#my floofy son
300iqprower · 4 months
So as a Valentine's gift, Theseus gives the player a crochet Asterios plush
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my life has consistently been going uphill since i got my catoru cushion
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thunderheadfred · 3 months
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elkenbulwark · 7 months
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carterashsart · 2 years
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I am so bored at work. Have my New World doodles that I totally didn’t do while on a zoom call
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HEEEY! It's been a long time.I missed posting about my rankin/bass oc Notus so I brought him back on Tumblr with... a new fluffy cotton candy haircut (and with no poncho!)
The 2 last pictures are based on the little prince 1974 movie scene (Before the song begins)
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amouress16 · 2 years
The amount of serotonin bouncing in my brain after playing with/training my doge... Unmatched
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dog nicknames are always like “goodest boi” or “sweetie pie” or “lil floofy” but here is a list of things i call my fish on a regular basis:
- My Son
- old sport
- sport
- little guy
- sir
- child of divorce
EDIT: thanks for all the love on this, Holden died in February but every time i get notified for this it makes me happy to know how appreciated he is.
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300iqprower · 1 year
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itchaboi-itchyboy · 4 months
So I have finally been persuaded (seduced) by @hotdsworld to make the Kean’u post. It’s worth it tho cause im expecting more Kean’u fluff and smut from her (and maybe other artists and authors hehehe)
My avatarsona Kean’u from an Alternate Universe I have made in which he is a character
(Huge shoutout to @nicwinchester18-blog who did his art for me)
About him:
Tall Boy (tallest of the Po’olu (original clan I made with friends) at 12 ft/360 m)
Muscular Boy (Naturally cause Na’vi) lmfao
Bushy Eyebrows
Heterochromia - One Black Eye and One Blood Red Eye
Long Tail Boy (longest of the Po’olu)
Floofy Hair (Pedro Pascal hair basically)
- Kean’u was blessed by Eywa with his bushy eyebrows, height (being the tallest of the Po’olu), heterochromia (one black eye, one blood red), and long tail while the rest of the clan believed them to be gifts from Le’al (Eywa’s twin brother who is her polar opposite (basically the Son and the Daughter Mortis Gods type of deal from Star Wars)) seeing it as a form of strength and that he was destined to be a great warrior, perhaps the greatest in the clan.
- Like with Kean’u’s older brother Ke’ahi, Eywa saw something in Kean’u that was different to the others in the clan and made him aware of how special he is (and protected him from Le’al just as she protected Ke’ahi), and so he would practice the Great Mother’s ways in secret away from the clan (still playing the part of a Po’olu warrior when he was around them, of course), learning skills in craftsmanship and healing, even fletching himself a long traveling stick of his own
- Kean’u grew to despise the practices and rituals of the Po’olu and greatly desired traveling beyond the desert and exploring all that Pandora offered
- Discovered he has a gorgeous singing voice and now sings the songs he’s heard in his travels when he visits the clans (duets with Ninat when he visits the Omatikaya).
- Is very calm and collected and naturally curious.
- In the bedroom he’s usually a switch but can be dom and/or subby whenever he wants hehehe
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chaos-potat · 3 months
Reminder again of the prizes
1st, a custom comic (probably at most 3 page panel things) 2nd, a rendered drawing (One character) 3rd, line art (Little to no color)
I had help from a neutral party with picking these prizes because I'm so bad at picking things and I loved all the submissions so much, I wish I could give everyone a prize. I cannot thank you all enough for putting time and effort into your submissions, they all hold a place in my heart and files because I'm saving those to a folder lol
Let's get to it and thank you all again!
Starting with 3rd place! (simple lined drawing)
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@friskebits submission! I loved the rendering and that hair??? Tim looks so perfect and I love my son. As much as I hate you and never want to complement you (/j), I have to give you that Unfortunately, due to your constant harassment, you get get no more than 3rd😞(/j again)
2nd Place (Fully rendered drawing)
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@glitter-alienz submission! I love your detail and lighting so much, you really make them look like the goobers they are, I love Tim's face so much, he's SO SILLY. I love your art so much in general and I actually shed tears over this one so it had to win something. I stared at it for so long it was burned into my eyes /hj
and finally, the winner...
1ST PLACE (custom comic)
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@i-am-a-living-god's submission!!! This one took my breath away!! The angle, the rendering, the blur on Donnie's arm??? There's detail but it's not cluttered, I love this kind of shading and lighting so much, there's so much to look at but I don't feel overwhelmed. The movement of the drawing, it's so dynamic, I love it so much!!!
Winners, dm me for the prizes, declining is okay, the prize can go to someone else
Honorable mentions:
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@cursedcatchild's submission! The background is amazing and so detailed! The girls really are fighting!! The shading is simply amazing and the lighting is subtle, it's so nice!!
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@allyheart707's submission! Everyone knows Ally, she's so nice it's scary somtimes! I lloved the background and that you drew my perfect amazing son Tim fully and he looks so cute, Raph is there too and he also looks good! I love your style of lighting and shading, it's so smooth!
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@k3nnyp1us's submission! You got it done yay!! I love this one, not just because of the whole storyline roller-coaster that came with it. I love this art stye in general, I always love pencil drawings in general, I love how floofy Casey's hair is and how the clothes are done!
Big thanks to everyone who submitted something! I wish I could put everyone as an honorable mention, but I'm keeping this post as short as I can. I loved your art so much and I really wish I could give everyone a prize but there are so many of you, I was really not expecting to get more than three submissions, thanks again everyone!!
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You mention E has 9 siblings? Is he close with any of them, if so what did they think of the divorce? Do any of them miss MC? Any who aggressively bad-mouth MC in support?
Yes! I've been wanting to write about E's family so bad lol, you have no idea. There's going to be an interaction with them in-game too and you'll love it.
E has a massive family, of course. Their mom-- Pamela and dad-- Mark have been in a very loving relationship for the past 37 years. They have a loving family, but sadly, they come from a family of overachievers which is why, at many instances, they are slightly insecure of themselves.
Next up, comes Emma. Emma is a bit stuck-up, slightly distant from E and does NOT like MC/nor does she support their relationship. She expected the divorce. (An year younger to E.)
Emilio is the third-born, he is more into arts, which is slightly discouraged in their family, passively. He is, somewhat outgoing, hot-headed and supports MC, but is neutral to them. (Two years younger to E.)
Della is the fourth-born. She is sassy, quick-witted and a rather famous local actress, who works with brands for advertisements for usual businesses. She loves MC and supports their relationship. (Four years younger to E.)
Cameron is the fifth born. He is quiet, unbothered and works as a scientist. Does not particularly care of his family, does not visit them either and has a coarse relationship with E as well as MC. Does not even care of their relationship. (Five years younger to E.)
Jayden is the sixth-born. He is loud, happy-go lucky and loves MC with all his heart. He loves his family and supports E's marriage. Is a chess-player, professionally. (Seven years younger to E.)
Milo is the seventh-born. He is shy but, rather hilarious. He does not like MC nor, does he supports their relationship. Currently a player in the national soccer team. (Eight years younger to E.)
Thalia is the eighth-born. She is slightly spoilt from all the attention of her siblings. Her relationship with MC is mostly neutral and she is uncaring of E's marriage. Works as a software-engineer. (Ten years younger to E.)
Velia: Twin to Vora, she is the troublemaker of the family. Loves playing jokes, harmless pranks on Milo, because they constantly keep feuding. Likes MC somewhat, and supports MC's relationship. (Eleven years younger to E.)
Vora: Twin to Velia. He is the quieter and more serious twin. Hates pranks, is slightly cranky but likes MC too. Supports their relationship. (Eleven years younger to E.)
And that's it, fellas! Boi, do my hands hurt. I've coded a lot, worked a bit on the stat screen, drew a special someone. AND-- 🥁
I present to you, MURKY! 👏
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This fat, floofy boi belongs to E. He loves belly-rubs and sleeping. (Your son is plotting on the daily to steal this poor creature away.)
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droewyn · 1 year
Okay, so context is important here.
This is Spriggan.
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This is Spriggan’s not-so-smol son, Captain Toebeans T. McGillicuddy Wildboi I.
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Yes, their names are immaculate.  Yes, Cap has thumbs.  Also yes, if you look into one ear, you can see clear through to the other side.
Spriggan was a roughly one-year-old adult feral cat when we trapped her in our backyard on Halloween night, 2019.  We’d caught Cap about a week prior, and he was about 16 weeks old.
Cap assimilated pretty well for a kitten who was too old to be adoptable.  He loves my husband, his mother, and Alisaie beyond life.  He likes me okay.  He’s terrified of my father-in-law.  Very few other humans have ever seen him.
Alisaie isn’t relevant to this story, but here she is anyway.  You know that meme that was going around that was like “which cat is the bby and which is the criminal”?  Yeah, we got one who can do both.
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So, socializing an adult feral cat is hard.  I’m not going to go into it here, because I have this handy link where I did go into it.  It includes more pictures, and also the most important video in human history.
The big takeaway that you need to know is that while Spriggan is part of the family, and likes being part of the family as far as we can tell, she Cannot Be Petted.  Also, that our cats look Very Similar In The Dark, particularly Cap and Spriggs.  He’s enormous but she’s very floofy, and they both can look solid black if they’re curled up or viewed from the wrong angle.
Here’s the oopsie.
It’s 1AM.  I need to use the bathroom.  I must pass through the living room to get to the bathroom, and Cap is on the loveseat.  I pet him and rub his ears.
I go to the bathroom.  I’m in there for like two minutes, max.
I come back out, and reach down to pet Cap again.
The good news is, I still have all my fingers and all my blood.  Spriggan didn’t even hiss; she just teleported across the room and GLARED at me.
She’s still glaring at me today.  I am In Trouble.
But this time last year she would have shredded my hand so yay progress.
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The Inky Kitty Committee having a rare meeting, feat. the baby looking spooky af.
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mysecretlittlelibrary · 9 months
Shades of Green
Pairing: Thor x Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: nothing really just jealous Thor
Genre: it’s pretty floofy
Summary: Thor does not appreciate another man chatting you up
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 "Y/n dear you need to go and get ready before people start arriving." Frigga tells as you help her finalize plans for tonight's ball. Thor and Loki have returned two days ago from some quest Odin sent them on and Frigga has insisted on a party to properly welcome her sons. 
"Are you sure you don't need any more help, my queen? I don't mind staying to-"
"Nonsense. I have everything under control. This party honors your betrothed, you need to look like you belong at his side. So go." She shoos you away before you can protest again so you make your way back to your room to dress for the party. Your gown is a sharp red, matching that of Thor's cape, long and draping over you flatteringly. It cascades around you at your feet in a way you think may be inconvenient in a crowded hall but Frigga seems confident it will not cause any issues.
It doesn't take you long to get ready but Frigga was very clear about you joining the festivities at a specific time so you have to wait for her cue before returning to the hall. By that time the celebration is practically in full swing, all that's missing is your lover and his brother.
You circle the room in tandem with Frigga, mingling with guests wherever she is not, charming everyone you speak to with ease until Odin demands the room's attention. Frigga joins him at the front of the crowd and together they announce Thor and Loki with words of praise and pride.
You smile brightly watching Thor and Loki flank their parents in front of the crowd blushing when the former catches your gaze and winks at you. The entire room erupts at the sight of them and they're swept into the swarm of people as soon as they finish their greeting.
"Y/N!" Thor's voice booms even over the sea of voices and the upbeat music. It's hard to pinpoint the direction it's coming from but soon his arms are wrapped around you, pulling you towards him swiftly. "Oh how I've missed you, my lady." He sighs before kissing you which you return immediately. He may have returned two days ago but it seems the work never stops for your prince, he's been busy from the moment he came back as such you've only seen him in passing since he's been home.
"And I've missed you." You tell him with a giggle once you break the kiss.
"I'm sorry I've not had time to spend with you these past two days-"
"Nonsense Thor, you have responsibilities. I understand. It's not like I sit around waiting for you to spend time with me you know." You wink at him.
"Do you not?" He smiles.
"If I did I'd be rather bored most days and boredom breeds chaos." You muse and Thor laughs.
"Growing up with Loki I am certainly no stranger to that." He says.
"Thor my friend! You must tell us of your latest travels! I have a million questions!" One of Thor's friends Hogun claps Thor on the back to grab his attention. Before Thor can even answer, Hogun is already leading Thor off and Thor shoots you an apologetic look that you meet with a smile mouthing that you'll find him later. A glance through the crowd allows you to find Loki amongst a group of giggling maidens all seemingly vying for his attention. You make your way to the group looping an arm through Loki's and shooting the girls a smile.
"Apologies ladies, I'm going to steal Loki from you all for a bit." You say kindly. A couple of them toss you looks that you pointedly ignore as you tug Loki away from his fan club. 
"Something the matter y/n?" He asks with a concerned frown on his face.
"Not at all, I just haven't seen you since you've been back which is ridiculous."
"You should see the to-do list Father has me and Thor on since we've gotten back. It feels like it's getting longer every day. Honestly, this party is the first break we've had." Loki shakes his head.
"Yeah you seem quite occupied."
"Absolutely and Thor complains about not seeing you all the time. You have spoken to him, right? I expected him to be glued to your side."
"We've spoken, but his friends grabbed him to discuss your adventures."
"And he let them?" Loki jokes making you laugh.
"You two will be pulled in many directions tonight I'm sure." You smile.
"Yes well, I can count on you to rescue me right?"
"Come now Loki don't pretend you aren't loving the positive attention here."
"It's strange."
"You deserve it, but if you really want to escape a conversation of course I've got you." You tell him.
"Brilliant." He nods.
"Excuse me." A voice calls and you snap your head in the direction of the sound.
"Hello." You say, both you and Loki sizing the stranger up.
"I don't mean to interrupt, welcome home your highness, but I simply couldn't risk missing an opportunity to introduce myself to a beauty such as yourself." The man smiles. Loki stifles a laugh at the obvious line and you have to stop yourself from making a face at him.
"Thank you, and you are-?" You ask, not hiding the confusion in your voice.
"Khristofer Eriksson." The man says with a bow. Loki can barely contain the smile threatening to split his face as he watches the interaction.
"Khristofer. It is- nice to meet you." You say.
"The pleasure is all mine, my lady. May I be so lucky that you might share your name?"
"You are- quite a character. My name is y/n."
"A name as gorgeous as the owner of it."
"You're rather forward." Loki muses.
"Is there any other way to be?" Khristofer smirks.
"Perhaps with the betrothed of a prince, you'd do well to watch your words." Loki suggests.
"Betrothed of a prince?" Khristofer looks at you.
"Thor." You smile.
"Really? Interesting that he's left you alone." Khristofer hums.
"Not alone." Loki says.
"He and Loki are the men of the hour. Everyone will be vying for their attentions all night. I know it's my attention he wants more than any of this." You shrug casually.
"You sound quite sure of yourself." Khristofer says.
"Thor makes it impossible to doubt him." You smile. Loki is again fighting a smile at the underlying warning in your tone. This, your ability to subtly take on challenges is exactly how he grew to like you enough to now call you friend, to be happy you're marrying his brother.
"Smart man, it would be a shame for someone to be able to turn your head away from him." Khristofer says with a slight smile.
"I think you'll find I'm not so easily swayed."
"Then, would you be so kind as to gift me a dance?"
"A dance?"
"Just one. Harmless enough." His smile tells you otherwise but there's a challenge in his words and if you are to survive as a member of Asgard's royal family you will not allow this man room to see you as weak.
"I'm feeling charitable tonight so one dance I'll allow." You say matching both his tone and the daring look in his eye as you place your hand in his waiting palm. Loki watches with faint amusement as Khristofer leads you to the dancefloor, but only for a moment. When the man's hand settles on your back Loki finds his brother.
"You've left your betrothed alone for too long brother." Loki says interrupting Thor's conversation with a group of partygoers.
"Who is she with?" Thor's gaze has hardly left you since he was dragged off by his friends. He did watch the unfamiliar man walk up to you and Loki but as his brother was with you he worried less until he watched the man lead you to dance.
"He calls himself Khristofer. The man attempts to woo her. He's failing but- seems rather determined." Loki informs Thor.
"She accepted a dance." Thor observes.
"He's been challenging her. It's a battle of wits between them."
"What do you say, brother? Should I intervene?"
"I certainly would."
"Very well." Thor nods. He politely dismisses himself from the group he's a part of and crosses the room to where you're dancing with Khristofer.
"Y/n." Thor's hand at your back abruptly stops Khristofer's movements.
"Thor, hello my love." You smile at him, stepping out of Khristofer's arms and closer to Thor. 
"Your highness." Khristofer addresses him but Thor barely spares him a glance.
"Finally escaped the adoring fans?" You joke with Thor.
"I hope you don't mind me cutting in. It hardly seems fair that someone else should enjoy the pleasure of dancing with you when I have not." Thor smiles.
"Thor this is Khristofer Eriksson. He is- I actually do not know much about him. He spoke to me and Loki for a bit and then he asked for a dance. I was feeling generous." You say.
"And for that I thank you, lady y/n but now I'll leave you in the hands of the prince." Khristofer says with a bow before walking away.
"A dance, my lady?" Thor asks.
"Of course, my prince." You smile allowing him to pull you into his arms and lead you across the floor.
"That man." Thor mutters.
"Hm? Khristofer? What of him?" You ask.
"Who was he?"
"Well I'm not sure. As I said he didn't share much. Not that I was particularly interested enough to ask."
"Loki told me he attempted to woo you."
"Loki told you?"
"Yes. What is he talking about?"
"You know I think you look good in all colors my love, but perhaps green is not your finest shade." You giggle.
"Y/n." Thor says in warning making you laugh more.
"Oh he was just running his mouth Thor, honestly I can hardly remember what he was on about. Some nonsense about you leaving me alone, but I handled it." You say, amusement clear in your voice. "I can't believe Loki left that part out."
"I'll admit I was a bit too distracted to think of asking him for details."
"Distracted?" You ask with a knowing smile.
"You were dancing with a stranger. Why wouldn't I be distracted?"
"I had no idea were such the jealous type, my dear prince." You chuckle.
"I normally wouldn't class myself that way but it would seem things are different with you my darling." Thor hums. You smile as you lay your head against his chest while you continue to dance. It's silly for him to worry about such things but your heart warms at the thought that he cares so much.
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rotten-dan-art · 2 years
I am frothing at the mouth at your little lmk and ninjago doodles!!! They’re so shaped!!!! Especially Red Son and Cole my beloved boys <3 just the way you do Red’s hair it’s so FLOOFY and Cole looks so sweet and adorable my eyes are blessed whenever I see your creations
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emelinstriker · 7 months
bro i'm so tired rn i might as well sleep now
btw, the esau!red son x reader will probably only be like half the length of my usual x readers due to how i very much abruptly decided to do a bit of a floofy special out of it
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it's past 10pm, time to head to bed cuz i won't survive till 12am for those 1-2 friends messaging me probably right on midnight
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