#n considering this is his first season in a competitive car fighting others he did very good
killa-trav · 2 years
so mick was told in a hotel lobby he was dropped from haas, steiner berated him in public race after race when it was bc of him and his strategists mick wasn’t able to score points, didn’t let him do donuts bc they was more focused on making sure they didn’t run out of spare parts bc of hulkenburg being in the car for post season testing, baring in mind all teams would’ve had the same issue with it being end of season and all and then laurent mekeis from ferrari was the one to tell mick before steiner that he was dropped from haas??
wallah and i can’t stress this enough i hope haas never score a point in their lives and forever remain a backmarker bc if this isn’t a clear indication that all steiner cares about is sponsorship and looking good for netflix and is in way over his head and out of depth by being a team principle then idk what is
steiner and haas only cared about mick for his sponsorships and the pr that came with being michael’s son and u can tell bc of the way they dragged mick through the mud this year
n the funny thing is that haas only had so many fans because of mick and sponsorships are already leaving the team n i’m sure more will follow suit
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zukkoxx · 3 years
mha boys jealous moments
w/ bakugo, deku, kirishima
warnings: slight season 3 spoilers, fem! reader
bakugo rarely got jealous to be honest.
he was confident in your relationship and knew that you both loved each other more than you could express.
but there was something about the way that baldy, inasa yoarashi who used to go to shiketsu high school, talked to you so enthusiastically and made you laugh your ass off that had him fuming
it was the yearly meet up for the strange friend group, bakugo, todoroki, inasa, camie, and y/n.
the group that had to retake their license exam during high school, which resulted into a weird friendship that had the five meeting up every year to catch up.
the meet up itself was normal. at a fancy restaurant in a private area with an interesting conversation going on.
you were sitting between bakugo and inasa.
somehow, the conversation of first dates was brought up, and everyone was sharing the interesting stories of their first one.
todoroki explained how his first date was with momo, since everyone seemed to like them together. but it made him realize they had absolutely nothing in common
especially when it came to tea…
camie told everyone about how her first date was with some sleaze who only wanted her body for one night, which had you shaking your head is disgust.
anyways, the conversation resulted into you hearing about inasa’s first date, where he explained he was so nervous that his quirk went off involuntarily, blowing the food everywhere.
his enthusiastic story telling and the details he added had you laughing up a storm.
you were so engrossed in the story, that you hadn’t noticed your boyfriend staring at the man with an expression that could only be considered as pure acrimony
what the hell was so funny about what this baldy was saying?
“inasa that’s too crazy! i can’t believe that happened.” you breathed out, going to wipe some stray tears away from your eyes.
inasa looked at you with pure delight, pride filling his chest at the fact that he made you laugh so intensely.
you turned your head to look at bakugo who you hadn’t really been paying much attention to for most of the night.
right away you noticed his familiar grimace, that seemed way more irate than usual.
“what’s wrong kats?” you ask absentmindedly, taking a sip of your drink.
he just shook his head at you before looking at inasa. “that’s a pretty funny story baldy…” he mutters. “you know, my first date was with this beauty right here.” your boyfriend nudges you with a half smirk. “only girl i thought was capable enough to handle me.”
“i can see why. y/n’s quite fierce. i’d assumed she’d be able to put you in your place every now and then.” inasa shrugged, a competitive glint forming in his eyes.
“put me in my place?” bakugo scoffed. “please, a few dates after our first one, i already had her screaming under me. she could barely keep up.”
you gasp, turning to bakugo and slapping his hard bicep. “katsuki! why would you say that?”
he just chuckled, watching as inasa suddenly grew flustered and looked away. “just had to make sure that baldy knew who you’d be going home with tonight.” he kissed your cheek, and you turned away from him, pouting in embarrassment
deku 🥦
we know this precious boy had insecurities growing up, but as he got older they went away bit by bit
you played a big part in it. always reassuring him that he was perfect the way he is and he had nothing to be insecure about.
but being pro heroes and being in the public eye almost all the time did leave some room for those wondering thoughts and doubts to creep back up.
fortunately, izuku found new ways to handle those feelings. gave them head on with confidence like he did with most of his problems.
it was a cool night, and you and your boyfriend had just got done kicking some villain’s ass. of course, tons of reporters were surrounding you both.
“miss (hero name)! how would u describe the performance of both you and deku tonight!”
“was this particular villain hard to fight off? you seem a little more hazed than usual!”
you tired to answer every question as quick as possible, but one particular question you wish you didn’t hear had to stumped to the core.
“have you heard about the recent news of you being shipped with another pro-hero?” the reporter asked.
“wha…no.” you tried to respond, but the question just seemed to get other reporters more hyped.
“much of the public believe you should be with another pro-hero! one that matches your style more!”
“people are predicting the end of h/n and deku! what do you have to say about that?”
“um, no me and izu-ah deku are completely fine. i would never leave him!” you try to retaliate.
“but there are tons of other heroes who have their eyes on you h/n! it’d be stupid to not give them a chance!”
you scoffed at the reporter’s words, trying to go against what they were saying when you suddenly felt a hand wrap your waist and a big frame stand behind you.
“don’t you think if h/n and i weren’t perfect for each other, we’d have broken up already?” izuku comes into frame with a hard expression, his question leaving the reporters speechless.
“it’s been so many years, i don’t think we would continue to torture ourselves in an uncommitted relationship if we didn’t love each other, right h/n”
you nodded feverishly, letting izuku take over as he looked directly into the camera “oh, and to all the pro-heroes who have their eyes on my girlfriend, you better keep that fantasy in your head, cause this girl is all mine.”
he gave you an affection squeeze on the hips before pulling you away to the car.
you sighed out in relief and turned to him with a big smile. “thank you for helping me back there izu.” you smile, and peck his cheek.
“of course. anything for you but…you don’t actually think about being with other heroes? right?” you could basically see the sweat running down the side of his face.
“of course not! you’re my one and only deku.” you smile as he leans in, placing a loving kiss on your lips
kirishima 🪨
it’s really hard for kiri to get jealous
he just thinks everyone has positive motives and doesn’t like to assume the worst.
but when it’s really obvious someone is flirting with you, he’ll get involved quicker than he can harden.
you were out shopping with your red haired boyfie, and he had walked away for a bit to look at the men’s section.
it was only about five minutes when a weird looking man approached you, his aura already feeling off
“hey there sexy lady! saw you looking all pretty over here and i just had to talk to ya” he smiled crookedly, making you cringe.
“i’m flattered but, i have a boyfriend.” you try to smile, turning away and shuffling through clothes.
“well i don’t see him around.” the man says.
that’s always their response. isn’t it?
“he’s just over there in the men’s section. so i’d really appreciate it if you left me alone.”
“come on baby! there’s nothing wrong with having a little fun! i’m sure your boyfriend wouldn’t mind.”
god if this man says one more thing to me i swear i’ll-
“you thought wrong sir.” you hear kirishima say, his usual voice dropping a few octaves making the man in front of you clench up.
“i know she’s already told you she had a boyfriend. what will it take for you to leave her alone hm?”
“i’m sorry dude-“
“yeah you are. now get out of here of while you can still walk.” kiri said, making the man skedaddle.
after he was out of sight, your boyfriend put a hand on his chest and let out a breath. “jeez that was scary babe!”
“eijiro, you’re a pro hero who fights scary villains all the time.”
“yeah! but the thought of someone stealing my baby away is my biggest fear!” he yells.
you laugh “good thing that’ll never happen babe.”
posted 7/1/21
really sorry about kiri’s being a little shorter. anyways hope you guys liked this. i’ll be answering requests tomorrow. it’s about 3:30 AM where i am rn so i’ll get some sleep and work on them right away. hope you liked this. leave a request here -> 🥀
gn loves! <3
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"If only we can see him in a car like this year's top 3, we'll see how his environmental speeches will all of a sudden sound empty/hypocritical in some ppl's ears and how his lgtbqa support will get him hate and side eye. This guy used to be a kind person in the past, too. Where was this admiration and support then? Oh but he was winning, then, I forgot 😱.bThe moment he'll race ppl for wins, all this shipping crap will evolve back to its original form: hate. "
This, exactly, anyone who has watched Monza 2008, with the English comms, would remember Brundle saying how Seb is going to make the other F1 drivers look bad because he is smart, friendly, polite and smiles alot, got nicknamed the Smiling Assassin when he joined RB in 2009, and every single time people would talk about him, they'd mention how nice and respectful he would always be to everyone, from the people in the paddock to his own garage, and then the same media twisted his image when he first properly dominated in 2011, and then just got worse and worse in his time at Ferrari, the only difference being, atleast the tifosi loved him, for everyone else he was always the threat. When I see Merc n LH fans take the higher ground this year in the championship fight, I can only think of all the times they shit talked Seb, Kimi and Ferrari lol, like man went around discussing Ferrari's strategy while depending on team orders to move in front of his team mate, like have some iota of shame. And it's so fun watching RB not pull any punches and play Merc the way they played Ferrari while Ferrari kept quiet and did their thing.
One thing, the F1 page never promotes any of Seb's social messages, so they clearly won't do it even later on, but the media constantly keeps asking him the same questions over and over again, instead of about his races, even though they are all so spineless, they stick to only the environmental causes. Like even after he announced his contract extension, the first question was what will he do after 2022. They have been doing it for so long, so long it actually effing hurts, never gave him any credit for his talent, no ones career has gotten questioned the way his has been, even before last season, when literally everyone else has dropped stinkers of a season. I so wish AM do something, but the way they are working I don't see anything good to come out of it.
And the same people who love him, we're at his throat for Canada 2019 lol, the tractors of 2020&2021 have just made everything worse.
And as for success, Seb was definitely not losing a championship to his teammate, be it Nico or LH himself. 7 years of the most dominant cars, and someone is yet to break many if the individual season records, I don't consider Seb to let go of opportunities to set some more and maybe break his own, knowing his only competition is going to be his teammate. He is extremely temperamental, and that's his biggest flaw as a driver, even this year, it's like if it's not the top 5 he is racing for, he just loses concentration. Man's really is addicted to winning only, lol
And the situation with Kimi has always been annoying, the F1 account actually thought it was a good idea to post a meme compilation, instead of hi best drives on the announcement of his retirement, like please respect the guy who went up against prime Ferrari Michael in a ticking time bomb of a car, and is still Ferrari's last WDC and probably the fastest driver in terms of raw pace since Senna, and I don't think anyone on the grid Kimi has raced with is close to the pace he possesed when had started out in F1.
I guess it's also about how people see the sport, for some the sport itself is important, so knowing the history and the data is fun, for some it's just watching cars go around and enjoying and basing opinions on media narratives.
But it's still annoying af lol
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umccall71 · 5 years
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Chapter 14
Characters:Prince Liam x (mc) Lady Saige
Rating:Mature Content includes profanity, sexual content,talks about depression.
Word Count:2226
Disclaimer: All characters used are sole property of Pixelberry. I am simply borrowing them for entertainment.
Summary:After a summer of a Lifetime Prince Liam thought he could have it all. He was carefree, free, and sharing time with the woman of his dreams. When life as easy a balancing act between love and duty, he realizes his truths are lies, wrong is right, and decisions do have consequences.Lady Saige never imagined she would be one of his consequences. When an act of utter horror throws her world into a tailspin.
Warning: This series contains subject matter of depression and hopelessness .The story may trigger certain individuals. Please be advised. If your reading this series you are acknowledging you are at least 18 +.
A/N: Sorry for the long delay . Things have been hectic. I had to take some time to focus on my health. Thanks for understanding and your patience.
Liam and Saige spent the next two weeks managing coronation preparations,talks of their what happens next, and building expectations for their future. Liam spent long days at the palace with every possible noble schmoozing the new king to be. Every moment that he had a free minute he would send Saige a thoughtful, fun, flirty text.Liam was falling into his new role smoothly, but the mere glimpse of Constantine in his path sent his blood boiling . He fought the urge to want to strangle his father daily. It was count down to the coronation and the exit of the former king and queen. Liam sat in the dark study with the drapes drawn pouring over upcoming trade agreements and his speech to the council upon being crowned king. He heard a tap at the door ,when he saw it open presumptively by Regina and Constantine.
“Liam, it has been impossible to get a minute to speak to you about this foolish notion of us leaving the palace. That … that's just unheard of in Cordonian history. The king father and queen reside at the palace even with the change in power, ``she waves the thought off. “ You will need our guidance in selecting a future queen. Surely you have thought this through with the upcoming social season?”she looked on quizzically.
He squeezed his eyes closed , rubbed his temple, and stood walking over to the bar cart. Liam poured himself a finger of scotch before taking a deep breath to attempt a civil reaction to the woman that had been a mother figure to him since he lost his own. “Regina...did he not tell you there is no need for a social season, I am with Saige and she will rule beside me”, his words are interrupted by a maniacal chuckle.
“Surely you wouldn’t think that some girl from America would be a representation to our people of Cordonia? Liam...she's a ..a commoner, she spat with such disdain and as if the words left a sour taste on her tongue. “Your first true decision after being crowned will be choosing your bride. Don't worry, we will help you make the right choice to lead with you,”
Liam slammed the tumbler down on the desk almost shattering it. “I don't need any guidance with my marriage, nor my decisions as king…. Regina”,he responded through a clenched jaw. “Saige is not some passing fancy.. Or did your husband not share that with you? She will be my better half as we decide together the next chapter in Cordonian history”, he conveyed almost as if he had to convince her she was worthy, “father sees her potential ...don't you?”
Constantine gulped loudly,adjusting his collar uncomfortably considering his next words, “Liam, what Regina means is…”,he is cut off by Regina.”I know exactly what I meant Connie,'' she sneered.”This girl is not suitable to be in contention for a suitor. You are surrounded by a wealth of the finest women Cordonia has to offer.”
“You make them sound like contestants in national dog show competition to be judged…”he snarked. “Why do you seem surprised by what will happen leading up to the events of the coronation? This has all been explained to Constantine...including your departure from the palace, `` Liam stared daggers at his father as he spoke to Regina.
“Liam! Do not be crass… show some respect for your father!”,she barked ...appalled by his words.
“Respect is a commodity in short supply when it comes to father… he has lost mine”, his nostrils flared , liam fought to control his breathing and anger. “I have a lot of work to do, so if you two would show yourselves out….”he trailed off .Liam sat back down in his chair, reached for his phone and stared at his lock screen picture...his bride, Saige. There was something so calming just looking into her eyes, even if it were just her picture. He thought to the moment she would walk through the doors of the palace and consider this her home. He also knew as long as Constantine was there … there was no chance in hell this would become a reality for them.
Regina and Constantine started walking toward the door, but suddenly she stopped and glanced at Liam perplexed by his demeanor. “Something has changed in you Liam. I remember you were the one that was always on your best behavior. We could count on you to do what you were told, ``she tapped her chin with her well manicured french tipped nails.
Liam wouldn’t look up at them as he sent a quick text to Saige.”I will be there soon my love. I missed you all day.” He smiled briefly before hitting send. “Your husband can shed some light on what has caused the shift in my manners and demeanor. When he learns to show respect for others.. Perhaps someone will give him respect in return, ``he responded through gritted teeth.
“Come along Constantine… we know when we’re not wanted”,she huffed our the door clacking her stilettos against the marbled floors down the hall until the sound faded.Constantine glances back contemplating if he should try to get through to his youngest son, “Liam...I hope that one day you’ll understand I meant no harm , but you can have true lady beside you on coronation night.”
Liam bit his bottom lip until he tasted the mercurial salty drops of his blood in his mouth. Every thought in him wanted to thrash his father for yet again disrespecting the woman he loves.. his wife… his Saige.Liam fought the anger coursing through his veins, fighting the urge to end Constantine where where he stands… but he chose to adjust him suit coat, straighten his stack of papers, adjust his cuff links before walking out the door passed his father…. silently. Liam knee he couldn’t keep fighting every minute to convince Constantine that Saige was perfect for him. He thought as he jogged down the stairs, “luckily we won’t have to deal with this backwards elitist attitude much longer.” Liam climbed into the back of his suv as bastien drove him back to Lythikos. He thumbed through his camera roll, viewing the countless candid shots he’d collected of himself with Saige. To see her genuinely smile and seem so light… so free was true happiness to him. “Bastien… I need you and several members of the royal guard to make certain the staff pack up the former king and queen and deliver their belongings to the empty duchy furthest from the palace. They will try to stall hoping I’ll change my mind, but my resolve is unwavering. I need make sure that Saige can explore the palace without bumping into the man that tried to rape her without any sense of remorse.” Bastien nodded in the rear view mirror, “yes sir.”
A short time later they arrived and Liam bolted out of the car and bid Bastien good night. “ Thank you for everything Bas… I won’t forget it.”Liam slowly opened the front door … walked softly up the staircase.. and eased into his and Saige’s bedroom. He toed quietly out of his shoes careful not to startle her if she were asleep . He smiled as he started toward the bathroom to shower before he was pulled from his thoughts by the sound of Saige talking in her sleep, frantically pleading with someone telling them no.. he saw her features tense and scared.
“Please don’t… don’t take our baby… we love him .. please I can’t lose him !Noooooo!” She cried out in a piercing shrill anguish. Liam saw the tears escaping her closed eyes. He made his way over to her and pulled her body into his chest .. holding her as if he were her anchor. He whispered near her ear, “ Saige… baby I’m here… I’ve got you. No one is going to take you away from us… never again. Love.. please wake up”,he pleaded. She slowly began opening her eyes, trying to piece together where she was and who was with her in that moment.Her body shook in horror for what seemed like an eternity
Her voice spoke sounding so small, “ Liam?”
“Yes love...I’m here.. I’m here with you.please tell me what has you do frightened?”, his eyes searched hers for answers, for recognition.
She shook her her , willing the nightmare away. Feeling that if she spoke it out loud it would manifest into her reality.” Saige wrapped her arms around her arms as Liam held onto her body.She wouldn’t stop shaking .., reliving the dream in her wake state.
Saige began to sob again while Liam held her close. Something so paralyzing about her dream. She contemplated telling Liam she feared losing their child at the hands of his father. She knew he was already holding it together by a thin strand. Liam became physically angry every time his father’s name was mentioned. Saige knew that her being attacked by Constantine wasn’t Liam’s fault… although she blamed him briefly.Saige didn’t want to jeopardize Liam in his ascension to the crown. He was born to be the leader and the man he is today… but only if nothing stumbles his path.
Liam’s soft hands held her face and seemed to register that she was truly frightened. “Love… what has you so terrified in your sleep? We promised to protect each other… let me protect you...please.”The room grew silent.. a pin drop could be heard. The palpable pain could be cut with a knife.He knew she wasn’t herself in that moment, but he afforded her the chance to open up to him in her own time. He wasn’t letting the nightmare go, but he felt trying to force her to speak in that moment would be detrimental to her health… her mental stability. He was so proud in the time he’s watched Saige come from that room in the in treatment center to where she had been recently with her new therapist. He wondered what could have triggered her to slip into this dark place.
“Saige… you know I love you with all of my heart.. I want you and our family that we are anticipating”, he gently stroked her arms that were freezing in light of her having been wrapped up. She flinched at the mention of their family. “What’s wrong love… you can tell me anything.. you know that right?”
She paused as she considered what to say… how much to say… wondered would he understand. “ Liam… I don’t know if.. if we should be thinking about a baby “, she sniffed back the tears.” Maybe, you might decide you don’t want to have a family with me.. perhaps there’s some socialite that would be better suited to be the mother to royalty.”
Liam tensed up at hearing her spewing this doubt about her being a mother to his child. “ Saige… you know that I only want you… in my heart .. you are the only woman I need. I couldn’t fathom another carrying and giving birth to my child… our child.”She saw his blue eyes glistening as he tried to control his tears. Not even in passing would he consider not having Saige as his bride and the mother of his children.
She sat up in his arms and then stood .. Saige walked to the balcony doors and opened them to feel the cool breeze on her damp skin. “Liam, what if I get pregnant and then someone takes them from me.. from us? To go through nine months and have that child stolen…”,she trailed off. Saige stares out into the darkness of the lythikos night sky.
Liam strolled over and enveloped her small frame in his arms.. he draped his arms around her.. swallowing her into him. “ Love… where is this coming from ? You were so excited st the possibility of us .. of us trying to get pregnant”, he whispered. “What’s changed? I know you’ve been talking to Dr. Ashton, but what changed to have you thinking I would be better off with someone else as the mother of my child?”
Saige leaned back into him.. collecting her thoughts… “ Liam… I’m tired all the time, I’m emotional, I’m … I’m “, she farted into the room and grabbed her phone. Saige started frantically sliding through her apps until she came to the one that tracked her … her cycle. “It has to be nerves, there’s no way this soon”, she mumbled searching for dates on a calendar.
“Saige.. what is it? What are looking for? Your scaring me a little. Are you alright?”, worry etched on his face. He reached for her when he noticed the calendar she was looking into fearful. Saige .. do you.. do you not feel well? Are you alright?
She dropped her phone to the floor, covering her face in disbelief .. “ this isn’t real. Liam … Liam I’m late… what if this means?”Saige ran to the bathroom and ran cold water over her face . Liam followed behind grabbing a towel and wet it with a cool water . He led her to the side of the tub placing the towel on the back of her neck. “Saige… do you… think you might be pregnant?”
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choiceslife · 5 years
Fluffy ABC’s (Colt Kaneko x Logan)
A/N: So I usually don’t do requests, but someone wanted an ABC for Colt x Logan and reached out to me. This is my first one of these and I’m not gonna lie, I found it difficult to do. For this ABC, I’m imagining these two as only having been together for about six months. Also, it’s fluffy-ish I guess lol
Tagging some of my fellow Colt x Logan fans: @ladynonsense @brightpinkpeppercorn @cinnamonroll-duffy @ritachacha @kevinarima @tabithacarlisle @queen-among-writers @walkerismychoice @pixieferry @thehonorarybeaumont @tmarie82 @debramcg1106 @boneandfur @kendrasgue @riseandshinelittleblossom @rainbowsinthestorm @darley1101 @bobasheebaby
A - Anger (What was their first fight about? Any big or recurring arguments?)
We all know that Colt and Logan fought all the time when they first met, mainly because both were too proud to admit their feelings for the other. Once they finally moved past that and became a couple, their fighting decreased dramatically. Now they just periodically fight about whose turn it is to do the dishes or fold the laundry.
B - Best (What would they say is the other’s best trait)
Colt finds Logan to be surprisingly flexible and Logan is really impressed by Colt’s stamina. 😉
C - Camera (How do they document their relationship? Who likes to take pictures? Or videos?)
They don’t. The way both Colt and Logan grew up, neither was really into doing relationships, let alone documenting it. This really new territory for both guys, but neither is keen on taking pics of each other or creating a Pictagram to share their relationship.
D - Dates (What are their dates like?)
Colt and Logan don’t really do dates like other couples. They don’t plan to go out, it just happens. It’s usually nothing fancy either. One will just randomly ask the other if he wants to “go with” whenever he’s hungry.
E - Early (What was the first month of dating like?)
When they finally admitted things to each other, there was some pretty passionate and intense sex. Like often too. They still get it on pretty regularly, but that first month they’d do it almost anywhere in the garage whenever the crew was away.
F - Friends (How is their relationship with each other’s group of friends?)
Considering they have the same friends, it’s pretty good. Ximena and Mona are just glad these two finally admitted their true feelings to each other.
G - Gifts (Do they like giving each other gifts?)
Colt and Logan aren’t really into gift giving. Unless you count orgasms 😉
H - Hugs (All things involving hugs)
They don’t hug in public, but they do cuddle and spoon regularly in bed together. Logan quite enjoys being the little spoon.
I - Inside Jokes (Do they have any?)
Colt is super competitive when it comes to games or sports, so whenever it gets to be a bit too much, Logan calls him “Han Brolo” after their favorite contestant on AME last season. It gives them both a good laugh and Colt ends up relaxing a bit.
J - Jealousy (Who gets jealous easier? How do they show their jealousy?)
Colt and Logan both have pretty short fuses and tend to react in similar fashion. They tend to huff and walk off without saying a word. Colt tends to jealous more often than Logan.
K - Kiss (How do they kiss? Who usually initiates?)
Their kissing is intense and full of passion. Lately, Logan has been initiating the kissing more than Colt because he wants to make sure he doesn’t lose him. Logan still has worries of being left alone stemming for his past, so he kisses Colt often as a way to express his devotion.
L - Love (How do they first say those three words?)
They don’t say the words, but rather they’ll briefly and stealthily hook their pinky fingers together when they’re thinking it and others are present.
M - Movies (What kind of movies do they watch together? Is it a regular Netflix ritual?)
They’re both into Matt Rodriguez, Chris Winters, and Jason Statham movies. They’ll tell their friends it’s because of the action, but in reality Colt and Logan just wanna see those guys shirtless. Logan secretly loves Tender Nothings, which Colt gives him constant shit about.
N - Nicknames (Things they call each other)
Colt still calls Logan “Pretty Boy,” while Logan refers to Colt as “Crotch Jockey.”
O - One (Tell us about the moment they realized they were with the one.)
Logan felt it first during their first kiss in the ocean. He had never felt anything as electric as he did during that kiss. Colt won’t admit to feeling that Logan is the one, but deep down he’s sure of it.
P - Pizza (What is their favorite food to eat together?)
Colt introduced Logan to sushi, so for Logan he loves to get that with Colt when they go out to eat.
Q- Quit (Do they break up? Almost break up? What happened?)
They’ve only been dating for a short time, but they’ve never thought about breaking up or had anything happen that would cause them to consider it. Mainly because their interactions before confessing their attraction to each other was so rocky. The fact they got through that, both men know they can get through any arguments that may happen.
R - Rainy Days (How do they comfort each other on dark days?)
Logan tends to have more dark days than Colt, but they’ve been getting less and less ever since the two got together officially. Usually, though, when Logan is down, Colt just pulls him close on the couch, resting Logan’s head onto his chest while wrapping his arms tight around Logan’s body.
S - Soft (Something that one of them did that turned the other into absolute mush)
Colt has a surprisingly angelic singing voice and the first time Logan heard him singing the song “Time After Time,” he absolutely wept.
T - Texting (Do they text each other a lot? What do they usually talk about over the phone?)
No. Logan texts more than Colt, but it’s usually simple things like “where are you?” or “pick up beer.”
U - Unique (Tell us about some of their odd habits that surprised one another)
This is actually an odd habit that Colt and Logan developed together randomly one night. They were relaxing on the couch and couldn’t find anything to watch on NetFilms when they stumbled upon Desire & Decorum season one. They both thought it would be a show to make fun of, but they ended up enjoying it so much that they’ll sometimes spend an entire night talking to each other in a British accent. They’ve even taken the act to the next level by role playing as Mr. Konevi and Mr. Chambers in bed.
V - Vanity (Something they’re proud of in themselves and their partner)
From a physical standpoint, Logan is proud of his hair and loves Colt’s abs. Colt enjoys Logan’s eyes and loves his own abs as well. Personality wise, Colt loves Logan’s humor. He didn’t realize how genuinely funny the guy could be when they first met. Logan loves Colt’s intelligence and cocky attitude. Both turn Logan on quite regularly.
W - Wedding (Tell us about your wedding head canon if they’ve gotten that far. Or if not, have they talked about it?)
Oh these guys are nowhere near ready for that conversation.
X - X (Something they hate about the other)
Logan hates that Colt used to hook-up with Salazar. Colt on the other hand hates how long it takes Logan to do his hair in the morning.
Y - YouTube (What are they like online? Do they post about their relationship constantly?)
Neither one of these guys has a social media presence. If they are online, it’s to watch movies on NetFilms or car and motorcycle videos on YouTube.
Z - Zoo (Are they into animals? Do they want pets? What kind?)
Logan is more into cuddly animals than Colt and one day he hopes to have a dog. He loves labs and beagles to be specific. Colt is a huge fan of reptiles, especially lizards.
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rknak · 5 years
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                    *·—————   𝕄𝔾𝔸 SEASON 5 !!
                                                              ( DUO ROUND )                                                 feat. CHOI MINHO — @rkmason                                               ♡   I’m Yours + Down In The DM   ♡
when it’s time for the remaining dancers to stand on the stage, nakyung chooses to stand in a corner at the back. she hadn’t expected to make it to top 3 — especially since that was something they didn’t even know was going to happen. it’s when they’re all standing there that she realizes how small she is compared to everyone else. it’s not only in size but in everything else. when the second name is called and it isn’t hers, the girl covers her mouth with a hand, holding back any other reaction for them to catch. she could probably cry now, but she wouldn’t.
somehow, when they announce who would partnered with who is when her shock truly peaked.
as soon as his name was spoken out loud her eyes went straight to him. of course she knew where he was seated. how couldn’t she? but then they said her name right after which basically meant that next week the two of them would have to be in a performance together. that basically meant that the two of them would have to work together during that entire week. before he can find her, her eyes fall to the ground. oh, god… she had just been paired with romeo himself.
he’s nice and polite ( and tall ) and nakyung can only wonder if he had paid her any attention throughout the competition or if this is the first time he actually heard her name. it’s not something she asks, though, because it’d most likely put them both in an awkward position.
it’s mind-breaking to get his contact information and suddenly, all of nakyung’s dilemmas over being part of something like this appear so small. she was starstruck and that was enough to numb anyone but most certainly lee nakyung, your resident superfan.
minho ( which she guesses is what she should get used to calling him by ) invites her to go out and have dinner together. it’d be good to discuss any ideas and get to know each other and nakyung can’t stop thinking this is probably all false. it doesn’t feel like a dream, but she had had dreams that felt like real life before. she had also dabbled in the fanfic life before. this was a perfect case of y/n and she couldn’t believe she was it and not barbara palvin.
for their first official gathering inside a proper practice room ( provided by him, of course ), he tells her to bring someone else if she’d like just so it won’t be too awkward for the two of them to be together. even if it’s something nakyung hadn’t considered before, she appreciates it. technically, they were strangers to each other, after all, and it’d be smart to be wary of anything.
“come on, please! you can just sit in the corner and do whatever you do!” nakyung chooses her brother as her companion, but the older male doesn’t look too happy with her decision. “it’s romeo! please don’t let me down in front of romeo!”
it only takes a bit of her little sister charm for it to work. her brother does about the minimal that he could. in one of the corners of their practice room, joowon sat and turned on his computer. he had things to do for college, so there were enough things to grab his attention where he was. from time to time, she could still feel his gaze either from behind her or through the mirror. ends up it was good to have him there, after all.
nakyung thought it’d be the opposite, but it makes it less awkward when she asks for minho to sign one of the convex debut albums she owned. it’s better that he felt fine doing it, but at least she pushed that horse out of the rain on their first day of practice. if he had refused she could have worked on getting their friendship mended throughout the rest of the week. turns out things were turning out okay for her. god, maybe she might as well go for the win.
she had never choreographed anything before and it felt heavy on her that minho would probably need to do it all, as well tone it down a bit to match her level of skill. nakyung adds creativity input while they discuss what exactly they’d like to perform, but she would have never guessed to go much further than that. except that when they put their thoughts to practice, the man makes sure to teach her everything properly so that she can get the movements right, and then asks for ideas of her own to add into the final product. it actually felt like she was doing something this time unlike the previous round when she had to prove her worth with a choreography she didn’t have her heart on. she’d really like to win with this. she really would.
their seats are assigned this time so they’re in a corner, minho more than her. this also means they’ll be the first ones to go. she’s unsure how she’ll truly feel about it until she’s on the floor, but right now she’s a bit nervous. the factor of having fewer performances would already put more attention on her, but her partner being one of the people getting the most attention out of this could only mean she’d be getting some of that too — possibly not in a positive way.
so she pulls at her fingers, something the girl usually does when she’s nervous. the only remedy now is to wait.
and she does, sitting where she’s told while occasionally picking at the choker around her neck to make it more comfortable. when it’s time for the judges to go to their seat, she’s not as surprised anymore. there’s only a smile on her lips as she claps for their entrance. they look about as majectic as ever, and the aura around them will probably never truly fade. nakyung wishes one day to be like them, but there’s still a long road to roam.
they had requested a sofa for their performance days prior, to which the staff agreed to deal with. when it’s their turn ( which is the first turn ), one of the couches from backstage is on top of the stage and waiting for them to use it. as numbers go, minho introduces himself first, and then the girl gets her chance to do it too. “i’m contestant 5030, lee nakyung! please watch us nicely!” she seriously hopes they do and that hopefully their high expectations wouldn’t not be met because of her.
she’s the one who starts by laying down on the sofa, minho on the floor. they’d be playing the roles of a cat and a dog, respectively, and a playful fight normally associated by the two animals. the idea came from cartoons they liked such as tom and jerry, and her brother being there made it easy for her to think of how fighting like that could be. and so, their main idea was formed, and hopefully, people would enjoy it as much as she does.
when the audio starts playing it sounds like someone is leaving a house, the sound of a door closing and a car driving off notifying people that the two are alone now. nakyung, the cat, tries to sleep peacefully, but of course, that minho, the dog, decides to go pester her. it’s when their first chosen song starts to play. it’s a soft contrast from what’ll come later, and since it was very famous when it came out, people would probably easily recognize it or sing along.
once she’s out of the couch they start to dance, not completely leaving the theatricals behind them but putting a bit more focus on what they had to show. they had a concept, after all, and they didn’t plan on only using it at the start and then leaving it behind. minho raises her in the air as she extends her legs out and then lands on the floor. when she’s up again, he turns around, and nakyung jumps on his back like a playful cat would. it’s a hard thing to do considering their rather significant difference in height, but the way her arms not so completely connect to his shoulders is sort of useful when the girl slides herself back down to the floor with an unamused face. it says sure, the dog won this time, but a cat is always planning ahead.
it’s when he extends his arms and she goes running to him that this proves correct. her hand in a fist aims at his face, but them practicing it beforehand made it certain that she wouldn’t actually hit him. the loud sound of glass shattering makes it seem like so, though.
nakyung giggles onto her hands and the song around them starts to change. this is the change people should have been waiting for. it’s strong, energetic music, and the girl pops her chest, following along with the planned choreography. they didn’t completely leave their concept behind, however. her hands often act like paws, her expression is coy like a cat, and the added sound of growling puts in the dog factor as well.
as their performance start heading to its end, they get into a shuffle dance leading onto their final pose. minho holds onto her as she smiles to the judges, but the sound of an arriving car warns them that someone is back. as simply as that, the man throws her on the floor, but she catches herself safely after days of practicing for this. nakyung shakes herself in anger and, on her way back to the couch, makes sure to step on minho’s stomach.
back to their original position, it’s how their performance ends.
waiting for a few seconds, she stands up after minho does, bowing to the judges and the other contestants before walking back to their assigned seats. the whole way there, there’s a smile on her face. what they had to do was done, and now all that’s left is watching everyone else. “i think we did well.” she whispers minho’s way while the next act gets ready. she truly thinks they did.
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Dean & Cas Are In Love
A hopefully one day conclusive study of these assholes, hopefully told as briefly as I can.
Written for the people in the fandom who care but sometimes need a pick me up on this, and not written to prove a point to anyone who doesn't already care. <3
Dean needs Cas to get Dick
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... They boned him together. 
Slightly less visually erotic and more punnery innuendo-y parallel of Sam and Dean killing Ruby together in 4x22 >.> 
Season 7 ends, and this episode is dependant on the journey Dean and Cas go through to make amends. There is no formal goodbye or even good luck between Sam and Dean - their last conversation is about Bobby, and the funeral scene is their last real shared scene; after that it’s Dean n Cas paired together until the end.
But let’s start at the top :D
While Carver era isn’t utterly devoid of barbs like this, I’m honestly struggling to think of one that is so overt aside from the deleted 10x14 scene than Meg’s “he was your boyfriend first” line. I feel like this is the end of the really on the nose teasing and jabbing at them as if being in love is an insult, and the beginning of a more nuanced handling - and don’t worry, deleted scenes are on my to-do list as we get deeper into Wonderland >.> 
Through Cas’s return, Meg has acted as a block and a romantic rival, in both overt and not so overt ways. She shows up to get between Dean n Cas having more private reconciliation and then seems to “win” who gets Cas, while admitting freely it’s a power grab and for her own protection against Crowley. By 7x23 she shows up fed up with Cas and unable to deal with him, handing him off to Dean to talk to and try and reason with him. Considering the ownership battle she conjured on her end, it has the feeling of conceding ground, and in this case she frames it in the romantic terms of Cas having been Dean’s boyfriend first. She treats it as if it were a fling and she is resigning from the competition to bag Cas as a boyfriend, and returning him to Dean. While she hangs around and helps some more, for the rest of the episode, she no longer hits on Cas or does more than look at him a few times, while Dean is left to deal with him.
The moment where Dean goes to talk to Cas in the car, I like that moment where Dean takes a breath... Those top two gifs have been thrown around fandom a lot out of context or for fun, but there’s serious stuff going on in them - as often with this show and/or fandom, the funny things have a real story to them. I like that Dean is still struggling to face Cas, but he will make the effort in a way that Meg clearly won’t, and talks him to come inside with gentle, friendly persuasion. But like with 7x21 before he goes to talk to him in the day room, he needs a moment to face Cas in this state, as he finds it saddening and troublesome to talk to him, though, unlike Meg, he makes an effort. 
Then, we have their ongoing argument which builds up over the course of the episode, but by this point bubbles over about WHY they need Cas to get Dick. And why Cas has been resisting the entire time. His self-worth from the whole betrayal and Godstiel thing is obviously his most prominent, painful trauma. He has to spell out for Dean why he won't help, but this is the most clarity he shows in a while, and in this episode Gamble writes his non-sequiturs as very clearly labelled avoidance of questions or thinking about his problems. In 8x08 we'll get another look into his head when he talks about avoiding going back to Heaven with Dean, and I suspect that's based on the intention with how he was feeling during this time as well.
Dean responds by bubbling over with his own shit; this is for both sides of the argument, their stuff in 7x21 finally reaching its conclusion, and of course both are mis-handling it in some ways, through avoidance or anger, and are not at their optimal harmony... To be delicate about it >.> It's harsh to watch, but Dean's anger about Cas is not (just) selfish or motivated to save them - we see multiple times his own pain at seeing Cas in this state, and lines which betray how much it hurts and how he wants Cas back to how he was because, you know, Cas is his friend and he cares a lot about him. Translated into anger, he lashes out with his pain in the situation, the unfairness that Cas can avoid and refuse to help when he caused all that harm, and even to this day is something where Cas still feels bound to make amends for things that he broke - season 13 finally returning to the theme of how much damage he did to Heaven. Dean telling Cas this so harshly is the painful shock that pokes at Cas's guilt, but also betrays Dean's own pain and investment in Cas's situation.
As with moments when they physically attack each other, obviously emotional lashing out betrays care but shouldn't be like... romanticised and stuff. Just, taking this in a fictional story setting etc.
Anyways, after this, Cas goes into a defensive full denial mode for a bit, and they turn to doing Bobby's passing on; at the end of this scene, the camera dramatically pans to Cas with rising dramatic music, and it turns out he watched the whole scene. Of course though he was not a part of his, his presence is necessary and important, because he cared for Bobby too, and Bobby died fighting the leviathans, which Cas unleashed. This is part of his "mess" as Dean put it, and something he confronts, silently, on his terms. There's no camera work to suggest Dean sees Cas watching but I like to think that he does, as he was facing the right way, and between Dean yelling at Cas, and him going to him in peace, this is the only thing that happens. I think Cas's remorse is very important even though it may be silent, as is bridges these moments, giving Cas honest reflection which he can't divert from - seeing Bobby, someone he cared about a great deal, as a ghost that they're forcing to move on. And Dean knowing that Cas came and watched this and was a part of the family scene despite his current withdrawal from helping them.
Dean approaching Cas is wonderful because finally he doesn't demand Cas help them, but finds a peaceful middle ground of something Cas can do to help but that doesn't involve violence, meaning that despite all of Dean's anger, he wants to help Cas find a way to help them, to clean up his mess, but to do it on terms which Cas can handle. This peace also allows Cas to think about it in non-confrontational terms, and to face up to what sending Dean in to fight Dick alone will mean if he doesn't help.
The "I'd rather have you, cursed or not" line has been picked over a lot, both positively on gifsets and general squeeing, and negatively about its connotations that it can still carry a suggestion that Dean only wants Cas to help them because he's the only one who WILL help them, at this stage, and they know that they need him. I like the line after it better, as it's the much more personal appeal, the sense of them being in it together, and that it's not just anything - this is something that Dean feels as a connection between them. The less emotional pep talk and more personal nonsense the line, the more it really means, as he's not saying this in the same tone of voice as rallying Cas, just pointing out that they're all in shit creek together.
Cas understands what Dean's getting :D
I should have giffed as well, but no room and I have to make cuts somewhere, Cas asking about what the plan was - because the plan involves Cas being brought along PEACEFULLY, only for Dick identification, while Dean was supposed to be the one to fight Dick alone, Cas at his side, but the expectation was that Cas had one role and Dean had the other.
In the end, they tag-team him. :')
Also: Dean's absolute trust that Cas knows Dick when he sees him, and Cas defending Dean from Dick advancing on him, after all that stuff about not fighting, once again as with deflecting Hester away from Dean, he steps in to protect Dean, and even grabs Dick from behind so Dean gets his clean second shot at him that does the job.
Of all season finales, 7x23 really floors me for how embedded the Destiel narrative is in it, when this isn't even a majorly Destiel season for obvious reasons, and I never felt like Gamble wanted much to do with them in that sense. Whether it's just because of leading into Carver era or what, or the need to make amends both in the writing for Cas and in the meta level for the writers, once Cas was back this story was oh so very much about and for him, as he was the one responsible, and he had both emotional damage with Sam and Dean, and plot damage to handle. If he was to return as a main character next season and have even halfway a reboot back to a regular Cas, he needed a full redemption in the narrative, and to be brought back into play alongside Dean and back in his rightful place at his side. And this is the set up to get them there, from the awful mess left at the beginning of the season. :D
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Warning: Unfinished prompt (+ unedited). 
I don’t want to leave this over the holidays, and didn’t have time to finish it fully so here’s an unfinished holiday prompt that’s been sitting around in my drafts for the past two weeks!
Prompt (unfinished): You have to plan the work Christmas party with the resident grinch, Min Yoongi. 
“No.” You said clearly to Namjoon, your boss. Whilst you were happy to plan this years festive celebration to end the year at work, you couldn’t imagine planning it with Mr. Grinch Mc Grinch Min Yoongi. Min Yoongi, you didn’t even know how he managed to end up being a lawyer. He only spoke to his stream of pretty secretaries and Hoseok from the Intellectual property team who was the complete opposite of him. 
“Y/N, I’m planning on putting the both of you on a major case and this type of team building is really important for success on this case.” Namjoon pinched the bridge of his nose, already tired of your defiance. 
“Can’t Taehyung help? He’s just as festive as me!” You protested. 
“Taehyung’s an overgrown child, you know I can’t put two people like you to plan this.” 
“What do you mean, 2 people like you?!” 
Namjoon raised his eyebrows, gesturing to your Christmas jumper that was under your blazer. 
“It’s December 1st.” He said, closing the case and getting up. You made a sour expression muttering how he was just as grinch as Yoongi under his breath. It’s not like you were wearing Christmas jumpers in June...but did Christmas jumpers even need a season? 
“I’m late for lunch, start planning ASAP. I’m bringing my girlfriend to the party this year, so don’t mess it up.” He said, not taking another word as he sped out of his spacious office. 
This was a nightmare. You loved everything Christmas and from what you knew, Min Yoongi was the anti-thesis of holiday cheer. You remembered how he rolled his eyes at the kids from the schools initiative that came in to sing Jingle Bells. Whilst everyone else on the office complex cheered the little kids on, Yoongi was sat in his office with headphones in. It didn’t stop there, he even rejected the sugar cookies that you baked and brought into work last year. No one, could resist your sugar cookies. 
Planning the work christmas party was supposed to be a great honour, only reserved for the most trusted employees. You knew Yoongi was a good lawyer, but couldn’t Namjoon pick someone who would actually help you pull off the best Christmas party ever? Clearly Namjoon trusted you a little too much. 
No, there had to be a way around this. Determined, you took it on yourself to march into Yoongi’s office, ignoring the look of disapproval that was shot your way by his new secretary. 
“Y/N. To what joy do I owe the pleasure?” Yoongi said, never looking up from his paper work as you barged in with your arms crossed. 
“The joy of being partnered with me for this years festive party.” You said. 
“Is that supposed to make me feel happy?” He raised his eyebrows.
“It’s Christmas.” You added. 
“People want to remember how I pulled off the most amazing christmas party that Park and Jeon Co have ever seen.” 
Yoongi scoffed, going back to signing his documents. After the third page of constant signing you had enough. 
“Yoongi!” You protested. 
“Hmm?” He drawled, never taking his eyes off his papers. 
“Quit your deal for a second and listen to me!” 
“You think a multi billion dollar deal is going to stop and wait for your little commercialised office party?’ He asked, a sign of irritation on his face as he looked up at you from his work pausing. You had all of his attention. 
You were annoyed. Yoongi had evidently decided to take a page from law school at you, and you weren’t going to let it slide. 
“The duty of care in this case would fall on your personal too, considering the entire office wants a break at the end of this month.” You shot back, without flinching. 
Yoongi bluffed again. “Well, technically the client in question would”. You sighed internally, you weren’t about to make a mock legal case out of this situation. 
“Just meet me at Lombard’s next Thursday, 3.”  You sighed, Lombard’s was an infamous venue that you were planning to test out for the office party. Whilst you would have loved nothing better to do than to sit there and plan the most spectacular festive do yourself, you also had cases to plough through and couldn’t afford to put so much pressure on yourself.  
“Of course.” Yoongi said absentmindedly. That was code for a ‘sorry, I had cases to file’ or ‘I had court’ as an excuse. Too bad you were good at reading people, you’d send him reminders every day until he would turn up in explicit writing. No one was going to step on your party throwing parade. 
“Excellent.” You said smiling brightly. Yoongi, almost reacting to the unnatural situation to him, where he expected another whine or scream from you raised his eyes up at you suspiciously. There had to be something up, but Yoongi really didn’t have time for that, or you now. From what he knew of you, you were roughly in the same league as him when it came to years in practice, favourites of Namjoon from what he had heard but also complete polar opposites. He knew you from when you first interviewed at Park and Jeon Co, because he had been in the same interview. He knew you were one of the ones that left the office at 9 smiling, and he found that weird. He also knew you were an avid baker, bringing in all sorts of delicacies to work bake sales which were always mysteriously gone by mid morning because of an anonymous donor who bought all the pastries you bought in, Yoongi knew because he was the donor. 
He knew, well...everyone knew that you loved Christmas. Everything about the season, from the displays in store windows to the carols sung by kids had you starry eyed. Christmas lovers made Yoongi feel nauseous. He saw it as the most vile, commercialised holiday to exist on earth. People ended up fighting for no good reason, over money. Yoongi knew his job involved settling disputes over money, but to use a holiday as an opportunity to fight- over money? That was something he didn’t understand. 
You finally left him in peace and Yoongi went back to his work, thinking it was the end of you at least until next week. He knew very well how much office Christmas parties were a thing, around here but he was going to try his best to avoid it. You were Y/N, still his competition. He needed Namjoon to believe that he was the best junior lawyer in the office, and the more work he could do the better. 
“Send these to Mr. Min’s Office please.” You said kindly to your office assistant, Brenda pointing to the wrapped up box on your desk. 
“Are you...two a thing or something?” She asked taking the box, probably curious about the third and last delivery of the week from your office to Yoongi’s. 
You nearly spit out your coffee. 
“Me, and Yoongi? Please.” Whilst Yoongi could certainly catch eyes, with his cool exterior and witted brain, he was the anti-thesis of your type. No emotions. 
“Namjoon’s got the both of us planning the Christmas party this year. I’m sending him festive reminders about the spirit of Christmas.” You said, and the latest gift to go his way was a set of baked mince pies straight from your grandmothers recipe book. Usually you only reserved baking those for special events, but you were calling out all stops in getting Yoongi on board. You also wrote a handwritten note, reminding him about the importance of loving others.
Brenda smiled, reading the handwritten note before saying she’d deliver it to Yoongi. 
“These are very good, spicy and sweet. She’s got some serious talent, should have been a baker really.” Jimin, Yoongi’s partner for a asset transfer case said in between bites from Y/N’s mini mince pies. 
“Who said you could have any?” Yoongi asked without looking away from his laptop screen. 
Jimin’s mouth hung open. 
“Um, well they were just placed there and-”. 
“Let’s just work on this file.” Yoongi cut him off. His eyes were trying to focus on the important file in front of him, but they kept flitting back to the note in front of the pies. He had read the others, and was mildly amused and was curious about this one. Seeing Jimin immersed in the file, he lost resolve and took the note opening it. In elegant script that belonged to you, he read the note. 
“Christmas will always be as long as we stand heart to heart and hand in hand”. 
Yoongi smiled. Dr Seuss, his favourite childhood author. He was taken back to earlier, more innocent memories with his parents. Playing in the backyard with his brother, waiting for the snow to settle, racing with the neighbours kids. Waiting for the food to be cooked and sneaking bites in. 
“What’s got you smiling?” Jimin asked, looking up to see a faint smile on Yoongi’s face. Yoongi quickly broke off the smile, scrunching the note in his hand and telling Jimin to read the third page of the file again, because he knew it had some curious facts and Yoongi needed to snap out of the trip down memory lane you had caused. 
Safe to say though, Yoongi was reminded of Lombard’s and he wasn’t going to give it a miss. 
Strangely enough when Thursday rolled around, it was Yoongi who was the first to arrive at the high end event venue. Dressed impeccably well in a tan coat, he attracted attention the moment he stepped in. Whilst he told the receptionist about meeting someone here, he was offered a seat waiting. The view from Lombard’s was breathtaking, even from the first floor which gave him a wide view of the cities cars zooming by against the backdrop of aesthetic buildings. 
Yoongi was about to call you to see where you were, considering you were 10 minutes late for the meeting. Seeing as you weren’t answering, Yoongi stared out the complex in frustration. That’s when he saw you. Of course, he thought. 
Of course you would be the type to stop and listen to Christmas carols. Scoffing at how ridiculous you were, a hot shot lawyer being the only one who stopped to listen to Christmas carols. Yoongi, curious decided to go out and catch a better picture. 
Upon walking to you across the road, he could see how happy you were. You were encouraging the children, cheering them on like you were their mother. Yoongi felt in unfamiliar territory. 
“Sing with us, sing with us!” He heard coming right up next to you, before the children took one look at Yoongi and piped down. Yeah, he knew he had that kind of effect. 
You looked at him. 
“I don’t have all day, I’ve already given up 10 minutes of my day. ” Yoongi said, impatiently. 
The children were looking at you with doe eyes, and they had insisted on you singing a christmas carol. You weren’t about to say no, their precious little cherub faces were staring at you. But you also had to plan an event. 
“Oppa here will sing with you! Noona just needs to sort some things out.” You said, pushing Yoongi to the crowd of children. Yoongi, usually composed looked at you were horror. 
“W-where are you going?” He asked, afraid of the little humans now gathering around him. 
“I have all the registration details in my purse, so I’ll just sign us in with the host today! I’ll come back for you in a few minutes, just do this Yoongi!” You said, pleading him with doe eyes yourself- a tactic you only reserved for desparate situations. 
“Yah!” Yoongi yelled, but it was no use. You were gone, and he had a bunch of little humans around him. 
“Ajusshi please sing!” They yelled at him. 
Yoongi did a double take. “Ajusshi will tell your mother you cheat on your maths tests, if you call Oppa Ajusshi one more time.” He said bluntly. 
They gasped. 
“Please sing with us, we’re raising money for children’s services throughout the holidays.” A little boy said in a weak voice, where any other adult would have melted. 
“I don’t sing.” Yoongi replied. 
“Aj- Oppa! Everyone can sing, just say AHHHH.” A little girl, who Yoongi figured was some sort of ring leader took control. 
“Ah.” Yoongi said bluntly. 
“Oppa!” The little girl protested, stomping her foot down. 
“Learn some respect, squeak.” Yoongi said, staring the little kid up and down. 
“Sing, please Oppa it’s for a good cause!” 
“Or just give money.” A boy, gleefully smiling said. 
“No. You’re all annoying.” Yoongi replied back. 
It was surprising how much Yoongi could bicker with a group of 9 year olds, but he could. Even more surprising was how he despite being a lawyer, couldn’t fight battles with kids. 
“I’m back! How was your sing along?” You asked cheerfully, coming back from signing in at Lombard’s. 
“Aju- Oppa won’t even sing! We really wanted to raise money with adults singing with us.” The little girl who took control confessed. You looked at Yoongi and sighed. 
“Can’t you even do this little thing, Yoongi?” You asked. 
“Why? This cash doesn’t even go to the children who really need it.” He said, blunt as ever. 
The children gasped. You were shocked. 
“I’m sorry kids, some people have no Christmas spirit inside of them.” You said, apologising for you ass hole of a co-worker. 
“Learn about capitalism while you can kids, it’ll save you a whole lot of stress.” He said, a final comment to the group of innocent caroling children. 
Whilst the children said their goodbyes and moved on, you decided to keep as much distance with Yoongi as possible. He couldn’t do a little favour for some kids, instead accusing the money they were raising of going into their own pockets. 
“Why are you so quiet?” He asked, after you both had finished going through the financial details of the venue inside Lombard’s with a host representative. 
“I’m just thinking...how could someone be such a Grinch? To little children at that?” You said, blunt as Yoongi for once. 
“Me? What’s so  bad about what I said?” He asked, like it was so casual.
“What isn’t bad? Yoongi they were just trying to raise some money to give to sick kids. 
“Do I look like I have the time to sing with them?”
“No, and that’s the point! That’s the point of Christmas, you do things for other people because it’s the right thing to do.” 
“Then why is it most people start a competition about who can out-do each other?” Yoongi retorted.
“That’s not really what Christmas is supposed to be about. The people who do that aren’t really in it for the spirit.” You said. “Most people, most families don’t.” 
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torentialtribute · 5 years
Klopp’s Liverpool are an F1 car… now for the chequered flag?
It's like buying a suit. It is like driving a Formula 1 car. Rafa Benitez has enough metaphors to compete with the strongest teams in the history of [PremierLeague . What he doesn't have is a way to curb them.
Nobody does that. Citizens, those outside the industry, can enjoy this most exciting, high-quality title race, but from where Benitez is seated there must be no small despair. His Newcastle team came close to Liverpool points and lost; in January she actually defeated Manchester City by Pep Guardiola but look at them now.
That Newcastle was undone by Divock Origi, in fact Jurgen Klopp [fifth-choice-streamerthegapedinthegapofthecompetition-wasboughtfor£10millionin1909[1945] 2009909 [1945] 2009909 [1945] 2009900 [2009 ]900 [2009 ]900 [2009 ]900 [2009 ]900 [2009 ]900 [2009 ]900 [2009 ]900 [2009 ]9009 [1945]900 [2009 ]9009 [1945]9009 [1945]9009 [1945]9009 [1945]9009009009 [1945900]
2009900 [0900] -1a329b19877f4a62 "src =" https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/05/05/21/13125888-6995377-image-a-6_1557089842633.jpg "height =" 337 "width =" 634 " alt = "<img id =" i-1a329b19877f4a62 "src =" https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/05/05/21/13125888-6995377-image-a-6_1557089842633.jpg "height = "337" width = "634" alt = "Liverpool kept pace with Manchester City in title race thanks to a big win at Newcastle"
Liverpool kept pace with Manchester City in title race thanks to a winning win over Newcastle
<img id = "i-99ac4c3fd8e23bea" src = "https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/05/05/20/13123236-0-image -a-88 _1557083281105.jpg "height =" 437 "width =" 634 "alt =" Newcastle from Rafa Benitez came to the rescue and he was very close to getting points at Liverpool on Saturday. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom
Rafa Benitez & Newcastle desperately came close to getting Liverpool points on Saturday
<img id = "i-101b7d55855a380e" src = "https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/05/05/20/13123224-0-image-m-90_1557083305711 .jpg "height =" 524 "width =" 634 "alt =" Divock Origi was the man who came up with the winning goal for the visitors "
<img id =" i-101b7d55855a380e "src = "https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/05/05/20/13123224-0-image-m-90_1557083305711.jpg" height = "524" width = "634" alt = "Divock Origi was the man who came with the winning goal for the visitors "class =" blkBorder img- ]
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Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, who has cost £ 35 million. Riyad Mahrez no longer starts in Manchester City, but has been raised for £ 60 million.
& # 39; We were competing – but then their team makes the difference, & # 39; he said. & # 39; People ask me about my Liverpool against this Liverpool. We had players from the bank that were £ 1.5 million; this team has players that are nearly £ 40 million.
& # 39; These clubs have larger squadrons than the others, so even if you make a mistake as a manager – the player who comes off the bench makes the difference. "
If this sounds like pop to Klopp, that was not the intention. Benitez was full of praise for Liverpool and the way they played under the intense pressure to keep pace with Manchester City. His argument, however, content
The winning goal of Liverpool was scored and made by two substitutes: Origi and Xherdan Shaqiri.
If plan A does not function as hoped for, plan B will invariably introduce more high-quality players , individuals who would be the body names at a club such as Newcastle.
Liverpool has a much greater depth in depth than Newcastle, a point made by Benitez
Liverpool has a much greater depth in depth than Newcastle, at a time made by Benitez
So on the one hand, it's good for the competition to have a title race of such incredible intensity; on the other hand, it is useless for the competition to have two teams so far ahead. But don't worry, Benitez has an analogy for that. Different, in fact.
& # 39; As a coach you can improve players, bring them to a certain level & # 39 ;, I explained, & # 39; but ultimately you will achieve maximum efficiency. It is like being a Formula 1 driver. You can fight around the bends because you can use tactics – but once it is straight, they pass you because they have more. You can be the best driver in the world, it doesn't matter, they pass.
& # 39; With a better team you can get injuries and stay consistent. If we lost Salomon Rondon, it would be very difficult for us. Liverpool can lose Mohamed Salah and Roberto Firmino and they play Daniel Sturridge and Origi. And those players can make a difference. These clubs play the big money, the big wages, they go early on the transfer market.
& # 39; So it's like buying clothes. If you have £ 1,000, you can shop in this section, but if you have £ 10,000, you can shop in that section. And the material is much better. So, if you have no idea about clothing like me, you will look good.
<img id = "i-1427213818d62931" src = "https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/05/05/20/13123220-0-image-a -93_1557083559279.jpg "height =" 427 "width =" 634 "alt =" The Newcastle manager is held in such high regard, but says coaching can only go so far "
<img id = "i-1427213818d62931" src = "https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/05/05/20/13123220-0-image-a-93_1557083559279.jpg" height = "427" width = "634" alt = "The Newcastle manager is held in such high regard, but he says coaching can only go that far" class = "blkBorder img-
It's a fair point, but only so far, Liverpool and Manchester City have more depth in their team, that's true, and it must be hugely frustrating to be an excellent coach, Benitez, undoubtedly fighting the glass investment ceiling and therefore potential.
Benitez is right, he spent money on Liv erpool, but the last time he played this competition – Newcastle away – on December 28, 2008, one of his substitutes, David N & Gog, was recruited for £ 1.5 million. Nabil El Zhar was unused on the couch and bought from Saint-Etienne for £ 200,000.
Yet it is not only the recruitment that has brought Klopp & # 39; s Liverpool to the top of the league with another game to go. ] A clearly defined style – the rapid counterattacks started by keeper Alisson via for example Andrew Robertson – supported this victory, and Klopp & # 39; s man management has produced heroic performances under enormous pressure
Twice, through Rondon and Christian Atsu , Newcastle came back in the game, but Liverpool found reserves of mental strength to win.
<img id = "i-ee22da92f784fe45" src = "https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/05 /05/20/13123338-0-image-a-94_1557083680742.jpg "height =" 434 "width =" 634 "alt =" Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp hugs Sadio Mane after the crucial 3-2 victory on Saturday "class = "blkBorder img-share" Sadio Mane after the crucial 3-2 victory on Saturday "
Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp hugs Sadio Mane after the crucial 3-2 victory on Saturday
Fabinho's horrific plunge to leave the crucial late free kick to the bad taste, but Shaqiri & # 39; s pin-point delivery and Origi & # 39; s header were the embodiment of resilience required to capture titles
Yet there is another scenario in which Liverpool collects 97 points and City on the last day, 98. Liverpool would have lost one game the entire season and did not win the League. They would, perhaps, be among the top five teams in English football history – and still not be champions.
Psychologically, it could be devastating.
What would be the last, what would he say? If so what would he say? to inspire his team and overcome the disappointment? I have greeted the question with something close to disbelief. & # 39; We don't think about it, why should we? & # 39; he insisted
& # 39; Before the season you want to become champion and the moment you realize that this cannot happen, you are always disappointed. For some it is the first day of play, for the last day of play. It is clear to us: we have tried everything we can.
We cannot do more. The boys have already done more than I thought was possible. So we don't prepare for what happens after the game, we prepare for the game and we'll see. Let's try to get 97 points and then we are ready for judgment.
<img id = "i-47deac5417815c9d" src = "https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/05/05/20/13123364-0-image-a-96_1557083797422. jpg "height =" 450 "width =" 634 "alt =" Liverpool has placed themselves in such a strong position but their fate is out of their hands "class =" blkBorder img-
Liverpool has placed themselves in such a strong position but their fate is out of their hands
& # 39; I am not a journalist. I just say it. And in my mind we win. I know it may happen that we don't, but frankly I don't think about it. Negative scenario & # 39 We treat that when it happens.
& # 39; When I came to Liverpool, I realized that we should do it the hard way. Happiness is not always with us. not: "Wow, luck again." So hey The club, the boys, is ready. And whatever happens, it will be a successful season. "
Of course, some will argue against that. No time for losers and all that nonsense. If a team with 97 points and a defeat can be considered failed. Real Madrid once reached 96 points, at that time their highest totally ever in La Liga, and second in Barcelona.
Manuel Pellegrini, the manager, was promptly fired – no chance that with Klopp – but a point shortage and the mental preparation for next season must possibly five minutes after the end of this campaign.
Meanwhile, Benitez and the rest of the Premier League continue to focus on closing the gap on the biggest losers of English football, whoever they are, who they are they also are.
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