got7-texts · 7 years
Hi how are you ? Japanese lunch etc remember ahah ? It's for a question : I'm watching RealGOT7 and a lot of times they talk about dialect ? Like, they can't talk in dialect ? I don't really understand it. Thanks if you answer me ! ♥️
Of course, how could I forget~?
Before I start, let it be known that I’m not an expert, so some of this might be wrong (and if it is, please feel free to correct me). Whenever they talk about dialects, they’re referring to the different style of speech (not just an accent) that people who are from different places in Korea have. 
Just like other countries, Korea has different regions (I think there are 8 provinces? ) and each region has it’s own different dialect with different speech patterns and accents. One of the most well known dialects is satoori/saturi which is spoken in Busan (I think?). I don’t speak Korean very much at all but a lot of people I know say that satoori sounds like ‘tough’ Korean. 
So when GOT7 is talking about dialects, they’ll often times try to sound like they’re from a different region of Korea with a different accent and speech pattern.
Once again, I got most of this information from the internet, so please correct me if I’m wrong and we can all learn more about Korean together~
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imarkson · 7 years
thankk uuuuuuuuuuuu❤
send me a ❤ if you like my blog
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got7-texts · 7 years
Ooooooh Okaaaay ! It's not that difficult to understand finally, thanks for your time ! ♥️
Of course! Glad I could help ^__^
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got7-texts · 7 years
I LOVE YOU TOOOO -anonymous
lol it wasn't anonymous godness i have to sleep more
Hehe, no worries, it’s all good
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got7-texts · 7 years
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GOT7 when you and them make fun of one of the members~
Voila!! I know I said I'd make it later on Sunday, but I had a bit of extra time today so...ta-da! I hope this is what you wanted, I had to change the prompt around a bit for it to work. Enjoy~!
Requested by: monikyky
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imarkson · 7 years
Thanks ! 💋
no problem!!!!!! if u have any more questions just ask!! hehe I love answering questions about got7 :’))
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got7-texts · 7 years
Hi, how are you ? We've never meet so, hello, i'm a fan and I love this blog, so please don't stop ! ☺️ Soooooo, I love those.. heu texting got7? How do you do that ahah I wish you can do more of them ! Byeeeee 😘
Do you need ideas for something ? Maybe we can help you ? Sorry I'm from France, I try to write you my better english ahah
Thank you! I’m glad you enjoy them! I plan on doing a lot more in the future! I would definitely be open to any ideas you had, I love collaborations! 
Et non, non, ton anglais est bon! Je ne parle pas francais bien, mais je parle un peu parce que j'ai étudié le français au lycée~
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imarkson · 7 years
Oh and I love you, ciaoo
aaahhhhhh and ilyt!!!!!! 😚😚
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imarkson · 7 years
Hi !! I'm new in the GOT7 fandom too but I already love all the guys !! First I fell in love with Jackson but, I don't know why, Yugyeom hit me on the face like "NOW YOU LOVE ME" Ahaha. I have a question, Mark seems more mysterious and in his own space I don't know how to say this.. Like he doesn't really mixed with the others ? Is there a reason ? Or maybe i'm wrong. Thanks !! 😘
hellloooo!!! all the members have a tendency to do that… tHeyre so cute u have no choice but to love them!! hmm I personally wouldn’t call it mysterious but Mark is in nature a really quiet person. during their personality test if I’m not wrong his results showed that he’s an introvert. however he’s slowing coming out of his shell and has more confidence being himself as of late!!! it’s really nice to see!! I disagree about not mixing with others tho bc bambam has a really close relationship with all the members ,, actually tbh.. All of got7’s 21 ships are close to each other!!!!!!!! we are blessed to witness such a close bond amongst them hehe
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