#naruto chat post
beatriceportinari · 4 months
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Another year, another outfit to die in! Happy birthday again Izuna!!!!!!
Like last year, I played with someone else's lines for these charming patterns, thank you so much Lena @elhnrt ! I had a ton of fun :D
Check the readmore for pattern references and explanations, there are some easter eggs in there :)
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My goal for this piece, in addition to playing with patterns and textures and adding some Naruto references, was to add as many death flags as possible.
The idea of having Izuna in a fireman's coat is obviously not from me. I've always like the idea of Uchihas in fire resistant clothes, and the opportunity for a thick texture alongside a reversible double pattern is very appealing. I used the image of the second reference as a base, with skulls on one side and stylized lightning patterns on the other (visible inside the sleeves and collar). Both were common immagery of firemen coats.
The actual skull pattern is taken from the third reference. I'd seen this one before and before even learning anything abt it it was too beautiful to pass up. Those white and navy gradients are absolutely delightful and I enjoyed using my gel pens for them very much.... This particular type of imagery with skulls and bones in a field is called Nozarashi, inspired by Buddhist representation of death and transience.
The lightning pattern itself is a reference to water and lightning dragons :) Like Tobirama's iconic jutsu, it's one of the hints of what's abt to happen to our little guy. The scabbard is also decorated with dragon motifs for the same reason.
The background pattern is taken from the first reference, another fireman's coat with an illustration of Raijin, the thunder god. He is often representated with drums decorated with tomoes. It works nicely as a standard looking sharingan illustration, with a reference to Tobirama's hiraishingiris with the thunder imagery, like the thunder patterns inside the coat.
If you're interested in this I recommend the book linked in the second reference! It is entirely about skeleton motifs in japanese clothing of the early 20th century.
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x-emeraldsky-x · 10 months
Temari: Alright... what movie do you want to see?
Shikamaru: Barbie.
Temari: ... what?
Shikamaru: Barbie?
Temari: Shikamaru... I don't want to watch a movie about a childrens toy...
Shikamaru: You watched Mario with your brothers, that was targetted for kids!
Temari: I grew up with Mario, that was different!
Shikamaru: Pleeease?
Temari: No!
*in the movie theatre*
Temari: *crossing her arms* You're lucky I love you.
Shikamaru: I know I am. Thank you, Tema~
Temari: *grumbling* you're welcome.
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pleuvoire · 1 year
i want to write a funny post about redyue and micchy going to mcdonalds but i'm not good at jokes [weeping and punching the ground]
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chaosnojutsu · 2 months
there are literally still prompts in my inbox from my birthday last year that i never filled but are on my list i swear and yet there’s still part of me that wants to ask for more prompts for my birthday this year lol
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hraishin · 1 year
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flower1622 · 1 month
"I'm smart and you are just the dummy person"
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Madara : Saturne in Sagittarius
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When Saturn's return and karma is real
"Last planet that you can observe with a naked eye, associated with old age, last frontier before death. Saturn is also called the Great Maleficent, an energy usually fear but actually who gives healthy limits and teaches you resilience through hardships. When mastered Saturn is about deep mental refinement.
At first, the optimistic sign of Sagittarius and the dry Saturn seems to not being a good mix. Instead of a passionate adventurer, Saturn tone down its explosive side. Not taming it completely, but adding structure in its original wild nature. Here come the Judge, the dogmatic cleric using the fire of faith to dictate the rule. I saw this in Madara specially in his Rikudo phase when he is thrilled by his own immortality. but also in his old age while talking to Obito. He is the strict daddy teacher who doesn’t let you having fun and reminds you how life is hard and how time is passing and you gonna die anyway…
Saturn accentuates conservatism in everything it touches. It puts limitations, difficulties and confronts you with your fears. In Madara’s life Saturn is his limitation in his search of higher wisdom. He had been told that power can protect your family, it wasn’t the case. Hashirama proposed him to collaborate to his vision of Peace, it ends up being a source of disappointment. He studied the old sources talking about shinobi’s origin but find « despair » when he realised everything was the same cycle of violence back from Kaguya’s time. His belief’s system is always challenged. In real life, people with this tendency ends up either strongly atheist or great spiritual master, no in-between.
After feeling reject from Konoha, his own clan, and ultimately betrayed by Hashirama, he died to the material world. Escaping in research of deep introversion is closely connected to Saturn. At its finest, Saturn is the Monk who finds a mystical experience within himself. Madara reached, in a way, a bitter illumination in the depths of Earth."
Full Madara's birth chart here Uchiha Madara's birth chart : Headcanon
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astarionsknife · 6 months
I'm both a Sakura and Hinata fan and it really feels so disgusting how so many Sakura fans keep hating on Hinata for the most minor of things.
Hinata didn't really want to be a ninja. So no being the strongest wasn't in her plan. Being a housewife is a totally valid goal to be happy about. And people thinking her being creepy with how she watched over Naruto as a kid. She was a kid... One that was incredibly shy and pretty shut off from the world for a bug time due to her family. Not to forget her family is pretty toxic as well. It also just shows the double standard they have because Sakura was pretty much stalking Sasuke and always bothering him while he kept turning her down.
Sakura wanted to be a ninja. She even comes from a family of nonshinobi so she had to work hard to get where she is. She's incredibly smart and skilled even if she doesn't have the genetics to help her. She became one if not the strongest kunoichi in the hidden leaf village and became such a valuable asset in the war. She's incredible. I don't think she should've become a housewife like Hinata. They should've let her be a kunoichi. Fuck it, she deserved the title of Hokage.
Both of them have their strong and weak points. And while I hate how kishimoto writes women, I do value them both and love them both. Pushing one of them down in favour of the other is just counterproductive and stupid. People are allowed to dislike either of them, they're flawed characters and again not very well written at times. People also have personal preferences in characters, but that doesn't mean you have to shit on them and attack those who do love the character.
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trellionhellion · 1 year
"rival" this "rival" that- we get it you're gay
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based-orochimaru · 1 year
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delirious-donna · 2 years
Made the mistake decision to update my masterlists and I have come to the conclusion that my Naruto list is gonna have to have branching character lists as it is becoming far too long!!
Apologies in advance for the numerous posts that are about to flood my page, I am soooo very sorry! (Looking at you @at-heart-artwork, especially if you have push notifs on!! I love you and I'm sorry!)
However, this is the perfect opportunity to ensure your favourite boo has a decent amount of content. If not, you know what to do (requests are open although I have a fair few to get through)!
p.s. you know that Kakashi is swimming in love at this point! ^^
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genderfluid-envy · 2 years
Get to know me tag
Tagged by: @pax-thuban (what do you mean you tagged me roughly two weeks ago? Time is a lie which is to say, thank you sooo much for the tag and sorry for the late reply)
rules: tag peeps you want to know better
Last song: Okay, so technically it's something from MTV's conventional weapon album, but only because that's part of the playlist I listen to in my way back from college. The last song I consciously picked was Inferno from the Promare soundtrack
Last show: Uhh, I'm not watching that many things, but the last thing I actually finished was the way of the househusband? I think?
Currently watching: A Lot. I'm watching Arcane with my friends each Friday, so there's that. Then there's also Steins:Gate, which I started back in April when I was in a hospital and since then I've only ever watched it when waiting somewhere or on long train rides. A friend also got me to start Devilman Crybaby, so there's that. Oh, and I'm technically also watching Umbrella Academy, but it's been a while
I honestly prefer podcasts for the most part, simply because I can do other things while listening to them (like when I draw I always end up just staring at whatever I'm watching, while I can't do that with podcasts)
Currently reading: Nona the ninth!!!!!!!!! The whole locked tomb trilogy is soooooo good
Current obsession: ...My hero academia. The brainrot is so real unfortunately. But the only way I really interact with the fandom is by writing silly little crack fics and via a super cool, small discord server. And also Promare and Murderbot!! But those two are more like background obsessions, if that makes sense? And then there's also the unique flavor of brainrot my head blorbos give me, been thinking about my robot child and their cool dilf real hard those past few weeks <3
No pressure tags: @pplatonic @ace-bard3-paladin1 @spoopy-sloth @trupowieszcz @jade-brace @greedboobs @curiousscientistkae @suugiart
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x-emeraldsky-x · 10 months
Sasuke: Sakura, don't say anything. I will cry.
Sakura: ........... anything. Wait- SHIT-
Sasuke: *covers his face with his hand, silently chuckling*
Sakura: *turns to him and grabs his shoulders* PLEASE DON'T CRY SASUKE, I'M SORRY.
Sasuke: *slowly starts laughing louder and louder*
Sakura: You cry... really weirdly.
Sasuke: You're such a smart ass! That's not what I meant!
Sakura: Yeah, but it cheered you up, didn't it?
Sasuke: *sighs, leaning into her* Yes, it did.
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rsmrymnt-tea · 2 years
I pulled Satan’s ninja card too cus I wanted the pint challenge UR but his devilgram… so much secondhand embarrassment omg 😅
that devilgram is genuinely the one and only satan devilgram i have that i just could not finish ;o; i couldnt take it... i couldnt... i never thought id scream into my pillow from the agony of it all but i did and satan's the one to make me do it
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chaosnojutsu · 2 months
the real conversation we’re not ready for is the fact that the konoha ~12 are collectively the biggest and messiest polycule (comprised of several smaller, overlapping ones) in the five great nations
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pelipper · 7 months
we found a shiny ♂️ salandit tonight, but chat voted and decided to EXECUTE him 🤭
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