#moving again
novathesheltie · 6 months
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To complete my master’s I have to do a 6-month internship, which I’ll be doing at Ifremer…in Normandy. Nova and I have to move across the country again, this time towards a cold and rainy climate. But I’m excited : I’ll be studying different methods on estimating dolphin/seal by-catch. Meaning, I’ll be doing hardcore statistics. Which is a little hilarious since I’ve always yelled on every rooftop how much my brain cannot comprehend stats. It does (better) now, and I can’t wait to be completely thrown into that universe, with the hopes of coming out of it a more experienced statistical biologist. And funny : my childhood dream has always been to have my future somehow tied to orcas, and while I’m very aware of the logistics of that dream, I’ve also subconsciously been gearing my life towards that goal. I went from a Bachelor in Wildlife Sciences (ahem, more management than sciences but) to a Master’s in Marine Sciences (fucking hardcore sciences with crazy ass level math and stats) and now my internship is somewhat related to cetaceans in some way. I’m hoping to go the PhD route too once I’m done. But I’m also very much okay with doing conservation/consulting stuff. One of my classes made me réalise I was pretty good at that too. I’m okay with both paths if one doesn’t work out. I’m also okay with none of them working out, and doing something different (I heavily looked into being a dog trainer when I couldn’t find an internship). I’m excited. Writing in French is still an absolute hassle, the math involved behind stat models gives me brain damage, and I’ve been cohabitating with stress for the past few months…but we’re doing good. Nova’s gotten a tad chunky, I’m not taking him out as often and I’m using his food for mental stimulation, but I know this is a just a finite wave that will come to an end and we’ll go back to our usual shenanigans.
Since I’ll be alone in Normandy, I’ve looked into dog clubs to do obedience work or agility. Puppy mitters will be entertained again, and I plan on continuing teaching him a proper heel (i’ve finally figured out which buttons to use).
We’ll be okay, but I’ll miss the warm weather of the south and the beautiful mountains and calanques. Onward.
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flamingpen18 · 1 month
We Were Right!!!
@helly-watermelonsmellinfellon and I both knew this wasn't going to be a permanent move.
The non stop drama from the guy Dave does work for, to the alcoholic friend Dave moved into the house that doesn't pay any bills and has only bought food a few times and put gas in the van, to the bullshit about the electric bill that I did warn Dave about is just too much.
Those idiot males got it into their heads that I have all this money so I can pay for it. Mind you, none of those imbeciles know my finances. I have a fixed limited income. It's not like I shit $50s all the damn time. I already pay for the household bills (except electric) and car insurance. Idiots!!!
I haven't been able to change my address at the post office because the new law makes it difficult for disabled people the get it done. Now, I need to get another PO Box. I just don't have it right now. The car insurance wiped me out.
I also have to go apartment hunting again. We just can't afford a private landlord. This state caters to the wealthy because we're next to the Atlantic Ocean.
When will this shit end? Once my youngest graduates next year, we're high tailing it back to PA. I abhor this state.
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gaywaterfrogs · 14 days
We're in the process of moving which is kind of stressing us out and we're also having some slight host changes until our stress levels have decreased.
We're still going too be active but it'll be extremely rare too see us posting until we have safely moved.
We're moving for family issues that shall not be mentioned here as it is not anything that we want shared online.
Please be patient with us as we slowly make our way back here 👍
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oregonforestdog · 2 years
Well, I just found out we have to move again-- our landlord wants us to vacate so she can move in. So sad to think that I will not get to see our garden bloom again next Spring. After a quick search, it does not look like we can afford renting another house and buying is definitely out of reach; we're most likely going to have to move into an apartment with no yard. Ugh.
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wall-e-gorl · 1 year
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tofinishwhatistart · 2 years
“I will show you fear in a handful of dust”
T.S. Eliot
“We don’t actually fear death; we fear that no one will notice our absence”
This is how I feel about moving all the time. I was here for almost 2 years. In a few months will people even think of me? Or will I fade out of their lives, a random passing memory, then eventually never thought of again?
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riacte · 6 months
not romantic not platonic but a secret third thing [what would happen between earth and the moon if the earth stopped spinning as illustrated by xkcd randall munroe]
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visualnovelboyfriend · 7 months
why should palestinians have to leave behind their land because israel wont stop killing them. why should anyone have to leave behind their life and memories and sentimental value just because an aggressor is left unchallenged. please think this sentiment through and delete it from your thoughts. instead of blaming an oppressed people for living in a hostile land, ask who is making that land hostile to live in.
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girlboyburger · 3 months
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alright tumblr, here's your homegrown cowgirl C:{
what do you think of her?
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tizzymcwizzy · 9 months
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for anyone that doesn't know, i recently started school again! (that's why ive been so mia) so ill be posting class projects whenever i finish them,,, this was a figure drawing assignment :)
you can get a print of this here!
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morebedsidebooks · 7 months
October 2023
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It is an understatement to say October was quite the month. Personally I’m busy with life having me moving again. Though I have some posts scheduled. Still, that's why I'm quiet and expect this blog to be a bit as well.
Read for October:
10 Banned/Challenged Queer Books
The Ice Princess’s Fair Illusion by Dove Cooper
Initiation by Alethea Faust
Witch’s Knight by Evelyn Silver
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noodles-and-tea · 3 months
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Returning home
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b0bthebuilder35 · 8 months
I spend my time telling myself I can’t uproot my life again. But why can’t I? None of what we allow ourselves to stress about is real anyway. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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magica-hearts · 8 months
No gamedev posts today, sorry!
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sadfishkid · 4 months
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green slime be upon ye
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nerdpoe · 3 months
Damian summons a sparring partner.
He got grounded for excessive use of force, and decided that if Father and Grayson wouldn't spar with him, then he'd just summon a creature to do it for them.
What he got, after following the instructions on a heavily researched being of great destruction, was a floating dead hero built like a brick shithouse.
The Ghost had seemed shocked, before listening to Damian's plight and laughing nonstop for seven minutes.
Then he'd agreed to spar with Damian, on the grounds that "it'll be funny".
Or; Dan was told to do community service, and his summoning sigil was posted on the internet to those who would "need" it, at Clockwork's discretion. He got summoned by a tiny kid claiming to be Robin. A kid who wants to "spar". Sure. Dan'll teach him how to really fight, fuck whatever bullshit that no-killing pussy was trying to teach him. When he's done with the kid, the brat'll be able to take down a Super.
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