#moonlight smp tag
fence-time · 4 months
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Guess who’s been rewatching moonlight againnnn~
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kiwinatorwaffles · 8 months
Have you ever drawn Worm Man with that one tuxedo mask thing or seen it I have a memory of seeing it and it maybe being you but there's like a 65% chance it's a false memory and since I can't find it I don't know lol
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nope but i made it real just now
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galaxygermdraws · 5 months
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Did a redraw of this drawing, which. Gosh that's from 2021?? How have I been fixated on Wormman for this long?? Whatever uh. Wormman and Tangno my beloved. I miss them. Every day.
(reblogs with tags/comments are appreciated. Unfiltered version under the cut. Thankyuuuu)
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sheepfish03 · 2 years
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Days 1 and 2 of  hermittober, Moon and Soulmate
I never manage to finish any inktober adjacent challenges so this year I’m going to try merging some of the prompts so I don’t have to draw every day. additionally I probably wont fully render any of my pieces so they’re going to look a lil messy.
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antimony-medusa · 8 months
Is that— bells ringing? Keyboards clacking? The sound of two thousand stressed writers pancing furiously about the floor? Ah yes, Yuletide.
Hello. MCYTblr. I am back again.
You are looking fine today as we move towards the end of the year. Is that a new cologne you're trying? New shirt? New glasses? It's working for you. How have I been? Well.
*I smack the wall, curtains spring aside, revealing my flip chart presentation that I've had lying in wait*
It is time for me to talk to you about Yuletide again. I was here earlier during tag nominations, but it's sign-up time, and I want to make sure everybody has a change to participate in this if they want to.
What's Yuletide?
Yuletide is an annual mega-exchange for small and rare fandoms. It runs in the close of the year, with a 1000 word minimum for gifts, with gifts revealed anonymously on the 25th of December and de-anoned on the 1st of January. It is easily the biggest exchange in multi-fandom-exchange-world, and last year more than 1,350 people signed up.
Why does everyone sign up?
Well, it's tradition, for one. There are a lot of people that only do Yuletide as their big exchange every year. It's a big holiday spectacle, it's really fun to see it operate and see pinch hits come out and get nabbed in minutes, and people kind of put on their holiday outfits and turn out for it.
For another thing, if you are in a small fandom, it's the one exchange where you can actually have a shot of getting a gift for an obscure manga fandom, or an out-of-print book, or a tv show from the eighties. If your fandom has five people in it, the odds are higher than average that two of them are signing up for this exchange, and hey presto, suddenly you're matchable in your fandom for an obscure podcast.
For another, and this is the biggie, the fact that this is an exchange for small and rare fandoms has led to a certain tradition and vibe for the fandoms that people nominate. People bring their most obscure and fun ideas, going, "hehehehe wouldn't it be fun if someone wrote a story about this", and into the tag set it goes. There is SUCH a spectrum of fandoms in the tag set.
This year there are 4,263 fandoms and 16,735 characters in the tag set. Let me just skim through and look at some of them.
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There are commercials, web sketches, art pieces, songs, music videos, board games, podcasts, a dizzying assortment of anthropomorphising different places, items, and ideas, and RPF from a marvelous variety of historical periods (so, y'know, historical fiction if it was published professionally). There are people who nominated tik tok sketches. Twitter threads. A bridge. Book binding techniques. You ever wanted to write a romance between Knitting and Crochet? That's in the tag set, and someone wants to prompt you to do that. Happy Yuletide.
So if you are at all the sort of person who likes a prompt challenge, BOY is this one just a MARVELOUS one. I know I personally am going to be signing up for Humans are Space Orcs (tumblr post) and Fandom Exchanges (Anthropomorphic) amid my more traditional fandoms.
And as for my more traditional fandoms, and the reason why this post has the tags it does (I would get to it eventually)— there is a lot of MCYT in the tag set! I put out a post saying GUYS, the smaller fandoms might apply for this, and BOY did people show up for it. I scanned through it, and the MCYT (and adjacent) that made it in is:
Karmaland SMP
Legacy SMP
Lifesteal SMP
Moonlight SMP
New Life SMP
Outsiders SMP
Rats SMP
Witchcraft SMP
Pirates SMP
Slimecicle Cinematic Universe
SBI Rust
Generation Loss
You could make an entire sign up, 3 minimum requests and 4 minimum requests, and only select MCYT fandoms. The wild thing is that you can only select a max of 10 fandoms to offer, so you actually couldn't offer all of the MCYT. ZombieCleo Witchraft SMP is in. Tommyinnit SMPEarth. Clownpierce Lifesteal. Tubbo SBI Rust. Oli Rats SMP. A wealth of options for the block folks.
So come, join me! What's that? You say this sounds excellent, you're in? You want to know how to sign up? Well this post is already long enough so I'm putting the rest below a cut.
You sign up on the collection here, using fandoms listed in the tagset here. Before you do so though, I'd recommend you check out the blog, especially their "how to sign up" post here, because even if you're used to exchanges, the way Yuletide works is a little bit different. Let me do a quick breakdown here.
# of Fandoms
You have to select a minimum of 3 fandoms that you are Requesting (a gift that you want made for you), up to a maximum of 6 fandoms. Each fandom has to be unique. For each fandom, you can request between 0 to 4 characters in that fandom, and 0 means "literally you can hit me with anybody", and the up-to-4 characters are the people you definately want to show up in the fic.
This is one of the things that Yuletide does differently, because most fandom exchanges do "or" matching, where they match you on either characer A OR character B, (maybe you only offered character B) and you can pick among any of the selected characters on the person's request to write for. Because Yuletide does AND matching, you will only be matched if you offered every single one of the characters the person has selected, and then you get to write for every single one they have listed in their fandom, unless they say differently in their letter. If they requested character A and Character B, you get to deliver a gift that includes them both, according to the rules.
Bu like, in practice, a lot of people are a bit more like "you can pick only one of these guys if you'd like", because that is how everyone is used to things running in most other exchanges, plus people don't want to be too picky, so you can specify in your letter if you definately 100% want characters A, B, and C, or if you're fine with just A, or just A and C, or whatever constellation of characters you're chill with.
This year they have added optional freeform tags you will click on, that will specify either A) use every single one of these guys I selected. B) I have specified in my letter which guys I need for sure and which ones you can swap, C) Dealer's Choice Of Guys Go Crazy.
DNW and Optional Details
Yuletide is an "Optional Details Are Optional" (ODAO) exchange, so technically you could request (or receive) an offer that just has the characters and then you get to go absolutely buckwild for the two month writing period. Most people, however, do not want to do that, so that is where you'll put in Do Not Wants (anything that would ruin the gift for you, from major archive warnings to kinks that you don't vibe with to headcanons you loathe), and some prompts and/or likes for your person to jump off of.
DNWs absolutely must be abided by, and breaking a person's DNW is grounds for getting turfed from the exchange. Following a person's prompts or lists of likes is technically optional, but definately best practice, and y'know, part of the whole spirit of the exchange. Most people are doing their best to adhere to both the DNW and the Optional Details when they do their gift.
You can just format your DNW and Optional Details on the Ao3 signup page (easy, fast), or you can link them offsite in a letter (fancy, you can do formatting, people do them in google docs or dreamwidth pages (the traditional and more accessible option)). There's a tradition of people posting their letter links here, so that people can get an idea for what sort of prompts and signups people are offering, and make sure they're matchable to people with especially fun ideas. Note: you do have to duplicate the data if you're doing a letter, cause if you put your DNW in your letter but NOT in your Ao3, the mods won't enforce it.
And while we're here, that last link is to a community blog that includes a place where you can promo your fandoms to lure people into signing up for your guys, or participate in mini-challenges within yuletide for people who specificially want poly relationships (Three Doves Challenge), or characters of colour (Chromatic Yuletide), or horror/darkfic (Crueltide), or smut (Yuleporn), or art (Wrapping Paper), or even more. There's even a poetry challenge!
# of Fandoms
You have to sign up with a minimum of 4 fandoms, to a maximum of 10, for fandoms you are Offering (a gift you are willing to make). You must offer at least 2 characters for each fandom, to a maximum of 20— but there's also an "any" tick box if you want to go full "hit me, I like a challenge" and you'll write anything (in the tag set) within a fandom. Each of your fandoms must be unique.
Writing Period:
Signups are open through the 21st, with assignments out by the 23rd, and then you have until the 18th of December to deliver your gift.
Important Notes
You must be 18 or over to participate in Yuletide (because you might be matched with someone who requests smut), and signups close on 9pm UTC on Saturday, 21 October.
There's a known issue where the safari browser isn't letting people sign up properly, (when you get an exchange this big sometimes things break), so they say to either sign up on mobile or use a different browser. So that will be fun for me.
And that's it! Yuletide! Just under a week left to sign up, and 351 people have signed up as I write this letter at 1:30am. I just refreshed it and now it's 352. You can sign up on the Ao3 page here!
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atthebell · 7 months
Words: 2278 Fandom: QSMP Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Rafael Lange | Cellbit/Tarik Pacanhan | Pactw Characters: Tarik Pacanhan | Pactw, Rafael Lange | Cellbit Additional Tags: Minor Rafael Lange | Cellbit/Roier, Cat Hybrid Rafael Lange | Cellbit, Predator/Prey, Fear Play, Biting, Fuga Impossivel references, basically cellbit chases pac around the halloween maze and then they make out, you could argue there's some praise stuff going on Summary:
“Hi, Pac,” he grins, fangs glinting in the moonlight. Pac yelps, bringing himself to a stop, and though he tries to get himself to run the other way, he just stands and stares as Cellbit stalks closer. He cocks his head, tail flicking behind him. “No more running, Pac? Thought you were afraid.” “I’m not afraid,” Pac lies. “I’m just– You know, your teeth are very sharp, Cellbit.” Pac’s gaze is caught between them and Cellbit’s eyes, focused on him like a spotlight. He chuckles lowly. “Oh, I know, Pac.”
HELLO CELLTW NATION here's the hedge maze fic
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zzombiecleo · 4 months
you've got my heart (won't you come on in close to me?)
yet another yuri week post! check this story out on ao3 and make sure to follow @mcyt-yuri-week for more!
fandom: hermitcraft smp, empires smp characters: ldshadowlady, pearlescentmoon ship: ldshadowlady/pearlescentmoon additional tags: romance, fluff, dancing, alternate universe - royalty, its not technically empires its just. a different royalty thing ig, knight pearlescentmoon, princess ldshadowlady, flirting, drabble, mcyt yuri week summary: she's a knight in shining armour, she's an elegant princess, can i make it anymore obvious? --- mcyt valentines yuri week day 2: royalty/knight
Pearl has trained to be a knight her whole life. Years of training, of blood, sweat, and tears, years of neglecting everything else to accomplish her goal. And now, it has finally led her to be given the honour of guarding Her Royal Highness, Princess LIzzie of the Great Sanguinepeak Kingdom. From a young unnamed girl living in a territory that barely counts as a colony of Sanguine to Dame Pearlescent of the Everlasting Summit, the capital city of Sanguine. It might be silly but this was all she had ever dreamed of and now that she has it, days seem to pass in a golden-hued blur.
Her days start early with morning prayers to the Lady, a service set at 5 in the morning just for the knights and squires of the Royal Palace. The tired murmurs of devotion and the light shining through the rainbow stained glass windows lets Pearl prepare herself for the day ahead. Then comes breakfast, which starts peaceful and ramps up into a loud affair the more awake everyone becomes. Afterwards she heads for training, though she only stays for half of it before it hits 9 and she heads to Her Royal Highness’ chambers to relieve the early morning guards of their duties.
When the Princess Lizzie steps outside of her chambers, she the most delicate and graceful woman Pearl had ever witnessed, as befits her station. Clothes of light silk, perfect for the summer days, hair beautifully braided back, and jewels glimmering in the early morning sunlight. Every morning, the sight inspires such sheer, utter devotion that not even her devotion to the Lady can come close to it. Somehow, the Princess seems to look more lovely each day.
Though the majority of Pearl’s day is then spent following Her Royal Highness at a distance, ensuring her safety through tutoring and garden walks and all else, once the evening comes, that is when the distance closes. When the light fades and the stars shine, the Princess’ chamber doors are left ajar and Pearl knows that it is an invitation.
She slips inside. Among all the other things her reputation is good for, this is certainly one of the best. Barely anyone checks the corridor with the Princess’ room nowadays, they trust that Pearl has it handled. She supposes she does, in a fashion. Doing this is a risk to the Princess’ safety but those moments they spend together are worth it. By the Lady, they’re worth it. She closes the door behind her as she enters and smiles softly at the sight. The sight of not the Princess, the composed angel of the Sanguine Kingdom, but the sight of Lizzie. Just Lizzie.
The soft moonlight shines upon her, illuminating her soft pink locks and the lovely dress she wore that day. Lizzie giggles when she sees her and the way she looks at Pearl makes every agonising moment spent unable to touch her worth it. But she’s not unable to touch her now. So she steps forward and bends down to press a delicate kiss to outstretched Lizzie’s hand.
Lizzie sighs softly, eyes twinkling, “You look beautiful tonight, Pearl.”
“Oh? Don’t I always look beautiful? What an insult, Your Highness.”
Pearl grins as Lizzie’s face turns red and she splutters out several incomplete answers before simply giving up and walking to her dresser instead. Pearl leans against the opulent bed posts of the bed and watches as she fiddles with a deep brown gramophone. A soft waltz starts to echo throughout the room and Pearl unhooks her scabbard and places it gently on the large wooden chest at the bottom of the bed before walking towards Lizzie.
Lizzie turns around in time for Pearl to offer her a hand and ask “May I have this dance?”
“Of course. You may. You absolutely may.” Lizzie smiles at her, cheeks as pink as her hair.
They step into a slow dance around the room, caught up in the stillness of the night and the feeling of being so close to one another. Slow, steady, starstruck. Pearl lives for moments like these in the wake of achieving her goal. This saccharine sweetness feels like a reward for all that she had to leave behind. Dancing the night away with Lizzie, her love, feels like coming home. It just feels right to look into those glimmering sky blue eyes and see nothing but overwhelming love. It feels like the only possible way this could have gone for them. Like a fairytale happy ending.
Lizzie notices her stare, as she always does, and reaches up to press a light kiss to her cheek. The song changes and Pearl twirls Lizzie in response before pulling her back in and holding her close, smiling herself silly all the while.
“You are adorable. Do you know that?” Lizzie giggles, “I think you should know that. You’re the most beautiful woman alive.”
Pearl laughs and kisses her forehead, “You’ve said that so much that at this point, I think I might even believe you.”
“You should.” Another twirl, “I wouldn’t lie to you.”
“Oh, I know. I just think you forget how lovely you really are.”
“That’s your opinion, Pearl. You’re biased!”
“And you aren’t?” She replies and dips her, just holding her like that, lips hovering centimetres from each other.
“Maybe a little, Pearl. But only a little.” She murmurs against her mouth.
In response, Pearl leans down slightly and kisses her. Truly, she believes that all those years of training would have been worth just for a single one of these kisses. A single one of these nights. Irrational? Maybe. But everything about Lizzie inspires not just irrationality but a sincere devotion that Pearl knows, deep down, she will feel for the rest of her days. No matter what.
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blocksruinedme · 1 year
Incredibly self indulgent poll!
I am on the verge of 11 fics, so now's the time to make a maximum-ten-entries poll. They are in reverse chronological order.
I know this is ridiculously self-indulgent and maybe no one will respond (except you-know-who-you-are) and I'm risking that. But it's my *tumblr* and I'm losing my mind with frustration at not having published a new fic in weeks. (....maybe bad boys tonight?)
Say anything you like in tags/etc!
Fic descriptions below! https://archiveofourown.org/users/BlocksRuinedMe/works
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 9 months
Shelter in the Enemy’s Nest
by FractalFiction
Wilbur was upset. He smelled angel blood in his territory. Which meant two things. 1: There was an angel in his territory. And 2: There was something that killed an angel in his territory.
Wilbur huffed, crawling along the ground, low and hidden in the shadows, before coming to the massacre. The angel was, well… everywhere. And there were two other demons feasting on the remains.
Wilbur’s pupils narrowed, tail glimmering in the moonlight before he pounced. The barb on his tail pierced through one of the demon's chest, teeth sinking into the other simultaneously. The demons let out loud screeches, Wilbur only hissing violently in return. Venom seeped from his mouth, injecting into the demon's veins. He ripped his tail back through the demon’s chest, claws extending to rip it apart.
Or, Wilbur finds a baby angel. The forbidden chicken nugget. He almost wants to eat it, but of course the baby made a couple baby sounds and it was joever for him. Now he’s gotta protect his baby (even from his family at times) (it’s mostly fluff I promise)
Words: 7346, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 69 of Fractal’s One Shots
Fandoms: Minecraft (Video Game), Dream SMP
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen
Characters: Wilbur Soot, TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson | Philza, mentioned Kristin
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson, Mentioned Kristin - Relationship
Additional Tags: Demon Wilbur Soot, Angel TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot Acting as TommyInnit's Parental Figure, Wilbur Soot Adopts TommyInnit, Demon Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Demon Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Good Parent Wilbur Soot, Morally Grey Characters, Cannibalism, Demons eat angels, But Tommy’s okay, Baby TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Cute TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Soft Wilbur Soot, Wilbur Soot Loves TommyInnit, TommyInnit Loves Wilbur Soot, Platonic Cuddling, Platonic Kissing, Dark Wilbur Soot, Dark Sleepy Bois Inc, Animal Instincts, Happy TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Angst, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Happy Ending, Kinda open too but it’s happy for crimeboys, Protective Wilbur Soot
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spacedykez · 2 years
so you have clicked on my blog
greetings. welcome. this is the first step towards inevitable insanity. today you’re getting a rundown of what to expect from me. perhaps this shall gain me a few more vict- I MEAN, FOLLOWERS! yesyes lovely followers who i shall Not torment with angst nope not me!
hi, i’m crow! or one of several other names. my friends can call me Paci! my names + pronouns are here, and here’s a good reference on gendered terms.
you can find my boundaries HERE
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first off, the obvious. yep that’s the aro flag, congrats you’re a winner. here’s the credit for that go use them they’re cool. i am a lovequeer, ambiamorous aroace. i mostly talk about the aro part, i don’t post much about being ace other than cool art and reblogs. i do tag things with #ace, #aro, and #aroace but most commonly i tag things with #aroposting.
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now as you may have noticed, i am a mcyt blog. mostly. however given that i keep hyperfixating on one smp for a few months and then getting bored of it, i cannot give you a consistent list of who i post about. but what i Can give you is a list of smps/characters i have posted about in the past. there is a low but never zero chance i will randomly show interest in one of them again.
smps: empires (both s1 and s2), hermitcraft, origins, lifesteal (what’s that? go here), third life, double life, rats smp. I AM NOT A DSMP BLOG AND I DO NOT SUPPORT DREAM.
characters/ccs: branzy, clownpierce, planetlord, dl!pearl, almost all empires characters, flower husbands (ship), branzypierce (ship), hc!grian, hc!geminitay, e!geminitay, scott smajor (o!scott, e!scott, cc!scott), wilbur soot (o!wilbur, 100p!wilbur, mcc!wilbur, c!wilbur, cc!wilbur), soup group (mostly pearl & gem)
non-mcyt interests: lotr (lord of the rings), toh (the owl house), tma (the magnus archives), httyd (how to train your dragon), mineblr, space stuff, crows (yes the animal), and otters! in case That wasn’t obvious from my url.
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and now, we haven’t even gotten to the reason most of my followers are here yet! so yes, that is correct, that would be my trademark angst! i write fanfiction about gay block people and collect my readers’ tears as payment. my pinned post before this was in fact my writing masterpost. 
important information includes: here’s my ao3 and here’s #paciFics, my writing tag. Just. Bask in the glory of that pun for a moment. Okay, alright, moving on.
FAQS: “can i make things based off your fics?” absolutely yes i WILL go feral. please feel free the only requirement is tag me because i want to see it! also i’ll link it below (unless you tell me not to) ↳ sun and moon (fic based on magic by moonlight!!!) by anonymous. ↳art for bleeding out in your arms tonight by @tis-i-beep-boop ↳art for magic by moonlight by @felicityphoenix5  ↳art for the devil is a gentleman by @jarojam
“do you like to make your readers suffer?”  yes. that’s my goal. cry, bitch.
“do you have a tagslist/can i be added?” yes, here, send me an ask.
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Now of course, tags. Believe it or not there IS a method to the considerable amount of madness. Below are the tags you can expect to find me using most commonly. Just be glad I have a tagging system, actually, because I am not very organized.
#the otter splashes - previously #ramblings. original posts about anything and everything but mostly brainrot, writing, and mutuals.
#aroposting - any time i am posting/reblogging things about being aro. i won’t always tag art that i reblog with this though, and i definitely won’t tag ace-only stuff with it.
#paciFics - as mentioned, my fics/writing #sketches in the sand - tag for any of my own art i post
#pacific answers - the most boring ask tag ever ↳#nix tag - asks from my beloved mutual @felicityphoenix5 ↳#anon-der the sea - anon asks. cringe is dead. don’t mind the sobbing.  ↳ named anons - for reference. joobies my bestie-
#art - tag i use when reblogging art. mostly. haven’t been great at tagging it lately. but please consider reblogging to support artists. do i need to link the rant here.
#fics - other people’s works. reblog fics you fucking cowards (if you do reblog fics i love you /p). reblog fics just as much as art. got it?
HERE is my system of saving posts
#under the deep queue sea is fairly self explanatory. my queue tag.
#otter tag is my tag for otters, the animal! anything otter-related will go under this tag. please tag me in posts about otters! as you can tell by my name i love the little guys :D #pacific’s picrews is a categorization tag for any picrews i post. i just like the silly little guys ok. 
other notes: i tag things with #me irl quite frequently and when i’m tagging art i do tag people in it quite often but i don’t use full usernames. so my tags are just #wilbur, #pearl, #gem, etc. #scott #smajor gets two tags cause i can never decide which to use. i am also very bad at remembering to tag everything all the time. and the lifestealers dont even have tags WHOOPS
TWS: i’m not great about tagging tws, but i will tag graphic depictions of blood (both in my own fics and art that i reblog) as well as any very intense tws in my fics. and i do try my best to tag #suggestive. my tws are “#tw [thing]” nsfw text will also be tagged. and if there’s something else that i need to start tagging let me know i will do my best. also, i use caps a LOT. please be warned if that is something that bothers you.
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so, the otterverse. what is it? read about it here, but TL;DR is that it’s basically my mutuals & several of my followers roleplaying in my askbox. if you see me talking about c!paci, c!otter, divorce anon,c!felix, divotter, or pacix, those are characters/ships (the first four are characters, the last two are ships). 
general tw for themes of unreality in the otterverse. i tag most things as unreality in addition to #the otterverse, so you can block one or both of those. also warnings for death, manipulation, guilt, body horror, and the apocalypse.
also, there are a LOT of named anons in the otterverse, most of which are Not on my named anons list. but i do have THIS!! it’s a list of every character in the otterverse :D
we’ve even got otterverse fanart!! c!otter, divorce anon, fight or flirt anon, panel featuring several events, s1 finale, wreck of the theater, c!felix s1 finale (SO COOL), crescent anon, divorce anon again, divorce anon design concepts, burning theater with c!felix, c!otter and stickynote (TW BLOOD & GORE), stickynote & friend :), stickynote above the fountain, stickynote and the radio. and theres more atp i just can’t be bothered to go look for the links. sorry.
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i don’t really have a dni, but like. basic dni stuff. i’ll block you if i don’t like something on your blog (i’m really don’t block very many people though). like. just don’t be a jerk. be nice. we’ll probably be fine. that being said: terfs, ableists, homophobes, transphobes, anti-neopronouns, anti-endo/sysmed, FUCK OFF (i am a singlet and i never post anything about syscourse or systems but i Will block you. i don’t want you here). i will also block any nsfw/18+ blogs for the sole reason of I Can’t See Your Blog. it’s mostly just a precaution, sorry.
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A List Of My Sideblogs:
@atlanticseaotter - my post limit blog @spirallusions​ - tma oc roleplay blog @takenbythemist​ - blog for things abt gender
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other things to know (oh, mist, there’s MORE?! but you’ve already- shut. welcome to my blog i ramble on far longer than is needed)
the lifestealblr polycule official list
ATTENTION! the turtle run post is mandatory viewing. suffer. this art is also mandatory viewing. if you cannot hande either of these posts, i would advise you do not follow me (although there’s NO explicit nsfw, i am a minor)
if you compliment my fics i WILL dissolve into a screaming pile /pos. although please do feel welcome to send me asks about any of my fics at any time!
there is something wrong with me. it adds to my appeal. my motivation for literally everything is “because why not.” who’s gonna stop me?
tumblr is where random thoughts go. this means vents sometimes. i tag them with #vent post so you can blacklist them if you dont want to see those, and i also deal with rsd quite a lot, which i tag as well. you can blacklist #rsd and #vent post to avoid these. i am very good about tagging those.
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kiwinatorwaffles · 2 years
Kiwi I. I had nothing better to do so I made this; enjoy it
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galaxygermdraws · 5 months
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Wormman Week Day #2: Wormman + Tangno Tuesday
This is a redraw of an old comic I made, which is an incorrect quote, since it really sums up these dummies' relationship. They're so dumb. I miss them. I had them for 20 seconds. I am the only Wormno enthusiast on the face of the planet.
(Reblogs with tags/comments are appreciated. Remember to tag any artwork YOU make as #wormmanweek2024! Follow @wormmanweek2024 to see other Wormman Week artwork. Thankyu)
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I posted 1,581 times in 2022
15 posts created (1%)
1,566 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 355 of my posts in 2022
#video - 70 posts
#mood - 18 posts
#lol - 11 posts
#hermitcraft - 10 posts
#minecraft - 9 posts
#parker posts - 8 posts
#b. dylan hollis - 6 posts
#omg - 5 posts
#merlin - 5 posts
#it's one of the screenshot posts! - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 120 characters
#i know how but my keyboarding teacher was so boring that i dont use home row keys out of sheer spite fifteen years later
My Top Posts in 2022:
Some days, when my mental health is bad, I have to remind myself that my husband and I are in the same boat of struggling with Doing Tasks
I have to remind myself that even though we’re equal partners, that doesn’t mean we’re equal all the time. There will be days where he has to put more effort forward to help me, and there are days where I put forth more to help him
I have to remind my brain that the anxiety-induced overgeneralizing making me think I have been putting forth more effort for longer than he has and it’s his turn to finally do something around the house and help me is a cognitive distortion
That doesn’t mean I can just snap out of it, but it helps me be patient with both him and me
Tonight is one of those nights
4 notes - Posted June 15, 2022
Am I writing fanfiction for my own DnD character?
Yes. Yes I am.
Am I complaining?
4 notes - Posted February 10, 2022
Guess who might have COVID -_-
I mean, I’ve managed to go this long without catching it and now I feel like I’ve got a crummy head-cold but my husband had to take a test for work and his was looking like it was positive and I know he got me sick
At least we’re both vaccinated and the symptoms aren’t terribly bad atm
But we’re gonna get one of the longer tests to make sure
8 notes - Posted January 18, 2022
Still laughing my head off at how unprepared the Empires SMP was for Hermit Efficiency™
Seriously every time an Empires player stops by the Hermit area they always are like “wtf how did you get this set up so fast?!” And my husband and I look at each other and say, “They’re Hermits!”
19 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Nightmare Before Christmas sequel/remake where Halloweentown preps to defend against Christmastown because Christmas keeps invading their month
152 notes - Posted November 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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People You'd Like to Get to Know Better
Thank u for the tag, @wanderingisobel!
Hua Cheng/He Xuan (TGCF)
He Xuan/Shi Qingxuan (TGCF)
Technoblade/Philza (Dream SMP—not RPF)
Technoblade/Niki (Dream SMP—not RPF)
Mothwing/Leafpool (Warriors)
Firestar/Graystripe (Warriors)
Firestar/Graystripe/Sandstorm/Millie (Warriors)
Jayfeather/Half Moon (Warriors)
Taehyung/Jimin (BTS)
Li Xian/Lin Wanyue (FGEP)
I've been playing BG3 for a few hours now so I don't know exactly what song, just that I was listening to this playlist.
Moonlight! I plan on rewatching either Pacific Rim or Princess Mononoke later tonight, though. Or both, if I have energy.
Crowfeather's Trial by Erin Hunter, one of the Warriors super editions. I have been rereading every single Warriors book lately bc the world is shit and all I wanna do is regress back to my childhood special interests. It's going great, though.
big fat hairy bara bear halsin mod
chinese takeout
world peace
kitty cat cuddles (pandora is sleeping right now so i don't want to bother her)
No Pressure Tags: @fensandmarshes, @chansgender, @ilexdiapason, @ultraviollettt, @sopyop, @autistichalsin, @pink-minecraft-squid, @antimony-medusa, @routeriver, and anyone else that wants to join in and say I tagged you in spirit.
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atthebell · 3 months
Words: 1658 Fandom: QSMP Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Rafael Lange | Cellbit/Roier Characters: Rafael Lange | Cellbit, Roier Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fae, but not really i fudged it, Cat Hybrid Rafael Lange | Cellbit, Monster Rafael Lange | Cellbit, <- the more accurate description really than fae, First Meetings Summary:
“Hunters aren’t welcome here,” he murmurs, throwing his voice across the grove at whatever human is taking careful steps towards the treeline. They pause, tilting their head. The trees block out most of the moonlight from this angle, so he can’t see any details, but he hears them laugh. “I’m not a hunter, man.” - Cellbit finds something in the woods-- or, more accurately, something finds him.
for day 2: fae/kiss for @smallchaoscryptid's spiderbit week!
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scarletiswailing347 · 3 years
Imp and Skizz: Skylands Adventure Chapter 1
Impulse had heard of lands beyond the border, beyond the oceans, and most of all, beyond the clouds. Under the influence of several rounds of the Moonlight Tavern's Specialty Spidereye Cocktail it seemed plausible enough, but now that he was sober and lugging around a full inventory filled with rather precious and expensive items, it was starting to seem a lot more like a pipedream than anything.
"Oh, you have got to see it, man!" the mysterious Netherborne had said, "The Aether it- it's incredible! Flying blocks, mobs that you can't find on regular biomes,and it's sobeautiful!"
Perhaps he was being hasty, perhaps he was being greedy, but all Impulse could think of in that moment was taking as many strange blocks as possible and using it for his various farms.
"Hey, I don't blame ya," the blond laughed after gulping down an entire mug of the aforementioned cocktail, "I woulda done the same thing."
And so here he was now, abandoned after the man had to go on the run for...something. Impulse didn't even get his name, 'I doubt it would've helped much but it could've been something at least, ' Impulse sighed, he understood that life can get in the way of things sometimes but he had no clues to go off on aside from the various snippets that Impulse could recover from his drunken haze on that one faithful night.
"...beyond the Farlands-
"...gonna need a rocket or a plane at least-
"...can't reach with an elytra-
"...need a lot of fire and cold protection."
Not even the letter that the (probably) Blaze hybrid left behind gave any concrete clues.
"Hey man! It's your drinking buddy from last night, thanks for letting me stay the night btw. Finally didn't have to freeze in the stupid overworld for once. I know we made plans to find the Aether together and everything but I'm afraid I can't fulfill my end of the deal, I'm a bit of a wanted criminal ya see. Nothing super bad (morally speaking), mind you, but unfortunately the Sentinels don't care much for that kind of thing. If you wanna go find the Aether on your own then that's perfectly fine, just be sure to keep this book on ya just in case you end up somewhere without any respawn magic. If you're not then just keep it anyway, ya never know where life takes you, ya know? Salutations and good luck!"
Impulse initially didn't want to go on this journey at all, he liked his peace and quiet after all, but his curiousity ate at him everyday 'til he's finally had enough. He did all the research he could and pieced together as much as he could from their humble town library, and yet it still wasn't enough.
The only place left he could think to look was back to where it all started.
"Why 'ello there, the usual?" asked the bartender.
"Yes, please," Impulse sighed a heavy sigh and slumped over the counter, "And make it ice cold."
"Yes, sir."
The tavern was rather empty which wasn't much of a surprise given it was 10:15 on a Monday morning -- too late for those who drank 'til the sun rose and too early for those who drank 'til the sun set.
One of the advantages that Impulse had as an independent redstoner was the fact that he can take a vacation whenever he pleases without much worry aside from waning customers. Luckily, though known mainly locally, Impulse's customers are loyal to a fault an would not mind waiting for his eventual return (besides, he wasn't the only redstoner around town should they need help).
"Tough week, eh?" asked the ram hybrid(?) whom Impulse has been a loyal customer himself to.
"It's still Monday, Zedaph," Impulse said to him with a half exposed eye.
"And yet you're here drinkin' in the middle of the day, lookin' like some Watcher put obsidian on you," Zedaph said while brewing the concoction, "Normally you only do that when all your contraptions are failin' miserably."
Impulse snorted, "Well, you got me there."
Zedaph set down Impulse's drink in front of him, "So, you wanna talk about it or what?"
Impulse took a sip, "It's nothing really, just about to go looking for a place that may or may not even exist after my supposed-to-be-partner abandoned me."
"Oof, that's rough, buddy."
"Eh, can't really blame him," Impulse waved an unfocused hand, recalling the various stories of faceless avatars descending from the heavens to bring 'balance' to servers, "Sentinels. You know how it is ."
"Ah," Zedaph hummed, "Any clue what he did?"
"Who knows, man, could be anything," Impulse shrugged, "All he said was that it wasn't anything super bad...morally speaking, anyway."
Zedaph hummed, "How specific."
"...mmmyeah," Impulse took another sip, "Anyways, I'm not here just to drink. I'm trying to figure out where he got his information from and he seemed like a regular here so..." Impulse waved a vague hand, "Not sure how we never met, though."
"Ooh, a regular? What's his name?"
"...I don't know," Impulse confessed.
"...you don't know?" Zedaph raised a brow, "You're supposed-to-be-partners and yet you don't even know the man's name?" the cheeky blond scoffed, "...and here I thought you were a polite young man."
"Hey, I am polite!" Impulse protested, "It's just that- when you're drunk, things just. Get forgotten, y'know?"
"Ah, I see, a bond forged in alcohol -- the strongest kind there is," Zedaph said with a sarcastic flair.
"Don't sass me!"
"Do you remember what he looks like at least?" asked Zedaph.
"Blond, pointy-eared, red pupils, red sclera, probably Blazeborne," Impulse hummed, "...red shirt, some kinda vest...and that's about it, I think," Impulse shrugged.
Zedaph placed his fingers on his chin, "Ah, Tango of the Tek Clan." he hummed, "Yeah, I know him. He usually comes during winter, which I suppose is why you two never met. He heard about the jack-o-lantern festival and wanted to see it this year. He's homeless but he's got a few haunts I can list down for you later."
Impulse hummed, "Hm, I see, thanks, Zed. Do you know if he raided any ancient libraries or wells of forbidden knowledge or..?"
Zedaph replied, "If he has then he hasn't said anything about it," then muttered, "well, either that or he only did when he was absolutely smashed..."
The bartender thought for a moment and seemed to have come to a realization, "...hey, hang on a minute!You never really said where you were going in the first place!"
"Oh, the Aether," Impulse said as casually as he could.
"The Aether."
"The Aether."
"It seemed like a good idea at the time, okay?" Impulse put his hands up exasperatedly, "And I have a feeling finding him would make things a little bit easier, so can you help me? Find him, that is."
"'fraid I can't, mate, got into a bit of trouble and now Graph won't let me out of her sight for at least a couple weeks," he took a glance at Graphoniac, who glared at him warily, and gave a sheepish smile.
"Aw man."
"Look at the recruitment board maybe?" Zedaph shrugged, "There's got to be at least one idiot out there who's willing to help you."
"Hey! But also, good idea!" Impulse took his mug and stoid from the bar stool , "Thanks Zed!"
"Happy to help," Zedaph nodded.
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