#mtg market
soupnspace · 2 years
i hate the magic the gathering market so bad because i’ll see a foil, extended art mythic and it’ll be like five cents
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March of the Machine Marketing Key Art by Nino Is.
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mtg-cards-hourly · 3 months
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Night Market Lookout
The Consulate rarely cracks the coded announcement of a night market's location before dawn, and enforcers are taken care of if they wander too close.
Artist: Nils Hamm TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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starlit-mansion · 2 months
thinking about the time corv said "in magic, you never have to worry about your favorite character not getting merch, you have to worry about your favorite merch not getting characterization" and that was. very funny. and also real.
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alpaca-clouds · 4 months
Brand Integrity - The thing Hasbro struggles with
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Okay, let me keep up talking about DnD from a business perspective, though this time the topic is actually even wider and concerns not only DnD but also other franchises that Hasbro has the rights to. Because this is actually a pretty big... thing. It is not even just Hasbro, it is a lot of companies. It is something that technically everyone knows about, but... a lot of people doing the decisions seem to not understand: Brand Integrity.
So, what is Brand Integrity?
Basically it is a business concept or to be more exact, a marketing concept.
We all know that businesses and also franchises and general IPs all have their brand. To take a very simple example: The Brand of Pokémon is "family friendly entertainment with cute monsters". This is, for example, why the entire Palworld thing is so concerning for Nintendo, because Palworld very much immitates the style and look of Pokémon, while the content of the game very much does not fit the brand. From Nintendo's POV stuff like Coromon or Temtem is actually more acceptable, because it still fits the general brand, while Palworld very much doesn't.
But here is the problem that a lot of western companies have in this regard: They actually do not... understand what the core brand is from the perspective of their audience. And hence they will do things that harm their brand integrity, while refusing to do things that would actually not harm their brand integrity but could make them more money.
Causa: My little Pony
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To keep at Hasbro, let us talk about My little Pony, because from a business point of view this was very amusing. So, we all remember when a couple of years ago (let's not talk about how many, because I am gonna feel OLD) My little Pony: Friendship is Magic released, right? And we all remember, how that show surprisingly found an audience outside of the intended audience of little girls, right? That audience being adults, often adult men.
And this made Hasbro quite nervous about the brand integrity. And I will fully agree with them, that this nervousness was not entirely without a cause. Because, yeah, some of the bullshit that happened within the Brony fandom were definitely harmful towards the brand integrity. Especially those things that made a big splash outside the fandom. And also stuff like... Look, I am not going to kinkshame anyone. But if you do an all age convention, maybe not allow nsfw fanarts and body pillows be displayed openly in artist alley, when there are actually visitors there who might be underage kids?
But let me talk about the thing that Hasbro then did, that I consider quite stupid: They did not market towards the bronies at all. Instead acting as if the bronies did not exist.
And that was... kinda stupid. Like, they actually could have made money if they had released some better quality and more expensive figurines and things like that. One of the big things that Bandai did with PreCure in Japan was exactly that: They realized that they had a massive audience outside of the core audience of little girls and hence released merchandise specifically for that audience. But Hasbro? Hasbro didn't, because they were quite afraid that including stuff for the Bronies would harm their brand identity.
Causa: Magic the Gathering
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Now, I am not a Magic player, and Magic does a lot better than pretty much any other IP that Hasbro holds. And I am absolutely going to argue that the fact that the creative director is someone who was involved with Magic for decades absolutely plays into this. Because at least he seems to understand the actual brand.
We can absolutely argue about whether all the franchise tie ins Magic has been doing in recent years did harm the Brand Integrity - from what I gather voices among the fans do argue about that a lot. But I think something that you absolutely cannot argue about is one thing: AI absolutely did harm the Brand Integrity.
And yes, this is already foreshadowing on the DnD stuff, but let's talk about Magic first. Because if you have been following Magic News at all, you might have heard about this. How they tried to use AI in their products - and then were all Surprised Pikachu, when their audience went like: "Hell No!"
On this front I have to admit... I am not sure what Hasbro and WotC actually think the brand of Magic is. Because frankly, if they did not realize that the great artwork and detail in storytelling through the cards was not part of the brand, I honestly think they are not doing their job.
And yes, that brings us to...
Causa: Dungeons & Dragons
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Even before I started to obsess about DnD last year, I actually followed this aspect for a while from a purely "professional" Point of VIew, as it was quite interesting to see how this played out. And here I actually have a good understand what the Brand that WotC thinks they are selling is: "A core ttrpg fantasy experience for the whole family."
Ever since the start of 5e they really went in hard for that one. And don't get me wrong, I think some of the stuff they did was really good. That is stuff like working with sensitivity advisors to remove things like racism, misogyny and queermisia from the rules and the official worldbuilding. And this is very good and very laudible, because it did open up the franchise to a lot more people, who felt alienated by the way the franchise had been handled before.
The thing where they kinda misstepped though, was by generally scrubbing it so clean to make it very kid friendly. Older editions of DnD did have some sexual stuff in there, which 5e did away with entirely in fear that it might harm the new brand integrity.
The bigger point where they stumbled however was in misunderstanding a core part of the brand: The community aspect of it. That is how much of it has to do with homebrew, with community, with creating the game together. And they doubly did not understand it. Which showed in both the thing with the OGL - and the aspect of AI art.
Let's be clear: Nothing that Hasbro/WotC could have done would have been able to harm their brand integrity as much as the entire OGL disaster last year. Because this exchange between players was always a core aspect of the brand as the players understood it.
Them trying to take that away is, what pushed a lot of players to other ttrpg systems and loose confidence in the brand.
And they then trying to replace some art with AI didn't help. As like in Magic, the brand - as the players understood - absolutely involved the great quality art.
What they need to learn
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Something that western companies really do need to learn is, that you as a company actually have only so much influence on what your brand actually is. The fandom will define part of it. And if you try to define it against what the fandom actually thinks, it will harm your brand more than anything.
It is kinda funny to me, because I always have the comparison to Toei/Bandai, who ended up embracing the brand as understood by the fandoms.
I mean, heck. Digimon is a great example. Digimon was not profitable for the longest time - until they gave the fandom, what the fandom wanted. Instead of marketing Digimon exclusively to primary schoolers, they included the adult fandom.
This does not mean do everything to the audience's whimps. But... It really helps to listen to how your actual audience understands your brand.
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farsight-the-char · 1 year
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From Mackay’s MtG series, issue 23
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wizard-mp4 · 5 months
Absolutely hate looking up magic cards I want but never bought and seeing it's acquired a comma for its price tag. Stupid fucking game.
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dailymtgflavortext · 2 years
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"I have exactly what you need. The question is, how badly do you need it?" 
-Black Market Tycoon
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aflo · 1 year
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i really liked the kenrith twins why did they get voted off the island 🥺🥺😭😭😭
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jlcomicsandgames · 1 month
Bedtime For Trumpzo, and the Stable Genius MTG
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fmarkets · 3 months
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Property and Casualty Insurance Company Sees Modest EPS Boost Amidst Revenue Decline https://csimarket.com/stocks/news.php?code=MTG&date=2024-02-22095959&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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almostlookedhuman · 5 months
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Black Market Connections by Lixin Yin
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mtg-cards-hourly · 6 months
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Night Market Lookout
The Consulate rarely cracks the coded announcement of a night market's location before dawn, and enforcers are taken care of if they wander too close.
Artist: Nils Hamm TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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randomgathering · 5 months
my top ten most valuable cards: 15 Jan
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goatturfgaming · 8 months
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Mark your calendar this is a weekend you will not want to miss! ✍🗓
The Moon Market will be hosting a trick or treat vendor weekend September 29th through October 1st! Trick or treaters will be given a card to fill up with stickers from each vendor while collecting their candy. Once it is full they can turn it in in The Moon Market for a FREE Moon Market spooky mystery bag!! 🦇🎃🕷
We will also be offering a free Pokémon packs to each trick or treater that comes to our booth while supplies last so make sure to get here early!
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