#mxtx side characters side A
web-novel-polls · 6 months
MXTX Side Characters Lower Bracket
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Mu Qingfang from SVSSS
Submission: Ppl tend to completely forget he has a mad scientist side (see Jinlan arc) and if he gets into the tournament I'll have a reason to bring it up. 
Additional Propaganda
Pei Ming from TGCF
One of the Three Tumors - three Heavenly Officials that have some of the worst reputations after Xie Lian (“the laughing stock of the three realms”) - due to his EXTENSIVE manwhore ways. Like, when the ghost mother of a fetus spirit claims her child is/was the child of a Heavenly Official, EVERYONE thinks it’s him. What can he say, his reputation precedes him 
["Anti-Propaganda" that attacks other characters is NOT allowed. Please only give reasons to vote FOR a character.]
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winepresswrath · 7 months
taking a moment to remember how much i love cql. best cast most delightful budget allocation choices. was it perfect? no. did the script enable every single actor as they jointly pretend that their character is the protagonist and we just happen to be watching the wangxian cut? yes. future adaptations should maintain this energy it works so well. also i think it has my favourite nhs. he tried to stage manage wei wuxian's reintegration into the cultivation world! the scene where he crashes the jiang reunion is so good.
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acearohippo · 9 months
MDZS: gives us a perfectly happy, wonderfully written WangXian that hits all the Good™ Romance™ tropes while keeping the development grounded and genuine.
Me: *crying, instead, over Jiang Cheng/Nie Huaisang and Nie Mingjue/Meng Yao (Jin Guangyao)/Lan Xichen, clutching them tightly to bosom over the (also fantastically written) tragedy of their past traumas ripping them apart and leaving them scarred and alone and bitter without any supports to lean on*
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I decided there was no such thing as “too soon” when it comes to rewatching Heaven Official’s Blessing and lemme tell ya. The show is, impossibly, better now that I already know what’s going on.
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steampunk-swamp · 2 months
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sometimes i think about how yin yu could be giving the entire cast the side eye throughout the entire narrative and we'd just never know
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komaneko-kun · 8 days
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people say feng xin is the normal one like he doesn't always act like no matter how much he's hurt or worn-out it's "nothing"
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st-anczyk69 · 5 months
now for that one I don’t see an obvious answer and I’m not even quite sure how it will play out
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undertheredhood · 4 months
mxtx side characters (especially the ones who are constantly misunderstood and disliked) are everything to me
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jaunty-skeletons · 7 months
can’t believe mbj is losing the side character poll what is this 😭
everyone VOTE FOR HIM !!!
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evie-doesnt-write · 2 months
My unpopular opinion is that TGCF is the weakest out of all MXTX books (maybe because she didn’t get to edit it until recently unlike the other two). I still love it and it’s an amazing piece of work but as a narrative, its structure is not as strong as the other two (though I think TGCF is stronger in other regards)
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the worst crime this fandom ever committed was forgetting about the original lang ying. mxtx did not write an impoverished, grief-stricken man carrying his dead baby on his back for days just to find him a decent resting place, a man who acts as a tragic mirror to xie lian’s own wealth and the personification of the futility of his good intentions, a wholly sympathetic character who takes up the mantle of yong’an rebel general to take down the useless xianle royalty, a man whose motivations are so pure that in another story he would be the protagonist, who even after he assured yong’an’s victory and was established as king himself, never got what he wanted bc all he wanted was his dead wife and child back, who denied xie lian his unrighteous vengeance bc he was already dead and dying, only for the entirety of the tgcf fandom to never talk about him again
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web-novel-polls · 6 months
MXTX Side Characters Lower Bracket
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Ning Yingying from SVSSS
Submission: Her glow-up in the SVSSS timeline is real! Instead of becoming Luo Binghe's childhood sweetheart, she roasts him for referring to her too familiarly. Love this for her. 
Wen Qing from MDZS
Submission 1: Doctor, mad scientist, war criminal, protective big sister... she has the range!!
Submission 2: Wen Qing my beloved!! She did surgery on a grape. Mad genius for real. Also a loving sister with a very sharp tongue and maybe no sense of how far is too far. Can't wait for them to find her alive in a Koi Tower basement!
Submission 3: Justice for my girl!!!! 
Submission 4: She's bitchy and pragmatic and cares deeply and did an unprecedented operation (experimental and nonconsensual!), what's not to love? Also she deserved better. 
["Anti-Propaganda" that attacks other characters is NOT allowed. Please only give reasons to vote FOR a character.]
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when one of them has an arguably higher social status (like, they're both well-known and respected but one is just COMPLETELY on another level)
but the canon makes it so very crackingly clear that they are BOTH so incredibly whipped for each other, there is zero one-sidedness in this relationship lol
love 020 (denounce the cringe all you want (and also the scandals oml), but you can't deny they do really go for the both-these-characters-are-SO-whipped-for-each-other angle)
solangelo (well-liked camp medic vs Literally The Hero, and make of that dynamic what you will ig)
wangxian. just. them. yeah
there IS another example I just can't think of it right now I'll come back to this
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jayktoralldaylong · 2 years
Singing together
Ling Wen: When everyone believes you
Mian Mian: What's that like?
Wen Qing: I'm so sick of running
Jiang Yanli: As fast as I can
Madam Yu: As fast as I caaan
A-Qing: Wondering if
Meng Shi: I'd get there quicker
Xuan Ji: If I was a maaaan
Shi Qingxuan, deadpan: You won't.
The MXTX girls, shocked: .........
Shi Qingxuan with a sigh, flipping their hair: Take it from me, girls. It ain't worth it.
Wen Qing: Most of us died awful deaths and lived miserable lives.
Shi Qingxuan: Okay, but did you get tortured?
The MXTX girls, stunned: ........
Wei Wuxian, Hua Cheng, Bai Wuxiang: On repeat
The MXTX girls, looking on in pity: ........
Xie Lian and Bai Wuxiang: No matter how much you begged and screamed for mercy.
Madam Lan, horrified: Damn son.
Xiao Xingchen: Yeah, we all have it tough in this universe.
A-Qing, speaks up: Okay, but I got tortured.
Pei Ming, horrified Damn child, how old are you, 12?
Bai Wuxiang: What kind of monster would do such a thing?
Xue Yang, offended: Seriously? From you?
Bai Wuxiang: Xie Lian might have been 17 in body but he spent three years in heaven so I at least waited for him to get legal before messing him up. Bitch was at least 20 when he caught these hands.
Xie Lian: That doesn't make it any better you sick bastard!
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noinobonoto · 1 year
I really dislike it when people make wei wuxian dumb in fanfics just so other characters seem smarter
Ofc it's fanfiction so it doesn't really matter and I firmly believe anyone is allowed to write even the most ooc bs ever because that's what fanfics are for, to do whatever the hell you want, so that's a slight to no one and just me putting my thoughts out there
So yeah, I'm not saying wei wuxian has to be the smartest, the genius and the prodigy, especially if it's not about him, but he IS very intelligent and making him act stupid and not in a playful way but in serious situations where he is making things worse or depending on others to explain obvious things to him is really weird and feels as if an author either didn't understand his character or just doesn't like him
And again, it's weird for me bc all the time I'm saying that fanfics are for writing whatever you wish but at the same time... sometimes I just want to complain a bit about things I hate 😅
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thalleium · 11 months
I feel very deeply about Yushi Huang. I was foaming at the mouth reading a god had the moniker “The Princess Who Slit Her Throat” and then didn’t get brought up again for hundreds of pages
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