#mr phenomenal actor
velvetjune · 4 months
Warlin Door having access to different worlds is already so good and compelling as a character, but it’s even more perfect that he’s presented as a TV host every time we see him, both with Night Springs and the talk show. He’s across different channels at all times, able to narrate and interact within the medium, but as far as we know, unable to change and mold the world around him like Alan and other artists in the dark place. It’s the perfect persona for him to have (and he better have a big role in that Night Springs DLC!)
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oddballtumbles · 1 month
The way the love breaks you down as it builds you into a new person, realizing that just because that they couldn’t be, the future can have it for you still.
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agood-omen · 7 months
My favourite bastards (garak and rumpelstiltskin) (I don't even like ouat I just like rumple lol) (the fandoms both don't let them be bastards and that sucks so hard) (ouat writers also half fell into that trap in the later seasons) (he's the fucking dark one) (stop babying him)
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veshialles · 8 months
yeah okay i am begrudgingly really hyped about the Doctor Who specials...
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ovaova · 8 months
Okay but imagine Husband Katsuki and Wife reader being co-stars in an upcoming movie and like in the movie there’s an intense sex scene.
And like the scene becomes soooo famous that it’s starts trending, people start writing fics about it, draw it, recreate it, etc- basically just everyone uses it as an excuse to simp and ship
It gets so hyped up that both of your media teams have to collab to put the whole thing to rest through an interview.
Ofc the interviewer asks a bunch of questions before acknowledging the elephant in the room.
“So! Now that we got all the other questions out of the way, let’s address it. Mr. And Mrs. Bakugo, I’m sure you’ve heard the sudden uproar from your latest scene in the new film, “Eternal”. It just came out a week ago and its already sold out almost everywhere and received a 98% on rotten tomatoes! I’ve seen the movie already and must I say, it is phenomenal. But, enough about that, many fans are asking about you! Not too many actors co-star with their lover, especially in a spice scene, so tell us, how was that experience for you?”
Of course, you were quick to answer the question. From both relief and excitement.
"Well, first of all, thank you for the kind words about 'Eternal.' We're truly thrilled by the response it's received. As for the experience of working together in that particular scene, it was definitely a unique and challenging experience, but we strictly kept things professional and had a lot of trust in each other as actors. Our goal was always to serve the story and bring authenticity to our characters, and I believe we accomplished that."
That’s when Katsuki scoffed, in his head of course.
“Strictly kept things professional..”
That’s when he started having flashbacks-
The way you and him would fuck in his dressing room only 10 minutes before filming
How you and him would have quickies in your trailer
When after a long day of filming, as soon you would get home, you wouldn’t hesitate to pounce on him and fuck him in the shower
Constantly finding places around set to fuck any where at any minute
Always pleading and begging for him only to make him beg and plead for you in return
None of that seemed quite professional to him-
“So what do you have to add to that Mr. Bakugo?”
Bakugo snapped out of it, coming back to reality from his deep web of thoughts
“Uh yeah, the movies great-“
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skygemspeaks · 9 months
I finally got to sit down and finish episode one, and i've got some thoughts!!
I think that introducing garp as a big player right from the get go is a really great idea. His presence at the execution made sense, and his dynamic with roger did well to help establish both of their characterisations
Roger's actor did a phenomenal job with the eerie laugh and his complete irreverance in the face of his own death. I love how he delivered the wealth fame power speech!
It was a bit surprising to me that they showed roger actually getting killed, but honestly i'm in total approval of this direction they're taking with the live action. I really like the more brutal approach, especially because oda's refusal to kill anyone outside of flashbacks pre-marineford is one of the biggest complaints i tend to hear from people. Seeing zoro dragging around the top half mr 7's corpse was so jarring, but it was a good choice
Ilia's perfrmance as alvida was absolutely amazing. I like that they changed her catchphrase from the most beautiful woman on the seas to the most powerful
Overall, i really like the different transitions between plot points, and how this episode set things up in future arcs. All the different things that go on in shells town feel so much more better interconnected than they did in the manga. I'll go into this more in another post, but like one example of what i'm talking about is how the reason zoro allowed himself to be tied to the post was because morgan threatened that if he didn't agree to it, he wouldn't be able to collect any more bounties from any marine bases. It also gives zoro mire of a reason to join luffy - he knows that at this point there's no eay he can continue being a bounty hunter now that morgan has it out for him. So how else is he going to meet other strong swordsmen? By joining a pirate crew of course.
The shanks flashback was awesome! His dynamic with luffy was really endearing, and again i do like that they didn't have higuma attack shanks. That's one thing that never really made sense to me in the manga - i get thst yoy don't have to solve everything with violence, but there's no reason for shanks not to have fought back against someone who was attacking him, even if he did know they couldn't possibly hurt him
Also on shanks' flashback - the scene where he found out luffy had eaten the devil fruit was AMAZING. What a fantastic idea to have little luffy framed in sunlight! And the utter heartbreak on shanks' face as he realizes that there's no way luffy will ever be able to have a normal life now...
Of course, we gotta mention the snippet of Binks' Sake we heard in the scene where shanks is stitching up luffy's cut. I recognized it instantly and it made me really emotional. Love all these little easter eggs they have for long time fans of the series. In addition to this there was alsp the cavendish, foxy, and bellamy wanted posters which we knew about from the trailer
Speaking of wanted posters - what a COOL way to introduce the other pirates!
Morgan going on his monologue about capturing kuro is SO funny know what's gonna happen on a few episodes. Oda played it a lot more subtle in the manga but i like that they came right out and said it here.
And while we're talking about foreshadowing, it was a fantastic idea to include the mr 7 fight in this season! I really hope we get a season 2, just sp we can get the payoff for this great setup.
I'm a little sad that we didn't get to see the luffy and koby hug that was shown in the behind the scenes video (i think that was the one?). I really hope that wasn't cut because i loved that little scene. Maybe it'll happen later in the season?
Buggy's introduction at the end of the episode was SO good. I loved his whole vibe, with him lounging so confidently in his chair, his creepy laugh, everything. I'm excited to see the next episode! They better not have cut chouchou out 😭
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cartermagazine · 6 months
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Today In History
Ossie Davis was born in Cogdell, GA, on this date December 18, 1917. The highly successful writer, director, actor, and producer established a phenomenal career, remaining throughout a strong voice for artists’ rights, human dignity, and social justice.
Mr. Davis made his Broadway debut in 1946 in Jeb, where he met his wife and fellow actress, Ruby Dee. He went on to perform in many Broadway productions, including Anna Lucasta, The Wisteria Trees, Green Pastures, Jamaica, Ballad for Bimshire, A Raisin in the Sun, The Zulu and the Zayda, and the stage version of I’m Not Rappaport. In 1961, he wrote and starred in the critically acclaimed Purlie Victorious.
Ossie Davis was a leading activist in the civil rights era of the 1960s. He joined Martin Luther King, Jr., in the crusade for jobs and freedom and to help raise money for the Freedom Riders. He eulogized both Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X at their funerals and remained an activist throughout his life.
He received innumerable honors including the Hall of Fame Award for Outstanding Artistic Achievement in 1989; the U.S. National Medal for the Arts in 1995; the New York Urban League Frederick Douglas Award; NAACP Image Award; and the Screen Actor’s Guild Lifetime Achievement Award in 2001. Ossie Davis enjoyed a long and luminous career in entertainment along with his wife and fellow performer, stage and screen collaborator, and political activist, Ruby Dee.
CARTER™ Magazine
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queenshelby · 9 months
Yes! Mr Murphy (Rewritten)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Lots of Angst, Age Gap, Teacher x Student, Pregnancy Loss, Infertility
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Later that day, when you arrived back at your apartment, you were greeted by Emma, who looked at you with gleaming eyes.
"So, how was your night?" she smiled, eager to hear about your encounter with Cillian.
"It was amazing," you confessed, blushing slightly as you recounted the events of the evening.
"You look like you did not get much sleep," Emma observed, running her fingers through your hair.
"No, we were busy all night," you chuckled, a hint of shyness lingering in your voice.
Emma's eyes sparkled with curiosity, and you could see she wanted to ask more questions.
"Of course you were. I am actually surprised, you know. He is 45 already, and male performance does decline at a certain age," Emma laughed teasingly as you blushed even more deeply, feeling the heat rising in your cheeks.
"Oh shut up," you giggled, playfully swatting her arm. "The sex is incredible and there is absolutely no decline in... whatever you are referring to," you laughed, trying to brush off the remark. But the truth was, your night with Cillian had been nothing short of phenomenal, leaving you wanting more and desperate to explore the depths of your passion.
"So, you are back together then?" Emma inquired curiously, her eyes twinkling with excitement.
"Yes, we decided to give it another shot," you confirmed, a smile spreading across your face.
"That's great!" Emma exclaimed, clapping her hands enthusiastically. "The age gap?" she then asked. "It's no longer a problem for him?" she wanted to know.
"No. It doesn't seem to be. He regrets ending it because of it," you explained, hoping to convey that Cillian has changed his mind about the age gap being an issue. "He sees me as a woman he loves, not just someone younger," you added, trying to reassure Emma that everything was fine.
"That's good! And you feel the same way?" Emma asked, genuinely interested in your feelings too.
"Yes, absolutely," you confirmed, smiling softly. "We may have a few hurdles ahead, but we are committed to working through them together."
Emma nodded in agreement, a satisfied smile on her face.
"Just be careful. The press will have a field day once they find out about your age and the fact that you were his student for a little while," Emma said with concern before asking you whether Cillian intended to make your relationship public.
"Well, he wants me to attend the BAFTAs with him, so I would say that he does, and I think that this shows just how much he believes in our relationship," you explained thoughtfully.
"The BAFTAs?" Emma asked, chin dropping. "That's big. I think he is nominated as best leading actor," Emma remarked, wide-eyed. "The media attention might be intense, though," she then pointed out, and you nodded in agreement, considering the potential consequences of attending such a high-profile event with Cillian.
"Yes, I'm aware of that. We've discussed it, and I believe we can handle the pressure," you told her, sounding confident in your decision. "Despite, I cannot not go. Kit is going too and I don't trust her," you continued, your gaze locked with hers.
"I wouldn't trust her either Y/N. He slept with her and the fact that their one-off encounter ended up in the paper seems to be too much of a co-incidence for my liking," Emma told you thoughtfully, causing your mind to tick over. "Does she think she still stands a chance with Cillian with you in the picture?" Emma then wanted to know and you shrug your shoulders.
"I honestly don't know, but something about her attitude makes me uncomfortable," you admitted, expressing your growing concern over Kit's behaviour.
"Maybe you should talk to Cillian about it," Emma suggested carefully.
"I can't do that Em. We only just got back together and the last thing I want is sound like the jealous girlfriend," you told her with a sigh, leaning against the countertop in the kitchen.
"Good point," Emma agreed, placing her hand on your shoulder. "But, remember, sometimes jealousy can be healthy. It helps you evaluate what you truly want and value in a relationship," she advised, offering some friendly advice.
"True," you acknowledged, thinking about your previous insecurities when it came to Cillian and the fact that he was sought after by many women, not just you. 
"The worst thing is, we will be sharing an apartment with her in London," you grimaced, recalling the prospect of spending several days in close proximity to Kit. "I don't think I can handle it," you muttered, your brow furrowing in worry.
"But that's perfect. You should mark your territory," Emma encouraged, her eyes alight with mischief. "Show her that she doesn't stand a chance, Y/N," she told you and you laughed lightly, shaking your head at Emma's suggestions. 
"What are you suggesting, Em?" you asked, raising an eyebrow. 
"Well, what I am suggesting is that, after the award show, you go back to your apartment and have very loud sex with your boyfriend. So loud that she can hear it in her bedroom too. Make the bedrails creek and ride him like there is no tomorrow, babe," Emma giggled mischievously as she watched you blush again. "She won't be able to resist wondering what's happening in the other room," Emma whispered conspiratorially, nudging you further down the path of her plan.
"Em, please stop," you pleaded, laughing nervously as you tried to dismiss her wild idea.
"Don't worry, sweetie. I'm just playing," Emma laughed, patting your shoulder comfortingly. "Just enjoy the moment with Cillian and let the rest take care of itself," she advised with a knowing smile.
"Now, what are you going to wear?" Emma interjected, changing the subject abruptly. "You need something stunning to wear at the BAFTAs," she told you and you gave her a little smile.
"Well, I was hoping that you could make me a dress?" you hesitated, biting your lip as you awaited her response.
"I was hoping that you would ask..." Emma replied excitedly, already planning out your outfit. "I know, let's make it a red silk gown with a plunging neckline and a floor-length skirt. The fabric will hug your curves perfectly, showing off your killer body while maintaining elegance and sophistication," Emma described, her eyes filled with confidence and excitement.
"Red? Really?" you asked, surprised by her choice. 
"How about black with some lace?" Emma then asked, knowing very well that you were not one for colour. 
"Black with lace sounds perfect," you agreed, feeling reassured by her choice and, over the next couple of weeks, Emma diligently worked on creating the perfect dress for you to wear at the awards. She chose luxurious fabrics, intricate designs, and carefully crafted each piece to fit your unique figure flawlessly.
Two weeks later...
When the dress was finally complete, you couldn't help but feel mesmerized by its beauty. The black silk flowed gracefully around your body, highlighting your femininity and alluring curves. The daring cutouts on the bodice accentuated your decolletage, drawing attention to your cleavage and evoking a sense of mystery. The elegant, delicate lace lining brought an air of sophistication to the entire ensemble, making it both captivating and breathtaking.
As you stood in front of the mirror, admiring yourself, Emma took a step back, observing your reaction intently. "Wow, Emma, this dress is stunning," you exclaimed, turning around to reveal the entire gown. "The attention to detail is impeccable," you added, running your hands along the lace.
"Thank you, sweetheart," Emma replied, her heart swelling with pride.  
"I never wore a dress like this before. It feels strange," you confessed, feeling both excited and apprehensive about the idea of wearing such a bold outfit. "I usually prefer more casual clothes," you admitted sheepishly, turning away from the mirror to face Emma.
"This dress is an investment, not just in your wardrobe, but also in your confidence," Emma assured you, reading your concerns accurately. "Trust me, you'll look sensational in it," she added with conviction, trying to boost your self-esteem.
"Despite, it's the BAFTAs. You have to wear a gown," Emma insisted, knowing that you couldn't possibly wear jeans and a t-shirt to such an exclusive event. "And anyway, it's time you start stepping out of your comfort zone. This is the perfect opportunity," Emma continued, pressing the point.
"I guess you're right," you conceded, accepting the reality of the situation before reminding her that you had to leave soon as a dinner to attend to with Cillian and his children tonight.
After having spent the morning with Emma, you made your way back to Cillian's apartment, which is where you had been staying every night since you got back together two weeks ago.
As you entered the apartment, you noticed Cillian sitting on the couch, watching television. When he saw you walk in, he smiled warmly and gestured for you to join him.
"So, how did it go?" he asked, referring to your meeting with Emma earlier today.
"It went really well. Emma designed a beautiful dress for me to wear. She is incredibly talented," you told him proudly, unable to hide your excitement.
"Oh, I'm looking forward to seeing you in it. I have no doubt that you will look incredible," Cillian said, smiling affectionately at you before pulling you atop of him to give you a playful kiss. 
Your heart fluttered, and you felt the heat rising in your cheeks as you pulled away, giggling nervously. You couldn't help but notice the scent of his cologne mixed with the subtle smell of his skin, a combination that seemed to envelop you like a warm blanket.
"I love you, you know?" he then said, tenderly holding your face in his hands. His eyes were full of sincerity, making your heart race faster.
"I love you too," you responded earnestly, leaning in to seal your declaration with a soft kiss just as Cillian's daughter, Nina, came walking out of her room.
"Ew, guys," she complained playfully, rolling her eyes at you both. "Get a room," she said. 
Laughing, you glanced at Cillian, who smiled and gently pushed you away.
"So gross. I still don't see why you find him attractive Y/N, but by all means...," Nina teased, crossing her arms defiantly.
"Oh come on," Cillian protested, giving his daughter a good-natured shove. 
"Well, for what it's worth, I think your dad is very handsome," you teased, smirking at Cillian, who chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck bashfully. 
"Thanks, darling," he replied, grinning before suggesting for you to get ready for dinner at Bob's house.
Having dinner with all of his friends, most of which you had not met yet, made you nervous. But you knew that if you wanted to build a future with Cillian, you had to confront these fears and be open to getting to know his circle of friends.
You took a deep breath, feeling the courage grow within you. This was not about your past insecurities, but rather an opportunity to connect with the man you loved.
As you prepared for the evening, you slipped into a casual outfit. A pair of jeans and a black jumper, plain and simple. Since Cillian's friends were older, you wanted to appear older yourself and Cillian noticed that you were somewhat nervous about the night ahead.
"You know, you look absolutely beautiful tonight." He said. You smiled, slightly embarrassed.
"Thanks Cillian. I am trying to look, you know, a bit older I suppose," you explained, biting your lip nervously.
"Why?" he asked, clearly confused by your concern.
"Well, your friends are older, and I would like to fit in," you explained with a slight blush. "I don't want anyone to think that I'm not right for you because of my age," you told him, causing Cillian's brows to furrow.
"They won't think that Y/N. Despite, they all already know how old you are" Cillian assured you confidently, brushing aside your concerns. "You're more than capable of holding your own. Just be you and you will be fine," he then said and you nodded, appreciating his support, but still couldn't shake the feeling of anxiety lingering within you.
When you arrived at Bob's house, you could feel the anticipation in the air as everyone gathered together in the living room.
Your heart thumped loudly against your ribcage, and your palms grew sweaty with anxiety. Cillian guided you towards the group, introducing you to his friends one by one. Each person greeted you with warmth and welcomed you into their circle. Despite your initial fears, you found yourself opening up and enjoying their company, engaging in lively conversation about movies, books, and travel experiences.
Bob and Lorna, Cillian's friends, were delightfully hospitable.
Throughout the evening, they ensured that you were comfortable and well taken care of. Their warmth put you at ease, allowing you to relax and truly enjoy the company of these fascinating individuals. As the night progressed, the conversations became more animated, and you found yourself joining in on various topics effortlessly.
Dermont especially proved to be particularly charming as always. He shared stories of his life as a radio host, a career which he had recently given up and, after a little while, you even met Cillian's godson, Lucas, when he woke up from his slumber.
His adorable face lit up as he looked around the room, taking in the gathering of people who surrounded him. As he reached out for Cillian, he quickly picked him up, cradling him in his arms and whispering soothing words into his ear.
"Look at you, little man, growing so much," Cillian cooed, gently stroking Lucas' hair as the baby nestled closer to him.
You watched the tender exchange, feeling a sense of contentment as you observed the undeniable bond between them.
"Would you like to hold him?" Lorna then asked you, but you shook your head.
"No, thank you. It's alright, I'm not good with babies" you replied politely, taking a step back to allow Lorna to take Lucas from Cillian's arms.
As you stood there, you couldn't help but feel a sense of longing for your own childhood, wishing that you could have experienced the love and joy that a family could have provided for you. 
Growing up in foster care was not easy and it made you not want to have a family of your own.
"You know, if you ever have a baby with dad, I will be able to babysit for you. I will even give you mates rates," Nina teased, looking at you while standing amongst her friends, namely Dermont's two daughters.
"That's sweet of you, Nina, but I don't think we will be having a baby. Thank you though," you replied carefully, returning her smile.
"Hmm, never say never Y/N. We started fairly late, and Cillian is still a few years younger than Bob. So, there is time, right Cilly?" Lorna said to you both, causing Cillian to look at you with concern, knowing how uncomfortable you were talking about the prospect of starting a family.
"I can't have children," you responded with a forced smile, hoping to change the subject. "I had an operation a few months ago after an incident and I...," you began to say, and Cillian intervened. 
"Let's change the topic," he said while Cillian squeezed your hand gently, comforting you.
"Okay, yes. Of course. I am sorry," Lorna apologized swiftly, seemingly aware of the delicate nature of the discussion.
"It's fine. Really. Having children is not on my radar, so don't apologise. It's all good," you told Lorna and Cillian gave you a reassuring squeeze again.
The atmosphere lightened as another friend entered the room following a long shift at work. The laughter and conversation filled the room once again, and you felt relieved that the uncomfortable topic had been shifted. You settled into the evening, continuing to engage with Cillian's friends in a deeper manner, discovering a connection with many of them.
The night flew by, leaving behind a whirlwind of laughter, stories, and shared experiences. At some point during the evening, the conversation turned to the idea of a second child for Bob and Lorna. You listened intently as they discussed the joys and challenges of raising a child and witnessed firsthand the genuine affection they held for their son. Watching the interactions between Bob, Lorna, and Lucas solidified your decision to remain childless, ensuring that your relationship with Cillian remained focused on each other though.
You couldn't deny the fact that having a child would create a new layer of complications in your life, something you didn't want or need.
With Cillian being so busy with his acting career, the added responsibility would have only created stress for both of you. You decided to put all thoughts of having a child behind you and instead focus on enjoying the present moment with Cillian and his friends.
The night ended with heartfelt goodbyes, and as you stepped outside into the cool night air, you realized that this experience had transformed your perspective about Cillian's friends. They were no longer just people whom you feared to disappoint, but now individuals whom you had formed connections with through shared laughter and thoughtful discussions.
Unbeknownst to you, they all told Cillian that they really enjoyed your company. According to them, you were a great match for him and the way you engaged with Cillian's daughter Nina, made their hearts melt.
In their eyes, you seemed wise beyond your years and you were a perfect companion for their friend.
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crithaus · 1 year
Taliesin is a phenomenal actor to be true and fair but nothing will ever get me like the way he married Percy being so stupidly egotistical and shitty and snide and pretentious and just kinda mean (and entitled and responsibility shirking and everything you'd hate in a person, and also the guns thing) with Percy being so sweet, so caring, standing up in front of a crowd to rally Whitestone and his friends with the depth of his feelings about them and Whitestone itself, breaking troth with the one evil bitch of a thing that kept him alive for all the years on the run and with VM because his city and his friends (and future wife) needed him to do and be better, him simply singing with Pike to help resurrect that little boy, the raven skull pendants, Percy threatening the Goddess of Death with an ass-kicking mid-panic attack unprompted to try and spare his friend the stress it was causing Vax, actually Percy's skinny mortal ass threatening entities (Cravens Edge, Ipkesh, Syldor (tho fucking w/ syldor is more even playing field for mr. Is a prince I'll admit) the Raven Queen, The Clasp) a billion times out of his league to their faces because they've done wrong by his friends somehow. Percy will fight absolutely goddamn anything no matter the outcome for his loved ones. Very rarely, if at all, for himself.
Like kudos to Tal cuz I would despise Percy in real life, I'd beat the bricks outta that shitty little gremlin at first opportunity irl but the nuance and love and most importantly self accountability with which he is played is one of the most impressive things I've seen ever, case in point cuz literally all the party but grog have at least thought about kissing that motherfucker despite him being the way he is. He's very very flawed, and equally traumatized, and that, whole valid, doesn't excuse some of his actions and he spends the whole campaign, 3 whole campaigns actually, doing and being better bit by bit.
Once against Tumblr user crithaus gets up on her soap box to wax poetic about Percival De Rolo, more at 11.
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velvetjune · 3 months
for only showing up in the live action segments, it’s absurd how much mr door and thomas zane have consumed my thoughts. could not even begin to imagine what mr door’s role is in future games, let alone anything for zane, but the mystery only adds to the intrigue. so much of this goes to just how phenomenal the actors are—they performed every scene with intention and charisma
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seeingivy · 9 months
after seeing catoru, I like to hc that Satoru played the Grinch (that man seems too comfy in that cat suit to not have prior suit experience🤨 slayed the house down with this role no doubt it won him an Oscar). Suguru was Martha May Who (basically their jjk roles reversed but if Suguru had come back to love his man😔🙄)
oh I LOVE THIS HC. actor!gojo is genuinely so unserious because first of all. he is like obviously a very phenomenal actor - this man is not a triple threat for no reason like he can do it all. but because he can he LOVES oddball movies like this where he just gets to play a fucking weird ass character. some examples:
the grinch, like you said
mrs. doubtfire. he plays mrs. doubtfire.
I already added to my canon that sukuna gets to play the prince in cinderella BUT gojo is playing the king but he makes the role SOOOOOOOO UNSERIOUS GOD
elf. he is the elf in elf. stupid ass fucking movie has his name written all over it
also like even tho he's an A lister he keeps ending up in hallmark movies, not cuz he can't get roles, but he just loves the plot. like oh he's a businessman going to a small town and falling in love with a baker yup
listen. i've thoguht about this long and hard. TWILIGHT in the method acting verse. here are my castings:
annie is bella. she eats that whole no emotion thing up so easily
yuuta is edward. he got that sickly pale thing going on too good. (jean hates his life when he doesn't get cast)
reiner is jacob 😭 he puts his whole reinussy into bella where the hell have you been loca
levi is charlie. he got that whole angry daddy thing going on without even acting
that being said, who is satoru you may ask?
aro. that motherfucker from the volturi who just stays giggling for no reason. like that litearlly is him sorry I don't make the rules.
and the worst part? actor!gojo will do all this unserious stuff but once in a while do like a poster ad for calvin klein or like a shirtless vogue cover and everyone is foaming at the mouth. because at the end iof the day, he is just sexy.
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gillianthecat · 5 months
I have Not been doing what I should have been doing this week, which is Not Great. BUT. I have been feeling the urge to watch BL again, so I been flittering around streaming services and binging some and dropping others. Here's the list of the 18, in the order I watched them, with brief thoughts on each. My rating (out of 10) are in [blue]. Feel free to ask me to say more about any of them!
Pit Babe (2 eps) [7]
Fun, enjoyed the tropiness of it, intrigued by Jeff/Alan, whatever secrets Charlie and Jeff are keeping, and that drifting competition which was hella sexy. I like my omegaverse fics "non traditional" so i appreciated that the first BL out there was alpha/alpha. I wasn't engaged enough to keep going, but would like eventually to pick it up again. One of the few shows I'm not filtering the tag for, so I'm enjoying other people's reactions and gifs.
My Personal Weatherman (finished) [8]
I wanted to love it more than I did, many aspects were wonderful, but the leads never felt like real characters to me, just seme/uke tropes fulfilling their roles. Actors very pretty though. I have a bunch of notes I may finish and post eventually.
Laws of Attraction (finished) [9]
10% of it was terrible, 10% was completely nonsensical (instagram live-ing your date while on the lam? really??), 10% was mediocre, 50% was good, and 20% was sublime. Film was phenomenal as the complicated lawyer with his thousands of smiles, and I now have a crush on him. I started watching a het lakorn for him afterwards (Lucky Star, free on Viki, very soap opera, he and his costar are great). I loved grandma and the batshit ex. I've already forgotten parts of the plot. Wish it could have been higher heat, the restrictions kinda fucked with Charn and Tinn's chemistry in the second half, after they got together, but Film made it work with his coy blushing maiden routine. And their chemistry pre-dating was fire. Second leads were cute and I do love me a pining bodyguard, but sadly the actors were kinda eh.
I Became the Main Role of a BL (1 ep) [9]
I am very excited about this, doing so many things well, balancing slapstick and humanity, all the little details are great. I like how the "real world" is still tropey and absurd but also noticibku more grounded than the "drama" world. I'm invested in the managers' stories. I have hopes for its sexiness, given how Aoyagi was touching Akufuji's arm in their rehearsal. Love love love Akufuji stanning.
Double Mints (finished) [5]
um. I didn't hate it. I didn't like it exactly, but there were some poignant moments. My first actually dark BL (I know Pornographer is classified as dark, but it didn't feel that way to me). Possibly there's some profundity in it, but it didn't grab me enough that I want to spend the time thinking about it. Also many plot things that didn't make sense to me. Perhaps just translation issues? Unlike the next on my list, this wasn't porn, it was a violent yakuza story. Not actually very explicit given that it's supposed to be high heat, with the significant exception of a rape scene.
The Shortest Distance is Round (Noir) (finished) [5]
I mean this is literally softcore porn with a weird dark plot around it. I think most of the actors are actual porn actors; I know the lead is. I could have thoughts on the story, but I feel like I'd need to know more about Japanese cinema to say anything meaningful. Just saying, the sexual harassment at the beginning is the tamest bit. Also a hilarious misdirect with the dead fish sleep kiss (at least for me who was going in blind). Some of the sex was hilarious (goat boy!) some of it was creepy and rapey, and some was genuinely hot.
Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice But to Kiss (3.5 eps) [7.5]
Fun and fluffy, like the premise, the seme character has charm, but soon lost interest in that level of slapstick and tropiness. May eventually finish.
Love Stage Japan 2018 (half an ep or so) [6]
Liked it more than the Thai version, which I saw a few episodes of. The set up makes more sense. Soon lost interest in that slapstick style. Wouldn't avoid it, but no current urge to return.
Utsukushii Kare 2 (My Beautiful Man 2) (finished) [9]
I love them so much! As the middle section, it didn't work as well on its own as season one (a hothouse masterpiece) or the movie (their blossoming), but it was an important bridge in their journey.
Utsukushii Kare Eternal (My Beautiful Man Eternal) (finished) [10]
So amazing. I wasn't sure that they could make a good ending of this story but they knocked it out of the park. Managed the tricky balancing act of having Hira and Koyoi grow up and learn to have a healthy relationship while still remaining their kinky weird selves. Echoed season one in so many beautiful and meaningful ways. I may eventually write more about it.
Long Time No See (movie) (finished) [7]
I didn't recognize the title so o started it without knowing anything about genre or plot. I wanted to like this much more than I did. Theoretically I am into all the elements. But somehow it didn't work for me. It felt hollow, or rather like the outline of a movie rather than the movie itself. Nothing really felt real to me. Perhaps just my mood, perhaps because I didn't recognize the name and so went in to it completely lost and confused. And the sex scenes all felt a little off, a little fake to me. Like the actors were kinda uncomfortable with it. It was very low budget for its concept, and I think needed to either be full kdrama length (maybe 8 full episodes) of get somehow even artier about it to be an atmospheric film. Which it should have been, and all indicators pointed to it, but somehow wasn't. I think I needed to know the characters better to care about. Which may or may not have required learning more about them; there are characters I've felt deeply that I knew very little about, but somehow not with these two. Also I couldn't get the sister's deal. It felt like she was hinting she knew the assassin secrets? But also not. Anyways, the leads were very pretty. And the shot of them stumbling out of the final fight was moving. I may write more later.
Dom (a Strongberry short) (dnf) [4]
Only 13 minutes long and I couldn't finish it, even with 1.5x speed in parts. Experimental little short about anthropomorphized condom boxes, and there's some sort of human plot about a virgin and his cheating boyfriend that I lost track of. It's not bad, just not what I was in the mood for.
Bake Me Please (like 10 minutes of ep 1) [5.5]
When I was talking about not being into cooking themed shows this is the kind of show I mean. It already had a bunch of tropes that are not for me, particularly random normal people treated like celebrities, and people on tumblr seem frustrated with it so it didn't feel worth pursuing.
Ossan's Love (2018 Japan) (2 of 7 eps) [8]
Seems very well constructed to be exactly what they wanted it to be. My enjoyment of that sort of slapstick and yelling style show depend on my mood, and I lost interest, but want to return eventually because it's a foundational show.
Love Mate (less than 1 ep) [7]
Some appealing elements, but got annoyed at the employee's negging and pushiness. I guess I'm too particular about realism, but in what company would it be acceptable to turn a meeting about their product into a psychoanalytical critique of why your boss can't love. Also I es confused by the bosses dating strategy. He just regularly meets up with men 1 time for awkward meals that he seems to hate and then doesn't even have sex with them? Or were we supposed to infer the sex was just censored out? Not the biggest deals but both together indicated that this show was going to play loose with logic in a way that would irritate me. And the seme was being a pushy ass.
Naked Dining (Zenra Meshi) (finished) [8.5]
Loved it overall, though had flaws. Loveblogged it so many thoughts in the tags.
My Ride (4 out of 10 eps) [7]
See today's liveblogging for my thoughts. I like many aspects, but lost interest after four eps. Didn't catch me up enough to want to binge it. I think I'm in an actor centric mode, and unfortunately none of the actors are that good in it.
Every Moment That I Think of You (finished) [8.5]
Randomly found on Gaga, 2 very short episodes from China 2021. Very appealing leads, censored, high school romance/intense friendship, partially through the pandemic. Fit a year's worth of story into 28 minutes. Surprisingly solid, though made me want to see the full length uncensored version of their love story, same actors. Ending confused me. Subtitles of voiceover implied that was their last night together but didn't say what happened, but nothing and was shown. Perhaps just a bad translation? Very low budget (sound mixing was amateur) but did a lot with what they had. Chaotic adolescent boy camera work and editing style, always moving, which fit story very well. Recommend if ok with censored stories.
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thepaintpirate · 9 months
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Live action review -
One Piece: Romance Dawn
Episode one of the One piece live action... This is only my opinions and views, if you aren't interested in that then cool but I need somewhere to talk. This will be bullet points.
Introduction with Roger's execution and a narrator? A fantastic choice
Roger's casting is actually spot on though?? Why were people complaining he's great for the role, Roger is in his 50s here are you he's sick of course he's not gonna be a super model but he's still stoic looking and I like it
Scottish Garp I shouldn't expect anything less (if they ever get to Sabaody I hope Kidd and Killer are Scottish too lmao)
I like that you can see who's in the crowd too because for the anime/manga people it's like a lil treat (Dragon I see you stop hiding)
Iñaki is perfect. I don't think anyone else would have suited Luffy more, the more the episode continued the more convinced I became
Line delivery is... It could be improved. It's quite theatrical? Like stage place or musical type acting sometimes. Maybe it's what they were going for I don't know, I don't hate it but it made me pause for a few moments because I get really bad second hand embarrassment
Coby and Luffy moments are great, they're dynamic and it's a lovely relationship they have going and you can tell the actors work well together
Shanks and his crew? Absolutely phenomenal. Peter Gadiot is perfect but the trailer did him dirty. My only complaint is I don't think Benn's casting was the best, sorry to the actor but he just doesn't fit quite like the others.
Baby Luffy... Oh my heart is melting
Zoro's intro and choreography was great, lil hint to Baroque Works if we get a S2 hehehe
Nami slayed as per usual, trust in Emily is at it's peak. She isn't just playing Nami, she is Nami
"No, more is better. More is better". I'm sold.
Zoro lugging around the severed torso of Mr 7.
Again, great bar fight scene. I got some second hand embarrassment again from the line delivery but I recover fast and move on
Morgans is... Yh he's there.
Omg they're looking at the sky together, they're such sweeties I'm kicking my legs
Zoro and Luffy's lil talk is so on brand
Nami absolutely eating up every single one of her scenes yet again
Emily and Iñaki work so well omggg
The courtyard fight scene. The courtyard fight scene. Great direction, it's smooth and really well done.
If I'm repulsed when an antagonist has come onto screen then you know they've done the job right.
Coby slayed.
Jeepers creepers those snail phones make me flinch. Anyway, Garp and Bogard eeeee. I just know the Tiktok Bogard guy is happy.
Honestly, 200/10 casting for him and Cabaji
In my most honest opinion, this episode was good. It wasn't the greatest, there's definitely more to come and it's a lovely scene setter and build up. The cast are great, I have a few comments about how they've been directed to deliver lines because it's honestly not the best.
The CGI even now, where there wasn't much needed, is really promising. My favourites so far? Definitely Shanks, Luffy (both mini and big) and Nami. They honestly made the first episode for me. It's got the fun feel of the show, and for a live action it's quite good. I do agree it's not to everyone's taste, my brother watched one scene and didn't like it but that's because he's a skeptic. I have high hopes, let's just hope incels and chronically online shit wipes don't ruin this for me or others... Don't listen to them, it's worth a watch.
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squidthoughts · 7 months
ok mr flanagan you continue to do it do me huh. relentless arent you. this is just going to be how its going to be. ok. ok. sure. ok. the grief. ok. the immortality. the doomed quest. yeah. tamerlane's house filled with mirrors. pym - what an intriguing conversation with verna genuinely. carla gugino. madeline fucking usher. no one is going to be in a scene like kate siegel. fuck it i got mine. yes you did queen!!! lenore. lenore!! every single actor without exception. phenomenal. bly manor next
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emblazons · 1 year
hELLO do you have any fun specific hopes/theories/headcanons for st5?
Honestly I am not like super headcanon forward as a watcher because I think I have expectations trust issues from other television and therefore stick to what I can see on screen before speculating, BUT!
Headcanons + some things I would love to see explored (that aren’t just aggressive amounts of pining byler)?
The whole “Will is suppressed in his queerness being attached to soteria/suppression of powers” is like. 11/10 concept imo. It goes along with horror history so well (shout out @pinkeoni for that analysis) and plays so well into the whole relating to “Alan Turing” bit that we were introduced to start of S4, given his history as a gay man.
re, the last point: the contrast in queerness between Mike and Will being explored as someone who shows more blatant attraction to men but struggles to accept it as an identity versus someone who accepts their identity while suppressing their attraction (by outside forces or not) is also a dynamic I think would be cool to explore. I am not an ace Will truther at all but. I do think he shies away from his own sexuality a lot in a way they don’t do with Mike.
I really want “samfro caught on mount doom together while the rest of the fellowship fights an army” byler vibes—something about El and Lucas as Aragorn & Legolas with Dustin (Gimli) and Erica (Merry/Pippin) while Will struggles with feeling alone carrying the heavy burden of a connection to Vecna? Some “I can’t carry it for you, but I can carry you” heroism from Mike? El getting a moment to reunite with Max (Arwen) at the hand of Lucas, just like in Return of the King? Fucking mint lmao
I need scenes of Max in whatever place she’s still alive in like I need oxygen. Working from “the inside” to do exposition on Henry + the UD while she’s in a coma while the party sorts through it in Hawkins feels like such a phenomenal writing opportunity I’ll be desperately sad if they don’t explore it. I hope they include some elements of like. The duality of presence a la The Talisman in that given Lucas was reading it to her in the hospital? But 🤷🏽‍♀️
GIVE ME TIME FKERY OR GIVE ME DEATH. I know it’s pretty much guaranteed at this point but. I need Mr. Clarke back stat, with some convoluted ass theory explained on a paper plate again. I need the most elaborate UD reality just, absolutely borderline nonsensical lore for like a full episode so I can watch this series back again and see it from SECOND ONE (or minute 8:15) and giggle like a schoolgirl knowing the duffers really are smart/the haters were wrong.
I want more Wheelers! I know Nancy is central to the supernatural given she was the only other one pulled in by Vecna and not killed—just sent as a messenger—but. I have so many Wheeler and Creel thoughts at this point I don’t know where to start, but. They are the PERFECT family for exploring picture-perfection against horror themes (just like the Creels) and I want it. Like “don’t care how, I want it now” level focus on them, along with their Byers.
I said it before but: an exploration of motherhood as a theme makes so much sense to me, and it seems to be important to The Duffers too, so. I want it.
Kinda want RoVickie as the couple who introduces the idea of the supernatural + queerness v Hawkins element at the start of the season, and for byler to be the ones who “end it.” I think that would be a fascinating way to parallel them more, though…I haven’t much thought this through.
If they don’t make Finn Wolfhard sob his little eyes out this season I’m going to feel betrayed. I need him like. Noah level pressed at least once next season, for the culture (Finn said he wanted to do more dramas. Let him defeat the bad actor allegations here so they let him LMAOOOO)
That’s all I can think of for now! I’m sure there are more, but. Those were the firsts that came to mind haha.
Thanks for the ask!
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emiarainewrites · 11 months
Rest In Peace, Julian Sands
The world has lost a phenomenal actor and gentle soul.
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Julian Sands went missing in early January whilst going on a hike. His body has only just been found now in late June, 2023. He was 65 years old.
Along with many, many others, I am deeply saddened by his passing. The only positive thing is that his body has been recovered. I’ve been hoping for the last few months that this would be the case. At least his family can have some form of closure now.
This is a terrible tragedy that I truly wish had not happened.
But, to honour Mr. Sands, I thought I’d briefly go over a few of his films that I’ve seen and highlight the amazing range that he had.
Boxing Helena (1993)
I first became aware of Julian Sands a few years ago when I saw this film.
Directed by Jennifer Lynch, Boxing Helena tells that story of Nick (Sands) and his obsession with one-night-stand Helena (Sherilyn Fenn). After an accident makes her dependent on him, we explore Nick’s psyche and how far he’s willing to go to keep Helena with him.
This is a film that will not appeal the everyone unfortunately, but I’d still highly recommend you see it. It’s a brilliant picture with many layers and at the centre is Julian Sands and his amazing performance.
Nick’s character is heads over heals obsessed with Helena, despite her outright stating she has no interest in him. She’s quite cold to Nick for most of the film, and you can understand why. However, for Nick, that coldness is incentive to try harder for her affections. He ensures she has to rely on him for everything because he “loves” her and wants to keep her for himself.
This showcases Julian Sands’ range as an actor. He has done many serious performances throughout his career, but for me this one is special. Nick is kind of a sad person and even a tad pathetic at times. But you never lose track of why he’s like that.
He’s emotional and even intimidating when need be. It’s a comparatively softer character than some of his other work, but Nick still stands out as a sympathetic and sometimes abhorrent character - played to absolute excellence by Julian Sands.
Warlock (1989)
Directed by Steve Miner, Warlock follows Julian Sands as the titular villain who travels from the 17th century to the 20th in order to end the world. As you do. Along the way he is pursued by Redferne (Richard E. Grant), who follows him from the past, & Kassandra (Lori Singer), a modern woman caught up in the dangerous medieval magic.
This is a good film, and it’s one of the biggest things Julian Sands is known for (the others undoubtedly being Room With A View (1985), Gothic (1986) and to a lesser extent Argento’s Phantom of the Opera (1998)) Not without reason, either.
Julian Sands is excellent in this, playing a cold hearted and cruel sadist of a character. The definition of evil. He’s very direct and at times his menacing stare does most of the talking. He brings a presence that few could ever hope to match.
From the first moment you see him, you know he’s bad news. A complete one-eighty to Boxing Helena.
I for one was quite surprised to see him in this role, having known him primarily for that film. He disappears into this terrifying, yet not outright scary, role. Rocking the long-hair-ponytail look, Julian Sands will make you fear magic and what it’s (and, by extension, he’s) really capable of.
Warlock II: The Armageddon (1993)
Directed by Anthony Hickox, the sequel follows the eponymous Warlock (Sands) as he is resurrected into the 90s (oh no!) and once again sets off on a quest to obtain mystical macguffins so he can put an end to the world as we know it. While that’s going on we follow a group of good warlocks that aren’t Julian Sands who must ready for the coming evil.
This film does away with the seriousness of the first and just about loses its damn mind with how crazy it can get. But if you’ve seen Hickox’s other works such as Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth (1992) & the Waxwork films (1988 & 1992, respectively), you’ll probably be used to the amount of darkly wacky he puts into his pictures.
The lore is almost completely revamped in terms of the Warlock and he’s after. Plus, the expansion of other magic practitioners is interesting in theory, but the result for the latter is underwhelming.
Julian Sands, however, is magnificent. This is a bit of a lesser product compared to the first, but you can’t tell that from his performance alone. I feel like you get way more of him in this one (kinda rocking his Boxing Helena look a little bit, no surprise considering it was probably filmed around the same time). You follow the Warlock as he interacts with the modern world and it’s inhabitants, tracking down mystical stones that will bring about the end of the world once assembled.
The character feels more accessible too for modern times, in terms of his presentation and demeanour. So this means there’s less medieval speak and more one-liners. Also seems like they ramped up the sexiness too at times.
The movie is much sillier than it’s predecessor, but it’s goofy fun. And you have Julian Sands dispatching people in increasingly gruesome and creative ways. Very Wishmaster (1997), with the vibe of Wishmaster II: Evil Never Dies (1999). His performance remains intimidating and cruel, but all around less cold.
Tale of a Vampire (1992)
Directed by Shimako Sato, Tale of a Vampire follows Alex (Sands) as he finds reprieve from his lonely existence in the form of Anna (Suzanna Hamilton), a kind librarian. However, all is not well as parts of his past, and his bloodlust, come back to haunt him.
This seems to have been released direct to video and, call me crazy, may have been capitalising on another vampire film that came out the exact same year. Even this film’s poster shares some similarities. Although, Julian Sands was apparently in talks to play Lestat instead of Tom Cruise, so there’s another connection. At the moment, you can find this film on YouTube (VHS rip).
Setting that aside, this is an interesting film that I don’t believe gets talked about much. It won’t change your life and I don’t think it quite gets across its ideas perfectly, but Julian Sands’ performance, as ever, is brilliant. You believe he’s been around for ages and has never been able to keep a love for himself. We get flashbacks concerning a previous companion throughout the film as Alex tries to get close to Anna in the present. There is a type of warmth that Julian Sands brings to the role, whilst also maintaining the lonesome chill of a corpse. You get a sense of confliction from him as the film goes on - whether to pursue Anna or leave her be; damn her or let her go.
Edgar Allen Poe’s ‘Annabel Lee’ also features in the film, so the idea of youth and love lost are meant to be front and centre.
There is still an element of danger to Julian Sands’ character. The film doesn’t shy away from the fact that he’s still undead and thus, must consume fresh blood. ((Special warning to all cat lovers, by the way.)) He even has a brief flash of harming Anna due to his nature and personal feelings towards her.
You feel his pain and it’s a shame that Julian Sands didn’t play more vampires, or had roles like this. Or maybe he did and I just don’t know about them. Either way he was great in this role.
Arachnophobia (1990)
Directed by Frank Marshall, Arachnophobia follows a doctor (Jeff Daniels) and his family who move to a town that is soon besieged by tons of lethal spiders. As the death toll rises, it’s a race against the clock to stop the eight-legged menace from killing everyone there.
Julian Sands has a smaller role here compared to the previous films mentioned, but he is still important and does serve as the catalyst for everything. He plays Dr. James Atherton, who is studying an undiscovered type of spider that, of course, makes it back to a populated area and spawns off a deadly chain of events.
The film itself is fun and Julian Sands is a great, somewhat pompous, doctor who can be very dismissive of those around him. Very British and very passionate about his work.
Though, of course, he does not survive the film. The big hoss spider gets him. Then again, he did declare himself as “supper”. And when you see his body, it’s pretty gnarly. He’s covered in webbing with spiders crawling all over him. Real spiders. No CGI. That alone increased my respect for him one-hundred fold when I saw it.
From unhinged sap to scary villain to lonesome creature to apathetic doctor to even romantic lead, Julian Sands led a varied and fascinating career. He seemed unafraid to attempt any role and did so with impressive commitment and astounding results.
The world has lost a great talent that will never be forgotten.
RIP Julian Sands, we will all miss you dearly.
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