#my hero theories
cosmicnuisance · 1 year
thinking about how endeavour is thirsted after so badly and it seems the majority of the fandom are willing to forgive because "he's attractive" and "b-but he is atoning for his mistakes!!🥺💔" like first of all those weren't "mistakes", that was flat out abuse. Secondly, some actions cannot be atoned for.
Like this is a man, a man who violently abused and neglected his children, neglected his wife, isolated them from each other and from the outside world. This happens in real life far more than it should ever, and people are simping and stanning him because he's hot? Because they think he is attractive? This is literally how so many people get away with abuse, because they trick others with their appearance or charisma and that is how so much abuse goes unnoticed or people don't believe victims who speak up.
I feel, Shoto's arc is about making peace with his past and realising that anger and denial will not make anything better and will not help him heal. Its about connecting with his brother and sister who were also victims, and healing. Its creating his own family and knowing what happened was not OK, but that it happened and he can't change that.
I think that one of the reasons I really love the relation between Dabi and Shoto is because Shoto is seeing what he could of become is he hadn't decided to consciously work to let go of his anger towards Endeavour and work through his trauma, rather than letting it consume him. He internalises, Dabi projects. Killing Endeavour, killing Enji Todoroki will fulfill Dabi's goal. And once he does that, I'm hoping, he's freed finally from that anger, and he can rest finally. I honestly hope Dabi does kill Endeavour: I want him to die as a result of his actions, to face up and apologise and realise that nothing he ever does will resolve or make up for what he did. To die staring his son in the face. To die staring into the direct result of his abuse.
And even more, how each of Endeavour's victims is working through it differently, really is just amazingly portrayed by Horikoshi. I just really appreciate how it's showing the multitudes of people's reactions to trauma and how it can shape their entire life; Dabi giving himself up to revenge and anger, Fuyumi dedicating herself to protecting children to make sure that what happened to her brothers never happens again on her watch-making sure she can protect them this time; Natsu becoming a med student so he can literally help heal people and help them, and Todoroki becoming a hero to save those who need it the most, to become a real hero unlike his father. It's so raw and realistically portrayed, my heart aches every time I think about it or how it could've turned out differently.
Tl;Dr: the love I have for mama Todoroki and her children is actually insane and here is how I feel about Enji's abuse on his kids
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shiroforest · 1 month
In Shigaraki's psyche, Izuku saw a memory that's neither his nor Shigaraki's, and that memory is actually AFO's.
It's from 1st person point of view, in there, AFO seems to be acquainted with Shigaraki's Father, and AFO apparently worked in construction in Koga city (idk what 甲賀建設 Exactly means, but 建設 means construction or establishment, and 甲賀 is a city in Shiga Prefecture, and it's pretty close to Shizuoka Prefecture, where Izuku&his mom live)
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Then AFO invited Shigaraki's Father over a drink, and asked about Shigaraki's quirk, to which his father said it still hasn't appeared/identified yet
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You know what this means???
AFO must've LIVED A NORMAL LIVE sometimes to get acquainted with Shigaraki's Father while also monitor him!! Due to his connection with Nana.
And AFO asking about Shigaraki's quirk can either means he's monitoring if "Decay" has developed OR if Shigaraki can be GIVEN "Decay" later on.
This might also indicate that AFO also acquainted with Shimura household as a normal person, and if this shadowed figure with suits whom looked like AFO is indeed AFO, then it must've been like a family friend escorting the son back home
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Anyway, AFO finally came out of Shigaraki's suppression, now we can see some Izuku and AFO interaction and maybe a confirmation about the validity of DFO theory!!!!
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*it's also suspicious Izuku still DIDN'T GET TO SEE AFO's full face even from AFO's memory
**out of context, but AFO in his memory asked if Shigaraki's father had a lower back pain, and offered to introduce him to a good doctor, and i can't help but think "lol, it's just gonna be dr. Garaki isn't it? And he probably gonna order Garaki to do something to the only son of Nana" and the fact that AFO spoke to Shigaraki's Father SO POLITELY/using keigo (敬語) is weirdly nice, I'd like to see him speaks normally FULL FACE
***the irony of the villain who wrecked havoc in the country, might also once worked in construction of all places. Though it can be reasoned with "in order to destroy thoroughly, one must know how to built"
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smallmightsupremacy · 25 days
Izuku isn't losing his arms and here's why:
Okay so I know that we're all freaking out over that one manga panel, but we really shouldn't be.
Deku isn't going to lose his arms. It's all in his head.
Just stay with me.
First and foremost, look at the reactions from the characters when they join the battlefield. Specifically Aizawa:
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What about this screams 'one of my students just lost both of his arms and may not end up having a future as a hero anymore?'
You would think that if Hori were to really go through with Izuku losing his arms, he would put more emphasis on the characters' reactions to make it more impactful, right?
To further reinforce this idea, we also need to consider the significance of Izuku's hands in Katsuki's arc. Whether you view their relationship as romantic or not, you can't deny that Izuku's hands holds significance to Katsuki. It represents the time when their relationship first fell apart, and I think in order to call their relationship fully 'healed' and complete Katsuki's growth, he's going to need to accept Izuku's hand again.
I mean, look at how foreshadowed the handhold is. There's no way they're not going to be holding hands by the end of the series. It's a necessity at this point.
And yes, you can argue that they already did hold hands, but to me that handhold didn't seem like the official one. It wasn't as impactful as it could've been. Now, while I'm not saying that the handhold didn't have any emotion to it, I feel like it's impact got a little diluted by Katsuki's revival. It wasn't the main focus. I think that the proper handhold is going to come later and be in it's own moment.
And, I mean, Izuku kind of needs his hands for that to happen.
So now you may be wondering, if Izuku hasn't lost his arms, then how do you explain what's happening to him right now?
Well, like I said earlier, it's all in his head. I think it's AFO fucking around with his mind.
I think AFO is somehow manipulating the vestige world and OFA mental connection he was with Izuku to make him hallucinate that he's lost his arms. He wants Izuku to crumble, and what better way to do that than to convince him that his dream is over and that there's nothing he can do?
I feel like this has also been foreshadowed in a way too. Take a look at this picture:
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This image already foreshadowed Ochako getting stabbed in the chest, so perhaps it's also foreshadowing Izuku's fate?
The knife is in his head, so perhaps it's hinting at him being affected psychologically?
Also, the idea that it's only those that are connected to the vestige realm that can see the illusions that AFO is planting would be a great way to get Katsuki to be a part of the final fight too.
We already know that's he's going to be involved somehow. Hori himself said that the ending for mha was going to be better than the ending for Hero's Rising (the one Kats and Izu share OFA), and what better way to improve that than have Katsuki come save him from the mind fuckery?
I also think that finally having Izuku and Katsuki fight side by side has been foreshadowed for a long time, and if that really were to happen, then there's no better time for that than the final fight.
Also, Katsuki's really the only one that can save Izuku right now if my theory were to be true. He's the only character that fits the very specific requirements that Izuku needs (being connected to the vestige realm, and also having a willingness to save/help Izuku).
Speaking of, Katsuki being connected to the vestige realm was a shock for us all, and it doesn't make sense for why Horikoshi would show us such ground-breaking information if he didn't plan on using it later. This has to be the later. There's no other case where I can see Katsuki's connection to the vestige realm being implemented into the story again other than this.
So here's the TL;DR:
Izuku is being mindfucked by AFO and Katsuki is going to be the one that brings him back to reality
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varchaiiart · 3 months
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im obsessed with the idea of izukus past-quirklessness staying with him mentally and giving him a major inferiority complex/imposter syndrome. since yk, it feels disingenuous for him to leave his past behind but also hes too afraid/ashamed to mention it to anyone he met after he got OFA.
the image of izuku painting his shoes black is HEAVILY inspired from a scene in Grant me now the dignity (I'll get when I die) by Illiteration on ao3, please give it a read! i love the red shoe theory sm
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linkedin-offficial · 4 months
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to forgive or forget
more lore for what ive got going on with carnival hero, for those who wanted to know why he doesnt particularly like kinger.
i like to think kinger was working on the code to remove the collars for a hefty amount of time. poor kinger tried so hard to perfect the code to release his people, but it was particularly hard for obvious reasons. he tried it so many times ; and when it finally worked, it was like a miracle. queenie, along with everyone else was overjoyed!
of course, it wasnt entirely perfect. sometimes, things go wrong when you take your excitement for granted. sacrifices get made, sometimes accidentally. the lovely king ends up forgetting about this sacrifice that was made, like he always does. the reason why shes gone fades in his mind like a bruise.
but others dont forget, nor forgive. hero never forgot this unnecessary sacrifice. he understood everything clearly after that. the collars are there for a reason. sometimes its better to be safe, to stay in ones own lane. to stay confined where you belong, where to remain unchanged is promised. for the greater good.
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blackberreh-art · 5 months
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Dream Theory AU - AfO's dream manipulation quirk seems to have a mind of it's own, and often causes his and Toshinori's dreamscapes to collide. He makes the most of it.
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zestirial · 1 month
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jeweled-blue-eyes · 5 months
Misery AU where Yoichi is the author of the Captain Hero comics and AFO throws him into the vault when he discovers that Yoichi is planning to kill off the Demon Lord
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pikahlua · 3 months
Wait pika do you really mean don't ask you about predictions? Some of my favourite Tumblr posts of all time are your thoughts, theories and predictions! :((
Please sleep also, but when you can let us know what's going on in that head of yours. I'm desperate for someone with a brain cell to discuss this chapter! (Twitter is a cesspit)
I mean, you can ask lol. I just sometimes get these vague "any predictions?" asks and it's like, YES. YES I HAVE SOME. BUT IT'S FAR TOO MANY TO JUST LIST LIKE THAT, CAN YOU PLEASE BE MORE SPECIFIC?
Okay, I'll tell you about my thoughts.
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This is a new frame of the scene in chapter 1. This perspective doesn't exist as a drawing in chapter 1, but we know pretty easily what this scene was about. Why is Horikoshi putting the scene here though? Why does this scene have the line "Let go of One For All"? Why not draw Kudou saying it, or Izuku's reaction to it? Is it because this is a memory of the scene where Izuku receives OFA, so giving OFA up is coming around full circle to this moment again?
I don't think so.
This is not the moment where All Might proclaims "you are worthy of inheriting my power" and Izuku looks up in shock. This is the moment where All Might says the words Izuku has longed to hear his whole life: "You can become a hero."
We're coming back to this moment now because the emphasis is on Izuku's upcoming choice. This is about the MEANING Izuku places in OFA. All Might told Izuku "you can't become a hero without a quirk," then shows up to tell Izuku he can become a hero...by giving him his quirk.
To Izuku, letting go of One For All is sacrificing his greatest dream. He believes by giving up One For All, he can no longer be a hero. Even though there have been moments where All Might let on that the reason Izuku deserves to have OFA is because he's already a hero, Izuku never seems to internalize that answer. He thinks his heroism is tied to being the bearer of One For All.
No one has ever told Izuku he can be a hero without a quirk.
I said before I had a big guess about why Katsuki's memory was wiped at the end of Heroes Rising. Notably, he is allowed to remember most of what happens. His memory cuts off from the moment Izuku passed One For All onto him. Do you remember what Katsuki said after he got OFA?
"This is the end of your dream then, too, huh?"
That's the last thing he ever says on the matter. Sure, it's the moment where Izuku answers with "It's okay if it's you" and all that, but Katsuki never responds to that. We don't know what he's thinking about this moment.
The only clue we have is the fact that he accepted the quirk from Izuku, and how he reacted to that. He seems quite upset by the prospect, but in the end he relents and accepts OFA willingly.
Perhaps the issue he is grappling with in his heart in these moments is not the fact that he has to inherit OFA but that Izuku has to lose it. Which means...the reason he loses his memory is because his reaction is important. It's a moment we will have in the manga, which makes it a spoiler.
We've never heard Katsuki tell Izuku what he thinks of quirklessness now. All he's ever told Izuku is that way back when, he thought it meant Izuku was supposed to be beneath him. He doesn't even tell Izuku why he felt like somehow Izuku was actually above him.
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He's also only ever told Izuku his actions were correct ever since he received One For All, nothing about before.
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I think Katsuki's reaction to Izuku losing OFA--which could come before the final battle or after--will have to be about his feelings regarding Izuku's quirklessness. I think Izuku is going to be incredibly hurt by losing One For All because he'll think he has lost his dream, and Katsuki is going to have to set him right, because only Katsuki knew who Izuku was before he had One For All. All Might is the only other person who had at best a glimpse of Izuku.
I think Katsuki has been coming to terms with just how special Izuku is, how heroic he always has been, and that he's the only one capable of acknowledging it in a way Izuku will be able to hear because he knew Izuku before he got One For All. I think he's been grappling with this possibility ever since DvK2.
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And I think he grapples with it again in Katsuki Bakugou: Rising.
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In the same way Izuku saw something great in Katsuki that he wanted to cling to so he could see what Katsuki would one day become, Katsuki has always seen something great in Izuku, which awed and scared him. Their greatest divide was in not knowing what greatness the other saw in them. Katsuki has to tell Izuku what Izuku is to him.
Katsuki has to tell Izuku the words he's always wanted to hear, that he can be a hero, quirk or no, that Izuku always has been a hero, more than anybody else. Katsuki knows the truth of it firsthand.
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fortunatefires · 4 months
You know how whenever Percy is near Ares he gets irrationally mad? So the line in the show where Ares looks at Annabeth and says "There's no fear in you." I have a theory that Ares has the power to turn fear into anger. It makes perfect sense for a war god to have that power and Percy has been through so many near death experiences that he has just been in survival mode for years unable to actually sit down and process his emotions. So for him, the fear in him is so constant and absolutely repressed that when that fear is turned into anger it seems to come out of nowhere.
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shiroforest · 21 days
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And then we have this AFO who looks just like Izuku
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Horikoshi-sensei is either not paying enough attention or meticulously foreshadowing a certain theory
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ma-du · 4 months
@gentrychild Oh God Inko.... *Wheeze in Asthmatic*
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for YEARS the mha fandom has been theorizing about deku losing an arm and now he lost BOTH! oh im beyond sick. Baby my baby 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭. Eri will save him, I'm sure🥲🥲🥲🥲
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kitsunefyuu · 6 months
I am so happy my theory of bad parents or no parents is true. AND NO PARENTS EXPLAINS SOOOO MUCH MORE ABOUT AFO BEHAVIOR~!
No one ever told him no. No one ever provided him warmth or affection. He lived in the street like a dog and was reactionary. His little brother threw something at him so of course he kicks. Little kids are very reactionary.
People threaten him? He attacks.
How is a little kid supposed to know you shouldn’t do that. And the more people act like he’s a monster the more he believes. Not a single adult reaches out instead they looked at him like a disease before even he did anything.
Maybe he was predisposed to be selfish but the evil is no one dares to ever help him or his brother ever. So he only learned everyone is out for themselves.
And yet he still cares for his little brother. Even if believes it because he is his, his brother alive because he cared in his selfish twisted way.
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autumnmobile12 · 3 days
If All For One is Deku's father...
Deku being Quirkless has two explanations:
He's legitimately Quirkless and father dearest stole it when he was a baby.
He has the same Quirk as AFO except he never tried to use it because why would he?
They both have a deep fascination with other people's Quirks and understanding how they work. The only difference is AFO's view is, "Your Quirk is fascinating and I want it," and Deku's is "Your Quirk is amazing and you're lucky to have it."
I don't like this math.
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Recap of, "It's your Quirk, not his?"
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vam1mav · 10 days
|| Okay, I haven't seen any more of this, and I have been the only who posted something like this related to the recent chapters, sooo I'm going to post it! (Besides, I made more). ||
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