#mr.villains day off
fantasy-drawings-ra · 24 days
Okay, I was debating again what I should draw next, so…
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pseudowho · 2 months
The temptation to write Mr.Villain's Day Off smut has hit me like a train 🚂💀🫠
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ryanthel0ser · 2 months
No more Mr.Villain's Day Off Mondays...
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I actually cried a little bit over that
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faulty-writes · 26 days
Mr.Villain act around their crush (especially if they panda like colors on hair) headcanons
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Sure, I hope you enjoy these headcanons. They are so interesting to write.
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Warumono becomes uncharacteristically shy and flustered around you. The confident and calm demeanor he usually carries vanishes and is replaced by nervous tendencies and a strange inability to speak.
Because of his shyness, he's rendered to show his affection through subtle gestures like gently holding your hand or opening the door for you. On occasion, he'd present you with little gifts like tickets to his beloved zoo or other Earthling-based attractions he thought would suit you.
He admired your hair more than anything because it resembled the colors of a panda. He always complimented you on it and enjoyed nuzzling his head against it believing it to be as soft as a panda.
He's extremely protective of you, although as the general of an evil organization, he was used to being able to jump into action when needed. He was always looking out for your best interests and never left your side when someone spoke to you.
He enjoys giving you small gifts, especially hair accessories that are usually panda-themed. He insisted that it would enhance the already perfect colors of your hair. On occasion, he'd even insist you wear a hairband that had panda-shaped ears attached to it.
He isn't much of the jealous type when it comes to other Earthlings talking to you. However, when you happened to be talking to one of his people, Trigger, for example, he wouldn't hesitate to intervene if he believed they were showing interest in you.
Despite being the general of an evil corporation he often fantasized about what it would be like to keep you as his once he finished taking over the Earth in the name of his mother planet. Oh yes, his people back home would be rather envious and stunned at the Earthling with hair like a panda.
While his days off were normally associated with doing activities he loved such as going to the zoo. If he hadn't made plans with you or you claimed you'd be busy, he'd spend hours secretly watching you. He would observe your interactions with other Earthlings while taking discreet pictures of you to stare lovingly at later.
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jazessimpcave · 2 months
the way that Mr.Villain (General) pretty much can be himself around Trigger (who can't stand him supposedly but decided to hang out with him on his day off anyway), just shows me he trusts Trigger. I have a hc that Mr.V is neurodivergent, so I think of the panda crepe scene as him unmasking and including Trigger in daily activities of his since he's around. Trigger is annoyed, but something tells me right now that he secretly admires his coworker and just wants recognition for how strong he is too. (i may or may not also crack ship them pfftftftftfttftftf)
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beatricealfbern · 3 months
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A doodle from another show I’ve been watching this season called Mr.Villains Day Off, it’s very cozy and fun c:
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aweirdfan101 · 2 years
I’m starting to read the manga Mr.Villain’s Day Off, and it is so interesting and the main character is so cute. It’s also really funny and just feels original in some sort of way. It’s kinda of slice of life. But look at how cute the main character looks.
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gunsli-01 · 3 months
Thanks for the tag @qrevo!
Last song: Dream Sweet in Sea Major at the end of a music listening break started with Y.A.S.
Favorite Colours: Blue, Pink, Red, Black, Earthy tones and browns in that order. I like most shades of blue.
Sweet, spicy, savory: Savory. I tend to like mostly bitter or light fruit based sweets and can't handle overly sweet things. I'm decent with sour stuff too.
Last TV show: Gushing over magical girls and Mr.Villains Day off.
Last movie: The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya was rewatching it for a survey I was taking for a friend. Before that, The Empire of Corpses.
Last Thing I Looked Up: The variations of "and" symbols. I was looking for an example of the one that looks like a plus sign and found something that showcases them all. Before that it was the manga Gushing over magical girls.
Relationship status: Engaged.
Current obsession(s): MILGRAM, The Case Study of Vanitas, One Punch Man, Crave (comic). (I want to start the dugeonmeshi manga, but I keep getting distracted. Really liking the anime, though.)
It's late and I forgot to tag anyone in the last answer I gave so, @siverfanweedo ,@apatchworkstar, @peccadrome along with anyone else who wants to can do it. Just because I tagged you doesn't mean you have to do it, though.
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archivalofsins · 3 months
Thanks for the tag @faceless-es !
Last song: Dream Sweet in Sea Major
Favorite Colours: Blue, Pink, Red, Black, Earthy tones and browns in that order. I like most shades of blue.
Sweet, spicy, savory: Savory. I tend to like mostly bitter or light fruit based sweets and can't handle overly sweet things. I'm decent with sour stuff too.
Last TV show: Gushing over magical girls and Mr.Villains Day Off.
Last movie: The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya was rewatching it for a survey I was taking for a friend. Before that The Empire of Corpses.
Last Thing I Looked Up: The variations of "and" symbols. I was looking for an example of the one that looks like a plus sign and found something that showcases them all.
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Relationship status: Engaged.
Current obsession(s): MILGRAM, The Case Study of Vanitas, One Punch Man, Crave (comic).
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fantasy-drawings-ra · 2 months
I was wondering which drawing to do next so…
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pseudowho · 2 months
Would you ever write for anything other than JJK?
Yes. The Bible maybe.
-- Haitch xxx
(I'm just fucking with you. I'm brewing a BSD one or two, perhaps some KnY, I also think I may be tempted to do a Mr.Villain's Day Off one at some point)
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