operedaltro · 2 years
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Mousiké: Arte delle Muse 🫀 . . . #music #love #marshallheadphones #aesthetic #soul #xfactor #bootcamp #artvisual #surreal42 #modernart #manipulation #visualart #surrealismworld #axdmagazine #artsxdesignarchive (presso Cinecittá Teatro 5) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClBh0iIoF3w/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mousikebcn · 5 years
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El passat 3 de juny vam estar al centre Cívic Can Verdaguer amb els alumnes i professors dels instituts Doctor Puigvert, Guineueta, Trinitat Nova i Comas i Solà. Els nois i noies de cada centre de secundària va realitzar les improvisacions teatrals i escenes cinematogràfiques que han estat treballant a l'aula durant aquest segon quadrimestre del programa Why Violence.També van poder visualitzar un recull audiovisual de les fotografies que van realitzar en la passada intervenció i escoltar els raps creats a classe.Va ser un retrobament molt emocionant i dinàmic, on fins i tot, alguns dels joves es va animar a cantar un dels raps que cada grup-classe ha creat.
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aschenblumen · 4 years
Mousiké es, precisamente, el arte de las Musas, la técnica combinatoria de los sonidos que permite construir un espacio acorde con las necesidades espirituales y corporales del hombre. Este vocablo engloba en Grecia, al menos hasta el final del periodo clásico, también la danza y la poesía, una conjunción análoga a la descrita con el término sánscrito saṁhitā durante la etapa más temprana de la cultura hindú. De hecho, mousiké era una abreviación de mousiké techné, es decir, un arte que trata de todo aquello concerniente a la naturaleza musical, tanto en su vertiente práctica como especulativa. Mousiké representaba, por lo tanto, una idea de síntesis o de conjunción de los elementos reunidos en el ser humano. Expresaba la alegoría de un mundo proporcionado, tan ideal como «lógico»: sonido, movimiento, numen. Todavía más: para Platón este vocablo incluía la literatura, las artes, todo cuanto estuviera relacionado con el saber y diera «cabida» a las ideas nobles. La mousiké abrazaba todo aquello que hoy denominaríamos una formación humanística.
Ramón Andés, «Grecia» en El mundo en el oído. El nacimiento de la música en la cultura.
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mec2rue · 7 years
a french documentary about the famous psychedelic noise rock band les rallizes dénudés
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Where did the word “music” come from?
The Greeks had nine Muses – Μοῦσαι (Móusai) – who were goddesses of literature, science and the arts.  They gave inspiration to poets and were the source of knowledge in poetry, songs and myths.
From Μοῦσαι came the word μουσικὴ (mousiké), which meant literally “of the Muses”.  At first, however, it referred not only to music, but to all of the arts.
The English word melody comes from the Greek word μέλος (mélos), which referred to music specifically as a performing art.  Perfect mélos - μέλος τέλειον (mélos téleion) – was melody, text and dance, created together as a whole.
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littlenoisedduck · 4 years
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En la antigua Grecia la musa de la mousiké tenía por nombre Erato. Profetisa de Pan,1 dios del pánico, vagaba en trance por efecto de la bebida y del consumo de carne humana.
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shinjukuinnvideo · 4 years
vvvv showreel from vvvvleaks on Vimeo.
Try it: vvvv.org
Projects in order of appearance:
Grand Opening Elbphilharmonie Hamburg Visuals schnellebuntebilder ANALOG NATIVE Arístides García intolight madhat GmbH Jung von Matt AG
WDCH Dreams Refik Anadol Studios
Constellations Studio Joanie Lemercier
Magenta 1 Mapping m-box bewegtbild GmbH Telekom Deutschland GmbH
Scalable Storytelling Environment MESO Digital Interiors GmbH HERE Technologies
EQC Scanner Atelier Markgraph / wirmachenbunt Mercedes-Benz
ABB Cube Display MESO Digital Interiors GmbH ABB Automation GmbH
Networksim WHITEvoid, Christopher Bauder Lufthansa Brand Academy
We Live in an Ocean of Air Marshmallow Laser Feast Natan Sinigaglia & Mileece I’anson
Infinity Room Refik Anadol Studios
483 Lines Kimchi and Chips
Light Barrier - Third Edition Kimchi and Chips
#BIOCOIN Antony Raijekov Wimmelforschung Atelier Arts Sciences Grenoble Robert Bosch GmbH Akademie Schloss Solitude
Render Experiments Sebastiano Barbieri
Skyguide at Verkehrshaus Lucerne Intolight Neongrau & Alltag Skyguide
Scalable Storytelling Environment MESO Digital Interiors GmbH HERE Technologies
BayWa Markenraum 17K GmbH MUTABOR Design GmbH BayWa AG
Bodies in Motion Studio TheGreenEyl and Todd Bracher Humanscale
IAA 2017 NSYNK Gesellschaft für Kunst und Technik mbH Volkswagen
Explaining the Invisible NSYNK Gesellschaft für Kunst und Technik mbH Viessmann
Next Generation Scientific Poster Muthesius Kunsthochschule / wirmachenbunt Future Ocean Cluster Kiel
Klarna Data Wall onformative GmbH Klarna
Digital Dandelion Delacon Biotechnik Responsive Spaces GmbH
XiM17 MESO Digital Interiors GmbH Yanfeng Automotive Interiors
CL:0C GROSSE 8 Visuelle Kommunikation GmbH & Co. KG
EQ Teaser Atelier Markgraph / wirmachenbunt Mercedes-Benz
Inspiration Wall schnellebuntebilder, ART+COM Studios Merck KGaA, Henn Architecture
Drop the Beat GROSSE 8 Visuelle Kommunikation GmbH & Co. KG
Cinema Paradiso SUPERBIEN MK2 Group
Falls the Shadow Arístides García Dmitrij Simkin Guggenheim - Works and Process
Mousiké, Ravel Landscapes, Tzigane Natan Sinigaglia
Augmented Laser COLORSOUND IXD
Fluidic WHITEvoid Hyundai
Orbital WHITEvoid, Christopher Bauder Volkswagens Autostadt
Faszination Vielfalt MESO Digital Interiors GmbH Senckenberg Natural History Museum
ZCOM Zuse Computer Museum schnellebuntebilder ANALOG NATIVE Jan Bernstein Kling Klang Klong
Stalingrad Battle Videomapping in[visible] Studio Volgograd State Panorama Museum
Ele Book Prototype Elektromeier Media & Interaction GmbH
Screenless Projection Experiments Studio Joanie Lemercier
Alessandro Perini Canto di Lontananza
Music: C.A.G. - Krauthill LIBELLE KOLLEKTIV
Projects like these rely heavily on the numerous contributions of many individuals and studios – too many to list here. vvvv takes a deep bow to thank every single one of you!
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mousikebcn · 5 years
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A la sessió 9 a l’institut Puigvert vam assajar la improvisació de la frontera i vam escenificar els obstacles i dificultats que poden haver-hi en creuar una frontera intentant saltar taules i cadires, que formaran part també de la improvisació. 
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automaticvr · 5 years
Preliminary version, for preview only! Projects in order of appearence: Grand Opening Elbphilharmonie Hamburg Visuals schnellebuntebilder ANALOG NATIVE Arístides García intolight madhat GmbH Jung von Matt AG Projection Mapping: WDCH Dreams Refik Anadol Studios Constellations Studio Joanie Lemercier Magenta 1 Mapping m-box bewegtbild GmbH Telekom Deutschland GmbH - Brand Spaces: Scalable Storytelling Environment MESO Digital Interiors GmbH HERE Technologies EQC Scanner Atelier Markgraph / wirmachenbunt Mercedes-Benz ABB Cube Display MESO Digital Interiors GmbH ABB Automation GmbH Networksim WHITEvoid, Christopher Bauder Lufthansa Brand Academy - Virtual Reality: We Live in an Ocean of Air Marshmallow Laser Feast Natan Sinigaglia & Mileece I’anson - Digital Art: Infinity Room Refik Anadol Studios 483 Lines Kimchi and Chips Light Barrier - Third Edition Kimchi and Chips #BIOCOIN Antony Raijekov (zeos) Wimmelforschung Atelier Arts Sciences Grenoble Robert Bosch GmbH Akademie Schloss Solitude Render Experiments Sebastiano Barbieri - Interactive Installations: Skyguide at Verkehrshaus Lucerne Intolight Neongrau & Alltag Skyguide Scalable Storytelling Environment MESO Digital Interiors GmbH HERE Technologies BayWa Markenraum 17K GmbH MUTABOR Design GmbH BayWa AG Bodies in Motion Studio TheGreenEyl and Todd Bracher Humanscale - Augmented Reality: IAA 2017 NSYNK Gesellschaft für Kunst und Technik mbH Volkswagen Explaining the Invisible NSYNK Gesellschaft für Kunst und Technik mbH Viessmann - Data Visualization: Next Generation Scientific Poster Muthesius Kunsthochschule / wirmachenbunt Future Ocean Cluster Kiel Klarna Data Wall onformative GmbH Klarna - Physical Computing: Digital Dandelion Delacon Biotechnik Responsive Spaces GmbH XiM17 MESO Digital Interiors GmbH Yanfeng Automotive Interiors CL:0C GROSSE 8 Visuelle Kommunikation GmbH & Co. KG EQ Teaser Atelier Markgraph / wirmachenbunt Mercedes-Benz Inspiration Wall schnellebuntebilder, ART+COM Studios Merck KGaA, Henn Architecture Drop the Beat GROSSE 8 Visuelle Kommunikation GmbH & Co. KG - Live Shows: ANIMALZ 7th Edition SUPERBIEN Cinema Paradiso SUPERBIEN MK2 Group Falls the Shadow Arístides García Dmitrij Simkin Guggenheim - Works and Process Mousiké, Ravel Landscapes, Tzigane Natan Sinigaglia - Laser: Augmented Laser COLORSOUND IXD Fluidic WHITEvoid Hyundai's Advanced Design Center Hyundai - Permanent Installations: Orbital WHITEvoid, Christopher Bauder Volkswagens Autostadt Faszination Vielfalt MESO Digital Interiors GmbH Senckenberg Natural History Museum ZCOM Zuse Computer Museum schnellebuntebilder ANALOG NATIVE Jan Bernstein Kling Klang Klong Stalingrad Battle videomapping in[visible] studio Volgograd State Panorama Museum - Prototyping: Ele Book Prototype Elektromeier Media & Interaction GmbH Screenless Projection Experiments Studio Joanie Lemercier Credits: Alessandro Perini Canto di Lontananza - Music: C.A.G. - Krauthill LIBELLE KOLLEKTIV
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sulpana · 4 years
MIRANDOLA – Con lo spettacolo acrobatico comico musicale di circo contemporaneo The Black Blues Brothers scritto e diretto da Alexander Sunny – già produttore di spettacoli di successo e curatore di speciali TV sul Cirque du Soleil – prosegue venerdì prossimo 13 dicembre alle ore 21.00 la Stagione Teatrale 2019-2020 dell’Auditorium Rita Levi Montalcini di Mirandola curata da ATER – Associazione Teatrale Emilia Romagna Circuito Regionale Multidisciplinare, in collaborazione con l’Amministrazione comunale di Mirandola.
  Lo spettacolo – distribuito in esclusiva mondiale da Circo e Dintorni – vede sulla scena i cinque straordinari acrobati kenioti Ali Salim Mwakasidi, Bilal Musa Huka, Hamisi Ali Pati,  Rashid Amini Kulembwa e Seif Mohamed Mlev. Le coreografie sono di Electra Preisner e Ahara Bischoff, le scenografie sono curate da Studiobazart – Mousiké mentre l’attrezzeria è di Siegfried e Loredana Nones. Biglietti interi 15 euro, ridotti 12 euro.
  Cinque bravissimi acrobati con il ritmo e l’energia dell’Africa nel sangue ma con uno stile americano propongono uno spettacolo dinamico, adatto a un pubblico di ogni età, con una forte componente musicale e comica. In un elegante locale stile Cotton Club, seguendo le bizze di una capricciosa radio d’epoca che trasmette musica rhythm’n’blues, il barman e gli inservienti si trasformano in equilibristi, sbandieratori saltatori e giocolieri col fuoco. Ogni oggetto di scena (sedie, tavoli, appendiabiti, vasi e persino specchi) diventa uno strumento per acrobazie mozzafiato inserite in una serie incalzante di gag esilaranti, buffi striptease, spassose sfide di ballo e coinvolgimento costante del pubblico. Sulle travolgenti note della colonna sonora del leggendario film diretto da John Landis nel 1980, i Black Blues Brothers fanno rivivere ogni sera uno dei più grandi miti pop dei nostri tempi a colpi di piramidi umane, limbo col fuoco, salti acrobatici con la corda e in due cerchi e molto altro ancora.
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A Mirandola gli acrobati portano lo spettacolo di circo contemporaneo MIRANDOLA - Con lo spettacolo acrobatico comico musicale di circo contemporaneo The Black Blues Brothers scritto e diretto da Alexander Sunny - già produttore di spettacoli di successo e curatore di speciali TV sul Cirque du Soleil - prosegue venerdì prossimo 13 dicembre alle ore 21.00 la Stagione Teatrale 2019-2020 dell’Auditorium Rita Levi Montalcini di Mirandola curata da ATER - Associazione Teatrale Emilia Romagna Circuito Regionale Multidisciplinare, in collaborazione con l’Amministrazione comunale di Mirandola.
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automaticar · 5 years
Preliminary version, for preview only! Projects in order of appearence: Grand Opening Elbphilharmonie Hamburg Visuals schnellebuntebilder ANALOG NATIVE Arístides García intolight madhat GmbH Jung von Matt AG Projection Mapping: WDCH Dreams Refik Anadol Studios Constellations Studio Joanie Lemercier Magenta 1 Mapping m-box bewegtbild GmbH Telekom Deutschland GmbH - Brand Spaces: Scalable Storytelling Environment MESO Digital Interiors GmbH HERE Technologies EQC Scanner Atelier Markgraph / wirmachenbunt Mercedes-Benz ABB Cube Display MESO Digital Interiors GmbH ABB Automation GmbH Networksim WHITEvoid, Christopher Bauder Lufthansa Brand Academy - Virtual Reality: We Live in an Ocean of Air Marshmallow Laser Feast Natan Sinigaglia & Mileece I’anson - Digital Art: Infinity Room Refik Anadol Studios 483 Lines Kimchi and Chips Light Barrier - Third Edition Kimchi and Chips #BIOCOIN Antony Raijekov (zeos) Wimmelforschung Atelier Arts Sciences Grenoble Robert Bosch GmbH Akademie Schloss Solitude Render Experiments Sebastiano Barbieri - Interactive Installations: Skyguide at Verkehrshaus Lucerne Intolight Neongrau & Alltag Skyguide Scalable Storytelling Environment MESO Digital Interiors GmbH HERE Technologies BayWa Markenraum 17K GmbH MUTABOR Design GmbH BayWa AG Bodies in Motion Studio TheGreenEyl and Todd Bracher Humanscale - Augmented Reality: IAA 2017 NSYNK Gesellschaft für Kunst und Technik mbH Volkswagen Explaining the Invisible NSYNK Gesellschaft für Kunst und Technik mbH Viessmann - Data Visualization: Next Generation Scientific Poster Muthesius Kunsthochschule / wirmachenbunt Future Ocean Cluster Kiel Klarna Data Wall onformative GmbH Klarna - Physical Computing: Digital Dandelion Delacon Biotechnik Responsive Spaces GmbH XiM17 MESO Digital Interiors GmbH Yanfeng Automotive Interiors CL:0C GROSSE 8 Visuelle Kommunikation GmbH & Co. KG EQ Teaser Atelier Markgraph / wirmachenbunt Mercedes-Benz Inspiration Wall schnellebuntebilder, ART+COM Studios Merck KGaA, Henn Architecture Drop the Beat GROSSE 8 Visuelle Kommunikation GmbH & Co. KG - Live Shows: ANIMALZ 7th Edition SUPERBIEN Cinema Paradiso SUPERBIEN MK2 Group Falls the Shadow Arístides García Dmitrij Simkin Guggenheim - Works and Process Mousiké, Ravel Landscapes, Tzigane Natan Sinigaglia - Laser: Augmented Laser COLORSOUND IXD Fluidic WHITEvoid Hyundai's Advanced Design Center Hyundai - Permanent Installations: Orbital WHITEvoid, Christopher Bauder Volkswagens Autostadt Faszination Vielfalt MESO Digital Interiors GmbH Senckenberg Natural History Museum ZCOM Zuse Computer Museum schnellebuntebilder ANALOG NATIVE Jan Bernstein Kling Klang Klong Stalingrad Battle videomapping in[visible] studio Volgograd State Panorama Museum - Prototyping: Ele Book Prototype Elektromeier Media & Interaction GmbH Screenless Projection Experiments Studio Joanie Lemercier Credits: Alessandro Perini Canto di Lontananza - Music: C.A.G. - Krauthill LIBELLE KOLLEKTIV
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oendel · 5 years
Mousiké - Live show excerpts from Natan Sinigaglia on Vimeo.
natansinigaglia.com/works/mousike/ Concert for piano, dance and real-time graphics system 2018
Gloria Campaner, piano Natan Sinigaglia, visuals
Music program:
Bach / Siloti - Preludio in si minore BWV 855a Pärt - Für Alina Bach - Suite inglese n. 3 in sol minore BWV 808 Skrjabin - Studio in do diesis minore op. 2 n. 1 Skrjabin - Vers la flamme op. 72 Bach / Kempff - Siciliano in sol minore dalla Sonata per flauto n. 2 BWV 1031 Prokof’ev - Toccata op. 11
In ancient Greece, the term Mousiké was used to indicate the most important form of representation, an essential tool for every citizen’s education. This artistic practice was expressed in three inseparable and complementary ways: poetry (sung words), instrumental music and dance. Through the perception of harmony (rhythm) between the components of mousiké, a person was able to forge his identity recognising himself as one element in the harmony of cosmo, becoming in this way "citizen of the world". The Mousiké project wants to get back to this ancient vision of the artistic act as a symphony of multiple expressive forms: combining instrumental music, real-time visuals and body movement to find in their corality an essential symbol of the human’s complexity.
A Fazioli grand piano was specifically modified to allow two different worlds like classical music and contemporary digital art to establish a dialogue: a sensor bar placed under the keys of the piano captures every gesture and action of the musician, providing this informations to the software that will later interpret it to generate the visuals. By using a tracking system device the visual artist interacts with the software through the language of movement; the body becomes in this way a sophisticated and precise interface that provides meaningful data to the system. A custom made software uses the data extracted from the piano and the dancer’s movement to generate and animate the visual compositions, allowing the artists to react immediately to the visual feedbacks and explore the vibrant space in between the languages.
4-5 Apr 2018 | Piccolo Teatro di Milano| Milan, Italy (World Premiere) 11 May 2018 | Teatro Morlacchi | Perugia, Italy
Programming contributions: Tebjan Halm, Julien Vulliet, Kyle Mclean, Michael Burk, Johannes Timpernagel
Commissioned by Società del Quartetto di Milano In co-production with Fazioli and Piccolo Teatro di Milano
Photo: Adriano Scognamillo, Roberto Moro, Valentina Colombo
Video shooting: IED Milano - video design students Marta Di Stasi, Francesca Paglialonga, Asia Sbrugnera, Elisabetta Zecca
Video Editing: Ivan Bottelli
Realtime graphics custom software developed in vvvv.org/
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placerdiario · 5 years
Mousiké - Live show excerpts from Natan Sinigaglia on Vimeo.
natansinigaglia.com/works/mousike/ Concert for piano, dance and real-time graphics system 2018
Gloria Campaner, piano Natan Sinigaglia, visuals
Music program:
Bach / Siloti - Preludio in si minore BWV 855a Pärt - Für Alina Bach - Suite inglese n. 3 in sol minore BWV 808 Skrjabin - Studio in do diesis minore op. 2 n. 1 Skrjabin - Vers la flamme op. 72 Bach / Kempff - Siciliano in sol minore dalla Sonata per flauto n. 2 BWV 1031 Prokof’ev - Toccata op. 11
In ancient Greece, the term Mousiké was used to indicate the most important form of representation, an essential tool for every citizen’s education. This artistic practice was expressed in three inseparable and complementary ways: poetry (sung words), instrumental music and dance. Through the perception of harmony (rhythm) between the components of mousiké, a person was able to forge his identity recognising himself as one element in the harmony of cosmo, becoming in this way "citizen of the world". The Mousiké project wants to get back to this ancient vision of the artistic act as a symphony of multiple expressive forms: combining instrumental music, real-time visuals and body movement to find in their corality an essential symbol of the human’s complexity.
A Fazioli grand piano was specifically modified to allow two different worlds like classical music and contemporary digital art to establish a dialogue: a sensor bar placed under the keys of the piano captures every gesture and action of the musician, providing this informations to the software that will later interpret it to generate the visuals. By using a tracking system device the visual artist interacts with the software through the language of movement; the body becomes in this way a sophisticated and precise interface that provides meaningful data to the system. A custom made software uses the data extracted from the piano and the dancer’s movement to generate and animate the visual compositions, allowing the artists to react immediately to the visual feedbacks and explore the vibrant space in between the languages.
4-5 Apr 2018 | Piccolo Teatro di Milano| Milan, Italy (World Premiere) 11 May 2018 | Teatro Morlacchi | Perugia, Italy
Programming contributions: Tebjan Halm, Julien Vulliet, Kyle Mclean, Michael Burk, Johannes Timpernagel
Commissioned by Società del Quartetto di Milano In co-production with Fazioli and Piccolo Teatro di Milano
Photo: Adriano Scognamillo, Roberto Moro, Valentina Colombo
Video shooting: IED Milano - video design students Marta Di Stasi, Francesca Paglialonga, Asia Sbrugnera, Elisabetta Zecca
Video Editing: Ivan Bottelli
Realtime graphics custom software developed in vvvv.org/
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bsegurad-blog · 7 years
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Acabando el Taller de estrategias digitales para lanzamientos musicales ♥️🎶🙌🏽⚡️ (en Mousiké Academia de música)
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Música en la Antigua Grecia
El término mousiké se refería a los sonidos e incluía poesía y danza. Así surgiría el mousikós anér, hombre culto que entendía de música, poesía y danza.
Revistadehistoria.es's insight:
Si te gustan estos artículos, prueba Revista de Historia Digital GRATIS en https://mailchi.mp/revistadehistoria/revistagratuita
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vpervimercatese · 9 years
Dalla Brianza al primo posto nazionale, il coro Mousikè conquista il concorso di Verbania
Complimenti al coro diretto dal maestro Luca Scaccabarozzi!
Vimercatese, Brianza – Un ottimo risultato per l’ensemble corale Mousikè di Muggio al concorso nazionale di Verbania: primo posto e un riconoscimento speciale. La formazione corale diretta dal maestro Luca Scaccabarozzi ha ottenuto un punteggio di 91.80 che è valso il primo posto nella categoria ensemble vocali del Concorso nazionale polifonico del Lago Maggiore, che si è svolto sabato 24 ottobre…
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