#modern corbeau au
aurevoirmonty · 6 months
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Dans l’imaginaire européen, une douzaine d’animaux jouent un rôle plus important que tous les autres, formant une sorte de « bestiaire central ». Le loup en fait partie et en est même, avec l’ours et le corbeau, une des trois vedettes. Il occupe déjà cette place dans les mythologies antiques, depuis la louve romaine liée à l’histoire de Romulus et Rémus, jusqu’au loup Fenrir, dévoreur du dieu Odin et destructeur du panthéon nordique, en passant par de nombreuses histoires de métamorphoses et de loups garous.
Ces derniers sont encore bien présents au cœur du Moyen Âge, même si la peur du loup est alors en recul. Les bestiaires, les fables et le Roman de Renart font du loup un animal plus ou moins burlesque, berné par les autres animaux et poursuivi par les chasseurs. Les paysans ne le craignent plus guère.
Toutefois, la peur du loup revient à l’époque moderne. Les documents d’archives, le folklore en portent témoignage : désormais les loups ne s’attaquent plus seulement au bétail, ils dévorent les femmes et les enfants. L’étrange affaire de la bête du Gévaudan, dans les années 1760, constitue le paroxysme de cette peur des campagnes, qui ne disparaît que lentement au XIXe siècle. Progressivement, les contes, les fables, les livres pour enfants puis les dessins animés finissent par transformer le grand méchant loup en un animal qui ne fait plus peur à personne, pas même aux plus jeunes.
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noisycitrine · 2 years
Been rereading the Tart manga to refresh my memory, and it is exciting that I still find myself picking on a new things. Like in that moment where Riz and Tart mourn over Catherine, and there is this panel where we see the bandits dead? My friends and I had a screaming party over it, because we looked and zoomed closer on the panel....and wow, Riz brutalized them in retribution, it was pretty grisly. A guy pinned by an arrow through the mouth, limbs torn and vultures pecking on their bodies.
It's really so easy to forget that Riz is mercenary and not a knight, with how she portrays herself as some sort of knight errant. Corbeau was onto something, when she noted how similar the two are heheh. One of the kindest and noblest character in the entire franchise, and yet still capable of such cruelty like mutilating bodies through possible torture, if not abuse of magical girl's inhuman strength, how very sexy of her. Another thing that had me cackling for a good while, with Minou's MSS in game correcting the mistake in localization about the three sisters being adopted instead of being Isabeau's actual, blood daughters.....That means Charles got his ass kicked and was chased out by his own (possibly) younger sisters. I wanna say 'poor guy' but I found him extremely detestable, history and manga wise, so sue, hope he gets wrecked even in the modern au. Okay, one more thing....Do you ever think about Riz trusts Tart, like deeply, enough to lay out her life for her repeatedly, but also not trust trust her to bear her heart's wounds to Tart? It always bugged me how Cube had to tell Tart about Riz's past. It must have hurt a lot, I think. Riz have seen Tart through the low and high points of her life, have known her dreams and hopes, and here Tart is; not knowing a single thing about Riz. It's really, really interesting how Tart appears to be fiercely dependent on Riz's presence so much that she shuts down on her death. The third event adds more ambiguity on her decision to let Minou executes her. Highly corrupted soul gem, but also.....Tart, herself, has no desire to live anymore. Tart could have very well picked on Riz hiding a lot of things, but also refusing to approach the topic out of fear of driving Riz away from her. Ah, to be the couple that appears extremely functional, but also a trainwreck in the making. I love it. Of course that is just my interpretation of their dynamic, given what I have seen...and wow, I went way off topic, I'm sorryyyy lololol
oh YEAH. upon rereads i'd always talk to my buddy blue about how like, insanely BRUTAL riz could be. she's so normal!!!!!! nothing is wrong or amiss!!!!! stick your fingers in her cage she won't bite!!!!!
i always do love characters with skewed priorities though, so this is always a plus for me. love u riz...
OH so they're ACTUALLY her blood daughters?? hmm... gotta throw some head canons out the window... but i do like the thought of them being adopted. oh well!!!!!
re: riz's hiding of her true emotions
OH BUDDY. oh PAL. she is AFRAID to lay her heart bare i ASSURE you!!!! i've written lots of little things about that and it's what drew me to her because she LITERALLY TAKES HER EMOTIONS TO THE GRAVE it is SO heartbreaking and SO funny
riz is probably deeply afraid of being laid so bare due to all her past heroes dying, therefore she must have had some skewed opinion that IF she kept tart at an arm's length, it'd keep her safe? but but but!!! it's also likely tart's the hero she stayed with THE MOST, so that build up of her not revealing her past would probably simmer. love the drama!!! go girl give us NOTHING!!!!
i like to think tart and riz just had this weird silent agreement that they wouldn't go past some invisible boundary between themselves, in tart's case because there's a WAR, and in riz's case because she's afraid to lose her. so despite it being at arm's length... it's still nice to have someone that close, and let them be that close, even if it's not as close as you COULD be. it's the closest they've felt.
see: this old little piece i did abt riz's hesitation
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blog2anais · 7 months
Avant-propos : Fables de Marie de France
Saviez-vous qu’une femme avait raconté comment maître renard a tromper ce pauvre maître corbeau 500 ans avant la Fontaine ? Cette femme est Marie de France, autrice médiévale dont on ne sait presque rien. On la suppose avoir été proche de la royauté, évoluant dans la cour d’Henri IV. Elle a signé trois titres entre 1160 et 1200 dans lesquels s’inscrivent Lais, Le purgatoire de Saint-Patrick et Fables, qui fait l’objet de ce livre. C’est une sélection de six fables, six histoires en vers octosyllabiques, contées par Marie de France et mises en comparaison directe avec leur version en proses par La Fontaine. En effet, la troublante similitude que vous trouverez aux deux versions n’est pas anodine, ils se sont tous deux inspirés des fables grecques antiques d’Esope, considéré comme le premier auteur de fables.
Les fables de Marie de France ont été écrites entre 1170 et 1180, elles ont des origines ambiguës issues notamment des contes grecques, arabes et celtiques. Tout d’abord issues d’une tradition orale, les fables ont beaucoup circulé et ont été traduites à plusieurs reprises en latin (en vers et en prose) avant d’arriver jusqu’à l’autrice. Ainsi, Marie de France se place modestement en tant que simple traductrice de textes anciens. L’autrice est pourtant la première à proposer une réécriture des fables en français, plus précisément en anglo-normand (issu du dialecte de la Langue d’O��l) qui est la langue dominante et parlée par le roi. Cela faisant donc de Marie de France la première fabuliste française, 500 ans avant La Fontaine qui n’a par ailleurs jamais entendu parler de ses écrits... De plus, sa posture n’est que plus humble par son travail de traduction qui a été aussi conséquent (plus de cent fables) que virtuose et célébré. En effet, ces fables, aujourd’hui méconnues, ont été très populaires à son époque, en témoignent les 25 copies encore existantes.
Les fables de Marie de France sont étonnamment drôles, engagées et rafraîchissantes. Elles résonnent avec force encore aujourd’hui et témoignent de la forte personnalité de la poétesse. En effet, le style tranchant et critique de l’autrice, bien qu’incomparable à celui de la Fontaine, n’a rien à lui envier. Elle fait preuve d’une finesse et d’une liberté de penser particulièrement surprenante pour l’époque et encore plus pour son sexe. Elle se démarque également par son caractère, signant ses écrits de son nom et notifiant distinctement l’appartenance de ses textes à sa personne, ce qui est très rare pour un auteur au Moyen-âge.
Ainsi, cette édition est destinée à réintégrer un chaînon manquant important à notre histoire littéraire et à rendre accessible une œuvre et une écrivaine majeure. Les fables de Marie de France sont présentées dans ce livre dans leur version traduite en français moderne par Françoise Morvan, ce qui le rend compréhensible par tous. On y trouve les fables de la Fontaine les plus connues, enrichies de nouvelles subtilités et variations apportées par la comparaisons avec les textes de Marie de France. Ainsi, il nous est offert un jeu de ressemblances dans lequel nous sommes libres de mieux constater la richesse et la qualité de la version remarquable de Marie de France.
Cependant, et pour conclure mon propos, je tiens à souligner qu’il serait naïf de penser que l'écart de popularité entre ces deux auteurs est désuet de sens. Il est important de rappeler et d'être conscients qu’il est un des incalculables témoins du sort que l’histoire réserve aux femmes. Beaucoup de textes majeurs, tels que celui-ci, ont été effacé des mémoires de la littérature et omis des programmes scolaires pour seule raison qu’ils aient été écrits par des femmes. Ainsi, il est plus que temps de réécrire notre histoire et de faire l’effort de réintégrer ces œuvres à notre culture collective en leur réattribuant les lauriers qu’exige leur vertu. 
nombre de caractères : 3877
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werewolfcave · 3 years
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I saw this shirt and I knew I had to draw Corbeau in it
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spoopyghostgirl · 4 years
Oblivion Modern AU Fic
Pairings: Lucien Lachance X HoK, Lucien Lachance X Silencer, Martin Septim X HoK
Word Count: 9.969
TW: Attempted Suicide, Suicidal Thoughts
Cameras click, Liliths lips stretching into an empty smile. Several council members stood around her, smiling at photographers and passing around congratulations. Mehrunes Dagon has been vanquished and the last member of the Septim line laid dead. A martyr for his nation, for his people, for her.
“It is the end of an Era,” Lilith blinked, High Chancellor Ocato’s words sounding muffled and far away. “But thanks to our brave Champion and our dear Emperor, Tamriel is safe once more!” The crowd cheered, their voices echoing around the large auditorium. The award ceremony had been thrown together two weeks after Mehrunes had been vanquished. Two weeks after Martin died. Lilith’s eyes pinched shut, in a small reprieve from the stare of well wishers and council members. “But, we all know who you’re really here for.” Lilith felt a hand on her back, her eyes widening in panic as Ocato pushed her forward. “The Hero of Kvatch and now the champion of Cyrodil, Lilith!” She stumbled, both hands coming up to catch herself on the smooth wooden podium before her to a roaring applause. Swallowing painfully, she pushed herself up to her full height, surveying the endless sea of strangers. “If you’d like to say a few words, Lady Corbeau.” Ocato spoke gently in her ear after a pregnant pause. ‘No,’ instead she nodded her head, knowing what was expected of her. 'You’ve done this before, put on a charming smile and tell them the words they wish to hear.’ Her lips twitched, her gold eyes running over the crowd. Taking a calming breath, she forced herself to speak.
  “Thank you, High Chancellor, for this ceremony and-,” her right hand closed around the amulet, it’s appearance flickering in her hand, “award. It is an honor to serve the Empire and her great people.” Inhaling deeply, she pressed on, voice wavering. “But there was no greater honor than standing beside Mar- Emperor Septim as he stood against Mehrunes.” The crowd roared, eating up her words but their cheers only caused the void in her chest to ache. Her best friend, the man she was in love with was dead, and these people stood cheering. Celebrating a man they never would have given a fuck about. The spare heir in a long line of conquerors and mad men. They didn’t know how he sang in the shower. They didn’t know how he painted the world in vivid color across her skin. They didn’t know the love they had shared or the promises they made. And it ached in a way that Lilith could scarcely describe. Did they deserve to know those intimate moments? The man behind the sacrifice? No but she’d be damned if they didn’t. “But Martin is- was more than that,” she continued, voice quivering. “He was-,” she bit her lower lip, vision blurring as tears filled her eyes, his smiling face flashing before her eyes, a cup of coffee that was more than half creamer clutched in his hands. “He was-,” blood flooded her mouth and she stumbled back from the podium as she begged the tears not to fall. Gold eyes opening she looked to the one person she felt sure could understand. 'Jauffre,’ “I’m- I’m sorry, I can’t- I can’t do this,” with that Lilith turned on her heel and bolted out the back door of the auditorium and into the snow chilled air. Lilith’s feet pounded against the frozen pavement, hot tears blurring her vision as she ran. 
“We can find another way,” her voice trembled, gaze moving from Jauffre to Martin. “Even with the portal opening we have time. We just- we just have to find another way.” Her voice cracked, eyes move pass Martin to the blood red sky, thick black magic whirling around a growing Oblivion Gate. 
“It’s too late,” Jauffres words were gentle, his right hand squeezing Liliths shoulder. Her mouth opened, hot tears filling her eyes only for a loud bang to tear through the air. Eyes snapping back to the portal, Lilith found several large red hands wrapped around its edge before a head emerged. “He’s already here,” her mouth opened, words failing her as the news copter that had been buzzing about the chaos was grabbed in one of Mehrunes large hands and crushed. Shrugging off Jauffres hand, Lilith stepped closer to Martin, her hand barely grazing his arm before he turned to face her. The fear that had been glowing in his blue eyes had been replaced. Staring back at her was a man who knew what had to be done and wasn’t about to hesitate. 
“Martin, please-," 
"I love you,” Martin cut her off, left hand sliding up her face before being joined by his right. “I love you so much, more than anything," 
"No,” her voice cracked, thick tears rolling down her cheeks. “You can’t leave me, please, I-,” his lips moved against hers, a weak whimper leaving her lips when he finally pulled away. “Martin-,” her words faltered, seeing warm tears streaming down his cheeks,
“More than anything.” With that Martin summoned a burst of magic in his hand, destroying the Amulet of Kings. Lilith rushed after him, barely making it out of the Temple of Akatosh before a pair of arms wrapped around her. 
“Martin no-,” but it was too late. Golden magic swirled around her lover, his soft blue eyes meeting with hers one last before his form changed. “I love you!” Her words were drowned out as Martin, now the vessel of the great dragon Akatosh, threw his head back and roared. 
“Gods damn it,” Lilith reached up to rub uselessly at her eyes. She wasn’t sure where she was going until she looked up, finding the now standing, great statue of Akatosh. “Akatosh Akatosh Akatosh,” she hissed angrily, “so great and powerful.” Her voice quivered as she yanked off her “award”, a gold plated replica of the Amulet of Kings and whipped it at the statue. It bounced off uselessly before skittering across the ground. “If you were so fucking great you wouldn’t have needed a vessel, needed him! But no, I finally find him again, after 5 years, and you go and rip him away from me! And for what,” she stormed up to the statue, arms flying open, “You saved Tamriel but what’s the point!? What is there for me without him!” Her voice lowered, arms wrapping around herself as she pressed her forehead against the cool stone of the statue. “What’s left for me,” She wasn’t sure how much time had passed before she could feel someone watching her. 'The traitor,’ not even raising her head she spoke, 
“Whatever you’re going to do, just do it. There’s nothing else left for me here,” black boots entered her peripheral vision before something warm and smelling of sandalwood was draped over her. Shivering, Lilith look up to find a pair of worried honey eyes. “Mathieu,” her lower lip trembled and she looked away, the concern in his eyes reigniting the ache in her chest. “How did you know I was here?" 
"I didn’t,"his voice softened, "but several of our siblings were watching the award ceremony. Vicente called me when they saw you bolt and I figured you’d either be here or at the park near the castle.” He avoided mentioning Lucien having offered to come to the monument, telling Vicente he was already on his way there. Pinching her eyes shut, she lowered her face into his jacket, pulling it tighter around her shivering frame. 
“But why did you-,” stepping closer to her, Mathieu helped her slide her arms into the sleeves of his jacket before zipping it up. 
“I was worried about you,” and he had been, something that had surprised the murder happy sibling. He wasn’t sure what about her had made him hesitate but even if he had come here to kill her, he wouldn’t have been able to. Seeing her here, cheeks red from the cold and dried tears, his heart ached for her. “I-,” he paused, unsure how to proceed. Could he trust her? Would telling her alert Lucien to him knowing who killed his mother? “I know what you’re going through,” hesitating again, he searched her face for any signs of distrust or disbelief. “My mother she…,” cold fingers lightly caressed his cheek, drawing his eyes back to hers. “My father killed her when I was a child,” blaming his father was easy and closest to the truth he could offer her. 
“I’m so sorry, Mathieu, I had no idea.” Her voice was hoarse, either from sitting out in the cold too long or from the sobbing he was sure she’d been doing. Offering her a sad smile, he squeezed her hand as she pulled it away. “How could you have? It’s not something I like talking about but… I just wanted you to know that I’m here for you.” A small smile was his reward though it didn’t meet her eyes. In that moment she reminded him of his younger self so much that it scared him. He had wanted nothing more than to end his own miserable existence. 'Nothing means anything to me without her,’ but then he had discovered that it was his father that had contacted the dark brotherhood to take his precious mother from him, and everything changed. 'But unlike me, she knew exactly who took Martin away.’ And, from the look in her eye, he wondered if anything would be able to pull her from the path she was on. 'I’ll speak to Him,’ he had enough practice to not snarl whenever he thought of Lucien, 'together we should be able to keep her off contract. Keep her safe,’ satisfied with this line of thought, he pulled his phone out his pocket and set out a quick group texts. The first was to Lucien and Vicente, informing them of his idea, and the second to the Hand and Listener. Lilith had climbed quickly through the ranks, they would be willing to give her time because they would fear losing an extremely talented assassin. Focusing back on Lilith he offered her his hand. “Why don’t we take you home and get you to bed?” Sniffling, Lilith looked up at the statue that had once been the love of her life and then back at Mathieu. “Come on, dear sister, it’ll be there tomorrow.” Releasing a heavy sigh, she took his offered hand, and escorted her to his car. Once in, the drive was quick and silent, Mathieu sending several worried glances in her direction though Lilith seemed to not notice them. Instead she worried at the hem of his jacket sleeve, the wool material soft under her fingers. Pulling into the large parking structure attached to her pent house apartment, Mathieu moved quickly, fishing her out of the car and escorting her into her home. Her fingers trembled as she tried to slip her key into the lock, a sudden realization hitting him. 'They lived here together,’ “You know what? Why don’t you come stay with me for the night? I don’t think I want to be alone tonight,” he added when her mouth opened to argue. Pursing her lips, she looked at the mahogany door that led to her empty apartment before sighing. 
The drive to his home took about 30 minutes, Lilith dozing in the passenger seat. A small part of him worried about her finding what he hid under his home but shook his head. He trusted her, as odd as that may have sounded to him months ago, but he knew that if anyone would understand his plan, it would be her. Reaching out with his right hand he tucked a strand of snowy hair behind her ear, a sad smile pulling at his lips. 'If she makes it through this.’ Pulling into his drive way he shook her gently to rouse her from her light slumber before helping her into his home. Her gaze flickered quickly around his home, absently noting the modern theme. 
"It’s lovely,” she kicked off her boots, wiggling her toes as she crossed into his living room. “Your walls are very bare though," 
"Maybe you can come by and paint them for me.” He offered, latching on to the small thread of normalcy. She offered him a weak smile that he was sure was meant to reassure him. “Let me grab you some clothes to sleep in and I’ll set up the guest bedroom while you change.” Lilith nodded, silently making her way across the wooden floors of his home before perching on his couch. Frowning, he plucked his vibrating phone from his pants pocket, Luciens name flashing across the screen. “Yes Lachance,”
“Where is she?” Picking through his dresser, he pulled out a pair of soft grey joggers and a grey t shirt. “I’m at her apartment and its empty,” he could faintly hear the man pacing across her wooden floor. “She’s here with me. She-,”
“I’ll be there in 30.” Growling, Mathieu stomped down the hallway and steps, forcing himself to take deep calming breaths before stopping before her. She sat with her legs pulled up to her chest, her left cheek resting on her knees as she stared out the large bay windows that made up the right side of his living room. 
“Hey,” he held out the clothes to her, her hollow eyes meeting his. “Let me show you to  the room,” she followed him up two carpeted flights of steps, her fingers lightly dragging against the glass railing. Stopping briefly behind Mathieu she closed her eyes tightly, forcing herself not to cry in front of him anymore. “Here you go,” she could see it in his face that she hadn’t hid her tears well but after a quick glance in her eyes, he knew not to press. “Why dont you take a quick shower and get some sleep. I’ll be downstairs for awhile if you need anything.” She made it into the shower before her tears became too much and began streaming down her cheeks. Mathieu pinched his eyes shut, having stopped and leaned against the bedroom door. “I’m sorry," 
Lucien, true to his word, showed up 30 minutes later while Bellamont lounged on his futon. Lilith had showered quickly, the water having shut off 15 minutes prior. Mathieu had snuck in and placed a glass of water and some crackers on the bedside table. Hearing Lucien pull up, Matheiu quickly crossed his home, and opened his front door, Luciens hand suspended in the air. 
"Speaker,” Mathieu spoke in greeting, telling himself that he allowed Lachance into his home, despite the older man all but shoving his way in. 
“Where is she," 
"Asleep.” Lucien glanced around the living room before his face hardened in disbelief. 
“In your bed,” Mathieu’s brows shot directly into his hairline, a weak sound of disbelief leaving his throat. 
“You think I would take advantage of her in this state?” Shaking his head his disbelief shifted to anger, “I’m not you, Lucien.” The speed of which Lucien had grabbed the front of Mathieus white button down and lifted him against the wall seemed to surprise them both. “Touch a nerve,” despite the blade that had slipped from the older Speakers sleeve, Mathieu felt no fear. If Lucien killed him now, the black hand would execute him, if Lilith didn’t smell his blood and come to investigate first. 
“You have no idea what you are talking about,” Lucien seethed softly, his composure slipping once more when he noticed the coy smirk on Mathieus face.
  “Lucien!” An ice cold hand on his bicep pried him away from his fellow speaker, Mathieu stumbling lightly before the interrupter reached out and steadied him. “We did not come here for petty infighting,” Vicente continued, shooting Mathieu a scathing glare that wiped the smirk from his lips. Glancing between his two younger brothers to make sure their antics were finished, Vicente cleared his throat. “After you messaged us, the Listener called, and we came to the decision that we would suspend Lilith indefinitely until she is cleared by both the Speaker and I to return to her duties. Your details from this evening’s interaction with Lily really convinced the Listener that it wasn’t just Lucien and I trying to coddle her. We,” a pointed look in his former proteges direction, “wanted to thank you for that. Lily has become a beloved sister and valued member of our family. It would be a shame for her to fall during a job because of her own desire for death." Despite the look, Lucien remained silent, fixing Mathieu with a withering glare. 
"Please tell Lilith to come by my home tomorrow as soon as she wakes. I will inform her of her suspension and what will be expected of her until she returns.” Lucien had already made it halfway to the door before either of his brothers spoke.
“You’re not going to check on her?” Mathieu was the one to voice the question but he could see that Vicente shared the sentiment. Lucien hesitated briefly before turning on his heel and leaving, much to Vicentes disappointment. Sighing, he and Mathieu shared a look of displeasure before he spoke.
“I’d like to check on her if you dont mind,” with a nod, Mathieu lead Vicente up the steps and to the guest room. Mathieu had expected the older vampire to merely poke his head in for a quick inspection but instead watched him cross the room. Lilith was curled up in a ball, a pillow clutched to her chest, and dry tears present on her cheeks. Summoning a small ball of magic, Vicente released a calming spell over her, hoping that it would alleviate her any nightmares for the night. “Rest peacefully, dearest Flower.” Vicente lingered a moment longer, Liliths previously furrowed brows had relaxed and soon after her body followed. Pleased with his results and with the knowledge that she was both comfortable and secure, Vicente exited the bedroom. Taking the hint, Mathieu followed Vicente to the door, tensing when a pale hand was place upon his shoulder. "Thank you for all that you’re doing for her, Mathieu. Lucien might not see it but you are a good Speaker and great brother.“ Stunned, Mathieu merely nodded in response, having not recieved such kindness from the vampire since his youth. Smiling, Vicente bid him goodnight and headed towards his car. Chuckling softly, he found Lucien still there, leaned against his car. "Waiting for someone, Speaker,” a small, disappointed part of him made him ask, Vicente being well aware of Luciens feelings for Lilith. Instead of responding, Lucien brought his hands up to his face, and released a breath of anxiety. 
“Vicente, please,” he was aware of the way that he had conducted himself, Vicentes disapproval apparent but he couldn’t help it. A small, childish part of him knew that Mathieu was also looking out for Lilith. The pair had hit it off as soon as they had met, being introduced when the former member of the Cheydinhal sanctuary had to deliver a message from Speaker Blanchard. He wasn’t sure what exactly had transpired but he found Lilith spending more and more time with the blond. He knew he should have been happy seeing his dear family getting along so well but… shaking his head, he focused on Vicente instead of his own feelings on the matter.
“She is well, fast asleep in Mathieu’s guest room. I cast a simple calming spell upon her, in hopes that it will keep the nightmares at bay but it’s all the comfort I was able to offer her.” Lucien nodded, a weight sliding from his shoulders. “I’m not sure why you didnt just check on her yourself, Lucien. Mathieu has been nothing but supportive with all of this.” Lucien opened his mouth to argue his point but Vicente merely shook his head. “It doesn’t matter, Lucien. What matters is that we keep a close eye on her. Mathieu seems quite convinced that she may try to," 
"I know.” Lucien cut him off, not wanting to even consider the possibility. “That’s why we’re suspending her. She needs the time to mourn and we will give her as much time as we can.” Vicente nodded as they lapped into silence, both mens thoughts moving to their own individual plans to aid Lilith. “She isn’t going to take being suspended well," 
"And that is why you should head home and prepare for what you are going to say to her.” Lucien sighed, once more reaching up to scrub at his face with both hands. “Relax, brother, I’m sure you’ll figure out what to say. You just have to take it as it comes. Myself and the rest of the sanctuary will aid you in anyway we can.” With Vicentes hand on his shoulder, Lucien pulled his face from his hands, relief evident in his brown eyes. 
“Thank you, Vicente." 
Lilith awoke to the smell of bacon and eggs, her sleep heavy brain making her jump from bed eagerly before everything clicked. Looking down she found the bed of Matheius she’d slept on the night before and the aching emptiness that reminded her the man cooking was not the man she loved. Hot tears blurred her vision, a soft sob leaving her lips. 
"Gods damn it,” scrubbing at her eyes she missed the door opening and her blond haired companion crossing the room to hold her. 
“Hey hey, deep breaths, Lily, you’re hyperventilating.” Removing her hands from her face she pulled Mathieu closer, wrapping her arms around his waist, and tucking her face into his shoulder. Rubbing small circles into her back, Matheiu took slow calming breaths until Lilith’s breathing matched his own. Pulling back to look into her puffy red eyes, Mathieu offered her a gentle smile. “Better,” his head tilted, watching her wipe away her tears and nod her head. 
“I’m sorry, you shouldn’t have to deal with this.” Shaking his head,Mathieu wiped away a stray tear of hers,
“No need to apologize, Lily. I’m always happy to help you,” she smiled weakly, “now come on, let’s get some food in you." 
Breakfast was silent, save for the scraping of silverware and the television show that Mathieu had playing in the background. Lilith, thankful for the silence, had yet to break it and Mathieu had been content to watch her sort through her feelings. They were cleaning up their dishes when Mathieu mentioned Lucien desiring to see her sooner rather than later. 
"And did he tell you what he wanted,” he didn’t miss the way her lips pulled into a grimace. 
“No,” he had looked back down at the dishes as he spoke. “But I wouldn’t keep him waiting. He is a Speaker of the Black Hand,” she scoffed as he lowered his voice in mock seriousness. “If you’d like I can drive you over to his place,” he offered when he found her eyes had taken a glassy far off look again. 
“Yeah, that… that would be great. Thank you, Mathieu,” They had both taken a quick shower, Lilith tugging on a black v neck shirt and a pair of stretchy work out pants Mathieu had given her. Slipping out the guest bedroom and down the steps, Matheiu offered her a black leather jacket before donning the jacket he had allowed her to wear the night before. Mathieu set up his home alarm system before escorting her to his car and sliding in. The car ride was silent, Lilith absently fiddling with the radio before sighing and closing her eyes. Mathieu watched her out of the corner of his eye, a small frown tugging at his lips. 
“Septim for your thoughts?” They both seemed to realize his phrasing was subpar, Mathieu wincing while Lilith bit her lip. “Lily I’m-,”
“It’s alright. I… I’ll get over it,” she sighed softly, fidgeting in her seat next to him. “It’s just,” she nibbled on her bottom lip, briefly looking eyes with him, “does it ever get easier?” Mathieu looked away from her and at the road,  a sharp intact of breath leaving his lips when his heart pitched painfully at the thought of his mother. 
“I’ll let you know,” she looked down at her pale hands before sighing once more. Mathieu reached out, taking her hand in his gently. “I’m sorry I’m not more help,” and he meant it. 
“No, you’ve been,” she laced their fingers together and squeezed his hand. “I’m happy you were the one to find me last night, Mathieu.” His cheeks flushed as her thumb continued rubbing absent circles on the back of his hand. He wasn’t embarrassed to admit he had harbored feelings for Lilith, especially after she had proven to be a kind and warm person. It had surprised him that she would join a band of murdering psychopaths but after discovering her penchant for drinking blood and remaining forever young, he understood. She had killed out of necessity for hundreds of years and now, she was paid. Yet, despite her murderous ways, she was still good. Still someone he could see himself remaining close to and even becoming closer with. The warm feeling swelling in his chest came to a abrupt halt when his gaze landed on her red rimmed eyes and nose. He could recognize that she was looking for comfort, a small part encouraging him to encourage her but he knew that if he did try anything now, it would forever stop them from actually being together. 
“I’ve got your back, Dear Sister,” she smiled sadly at the term of endearment but did not release his hand. Thankful for the small understanding between them, they fell back into a companionable silence. 
It didnt take much longer for them to arrive at Luciens home. One of the oldest estates in all of Cyrodil and probably the one that was best kept. Lucien had had it completely redone so that it had a completely modern interior. Lilith, who had rarely been to the estate, pressed closer to the glass, her yellow gaze moving quickly to take everything in. Mathieu, despite the home belonging to Lucien, smiled at her reaction. 
“Its a nice place,” Hades observer absently, remembering that Ocheeva and Teinaava had told her about the estate in passing, having been raised by Lucien there. 
“Not exactly my style but it does have a certain charm to it,” Mathieu admitted, earning a small quirk of a smile from Lilith. 
“Agreed. Reminds me too much of home,” her lips twitched with her desire to growl but she kept her feelings in check. She didnt need to think of her parents, especially now, and especially after what her father had said of her relationship with Martin. 'It will only end in heartbreak,’ her eyes stung but she didn’t have long to linger on her fathers all too right observation, the car rolling to a stop. Lilith hesitated, her gaze moving in hopes of catching a glimpse of her Speaker moving within. 
“It’s Sunday, dear sister meaning Lucien will likely be in his," 
"Garden.” Lilith’s lips twitched with amusement, the Speaker claiming that the garden was for poisons and potions for the brotherhood, but sputtered when she mentioned his colorful array of flowers and the very limited use she was sure they provided. Shaking her head Lilith opened her mouth to delay the inevitability of seeing Lucien, hoping that Mathieu would see her inner turmoil and drive her back to his home, but found Mathieu watching her with a look that reminded her far too much of Vicente. A look that told her there was no way of getting out of whatever was about it to happen. “Vicente would be proud,” she grumbled childishly, a surprised bark of laughter leaving Mathieu. 
“Whatever do you mean dear sister,” rolling her eyes, she lightly shoved the blond before offering her an anxious smile. “It’ll be alright and if it isnt, call me, and I’ll come back for you.” Her eyes pinched shut, a shaky breath leaving her lips, 
“Do you promise?” Mathieus brows shifted into his hair, 
“I promise.” Accepting his answer, Lilith took off her belt and stepped out of his car. Lilith hesitated once more outside his car, left hand resting on the handle. Turning her attention back to him, she leaned in through the open window, right hand resting on the side of the passenger seat closest to him.
“Thank you, Mathieu,” her lips skimmed his right cheek, “for everything.” Mathieu swallowed the blush that threatened to spill across his cheeks, offering her a firm nod in the direction of Luciens front door. “I’m going I’m going,” her exasperation was false but Mathieu played into it, rolling his eyes and huffing. His dark eyes followed had to the front door before he was able to force himself to leave, knowing that Lucien wouldn’t do anything to hurt her. 'Not with how fond of her Vicente and his sanctuary are.' 
Lilith didnt even knock, opening the heavy wooden door, and making her way through the foyer and out the door on the far right of the home. Lucien was right where they both thought he would be, in his garden. He wore a long sleeve black shirt and loose fitting bottoms black bottoms with a gardening apron over the front. Lilith found her eyes trailing up the tan skin his rolled up sleeves exposed, noting the speck of damp dirt that clung to his skin. 
“Good afternoon, Speaker,” she lingered in between the house and Lucien’s crouched position, his dark eyes not even moving from the plant he was inspecting as she spoke. “Speaker Bellamont informed me that you wished to speak with me,” she pressed when he had yet to acknowledge her. Lucien dropped the plant onto the ground, his lips pulling into a scowl before he stood, brushing his dirt covered hands on his apron. “Luc-," 
"We can discuss inside, Lilith. If you’d follow me,” he moved past her, putting far more distance between them as he passed than necessary. Her jaw worked in an attempt to cool the flutter of annoyance she felt at his actions but followed him nonetheless. Lucien lead her to his kitchen. “Take a seat,” he gestured at the bar that made up one side of the dinning room, Lilith glowering as Lucien washed his hands and removed his apron. “Do you want something to drink?” He prattled on, opening one of the fridges under the bar, 
“No, Speaker,” she watched him fish out one of his imported beers, “but I would like to get to the point of this meeting.” He took several large gulps of his beer before leaning his biceps against the counter across from her. She mirrored his posture, leaning her arms on the bar from her seat. 
“You are being suspended indefinitely,” Lilith was on her feet in an instant, Lucien’s face barely register the distinct crash as her chair tipped over and hit his wooden floor. “Your behavior over the past few days have been erratic and irrational. The brotherhood, both with the possibility of their being a traitor in our midst and it’s general desire to be seen professionally, can not allow you to continue taking contracts at this time." 
"You’re worried about the brotherhood’s fucking image!?” She hadn’t planned on yelling, she had planned on telling him that she was fine and had no need to worry in a calm and rational fashion. But hearing him say that she was being laid off because he was worried about the way her actions would be seen by potetional clients made her see red. “That’s what you fucking care about!?" 
"Of course it is, what did you think I was suspending you because your little bed warmer died?” Lilith didn’t remember moving around the counter nor ripping the glass bottle out of his hand and throwing it across the room. What she did remember was the biting slap that stung her cheek and the intense rage that followed. “See this is what I meant by-,” Lilith’s right hand shot out with snake like speed, connecting beautifully with Luciens nose. Lucien, surprised by the attack, stumbled back, his eyes as equally wide as Lilith’s. “You dare strike me again,” Lilith shivered, whether in fear or excitement, she wasn’t quite sure but she wasn’t about to back down. 
“Dare to strike a bastard like you,” she laughed humourlessly, “of fucking course and I will gladly do it again.” She spat, starch yellow eyes shifting to a flat black. Lucien scoffed, a smirk stretching across his lips, his blood stained hand dropping from his place. 
“You will learn obedience, Lilith Corbeau, if I have to dill it into you myself.” Her mouth opened to bark out a petty challenge when Lucien’s left hand grazed her cheek, her reflexes saving her from a bruised jaw, and the brunt of his swing. Her right hand closed around his wrist and she twisted swiftly, bringing Lucien to one knee. Her victory was short lived as he reached up, also with his right hand, and yanked her forward. Lucien threw her over his shoulder and standing. Lilith attempted to hit the pressure point in the back of his leg but instead found herself being slammed against the wooden floor. Stars colored her vision as her head swam but Lucien wasn’t done. Lucien bent down, grabbing her by the color of her borrowed leather jacket and hauling her to her feet. Instead of grabbing at the hands holding her, Lilith brought her arms close together, lacing her fingers together, and thrusting them up between the two of them befor violently bringing her elbows down into the bend of his arms. Lucien had no choice but to release her, her left leg coming up and delivering a solid kick to his stomach. 
“Come on, Speaker,” she drawled sarcastically, watching Lucien reach up and run his hand across his upper lip to stem the blood from his nose. “I thought you were going to teach me a lesson,” if the situation was different, Lucien would have found her comment amusing but given his bleeding nose and her rather uninjured state, he found his blood boiling. Moving to close the gap she had put between them he swung, the pair dancing quickly around the room, blocking and pairing strikes while also attempting to gain the upper hand, moving from the kitchen to the dining room. Luciens left hand grazed her cheek as stepped back, stumbling into one of the chairs around his table. Lucien, taken advantage of the distraction, landed a decisive hit on her mouth, splitting open her bottom lip in the process. Ducking under his next swing, Lilith once more put space between them, a hiss leaving her lips as her tongue slid across her open flesh.
“What’s that phrase that you like so much again?” Lucien hummed, “ah yes, talk shit, get hit.” He mocked, Lilith moving this time to close the distance between them. This time when she struck out at him, he found the familiar glint of a blade, the blade he had given her before she officially joined the family. “Trying to kill a family member? Oh, Lilith, I will enjoy punishing you for this." 
"Family? Fuck you! The only person you fucking care about is your fucking self!” She seethed, successfully landing a glancing blow with her blade across the left side of his face. “You go on and on about how we’re a family,” she swung out with the blade, Lucien smoothly evading her attack as hot tears filled her eyes, blurring her vision. “How we should look after our fellow siblings but that’s not even true! You only care about the brotherhood’s fucking image! And the fuck mothering night mother who allows her children to be slaughtered like lambs by one of their own! Some Mother she is,” Lilith cried out as Lucien tackled her over, thankfully catching herself before her head smacked against the floor again. 
“You disrespect the night mother in my home,” Lilith spit in his face, earning another searing slap from the back of his hand. “She is our unholy matron, the guiding hand to which we all flock, and follow, and you dare say she does not care. That we should not praise her name,” his right hand wrapped around her throat, “should not respect and her and the wrath of sithis!?” Her hands remained at her side as his other hand wrapped around her neck. Her vision began to darken with the tightening of his grip and the erratic beating of his heart. Closing her eyes she felt hot tears trickle down her cheeks, ready to die, ready to find Martin in the afterlife only for the vice grip around her throat to disappear. Despite her attempt at trying to control her breathing,  she gasped as her lungs burned painfully. Blinking, her vision cleared enough for her to look up at Lucien, finding him watching her intently, several emotions swirling in his dark eyes. “You were going to let me kill you,” her eyes pinched shut at the way his voice trembled. 
“Yes,” she agreed softly, making no move to push him off of her, Lucien hovering above on his hands and knees. 
“You were going to let me kill you despite how much it would hurt our family. How much it would hurt Vicente, and Antonietta. How much it would hurt Teinaava and Mathieu. You would let me kill you despite how much you know it would hurt me. Why,” his left hand closed painfully around the lower half of her face, forcing her to open her eyes, “why?”
“Because I love him!” She seethed, the pain in her face causing her eyes to sting with tears. “Because none of this means anything without him! You think I care about them enough to here, to hurt like this? Do you think I fucking care about you enough to feel like this?” Her voice rose with every word she spoke, her arms moving quickly to enunciate her point. “I love him more than anything else and you-," 
"Get out.” Lilith blinked once than twice at Lucien’s whispered words. 
“What,” she gasped in surprise as Lucien’s left hand closed painfully tight around her upper right bicep before he hauled her to her feet and dragged her through his home. “Lucien, let me go, you’re hurting me-,” she tumbled as they made it to the front door and Lucien threw it open before shoving her out the front door. Lilith hissed as she landed on her hands and knees, having not had a  chance to steady herself after he yanked her off the floor. Rolling into a seated position she growled, a set of keys hit her in the sternum, her right hand moving to catch them before they fell to the floor. 
“Get the fuck off my property and stay off of it. That includes this house, my place in the city, the restaurant, and the sanctuary. Not only are you suspended indefinitely but if I hear one of our own breath a word of even seeing you outside one of those places, the black hand WILL hear about what you did here today and you will be punished. Do I make myself clear,” gritting her teeth together against the tears, Lilith nodded affirmatively. “Good,” with that, Lucien slammed the door in her face. Lilith sat for a moment longer before pushing herself unsteadily to her feet and making her way across the courtyard to the only car that was not locked away in one of Luciens garages. It was his normal every day use car, Shadowmare. Lilith had only managed to get into the car before bursting into tears once more. She was tired of this. Tired of the constant pain she felt knowing that she had failed Martin. Had failed the whole Septim line. Knowing that the man she had loved more than she had ever loved another was dead and she would never see him again. Tired of living. Taking several calming breaths, she pulled the sleeves of her shirt down to wipe away her tears. If Lucien wouldn’t do it for her and with the hand being aware of her desire for death, Lilith headed to the place she knew Lucien wouldn’t be and the place where no one would question her purchases of poisons. The Sanctuary. Lilith wondered briefly if she would feel worse for putting M'raaj in Lucien’s path of fury if he had been nicer to her from the start before she went through the alley behind the Lucky Light, the restaurant that the sanctuary used as a front. Tapping several bricks in the correct order, the wall opened up, revealing a set of steps that led directly down in the sanctuary. Sticking to the shadows, Lilith closed her eyes and listened. She could only hear one heart beat, recognizing the way they breathed as M'raaj. Sending up a prayer of thanks to whatever God was kind enough to make sure the sanctuary was empty of her siblings and its resident vampire, Lilith quickly moved through the sanctuary, finding M'raaj in the alchemy room. 
“Just the man I was looking for,” she spoke in a way of greeting, ignoring the way M'raaj’s lips tugged down in a frown. 
“If it isn’t our newest sister,” he didn’t even glance up from the potion he was working on as he spoke, “whatever can I do for you.” Stealing her face, Lilith allowed her gaze to move over the vials of elixirs and potions casually, 
“I have recieved a contract from speaker lachance. I need a poison that is used by the Dawnguard to slay vampires. The contract requires a bit of subterfugation,” M'aarj nodded, absently, his focus already moving from her to the potion she needed. 
“Here,” he held it out of her, Lilith doing her best to seem casual despite her eagerness. “If you’re efficient, half a vial should get the job done. It will slow their healing abilities, making them more susceptible to being killed by blood loss or another form of death.” Taking the vial, Lilith slipped out the same way she had come before heading home. Her thumb rubbed over the vial, a sad smile pulling at her lips as her thoughts moved to Martin and seeing again. 'Soon.’ Lilith moved through her apartment on auto pilot, slipping off Mathieus jacket and throwing it across the back of her couch before moving to bedroom. First things first, she tugged off Mathieus clothes, and moved through her room to her closet. Finding one of Martin’s oversized t shirts on the floor, she pulled it on, stifling a sob when his familiar smell wafted over her. Taking several calming breaths, Lilith broght the shirt to her nose, and inhaled deeply. Soon. Soon she’d be able to smell him and see him. Stepping out out of her room and into her attacked bathroom, Lilith placed the vial of poison on the wall shelf next to her soaking tub. Leaning down, she turned on the water before slipping out of the bathroom and heading to the kitchen. Her fingers dragged against her granite counters before she came to her fridge. Opening the door, she pulled out two bottles of sweet red wine, Martin’s favorite, and a brand of wine Lucien had introduced her to. Thinking of Lucien made her frown, her yellow eyes glazing over as she swirled the wine in the bottle around. Shaking herself out, she moved to the cabinet next to the fridge on the wall and fished out a large wine goblet, her mind once more moving to Martin and Lucien. She could almost smell the creamy gumbo Lucien had made, Lilith leaning against the island in the kitchen while she gulped down her wine, Lucien teasing her about her consumption and lack of sipping. The memory shifted and broke apart as an image of Martin walking into the room, holding a giant brown paper bag from their favorite Dunmer place. He had been super excited when he had seen that she had several sweet red wines and they spent the night going through three bottles and far more food than Lilith thought possible. Moving back to the bathroom, her wine glass and bottle joined the poison on the shelf beside the tub before she bent down to check the water temperature. Happy that the hot water would sooth her, she plugged the bottom of the tub, and popped out one last time to her room. Grabbing her phone and her secret stash of chocolate, she moved back into the bathroom, hesitating when her gaze flickered to the couch, her blade of woe peaking out of her borrowed jacket pocket. Moving across the room, she picked up the blade, continuing into her bathroom. Happy with her set up, she turned off the water in the tub, and unlocked her phone. Shifting through songs, she clicked on her playlist of songs she use to listen to with Martin while they lounged. Sighing softly, she set her phone down, and poured herself a large glass of wine. Stepping into the soaking tub, she submerged herself up to her neck, bringing her wine glass to her lips. Taking several large glasses, she successfully drained her first glass before reaching for her wine bottle. 
“Well I’ve heard there was a secret chord that David played,” he hand trembled as she sang, spilling several drops of wine into the tub. Bringing the partially filled glass to her lips, she drained the glass before throwing it across the bathroom, deciding the bottle was better without the glass. “I remember when I moved in you and the holy dove moving too,” she pulled the bottle to her chest, closing her eyes, and inhaling Martin’s smell. “It’s going to be okay,” she reassured herself, not fearing death but the possibility of not seeing Martin. “He’ll be there,” she continued, finishing off her bottle of wine. Leaning her head back, she found herself becoming comfortable drozy and numb, the hot water causing her skin go flush and body to relax. Reaching out with her left hand, she grabbed the vial, and popped the corked cap off. Running her thumb absently against the rim of the vial, she brought it to her lips, and swallowed it down. The taste of metal and something bitter hit her taste buds and caused her to grimace. Reaching down she grabbed her second bottle of wine, bringing it to her lips, and swooshing a large gulp around her mouth before swallowing. She got half way through her bottle before she exhaled slowly, her lids becoming heavy. Wrapping her left hand around the blade of woe she held it above the water of the tub. A physical manifestation of the moment she had allowed Lucien Lachance  and by extension, the dark brotherhood, into her life. Twirling the blade slowly she shook her head, not wanting to think of the dark haired man or their equally dark family. Pressing the tip of her blade to the middle of her inner wrist, she broke her skin before swiftly dragging it down, stopping just short of the heel of her hand. Her head swam at the sight of her blood and it’s rich scent wafting over her. Taking a shaky breath, she allowed herself a moment to catch her bearings before repeating the action down her right wrist. She had meant to set the blade back on her shelf but found the blade tumbling out of her hand and clinking against the floor. Closing her eyes, she leaned her head back, softly humming to herself. Her last thoughts before being lulled gently into darkness were of Martin, a sad smile gracing her lips. 'Soon.’ “Hey this is Lily, leave a message after the beep," 
"Beep!” Lucien drummed the leather clad steering wheel nervously, having not heard anything from Lilith for several hours now. 
“You told her not to speak to you or go to the Sanctuary,” he growled at himself, having regretted the way things had gone between them. Pulling up to The Lucky Light, Lucien moved quickly through the front door, not even acknowledging the clients that buzzed around him. Making his way towards the back of the restaurant, he spotted Antonietta and Teinaava leaning against the bar, keeping watchful eyes over their clientele. Changing direction, he stopped before them, their warm greetings ignored. “Have either of you seen Lilith?" 
"No, why, is everything alright?” The change in the pair was immediate, their love for their dark sister reflecting in the way they both paled with worry.
  “Of course,” he lied smoothly, not needing them to throw together a panicked search party. “I was just wondering if she’d been here at all today,” M'jaar, having just exited the kitchen came up short. 
“Yeah, she was here to pick up some poison for a contract earlier.” Lucien felt his blood shift to ice, M'jaar gasping in surprise when Lucien gripped both his biceps tightly. 
“What did she ask you for," 
"It is a specialty poison called Silverite Bane, it slows the healing abilities of vampires, making them easier to- Hey! Where are you going?” Lucien had turned on his heel and darted out the front door, quickly dialing Vicentes number.
  “Lucien, what’s going on?" 
"I need you to meet me at Liliths, now!” He arrived at Lily’s place in under 10 minutes, halfing the time it would normally take to get to there. He sprinted through the lobby, cutting off a couple that had been ahead of him. Stepping into the elevator, he pressed the close button, ignoring the way the pair whined at his actions. He tapped his foot impatiently, watching the floor numbers tick by too slowly. “Come on come on,” he was out of the elevator before the doors had opened completely. Crossing the hall to her apartment, he pounded on the door, “Lilith! Lilith! Open up,” jiggling the knob he found it locked. The logical part of him told him to pick the lock but that didn’t stop him from delivering three solid kicks to the wood, the door swinging open and banging against the wall. “Lilith,” his dark eyes moved quickly around the room, not seeing head nor hair of Lilith. “Lilith,” he repeated, ears perking at the sound of soft music across the home. Following the source, Lucien felt his stomach drop and the air rush from his lungs. “Lily,” he was at her side in an instant, eyes running over the thick rivets of blood that covered her forearm, hands hesitating despite the desire to touch her. Crouching next to the tub, Lucien ran his fingers over her ice cold skin, hot tears prickling when he felt no heartbeat. “Please,” he whimpered painfully, his large hand covering her cheek, turning her face towards him. “I cant lose you now,” especially not after what he has said earlier to her. Eyes widening, he realized that tears had welled in his eyes and begun running down his cheeks. Biting his bottom lip, he forced himself to focus. Summoning magic to his hands, he started by healing the self inflicted slits that ran up her wrists before standing. If he was able to find the vial, he would be able to make an educated guess of what could be used to counteract the poison. He found it under the tub, the vial still having traces of the poison left inside. Raising it to his nose, he inhaled deeply, a grimace pulling at his lip. “Nightshade,” hearing footsteps approaching, Lucien reached out, and picked up the blade that had been sitting on the shelf next to the tub. His mind moved to the traitor. To unwanted company. To… his brain seemed to realize what he was holding and what the dark ichor like substance coating it was. The blade slipped from his hand, clattering against the ground. 
"She used the blade I gave her.” Vicentes brows cinched in confusion briefly before his dark eyes dropped to the Blade of Woe on the bathroom floor. “This is my fault, I-,”
“Lucien, please, we can not focus on that right now. We need to help her if we want to save her life. What have you been able to figure out,” looking up, Lucien realized Vicente wasn’t alone. Two healers stood on either side of him, awaiting a nod from Vicente before the crossed the room. 
“She took Silverite Bane. A special kind of poison that stops a vampires regenerative abilities for a time. She took it before she-," 
"We need to get her out of the water,” one of the healers grabbed a large towel off the hooks on the wall while Vicente rolled up his sleeves. Lucien, without concern for the exquisite suit he wore, knelt down and slipped his arms into the water. Carefully he hauled her chilled body from the water while the first healer came forward and wrapped her towel around her. Swinging her up into his arms, he followed the healer out of the bathroom and into Lilith’s bedroom, finding the missing healer already there and mixing together an antidote. 
“Lay her here,” Lucien nodded, setting her down on the right side of the bed, hovering close by when the healer cleared his throat.
“Lucien,” if looks could kill, the healer would have burst into flames and died from the look on Luciens face. “They need room to work," 
"I’m not leaving her,” even as he said the words, he found himself being dragged out of the room. “Vicente, please I-,”
“Hovering will not help her, Lucien. They know what they’re doing,” and so would Lucien, if he took a moment to think. 
“And what, I’m just suppose to trust them? You know our siblings have been dropping like flies, Vicente. And-," 
"And what? You think one of the healers is out to get Lily?” Lucien’s jaw clenched in anger at Vicentes exasperation. “Look, I’ll go sit in with them. While I do that, you stay out here, and try to breathe. If… if the worst comes to pass, you will need to be prepared to tell the others.” Lucien greyed significantly at his words, a small bubble of regret bursting in Vicentes chest. Instead of responding, Lucien turned on his heel and crossed the room to the kitchen, a large bottle of wine being pulled out of the fridge before the younger man crossed into her living room. Signing, Vicente rubbed his face and wandered into the room with Lilith. The healers had already hooked up two units of blood and attached IV’s to her arms. “Were you able to make an antidote,” he could hear the worry in his voice. 
“We believe so but with how much blood she’s lost, we wont know for several hours if it worked. The best that we can do is finish the transfusion and wait.” And so, they waited. It took less than two hours for the transfusions to finish and even less time after for the healers to leave. Lucien, who had decided to stress drink had moved from the living room to her bedroom, dragging one of her love seats across the apartment. Vicente stayed to watch over both of them, the sun rising and setting once before Lucien’s body finally caved under the wine and stress, Vicente finding him fast asleep, half on Lilith bed and half on the love seat, his left hand wrapped tightly around hers. In that time, Vicente watched her ashen skin warm with color but her eyes still had yet to open. When another day passed, Vicente woke Lucien and tried to convince him to leave to get food but the Speaker would not budge and so, he left to get food for them both, his thoughts never leaving his former protege or the killer who stole his heart. 
Lilith awoke not long after Vicente left, her yellow eyes opening slowly. Allowing her eyes go adjust she found herself in her room, her face twisting in confusion. She didn’t remember making it to her room or much of anything else until she glanced down at her left wrist. A faint red line ran up along her vein, reminding her of what she had done. Had the poison failed? No, she had been quite sure it had done exactly what it was suppose to so how was she-, Her yellow eyes drifted down to her right, finding Lucien fast asleep. 
“Lucien,” her head smacked back against her headboard as hot tears slipped down her cheeks. Of course it was fucking Lucien that found her and took care of her. He always seemed to show up when she least wanted him to. She had moved her hands to her face, the action startling Lucien into wakefulness. 
“Lilith,” they stared at each other for a long moment before they both acted. 
“Lucien, I’m so-,” Lilith gasped, Lucien crawling onto the bed, and pulling Lilith towards him. He hadn’t meant to kiss her but he had been so relieved to see her alive and well that his heart took control before he could stop it. Leaning back, Lucien flushed, 
“I uh, I didn’t mean to,” a cool hand on his cheek silenced him. 
“It’s… it’s okay,” her voice lowered, watching the way he held her hand to his face. “Look, Lucien, I-,” sighing she found her right hand moving to absently run over the new scar on her wrist. “I am so sorry, for everything. I didn’t mean,” inhaling deeply, she raised her gaze to his. “I never meant to hurt you,” she corrected, noting the bags under his eyes and the way his hair sat unkempt on top of his head. Shaking his head, Lucien took her wrist in his hand, running his thumb gently up her new scar. 
“You have nothing to apologize for,” he sighed. “I know I haven’t been there for you through this and I should have been but I-,” a pause, “I let my feelings for you blind me to your feelings. You loved him and if I had paid any attention, I would have seen where you were headed. What you were willing to do to be with him again.” Pausing, his gaze dropped to there joint hands, Lilith sliding her hand into his. “I thought he was a childish distraction from the Brotherhood, from your responsibilities, and… from me. But I promise, from now on, I’ll be here for you, if you’ll have me. We can have you doing noncombative tasks for the brotherhood so you aren’t alone and you could stay at the sanctuary or with Vicente or me or even,” she couldn’t help the small grin at his grimace, “Mathieu. Wherever you feel safe and good,” tears stung her eyes but instead of being caused by sadness they were caused by the realization that she had been blind. Her grief convinced her she was alone, as did Lucien’s cold words but being reminded of her family and the love they held for her, she knew she could make it through this. If not for herself then she would for those who still lived and loved her and Martin, who had loved her and been lost. Looking up at Lucien, a small voice reminded her that Martin may be gone but that didnt mean she could never find someone to care for again. Turning her lips into the hand on her cheek, she kissed his palm, offering him a small watery smile. 
“Thank you, Lucien, for everything.” ReplyForward
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heleneplays · 5 years
Singing it off with Lua!
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@luanardo 's Lua and Helene having a duet on The Scientist by Coldplay
Textless Version
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go check my #mc hangout blowout tag!
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azusamifuyu · 2 years
I'm here to ask about Corbeau.
Why I like them
For starters, I'm a big fan of her character archetype. IE: Evil, kind of just awful person who is actually a big sweetheart to their few loved ones. Also, she's very masc which I enjoy, it's something we don't see SUPER often in Magical Girl media. She is very handsome. You might know that I love birds too, so she gets bonus points for having a bird motif. Her power to use other people's magic reserves is pretty cool and interesting too. I think the battle where Riz had Tart take her Soul Gem outside of the range of Corbeau's power was probably one of the smartest fights I've read in a manga.
Also she's very attractive, I have type when it comes to fictional women and she's it
Why I don’t
I know she uses the serving girls she seduces into contracting to change her powers, but seriously, why did we never see her first contract/wish with Isabeau? Seriously, just a single page of flashback right before Minou kills her would have sufficed imo
Favorite episode (scene if movie)
That's a hard one, every scene she shows up in is a hit for me. I think the one that takes the cake though is after she routs the French at Orleans and convinces Minou and Lapin to leave things to her, she just starts singing a poem on the rampart about how the fun is about to begin. She's so fucking dramatic I love it
Favorite season/movie
I think Volume 4 of Tart Magica is the best content for us Corbeau likers, she is kind of the "main" villain for most of it until Minou kills her lmao
Favorite line
Need I even say it.
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Favorite outfit
Her MG outfit is really good, I love the cape and the pants, but I think the award goes to
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CorbRiz, baby!
Corbeau and Lapin, obviously. They really are the best siblings, they love eachother so much it's sweet :)
Head Canon
Okay so this comes from a silly little AU I have where Corbeau gets isekai'd into modern times Kamihama, and she ends up really hitting it off with Sana because she reminds her of Lapin. Plus, Sana has someone to talk about medieval torture implements with now askhdkajsdh
Unpopular opinion
Not sure if I have one tbh, I think all my opinions about her are fairly uncontroversial? I can give you a hot take though! I really wish she turned coat and joined up with Tart and gang after Minou tries to kill her.
A wish
V-vampire Corbeau... 👉👈
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
I *need* to know what her wish is. If the franchise ever ends without us figuring out I think I will become a ghost and haunt masugitsune
5 words to best describe them
Fierce, flippant, caring, alluring, charming
My nickname for them
In the fic I wrote for her (I still need to finish it...) I came up with the idea of her birthname being Marcelle. I really liked that.
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namakes · 3 years
📂 for Corbeau?
Take a couple, just because:
She has nightmares, usually about things that had happened to her and her sisters. Isabeau adopted the three of them when Corbeau was around 11, and while it was better than being a street urchin, it came with a host of trauma.
(Modern AU) Corbeau has always been a bit of a gym rat, liking setting new personal bests and the benefits of being stronger (like hitting on girls). Her and Darc are gym buddies now, and help each other hit/set goals or spotting.
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blackwolf-yerdua · 4 years
Sur notre groupe facebook, j'avais parlé du film "The Crow", premier du nom, je vais donc parler ici de l'original, la bande dessinée...
The Crow est une série de comics américaine créée par James O'Barr, débutée en 1989. Cette série avait été écrite par O'Barr dans le but de surmonter le décès de sa petite amie, morte dans un accident de voiture avec un conducteur ivre1. Elle fut publiée en 1989 et obtint un succès confidentiel.
Un film fut adapté de la série en 1994. Le héros devint une icône de la culture gothique moderne, principalement grâce au succès du premier film. (Résumé tiré de wikipedia)
L'histoire met en scène Eric Draven, qui avec sa femme Shelly est agressé par un gang. Encore conscient après avoir reçu une balle, il ne peut qu'assister impuissant au viol et l'assassinat de sa femme. Mort des suite de ses blessures, il revient à la vie par le biais d'un corbeau. Il décide donc de se venger en éliminant un a un les membres de ce gang, se servant du corbeau qui est un vecteur entre le monde des morts et le monde des vivants.
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Par Blackwolf
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LE PHARE AU CORBEAU (Rozenn Illiano)
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Agathe et Isaïah officient comme exorcistes. L’une a les pouvoirs, l’autre les connaissances ; tous deux forment un redoutable duo. Une annonce sur esoteric.net, le réseau social des sorciers, retient leur attention. Un confrère retraité y affirme qu’un esprit nocturne hante le domaine d’une commune côtière de Bretagne et qu’il faut l’en déloger. Rien que de très banal. Tout laisse donc à penser que l’affaire sera vite expédiée. Cependant, lorsque les deux exorcistes débarquent sur la côte bretonne, le cas se révèle plus épineux que prévu. Une étrange malédiction, vieille de plusieurs générations, pèse sur le domaine de Ker ar Bran, son phare et son manoir. Pour comprendre et conjurer les origines du Mal, il leur faudra ébranler le mutisme des locaux et creuser dans un passé que certains aimeraient bien gardés enfoui… 
Mon avis
J’ai frôlé le coup de cœur  à tire d’aile pour cette histoire là. Bien que quelques éléments m’aient rendu les personnages moins sympathiques, ça a été une excellente lecture.
La force de roman c’est de faire de l’épouvante sous forme de policier. SI ça vous paraît alambiqué c’est normal. A savoir que c’est une des rares histoires de fantômes ou les personnages ne font pas deux groupes de deux puis deux groupes de un pour mourir à la fin. Si je devais comparer, ce serait plus un Supernatural à la française, avec un sentiment de peur inexpliqué qui s’installe quand même. J’ai aussi beaucoup apprécié découvrir le passé de nos fantômes, même si certains ne sont que cités. On rencontre des personnages hauts en couleurs, comme une sorcière moderne. La Bretagne est un nid de légendes, et Rozenn Illiano a su s’en servir. 
Les protagonistes sont intéressants, Isaiha et Agathe, exorcistes par défaut. qui se complètent. J’ai deux problèmes avec eux : Le fait qu’on a des paragraphes entiers où Agathe se dévalue et se dit incomplète. Même si à la fin ça prend tout son sens je penses que un peu moins aurait eu tout autant d’impact. On a comprit qu’elle se trouve moche et incapable, pas besoin d’en rajouter des caisses pour que le lecteur ou la lectrice comprenne que c’est en retrouvant de l’estime pour elle-même qu’elle va régler le problème toute seule. Mon second problème est Isaïha. L’auteur veut nous faire comprendre qu’il est différent, marginal. Est-ce vraiment nécéssaire de répéter toutes les deux lignes qu’il est noir et homosexuel et que donc, il est mit de côté ? J’aime croire que l’auteur a voulu dénoncer quelque chose, cependant je trouve ça limite. Dans un précédent article je vous parlais des minorité représentés uniquement là pour se faire taper dessus. Et bien c’est le cas présentement. Pour une fois qu’on a un personnage principal noir et homosexuel c’est utilisé pour lui taper dessus. Je penses que dans le cas d’Isahia, être un sorcier vaudoo et exorciste est assez marginalisant en soi et que le fait d’être noir et homosexuel pourrait ne pas être une source de problèmes.
Une excellente lecture que je vous recommande pour les froides nuits venteuses.
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insidious-rp · 2 years
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「 ͏ Inspired by The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, The Legacies, American Horror Story ͏ 」
OC roleplay // Literate // 19+ mun & muse // Supernatural City AU // All Orientations // Based on Mewe // Modern Setting in New Orleans // Welcomes Asian descents & Internationals // Black Market System
❛ welcome to new orleans! ❜ ─ We’ve been awaiting your presence. Glad you found your way home, Ambroise Corbeau.
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noisycitrine · 4 years
modern!au but Corbeau is riz’s ex
you. keep talking
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dujeu · 2 years
Comment réparer le bug de fermeture de la gel et de l'application Warzone sur la série PS5 / Xbox X
Call of Duty: Warzone est un jeu d'ordinateur de tir à la première personne, appartenant à la bataille Royale totalement gratuite, lancée le 10 mars 2020 pour PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X | S ainsi que Microsoft Windows. Le mode de jeu vidéo est offert sur ces systèmes et fait partie du jeu de clip vidéo 2019, Call of Duty: La guerre moderne n'a toutefois pas besoin de votre achat et a été présentée pendant la saison 2 du contenu de la guerre moderne. Avec la combinaison avec un appel téléphonique du devoir: Vanguard a ensuite été appelé Call of Duty: Warzone Pacific.
Call of Duty: Warzone a été créée par l'infini Ward et également une application logicielle Raven et libérée par Activision. Warzone permet une lutte multijoueur en ligne entre 150 joueurs, bien que certains paramètres de jeu de temps minimes avouent 200 joueurs. Le jeu présente à la fois un jeu vidéo multiplateform en tant que développement multiplateforme entre 3 jeux vidéo. Le jeu vidéo présente 3 modes principaux: vol qualifié (butin), renouvellement et combat Royale. Warzone présente un nouveau système de devises dans le jeu vidéo qui peut être utilisé dans «Balistes d'achat» à Verdansk, à l'île de la Renaissance et à ses environnements. Les envois armes sont un exemple de l'endroit où l'argent peut être échangé pour un accès restreint aux cours d'armes individualisés des joueurs (avant que les classes ne soient montré le réglage multijoueur de la guerre moderne, mais sur le patch V1.29 de la saison les séparait, Et aussi, ils sont actuellement différents de Warzone avec ceux de la guerre moderne ainsi que de Call of Duty: Black Ops Battle froide pour la commodité des joueurs). Les joueurs peuvent également utiliser de l'argent pour acquérir des articles tels que des racks réduits ainsi que des masques anti-gaz. Vous pouvez localiser de l'argent dans des structures de caisse à la caisse et éliminer les joueurs qui ont de l'argent. Dans le lancement, Warzone vient de fournir des triades de triades, une capacité d'armada à trois joueurs. Néanmoins, dans les mises à jour gratuites du contenu après le lancement, ils ont été inclus dans le jeu seul (privé), duos et des escadrons. Le jeu vidéo a obtenu une critique normalement favorable des critiques, ainsi que des cartes ont reçu certains éloges. En mai 2020, Activision a révélé que Warzone avait effectivement conquis 60 millions de téléchargements au cours des deux premiers mois. À compter du 20 décembre 2020, le jeu vidéo avait encore plus de 85 millions de joueurs dans le monde. Actuellement (2021 avril) Le jeu vidéo va actuellement au-delà de 100 millions de joueurs.
Si vous avez des problèmes avec votre jeu d'appel de Duty Warzone gerzing ou fermeture à mi-parcours, vous n'êtes pas le seul. Voici comment résoudre le problème:
À l'heure actuelle, la bataille de Call of Duty Royale est dans un état rugueux. Non seulement les joueurs ont des problèmes avec la nouvelle carte de Caldera, mais le jeu est à peine exécuté sur la console.
Les consoles de dernière génération déclarent des textures de basse résolution, des performances médiocres et une expérience généralement inférieure de PS4 et Xbox One. Pendant ce temps, les problèmes ne sont pas beaucoup mieux sur la série PS5 et Xbox X / s.
En fait, de nombreux acteurs du Pacifique Warzone quittent le match jusqu'à ce que des problèmes majeurs obtiennent une solution. Mais avec le logiciel de corbeau que dans le bureau après la pause de Noël, il pourrait y avoir un peu de temps jusqu'à ce que les problèmes disparaissent.
En savoir plus: Les 7 changements les plus importants ont besoin de Warzone en 2022
Comment réparer les problèmes de brisage et de congélation de Warzone Pacific
Warzone souffre actuellement d'une gamme de problèmes de collision et de congélation sur la série X / s de PS5 et de Xbox, mais une solution temporaire peut aider les choses.
Si, comme beaucoup d'autres joueurs, vous rencontrez votre gel de Warzone Gleur ou l'application se ferme sur PS5 et Xbox Series X, il y a une solution.
À l'heure actuelle, le logiciel Raven fixe la station d'achat qui a écrasé un problème dans une mise à jour à venir. Mais auparavant, vous pouvez prendre des mesures pour vous aider.
Premièrement, désactivation de streaming de texture à la demande dans les paramètres graphiques de Warzone est une solution connue pour les problèmes de collision. Une autre solution que vous souhaiterais essayer est de désactiver 120Hz et d'exécuter Warzone à 60 fps. Bien que ce n'était pas une solution idéale, Warzone Pacific pose actuellement un problème avec 120 FPS en jeu qui semble causer des accidents. Alternativement, si vous souhaitez coller à 120 personnes pour un gameplay plus lisse, fermez simplement l'application Warzone, chaque match ou deux apparaît également pour empêcher un crash.
De toute évidence, les méthodes ci-dessus ne sont pas des solutions idéales, mais c'est juste comment Warzone Pacific est actuellement. Le logiciel Raven semble déjà être difficile au travail sur les problèmes du jeu et que le salaire invisible pour gagner l'opérateur Warzone est déjà corrigé.
Ensuite de l'ordre du jour, il semble que la méta de Tungun Double Barrel Akimbo soit sur le point de se terminer à Warzone. Et nous sommes sûrs que beaucoup de joueurs seront heureux de le voir aller.
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Cela dit, l'arme la plus maîtrisée de Warzone n'est peut-être pas réellement disponible en charges...
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Fondé au milieu du XIX siècle, ce Musée comprend cinq pavillons de part en d’autres de la rue Sherbrooke Ouest et sont reliés par des passages souterrains. L’endroit où l’on prend les billets est le Pavillon Jean-Noël Desmarais, œuvre d’une grande modernité.
Comme ce musée présente un résumé de l’art mondial, il est bien évident qu’on ne peut l’appréhender dans son ensemble au cours d’un séjour bref.
Lorsque nous l’avons visité, Picasso primitif était l’exposition temporaire phare que nous avions visité à Paris il y a 2 ans.
Ce mini -Louvre présente un résumé de l’art mondial à travers les siècles et les collections permanentes.
Nous avons choisi de se “limiter” à l’Art québecois et canadien et aux Arts décoratifs et Design.
Art québecois et canadien
Ce pavillon, appelé Pavillon Claire et Marc Bourgie,  est composé d’une ancienne église et d’un bâtiment moderne. Ce panorama démarre au 4ème étage pour se poursuivre jusqu’au RDC. Impossible donc de donner une vision générale, aussi, je limiterai la présentation à mes coups de cœur !
Os de baleine- Andrew Innuklun – 1971 – Art contemporain Inuit
Casque à cimier-Le corbeau, créateur et bienfaiteur de l’humanité chevauche un poisson évidé est un casque en bois que le danseur porte au cérémonie rituelle.
Masque représentant une grousse (oiseau)
A l’ombre de la treille – Helen Gallaway Mc Nicoll – 1914
Ça ressemble à …. Normal ! Helen Gallaway Mc Nicoll est LE peintre impressionniste au Canada qui a séjourné en France.
Couple de caribou de Shorty Killiktee, sculpteur contemporain Inuit
L’emprise de la pensée – Alfred Laliberté-
Pareil … Normal, Alfred Laliberté est venu étudier à Paris, notamment dans l’atelier de Rodin. Mais, là encore c’est LE sculpteur québecois.
Saint Siméon Marc-Aurèle Fortin – 1938
“Le prolifique Marc-Aurèle Fortin a été peintre, aquarelliste, graveur et dessinateur et ses paysages très décoratifs et colorés mettent en valeur l´aspect pittoresque de la nature. Parmi ses sujets préférés, mentionnons d´énormes ormes feuillus, des maisons rustiques, des charrettes de foin et le port de Montréal; ses rares sujets humains semblent habituellement écrasés par la nature. Sur le plan technique, Fortin était inventif, expérimentant à l´aide de différentes méthodes d´aquarelle, de peinture à l´huile et de techniques mixtes”. Musée des Beaux-Arts du Canada
Mais, l’enfant du pays des temps modernes, c’est Jean-Paul Riopelle. Rendez-vous compte, bien avant l’exposition universelle à Montréal qui a eu lieu en 1967 et qui a fait connaître la ville et la province du Québec au monde entier, Jean-François Riopelle a exporté ce pays dans ses recherches picturales lorsque  New-York a compté dans l’Art international.
“Jean-Paul Riopelle est un expressionniste abstrait canadien surtout connu pour ses paysages non figuratifs. Riopelle utilise de la peinture pressée directement du tube et appliquée librement à l’aide d’un couteau à palette pour élaborer des mosaïques denses et à grande échelle. Après un voyage à Paris en 1947, Riopelle devient l’un des membres de l’École de Paris, dont fait partie Joan Mitchell, avec laquelle il vit et travaille pendant près de 15 ans.  ” Artnet
Vertige – Jean-Paul Riopelle 195
Gros plan
Autriche III – 1954
Soleil de minuit – Collection Iceberg- 1972/1978
Owl – 1979
Hibou II – 1970
Un autre enfant du pays et celui-ci exclusivement dans le domaine de la sculpture, c’est Louis Archambault (1915-2003), un grand artiste de l’art moderne.
Dame lunaire – 1992
L’oiseau lunaire -1954
Et, je terminerais par ce tableau pour témoigner de la richesse de la création au Québec.
Jardin rouge – Alfred Pellan – 1958
  Questions pratiques:
Musée des beaux arts Montréal
1380, rue Sherbrooke Ouest Pavillon Jean-Noël Desmarais
Visite d'une partie du Musée des Beaux-Arts à Montréal. Art québecois et canadien Voir « à la place de » pour donner envie Fondé au milieu du XIX siècle, ce Musée comprend cinq pavillons de part en d'autres de la rue Sherbrooke Ouest et sont reliés par des passages souterrains.
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spoopyghostgirl · 4 years
So, this is a one shot that takes place in my Modern Oblivion AU
The HoK/Silencer is my OC, Lilith (Lily) Corbeau
Pairing: Lucien Lachance X Silencer, Lucien Lachance X HoK, Martin Septim X HoK
Word Count: 2,376
Warm lips. Soft blue eyes. Wet paint on flushed tan skin. Her fingers glided across his bare stomach and up his chest, spreading the slick orange paint from navel to neck. Her canvas smiles, quirking a dark brow, her hand absently moving to hold her jaw.
"Another master piece," his voice, warm and kind, held a hint of bemusement. Smiling, her hand moved from her face, leaving small rust colored spots on her jaw, before lightly grazing up the side of his face. Closing his eyes, he felt the cool slickness of paint spread across the right side of his face, nuzzling gently into her touch. "Improving upon what's already there," he ventured at her continued silence, warm lips fluttering across her palm. Golden eyes moved over the landscape she created across his chest, the skyline a mixture of orange, red, and purple. Several tall structures jutted up into the skyline, mirroring the towering city scape that made up their home town. Pulling her eyes from her work she offered Martin a warm smile, his cheeks coloring at the affection in her golden gaze.
"Improve you?" Her lips quirked, "now that is impossible." Pushing away her wooden palette, she leaned forward, brushing her nose with his. Martin shudder, eyes slipping shut as her lips feathered across his own. Swallowing and with his eyes still pinched shut, he spoke.
"Listen, Lily I-," blankets shifting, the pair jumped, her wooden palette slapping loudly against the wooden floor. Gold met blue, Liliths eyes wide with panic while Martins reflected disappointment.
"I- I should clean that up," she spoke nervously, pushing herself up from her bed and off the blushing imperial. "And you should-," Martin's jaw clenched, already knowing what to expect from her.
"I should get cleaned up and leave." His voice held none of the warmth that had been there moments before. Keeping her back to him, she knelt down, deft fingers wrapping around the paint splattered palette. "Right," Martin left her there in a flurry, not even moving to clean the paint off his chest before he tugged on his plain black t and jacket. Hot tears pinpricked in her eyes before she hurled the palette across the room, grimacing when it shatter and splintered in pieces.
Yellow eyes opening, her lips pressed together once more. Her gaze fluttered over the very landscape she had painted across her lovers- former lovers, chest. Though the sun had come and passed, the night sky was littered with stars, making up for the lack of swirling color. It was beautiful, she could admit, reminding her as to why she had stayed within the city despite its grueling traffic and constant buzz of life. Glancing down at the flute of wine in her hand, her lips pursed, her thoughts moving to the conversation that was had leading up to her withdrawal from Martin. 'Jauffre,' she grimaced at the mans name.
"You need to be careful with the friends you keep," she had laughed at the police chiefs words, a single brow arching. She hadn't understood until then how much he knew of the illicit activites she had recently taken up. "You think that when it's discovered what you've been doing... who you've been working for comes to light that they won't target the ones you love?" Her heart had caught in her throat, his words clicking together in a way that both infuriated and terrified her. Clearing her throat, she had tried to play it off, feigning ignorance, pointing out that she had become a sanguinite because of Martin. Jauffre had stepped closer to her then, yellow eyes flickering with panic when his left hand closed tightly around her wrist, mere centimeters away from the dagger she had been gifted from her Speaker. "I do not appreciate you playing coy when his life is on the line," fangs flashing, she wretched herself from Jauffres grasp.
"You have some nerve-," she began, her muscles moving in reflex when he stepped towards her once more. The blade of woe flashed in the dim light of the room, its blade biting lightly into the flesh of his throat. Jauffres eyes had widened in surprise before his face shifted into one of smug self satisfaction.
"You can play pretend all you want, child, but if I was smart enough to put two and two together, who's to say others will not?" She had whirled on her heel then, blade being slipped back into its place in her sleeve before the door to his office slammed shut behind her.
Lips pursed, she worked her jaw, trying to calm her boiling anger. Finding no release, her grasp on her flute of wine shifted before it went soaring from the balcony she stood upon. She watched it break in half before shattering on the pavement several stories below her place perched on the balcony.
"Did the wine offend you, dear sister?" She jumped at his voice, whirling away from the skyline to face him. Luciens lips quirked, having not had many opportunities to sneak up on the newest member of the brotherhood. Gold eyes briefly held his own chocolate gaze before moving past him.
"It seems the party continues on without us," she offered up when she realized Lucien had no intention of leaving. Turning back to her view of the sky, Lucien stepped away from the door leading back inside, his dark eyes running over her profile. He had found her beautiful from the first moment he had looked upon her and that had led down a very complicated path. A path that led to awkward silences and loss eye contact that had once been filled with easy smiles and late nights in his kitchen cooking.
"So it seems," he had yet to cross to stand beside her, opting to linger a safe distance away. "Though I am unsurprised, what the wuth company you've been choosing to keep." Her back straightened, gold eyes snapping to his face, a single brow arching.
"And what ever is that suppose to mean, Speaker?" She had sneered his title, something he had never witnessed. Responding in kind, Lucien stepped closer, dark eyes flashing.
"You know exactly who I am referring to." Liliths jaw clenched, gold eyes moving away from his furious face. "The detective," 'your former lover', lucien had left the words unsaid but the implication was missed.
"I didnt realize the Night Mother was so worried about the company her children keep." He had reached for her then, his fingers barely grazing her jaw before she pulled away. "Or are your concerns over him more personal?" His cheeks warmed, though in embarrassment or anger, she couldn't tell.
"I have no idea what you speak of, dear sister," he growled, dark eyes flashing dangerously. "But you are well aware of what the dark hand thinks of the company your keeping. Of the implications it says about you and the trust that we can put into you." In an instant she had spun to face him, yellow eyes flashing black.
"You dare question my loyalty, after everything I've done for you, for our family!" Her voice lowered, gold eyes flickering to the solid glass doors that separated them from her familial party and unwanted attention.
"Of course not, dear sister," a sneer, "it just isn't wise to have loose ends. If something were to happen to you, if your loyalty came in to question, who is to say that I- that we, could continue turning a blind eye?"
Liliths palm stung from the force of the slap. Scarlet stained her Speakers cheek, her mouth opening and closing once before he was on her.
"You dare raise a hand to me," his right hand wrapped tightly around her throat, back pressed firmly to the railing behind her. "I am a Speaker of the black hand, your superior," he seethed, left hand catching her right hand and holding it beside her head.
"I do not care who you are! No one threatens the man that I-," Luciens lips silenced her declaration. He could not bare to think that the woman he had given his heart to had already given hers to another. Gold eyes pinching shut, Lilith reciprocated the kiss roughly. Her teeth bit into his bottom lip, the hand he had loosened around her throat moved to her hair and pulled. She gasped, his tongue finding purchase in her mouth. Goosebumps spread over her arms, the sweet taste of him and his blood in her mouth causing her to growl with need. Luciens hands slid down, running between her shoulder blades and now her back, down to her bare legs. His warm hands had just grazed her legs, pushing the silk fabric of her dress away when she shoved him away. "Dont you dare touch me," she growled, cheeks flushed, pupils blown wide. "I dont belong to you or your fucking mother!" Lucien laughed humorlessly, making no move to touch the furious girl.
"That is where you are wrong, dearest sister. When you slayed Rufio you became one of us. You belong to the Night Mother body and soul." Hot tears blurred her vision,
"I hate you." Her voice trembled but she pressed on. "And if you or any of your family even thinks of harming a single hair on his head, I'll kill you." Lucien trembled, brown eyes flashing black. Lilith felt the smallest flicker of fear, mind absently moving to the blade of woe strapped to her thigh, mere centimeters from where his hands had just been on her.
"And then what, dearest sister? Where do you think you'd go where the brotherhood wouldn't find you. Where I wouldn't find you?" Pinching his eyes shut, Lucien took a single calming breath, "I will allow your words this evening to go unpunished. I know how much you care for... him and how difficult it will be to let him go but I can not stand by idly while you endanger my family."
"I dont need your special treatment, Speaker." She spat, "nor do I need your approval. If the other members of the black hand or the listener found my behavior or company problematic, they would be here but they're not which leads me to believe that it's only you who has a problem. And you're,"
"Your speaker." He growled, "and you will do as you are told."
"Lucien, that is quite enough,"
"Matheiu." Lilith spoke the young mans name softly, the murder of Speaker Blanchard still fresh in her mind.
"Speaker Bellamont," Lucien scowled, having remembered how taken with Lilith the Silencer turned Speaker had been.
"Speaker Lachance," Mathieu, unfazed by the sharp glare directed at him turned a charming smile on their fair sister. "Dearest Lily, I believe Antonietta is looking for you. You should go find her before she finds you out here alone with him." Lilith nodded her thanks to Mathieu, stopping briefly to squeeze his shoulder, both in thanks and comfort, before slipping between the glass doors he'd come through. "Trouble in Paradise," Lucien had turned to follow after Lilith only to stop, his teeth grinding together.
"And what, pray tell dear brother, do you mean by that?" Mathieu leaned back against the railing, honeyed gaze moving from the dark sky to his fuming brother.
"Oh, just something myself and some of our other siblings have noticed about you and our dearest Lily." He told himself he wouldn't take the bait, wouldn't be tricked into an argument with the younger man but-,
"Talking about me behind my back, Bellamont? How unbecoming of you," Lucien smirked. Bellamont, unfazed by the dig, pressed on.
"You seem rather fond of her, no?" He arched a brow, his question rhetorical but necessary. "But she does not seem to return your affection. It would be unfortunate for you and our family for the black hand to believe that you would use your position to force yourself upon her." Luciens eyes widened as he whirled to face the younger man. "And to threaten her position within the family because she took a lover that isn't you," he clicked his tongue. "Very unbecoming of you, Lachance." Lucien crossed the balcony in five quick steps, his already dark eyes swirling black.
"I would hate to think that you were threatening me, dear brother." Lucien mocked, Mathieu looking up at him, seemingly unfazed by the invasion of space.
"Threaten you? Come now, Lucien, I am aware of the tenants. I would never harm my dear big brother," sipping from his champagne Bellamont continued, "I just wanted to give you some friendly advice. Until her relationship with the Detective becomes a problem, you need to be careful. You never know who could be listening in," with that, Bellamont drained his flute, and brushed by Lucien. "Alas, it would seem it's time to return to the party. It would do good for you to mingle with the guests, brother, many of those inside fund our organization." Pausing at the door, Mathieu rolled his eyes, finding Lucien had taken his place leaning against the railing. "I see you still need a minute," with that the glass door clicked shut. Lucien sighed, right hand slipping into his suit jacket to retrieve his phone. He knew Bellamont was right, a small petty part of him protesting the sentiment, but he needed to be careful. Needed to tread lightly. With rumors of a traitor in their midst, it would not bode well to get turning his siblings against him. With several quick clicks, he had pulled up her contact. He could message her now, apologize before things could get worse or-, shaking his head, Lucien locked the screen and tucked the device back into his suit jacket. Any apology he would offer now would be half assed, his cheek still stinging from the slap, his finger tips grazing over the tender flesh absently. No, he would think of something meaningful to show her how sorry he was And, show her that he was the better choice for her. Smirking to himself he slipped back into the penthouse, a charming smile on his face, and a plan in mind. 'Now to find Vicente and win the heart of our darling dark sister.'
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laurent-bigot · 6 years
Ce n’est pas le moindre des paradoxes de l’Occupation à de nombreux jeunes acteurs de se révéler au public. La plupart rapidement au vedettariat au cours des années 50, mais si on excepte quelques chefs-d’œuvre fulgurants, Ils seront souvent mal employés.
Danielle Darrieux
Bernard Blier
Pierre Brasseur
Suzy Delair
Jean Marais
Danièle Delorme
Pierre Fresnay
François Perrier
Daniel Gélin
Dany Bobin
Micheline Presle
Martine Carol
Simone Signoret
PIERRE FRESNAY, en 1945, fut victime de la campagne déclenchée contre Le Corbeau, où il avait trouvé son meilleur rôle, avec celui du capitaine de Boieldieu de La Grande Illusion. Il était alors au sommet de sa gloire, un des tout premiers acteurs français, après une première carrière, qui comprenait entre autres le Marius (1931) de Korda et sa suite, La Dame aux camélias (1934) d’Abel Gance, Adrienne Lecouvreur (1938) de L’Herbier et L’Assassin habite au 21 (1942) de Clouzot. Après quelques mois d’interdiction succédant à quelques semaines de séjour à Fresnes, il effectuait sa rentrée dans Fille du diable (1945) de Decoin et retrouvait rapidement sa place au premier rang des vedettes françaises. De nouveaux triomphes personnels l’attendaient, dans des films parfois inégaux. Parmi ceux-ci, on doit rappeler sa mémorable composition de saint Vincent-de-Paul, dans le Monsieur Vincent (1947) de Maurice Cloche écrit par Jean Anouilh ou son savoureux Offenbach de La Valse de Paris (1949) de Marcel Achard. Son meilleur rôle de cette seconde période fut sans doute celui de Dieu a besoin des hommes (1950) de Delannoy. Après cela, le niveau des films dans lequel il parut commença à baisser. On peut encore retenir le curieux Défroqué (1953) de Léo Joannon et le vieux marquis des Aristocrates (1954) de Denys de la PatelIière. Fresnay, qui avait débuté à la Comédie-Française et continué de jouer au Boulevard, retourna au théâtre. II fit d’admirables créations, surtout Le Neveu de Rameau de Diderot et Mon Faust de Valéry, dont la télévision a gardé le souvenir. Il mourut en 1975, à Paris (où il était né en 1897).
MONSIEUR VINCENT de Maurice Cloche (1947) avec Pierre Fresnay, Aimé Clariond, Jean Debucourt
MARIUS réalisé par Alexander Korda (1931), écrit par Marcel Pagnol d’après sa pièce éponyme, représentée pour la première fois en décembre 1927 sur la scène du Théâtre de Paris, Marius est le premier volet de la trilogie marseillaise de Pagnol. Avec Raimu, Pierre Fresnay, Orane Demazis
LE CORBEAU – Henri Georges Clouzot (1943) – Pierre Fresnay
DANIELLE DARRIEUX (née à Bordeaux en 1917) avait été une des grandes vedettes d’avant-guerre et de l’Occupation grâce à des films comme Mayerling (1936) de Litvak où elle incarnait une inoubliable Marie Vetsera, ou à ceux qu’elle interpréta sous la direction de son mari Henri Decoin, Retour à l’aube (1938), Battements de cœur (1939) et Premier Rendez-vous (1941). Elle avait excellé dans des rôles de jeunes filles modernes, enjouées et mutines, mais qui finissaient toujours par tomber dans les bras du beau jeune premier. Dotée d’une voix agréable, elle susurrait souvent de jolies mélodies, un peu sirupeuses comme le voulait le goût de l’époque et généralement promises à un grand succès, comme la célèbre “chamade” de Battements de cœur. Après trois ans d���interruption, Danielle Darrieux revint à l’écran en 1945, pour une seconde carrière encore plus brillante que la première. Épanouie, mûrie, ayant pris de l’autorité, c’est alors qu’elle interpréta quelques-uns de ses plus beaux rôles, comme la reine de Ruy Blas (1947) dans le film de Cocteau et Pierre Billon ou la fantasque Amélie de Feydeau, dans Occupe-toi d’Amélie (1949) d’Autant-Lara. Mais c’est surtout grâce à Ophuls qu’elle put se surpasser, dans La Ronde (1950), Le Plaisir (sketch de La Maison Tellier d’après Maupassant, 1951) et surtout l’exquise Madame de (1953) d’après Louise de Vilmorin, où elle était une épouse frivole qui finissait par mourir d’amour. Elle fut également remarquable dans La Vérité sur Bébé Donge (1951) où elle retrouvait Decoin, dont elle avait divorcé dix ans plus tôt et dans Le Bon Dieu sans confession (1953) d’Autant-Lara. Elle est décédée en octobre 2017.
OCCUPE-TOI d’AMELIE de Claude Autant-Lara (1949), adapté de la pièce éponyme de Georges Feydeau avec Danielle Darrieux, Jean Desailly, Julien Carette
MADAME DE… de Max Ophuls (1953), adapté du roman éponyme de Louise de Vilmorin paru en 1951 avec Danielle Darrieux, Charles Boyer, Vittorio De Sica, Jean Debucou
RETOUR A L’AUBE – Henri Decoin (1938) – Danielle Darrieux, Pierre Dux, Jacques Dumesnil, Pierre Mingand
PIERRE BRASSEUR (1905-1972) tourna beaucoup et aussi de temps en temps n’importe quoi avant de parvenir à imposer son talent exceptionnel. Réserve faite de la gifle mémorable du Quai des brumes (1938) de Carné, ce n’est qu’avec les années 40 qu’il commença à trouver l’occasion de s’employer. Ce fut surtout grâce à Jacques Prévert qui écrivit pour lui quelques rôles sur mesure, destinés à mettre en valeur un abattage extraordinaire. On en eut un premier aperçu avec le peintre alcoolique de Lumière d’été (1942), le meilleur film de Grémillon, où il éclipsait ses nombreux et remarquables partenaires. Mais c’est l’année suivante qu’il allait rencontrer le rôle de sa vie, avec le fameux Frédérik Lemaître des Enfants du paradis (1943-1945), le chef-d’œuvre de Carné-Prévert. Dans cette évocation d’un “monstre sacré” du romantisme, il fut éblouissant, truculent et gouailleur à la fois, émouvant et sobre quand il le fallait, bref acteur complet et génial. Après cela, il parut presque effacé dans Les Portes de la nuit (1946) de Carné-Prévert, bien qu’il y fût excellent, mais eut l’occasion d’un nouveau grand numéro dans Les Amants de Vérone (1948) de Cayatte-Prévert. Il fut aussi un savoureux Barbe- bleue (1951) pour Christian-Jaque et un héros de Sartre dans Les Mains sales (F, Rivers, 1951), Après un truculent Buridan dans La Tour de Nesle de Gance (1954), et un pittoresque Juju pour René Clair (Porte des Lilas, 1956), il incarna de nombreux rôles jusqu’à sa mort (Les Bonnes causes, Christian-Jaque, 1962), mais plus rien de très marquant. Il fut marié à Odette Joyeux, dont il eut un fils, le comédien Claude Brasseur.
LES BONNES CAUSES est un film franco-italien réalisé par Christian-Jaque et sorti en 1963 avec Pierre Brasseur, Marina Vlady, Bourvil
LUMIERE D’ETE de Grémillon (1943) avec Madeleine Robinson, Paul Bernard, Madeleine Renaud, Pierre Brasseur
LES PORTES DE LA NUIT – Marcel Carné (1946), Pierre Brasseur
SIMONE SIGNORET (née Simone Kaminker en 1921, à Wiesbaden et morte en 1985 à Autheuil-Authouillet (Eure)) fut une des premières jeunes actrices à s’imposer comme vedette au lendemain de la Libération. Figurante et secrétaire du journaliste Jean Luchaire sous l’Occupation elle décrocha quelques petits rôles, avant d’être lancée par les films d’Yves Allégret, son premier mari, Les Démons de l’aube (1945) et surtout Dédée d’Anvers (1947) qui fit d’elle une grande vedette, dans un rôle pourtant assez conventionnel de fille de maison close, emploi qu’elle tint plusieurs fois dans sa carrière. Elle fut également fille “mauvaise femme”, ambitieuse et sans scrupule dans Manèges (1949), film très noir, le dernier qu’elle fit pour Yves Allégret, dont elle divorça peu après. Après deux ou trois films anglo-saxons sans intérêt, et quelques productions françaises très médiocres, on la retrouva dans La Ronde (1950) d ‘Ophuls et surtout dans son plus grand rôle, Casque d’Or (1951), le chef-d’œuvre de Jacques Becker. Faisant un curieux couple avec Serge Reggiani, elle y était belle, simple et émouvante, dans son personnage de fille du peuple, amoureuse et heureuse de vivre. Malheureusement, ni Thérèse Raquin (1953) de Carné, ni Les Diaboliques (1954) de Clouzot, ni La Mort en ce Jardin (1956) de Buñuel n’eurent la même valeur. Avec un film anglais assez moyen de Jack Clayton, Les Chemins de la haute ville (Room at the Top, 1958), Simone Signoret obtint un Oscar. Puis elle vieillit et changea d’emploi, tirant un parti parfois un peu appuyé des changements physiques apportés par le passage des ans. Mariée à Yves Montand, elle le suivit dans ses prises de position politiques. On lui doit un livre de souvenirs : “La nostalgie n’est plus ce qu’elle était.”
THERESE RAQUIN de Marcel Carné (1953) avec Simone Signoret, Raf Vallone, Sylvie, Jacques Duby, Roland Lesaffre
CASQUE D’OR de Jacques Becker (1952), inspiré de l’histoire vraie d’Amélie Élie, surnommée « Casque d’or », avec Simone Signoret, Serge Reggiani, Claude Dauphin
DEDEE D’ANVERS d’Yves Allégret  (1948) avec Bernard Blier, Simone Signoret, Marcello Pagliero, Marcel Dalio
JEAN MARAIS (né en 1913 et décédé en 1998), grande révélation du cinéma de l’Occupation avec L’Éternel Retour (1943), fut pendant plusieurs années le jeune premier idéal du cinéma français. Son nom demeure étroitement lié à celui de Jean Cocteau, et c’est au cinéaste-poète qu’il doit le meilleur de sa carrière. Prince charmant et monstre émouvant dans La Belle et la Bête (1945), “ver de terre amoureux d’une étoile” dans Ruy Blas (1947), anarchiste épris de sa victime dans L’Aigle à deux têtes (1947), enfant gâté des Parents terribles (1948), poète maudit d’Orphée (1949), cette série de rôles incomparables lui valut une popularité comme il y en eut peu dans le cinéma français. Sa voix étrange et sa blondeur irrésistible en firent l’enfant chéri de plusieurs générations de spectatrices. Tout cela achevait d’irriter une critique qui le bouda longtemps et fut longue à lui reconnaître un talent qui pourtant était réel. D’autres cinéastes que Cocteau surent l’utiliser, de Christian-Jaque (Voyage sans espoir, 1943) à Jean Renoir (Elena et les hommes, 1956) en passant par René Clément (Le Château de verre, 1950) et Yves Allégret (Nez-de-cuir, 1951). Jean Marais se reconvertit ensuite avec bonheur dans le film de cape et d’épée, sous la direction d’André Hunnebelle : Le Bossu (1959), Le Capitan (1960), Le Miracle des loups (1961). Son dernier grand rôle fut dans Peau d’âne (1970) de Jacques Demy.
L’AIGLE A DEUX TETES de Jean Cocteau, adapté de sa pièce éponyme (1948) avec Edwige Feuillère, Jean Marais, Silvia Monfort, Jean Debucourt, Jacques Varennes
LE SECRET DE MAYERLING de Jean Delannoy (1949) avec Jean Marais, Dominique Blanchar, Jean Debucourt, Silvia Monfort, Jane Marken
LE SECRET DE MAYERLING est un film français consacré au drame de Mayerling, réalisé par Jean Delannoy et sorti en 1949 avec Jean Marais, Dominique Blanchar, Jean Debucourt, Silvia Monfort, Jane Marken
MARTINE CAROLE, née Maryse Mourer (1920-1967), fut pendant une dizaine d’années la star d’une période un peu creuse du cinéma français. Blonde, éclatante, un rien de vulgarité qu’excusait un côté bonne fille, elle parut dans de nombreux films, souvent médiocres, mais dont elle assurait le succès. Un succès qu’elle poursuivit pendant des années, entre ses débuts (1943) et sa consécration en 1950, par tous les moyens : un faux suicide, des idylles tapageuses, un grand sens de la publicité. En 1950, ce fut enfin Caroline chérie, assez platement réalisé par Richard Pottier, mais l’héroïne du best-seller de Cecil Saint-Laurent, au prénom prédestiné, semblait avoir été inventée pour elle. Son charme blond, appuyé par des dialogues impertinents d’Anouilh, fit merveille. Plus tard, mariée à Christian-Jaque, elle interpréta pour lui une série de films, bâtis à peu près sur le même principe : Lucrèce Borgia (1952), Madame du Barry (1954), Nana (1955). Ce furent ses plus grands succès commerciaux avec un niveau au-dessus, Les Belles de nuit (1952) de René Clair. Il est permis de juger plus intéressante son interprétation dans un film méconnu de Lattuada, La Pensionnaire (La Spiaggia, 1954). Enfin, elle restera toujours dans le souvenir des cinéphiles, grâce à un seul film, mais quel film ! Lola Montès (1955), le chef-d’œuvre sans égal de Max Ophuls, où, brune pour une fois, elle confirmait un vrai talent qui soutenait une photogénie éclatante. Ensuite, ce fut le déclin rapide, les épreuves, les trahisons de la mode, bref une fin de carrière désolante, dénouée par une mort tragique. On peut encore en extraire un dernier film : Austerlitz (1960) d’Abel Gance, où elle incarnait Joséphine de Beauharnais.
LE DESIR ET L’AMOUR  d’Henri Decoin (1951) avec Martine Carol, Antonio Vilar, Françoise Arnoul
CAROLINE CHERIE de Richard Pottier (1951), avec Martine Carol, adapté d’un roman de Cécil Saint-Laurent avec Martine Carol, Jacques Dacqmine, Marie Déa
LOLA MONTES  Max Ophüls (1955) avec Martine Carol, Peter Ustinov, Anton Walbrook
FRANÇOIS PÉRIER (né en 1919 et mort en 2002), grâce à un personnage charmant de jeune premier fantaisiste, connut une très grande popularité dans les années 40. Entrevu dans Hôtel du Nord (1938) puis révélé au théâtre, c’est sous l’Occupation qu’il devint vedette, avec Lettres d’amour (1942), petit chef-d’œuvre méconnu d’Autant-Lara, Le Camion blanc (1942) de Léo Joannon ou Bonsoir mesdames, bonsoir messieurs de Roland Tuai (1943). Il confirma les mêmes qualités d’esprit et d’intelligence dans Un Revenant (1946) de Christian-Jaque, Le Silence est d’or (1947) de René Clair ou dans Souvenirs perdus, de nouveau avec Christian-Jaque (sketch de Jeanson, 1950). Il étendit, avec un égal succès, son registre vers la gravité avec l’excellent film de Jean Faurez, La Vie en rose (1947) et avec Orphée (1949) de Cocteau, où il fut un étonnant Heurtebise. La suite de sa carrière fut plus décevante sauf Les Nuits de Cabiria (Le notti di Cabiria, 1956) de Fellini, et il se consacra surtout au théâtre où il continue de triompher.
ORPHEE est un film français réalisé par Jean Cocteau, sorti en 1950 avec Jean Marais, François Périer, Maria Casarès, Marie Déa
LE CAMION BLANC est un film français réalisé par Léo Joannon, sorti en 1943 avec Jules Berry, Blanchette Brunoy, François Périer
UN REVENANT – Christian-Jaque (1946) – Louis Jouvet, Jean Brochard, Gaby Morlay, Ludmila Tcherina, François Périer
SUZY DELAIR (née le 31 décembre 1916 à Paris) commença à la fois Comme figurante et Comme chanteuse de music-hall, débutant dans des établissements populaires parfois modestes. C’est dans un de ces lieux qu’il affectionnait que Clouzot la découvrit et prit sa carrière en main, en même temps qu’il allait partager sa vie une dizaine d’années environ. Il la fit débuter à la Continental en 1941, dans Le Dernier des six écrit par lui mais réalisé par Georges Lacombe, puis dans L’assassin habite au 21, qu’il réalisa lui-même en 1942. Dans l’un et l’autre, elle incarnait Mila-Malou, la petite amie volcanique de l’inspecteur Wens, joué par Pierre Fresnay. D’emblée, elle imposa ce personnage “d’une incroyable vulgarité”, qui prenait sous la direction de Clouzot un style assez “flamboyant” (Jacques Siclier). Toujours avec Clouzot, elle eut son plus grand rôle, dans Quai des Orfèvres (1947), celui de la chanteuse Jenny Lamour trépidante sur scène, et dans la vie adorant son “biquet” (B. Blier). Un rôle où elle avait mis beaucoup d’elle-même, de ses souvenirs de début et de sa vie avec Clouzot (on se souviendra de son numéro: “Avec son tralala” ). Elle fut aussi Lady Paname (1949) pour Henri Jeanson, dans sa seule mise en scène, un personnage assez voisin du précédent et la partenaire de Laurel et Hardy dans leur dernier film, Atoll K (1951). La même année elle faisait un duo irrésistible avec François Périer, dans le sketch de Jeanson réalisé par Christian-Jaque pour Souvenirs perdus. Dans le registre dramatique, son plus grand rôle fut celui de la fille cynique de Pattes blanches (1948), chef-d’œuvre encore trop ignoré de Grémillon. Par la suite, il faut encore mentionner Gervaise (René Clément, 1955) et Rocco et ses frères (Rocco e i suoi fratelli, Visconti, 1960). Simultanément, Suzy Delair poursuivait une brillante carrière au théâtre, lyrique particulièrement. Mais on doit regretter que le cinéma français n’ait pas su employer davantage ce tempérament dramatique exceptionnel, fait d’une authentique verve populaire.
QUAI DES ORFÈVRES – Henri-Georges Clouzot (1947) – Louis Jouvet, Suzy Delair, Bernard Blier, Simone Renant
PATTES BLANCHES de Jean Grémillon (1949), avec Suzy Delair, Fernand Ledoux, Paul Bernard, Arlette Thomas et Michel Bouquet
LADY PANAMA est un film français réalisé par Henri Jeanson, sorti en 1950 avec Louis Jouvet, Suzy Delair, Jane Marken
MICHELINE PRESLE est née Micheline Chassagne à Paris, en 1922. Elle connut ses premiers succès au début de la guerre et de l’Occupation avec Paradis perdu (1939) de Gance et La Comédie du bonheur (1940) de L’Herbier. Ce furent ensuite deux films du même, Histoire de rire (1941) et La Nuit fantastique (1942), suivis de deux créations importantes qui ne sortirent qu’après la Libération, Félicie Nanteuil (1942) de Marc Allégret et Falbalas (1944) de Jacques Becker. Jeune fille ou jeune femme, parfois hésitant entre les deux, tous ses personnages sont marqués de sa forte personnalité et d’un talent aussi heureux dans le registre comique que dans le dramatique. Ces qualités se confirmèrent dans le fameux Diable au corps (1946), d’Autant-Lara, ou dans L’Amour d’une femme (1953) de Grémillon. Les Américains la remarquèrent et elle fut engagée à Hollywood où elle ne fit pas grand-chose, sauf “le plus mauvais film de Fritz Lang” (Pierre Rissient). Par contre, elle fut excellente dans un fameux film anglais de Losey, L’Enquête de l’inspecteur Morgan (Chance Meeting, 1959). Longtemps fiancée à Louis Jourdan, elle fut aussi mariée avec Bill Marshall, ex-mari de Michèle Morgan.
BOULE DE SUIF de Christian-Jaque (1945) avec Micheline Presle, Louis Salou et Berthe Bovy
LE DIABLE AU CORPS – Claude Autant-Lara (1947) avec Gérard Philipe, Micheline Presle, Denise Grey, Jean Debucourt
LA BELLE DE PARIS (Under My Skin) Jean Negulesco (1950) avec John Garfield et Micheline Presle
BERNARD BLIER (né en 1916 et décédé en 1989) a imposé sa rondeur joviale dans d’innombrables films. Élève de la classe de Louis Jouvet au Conservatoire, il débute au théâtre et décroche quelques petits rôles au cinéma à la veille de la guerre (Hôtel du Nord, Le Jour se lève). Il atteint le vedettariat pendant l’Occupation, dans plusieurs films où il impose une drôle de silhouette de jeune premier maigre (à cause des restrictions) et au front dégarni. On le découvre ainsi dans L’Assassinat du Père Noël (1941) et La Symphonie fantastique (1941) de Christian-Jaque, dans La Nuit fantastique (1941) de L’Herbier, dans Marie Martine (1942) d’Albert Valentin et dans Les Petites du quai aux Fleurs (1943) de Marc Allégret. Après la guerre, sa silhouette s’épaissira progressivement de film en film, ce qui ne l’empêche pas de garder la vedette jusqu’aux abords de la quarantaine, dans des œuvres aussi diverses que Orfèvres (Clouzot, 1947), L’Ecole buissonnière (Le Chanois, 1948), Sans laisser d’adresse (Le Chanois, 1950) ou Le Dossier noir (Cayatte, 1955). L’âge venu, Bernard Blier deviendra un remarquable acteur de composition, dans les registres les plus variés, passant du drame à la comédie avec le même succès, et ses rôles ne se comptent plus. Il excelle dans la méchanceté où son apparente bonhomie lui permet de saisissantes créations. Il a été plusieurs fois dirigé par son fils, le réalisateur Bertrand Blier Buffet froid 1980.
HÔTEL DU NORD – Marcel Carné (1938) – Louis Jouvet, Annabella, Arletty, Jean-Pierre Aumont, Bernard Blier
LE SEPTIEME JURE de Georges Lautner (1962) d’après le roman de Francis Didelot avec Bernard Blier, Danièle Delorme
QUAI DES ORFÈVRES – Henri-Georges Clouzot (1947) – Louis Jouvet, Suzy Delair, Bernard Blier, Simone Renant
DANIÈLE DELORME (Danièle Girard) a débuté à seize ans, dans de petits rôles que lui confiait Marc Allégret dans ses films. Elle se fit remarquer dès Les Petites du quai aux Fleurs, (1943), aux côtés d’un autre débutant Gérard Philipe. Après quelques silhouettes encore épisodiques dans divers films, elle fit ses débuts de grande vedette grâce à Colette, qui la choisit pour incarner Gigi (1949) dans la version de Jacqueline Audry. Encadrée de deux fameux monstres sacrés, Gaby Morlay et Yvonne de Bray, elle était parfaitement à l’aise, et ce fut la gloire immédiate. Son physique et sa voix de ravissante ingénue, un peu acide, firent merveille dans toute une série de films de valeur malheureusement inégale. A part Miquette et sa mère (1949), seule tentative comique de Clouzot, les meilleurs furent encore ceux de la série de J. Audry-Colette : Minne, l’ingénue libertine (1950) et Mitsou (1956), On peut aussi y ajouter Sans laisser d’adresse (Le Chanois, 1950), La Jeune Folle (Y. Allégret, 1952) et Voici le temps des assassins (Duvivier, 1955). D’abord mariée à Daniel Gélin, elle épousa ensuite le réalisateur-producteur comédien Yves Robert, dont elle partage les activités. Productrice avisée, on ne compte plus ses succès. De temps à autre on la retrouve dans un film, toujours étonnamment juvénile, notamment dans les œuvres de son mari (Un Eléphant ça trompe énormément, 1976).
MIQUETTE ET SA MERE d’Henri-Georges Clouzot (1950) – Bourvil et Danièle Delorme
VOICI LE TEMPS DES ASSASSINS de Julien Duvivier (1956) avec Jean Gabin, Danièle Delorme, Gérard Blain, Lucienne Bogaert, Germaine Kerjean
GIGI de Jacqueline Audry (1949), adaptation du roman éponyme de Colette, Gigi avec Danièle Delorme, Gaby Morlay, Jean Tissier, Franck Villard
DANIEL GÉLIN (né en 1921 et décédé en 2002) a mis près de dix ans avant de devenir un des jeunes premiers les plus aimés du public des années 50. Quasi-figurant à la veille de la guerre, il obtient quelques bouts de rôle, souvent minuscules, pendant l’Occupation. On l’entrevoit ainsi dans Premier Rendez-vous (1941) de Decoin ou dans Lucrèce (1942) de Léo Joannon. Après 1945, ses rôles s’étoffent dans des films secondaires comme Martin Roumagnac (1946) de Lacombe ou Le Mannequin assassiné (1947) de Pierre de Hérain. En 1949, Jacques Becker en fait une vedette, en lui confiant le rôle principal de Rendez-vous de juillet, son grand film sur la jeunesse d’après-guerre. Son succès personnel est très grand, et le pose en rival de Gérard Philipe alors en pleine gloire. Leur confrontation dans La Ronde (1950) d’Ophuls, semble même tourner à son avantage. Plusieurs bons films vont achever de consacrer Daniel Gélin qui, dans la vie, forme avec Danièle Delorme le nouveau couple-vedette du cinéma français. Ce sont d’abord deux délicieuses comédies de Jacques Becker, son metteur en scène fétiche : Édouard et Caroline (1950) et Rue de l’Estrapade (1952). Ce sont aussi le grand succès de Delannoy, Dieu a besoin des hommes (1950), le troisième sketch (Le Modèle) du Plaisir d’Ophuls (1951) et Napoléon de Guitry (1954), dans lequel il incarne Bonaparte jeune. Comme réalisateur, Daniel Gélin a dirigé Les Dents longues (1952), avec Danièle Delorme et lui-même en vedettes, film qui n’était pas sans qualités.
RENDEZ-VOUS DE JUILLET Jacques Becker (1949) avec Daniel Gélin, Nicole Courcel, Brigitte Auber, Maurice Ronet
RETOUR DE MANIVELLE de Denys de La Patellière (1957), adapté du roman éponyme de James Hadley Chase avec Michèle Morgan, Daniel Gélin, Bernard Blier, Peter van Eyck
LA RONDE de Max Ophüls (1950), le scénario du film est tiré de La Ronde, une pièce de théâtre de l’écrivain autrichien Arthur Schnitzler avec Jean-Louis Barrault, Danielle Darrieux, Daniel Gélin, Fernand Gravey, Odette Joyeux, Gérard Philipe, Simone Signoret, Simone Simon
DANY ROBIN (née en 1927) commença par décrocher un premier prix du Conservatoire de danse et se produisit à l’Opéra. Puis elle étudia la comédie et décrocha également un premier prix de Conservatoire. Marc Allégret la fit débuter dans un petit rôle de Lunegarde (1944), puis on la remarqua dans Les Portes de la nuit (1946) de Carné et dans une scène du Silence est d’or de Clair (1946). Le public apprécia rapidement son jeu aigu et son physique de blonde ingénue souriante. Elle forma longtemps un couple idéal avec Georges Marchal, beau jeune premier à la mode, et tourna de nombreux films, où malheureusement les chefs-d’œuvre sont rares. De son abondante filmographie, il faut retenir : Les Amoureux sont seuls au monde (Decoin, 1947), La Soif des hommes (S. de Poligny, 1949) en compagnie de Georges Marchal et de la pathétique Andrée Clément, Deux Sous de violettes (1951), un film réalisé par Jean Anouilh, trop oublié des historiens, La Fête à Henriette (Duvivier, 1952), Julietta (1953), jolie réussite de Marc Allégret d’après Louise de Vilmorin, Frou-Frou (Genina, 1954). Dans Napoléon (1954) de Guitry, elle était Désirée Clary, la fiancée abandonnée de Bonaparte. Plus tard elle fut la partenaire de Peter Sellers, dans un film anglais tiré d’une pièce d’Anouilh, Les Femmes du général (The Waltz of the Toreadors, 1962). Elle fut aussi une des rares Françaises à avoir l’honneur d’être dirigée par le grand Hitchcock dans L’Etau (Topaz, 1969).
LA FETE A HENRIETTE de Julien Duvivier (1952) avec Dany Robin, Michel Auclair, Michel Roux, Henri Crémieux, Louis Seigner
LES AMOUREUX SONT SEULS AU MONCE d’ Henri Decoin (1948) avec Louis Jouvet, Dany Robin, Renée Devillers
JULIETTA de  Marc Allégret (1953) avec Jean Marais, Dany Robin, Jeanne Moreau, Denise Grey
A voir également
  Ce n'est pas le moindre des paradoxes de l'Occupation à de nombreux jeunes acteurs de se révéler au public. La plupart rapidement au vedettariat au cours des années 50, mais si on excepte quelques chefs-d’œuvre fulgurants, Ils seront souvent mal employés. Ce n'est pas le moindre des paradoxes de l'Occupation à de nombreux jeunes acteurs de se révéler au public.
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