#mtf nine-tailed fox
yotenotes · 3 months
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to secure, to contain, and to protect
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scary-lasagna · 2 months
Hii! Can I please request some headcannons for the scp mobile task forces? ( Red Right Hand, Last to Fall, etc?). Like, if they were individual people, what would they be like?
Sorry if that doesn’t make sense 😅 let me know if any elaboration is needed!
I've been mulling this one over for a while. I suppose these can double as the head of operations of that Unit as well! In fact, I think that would make more sense, considering an entire force is usually needed for their operations :]
But please give me more of these I loved doing this!! I'd love to get into other organizations as well too!
MTF, humanized.
Red Right Hand - While strictly prohibited to O5 protective services, Red is extremely self-aware of herself and the environment. She is incredibly mindless and loyal, and will execute any orders given to her by the O5.
Maz-Hatters - Sporting a bright yellow hazmat suit, no one particularly knows what they look like, who they are, or even what they're called by. In this field, they are directly responsible for biological, chemical, and radiological hazards. Their words are muffled, and their actions can be a bit...erratic at times. But it's usually in the best interest of the situation.
Green Stags - Stag is deployed into nature-based environments to track down anomalies. He is dark-skinned, sports a thick country accent, and is quite old in age, with many scars littering across his body, as well as a missing arm. But no one ever questions his methods, no matter how outlandish they seem. He knows all the tricks in the books to track what he needs.
Nine Tailed Fox - A classic thirst trap look of a guy. With full swat gear, Fox has most scientists swooning on the brink of death. He's a savior, a fighter, and a strategist. He must be ready for anything to come his way during a breach. Although, he likes his team, he dissociates himself from others, knowing their death date could only be a day away. He's cold, heartless, and knows how to do his job.
See No Evil - A confident woman dressed in scientist garb, she wears scrambling goggles, and keeps an evil eye charm hanging from her neck. Her job is to address, investigate, and possibly contain cognito hazards and memetic agents. She's incredibly smart and always avoids eye contact.
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cassketti · 2 years
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Redrawing this thigny from summer 2022 its of the medic from scp ninetialled fox and agent ulgrin because they both like pizza 😊😊😊
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puppy--jam · 11 months
That is how cheating ends.
SCP-173, are you alright?
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dzthenerd490 · 2 months
File: Attack the Block
Code Name: Blue Tooth Hounds
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AFY instances are contained at in an artificially created cave system that spans 150x150 meters wide at Site-AA. They are bred and trained in that area so that they can become proper hounds for Mobile Task Force Demeter-4 "Animal Control". No one besides Level 4 Clearance or a member of MTF Demeter-4 is allowed within the containment area of SCP-AFY. Any testing with SCP-AFY must be approved by a Level 4 Clearance Staff. 
In the event of a containment breach a pheromone is to be released within the SCP-AFY containment area. This pheromone will make them docile and want to hide by any means available. Should they smell anyone with an unidentifiable smell enter the containment area they will hunt them down and kill them. A calming pheromone will be released after the containment breach has been cleared. 
Description: SCP-AFY is a species of Quadrupedal aliens that came to earth via meteor. The males of the species all are large being able to stand 5 to 6 feet tall and weight on average 600 to 1200 pounds. They have no visible sensory organs, small but sharp claws, and for some reason glowing blue teeth. They also have fur so black that it absorbs all forms of light making them look like living and moving blobs of darkness. 
Despite having no sensory organs SCP-AFY has a keen sense of smell especially for pheromones. As such the females of the species produce these pheromones regularly quite similar to how a queen ant of a colony sprays pheromones on the ants to follow her orders. Unlike the males the female is devoid of hair and has a body size of 3 -4 feet tall. They are also relatively weak without male guards, but they do have a defense mechanism of spraying hostile pheromones onto their attackers. 
As a whole, the species is extremely fast and flexible able to run along any terrain with ease and at a speed of 30 to 50 MPH. They can climb across any surface, and break through glass, metal, and even concrete with ease. Their sense of hearing is incredible, and their bodies are durable enough to resist most melee and even basic firearm attacks. However heavy firearms, explosives, and energy-based attacks are quite effective against them. Furthermore, despite their great senses, they mostly focus on pheromone commands often ignoring prey when it hasn't been sprayed by hostile pheromones.
SCP-AFY was discovered in 2011 when an apartment building at [data expunged]. The Foundation was called to action when an agent living in the building as well as another agent passing by saw the SCP-AFY male instances roaming around the apartment building. The England Division of the Foundation deployed Mobile Task Force Artemis-6 "Wild Hunt" to capture all of the anomalous beasts. Though they captured a few the female was already killed, and the rest were killed by a boy who calls himself Moses and his friends. However, they were arrested by the police who believed they killed everyone who died by the SCP-AFY instances and caused the explosion in the name of arson. 
Foundation agents disgusted as detectives offered the boys positions at the Foundation under Protocol "Sole Survivor". They accepted and are now under training to become MTF units within the Foundation. As for a majority of the survivors of the apartment they were given the proper amnestics and sent to new apartments with £5,000 each as compensation for their troubles as well as hush money. The cover story for the boys was that they really did attack the apartment and were given capital punishment as a result, fake bodies were created for the funerals. Surprisingly a lot of people showed up to said funeral not remembering much but believing Moses and his boys were heroes.
Update 2013 - Moses and his men have completed their training they are now the newest recruits of Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 "Nine-Tailed Fox". Unlike normal MTF Epsilon-11 units they are quite talkative and have good charisma making them instant favorites among Foundation staff. a majority of Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand" do not like this, so they are often handled by MTF Alpha-1 unit "Monster Slayer".
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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aidiotloool · 6 months
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MTF x MC when?
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dreamcast641 · 16 days
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''Task Force Mission: Empowered to remove or execute high-ranking Foundation personnel if they are determined to be acting unethically. Answers only to the Ethics Committee; counterpart to the O5's "Red Right Hand".
-From the scp wiki Back to Claire: ya I thought a bit about her future since I decided, at the end of the day, that she would survive and even rank up and given enough trust to be recruited for the omega-1 to take care of the ethics committee affairs, covering her hands in bloods of her other's sake once again. Being already experienced with the internal security department for quite some years now, she was indeed one of the best choices for this task force. Despite being rather happy about this new role, going against her own colleagues now and the possibility of one of her friends being a possible target if they do something that would get the ethics committee negative attention, gives her a sour taste in her mouth and fear that something might go terribly wrong
foundation members in this drawings: MTF EPISILON-11 ''nine tails foxes'' agent; Security department/guard; Senior researcher; MTF ALPHA-1 ''Red right hand'' agent, probably in accordance with the O5 council for the termination.
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eparchclass · 6 months
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Epsil6taskic | Villageiditaskic [left] // Gender influenced by, best described by, or otherwise connected to MTF Epsilon-6, aka Village Idiots
Epsil7taskic | Forgetnottaskic [right] // Gender influenced by, best described by, or otherwise connected to MTF Epsilon-7, aka Forget Me Nots
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Epsil11taskic | Ninefoxtaskic [left] // Gender influenced by, best described by, or otherwise connected to MTF Epsilon-11, aka Nine-Tailed Fox
Epsil13taskic | Manifestdestitaskic [right] // Gender influenced by, best described by, or otherwise connected to MTF Epsilon-13, aka Manifest Destiny
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
Kinktober Day 1: Obligatory CBAT Post (even though it’s a little late)
SCP 173 X GN!Reader. I do not specify what you have between your legs only that you get penetrated <3
[Warnings: literally everything, CBAT, exhibitionism, creampie, odd sex/kinda rough sex? Ecto dick. MINORS DNI]
[AN: I have, honest to goodness, never hated a piece of my writing this much before. Happy Kinktober! 1154 words <3]
Kinktober Masterlist
A part of you wants to kill the person who greenlit a test of this caliber. You can feel your insides shrivel up as SCP 173 inches towards you with the pulsing of the strobe light. You take in a sharp breath through your nose, slowly exhaling it past your lips as you shift uncomfortably on the makeshift ‘bed’ the research department has so graciously gifted to you and your rebar ridden ‘lover’. 
Could you really call them that? The thought swirls and swivels around in your head as you think back to last year, when you were just a person with a number and no further purpose. See an eldritch being of terror in the morning, chug coffee around noon and talk with some sink that’s actually made from instant noodles but it’s supposedly smarter than Tesla! It was standard, status quo for you until SCP 173 came into your life and made you theirs and theirs alone. 
It’s admittedly a little embarrassing thinking back to the day that the two of you first slept with each other. In fact, MTF unit Nine Tailed Fox wasn’t sure how to go about the situation themselves, with SCP 173 buried deep inside of you, your legs spread wide open moaning for the entire site to hear while the corpses, of who you considered your coworkers, grew colder and colder on the floor, you really managed to stump them! In fact, they received word from Dr. Gears, COG himself, to just “let the two of you finish. It would be good for research.” Which leads to now, a situation you actually find quite positive, but still awkward due to the fact you know the researchers and their interns are listening and watching (though they pretend to grant you privacy). 
You get fucked by a freaky statue for research. That is the terms of your service. Admittedly, it’s rather pleasant. SCP 173 has moved onto the mindset of viewing you as their ‘mate’, or something adjacent to that, and they somewhat obey your words. If you don’t want them to crack the necks of people just checking in, then they sometimes abide by your wishes. They’re actually super sweet when they want to be, but your relationship took a year of growth to reach the comfort it is now. 
In short, you know that they won’t hurt you. However, you might hurt the stupid researcher who decided to suggest this kind of test for your weekly visit with them. The strobe light is hooked up to a playlist that gets played on shuffle. The lights flicker and pulse with the beats in the music, and sometimes it works to your favor. You learned that SCP 173 actually enjoys listening to music while they rail you, and you assume it’s because they enjoy the way the lights change as they bend you down and slam your ass against their waist to take their cock deeper and deeper. You’ve learned that they like to play with their size this way as well. 
Today’s song is something so out of pocket that you’re certain you’re going to combust. It started off almost normally, something that was a little bearable but still off for the acts you were going to commit. The first few seconds were a bit cheesy, like an old Super Mario load up screen, but then it happened. 
SCP 173’s cold, stone hands pressed your thighs apart as you laid waiting for them on the bed. The lights dimmed and shifted with those same cheesy sounds and you closed your eyes in anticipation. You’d already prepped for their size, knowing you would not be able to take it without the warmup. SCP 173 was terribly impatient some days, and this felt like one of them. You took in a deep breath as the bulbous head of SCP 173’s cock pressed against your hole. They listened to the music and seemed to wait for it to shift before pushing deeply into you. 
Your lips fell open while your nails gripped onto the sheets as they hilted inside of you. You squeezed tightly around them and gasped. “Oh fuck!” You hissed, trying to tune out that gods awful music that connected to the strobe light, 
SCP 173 seemed to enjoy it. Their gaze, despite their lack of discernible eyes, bore into you. And they pulled their hips back before thrusting back in, shallow, but in time with the music. Could you even really call it music? It sounded like a clown falling down the stairs, growing more and more depressed with its choices in life. The way that SCP 173 pushed into you indicated that they were very much keeping in time with the music. 
Your hole burned. This was unlike ANY other time that they had slept with you. While you were more than lubricated due to the vast amount of precum weeping from SCP 173’s engorged tip, but that doesn’t mean it feels pleasurable! You almost wanted to laugh at the absolute absurdity of the situation. Your legs were still splayed wide open as they thrusted in, out, in, out, in, in, in, in, and swiiiiiirl. You began counting the seconds and minutes to when it would be over. Sometimes the roll of their hips was nice, but then it was immediately screwed over by the awkward thrusting. 
You looked up at your lover and felt heat rush to your cheeks. They seemed to more than enjoy it. They were so focused on the way that their cock pushed deep into your hole alongside the music. Did they make ecto-balls? You could feel them as they smacked into your ass, round, full of cum and ready to stuff your hole. You mentally came to the conclusion that they would be the only one getting off tonight. The depressed clown honk isn’t really doing it for you, nor is the weird drums, rhythm, or really, anything about it!
“173,” you groaned as you watched their cock disappear inside of you, leaving a slight bulge before they continued on. “Gods, just cum already-!” You sneered. The more conscious part of you could hear researchers scribbling away on their silly clipboards, noting subject agitation and whatnot. You wondered if the song was about to taper off. It had nearly been three minutes of a new personal hell. 
SCP 173 pushed forward a few more times, of course still matching the rhythm before finally rolling their hips deep against you. They never spoke, it was more of a mental thing whenever they connected with you this deeply, but you swore you could hear them moan and practically scream as they came. Their thick cock twitched deep inside of you as they filled you up to the brim, not wanting a single drop to escape from your weeping hole as they lightly thrusted forward, still very much in tune with that damn song. 
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i am so haunted by fandoms past i-
*insert ASTV chase scene but replace the chasers with sans, tom from eddsworld, the entire dangonronpa cast, scp foundation MTF-Nine tailed fox, pinkie pie, a wither from l'manburg, twenty hilichurls, a dragon and my history book*
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yotenotes · 1 year
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its never that personal
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desiresign · 1 year
in SCP when they talk about the MTF nine tailed fox its actually a trans foxgirl and shes on her way to you what would you do? what woulge? who w
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soliusss · 2 years
There’s a kid at my school who walks around with foundation and mtf nine tailed fox patches and sometimes I’m tempted to make cotbg/sarkic ones to one up him in being the champion loser nerd
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toadkingstudios · 1 year
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I have now designed 5 Mobile Task Force shirts on my shop! Zeta-9 “Mole Rats,” Epsilon-11 “Nine-Tailed Fox,” Episilon-6 “Village Idiots,” Alpha-9 “Last Hope,” Beta-7 “Maz Hatters.” There are a LOT of MTFs. What team would you want to see done next? Credit to Sunnyclockwork @hisclockworkservants for the Mobile Task Force team logos these use. I’ve changed some details on the logos as to develop them more and add my own touches to them. Someday, I’d really like to totally revamp the logos for new patch designs.
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the-omndell-chronicles · 10 months
Character Files: Capt. Hope McNeil
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[Portrait of Lily Todd drawn by @they-thespian666]
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Species: human
Reality of origin: An unknown SCP Timeline
Description: A very angry blond woman who always has her hair tied in a ponytail and is never seen without he tactical gear and at least one weapon of which she has many as Head of security. Out side of her always irritable personality she takes her job very seriously.
Past: Capt. Hope McNeil was the previous team lead for MTF - Epsilon 11 (Nine Tailed Fox) in another SCP Timeline that has yet to be named due to its lackluster divergence from the timeline. Though after some talks between The Wanderer and the O5 Council both she and Dr. Good were transferred to The Wanderer's division.
Power: ???
Relations: Dr. Good (Co-worker/Associate?)
Job: Body guard of the Wanderer, Head of the security division, and ??? (does jobs for the wanderer)
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