#mo banerjee
cometcrystal · 2 years
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the original pics of the lemonade mouth members from the old website. wanted to save them somewhere before they were lost forever
heres the source, but it’s on flash, you’ll have to use a browser that supports flash. there’s fun little character profiles too but i’d have to transcribe them
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freezegirl · 5 months
Khione grew up with Lemonade Mouth. Mohini Banerjee and Stella Yamada were the first Asian people she saw on tv, in anything, ever. And more importantly, they were the first queer Asian people she saw on tv, in anything, ever. Going to the Lemonade Mouth concert in Madison Square Garden was one of the best experiences in her life. The band's on hiatus now and everyone's scattered to the wind but Khione always thought that there was something between several bandmembers at some point - especially Stella and Mohini. It was never confirmed nor denied. But Khione secretly always thought that Stella and Mohini would be cute together.
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chaoticsoft · 1 year
long, rambly post about this past year under the cut
Taking stock of this year because I can't help it. I love the clean slate a fresh January offers. I love looking backward and forward for just a moment to decide what to keep and what to let go of.
On paper, this year was a lot of disappointment. I didn't get into a phd program. We tried repeatedly to move out of the area, but the opportunities presented were never quite the right fit. I still have issues with the tendons in both my hands that, despite occupational therapy, still haven't quite resolved yet.
This summer I was pretty depressed from not being able to use my hands to do the things I love, like cooking, playing video games, writing. Thankfully that has gradually improved somewhat, but even when I was in the midst of it, I still kept finding little sources of joy to help me get through. I learned to read and write in Persian (I'm not great at it, mind you, but I can actually tell what most things say now!). And I guess... for me, that's resiliency. It's looking for those bits of light where they can be found, because they are there. I'm grateful that I've finally learned to (stubbornly) look.
I didn't progress as far in Spanish as I would have liked. In hindsight, it might be kind of unwise to try and learn two languages at once, even if they are completely different. I guess I'm probably going to have to pick one to focus on for a while, it's just a difficult choice. Spanish has my mind in that it fascinates me and I know more of it (I'm probably intermediate, if I had to say). But Persian has my heart. I'm learning it for love. Love of the culture, love for my people.
I know I said that on paper this year held a lot of disappointment, but the truth is that it's held a lot of inner breakthroughs for me. I don't want to go into too much detail about it but one huge, positive change I'm bringing with me into 2023 is finally letting go of the disordered eating patterns that have been passively sabotaging my life. I'd been really frustrated with myself this past year when I would have such little energy, when concentrating would be a struggle, when I could barely get through a book or a workout, when my short-term memory was piss-poor. Most days I was only eating like one small meal a day and then wondering why I felt so miserable. I knew I had issues with restriction, but it still took me four years in therapy to finally work up the courage to even be honest with my therapist about it. I've been working at unraveling it for probably 8 months or so and I've only just started, within the last 3 weeks, to actually eat enough food for a person of my size. And it is almost laughable, the difference it has made. It would be hilarious if it wasn't. I have energy now to concentrate and read books again, to work out for over twice as long as before, my memory's returned. I no longer feel like my default state is this vaguely sad haze. I feel like I have my body back.
If you are someone who restricts (or has any sort of dysfunction around eating), I hope in this new year you'll also take the steps to heal. I know the disorder lies to you and says that it's helping you, I know it says it's giving you a sense of control. But it only hurts you. It robs you of things you don't even fully realize until you get them back. Genuinely, the best thing I ever did was seek help. I'm tagging this to avoid triggering anyone, please let me know if I missed any tags.
As I said, I read sadly few books in 2022 but my top ones are definitely The Mistress of Spices by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni (this book *long, lingering chef's kiss*), Loose Woman and A House of My Own both by Sandra Cisneros (I devour her books in the bath like they're dark chocolate cherries, mango slices dipped in honey, or some other rich indulgence), and Who Fears Death by Nnedi Okorafor (what a fun, wild ride this book was, wow; for lack of a better comparison, it's kind of like Dune without all the colonial white savior bullshit). I just started Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison and it's really, really good so I may finish it before year's end but I'm not sure, so I won't count it lol. This coming year I hope to read and/or actually finish Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin, Cisneros's newest book of poetry Woman Without Shame, Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler, Dreamtigers by Jorge Luis Borges, and Braiding Sweet Grass by Robin Wall Kimmerer.
I've also resolved to cook more Persian food this year. Food is such a significant tie to a culture. Growing up, it was the only thing I experienced that made me "feel" Iranian as my Dad never really spoke the language to us or shared many of the customs. Those are all things I'm teaching myself as an adult. Still, it's time I mastered Persian cooking. I've already started working on it and I'm fairly pleased with my tahdig game already. :)
Anyway, I hope this past year has been kind to you. And even if it hasn't, I hope you're still able to sift for those glinting bits of good where they can be found. And even more, I hope for you a gentle year. A year that is soft and kind and healing.
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znewstech · 2 years
Dhankhar rewarded by BJP for antagonising Mamata Banerjee: West Bengal minister | India News
Dhankhar rewarded by BJP for antagonising Mamata Banerjee: West Bengal minister | India News
KOLKATA: Taking a swipe at West Bengal governor Jagdeep Dhankhar being made the NDA candidate for vice president, state minister Chandrima Bhattacharya on Sunday said that he has been rewarded by the BJP for antagonising chief minister Mamata Banerjee. Bhattacharya, the MoS for Health and Finance, said Dhankhar has been acting as a spokesperson of the BJP while adorning the governor’s chair. “He…
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literal-gay-trash · 7 years
what she says: i'm fine what she means: mohini "mo" banerjee from the disney channel original movie Lemonade Mouth should have gotten more solos and screen time and should not have been slept on by the majority of the fans also her storyline should not have focused so heavily on an average looking white boy who did not deserve her
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coachbeards · 7 years
i cant believe olivia white and mo banerjee are gfs
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politico24x7 · 3 years
क्या जय श्री राम शब्द बुनियादी मुद्दों रोटी ,कपड़ा से हार गया , पश्चिम बंगाल से ममता बैनर्जी की वापसी -
क्या जय श्री राम शब्द बुनियादी मुद्दों रोटी ,कपड़ा से हार गया , पश्चिम बंगाल से ममता बैनर्जी की वापसी –
  क्या जय श्री राम शब्द ही चुनाव घोषणा पत्र हैं – आख़िर जनता ने अब क्यों नकार दिया  : मंथन करें   पश्चिम बंगाल चुनाव में टी एम् सी 292 सीटों में से 209 पर बढ़त हासिल कर सरकार बनानें जा रही हैं जबकि लम्बे समय से पश्चिम बंगाल में सरकार बनाने के लियें भाजपा पुरजोर कोशिश के बाद भी 81 सीटो पर सिमटी नज़र आ रही हैं जबकि अन्य की 1 – 1 सीटो पर कब्ज़ा कर पाई हैं |   भाजपा या कहें संघ का एक ही नारा रहा हैं 1992…
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southsidelover · 6 years
"dance with me!" // :D
200 prompts meme + @doublebcssMusic was playing throughout their new office - the Blue and Gold. She had to say that Mo honestly looked far more at ease amongst the students at Riverdale High... not that it was a bad thing. Mo had never joined the Serpents despite enjoying the closeness that she had with Toni, a fact that didn’t chafe at her even if she did earn a few comments for the connection. But what did it matter? It wasn’t their business as to who she chose to associate with freely, her lips curving into a smile when she saw the other female wondering around the halls, her expression all lit up with happiness. This was probably what she was used to before she’d ever come to Riverdale... Lucky her, though she managed to convince the brunette to follow after with her to the Blue and Gold. Jughead and Betty, both, suspended now due to the article that he’d run, and Toni couldn’t find it exactly a terrible thing for him to understand the depths of what publishing what had been HER grandfather’s story could mean. The bullshit about the lawsuit, the rest of it was crap but... the empty office just for them (Kevin was off interviewing someone for his gossip column) kind of felt just right. Exhaling as she turned up the music, Mo’s voice cutting through it all with a suddenness. Wanting to laugh but Toni grinned, standing up.The perfect gentleman when she wanted to be, letting the song play on as she moved to take hold of Mo’s hands in her own, gently coaxing her into a spin. Drawing her close - this was hardly a song to dance to, but they’d make do, a grin on her face. “Impressed yet?”
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goneshe · 3 years
me, following @snnydcys and @drmactr: guess it’s time to write one (1) mohini ‘mo’ banerjee into the swac / tsr / mackenzie falls universe. 
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dvarapala · 4 years
nickname : tessa
star   sign : taurus
height : 5′6″
favourite   music   artist : to quote dante: “i literally cannot choose”
last   tv   show   you   watched : supernatural
what   kind   of   stuff   do   you   post :  to quote dante once more: “mostly just replies mixed with aesthetics & other visuals”
any   other   blogs  ? : see below
@nosestealer​ - lou ellen blackstone from the riordanverse / headcanon based
@daayaan - rohini persaud / oc, protagonist of the wip ‘the daayani chronicles’
@goneshe - lemonade mouth’s mohini ‘mo’ banerjee / low activity
@padmatical​ -hp’s padma patil / currently inactive 
@firefavoring and @heartgcardian - taranee and will from w.i.t.c.h. / the former is inactive and the latter is low activity based
why   did   you   choose   your   url  ? :  the one i wanted was taken and so i stuck with this one
hogwarts   house :  a ravenpuff but i’m also still mad at jkr so alternatively: i’m from the earth kingdom and my favorite skater in spinning out is jennifer yu
pokemon   team :  the red one
favourite   colour :  blue
how   many   blankets   do   you   sleep   with  : 1
tagged by: @cardshcrp
tagging:  you !
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lovelyllamasblog · 5 years
VLD Disney Movie AU is Lemonade Mouth (’07/’11)
Two dates: 2007 is the year that the book that inspired the movie that came out in 2011
Parenthesis (): the names that are in (), ex: (Whitehead), are the names that were in the books, while the names outside, ex: “White”, were used in the movie
Characters as cast below the cut
Lemonade Mouth
(Princess) Allura Altea as Olivia White (Whitehead), the lead singer of the band, Lemonade Mouth. Allura is a shy and book loving girl who an excellent singer. Allura finds herself in detention after getting caught between Pidge and Hunk’s science experiment, Lance and Matt’s prank, and Keith’s recent fist fight. When they start singing together with the instruments in the music room, they start a band with the encouragement from Coran, the music teacher. Allura ends up with a sore throat from all the singing the group has been doing, but they come through and win the band competition, Rising Star.
Matt Holt as Wendell (Wendel) “Wen” Gifford, the group’s pianist and rapper. Matt attends Garrison High School with his younger sibling Katie/Pidge and is great friends with Lance. He and Shiro go way back, but their friendship fell apart after Shiro joined Lotor’s band. He and Lance soon became friends after they found that they both have a habit of pulling pranks. Their most recent prank, mixing bubble bath solution with the sprinkler system, got everyone involved with Lemonade Mouth caught in the aftermath. With the threat of expulsion looming over his head for the pranks, Matt vows to stay out of trouble, but finds himself joining Lemonade Mouth to help his new friends. However, Matt ends up injuring his eye, and finds it impossible to stay positive like his younger sibling. After Lemonade Mouth wins Rising Star, he and Shiro make up and the band goes on tour.
Keith Kogane as M!Stella Yamada (Penn), the guitarist for the band Lemonade Mouth. Keith is known as Shiro’s younger brother, as well as the Garrison’s resident trouble maker. He often gets into fights with other students, which is mainly since mainly due his fierce temper. Keith is placed in detention because of a physical fight with Zethrid. Principle Zarkon promised him that the next time he steps out of line, he will be expelled. He is originally against joining the band, but Keith ends up joining Lemonade Mouth at the Halloween Bash as their guitarist, simply stating that he “had nothing better to do.” Before the Rising Star’s competition, Keith gets into another fight with Zethrid, landing him a suspension. Keith sneaks out of the house to join Lemonade Mouth at the band competition, Rising Star.
Lance McClain as M!Mohini “Mo” Banjaree (Banerjee), the group’s bassist and back up singer. Lance is a terrible flirt and accomplish of Matt Holt, one of his closest friends. He is known to be fluent in Spanish and often gets out of trouble scotch free, but after getting caught in the aftermath of their most recent prank, Lance gets detention along with everyone else. When everyone meets in the music room for the first time, Lance picks up a bass guitar and starts singing, which prompts everyone else to follow suit. When Lance sees that his boyfriend, Keith’s brother, Shiro, is “flirting” with Lotor’s bandmate, Acxa, Lance takes offense and dumps him. When Rising Star is right around the corner however, Lance catches a cold and can’t bring himself to come. After the competition, Shiro apologizes to Lance and they make up, but decide not to be in a relationship, as the two felt that they were slowly drifting apart and Lance sets him up with their classmate Adam.
Hunk Garrett as Charles “Charlie” Delgado (Hirsch), Lemonade Mouth’s drummer and peace keeper. Hunk is known as a big boy with an equally big heart, if not bigger. He is in a serious relationship with his classmate, Shay. Hunk and Pidge were working on their science fair project when it went terribly wrong, causing the entire school building to lose power. He ends up joining the band after Pidge pesters him into joining. After joining Lemonade Mouth, Hunk starts to gain more confidence and begins to stand up for himself, his friends, and his girlfriend. However, he ends up breaking his fingers and is unable to play. He suggests forfeiting the competition but Pidge refuses to let them admit defeat to Lotor. At Rising Star, the band is unable to harmonize correctly, but the audience ends up helping them by singing along, allowing them to win. Lemonade Mouth later tours the country, and the band decides to let Shay tag along as their costume designer, booker, and manager.
Katie Holt/Pidge Gunderson is the band’s mixer and firecracker. Pidge is small, fierce and smart, as they often get the top score on every test. Pidge is a lover of science, and is often at odds with Principle Zarkon and his views on sports. Pidge is an scientific genius, and would like for Zarkon to focus on other subjects that are not sport related. After their science project with Hunk causes the school to short circuit, they get detention along with everyone else. When Lance starts playing, Pidge joins in by thumping their hands and fingers on their desk, keeping the rhythm of the song. When they see Lotor picking on Allura in the lunchroom, Pidge spits lemonade in his face, giving the band their name. Unlike the others, Pidge is the only one uninjured and refuses to let the band bow down to “people like Zarkon and Lotor, who look down on people”. They act like the band’s glue that keeps them together, and encourages them to keep playing, even through everyone’s injuries and rough spots.
The Galra Empire
Lotor Galra as Ray Beech, the lead singer for the band, The Galra Empire and the son of the school’s principal, Zarkon. Lotor comes off as kind and polite to the teachers and staff, but it actually rude and demeaning to anyone else. Much like Pidge and Allura, Lotor is a star student, but he also excels in sports as well, making him stand seemingly above everyone else. He is a long time tormentor and bully of Lemonade Mouth from before they all met and inadvertently gave the band their name when Pidge spit lemonade in his face, calling her “lemonade mouth”. Keith’s brother, Shiro, is also part of his band as a guitarist, along with Acxa (guitar), Ezor (bass), Natri (piano), and Zethrid (drums). Natri’s cat, Kova, acts as the band’s mascot.
Takashi “Shiro” Shirogane as Scott Pickett, the guitarist for Lotor’s band, The Galra Empire and later rhythm guitarist for Lemonade Mouth. Shiro is dating Lance in the beginning, but when Lance sees Acxa talking (“flirting” in Lance’s eyes) with Shiro, Lance takes offense to that and ends their relationship. He tries to patch things up, but Lance repeatedly rebuffs him. When Lemonade Mouth is unable to perform properly during Rising Star, Shiro leaves Lotor’s band and joins Lemonade Mouth on stage, later joining as their rhythm guitarist after they win. He and Lance manage to patch things up, but decide that they were never meant to be and Lance sets him up on a date with their classmate Adam, since Lance knew that Shiro had some growing affections for him.
Acxa as Sydney, one of Lotor’s followers and guitarist of his band. Unlike the other members of Lotor’s gang, Acxa is not mean spirited or a bully, though she can come off as harsh at times. She is a star student like Lotor and captain of the girl’s soccer team. She doesn’t always agree with Lotor’s views on the other students but will usually stay quiet if it means that she doesn’t become a target. Acxa is more likely to stop a fight from happening then to encourage or start one.
Zethrid as Patty Morris, another of Lotor’s followers and the drummer of his band. Zethrid is the most violent of Lotor’s gang, always looking to instigate a fight with someone, especially with Keith since he’s easy to provoke. She is the captain of the girl’s hockey team and is ruthless on the ice. She is in a relationship with fellow band member Ezor.
Ezor as Moxie Morris, Lotor’s follower and the bass-guitarist of The Galra Empire. Ezor is known for mocking other students and for her high class ponytails that “could rival Ariana Grande” (quote from Lance). Ezor is the captain of the girl’s volleyball team. She is known to parkour to school sometimes. She doesn’t get into fights as much as her girlfriend Zethrid, but she does enjoy putting people in their place.
Natri as Brenda, one of the Lotor’s followers who is on the quiet side. She plays the piano in Lotor’s band and her cat, Kova, is the band’s default mascot. Unlike the others, she doesn’t play any sports nor does she partake in bullying or harassing other students. She just prefers to think that it just doesn’t happen.
Garrison High School
Zarkon as Principal Stanley Brenigan, the Garrison High School principal and main antagonist of the story. Zarkon is someone who loves sports and physical education, and often pushes the arts to the side. He comes into conflict with Pidge over their love of science and the oppressed manner that the students and art teachers are placed in due to his rules. Zarkon’s son Lotor also attends the school and often gets special treatment, since Zarkon looks past his bullying and will blame other students, Lotor’s victims, for acts his son committed. He tries to keep Lemonade Mouth from playing but the power of the students music is too great for him to keep back.
Coran as Mr. Reznick, the school’s eccentric music teacher who encourages the group to form Lemonade Mouth after they all play music together in detention. He is known to be a quirky and fun teacher who is often seen getting into arguments with Zarkon over his rules and clear favoritism. Coran is also known for having a great mustache and giving strange advice to students.
Haggar as Mel, the creator of Lemon Crush, the lemonade that gave the group their name. She a mysterious person who appears to be related to Zarkon in some way. Allura suspects that she might also be related to Lotor in some way.
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odishaphotos · 2 years
Jyoti Ranjan Nayak
Oriya fiction actor Jyoti Ranjan Nayak is an Oriya film actor.
She made her acting debut in Oriya fiction in 2016. Jyoti acted as the protagonist of the Oriya short story Mitha Mitha after winning the program, which was organized by Srikant Gautam and won the Mitha Mitha duo, but the film was delayed in its release. Jyoti's first release in the world of Oriya fiction was Dele Dhara Katha Sur. He later starred in films like Nijhum Raati Saathi, Dil Ka Raja, Tu Mo Hiro.
Early life-- Jyoti Ranjan was studying engineering in Chennai. During this time he tried to act in Tamil films but was unsuccessful.
Acting life-- Jyoti Ranjan was selected to work in a Tamil film while studying engineering in Chennai, but dropped out of the film as he did not speak Tamil. Later, when he came to Odisha, he participated in and won the Colors Oriya program Sweet Sweets. The Oriya short story Mitha Mitha was made with the winning couple at the event. The film was directed by Srikkanth Gautam. The film stars Jyoti's co-stars Ankita, Sambhav, Shraddha, Rajesh and Prakriti Mishra. The release of the film was delayed. Three other Oriya short stories have already been released before the film's release.
Jyoti's first release in the world of Oriya fiction was Dele Dhara Katha Sur. The film was directed by Srilendra Mishra. The film stars Jyoti's wife Malvika Banerjee in the lead role. The film stars Jyoti's friends Ajit Das, Mahasweta Roy, Meenakethan, Bobby Mishra, Prithviraj and Priyanka Mohapatra.
During the New Year 2018, Jyoti's nightmare partner was released. The film was directed by Sanjay Nayak. Tamanna played the role of Jyoti's co-star in the film. The film stars Chandan, Satyabrata Tripathi, Premananda Parida, Pallavi, Sonali, Suman and Biju Badjena.
He later starred in Dilip Raja, an Oriya short story directed by Dilip Panda. The film stars Pinky Priyadarshini and Deepika in the lead roles. The film stars Uttam Mohanty, Mihir Das, Pradyumna Lenka and Pappu Pum Pum. The film was released in February. Her first feature film, Mitha Mitha, was released in May.
During Diwali 2017, Jyoti's 5th film Tu Mo Hiro was released. The film was directed by Dilip Panda. Jhilik Bhattacharya played the role of Jyoti's heroine in the film. The film stars Jyoti's actors Subashish Sharma, Mihir Das and Saroj Das.
In January 2018, Elena Samantara played the role of Jyoti's co-star in Tarang Cine Production's Happy Lucky. The film also stars actor Sambit Acharya and newcomer Sasmita Piyali Sahu in the lead roles. The film was directed by Sudhanshu Mohan Sahu. The film stars Mihir Das, Bobby Mishra, Pradyumna Lenka, Prithviraj Nayak and Chowdhury Vikas Das. Jyoti Jhilik's starring role in the film Ole Ole Dil Bole, which was released during the 2016 summer solstice. The film was directed by Kailash Mohapatra.
Then, on November 23 of that year, Jyoti's two feature films, Tu Feria and Pyaar, were released on the same day.
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fast1997 · 3 years
'A New Dawn!' TMC Kicks Offs Goa Match with Two Goals
‘A New Dawn!’ TMC Kicks Offs Goa Match with Two Goals
Boxing champion Lenny D’Gama and former footballer Denzil Franco have officially joined the Goa Trinamool Congress in Saligao on Saturday. A grand induction ceremony was organised by the Goa TMC and party flags were handed over to the new entrants by MoS Sports and youth affairs of West Bengal Manoj Tiwari, TMC MP Prasun Banerjee and Goa TMC leader Yatish Naik. Addressing the media after their…
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eveningclouds · 3 years
Harry talking about med schools desirry proof
at this point he should replace mo banerjee in lemonade mouth
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tehelkatv · 3 years
S8 women and 7 minority MLAs among Mamata’s 43 ministers
KOLKATA: Chief minister Mamata Banerjee has struck a fine balance between experience and fresh faces, packing her council of 43 ministers with eight women and seven members from the minority community. While handpicking her team, Banerjee has had an eye on district representation. She has also undertaken some major changes in portfolio distribution, possibly based on public feedback.
Like earlier, the CM has kept for herself a few key departments such as home, Hill affairs, health and family welfare, land and land reforms, refugee relief and rehabilitation, information and culture, and north Bengal development.
Glimpses at oath taking ceremony @MamataOfficial https://t.co/oocSDmxoDu— Governor West Bengal Jagdeep Dhankhar (@jdhankhar1)
She has passed on minority development and madrasa education to Ghulam Rabbani, three-time MLA from Goalpokhor in North Dinajpur. Under the new arrangement, higher education goes to Bratya Basu, like it was before Partha Chatterjee had taken over, and school education to former Left Front minister-turned-Trinamool MLA Paresh Adhikary. Retired IPS-turned-Trinamool MLA Humayun Kabir is the new technical education minister. Both Adhikary and Kabir are ministers of state. Chandrima Bhattacharya has got independent charge of urban development and municipal affairs, along with her responsibilities as MoS health, land reforms. Amit Mitra will look after finance. He has been relieved of the commerce industry portfolio that has been assigned to Partha Chatterjee, other than parliamentary affairs. Former urban development minister and Kolkata ex-mayor Firhad Hakim is the new transport and housing minister. Aroop Biswas will handle power, sports and youth affairs while former power minister Sobhandeb Chattopadhyay will manage the agriculture department. Moloy Ghatak is the new public works department minister and will also handle law and judicial portfolios. Ratna De Nag is the new environment minister. Madhyamgram MLA Rathin Ghosh is the food minister while Jyotipriya Mullick has been given forest portfolio. Two inductions from East Midnapore include Soumen Mahapatra and Akhil Giri. Mahapatra is a Cabinetrank minister in charge of irrigation and Giri is MoS in charge of fisheries. Another major inclusion in the Cabinet is Manas Bhuniya, Trinamool’s Rajya Sabha member. He had served as Cabinet minister in the first Mamata Banerjee regime in 2011 till Congress (Bhuniya was then with Congress) pulled out of the government. Bhuniya is in charge of water resources and investigation department. The other cabinet portfolios remain more or less the same. Trinamool veteran Subrata Mukherjee has panchayat and rural development and also public enterprises while public health engineering goes to Uluberia Dakshin MLA Pulak Roy, a new entrant. Former cricketer Manoj Tiwari is minister of state for youth affairs. The new council has representation from backward classes, including Adivasis, that had been a major plank of the BJP. Bulu Chik Baraik, Sandhya Tudu, Srikanta Mahato, Birbaha Hansda and Jyotsna Mandi are among the prominent inductees.
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southsidelover · 7 years
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The Red and Black offices were usually quiet - but that was only if both herself and Jones were inside, locked tight within their newfound quietness. But today, he was running after the girl he loved, and she? Well, she was vibing to music, turned loud, singing along to the words as she moved around the office. Cleaning up the dusty remnants of its previous occupants, the ghost of writers past. 
            Murder, murder, murder, she wrote
A knock at the door, unexpected, but without shame, Toni opened up the door, allowing the musical interludes to spill out into the hallways, her pink curls tied off to the side, wearing a haphazard grin. “Well. Laputa has arrived.” the queen of the audiophiles, a sly, slow grin appearing along her lips. Toni had almost forgotten about the other girl, potentially appearing to show off her writings to the greater student body. Well, if it helped to extend a little protection to her, why not? 
“Want to come in?”
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