mywitchlingjourney · 2 years
Full moons correspondences
Wolf moon (January) also known as cold moon, air
Inner power, insight, assess your journey, protection, personal developement
Ianna, Freyja, Skadi, the Morrigan, Hecate
Wolves, foxes, coyotes, blue jay, pheasants
Hematite, ruby, selenite, moonstone, opal, garnet, jet, onyx, obsidian
Black, white, silver, violet
Snow moon (February) also known as storm moon or hunger moon, air and water
New starts, ambition, change, creativity, reflection
Brighid, Diana, Juno
Otter, eagle, chickadee, unicorn
Amethyst, jasper, moonstone
Purple, light blue, yellow
Worm moon (March) also known as seed moon, water and fire
New growth, set intentions, renewal, balance, prospering
Mars, Tyr, Athena, Isis
Cougar, bear, hedgehog, sea crow, sea eagle
Aquamarine, bloodstone, jade
Pale green, red, violet
Pink moon (April) also known as hare moon, fire and earth
Rebirth, discovery, fertility, goals, openings, opportunities
Aphrodite, Venus, Hathor, Kali, Rhiannon
Bear, wolf, hawk, magpie
Diamond, quartz, emerald
Pale yellow, pink, gold
Flower moon (May) also known as fairy moon, earth and air
Abundance, gratitude, romance, maturity, intuition
Bast, Artemins, Pan, Cernunnos
Cats, lynx, leopard, swallow, dove, swan
Emerald, sapphire, agate
Pink, green, brown
Strawberry moon (June) also known as rose moon, air and water
Harvest, manifesting, dreams, love, good health, clarity, communication
Juno, Hera, Isis, Neith, Cerridwen
Monkey, butterfly, frog, toad, wren, peacock
Pearl, moonstone, citrine, blue lace agate
Yellow/green and orange
Buck moon (July) also known as hay moon, water and fire
Inner fire, long term goals, leadership, divination
Hel, Athena, Lugh, Khepri
Crab, turtle, dolphin, whale, starling, swallow
Ruby, carnelian, green calcite, peacock ore
Blue, gray, silver
Sturgeon moon (August) also known as barley moon, earth and air
Freedom, perseverance, cleansing, reaping, gratitude, peace, harmony
Demeter, Ceres, Hathor, Nemesis, Ganesha, Vulcan, Vesta
Lion, phoenix, sphinx, dragon, crane, falcon, eagle
Periodot, onyx, bronzite, green sapphire
Gold, yellow, green
Harvest moon (September) also known as corn moon, earth and air
Harvest, gratitude, balance, reflection, psychic work, home and hearth
Demeter, Ceres, Thor, Thoth, Persephone, Freyja, Isis
Snake, jackal, ibis, sparrow
Peridot, sapphire, bloodstone, chrysolite
Brown, yellow, amber
Hunters moon (October) also known as blood moon, air and water
Strength, protection, endurance, rebirth, ambition, ancestral work
Cernunnos, Hecate, the Morrigan, Osiris, Astarte, Ishtar, Lakshmi
Stag, jackal, elephant, ram, scorpion, wolf, heron, crow, robin, owl, raven
Opal, tourmaline, citrine, rose sapphire
Red, orange, deep blue, black, dark green, brown, gold
Beaver moon (November) also known as snow moon, water and fire
Preparation, security, grounding, fidelity, new beginnings, release
Cailleach, Circe, Sybele, Hel, Holda, Kali, Bast, Osiris
Unicorn, scorpion, crocodile, jackal, owl, goose, sparrow
Topaz, obsidian, onyx, apache tear
White, purple, gray, sage green, black
Cold moon (December) also known as oak moon, fire and water
Completion, renewal, reflection, shadow work, transitions, peace
Dionysus, Athena, Attis, Ixchel, Neith, Wodan, Osiris, Frey
Deer, mouse, horse, bear, snowy owl, robin, rook
Blue zircon, turquoise, serpentine, lazulite, smoky quartz
Blood red, green, white, black
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mywitchlingjourney · 2 years
White tea - cleansing and protection
Chamomile - sleep, relieve anxiety and stress
Matcha tea - mental clarity and health
Oolong tea - wisdom, deep connection, water magic
Vanilla black tea - strength and happiness
Green tea - healing, mindfulness, new energy and fire magic
Hibiscus - love and harmony
Chai - calming and energy
Peppermint - clarity
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mywitchlingjourney · 11 months
Something I struggle with is finding offers for my guides and deities. I used to think these offers were supposed to be some grandiose token of appreciation but I've learned that it doesn't have to be.
My guides want what's best for me, to help me grow in specific areas. Athena is helping me stand up for myself, therefore, any boundary (especially at work) I dedicate to her. As well as the responsibilities I've recently gained at work. Circe is helping me learn that growth isn't lineair and that it's okay to allow myself to take breaks. My selfcare nights are dedicated to her, I braid my hair with oils and practice some sort of creative craft. Lately, I have started to pick up painting. I am no good at it, but that is absolutely okay. It's impossible to immediately master any craft and that is something that I have to come to terms with and this is the right step towards that.
Your offerings don't have to be grande, expensive tokens. They have to be genuine.
So here are the paintings I made, dedicated to my deities. Studio Ghibli movies have always comforted me and were therefore my inspiration. They are not perfect, but they are mine, selfmade with selflove. I am proud of that, and so are my guides.
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mywitchlingjourney · 1 year
My friend designed her own tarot deck and it's absolutely gorgeous ❤️
You can't believe how in love I exactly am 🥰
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Deck is intuitie & rede by Pepita Aarts
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mywitchlingjourney · 2 years
Birds meaning
Condor - victory
Dove - peace
Eagle - power
Duck - trust
Goose - truth
Magpie - go explore
Pheasant - justice
Stork - creation
Great tit - resourcefullness
Starling - self confidence
Robin - protection
Swan - transformation
Finch - compromise
Vulture - death and rebirth
Hawk - vigilance
Crow - truth, don’t be tempted to gossip or to stray from the truth
Turkey - abundance
Chicken - patience
Nightingale - hope
Peacock - honesty
Heron - loneliness
Wren - self-esteem
Owl - wisdom
Woodpecker - safety
Swallow - acceptance
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mywitchlingjourney · 7 months
One thing I've been working on is doing things I loved to do as a kid. And the thing I absolutely loved most as a kid was reading.
I've not been an avid reader in the last years, I've been reading 1 maybe 2 books a year because I just couldn't be bothered to make time for it or put energy into it. However, lately I've been getting back into it as an offer to Athena and to heal my inner child.
I mostly read YA novels as that is where my interest mostly lies. And I've learned that it's okay not to be reading only books that are deemed 'worthy' asif YA books are not worthy. I read what I want to read, and they don't have to be super informative books, just fun is enough.
What has helped me getting out of my reading slump has been keeping a reading journal! And to keep on motivating myself I started a bookstagram. If you want to follow me, its 'BookshelfSanctuary'. Just be mindful, its not an aesthetically pleasing account, its just books I'm currently reading featuring some cameos of my cat 🥰
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mywitchlingjourney · 1 year
How I protect my house
Hi all,
It's been a while since I was on here but life was just a bit too much and I'm trying to figure out what it is that I really want (don't we all....).
In the meantime, here are a few methods I use to protect my house!
Sea shell decoration! I'm a bit of a hoarder, which was quite the problem back when I still lived near the beach. I have my fair share of sea shells scattered all around my appartment. One way I love to use them is by stringing some together and tie a tiny bell on the edge. I hang these on my front door and on doors to rooms where people visit. Not only are shells an excellent way of protection, the tiny bell adds some sound cleansing and it's really cute <3
Plants! Have your plants absorb any negative energy thrown your way and transmute that into you need or want.
Spell jars! I have spell jars in the big corners of my appartment to cover the entire surface! I have added protective herbs, crystals and any other materials that have protective properties for me.
Guardians! For extra protection and decoration, I have made some guardians from clay. They are a bull and a goat and I have added some protective crystals and sigils to them. Not only are they pretty cute, they work wonders!
What works best for me is anything that I made with my own hands. By making it myself, I put the intention of protection (could also be any other intention) already in the product itself, plus its customised to my own needs.
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mywitchlingjourney · 1 year
Carnelian - vitalizing, confidence, energizing, courage, activating, self-esteem
Labradorite - awareness, divination, psychic abilities, negativity shield
Moonstone - hope, intuition, creativity, new beginnings, fertility
Green adventurine - optimism, vitality, prosperity, good luck
Botswana agate - hope, creativity, balance, possibilities
Clear quartz - clarity, support, amplification
Rose quartz - compassion, love, romance
Citrine - joy, energy, success
Amethyst - Protection, peace, balance
Selenite - cleansing, positivity, restoration
Sodalite - intuition, logic, focus, truth
Bloodstone - inner strength, vitality, determination
Mookaite - healing ancestral trauma
Zebra jasper - soothing, grounding, calming
Snow quartz - calming, wisdom, clarity
Petrified wood - grounding, healing
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mywitchlingjourney · 2 years
Taurus - Virgo - Capricorn
Practicality, stability, sensual, nurturing and patience
Suit of pentacles
New moon
Moon - Venus - Saturn
Malachite, jade, periodot, emerald, hematite, jet, black obsidian
Gemini - Libra - Aquarius
Intellectual, curious, initiative, quick thinkers
Suits of swords
Last quarter
Jupiter - Mercury - Moon
Sapphire, citrine, smoky quartz, tourmaline, amethyst, rhodonite
Cancer - Scorpio - Pisces
Intuition, emotion, sensitive, perceptive, feelings
Suits of cups
Waning moon
Moon - Neptune - Pluto
Amethyst, aquamarine, beryl, sodalite, fluorite, lapis lazuli
Aries - Leo - Sagittarius
Inspiration, creativity, passionate, outgoing, confident
Suits of wands
Full moon
Sun - Mars
Carnelian, amber, garnet, sunstone, fire opal
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mywitchlingjourney · 2 years
Feather colors
White - purity, love, light and protection
Pink - unconditional love
Red - passion and power, courage and persistency
Orange - success, positivity and creativity
Yellow - alertness and deep wishes
Green - abundance
Blue - calmness and peace
Gray - inner peace
Brown - grounding and balance
Black - magic, wisdom and protection
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mywitchlingjourney · 1 year
Tarot summary
Tarot traditionally has 4 suits in the minor Arcana.
1. Wands (fire): describe your spirit, motion and action. Can also describe sexuality, initiatives and travels. 
Can mean it’s time to do something!
In yes/no situations: it means yes, but you’re gonna need to work for it.
2. Cups (water): describe emotions, relationships and spirituality.
Can mean you need to listen to your intuition!
In yes/no situations: it will come naturally
3. Swords (air): describe thoughts and state of mind, conflict or mental health.
Can mean you need to make a plan and let go of any worries.
In yes/no situations: it means no
4. Pentacles (earth): describe material world, physical body, work, finance or anything ancestral.
Can mean you need to use common sense.
In yes/no situations: it will come, but at a price
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mywitchlingjourney · 2 years
Healing herbs pt. 2
Calendula: helps with minor burns, cuts & scrapes
Chamomile: calming, helps with indigestion and against rashes
Cinnamon: lower blood sugar & helps against bad breath
Clove: numbing, toothache & anti parasitic
Cumin: increases metabolism
Fennel: soothe kidneys & stomach, helps with bloating and gas
Ginger: anti nausea, helps with headaches and menstrual cramps
Lavender: can treat minor burns and cold sores, helps relaxing and promoting sleep
Lemon balm: for restlessness and indigestion
Mars mallow root: for heartburn and mouth & throat sores
Turmeric: anti inflammatory and can help minor cuts & burns
Know when you can treat your own minor injuries or when you should see a doctor. Some minor injuries (like a sore throat) are treatable with kitchen herbs, but kitchen herbs won’t treat your infected throat or a broken leg.
Herbs can’t replace a therapist or your doctor.
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mywitchlingjourney · 2 years
Healing herbs pt.1
Basil: soothe the stomach
Cayenne: opens blood vessels
Garlic: anti septic & anti viral
Mint: relaxing, for nausea, gas, indigestion & congestion
Nettle: seasonal allergies & water retention
Nutmeg: helps with insomnia
Oatmeal: itchy rashes, helps against anxiety, sleep & stress
Oregano: anti viral
Peppercorn: promotes digestion, helps with cough & colds
Rosemary: for the sinuses & a brain boost
Sage: anti septic & soothe sore throats
Thyme: anti candida & respiratory
Know when you can treat your own minor injuries or when you should see a doctor. Some minor injuries (like a sore throat) are treatable with kitchen herbs, but kitchen herbs won’t treat your infected throat or a broken leg.
Herbs can’t replace a therapist or your doctor.
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mywitchlingjourney · 2 years
When I started my practise, research was quite overwhelming for me. There were a lot of words and I had no clue what they meant or how to decipher the meaning of it.
Do you still remember some of those words and would you like to share those and the interpretation of them under this post? Let’s help the people starting in their practise by not overwhelming them too much.
One of mine was birth chart/natal chart and retrogrades.
Birth chart/natal chart: the position of the planets, stars and even asteroids at your time of birth
Retrograde: the illusion that planets are moving backwards
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mywitchlingjourney · 2 years
Hi everyone, 
This blog started as my digital grimoire but so many people started following me and interacting with wi posts (THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT!!!!) and it made me wonder if there is anything you would like to see on this blog? 
Any subjects that I haven’t researched yet at all, or something you want more details on?
Let me know please in the comments or DM me! :)
Another thing that is very welcome are other creators. Share some of your favourite creators!
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mywitchlingjourney · 2 years
Some shadow work prompts
What personality traits in others do you consider pet peeves?
When was a time you opened up and felt rejected?
What was a time I felt unexpectedly triggered by anothers action?
What was I like as a child?
What traits in others do you wish you had?
What are your parents values? How do you own differ from theirs?
What aspects of yourself do you wish to improve?
What negative emotions do I avoid and why?
What would happen if you let yourself feel those emotions?
Have you ever felt embarrased of who you are?
What traits do your parents have that you hope you don’t?
What about yourself don’t you like?
When was the last time you forgave yourself?
What’s the worst way someone could describe you?
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