#mod zephyr
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With gold stims
For anon
x / x / x | x / o / x | x / x / x
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firecrackerstein · 2 years
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the greatest birthday present <3
-mod zephyr (from mod mads)
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New portraits for the main group! I also did end up updating their descriptions a little bit (most noticeably Edd and Tord). You can find full profiles on the Character page.
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polyquestria · 2 months
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bringing back something near and dear to my heart
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nataliesartprofile · 29 days
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Aww yiss,-The Spitting Image-...so far
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If there's a tie, are you hosting the Train Wedding
yes, but I am literally physically unable to draw right now so someone else is going to have to Photoshop them together in MS paint
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mylittlefusions · 1 year
Applebloom and zephyr breeze?
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I love making strange pairs work! This is Zinnia Blossom - they're really into making cosmetics, but haven't quite earned their cutie mark yet.
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hopefulhaven · 6 months
I get a forked tongue shift every once in a while but despite how fun and affirming it would be I don't think I could ever get a body mod like that.... not only would I be scared out of my mind and haate the healing process but the looks I would get.... sigh
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lanceappreciationblog · 7 months
I think Lance has a number hand-made/-embroidered capes that have been sent to him by fans! Anything from kids first trying their hands at sewing to someone's grandma making a fully hand quilted masterwork.
Aww, cute!! He probably has so many really unique capes and yet he decides to wear the same one everyday. 😭
I like to imagine he shows up to a tournament wearing the cape one of the kid's made who made him and that kid so happens to be in the crowds and absolutely freaks out that he's actually wearing it.
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sun-marie · 9 months
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Thought I'd share this here to but I DID A THING!! :D
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toontykes · 1 year
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Happy New Years from the Tykes!
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With stims resembling old pokémon games
For @savebatsfromscratch
x / x / x | x / o / x | x / x / x
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wraithsoutlaws · 2 years
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- “Ashley Zephyr Zaide, black marketeer also known as Jellyfish—” - “I never approved that name, by the way. I wanna go on record saying that wasn’t my idea...” - “No, of course not. Perhaps Rat is more appropriate.” - “Well I was thinking something more in line with a jungle cat, but sure, be a dick about it.”
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kitsuxiv · 8 months
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I've been enjoying this little cutie since I reworked my main
Hoping to get him more exposed to the RP side of XIV~
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Linked Keys Febuwhump
Day 12- "Can you hear me?"
How the hell did I manage to get into this situation? Warriors asked himself as he tumbled through the air, body curled tightly around his son so that, at the very least, he would be protected from whatever awaited the two of them at the bottom. Warriors had done everything he could to slow their fall: firing his hookshot at any place they could find purchase on the cliff walls, and if nothing else, kicking off the rocks to change their momentum horizontally instead of straight down for just a bit. That was honestly probably why, when Wars did hit the bottom, he was only badly injured; not killed.
“Dad!” Mask cried, jumping up from his place in his father’s arms.
“‘M okay, Sprite…” He groaned, “R-Relatively.” He tried his hardest to assess his own condition, though he couldn’t move much, let alone stand up. His right ankle was at least sprained and the same shoulder and collarbone either broken or dislocated, if the throbbing pain and inability to move them was anything to go by. His head was pounding, and he could hardly see straight. He could hardly see his kid right there in front of him, and he had the suspicion that the sticky wetness slowly dribbling down from his forehead was blood. At least Mask seemed to be fine, though. That was all he really cared about, even if the rest of it was highly unfortunate to say the least.
“S-Stay here! I’m gonna go on ahead and try to find a way back to the others!” Mask said. Warriors would have tried to stop him… if he could move. But he couldn’t, and so he had no choice but to watch the kid run off into the unknown darkness of this ravine they’d fallen into. He tried to remind himself that Mask was just as much— if not more of— a hero as he was, and knew how to take care of himself. But he couldn’t stop himself from worrying nonetheless. He supposed this was just part of the parenting experience.
Soon, the kid’s fairy partner Navi joined them at the bottom. Warriors was glad to have some company, even if he knew the fairy should be with Mask instead. Still, she insisted on staying with him instead. Maybe because she knew he needed her more. He had considered drinking the one potion he had on him, but decided to wait. He might need it later on, and besides, Mask should be back any minute, leading the others to where Warriors had been forced to remain in his broken condition.
Any minute…
Warriors may not have the ability to tell the time perfectly like Mask and his older counterpart did, but the kid sure was taking a long time.
How long had it been now? An hour? Two hours? Longer? Mask should be back by now…
Something was wrong. Warriors could tell. His dad instincts were screaming at him to go check on his child right this fucking second.
Without missing a beat, he slammed the potion so he'd at least be able to walk, and hobbled off in the direction Mask had gone, Navi trailing along behind him. Warriors called out for his son, but received no answer other than his own echo. He called again and again, and so did Navi. But not a single time did they hear any sort of response from the kid. Warriors was beginning to panic.
"Mask! LINK!!! Can you hear me?! Say something!" He shouted. This time he did hear something, but it was not what he wanted to hear. A light crackling sound came from up ahead. There was a slight glow shining through what appeared to be water.
"A B-Bari!" Navi cried. Warriors, thinking quickly, threw his boomerang into the water, taking out the electric jellyfish creature in one swift blow. But there was something else in the water. Something floating on the surface. Navi must have noticed as well, because she moved closer to see what it was. In the light that she shed, Warriors could finally see, and was horrified.
A soaking wet green tunic. A mess of blond, middle-parted hair. Leather boots that were far too big for the one wearing them. Lying motionless on the surface of the water was the very same person Warriors and Navi were searching for: Mask.
"No, no, no, no… Oh goddesses, Sprite!" He dove into the water without a second thought, wrapping his arms around the kid and dragging him towards the shore before climbing out and hauling his son out of the dark, cold pond. He hoped it was just the blue light from the fairy's body, but the kid looked terribly pale. Red splotches covered most of his skin, identifiable as likely being electrical burns.
But the worst part is, he didn't seem to be breathing. As Warriors realized this, he quickly checked for a pulse… and found none. Not in his wrist, not in his neck… Warriors hoped he was just feeling in the wrong spots due to his panic and the lack of light. His kid couldn't be dead, he just couldn't! In hopes of proving himself wrong, he pressed his ear against the boy's chest. Silence. There was no heartbeat. No breathing.
"Fuck! No, no, NO! Hylia, please no!" He wailed. It occurred to him that it might not be too late. Maybe Mask could still be revived. Warriors knew this was risky and would almost certainly result in a few broken ribs for the kid. He didn't want to hurt his son, he never wanted to do anything that would hurt Mask… but he'd take that over the thought of losing his boy forever. Interlocking his fingers with one hand on top of the other, he pressed against Mask's chest repeatedly in a steady rhythm, fighting the urge to cry as he felt one of the poor kid's ribs crack after only 10 compressions.
After 30 of them, he gave two breaths to try and push air into the kid's lungs. At first nothing noticeable happened. He must have been too waterlogged to take in very much air. He couldn't hold the tears back any longer as he continued the compressions. Desperation was growing by the second. This had to work. He could not lose his son like this.
"Come on, Sprite, don't do this to me!!!" He begged, proceeding to try to inflate the kid's lungs a second time. Again, no effect. More chest compressions. More fragile child ribs cracking beneath the Captain's hands as he continued forcing the kid's heart to beat.
"Please don't do this to me," he repeated, now sobbing uncontrollably, "Breathe, kiddo! I need you to breathe! I need you to come back… Please come back to me, Sprite…!"
Finally, after what felt like an eternity— the most painful eternity of Warriors' life— Mask's body convulsed as he began coughing up the water in his lungs, taking in air to replace it. His father could feel his heartbeat again, weak as it was, and another wave of tears flowed down his cheeks, this time from relief. Carefully turning the kid onto his side so he wouldn't choke, Warriors never thought he'd ever be so happy to hear his kid coughing and hacking like this. But the fact was that it was infinitely better than the alternative. At least he was breathing. At least he was alive.
"Holy shit, kid you scared me half to death…" Warriors sobbed as he gently took the child's weak, limp body into his arms as soon as the coughing lessened, holding him as close as he could without making either of their injuries worse, "Thank the goddesses you're alive… I don't think I could take it if I lost you." He was aware the kid probably couldn't hear him, but he needed to get that out anyway. He just sat there, holding his son and crying, for a solid few minutes.
"Mask? Warriors?" A voice echoed through the cave. It was Zephyr. Hope and relief once again swelled up inside the captain, "Hey! Can you hear me?! Where are you two?!"
Warriors tried to stand up, lifting Mask up with him, but with the adrenaline and desperation fading away, his shoulder ached more than before. Still, he managed to tie a knot in his scarf and slip it over his head like a sling, but instead of using it for his arm he carefully slipped the child's legs through it to help hold him up, supporting his head and neck with his good arm. This would have to do for now. Slowly he got to his feet and stumbled off into the darkness, following his partner's voice until at last the winged figure came into view.
"W-We're right here…!"
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hey sorry but we accidentally turned your boyfriend into a creature of fire and magesty. Yeah, there's no going back. Sorry about what he is :/ he might become violent and magnificent tho! Sorry.
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