attend to but what was I supposed to do for 2 hours. I could just leave and get back before she arrives not that she would mind but it’s just a respectful thing to do. Elijah was her older brother I could just go hang out with him. He was the only sibling I met out of the 7. There was only 3 of them currently alive. She told me all about the history of Klaus putting a dagger in them and about what happened in mystic falls with Kol and Finn. I knew about all the vampire ‘drama’ as Rebekah would call it but she never wanted me in any of it. So that’s why me and Klaus never met and quite frankly after all the bad stuff Rebekah told me I didn’t want to. He wasn’t allowed to speak to me and I wasn’t allowed to speak to him. We’ve never even met. He seemed like a horrible person and a horrible brother. Why did Rebekah invite me over her house without her being here. I’ve never even been to her house that’s how bad she doesn’t want me and Klaus to meet. The big and bad original hybrid. He just seemed like a jackass he’d rather be feared than respected. Elijah on the other hand. She let me meet him hes very noble, honorable, and respected but his brothers stupid actions keep weighing down. I sat down on one of the couches and just waited there for her. I soon fell asleep and was woken up by someone. “Rebekah, Elijah?” I questioned thinking it was probably either of them. “No love I’m neither of them but might I ask who are you?” I turn around quickly and it was this man towering over me blonde, curly hair, he looked around 5’11, and incredibly handsome. “Who are you” I ask hoping it’s not who I’m thinking.
“I’m Klaus, love. Now who are you.” He says smirking seeing I’m nervous around him. “I’m Y/N” I say quietly. He’s the big and bad Klaus. How can someone that evil be this hot? “Oh you’re Rebekah’s friend the one I’m not allowed to meet. No wonder she tried to convince me to go out.” He says with a smirk. “Well it’s nice meet you” i say trying to cut the conversation. I didn’t want Rebekah to be mad or anything. “Do you need a blanket love” he says. I was cold so I just shake my head. What would a blanket do? It’s not like we’re gonna fuck since he gave me a blanket. Maybe I’m looking too much into this he’s not trying to flirt with me he’s just being nice to one of Rebekah’s friend. Hell what I am even talking about he’s not even nice to Rebekah. I feel him pick me up. I try to fight him banging on his back he just chuckled. “Why are you carrying me” I screamed. He just chuckles and brings me to a room. It looked nice a little messy but the interior looked good. I thought it was Rebekah’s rooms at first. “Is this Rebekah’s room” I ask. “no it’s mine” he says with a smirk. “Why’d you bring me into your room” I say. “Because it cold out there you can just sleep in here.” He says. “You could’ve just brought me to Rebekah’s rooms or I know there’s probably many empty rooms in this place you could’ve put me in. I’m not even supposed to be talking to you” I say getting up and walking to the door. He uses his vamp speed and gets in front of me. “I know Rebekah told you all about my family. She can never stop blabbing everything out” he takes a breath before continuing to talk “and I could easily have you killed” he whispered in my ear. Did this dude think threatening me would make me wanna stay? I roll my eyes.
“Go ahead then kill me” I say I don’t know why I was being so confident I was afraid of him but who wouldn’t be I’m just a human he could snap my neck right now but I’m not going to feed his ego. He just smirks “just go back to the bed Y/n” he whispered into my ear. I couldn’t lie the way he just said that to me drove me crazy. Getting a tingling feeling in my stomach. I just listen to him because I wasn’t going to die just for not listening to him. I get on my phone and check how long it’s been to see when I’ll be able to get out of here. Klaus obviously wouldn’t wanna be caught with me like this. He would never hear the end of it with Rebekah but I do not wanna test out that theory and accidentally falling asleep but as my body betrays me once again. I soon fall asleep. I woke up an hour or so later and a hand was wrapped around my waist. I try to get up quietly but his grip tightened. Of course he was still awake I can never get a break. I couldn’t get off him but I could try and distract him then just run away and yell for Elijah. Obviously I couldn’t run away from him but I could get Elijah’s attention. I roll us over and get on top of him. He gripped my hips keeping me down on him. As he opened his eyes looking up at me and smirking. “So you’re gonna finally give in” he says. His words made me nervous but I couldn’t let him know that. “We haven’t even know each other for a full day what do you mean finally” I say. “I know you want me Y/n” he says breathlessly. “How do you know that exactly” I say. “Your body language” he says. Is this man out of his mind.
Before I can even respond he pushes my hips to grind against his boner. I let out a whimper. It made me feel good but I couldn’t do this to Rebekah so after he made sure I was enjoying this. I got off the bed I didn’t even make it to start running he sat up and grabbed my neck. “Where do you think you’re going” he says then he grabs my hand and places it on-top of his boner. “Finish what you started” he says with a growl in your ear. I just stay quiet. “Fine then I will” he takes his hand off mine then his hand on my neck slid down to my boobs then his other hand went to the waist band of my leggings his hand slid past my underwear hem too and he brought his hand to my pussy. “You’re this wet and you wanted to try to run away you would’ve been punishing yourself darling” he then starts kissing me neck and rubbing my clit. My head falls back on his shoulder. I couldn’t even fight it anymore I just wanted him to make me feel good. As I let him have full control over my body I feel him smirk against my neck. This is what he’s been planing from the start but can I really be mad if I’m enjoying it. He inserted 2 fingers inside of me while rubbing my clit. I was already a moaning mess. He soon found my g-spot I start grabbing at anything I could Klaus’s arms, his t-shirt, and his sheets. He continued hitting that spot . My legs were shaking he moved his legs letting me sitting on bed I soon finished all over his fingers. He takes them out then grabs my head and turning it to him making me watch as he licked my juices off. He grabs me and pushes me back onto the bed. I grab at his shirt trying to pull it off he smirked and ripped it off for me. I started kissing all over his neck. He took off my leggings and my panties at the same time.
He slid off my shirt then unclipped my bra. He started leaving hickeys all over my breast’s and my stomach. He didn’t leave any on my neck because Rebekah would see them and start asking questions. Not thinking it’s him obviously but wonder if I have a boyfriend or something and I couldn’t have that. It’s like he still wanted to mark me as his. I started pulling his sweatpants down. “Please Klaus I need you” I said with a whine and he pulled his boxers down then slides in me at a slow pace and throws his head back. He pulls out then slams back in fast and hard. I let out a loud moan. He kept going at a fast pace now hitting my G-spot directly because he already knew where it was. I was a moaning mess. I clenched against him as he rubbed my clit. “Klaus I’m-“ I got cut off by a moan. “Go ahead love” he says. I finish around him. He kept going I was overly sensitive. He went harder and faster I felt him building up his release. He went as fast as he could then bottomed out and finished deep inside me then rubbed my clit as I finished one more time. He then collapsed on me I rubbed his the back on his hair and played with hair and also rubbed his back. He sighed into me. He heard Rebekah pull in he quickly got a wipe and cleaned me off then dressed me and ran me to Rebekah’s room with his vamp speed after fixing me up. He wasn’t trying to get caught either.. I don’t know why I did it but I didn’t regret it. I soon get a text from an unknown number. “When’s that happening again” I knew it was Klaus and I know he was smirking behind that screen I roll my eyes and just don’t answer him. I put my phone down and Rebekah walked In and I smile at her.
This one felt so long but it probably wasn’t that wrong 😭. Also I wouldn’t mind writing something about another tvd/original character like kol, Elijah, or the Salvatore brothers. Klaus is my favorite out of all of them. I don’t really know how to write gxg (girlxgirl) or bxb (boyxboy ). Nothing against them at all I just don’t know how to write it. I mean by smut by that but I could write fluffs for them :)
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blenselche · 2 months
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thing to throw in ch4
show simon should have kept comic simon's ponytail IM RIGHT
"..." Simon comes to a decision and takes Finn's arms in his hands, directing him to sit as he crouches low in front of him, gaze searching over his upset, ruddy face. "I can at least return the favor you did me, let me help." Finn lets out a startled, loud laugh at that. "Help!?" His face bursts open, looking manic with wide, bloodshot eyes. "I didn't help you! I-" a deep breath speeds out of him, slumping back into himself, slurring "Simon, c'mon, man. Th's a waste of y'r time." "Finn," Simon's voice cracks watching his nostrils flare as this person he witnessed grow up tries so hard to keep it together. "You're never a waste of my time. I'm only here because of your efforts." He sighs, then slaps his knees and stands abruptly. "Up we go. You have a very nasty cut on your shin." Finn's face cants as he casts a look to his leg, grunting. "Thwacked m'self with th'axe earlier, forgot, didn'feel it." He lets himself be corralled into his cabin with heavy, stumbling feet, directed to sit on the edge of his cot as Simon vanishes into his bathroom. "Don' have first aid, s'fer scrubs," he calls. "Ah, is that so?" Simon's sardonic chuckle floats down the hall. The sink runs and Finn collapses onto his back, drowsy eyes staring a hole into the roof as he argues with himself mentally over letting someone see him like this. "This will have to do, then." Finn feels his leg dampen and he leans up on his elbows, a hot stone of guilt drops into his stomach at what the other man is wrapping his wound in. "Not'cher cute lil vest, man," he whines. "I have other waistcoats, Finn, you have a limited number of limbs left to lose." He motions for his friend to turn himself into the mattress properly. "Come on, don't be difficult," he instructs, rolling the bear skin up and sliding it under Finn's leg to elevate it before dragging a wooden folding chair to the bedside, taking a seat and placing his moistened handkerchief beneath blonde bangs. "Now, why are you day drinking and demolishing your home?" "M'not- m'not wreckin' it, jus' needs t'be replaced." "And you're inebriated at two in the afternoon why?" Simon repeats the dodged half of the question with careful patience. Finn stares at him sadly. "Always am," he lets slip with a shameful slide of the eyes downward, Simon's brows jump into his hairline. "I get up an' drink enough so th'shakes leave. Get all my shit outta th'way, beer at lunch. Ignore Preeb's calls'n break into th'homebrew at dinner. Kinda jus'... skipped a few steps t'day." "... why today? Your m- ah," Simon stutters, "the Minervabot I see asked that I check on you on this date, specifically. Is there significance for you?" He quiets for a moment before uttering "there is for me, though you know that already." Finn's face screws up as his whole body jerks from a dry sob he swallows down, feelings tearing his insides to shreds. He weighs if he should admit the truth, if anyone could understand it's Simon but he doesn't want to put that on his shoulders, not when this is the day he lost Betty. "Finn?" He takes a soppy, shuddering breath in and holds it, then whimpers "he died t'day," almost silently through clenched teeth as the muscle of his jaw jumps. Simon grasps his hand gently, rubbing a thumb over his knuckles, politely ignoring the stress-sweat coating his palm. "Who did?" Finn blinks the tears from his eyes and rolls them back, pounding his chest as he tries to calm down. He points at himself and twirls his hand vaguely, throwing a thumb out the window towards a tree, unable to say his name.
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aromanticautiesworld · 7 months
finn x fem reader whos really into science, rambles on a bunch and finn actually listena to her which she hasnt seen anyone do and actually CARE about what shes saying and immediately starts crushing (they were og friends but it just made her heart flutter and it was a pretty sunset)
YES YES ABSOLUTELY love this <- fixated on astrophysics since he was six and is considering becoming one in the far future
finn with a fem reader who’s a science nerd
word count: 745
Finn called you over for repairs to their telescope not too long ago, something about a fight with the Ice King where he cracked the lense. The sun had already gone down, and the stars (now more visible after all the human’s pesky light pollution was gone) came out of their hiding spots along with the crescent moon.
You stopped the video game you were speeding through, the call being a necessary distraction to pull you out of what would otherwise be many hours straight of gameplay, and a significant lack of self-care.
You pack your bag with snacks, and (of course) books about astrophysics and astronomy (just in case the hangout became a sleepover, or you suddenly needed them. Things can get very chaotic very quickly with Finn), two of your favorite and very closely related sciences. Unlike him, you didn’t want to adventure for your whole life, you did eventually want to become an astrophysicist, maybe study with Peebs.
“Why do you even have a telescope if you never use it?” You say, looking down at the new lense you were trying to install.
“‘Cuz we need it to see any incoming baddies,” Finn waves his sword around, whacking imaginary enemies.
“What about, like. Using binoculars instead,”
“Telescope sees better,”
“Fair point, fair point,” You raise an eyebrow at him, “You do actually know what it’s for, right?”
Finn pauses to think. “I mean…you look at the stars. At least I think you do. I dunno why you’d look at them through that when you can see ‘em perfectly fine from here,”
“It’s cool, trust me! It’s to see them in more detail,”
Finn stares blankly at you.
“So, in space, there’s, like. a hundred billion things—things we can’t even see from here—and this telescope lets you look at all the stuff you can’t see and all the stuff you can see but better,”
Finn sheathes his sword, “I thought there was just the stars, planets and the moon in space?”
“Oh, well. Yeah, but there’s also asteroids, meteoroids, all those decayed satellites from before the mushroom war, supernovas—oh oh oh! Do you know what a supernova is? They’re so cool—they’re basically a big, big star that after becoming a red supergiant they implode in this huge burst of energy that lasts years—and at the end it either makes a neutron star, or a black hole. Black holes are actually super cool too, they don’t let anything out—not even light! Most black holes are smaller than Ooo but there are some massive ones at the center of every galaxy—which is a whole other thing—that could’ve been formed by being compressed at the center of giant stars back in the ancient universe. Also, they’re probably going to be the last thing in the universe but because of hawking radiation eventually they’ll fade away too, and…um…”
You look back over at Finn, who now sat criss cross on the floor of the balcony. He’d been intently listening (even if he didn’t understand some of it) but in your eyes you were boring him. Most people don’t have the energy or desire to listen to your long rants about space, and once you start, the conversation fizzles out and they’re too tired to talk to you.
You look down at your hands, “Sorry, I was rambling again. We can talk about something else if you want, haha…”
“No, no no no,” He had zoned out many times during PB’s talks of numbers and other things kinda irrelevant to him, but for you it was different. Maybe he just likes hearing the sound of your voice, he doesn’t know. “Can you keep going?”
Your heart flutters.
Your rambling continues on into the night, moon and stars slowly moving across the skies. Finn doesn’t add much to the conversation, mostly watches with a fluttering feeling he couldn’t figure out in his chest. Man, you were pretty when you talked.
Many hours later (you don’t know it, but the sun’s coming up soon), you sit by Finn’s side, both of you sleepy from staying up all night.
Finn looks over to you, “Tonight was fun,”
You’re quiet, “…the funny thing is, most peeps don’t like to hear about it. The stars,”
“I wanna hear about the stars, if it’s you talking about them,”
Your eyes practically sparkle, and you pull him into a hug. Finn’s face grows hot, and he freezes before hugging you back.
“Tier one, dude,”
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jake-g-lockley · 2 years
I’m Cold... (Poe Dameron x gn!reader)
Masterlist | Spotify Playlist
Warnings: None, fluff. (Edit: alcohol, i forgot the alcohol warning AHAHAHA)
Word Count: 1.3k words.
Summary: Commander Dameron is cold, drunk, and silly.
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Gif from @userpoe
A/N: I woke up cold yesterday so I wrote this cuz why not. Let me know if someone has done something similar HAHAHAHAH
Tagging: @ahookedheroespureheart
You woke up to someone bashing your door and instantly, you grab your blaster and point it to the door, clutching your blanket and bantha stuffie close.
“Y/N, wake upppp…!” a loud voice groaned from the other side.
You scowl at the voice, anger bubbling in the pit of your stomach as you glance at the clock beside you.
2 am. 
You had a 9 am meeting with General Organa today and you only managed to go to sleep at about 12 am. You knew he was doing this on purpose. 
“Commander Dameron, why are you trying to break my door down?” you say putting your blaster down but not moving from the comfort of your bed. 
The second you met the leader of the Black Squadron, you decided to declare that he was your enemy and he seemed to do the same. Yes, sure, the both of you were fighting for the same cause, but a million stormtroopers could not come close to the disdain you had for your commander. The both of you stubbornly drove Finn, Rose, Rey, General Organa and the rest of the resistance up and over the wall with your constant bickering, arguing and competition. 
“Open up, pleaseee. Your commander commands you to let him in.” he giggled and you hear him slump against the door. 
Great, he’s drunk.
“Dameron, please go back to your room, I have an early meeting, I need to get back to bed.” you say, still not opening the door. 
Suddenly, you hear the familiar whirls and beeps from the pilot’s droid and your eyes widen as you hear him keying the passcode into the keypad with BB-8’s instructions. Two seconds later, the door whooshes open, light flooding in and you see the familiar outline of your commander, your eyes barely adjusting in time to catch BB-8 rolling away at high speed.
“BB, I SWEAR, I'M GOING TO TAKE YOU APART WITH A SLEDGEHAMMER AND SELL YOU AS SCRAPS!” you yell from your bed at the runaway ball of metal. 
The pilot slumps inside and smacks the keypad behind him and the door whooshes close, sending the room back into darkness
“What could you possibly want that could not wait till more civilized hours, Commander?” you ask, hatred dripping like venom from your words. 
“I’m cold.” he simply says.
“You decided to wake me up at 2 am, because you are cold?” you growl through gritted teeth.
“Mhmm.” he smiles, that big toothy grin that would charm anyone into absolution and invites himself to sit on your bunk bed, next to your legs and starts taking off his boots. 
You throw the bantha at his head and he catches it with accurate precision, his reflexes still sharp, despite being drunk. He sets the bantha aside and continues to take off his boots.
“What, Dameron?” You say, slowly leaning up on your forearms and shifting away from him.
“I’m cold.” He repeats, looking at you with his big dopey, soft eyes.
“Yea, you already said that, I can’t do anything to help you with that.” You huff, trying to ignore the little twang in your heart that sounded when you briefly met said dopey eyes.
You scan his face, taking in the pink tint lightly covering his cheeks and nose, his one day old stubble, the gorgeous curve of his jaw, his soft pillowy lips. 
Your hand itches to tuck the little stray curl that had popped away from his mass of black hair. And then you find yourself staring again at his beautiful brown orbs. You often find yourself getting woozy over those eyes, especially when no one is looking.
Ugh, why does he have to be such a pretty boy?
“Pretty boy?” Poe smirked, scooching closer to you.
“I-i didn’t say that, I meant, pretty b-bossy.” You quickly stutter but Poe smiles and without a warning he laid his soft head of hair down onto your stomach and stared up at you, legs still planted awkwardly onto the floor outside of the bed. You tensed, surprised at the sudden contact but eventually relaxed.
“What are you doing, Poe?” You whisper, letting autopilot take over as you run your hand through his soft curls. 
He sighs, pressing the side of his face further into your tummy, his eyes fluttering shut. You swore your heart was begging to tear itself out of your chest cavity with how hard it was pounding and you were pretty sure Poe could hear it too. 
“Can you cuddle me, please, Y/N?” He whispers back, opening his eyes slightly to meet yours again. 
Without thinking twice, you find yourself nodding fervently as he moves his head off your tummy and lays down properly beside you. You immediately bring his head close to your chest, as he pulls himself closer to you, entangling his legs with yours, arms snaking around your body. You slowly cover the both of you with your little blanket. 
He nuzzles close and you find yourself relaxing, the unknown creature inside you taming with the soft whooshes of his breath on your skin. You breathe his scent in, leather mixed with masculine aftershave plus the familiar smell of Jet Juice on his breath. 
“Can you play with my hair again, please?” He whispers after a while, and again you instantly oblige, not understanding what is making you feel this way. 
But you didn’t feel robotic. No. This felt natural and normal. The same way the arguments and bickering felt normal with him. Maybe you were doing this because you hoped he wouldn’t remember a thing tomorrow. Maybe you were doing this just because you longed to do this for so long.
“I’m in love with you.” he whispers, and the words reverberated through your chest and coated your heart like sweet glazed honey making it grind to a halt.
“You’re drunk, Commander.” you teased, once you regain your sense of consciousness. 
“I know you love me too.” he says and you didn’t dare deny it. 
You knew he was the other reason you got out of bed every day. You fought with him because you cared about his safety and hated his recklessness. You wanted to kiss him every time a mission went right. You cried yourself to sleep silently when he took too long to return from the secret missions that the General sent him to. You never wanted to admit your feelings for him and you were glad that this man was stupidly observant enough to do it for you. 
Instead, you bent forward and gave him a soft lingering kiss on his forehead, hands still slowly playing with his curls and he sighs, hugging you tighter.
“Sleep, pretty boy, we have all the time in the world to talk.” You whisper and immediately you feel his breathing slow as his grip on you relaxes.
You woke up to the sound of a camera flashing loudly and you groaned, pulling Poe’s shifting body back closer to you, wrapping your legs around him to keep him from escaping.
“RISE AND SHINE, LOVEBIRDS, WE HAVE BETS TO COLLECT.” Finn, Rose and Rey say in unison as you slowly peak over Poe’s head at them, hiding your heated cheeks. BB-8 was happily rolling around in one spot and beeping in glee. 
“What the hell do you mean by bets?” Poe groaned and turned to look at them.
“Oh please, the whole Resistance has been waiting for this.” Rose squeals, waving the polaroid at your face. 
“Even the General had placed her bets. Oh, we’re gonna be so rich.” Rey says, slapping Poe’s back, making him wince.
You facepalm and Poe swings his leg which catches Finn’s shin, making him yelp. 
“Should we tell them that nothing particularly spicy happened?” you whispered, lifting Poe’s face to look up at you.
“Let them have their fun.” Poe asks, giving you a boyish smirk. “Ready to face the shame of today?” 
“Ready when you are, Commander.” You smirk back. 
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russellsppttemplates · 5 months
you and Max take Finn skiing for the first time
"You have to go slowly at first, buddy, otherwise you'll fall badly!", Max explained to Finn who was very excited for his first adventure in the snow. He had been to young for you to take him, but this year seemed to be a good time to introduce him to the sport and how it worked.
"So I just turn my knees in to stop?", he checked, "yes, I'm going down now, and you'll come down with mama, okay?", Max said before you stood up.
"We've got this, okay? If you fall here, you'll get up and we'll carry on if you want", you assured him, kissing his cheek before getting into position, "on three! One! Two! Three!", you yelled. Knowing your body was obviously different than your son's, you adjusted your speed as best as you could so you could be near him in case he needed assistance.
"I did it, papa! Did you see me and mama? I was almost like her!", Finn exclaimed, "yes, buddy! You did really well!", Max cheered, "I think you're going to be better than mama!", Max winked at you, smiling when he saw your son so excited about the whole thing.
"Can we go on the big one now?", he wondered, "we'll do the small ones first a couple of times, okay?", you assured, sensing that the week would be full of adrenaline.
(Thank you for your submission ✨️)
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finalgirlfae · 1 year
love language, finn wolfhard
pairings: finn wolfhard x afab!reader
tags: fluff, smutty, finn wolfhard
the sound of soft pants wrinkled throughout the room as the green bed sheets scrunched beneath you. your hands cupped finn’s face, pushing deeper into the kiss you two found yourselves in as his hands roamed at your sides. they seemed a bit hesitant, delaying his needed touch.
“you can touch me”
a whisper from you was all the reassurance that the boy needed. he pushed closer to you, deepening the kiss and chasing friction between the two of you. you felt your face heat up as he pulled your body down more. his back supported by the headboard, you leaned forward a bit more to him. the speed of the kiss began slow down as his hands moved from your waist and into your hair, massaging your scalp a it.
a small sigh of pleasure escaped your mouth as his hands left your hair, cupping and squeezing your boobs. you moaned against his lips, a feeling of lightheaded euphoria fogged your brain. you were really in this boys room, sat on his lap and making out with him. your hips began to rotate, moving back and forth as a small whimper erupted from the boy below you.
you pulled down gently from the kiss, instead beginning to place soft and pepper kisses against his neck. finn squirmed beneath you, his hands now rubbing up and down your arms. he pulled away for a second, using his nose to push your chin up. now he was the one kissing your neck, nipping and sucking at all the right spots.
the kisses tickled your hot skin, one bouncing as it ricocheted of another, all of them working to create and indescribable sensation.
“do you have a condom?”
you whispered. he stopped kissing your neck and looked up, brown eyes lovestruck and slightly in awe.
“we’re going all the way?”
you combed your hands through his hair before cupping his face and kissing his lips for a second, you both sighed contently.
you pulled back. “i’m ready if you are.”
finn nodded at you, going back to kissing. he pulled you into a hug, flipping the two of you over so he could be on top.
you giggled as the boy now above you rapidly searched through his nightstand for a condom.
“shh.” his eyes were focused in on the dresser but his hand made its way to your boob, squeezing and playing with it. finally, he pulled out a square silver wrapper.
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