#my dog is not impressed btw
fourmoony · 26 days
It’s been a week! (and it’s only Wednesday)
I adopted a cat. Listen, I’m allergic to cats. But an unexpected circumstance meant that a family member had to rehome this baby and me and my mum decided the best option would be for her to come live with us.
Her name is Naala, she’s 3 years old, and a Maine Coon. She is the sweetest, most timid baby. I went and bought all the stuff for her to thrive in my house, I’ve booked to get a permanent antihistamine jag (we’ll see how that goes🫣), and we have all of her papers, certificates, and all necessary information on how to look after her properly.
I wanted to rename her Luna (because I thought her name was Narla, for some reason, and I hated it), but when we got her birth certificate, the name at birth actually turned out to be Lunaa Naala, which was super crazy and felt meant to be. Her nickname is Moony. I’ll let yall figure out why. (Even tho she’s a lady)
Meet Naala🩶
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sergle · 1 month
I noticed you weren't posting much for a while, you seem more active now adays and I hope you're doing okay! Say hi to Hugo!
omg... I appreciate the concern!! I'm not great but I am feeling better rn than I have been, and do not currently have a gun in my hand. also Hugo says hi back.
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krikeymate · 1 year
Now we need something where they're all gathered together for a we survived party or something and its a bad day for Tara and she tries to hide it by kinda avoiding everyone. When Sam corners her and asks if she's okay Tara plays it off. Sam lets it slide cause she's trying not to be so overbearing. So Sidney decides to try cause she knows its a lie. Then Tara says something along the lines of 'but you're Sam's support system' to her so Sidney drags her to Gale and Kirby.
Tara's been quiet and tired a lot these days. Sam's worried, but she's trying not to be overbearing and she knows how exhausting therapy can be, so she tries to quietly support her sister in whatever way she can. Without constantly digging for more information. She's constantly on the lookout for that sigh and the look Tara gets when she's getting frustrated. She's been getting the others involved in Operation cheer-up-Tara, but she always manages to slip out of their plans, or to escape them entirely. Sam's beginning to think that she just doesn't want to spend time with her specifically... except she's usually fine when it's the two of them. Even Gale's patented snark flies over Tara's head these days, and that's what really makes Sam think something might be seriously wrong. Sniping with Gale quickly became one of Sam's favourite activities, and she knows her sister loves it too. So to pass that up... Sam's worried.
Sidney's having a weekend get-together, she's invited everyone, even Danny. Danny, however, can't make it, stuck with a work commitment he can't get out of. And the twins aren't even in the country, off with their mom visiting distant relatives up in Canada. Sam's hoping the weekend will be good for Tara, being around their sort-of-family, and she's looking forward to seeing Sidney again. Even if she's disappointed the twins, Martha, and Danny can't make it.
Sidney's dog, Riley, latches onto Tara pretty much the moment they sit down, and just doesn't leave her alone. If Sidney didn't already know something was up with Tara from her conversations with Sam, this would have given it away. Riley lays their head in Tara's lap, and nudges her occasionally. Whenever she gets up, Riley follows, staying behind her and yipping every time someone comes near.
"Does your dog like children", Sam jokes, watching her sister smile, relaxed for once, as she pets the dog nuzzling into her lap. "Yes," Sidney replies, "Riley likes kids. But he's not playing right now, he's working." Seeing Sam's visible confusion, Sidney continues. "He's a service dog, trained for helping those with PTSD." Sam's eyes widen as understanding kicks in, a frown forming as sadness kicks in. "He's very sensitive to moods," Sidney says, patting Sam on the arm, "sometimes he knows before I do when I'm feeling bad."
"I don't know how to help her," Sam confesses, "she won't talk to me... or anyone. She's in therapy, but I don't know whether it's helping her or making it worse." Sam tells her that everyone has tried to get her to open up, to no avail. Sidney says she hasn't tried yet, she'll give it a shot at some point over the weekend.
Sidney gets a chance sooner than she thought. Later that evening, Tara retires to the spare room provided for her and Sam early, Riley on her heels. She watches her stall in the doorway, unsure whether she's allowed to take the dog with her, before Mark gives her a nudge and lets her know it's ok.
Sidney gives her 15 minutes before she leaves the others watching the movie, and follows after her. Tara takes a minute to respond to her knock on the door, but when she enters, she can see why. Tara's been crying and Riley's on the bed, clearly providing comfort. She pushes for Tara to talk, "we're all worried for you," she says. That seems to break something in the girl, because she starts crying again and apologising. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make anyone worry, it's fine, I'm fine, really-" Sidney takes her into her arms and hushes her as if she were her own.
She tells her her own story, of how she dealt - or didn't deal - with what happened, how she hid away from the world, alone. By the time Sidney's finished, Tara reveals her own secrets. Sidney's heart breaks as Tara explains she didn't want to take away focus from Sam, that she knows how much Sam has sacrificed for her and she didn't want them all to be just another thing she took from her. Sidney reassures her, reminds her that no one is taking anyone from anything, that they're all family and we're all here for each other, that it would hurt Sam deeply to know that Tara is hurting herself for her sake.
"Please don't tell Sam." "You know I can't do that kiddo."
Tara spends the rest of the weekend bounced around between Sidney, Mark, Gale, and Kirby. Sam gets her own session with Riley as being kept from her sister makes her anxious. The four of them don't explain to Sam what's happening, trusting that Tara will do so herself once they get back to New York. And she does. Sam holds her tight and makes her promise to never hide anything from her ever again, no matter how much you think it will hurt me.
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
eheheh Monkey’s mom took him out for lunch and I have now discovered I can run SoV in 26 minutes if I do it with Eisza(level 80, Scoundrel loadout, 325 gear and 49 inf Theron for her comp). :3 I started it as they walked out the door and was exiting area as they pulled back up at the house.
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mars-ipan · 2 years
hey. hey trans ppl sound off in the notes please. as loud as you want reply or reblog it doesn’t matter
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sameteeth · 1 year
i dont think ive ever had this much autism about a movie ever <- can quote the entire movie from memory now
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dream-eating-youkai · 6 months
me; "yeah I'm not really that strong, I'm built like a fucking stick figure"
also me: casually picks up my 35-40 lb dog like she weighs nothing and climbs over a fence while holding her
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avinox · 2 years
Pretty convinced that my sister doesn't know how to handle animals
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konigsblog · 2 months
kidnapper!konig finally lets reader upstairs?
(i love ur blog btw!)
thank you, my sweet anon !! (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠) 🌷
tw: kidnapping. kidnapper!könig x afab!f!reader. MDNI 18+
you have to understand that könig is incredibly strict when it comes to allowing you to have any form of independence and freedom. of course, you're conditioned to be his little victim, to be completely dependent on him for everything. you don't even feed yourself, you're spoon-fed by könig who is under the impression that this is a ‘bonding moment’, whilst you're crying, yet numb from being locked away for years on end.
tears roll down your cheeks as you gaze up at könig. he'd just finished reading a book to you, finishing the series he forced you to become interested in — because remember, you have to like what he likes, yeah? your ankle held down by shackles and a ball gag muffles your voice and cries. könig doesn't enjoy the idea of you having any form of independence, the thought and idea of it being brought up makes him frown, sighing deeply as he places the book down, looking down at you.
it'll take some serious convincing to be allowed upstairs and outside of the basement. he'll let you do it once, although, there are rules for whenever you're allowed upstairs.
firstly, you have to follow his demands — meaning you have to crawl on all fours and allow him to leash you, which saves him from worrying about you becoming too independent for your own good — too hard to manage. secondly, you're not to speak without being spoken to. if you do, you'll be ignored ‘til you're able to respect könig. and lastly, you're not to ask for anything, you're not to ask for him to act or treat you differently. you're nothing but a victim and a fuck toy for könig, your purpose is to serve him and make him happy, little mouse.
könig is cruel, and a part of you isn't sure it's worth the humiliation. but unfortunately, könig now adores your presence. he adores seeing you crawl into his office and lay at his feet, or obey his commands like a learning dog... :(
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One Love
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Hi guys!
Another one for my babies, from some request I had here and here and here ♥
My request are still open, for player x reader or some player x player btw.
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5
Searching in her cupboard for long minutes, Lucy mechanically straightens herself when she Heath the front door of her apartment open and close delicately. This sound and the one of dog tails running to the kitchen to drink from a bowl of water announce the return of Ona and their two dogs that the Catalan took for a walk. Usually they go together, but Lucy having a media appointment this afternoon, Ona went alone.
Lucy just had time to come home and take a shower before the trio was back. And desperately looking for the t-shirt she thought she’d wear after her shower.
"Ona Batlle Pascual, where is my black Nike shirt?" Lucy asks from the bedroom.
"No sé!" (I don’t know)
An amused smile on her face, Ona’s eyes slip mechanically on this precise t-shirt, she’s currently wearing. She simply cannot resign herself to the urge to steal Lucy’s clothes. She has the impression that they are softer on her skin, the fact that they are taller gives her a strange feeling of comfort and security. And in addition they smell like Lucy. She has nothing but profit to wear them.
Her smile expands when she hears Lucy’s footsteps coming behind her, knowing full well that she will be caught. Passing her arms around her waist from behind, Lucy lays a kiss on her cheek.
The smile of the English is audible in her voice and Ona rests the bottle of water she had taken in the fridge. Turning in Lucy’s arms, she puts her two arms around her neck to better look at her.
"If you weren’t so small I could do the same, but I can’t" jokes Lucy mischievously to tease her.
And it works since Ona’s eyebrows immediately frown.
"I’m only seven centimeters shorter than you" Ona says, pressing her index finger on Lucy’s chest.
But Lucy continues to smile maliciously, determined to continue teasing her girlfriend.
"You’re so small I could take you with me in my jacket pocket"
"You are so mean."
Ona tries to get rid of Lucy’s embrace, turning again to have her back against her belly, but the latter’s two hands keep her firmly against her. Ona is obviously not angry for real and if she manages to retain laughter by biting her lip, she cannot prevent a smile from appearing on her lips. Realizing this, Lucy takes deposes a multitude of kisses all over her face.
"Let go of me!" laughs Ona. "Coco help!"
The little dog, busy washing himself, raises an interrogatory look on his mistress. He’s perfectly aware that when this word is pronounce by Ona, he’s supposed to rush towards her, barking. But it was Lucy who taught her this trick, thinking that it could protect Ona if something happened to her during a walk where she is not present. And that’s what really confuses Coco. He knows Lucy isn’t a danger for his human.
"Don’t even try with Narla, she’s admiring her new rocks" laughs Lucy, glancing at her dog.
"We really bever can’t count on anyone"
Lucy laughs again and lays a final kiss at the corners of Ona’s lips before releasing her delicately.
"By the way, we received some mail" announces the English shortly after.
"We?" repeat Ona, looking up at Lucy.
"Yep" simply replies Lucy with a big smile, handing an envelope to Ona.
The Spanish one quickly realizes that the color of the envelope is far from traditional. A soft smile appears when she sees "Lucy Bronze + Ona Batlle" on the address. Lucy has already opened the envelope so Ona has no trouble getting out the wedding invitation from her girlfriend’s cousin. She has already met several times the different members of Lucy’s family, at least those who matter for her. The invitation to the wedding is therefore for both of them and there is no doubt that they will have no difficulty in being a part of it, given the date chosen for the wedding.
Returning to the region where she grew up is always weird for Lucy, who has the impression of traveling back in time. However, she appreciates the feeling a little more when Ona is by her side and since this realization, Lucy tries to make sure that her girlfriend is with her every time. Not to mention that her parents love her, she even suspects that they appreciate Ona more than their own daughter. But it amuses Lucy more than anything else.
The wedding arrived quickly, despite Ona’s many reminders that it was time for her to think about an outfit, Lucy had to find it urgently. She ended up going to the same store of Ona, making sure to coordinate their outfits.
Ona, which Lucy is actually observing a few meters away. Her long hair brought back in a hairstyle much more elaborate than her eternal bun, Ona is chatting and laughing with her brother’s son and daughter. These two also seem to have quickly fallen under Ona’s spell, as quickly as any other member of the Bronze family, including Lucy.
"Your girlfriend is a catch Luce"
Leaving the silhouette of her girlfriend’s eyes, Lucy reports them on one of her cousins. Born the same year as her, they are very close and Lucy remembers perfectly all the craps they both did when they were still children. He was always the one being caught.
"I know" Lucy simply smiled as she looked back at Ona.
They are at the aperitif in the gardens of the castle that her cousin and her husband rented for the occasion, guests enjoying the heat of the end of June, even for the north of England. Ona listens without flinching to her nephew telling her about his latest ride adventures, a bit embellished, while her niece tries to attract her attention by grabbing her hand.
"Will we be attending your wedding soon?" asks her cousin maliciously.
"I don’t really know" ended up answering Lucy with a shrug. "Maybe"
"Hey, if you don’t propose to her soon, I will"
But Lucy barely has time to turn in the direction of her cousin that he’s already moving quickly towards Ona and the trio she forms with her nephew and niece. Knowing full well that her cousin is capable of anything and doesn’t wish that Ona uncomfortable, Lucy hurries to follow him. (There might be a slight hint of jealousy too)
Ona doesn’t seem surprised to see that the hand on her shoulder belongs to a cousin of Lucy whom she doesn’t really know, probably accustomed to this kind of physical behavior by her Spanish origins. But Lucy doesn’t hesitate to pass a possessive hand in the back of her girlfriend, who melts to her contact after having cast a glance and a smile in her direction.
Finally her cousin keeps a superficial conversation, talking about the weather then questioning Ona about her native country for a future trip. A few moments later, the guests slowly go inside for the meal but Lucy deliberately hangs around to offer herself a few moments alone with Ona. Which she has hardly had since they arrived in England.
"Is everything okay?" asked Ona with curiosity.
"Yes. I just wanted the opportunity to have you for myself just a few minutes"
The confession makes Ona smile tenderly. She doesn’t hesitate to pass her arms around Lucy to cuddle herself against her.
"I love weddings. But I had no idea it would be at a wedding that we would actually get to know each other. Since then, I love them even more" whispers softly Ona after a few seconds of silence.
With a smile on her face, Lucy kisses her hair. The sun going down gives golden lights in Ona’s hair and when she looks up at her, the color of her eyes takes her breath away.
"Sometimes I think we lost a lot of time. We had known each other for years without really knowing each other. You were friends with most of mine and I literally lived in the city where you grew up" Lucy sighs.
"I don't agree. I think we met at the right time and life made it easier for us, creating links between us before we it got us together."
What’s the answer to that? Ona seems so sure of what she’s saying that Lucy doesn’t even try to contradict her, especially since she thinks that the Spanish is probably right. They are interlinked. So, far from enjoying surges of affection in public, Lucy gently draws Ona’s face towards her to kiss her tenderly.
"I love you so much" Lucy confess, looking at here eyes.
"I love you too" smile Ona, before adding with a slight smile "Without wanting to break the moment, can we take a picture?"
Lucy laughs and rolls her eyes, releasing Ona’s waist to grab her phone. Since the beginning of their relationship, Ona asks to immortalize each of their moment. And if at first Lucy teased Ona a lot about it, she must admit that it offers them a rather impressive photo album. That she finds herself cherishing every time they are separated because of their respective national teams.
After taking several shots in the sunset, the two lovers eventually join the rest of the party inside. Some people still standing, they have no trouble mingling with the crowd and sitting in their assigned seats.
Ona is surprised to see that Lucy leans on the back of her chair, but this surprise proximity is finally far from bothering her.
"You smell so good" whispers Lucy in Ona’s ear, completely ignoring the discussions around them.
Ona shivers as she feels Lucy’s lips settle in the hollow of her neck for a light but quick kiss. Their eyes cross and Ona does not need to say anything so that Lucy’s eyes start to sparkle with malice. Their entries arrive shortly after but Lucy does not take her hand from Ona’s leg.
Ona is surprised to see that Lucy leans on the back of her chair, but this surprise proximity is finally far from bothering her.
"You smell so good" whispers Lucy in Ona’s ear, completely ignoring the discussions around them.
Ona shivers as she feels Lucy’s lips settle in the hollow of her neck for a light but quick kiss. Their eyes cross and Ona does not need to say anything so that Lucy’s eyes start to sparkle with malice. Their entries arrive shortly after but Lucy does not take her hand from Ona’s leg.
After that they managed to mingle in the conversations a little more than until now. But always with physical contact with each other. When the meal is over and it’s time to go dancing, Lucy cannot resist long when Ona begs her to give her a dance. Even if the term "a dance" may not be appropriate given the number of pieces of music on which they sway.
When the music changes to become slower, Lucy does not hesitate to put her two hands around her girlfriend’s waist to draw her against her. Passing her arms around Lucy’s neck, Ona takes advantage of the position to bury her face in the hollow of her neck. Mixed with other couples, the attention of others is not more focused on them than on others for once and it is particularly pleasant for them to have this freedom to act.
"Un beso?" whispers Ona after slightly peeling away from Lucy.
With a small smile but without being asked, Lucy puts a kiss on the lips of the Spanish. Their respective smiles prevent them from deepening the kiss, but since children are present in the room, it is probably better like that. Moreover, when the song ends and a music with vaguely Spanish rhythms sounds, Lucy’s nephew magically appears next to Ona, pulling her sleeve to attract her attention.
"Will you dance with me Ona please?"
"If you don’t mind" smiled mischievously Ona to Lucy, gently getting away from her.
"Only for him then"
Ona winks at her and doesn't hesitate to take the boy in her arms and start twirling with him on the dance floor. Relegated to the bar, Lucy can't help but admire Ona and feel her heart warm when seeing the scene. The English woman has always want to have her own family, but with her sporting career it has always been something complicated to imagine and set up. Especially since she was mostly in a relationship with another athlete.
This time it doesn't differ since Ona plays at the same position as her, but seeing her interact with her nephew and niece, Lucy cannot help but imagine what it would be like to have a child with Ona. And she really likes the idea, even though they never really talked about babies together. Ona seems perfectly happy with their two dogs, which already requires a lot of attention, it’s true. They're lucky that Keira or Ona’s parents always agree to keep them when they are not in Barcelona for a few days.
"These heart eyes become tiring"
Lucy doesn’t need to take her eyes off Ona to know that it's no one but her older brother who appears to tease her. It's surprising that he didn't come before, in Lucy's opinion.
"Just because nobody looks at you like that doesn’t mean you have to be jealous" Lucy replies maliciously.
Jorge, knowing that it’s fair, laughs and leans on the bar alongside his sister.
"She’s good for you" ended up saying Jorge, a little more serious than before. "I’ve never seen you so smiling, happy and relaxed. Even before"
"You can say her name you know, it’s not Lord Voldemort"
Jorge rolls his eyes with an amused smile but adds nothing. Lucy doesn’t say anything either, but her brother’s words add things to think about. Of course the break up with Keira was hard for Lucy to swallow, despite the many arguments that punctuated their lives at the end. But it is also true that since Ona made her appearance in her life, it's as if everything finally took a meaning.
"Send me the video please" Lucy mumbles to her brother, noticing that he's filming her son dancing with Ona.
After a few dances for Ona and scenarios imagined for Lucy, the latter believes that she has lent her girlfriend enough to her nephew and decides to go and pick her up on the dance floor. Despite the sulky pout of her nephew, whose hair she gently ruffles before he returns to play with the children of her age, Lucy grabs Ona’s hand to take her with her.
"I thought you’d be thirsty" made Lucy putting a drink in Ona’s other hand
"Thank you. Where are we going?"
"Outside, the heat makes turn my head a little" confesses Lucy
"That, or the two drinks you drank in twenty minutes?" smiles mischievously Ona
"Oh, but I didn’t know I was being watched?"
"Always. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you"
Lucy smiles softly and releases Ona’s hand to open the door and let Ona go before her. The night has fallen for quite some time now and the moon is lighting up the park. The music is still audible but muted, now that Lucy has closed the door behind them.
Sitting softly on a small wall, Ona looks tenderly at her girlfriend coming to lean against her legs.
"Are you okay?" asked Ona in an uncertain tone. "You looked thoughtful earlier"
Lucy recognizes this intonation. At the beginning of their relationship, Ona had a tendency to imagine that Lucy would quickly become uninterested in her, the various comments visible on social media rising a little to her head. This is the first time that Ona is facing this, her relationships having been perfectly hidden until now. She knew that comforting Lucy the way she did after the World Cup final would attract curiosity. But at the time, she felt her girlfriend’s well-being was more important than the rest.
And obviously this was exacerbated when she started playing in Barcelona with her.
After many long discussions, the two young women decided not to think about how to act with each other, while being careful not to be too demonstrative physically with each other. Lucy had thought at the time that it would be harder for Ona than for her, but it quickly turned out that it was the opposite. It's finally always Lucy who finds herself looking for Ona at the end of a football match and following her when she greets their opponents.
Ona knows a lot of them and since the only time she wasn’t with her an opponent started touching Ona in a way that caused a wave of jealousy unprecedented for Lucy, the Englishwoman has since decided to make sure the other players don’t forget that Ona is taken and that she is hers. It’s no longer a secret in the world of women’s football anyway.
"I was a little lost in my thoughts, it’s true" Lucy confesses, deciding that there is no point in hiding the truth from Ona.
But the young woman is quick to imagine that it's necessarily negative. Her mind quickly trying to remembers the last moments of the evening, from when she left Lucy’s arms on the dance floor, looking for what she could do to make Lucy uncomfortable.
"Hey now, turn that brain off please" Lucy gently taps into Ona’s temple. "It’s nothing bad. I mean, I think"
"That's help a lot, thank you very much mi Amor" mocks Ona while arching an eyebrow.
Lucy laughs and leans over her to put a kiss on the corner of her jaw, before resuming speech.
"It’s something we’ve never really talked about" Lucy says, looking closely at her girlfriend’s face. "And I know that’s not the case for a lot of people in our situation so don’t feel any pressure on the subject I’m going to talk about, okay?"
"Okay?" repeats Ona, a little lost.
"I was thinking about the future we could have together. Being at a wedding definitely gives people ideas, I think, and seeing you with Al and the way you behave with him and his sister… I also wondered how we could have kids too, if you want to. As I said earlier, it’s special when both people are women and even more so when they live sports like us, but… I really wanted to know if you had ever thought about this kind of thing?"
Lucy’s nervousness is palpable in the tone of her voice, but also by her hands that suddenly became a little shaky. She's aware that she's older than Ona and even if the Catalan woman teases her sometimes with this, it had never bothered her. However, she fears tonight that the age difference plays a lot in the response of her girlfriend.
"I always knew I wanted to get married or have children, but to be completely honest with you I never imagined myself in this role, I don’t know if you understand the difference" begins Ona, Lucy nodding, already somewhat defeatist in spite of herself. "But since we met… I’m trying to stop imagining us in that role because it hasn’t been that long since we’ve been together and we’re supposed to take our time, but… I think I’d really like that with you" says shyly Ona. "The wedding thing and kids"
A big smile is on Lucy’s face when Ona finishes talking, mixing joy and relief. Simply not resisting the urge to kiss her girlfriend, Lucy leans over her to put her lips on hers. A tender but quick kiss that makes Ona moan when Lucy steps back.
"Don’t be a tease" Ona whines
"I’m not" Lucy laughs softly, kissing her cheek several times before adding "I keep the others for when we get back to the hotel room"
"Okay, vamos!" exclaims Ona as she jumps from the low wall, grabbing Lucy’s hand to drag her towards their car.
Despite her protests mixed with her laughter, Lucy lets herself be dragged in the direction of the car they rented during their stay here. Having quickly readmitted to driving on the right and not on the left as in England, Lucy quickly decided to play the role of the driver. And Ona take back with pleasure her role of passenger princess.
A few hours later, Lucy and Ona did find their hotel room. And Ona finally got her fair share of kisses. But, the mind obsessed with the conversation she had with Lucy a few hours earlier, the Catalan has trouble finding sleep. She left her usual place in Lucy’s arms to lie down beside her, her head resting on her hand and her elbow on the mattress. It's rare for the brunette to be able to observe Lucy sleeping, the English woman usually needing more time to fall asleep and waking up almost every day before Ona.
The fullback must take on her not to cover her with kisses and take the risk of waking her. Instead, Ona delicately chases away a lock of hair falling on Lucy’s face. But when Lucy moves in her sleep, the young woman decides to get up from the bed so as not to bother her any longer. Picking a jogging bottom and a sweatshirt belonging to Lucy, Ona sneaks discreetly through the door to get to the vending machine located in the corridor. Now that her body seems to have digested the alcohol she drank, she suddenly needs sugar.
Her bottle of soda in her hand, Ona stands in front of the window at the end of the corridor, once again lost in her thoughts. Lucy and her haven't exactly discussed the different possibilities available to them to start their own family and this is what is currently in Ona's mind. It's true that when Lucy mentioned children, Ona immediately imagined herself with miniature Lucy running after their dogs. But there is also adoption that could come into play.
Realizing that fatigue finally seems to take possession of her body when she rubs her eyes with one hand, Ona decides to return to their hotel room.
Turning around, Ona finds herself with her face a few centimeters from the one of someone else and it's only thanks to a hand crashing on her mouth that the entire floor isn't awakened by a scream of terror.
Finally, it's only Lucy. But when she releases Ona, the Spanish carries her hand at the level of her heart.
"Madre mia Lucia estás loca de remate?!" (My god Lucia, are you crazy?)
Ona whispers-screams, leaning her hands on her knees to catch her breath.
"I’m the one who wakes up without my girlfriend in my bed and in my room and you’re the one who’s terrified?" groans Lucy
She was really afraid when she noticed Ona’s absence and this explains that it takes her a few seconds before empathy takes over the fear she had a few minutes ago.
"Come on, let's go."
Without waiting for Ona’s response, Lucy puts her arms around the Spanish’s waist and gently lifts her off the floor, making Ona laugh softly.
"I just didn’t want to wake you, I couldn’t sleep" Ona mutters as she puts her arms around Lucy’s neck.
"You should have woken me up"
Ona shrugs her shoulders and lets herself lay on the bed, Lucy closing the door of the room with her foot before dropping herself to her side on the mattress.
"I didn’t want to bother you" shrugs Ona.
Lucy growls for any answer, slipping under the sheets and authoritatively drawing Ona with her. Caught in a pincer between Lucy’s arms, Ona lies down against her and moaned with contentment when the English girl began to scratch her head and hair.
"That’s nice" mumbles Ona
The Englishwoman smiles softly as she feels Ona’s body relax against hers, her heart rate finally returning to the normal.
"You want to tell me what was keeping you up?" asks Lucy softly
"I was thinking about tonight"
"Mh, what part?"
Ona laughs as she hears Lucy’s playful tone, turning her head over on her chest so she can look at her.
"Even if this part was very nice, I was thinking about the discussion we had, about the children and all that"
"Do you want to elaborate?" asks Lucy again, regaining her seriousness
"The children’s part. I was wondering if you saw us adopt or if you thought one of them would be pregnant"
Wrapping a strand of Ona’s hair around her finger, Lucy thinks for a few seconds about the answer to give her.
"I hadn’t really thought about adoption. I know it won’t be tomorrow, but I thought I could carry the baby first. If you agree, of course."
"But… what about your career?" asks Ona, frowning.
"You know as well as I do that my knee won’t last another ten years, Love. I know if I stop for a year I probably won’t come back as good as I was before, but is there a better way to end my career than to have a baby?"
It’s true that between that or getting her ACL, you might as well choose the first option, thinks Ona.
"Are you sure that's what you want?" asks Ona
"Yes. What about you?"
"More than ever" Ona replies with a small smile, unable to hold back a yawn.
Slipping her hand into her girlfriend’s hair, Lucy smiles softly.
"On the other hand, if we want more than one, I want at least one that looks like you. It would be terrible not to make such perfect genes last."
"Go back to sleep, you don't think straight anymore" laughs Ona, giving her a little playful pat on the forehead.
"Not before you, you disappear otherwise. And I have to look for you everywhere wondering if you were kidnapped" Lucy sulks.
Ona rolls her eyes smiling, going up on Lucy to put her face in the hollow of her neck.
To support her apology, Ona lays a kiss on Lucy’s jaw before returning to her original position and finally closing her eyes. Sleep will not delay this time to take away the young woman, then Lucy when she will be assured that Ona has fallen asleep.
Please let me know what you think about this one please? ♥
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the-milk-monarch · 6 months
Aquarium Date HCs for Connor and Ralph (separately) I love sea life so I love the idea of pointing out different fish to my fictional crushes :0 (maybe just date hcs in general tho??)
☣︎ hell yeah phish and first dbh ask 👏🙌 Sorry in case they're OOC or I got some fish trivia wrong. I'm not an expert lol btw I love to do the same, just with dog breeds ✌ I wanted to write general dating headcanons as well, but I didn't want the post to be too all over the place, so feel free to ask for more if you liked this rendition of the boys
【 AQUARIUM DATE 】 ☢︎ | gender-neutral reader ☢︎ | Detroit Become Human ☢︎ | Connor | Ralph
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【 Connor 】
Since he used to be a working android and didn't have a lot free will while not being a deviant, Connor liked going out with you a lot.
He was never interested in fish, but when you mentioned going to the aquarium he was a bit curious.
"Hm, the aquarium? Yeah, I'd like to go." He said as he looked at you with attentiveness in his eyes.
You were excited to point out each and every fish to him, although you were a bit worried Connor would be able to just- search the internet and get to know everything about them from the start.
He was a grade A android and detective after all.
You hoped he wouldn't get bored of you rambling about it.
As you arrived to the fancy building, Connor took notice of the big glass tunnel.
He didn't comment anything, but you could see that he looked at the fish that swam above his head with curiosity
"That's a nurse shark." You pointed out with a slightly excited smile as you noticed the creature swim behind the glass. Connor looked the way you pointed, raising his brow with calm interest. "Ginglymostoma cirratum. The elasmobranch fish in the family Ginglymostomatidae." He came up with the info on the spot. He knew you were interested in the topic, so he wanted to impress and relate to you. You chuckled softly at his "knowledge" as you lightly punched him in the shoulder. "Hey- I'm supposed to be the fish expert here." You lightheartedly pointed out. "Right. Of course, tell me more then. I'd love to listen." He quickly let you take the scene. You smiled at his mindfulness. "This one's a pilchard. But more commonly known as, well, sardine. The same one you can buy at the market." You came up with more information as you observed Connor listening to you diligently. "It's interesting to actually see them swim in their natural habitat. At least, as natural as you can get." He mentioned lightheartedly. "Yeah. Like, people eat those." You said playfully, watching him smile at your comment.
Time went by quick as you pointed out a lot of fancy and regular fish that appeared near you, excited with each new one that showed on your radar.
Connor loved listening to you express yourself about the thing you were passionate about.
You previously had some worries about him getting bored while you were there, but he never shown a sign of annoyance.
But it couldn't be further from the truth, he was looking at you with never ending curiosity.
Time came for you to visit the touchpool.
"Can you actually touch the fish?" Connor looked at the pool, raising his brow calmly. You chuckled slightly. "Yes. That's what it's for. Go on. Touch the starfish." Connor looked at the water one more time before gently placing his hand inside. You could see the flow of emotions on his face as the invertebrate made contact with his cyberskin. It showed curiosity, then confusion, then a bit of- disgust? He took his hand out slowly, but you could see a bit of aversion in his movement. "Did you not like it?" You asked with a silly smile on your face. "It was- interesting. But i'd rather not touch it again." He commented with fake professionalism, trying to hide his distaste towards the feeling. It made you giggle. "Really? That bad? Aren't you used to touching dead bodies and stuff?" You asked amused. "I am. But that's different. Somehow, this creature seems to- somehow get me. In a bad way." He explained. The fact that Connor, the android who was used to far much worse things than you could survive through, was disgusted by the little starfish made you giggle. "Alright, you don't gotta touch it. But I'll tell you some interesting facts about it instead." You suggested, smiling at him. "Yeah, that sounds good." The corners of his lips turned up as he reciprocated the calm smile.
Connor spent rest of the day with you talking his ear off, but he didn't mind in the slightest, and even asked you for elaboration and more facts on some fish he found interesting with.
He reminisces the trip with you there very fondly, although he gets a bit annoyed when you sometimes tease him about the starfish incident.
In a lighthearted way of course.
【 Ralph 】
He was a bit hesitant to go somewhere where there's a lot of people at first.
His fear of humans still persisted, but it was greatly lessened when he got you in your life.
Although he's still shy and a bit anxious in public.
Nonetheless, when you told him what an aquarium is, he was a bit curious.
You reassured him that if anything happens, you will leave.
He nodded a bit unsure, but he trusted you'd make the right call, so he agreed.
He was very fidgety and anxious at first, but his demeanor changed once he saw the colorful creatures.
Ralph was never in a place with so many different kinds of fish before!
He was probably even more excited than you when he got into the zone.
You tried to pick the rooms with less or zero people around so Ralph would feel more comfortable.
But after he got mesmerized by the fishies, his fear was kinda skimmed over.
He did get scared by a moray eel though.
"Ralph does not like that fish!" He pointed out, upset at the scary monster behind the glass. You laughed softly. "It's a moray eel." "Ralph does not like moray eels." He repeated with a frown, although he was still slightly curious about it. In like a car-crash type of way. You looked around the tank, wanting to find some "nicer" fish to show him. "How about this one?" You pointed out at the sea horse. He looked at it with interest, tilting his head a little, which you thought was very adorable. "Hm... Ralph likes this one better." He said with conviction with made you chuckle slightly. "The males actually carry the eggs." You came up with a random trivia about them. It was actually a decently known fact about them, but Ralph being Ralph obviously didn't know it. "Huh?" He tilted his head once more. "It's to ensure their survival. Both mom and dad work together." You pointed out some more nerdy facts with a smile as you observed his reaction. "Hm... Ralph thinks the seahorses are nice." He came up to the glass, putting his hands on it to get a better view. "And interesting!"
After he got a bit more comfortable being t the aquarium, he would run around the place, following the fishes that swam above his head in the tunnel and ask you about them.
"What's that fish called? And that? And those small ones? Oh, what about that big one!" He pointed out lots of different types, making you a bit lost with answering as his questions were so quickly coming.
He's the type to just- poke the glass.
He's curious, you can't blame him.
He'll stop if you tell him to, though.
If there's a petting pool he must see it.
Tell him how to interact with it beforehand though, as he might get a bit- rough with his touches.
"Ralph put that stingray down!" You were horrified when you noticed him holding the poor creature by the tail. He flinched and dropped it back into the water. "Ralph is sorry- Ralph was just curious-" He said apologetically, putting hands closer to his chest in a nervous manner. "It's- It's okay Ralph, you can try just- petting it. Like that." You reached out your hand to touch the stingray that was swimming by. Ralph looked at you and tried to do the same. "O-okay, Ralph will try." He giggled when his sensors felt the skin of the animal brush against his fingers.
You didn't know what to expect at the aquarium, whether Ralph would like it at all, but you were positively surprised when he wanted to stick around more, even after the workers told you it's gonna close soon.
Overall, he was very excited, and wouldn't mind going there again.
Please tell him more fish facts at home.
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mtkay13 · 1 year
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(and way more TYK designs below!)
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Here it is! My personal designs of the (mostly) full TYK cast! What I mainly learned from this: TYK has a lot more characters than expected, haha.
My idea was mainly to get a clearer image, for myself, of all the people appearing or being mentioned in the book (and btw, a big chunk of the characters above died before the story even started and don't even get a line, but, you know...). One of my guidelines was, everyone has to look interesting, has to look like the main character of their own story. TYK is pretty much a story about side characters... so if noone is a main character, everyone is, no? (...does that even work? lol) Some of these designs were inspired by SHL, because it being the first one I saw, it of course left an impression in my mind. The rest is essentially taken from the few descriptions we get in the book, and my own imagination (plus some help from pinterest for the clothing). Rong Changqing is 100% inspired from @tbgkaru-woh depiction of him.
One noteworthy thing: the giant dog is too big. I thought it was supposed to be the size of a big horse, but it's actually the size of a pony... woops. Now, additionally:
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The protags families! Wen Ruyu and Gu Miaomiao had to look heroic because that's pretty much what their characters are about. The traditional Wuxia story heroes that marked the legend. Conversely, the Zhou family has to be as plain and normal as possible, haha. ZZS says, in QY, that he's often called "Zhou San" (=Zhou three), which means he's the third child in his family. Since I like the idea of him being the youngest, I only gave him an older brother (who will inherit the position of head of the family and thus justify ZZS being able to leave for a shady remote sect) and an older sister. And as another bonus:
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Hehehe. So these are... let's say, the men in ZZS' life, before WKX.
- Jiuxiao, of course, because I'm convinced ZZS had feelings for him
- Huang Xu, an OC developed with Bichen (son of a HLZ supporter, whose family ZZS infiltrated for a while --as Su Yan-- to try and sway them towards HLY's cause ((Su Yan's "Yan" is the same "Yan" as in Zhen Yan, just as a little nod to SHL))) - Zhu Ai, a magistrate OC, developed with Moose and Bichen, who's deeply infatuated with ZZS --only knowing him as that one guy who handles imperial guard watch tours and trains guards--
-and one guard I just like to imagine having a crush on him too. I started working on some guy from WKX's childhood too, but I feel like WKX's past is such a huge can of worms, I'll save all of that for later, haha.
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i-yap · 2 days
I have a dick Grayson request 🙋
Dick Grayson x gn s/o who speaks another language or first language is not English (I speak spanish especially around my family,,, who are not English speakers) 💕
even english isnt technically my first language so I love this ask
Dick Grayson x gn s/o
man can speak a shit ton of languages. It was a part of his training , Especially if the language is sort of common or spoken a lot. He knows it . The slang , references and modifications to the language still confuse him cuz that's something usually only native speakers get. Like I speak Hindi but my hindi isn't grammatically accurate and has a lot of modifications .
He probably has better grammar than you in it which he teases you about endlessly. And when that thing happens when you cant find a word in both languages his teasing is dialed to 100 . You cant even use the english is not my first language cuz he gets all languages.
If he doesn't speak the language HE WILL LEARN IT AND THAT TOO IN LIKE 2MONTHS. He wont even tell you he has learned it till you guys are fighting and you just swear at him in your native language and he's like "HOW DARE YOU CALL ME A DOG" "HOW DID YOU KNOW THATS WHAT I CALLED YOU" "IVE BEEN LEARNING YOUR LANGUAGE FOR YOU FOR THE PAST 2 MONTHS" "wait really? you learned a whole language for me:)" "yes cuz I love you you dumbass, id learn all the languages in the world for you"
If you ask him to translate for you, haha he will mess it up on purpose. Dont get too mad at him, its just so cute when you're pouting and you cant be mad at your pretty bf when he calls you cute.
Full blown gossiping/ private talks when in public in the native language so that everyone is super confused . Also dirty talking..in public...kill me already. His pronunciation is perfect btw.
Your family is so impressed by him, um don't introduce him to them unless you want to get married by the morning.
the fact remains that there is nothing the man wont do, wont learn, wont get done for you. dick is underrated asf and my boy deserves all your love cuz he loves you with all he has.
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pandaroboto · 9 months
Taskmaster Recording Report
This will be a long post and it has spoilers, so proceed with caution. More after the cut.
I will put in two different sections, what happened on warm-up and between takes and what they cut from the episode and I remember. WARM UP
Greg told people to stop sending sexy DMs because he would disappoint all the ladies/some guys.
He introduced Alex who came to the stage and hugged Greg's...knees?
Greg told the audience Alex was a master and could mimic any animal doing a dance style. He did a guinea pig first and it was the cutest thing, then a wolf (there is a picture of this that was used on a press release) and then a lion. When Greg asked about a dance style I yelled SAMBA with all my strength and then I saw Alex trying to samba as a lion. It was amazing.
Mark Olver asked who came from furthest to watch it and I raised my hand and said Brazil and he said BULLSHIT, you didn't come here just for that. I then explained I also was going to see Tim Key in Cardiff the next day and he was like "Oh..she did came here just for that then"
Again British people can't understand my name so I was referred as "Brazil" for the rest of the afternoon
I was also questioned about how do I watch the show and I quickly replied Youtube .
He made me list my favorite contestants to see if I could stay in the country. I tried to think which contestants were on the YouTube series uploaded. I then said Bob Mortimer, Mike Wozniak and Mark Watson (Alex smiled a bit when I said his name). Olver went " I can't believe someone in Brazil was watching the Woz fart a pile"
When I was telling I am from Brazil Alex waved at me and I was sure he knew who I was because long story short a bunch of friends really made me feel special and got me a signed book by Alex and he knew I was going to be there after travelling for 14+ hours.
At that point Greg said "Did you come for me???" and I pathetically went YES Y ES YES. He waved at me and IDK till today how I survived this.
They joked about a guy being first row and not being a fan,Mark asked who he had to fuck to get those seat and greg was pointing to himself.
They said we were clapping at the wrong places and that would confuse Alex and Greg
After the recording when I got back to London randomly meet Asim Chaudhry on Leceister Square. He was so sweet. We chatted a bit , I talked about how Sandman was big here, and that he had Brazilian fans and he got very excited and telling his mates about it
Sue got a massive round of applause. I think she and Julian got the big whoops from the crowd
The prize task was so much longer. Lucy went for ages talking about the ghost of the dog, and Greg kept asking questions. I knew most of it would be cut, but Greg kept mentioning during the episode and made me question how they would edit the references. They are bloody genius those editors.
Sam's Pinocchio made quite the impression, and Greg had a lot of fun with it. They talk about Pinocchio's penis, there was questions if it grew too with the lies. And Greg kept saying Pinocchio during the recording.
Sue's monkey orgy story was longer too.
When they showed Sam getting super closer to Alex, Greg mentioned Alex was very uncomfortable with touch and to prove that he got really touchy. BTW guys the amount of hand touches, and whispers behind the cards...they are insane
After the team task they were basically talking about how kinky it was, and Greg joked about Alex tied up , hogtie style and that he enjoyed. This was the thing I was most excited and I hope they put on the outtakes because I know how the fandom will be mental about it.
Greg is...MAGNETIC! Like the man demands attention and is very hard to not be looking at him. I kept looking at them at the studio and mostly ignored the tasks because I knew that I could see them later.
The live task took ages to set up and to reset after every round, Greg even joked we would spend the night there. It was more or less 3 hours of taping.
Greg interacted with us a lot because they had to reset the seesaw all the time, At one point he asked us to go "oooooh" that was show in the episode but he asked Alex using those words "Do you want the audience to oooh you while you pull it out slowly for me?" and he said with such a voice that...if I were a dude I would have a boner.
There was a point when Alex had to explain the outcome and he got it wrong and the audience corrected him to Greg's delight, he was very giggly. Sue got quite mad at Alex and the chains.
I guess it was this. At least that is what I took from my notes.
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kittycomrad · 5 months
Let me get this straight, there's generations of men getting together talking about how "men" don't need to chase or impress women because they are the "prize." They talk about how women are "low value" because of multiple reasons. Reasons like "she's well experienced in regards of sex and dating", "she's a feminist", "she's a cat boss lady" etc. Their followers want their women to cook, clean, put effort into their appearance and still pay the bills "eQuALLy" because muh feminism. These men, MILLIONS of men btw, genuinely think they will all become billionaires. There's an influx of 35+ year old, bald, wrinkly men who think they're attractive alphas (lmao) who can attract 19 year old teenage girls because their counter parts have "hit the wall" and have nothing to offer. Mind you, not even the most pick me brainwashed girl with daddy issues is going to want them unless they are poor and vulnerable. Genuinely disgusting how grown ass males go around thinking girls my age including me might be attracted to them. There's also an influx of teenage boys SAing girls, forcing them to send nudes, calling them whores/gold diggers, saying every misogynistic thing in the book and having the same mentality while being unemployed and annoying. The way so many comment sections are filled with them bullying/ harassing girls and women. They move and talk like rabies ridden dogs. Cultlike and cringe. The absolute shit show women in the future would have to witness. Men and boys of the general population are being promised greatness and my goodness will it be funny when they get reality check.
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venuscrashed · 3 months
Hi there!
Can I maybe get some Hc of the demon brothers with a male Alastor (from Hazbin hotel) like reader (maybe reader is a demon, but not from the devildom, but from actual hell?) Kinda want to keep this short, so here= Reader always has his staff/mic thing with him- no matter where he is. Reader basically always wears old-fashioned suits, has Alastor's sharpish teeth, and is basically always smiling (like Alastor does). How would the demon brothers react to first meeting reader? What would they think of reader at first? How would they act towards reader at first/and after they became friends (or dating, either is fine c:)? Sorry if this is long. I hope ur having a nice day/noon/night :]
low key never watched the show so sorry about that
word count: 1k (total)
warnings: death mentioned in Belphies part, it sucks, literally pulled this out from the back of my closet, gn reader, tags are to reach a wider audience btw
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Lucifer: He actually didn’t know what you looked like considering you stuck to the radio. It worried him but nonetheless he was intrigued by your style. The old fashion suits and the staff reminded him of how humans were before he fell. He was also captivated because he could fell the pride in you, your ego was never shown but he could sense the way you felt superior around others. After you become friends he mainly sticks to his office but does hang out with you from time to time. Whether it’s buying you more suits, because you guys basically have the same style, or are off doing stuff for others. Once you guys date he is so smug and your guys superiority complex combined tires out everyone. Even Diavolo is leaving the room when you two are together. 
Mammon: Was absolutely disappointed when he heard he had to babysit you but when he saw you… Thought you were made of money when he first saw you. The old, EXPENSIVE, suit and the staff…there were dollar signs in his eyes. He would be sucking up to you all for that credit card. That smile did creep him out though…He’d get so greedy from just your attention. Is absolutely smitten once you two become friends. Plus, he uses that as an excuse to steal your mic and basically scream in it for hours. Once you start dating, oh god is he flustered. Like “yeah that's my rich, expensive human. Yeah they smile weirdly but it makes me weak in the knees” Is always begging for some money, if you can buy those suits you can spare a couple hundred thousand grimm right?
Levi: Was absolutely disappointed when he had to be there. He was playing games the whole time but once he saw you he was shocked. You lowkey reminded him of this rich dude that wanted to be a detective in this anime but more creepy like, you know? Would absolutely avoid you though, you’re creepy alright. That smile just sends shivers down his spine. Once you become friends he would absolutely be jealous about the size of the crowd you bring in. Why are you so charming? Would also absolutely use your mic for his gaming sessions if his broke and didn’t come within the 15 minutes he ordered it. Once you start dating he would convince you to cosplay with him. He finds some duo or couple that has similar fashion to you and he would just buy(steal) the outfit from you.
Satan: Why was he here again? Oh right he was forced to, much to his dismay. Out of all of the exchange students there(since he most likely never met Simeon, right? idk) you were the most interesting. You remind him of the one of the detectives in his books with that outfit. He tried to impress you when you two first met, can’t have you looking down on him now. I also feel like he would actually like your big smile. Once you two are friends he steals your mic to go and prank Lucifer. 9/10 times he also stole a piece from your wardrobe. When you guys are dating people also steer clear of you two. Since you’re always attached at the hip, nobody stays near you. Scary dog energy from the both of you. He’s the “run if he starts smiling" type and you're the “run if they stop smiling” type.
Asmo: Really just wanted to see the new human exchange students. Was drawn towards you. The style, the staff, the smile, everything. Would absolutely try to charm you and when he fails it actually hurts him. Even before you guys are friends he would steal your clothes. For the “aesthetic” you know? Once you guys are friends he tries and gets your dental routine, he’s lowkey jealous about how white there are and pointy. He’s always hanging off of you and swearing you’ll protect him. When your in his room he’ll steal the mic and start “serenading” you with whatever song. When you guys date he is so in love. Never shutting up about you and Always bragging about you to his two brothers. “And they are so good looking” “We know asmo” “Their smile is amazing” “We know Asmo” “And their eyes…” “We live with them to Asmo”
Beel: What should he have for lunch today? Was staring at you the whole time they were explaining where you were and why. No thoughts behind those eyes type of look. Likes your style, also reminds him of how humans used to be which also reminds him of his sister. If he ever got crumbs on your suit he would feel so bad. “I’ll get it dry cleaned” “Beel it’s fine” “No” He would stop eating around you just to keep the suit clean. Once your friends though he does start eating but is careful. He will always hold it against himself. I’m convinced he tried to eat the mic at one point when he was tired and delirious. When you two start dating he focuses on your teeth more. He has sharp teeth too, but yours are better. Smiles when you smile and gets all giddy when he sees.
Belphie: Was in the attic being delulu again, what else is there to do? When he saw you through the door he was like “you gotta be kidding me” He likes the style, looks too much like Lucifers, although you wear it better. When he kills you he feels bad, obviously. “Can I buy you a new suit” “It’s fine Belphie” “Let me buy you a new suit” “I said it’s fine” “I’m buying you a new suit” Once you two are friends he steals your mic. Gets someone to scream to annoy Lucifer. Pulls so many pranks with it that he gets banned from it. Sees that smile in his nightmares, considering that was the last thing he saw before you died. It’s unfortunate that that's your permanent face too. When you two are dating he feels a bit better about it. Would wear your clothes but they are not sleep worthy, even though he can sleep in anything. Somehow the pranks get ten times worse when you two are dating, it’s a mystery what this man does. 
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