#mummy bts
cover-floor-eat · 6 days
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semiotomatics · 2 years
it's not that I hate Christianity, it's that a Christian company bought my workplace and now ghosts are banned on halloween
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orgasming-caterpillar · 10 months
No one:
Absolutely no one:
My mumma: aaj tere phone laa dungi shaam tak to apne photos aur wo tere korean ke videos email id pe daal de taki seedhe us phone me aa jaye
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soggykookiesandcream · 11 months
𝐵𝒶𝒸𝓀 𝐹𝓇𝑜𝓂 𝒟𝑒𝒶𝓉𝒽 - 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝐼
"You ready?" Namjoon asks.
"Yes," I breathe, "I'm just a little scared of heights."
"It's okay," smiles Namjoon, "You can hold my hand if you want."
"Thank you," I accept his offer.
As the helicopter begins to ascend, my grip on Namjoon's hand gets tighter. 
"Yuna-" Namjoon yelps, "Don't crush my hand."
"I'm sorry," I reply with a look of regret.
"It's okay. Just calm down. Nothing will happen." Namjoon smiles.
I nod at him as I look outside to see the dry desert below me. No matter how much I hated these deserts, I loved my job too much to let it discourage me. I had started out studying and analysing data from other people. Now I was here, collecting them myself and trying to unravel mysteries. I was so lucky to meet Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok. They were always there for me. I looked at Hoseok smiling excitedly and realised I had reached the spot.
I was nervous.
"Namjoon," I said, "I'm nervous."
"Why? It's just another pyramid." He replied.
"I know," I sighed, "I don't know..."
"It's okay," he took your hand in his, "We're all here."
I smiled at him. 
"C'mon love birds. You can do staring later. We've got set up to do!" Jin screamed.
Namjoon and I blushed.
Namjoon and I, both liked each other but decided to stay friends till both of us were steady and stable in the archaeology field. But that didn't hold back Jin from teasing us both. 
"See you later," I meekly said and ran towards Jin.
"So, which blanket do you want?" Hoseok asks, "Red or black?"
"Black, please," I reply.
"Here," he hands the black neatly folded blanket to me.
It was night right now. The team and I took all afternoon and evening to set up the camp. It was really hard under the scorching sun. Moving heavy objects, setting the tents, setting up fences so that robbers or bandits wouldn't sneak in and steal, etc. I had to join in to help them since we needed to get it set up before the night fell.
"Hey," he said from behind.
"Who-", I clutched my heart, "Oh my God, Taehyung, you really need to stop doing that."
"Sorry," he gave me a boxy smile.
"You don't want me to die. Do you?" I asked smiling at him.
"No!" he exclaimed, "Of course not."
"Then stop doing that," I smiled but soon realized, "Taehyung! Oh my, someone will see you. Hide." 
"No," he laughed, "I'm disguised with a cloth. See." 
"I'm still worried," I pout.
"It's okay, darling. No one will see me." he smiled at me, "Let's go."
"Where?" I raised my eyebrow.
"To the east market," he pointed to the road which takes us there.
"But the east market is for the rich," I replied.
"I am rich." He smirks.
"No one here knows that," I replied with a smirk.
"They don't need to," he smiled, "Or does my darling want everyone here to know that?"
"NO!" I screamed.
I apologised to people around us who looked at me like I was crazy.
"Haha, then come on." He tugged my sleeves.
"Okay," I smiled clinging onto his arms.
"What do you want, dear?" He asked.
"Nothing. I already got my groceries from the peasant market." I smiled in satisfaction as I looked at my bag filled with various vegetables.
"I wasn't asking about groceries." He replied.
"Oh, I don't want anything," I said.
"But I want to buy my dear something." He whined.
"That's not required, Taehyung," I said sternly.
"Can I buy you a gift?" He asked.
"No," I sighed turning around, "I don't need anything."
"I'm buying you a gift." He pulled me to a jewellery shop.
"Which one do you like?" He asked me.
"I don't know... You choose." I answered giving in.
"You like watching the stars, don't you? I'll buy you that chain with a star locket," He pointed at the chain hanging on a hook.
"That's very beautiful," I smiled.
"Give me this." He took the chain off the hook and gave it to the shopkeeper.
"5 silver coins." The shopkeeper said.
Taehyung paid for the chain and pulled me away from the shop into an alley between two shops.
"Taehyung what-" I was cut off by him smashing his lips onto mine.
I unknowingly put my hands on his shoulders. He deepens the kiss as he takes the chain out from his pocket, puts it around my neck and clicks the chain in place. 
He pulled away panting, "I love you so much."
"I love you too." I pecked his lips again.
He smiled at me and pushed a few strands of hair behind my ear.
"Dear," he said.
I hummed.
"Will you leave me?"
I widened my eyes at his question.
"Never! Why are you asking? Do you think I'll leave you?" I asked softly.
"I'm just scared." He sighed.
"Well, don't be." I kissed his forehead.
I gasped getting up. What the hell was that? Who was that in my dream? And why was I in an old market with a guy I didn't know? And most importantly, why did I kiss him-
It was probably because I watch too much k-drama. I laughed it off. 
886 words
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ddaeng-angmoh · 1 year
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I was supposed to sleep— but my hand slipped 😭😭😭
@yeontanismypresident it wasn’t going to be Sope, but then I thought of you 🤧
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snowddeong · 1 year
Remembering that time someone leaked twice tour countries and everyone knew it was fake because South Africa was on it haha... The day we get at least one kpop group in Africa lmao
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bumpscosity · 11 months
Sorry for getting mad at universal the way they treat animatronics pisses me off
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bitxhbanana · 1 year
accha chalo tell crow how are u
finals week 🧍‍♀️
ive not seen my mother in 4months. miserable conditions.
love life bhi hil gayi hai
how have u been?? i missed u!! i’m v inactive these days but yes when i come back i missed seeing u on my feed.
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m-jelly · 5 months
Hello Jelly! I hope your December was fabulous!
I'm wondering what you think Levi's reaction to his young child calling him their superhero might be :) (bonus points for post war Levi)
thank you for being amazing!
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Levi x fem!reader
Canon world, post war, dad Levi, mum reader, fluff, being parents, married life, emotional Levi.
Levi spends some time with his daughter and is moved when she calls him a superhero.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn @bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird
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Lilly giggled as she sat on her father's lap and he wheeled his chair down the town path. It was a father-daughter outing while you were at home with your one-month-old son. Going out with her father was so much fun, but she did miss you and her brother Evan.
Levi came to a stop and watched a confrontation happening. He gave his daughter a hug and knew very well that he might have to get involved, but it would cause a lot of pain in his knee. Using his leg to stop people fighting and help people would likely result in three days of using the chair all day.
The fight was getting worse and Levi had to step in before a poor kid was going to get hurt. He lifted his daughter and sat her on his chair. "Wait there for daddy, okay?"
She nodded. "Okay." She watched in awe as Levi limped over to the two men fighting with a small kid in the middle. "Wow!" Seeing her father scoop up the kid, before leaning on his bad leg and using his good one to kick the drunk abusive man shocked her. The man flew and smashed right through a wooden wall. "Daddy!"
Levi handed the kid over to his father before accepting gifts from the shop owner. The drunken man was a regular pest and it was likely he wouldn't be trouble again because Levi Ackerman stopped him. Once Levi had everything he returned to his daughter and handed her the gifts. He picked her up and sat with a groan in his chair.
Lilly gazed at her dad as he wheeled them out of town. "Daddy?"
Levi smiled at her. "Mm?"
"You kicked that man super hard!"
Levi blushed a little. "I did. You shouldn't do things like that, okay? It's dangerous." He moved his chair back to the house. "Daddy used to fight a lot when he was younger, but he shouldn't now."
Lilly hummed. "You did it to save people."
He gazed at his daughter. "Did your mummy tell you that?"
"Yes." She giggled when she remembered the fun stories about Levi you told, of course you'd tamed it for a little girl. "You're so cool, daddy."
"Thank you."
You hurried out of the house with a smile on your face. "Welcome home you two! How was your outing?"
Lilly slipped off Levi's lap. "Daddy kicked a guy super hard!"
You rushed over to Levi, knelt before him and checked his knee out. "Is your knee okay?"
Levi placed his hand on yours. "It'll be fine. How are you and Evan?"
"We're well. We missed you both."
Lilly stood next to you. "Daddy saved a kid."
You smiled at her. "Your daddy is amazing. He saved so many people from big scary monsters. He flew through the air. He was impressive to watch."
Lilly gasped. "Daddy is a superhero!"
Levi's eyes widened. "Super...I...I'm not..." He saw how much his daughter was grinning, how happy and excited she was. No matter how many dark feelings Levi had about his work in the past, he didn't want to beat himself up in front of his precious daughter. He wanted her to have confidence. "Yeah, that's right."
She bounced up and down. "So cool! My daddy is a superhero!"
You leaned up and kissed Levi. "My superhero too." You wiped his tears away. "Maybe this is what you needed to hear all along, an innocent person's view of you. You're more amazing than you think, Levi."
He whined a little. "This..." He smiled softly. "Thank you, both of you." He picked up Lilly and hugged her tightly. "I love you."
Lilly hugged Levi. "Love you daddy."
You stood up and winked. "Love you always, handsome." You walked inside and picked up your son, before returning to Levi. "This little man loves you too."
Levi smiled when he saw his baby boy. "I love him too."
Lilly giggled. "Daddy is a superhero to Evan too! Daddy is the best!"
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soggykookiesandcream · 11 months
𝐵𝒶𝒸𝓀 𝐹𝓇𝑜𝓂 𝒟𝑒𝒶𝓉𝒽 - 𝒫𝓇𝑜𝓁𝑜𝑔𝓊𝑒
"You idiot!" I exclaimed, "Wake up!"
"What the hell?" Jin screamed waking up from his desk.
"Did you study the file? I swear to god if you didn't, I will make sure to call a butcherer to cut your limbs and sell you on the black market. We have to submit our report today. If we don't you know we're gonna get fir.. mmmmmpphhh." I was stopped by Jin shoving a piece of apple in my mouth.
"I know, I know. And I finished it. Here you go." He waves a blue coloured file in the air.
"Hmph. Give it here." I snatch the file from his hand while chewing the piece of apple.
I take another piece of apple from his container and started to read through his report scanning for mistakes. I graduated from Seoul University of Archaeology two years ago. I was working in an archaeological expedition unit sent from Korea, in Egypt. I've worked in Egypt for about 4 months with Jin, Namjoon, and Hoseok. I recently found a pyramid on satellite scans and asked for permission to excavate it since it looked very interesting from the satellite pictures. But my permission was denied since my team already had a project report pending. Hence, I was in a hurry to wrap it up and start my study on the newly found pyramid.
"Finally we can start the new project," I said sighing, "I can't wait!"
"Why are you so excited about this small pyramid? It doesn't even look that great." Jin asked.
"Well, usually pyramids are huge in size," I said emphasizing huge, "but this one is very small compared to the others. It looks very frail and on the edge of falling apart. Like it wasn't given any effort at all while being built. But usually, all the royal families built pyramids strong and big. But this one... it's a mystery."
"Interesting... hmmm," Jin sighed, "Well! Let's go get Namjoon and Hoseok. Let's submit this report and get working on the new pyramid."
"Yes!" I said in excitement.
"Hmm.. so you want an excavation team for the newly found tomb?" Our senior archaeologist questioned us. 
"Yes, sir," Jin answered.
"I like your reasoning for exploring the pyramid," he smiled, "An excavation team will be arranged in two days. Get ready. Since it's located a little far from here, you will camp near the pyramid. Good luck Miss Yuna."
"Thank you, sir," I smiled at him.
"I KNOW!" I screamed back to stop him but softened up, "I know... I know I didn't call you. I was busy. I'm sorry... I really am."
Yoongi sighs, "It's okay. But at least text me that you're fine."
"Yes," I breathed out, "I will."
"You better-" Yoongi began but,
"Anyway," I interrupted, "I am going away from the centre to a new location for a few days. We discovered a new pyramid and we need to excavate it. Since it's far from here, we'll be camping there. And... Unfortunately, there's no network available there. I won't be able to call you for a few days."
"Is there no way that you can stay back?" Yoongi asked.
"No! Brother, it's my life's work collecting information about ancient things. I can't stay back!" I exclaimed.
"I know," Yoongi sighed, "I just... I'm worried for my sister who's going to stay in the middle of nowhere to study a dead body."
"Correction," I said, "An ancient Egyptian mummy which holds the answer to several of our questions."
"Okay okay. Just be safe ok? Text me when you're leaving." Yoongi said with affection.
"Yes, brother. I love you," I said, "Mwuah!"
"Haha," Yoongi chuckled, "Love you too."
I cut the call and flopped back into my bed.
"This is going to be a long week."
673 words
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prapaiwife · 1 month
Pooh via Twitter bts of goddess bless you from death!! His laugh 😭🥺
His caption: Are you afraid of ghosts, everyone? I'm afraid too. But I suddenly saw a ghost again. I'm confused. Mummy, please help me. Gbufd is a new chapter that is very challenging for Pooh. Pooh will try his best. I Intend to upgrade my acting skills to become better. To make this series the best As for the pilot who went ragged rolling in the forest I just saw that everyone watched it and liked it. I'm tired now. Does anyone have any feedback or suggestions? See you later, Nong Thup.
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bloomingkyras · 3 months
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Bts from the family photoshoot 😅
Cayden and Elanour can't meet each other, they both really love to tease each other lol. Look like Cayden is more mischief then his mummy 😂.
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aemiron-main · 17 hours
Brennry Kane: Henry Kane, Henry Creel, ST5 Leaks, and Brenner (ft The Henward Brenner Merge)
So, on Discord the other day, I mentioned that the new S5 leaks of Jamie/Henward reminds me of Kane from Poltergeist 2:
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And FOREVER ago on Discord, I was talking about Poltergeist 2, the parallels to the Creels, and Kane’s parallels to Brenner:
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And so, now, I want to talk about both of those things/how the parallels between this Henward leak & Henry Kane connect to the parallels between Henry Kane and Brenner.
But before we get into that, let’s do a quick overview of who Henry Kane is.
Who Is Henry Kane?
So, in the first Poltergeist movie, there’s a ghost called The Beast:
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And then, in the second Poltergeist movie, it’s revealed that The Beast was once a man named Reverend Henry Kane, who led his cult followers to their deaths in order to gain more power, and now, Kane/The Beast is walking the earth once more and appearing as he did in life, despite being long-dead (although there's a whole thing re: how he can't technically actually die which makes me think of the whole "Mummies never die" line from S1 versus Brenner Sr's mummy imagery):
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Now, let’s look at the parallels between this S5 BTS Henward vs Henry Kane.
S5 BTS Henward vs Henry Kane
So, when we look at this shot of S5 BTS Henward with this blonde girl, it’s definitely a parallel to Kane with Carol Anne:
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And, of course, Henward’s whole outfit with the fedora etc is very similar to Kane’s outfit.
But let’s take a look at Brenner versus Henry Kane, because that’s where the real similarities lie.
Brenner vs Henry Kane
So, what similarities does Henry Kane have to Brenner (including Martin Brenner, Richard Brenner, TFS Brenenr Jr, and Brenner Dr/Captain Brenner under the same “Brenner” umbrella because god knows who is who at this point)? Well:
Both Kane and Brenner shownup to families’ doors, claiming to want to “help” them, and the scene of Kane showing up at the Freeling family’s house is very, very similar to the scene of Brenner showing up at the Wheeler house in S1.
In Poltergeist 2, Kane shows up at the Freeling house and talks to the parents (especially the father, Steven) and claims that he’s trying to help them, and then, in ST1, Brenner shows up at the Wheeler house, talks to them (and Ted answers the door, much like Steven Freeling) and claims that he’s trying to help them/help Mike:
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And Kane also talks about how Steven “doesn’t have to believe him,” versus Brenner’s fixation on belief and trust & the constant use of the word “belief” surrounding Brenner:
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(And also, the whole “asking for permission” thing makes me think of the emphasis on SAYING things in TFS and how that could tie to the whole belief thing, like I talked about in this post and this post.)
Both Kane and Brenner are connected to priests/priest imagery.
Kane’s full title is “Reverend Kane,” as he was a priest/cult leader.
Brenner is frequently connected to priest imagery/reference in ST, like how I talked in this post quite awhile back about the parallels between Brenner and the priest from The Exorcist & the idea of Brenner masquerading as a priest as part of the exorcism done at the Creel House.
There’s also the whole “Mr Newby vs Father Newby” thing versus Brenner Sr’s parallels to Mr/Father Newby.
Both Kane and Brenner are connected to vampire imagery/are vampire coded.
Kane can’t enter a house without permission, just like a vampire (and also is weirdly “immortal” like a vampire):
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And Brenner has a TON of vampire references/coding. For example, in TFS, he literally takes Henry’s blood, and also doesn’t age at the end of TFS despite a 20 year time jump. 15 year old Brenner also has dark/slicked-down, Dracula-esque hair. Plus, like I talked about in this post, in-show Brenner straight up doesn’t have a reflection in some of the NINA scenes, just like vampires lacking reflections.
TFS Brenner also behaves eerily similarly to Lestat from Interview with the Vampire (which also has me thinking about the fact that in-show Henward also behaves a bit and looks like Lestat during the 1979 massacre versus the fact that during those massacre scenes, he suddenly has the Brenner-styled hair, and the idea that Brenner may have been “possessing”/puppeting him within NINA during the massacre, something I’ll touch on again in a bit), which is on the S4 board:
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(Which, all of Brenner’s vampire coding versus Vecna getting referred to as “sleeping Dracula,” in S4 is yet another point for Brecna)
And also, as mentioned earlier, the vampire-coded scene of Kane talking to the family & trying to get permission to come into the house in Poltergeist is very, very similar to the S1 scene of Brenner at the Wheeler house.
Costuming parallels & visual similarities
Kane is an old man with white hair and a black suit, and Brenner has a very similar look, especially in S1, being an old man with white hair and a black suit:
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Kane and Brenner’s shared demon imagery and The Beast vs The Brennergorgon
So, not only was Kane The Beast back in Poltergeist 1, but in Poltergeist 2, Kane also ends up shapeshifting into this weird, grey creature that Steven spits out (much like Will spitting up the UD slug):
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Which, that grey creature form that Kane shapeshifts into reminds me quite a lot of the ST Demogorgon:
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And Kane also gets referred to as “a man filled with a demon”:
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And so, then, when it comes to Brenner, that brings us to The Brennergorgon. I talked in this post about Brenner and the ST “Demogorgon,” versus the DND Demogorgon & the fact that Demogorgon in DND is the “Prince of Demons,” and the idea that Brenner represents the Demogorgon & the idea that Brenner was the demon in the Creel house (see: Victor talking about how the demon took his kids versus Brenner’s longrunning habit of stealing children):
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But one thing I didn’t really talk about in that main Brennergorgon post (but have talked about elsewhere) is the idea that in addition to Brenner symbolically representing the DND Demogorgon, Brenner (one of the Brenners, at least), is likely ALSO the grey shapeshifting Doppelganger-Demogorgon creature, which would then be another parallel between Brenner and Kane, with both of them transforming/shapeshifting into grey supernatural creatures.
Kane possessing people vs Brenner’s possession stuff
So, Kane is able to possess people- he possesses Steven Freeling during Poltergeist 2.
And then, when it comes to Brenner, there’s what I just talked about in the last bullet point re: Brenner being the demon in the Creel house & the way that demons possess people (like Kane does) versus Brenner’s demon imagery.
But then there’s ALSO stuff like what I’ve talked about in this post re: NINA, and the idea of Brenner “possessing” people (such as Henward, and especially NINA Henward) in a similar way to how Agent Smith “possesses” Bane in The Matrix 3:
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And hell, the way that Kane possesses Steven is really similar to the way that Smith possesses Bane- in both cases, the possessed person keeps their usual appearance (so Steven and Bane both look normal on the outside, just like how Henward looks like Henward in those BTS pics), but their mannerisms and speech patterns are altered (Steven gains Kane’s mannerisms, Bane gains Smith’s mannerisms), which a.) is just like the weird Brenner-esque Henward during NINA, and b.) is just like what I talked about in this post (a post I’m also going to come back to later in this current post) regarding the fact that this new BTS S5 Henward shares mannerisms (and costuming parallels) with TFS Brenner:
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Both Kane and Brenner are connected to invisibility
Kane is able to turn invisible. Meanwhile, Brenner Sr’s bandages make him look eerily similar to The Invisible Man-
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-and the whole point of Project Rainbow was to try and make the Eldridge and its crew (of which Brenner Sr was captain) invisible:
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So, point is, Kane and Brenner have bunch of connections, and while Henward and Kane also have connections, the connections between Kane and Brenner are much stronger, and the connections between Kane and Henward are likely due to some of the weird Brenner-Henward connections/the weird Brenner-Henward merge stuff that I’ve talked about before, and that I’m going to talk about again in this next section.
How The Brenner-Kane Stuff Could Connect To S5 BTS Kane-Paralleled Henward & A Brenner-Henward Merge
I talked in this post recently about the fact that the Henward in these S5 leaks not only dresses similarly to Brenner, with the vest outfit & very similar style of pants, but also does the same “hands clasped behind the back” pose that TFS Brenner does:
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And there’s also what I’ve talked about in posts like this post, this post, and this post, re: TFS Brenner and Henry and the weird connections between them/the weird “Brenner is somehow Henry but wasnt always actually Henry” stuff, as well as what I’ve talked about in posts like this post, this post, this post, and this post, re: one of the in-show Brenners getting merged with one of the Henwards like how Seth Brundle got merged with a fly in The Fly.
And so, with all of that in mind, PLUS what I just talked about in the previous section of this post re: how Henry Kane is connected not just to Henry Creel, but also (and more strongly) to Brenner, I wonder if Henry/Edward is trapped with Brenner in some sort of Brenner-Henward merged/if Henry/Edward is being “possessed” by Brenner like how Kane possesses Steveb and how Agent Smith possesses Bane.
And so, I wonder if we’ll get a scene of Henry acting normal towards that blonde girl (Holly, Jane, Daughter Virginia, whoever she is) versus his demeanour suddenly changing into a more Brenner-esque demeanour & if we’ll get a parallel to TFS Alice’s “you’re not Henry, you’re not him,” scene, and if this blonde girl might pull out some sort of line about how Henry’s “not stuck/lost in there/in a Place, but instead, is stuck/lost in Him/in Brenner’s mind” or something along those lines.
Which, something extra interesting that’s stuck out to me re: the idea of a person as a place/being stuck inside a person/inside a mind etc is the connections between peoples’ names versus the names of places in ST.
For example, like I also talked about in this post recently, Nancy’s fake name when she goes to Pennhurst is “Ruth,” versus “Ruth, Nevada” being pointed out to us in S4 (and TFS Henry and TFS Brenner both being from Nevada):
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And like James talked about, Henward’s S5 outfit is also a parallel to Indiana Jones- Indiana Jones, who adopts a name (Indiana) that’s the same name as a place (the state of Indiana, which is also where Hawkins is).
And then, of course, we also have the “you can’t spell America without Erica” moment:
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Point is, ST has a little running pattern of associating the names of people with the names of places, which could then connect to the whole idea of a person as a place/being trapped inside of a person.
Long story short: Brenner’s fingers are all over this, as usual, and I REALLY don’t think that this S5 BTS Henward scene & the Henry Kane parallels are going to end up with Henry himself being this evil, Kane-esque figure. Instead, I think that there’s something deeper going on, and that Brenner is definitely involved.
Even if I’m entirely wrong about the whole “this S5 Henward has Brenner merged with him” idea, the overall point is just that this isn’t solely a Henward parallel re: Kane, and that there’s more going on here than “Henry is being creepy and evil.”
(And also, as a final little sidenote, it’s interesting to me that Kane took his cult followers down into a cave to die so that he could harvest their souls to gain power versus TFS Henry having gotten lost in the cave in Nevada. And Kane also absorbed the souls of his followers, which is what gave him extra powers, which makes me think of the whole “when 001 kills, he consumes” thing versus the idea of a version of 001 having absorbed a Brenner and the whole Brecna thing/Brenner being connected to the “consuming people/absorbing people” stuff, especially considering the Brenner-Demogorgon Doppelganger stuff & the way that DND Doppelgangers can consume/absorb the personalities, memories etc of their victims before shapeshifting into them)
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ugh-yoongi · 5 months
woke up in the middle of the night and had this wretched thought and then couldn't go back to sleep, so i present to you:
bts as animes i've seen
seokjin - madoka magica
yoongi - how to keep a mummy
hobi - fullmetal alchemist
namjoon - parasyte
jimin - death note
taehyung - psycho-pass
jungkook - jujutsu kaisen
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nkp1981 · 8 months
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BTS Of "The Mummy"
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jooheonspinky · 1 year
Monsta X Masterlist
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Welcome: Thank you for stopping by. 
*all works are complete unless otherwise stated*
Shownu x Female Reader
So Beautiful[09.10.2021] {Angst, Smut} After having your first child, you no longer feel sexy with your new mom bod.
Wonho x Female Reader, ft Jooheon x Reader’s Female BFF
Stuck[04.08.2018] (a collaboration with @millie-ionaire05) {Smut}: Your best friend and you work for the most amazing company ever, hiring Kpop artists for events. When fraudsters come into play, the two of you will be stuck scrambling to appease the client and either losing your jobs, or striking on luck.: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 |
Wonho x Female Reader, ft Kihyun
The Mummy Prince [10.30.2018] {Halloween Thriller, Smut, one shot}: Y/N starts working at a museum of ancient artifacts. She is excited to put her studies of old languages to use as a new object is brought in.
Losing You [12.21.2020] {angst, magic!au}: Wonho must choose between you or saving the world
Minhyuk x Female Reader
The Black Ribbon[06.12.2018] {Horror/Thriller!au, one shot}: Minhyuk returns after an accident wearing a black choker that he insists must never be taken off.
Enchanted Night [03.30.2020] {Fantasy; one shot}: Accepting an invitation to a Halloween beach party, Y/N tags along with her best friend. There, she meets a young man with whom she hits it off with right away. But he is not all that he seems.
Kihyun x Female Reader
Ghost Tour Surprise [10.31.2021] {Halloween, Spooky}: Y/N takes a haunted tour of historical downtown, meeting a strange, yet handsome passenger along the way.
Hyungwon x Female Reader
Rumors[06.19.2018] {Smut, one shot}: You never thought you’d find yourself pinned between the sinks in the women’s bathroom by your crush offering you what you’d always wanted, but here you were, staring up into his face scrambling to keep your cool.
A Midnight Ball on Hallows' Eve [10.16.2019] {Spooky!au, one shot}: You share a dance with a mysterious stranger.
Jooheon x Female Reader
Tamed Hearts: [09.28.2018] {Angst, Fluff}: Do past lives really exist? It’s difficult for Y/N to cling to her beliefs when so much has her leaning towards a yes.: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 
Regrets: [10.31.2020] {Fantasy, angst, one shot}: This was a ‘finish the story’ challenge using this prompt: Part of me was hoping the ground would just open up and swallow me whole as I watched him approach me. I hadn’t seen him since that night we parted ways, and I was hoping I never would. Seeing him brought back all of those memories that I fought so hard to repress, to forget. ”Hello dear, I thought I might find you here.”
No Regrets: [04.24.2022] {Fantasy, vampire!au, angst, fluff, smut, one shot}:  When I can’t let our last goodbye be for forever.
Got my Number: [08.23.2022] {idol!au, fluff, smut, one shot}:  A trip to see Monsta X in concert turns out to be so much more than expected.
Jooheon x Gender Neutral Reader
Disturbance:[08.13.2021] {Angst}:A waking nightmare shakes you to your core and Jooheon is there to help calm you afterwards despite the fact you two had not been talking to each other all day.
Changkyun x Female Reader
The Spirit Board[10.29.2018] {Halloween Thriller, one shot}: When Y/N finds an old spirit board while cleaning out her attic, will she still believe that spirits aren’t real?
Wonho X Female Reader, ft BFF Changkyun, BTS
Lure of the Lore [01.30.2019] {Werewolf, angst, fluff, smut}: Y/N‘s never been a believer in lore, unlike her best friend Changkyun. That is until he drags her to yet ANOTHER exhibit where there is a supposed werewolf locked in a cage made of silver and steel. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 |
Monsta X Cabin in Lure of the Lore [11.25.2019]1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Jooheon X Female Reader
The Draco Prince [09.12.2020]{Fantasy; Inspired by The Witcher series}: Y/N sets on a quest to find the dragon prince. Her goal is to break the curse and return him to his family. This journey finds her befriending several creatures and humans which turn out to be essential to her quest. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11
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