#charlie hirsch
cometcrystal · 2 years
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the original pics of the lemonade mouth members from the old website. wanted to save them somewhere before they were lost forever
heres the source, but it’s on flash, you’ll have to use a browser that supports flash. there’s fun little character profiles too but i’d have to transcribe them
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sun-ni-day · 6 months
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Same suits! Have I told you lately how much I'm in love with Eppes family?
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mackenziesmchale · 2 years
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Charlie + moments of affection with the staff
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successionsuccs · 1 year
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doodles of some of my little meow meows
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tj-zujov · 7 months
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shadowtoherlight · 8 months
If, when I die, God were to say to me “you may live one day in any universe humanity created, with the memories that you have now,” I would choose to be a student at CalSci, majoring in something that required me to be in professor Eppes’ class, and I would absorb everything he taught as best I could while sitting in that little classroom with the sunlight beaming through the windows, highlighting all the chalk dust that swirls in the air and makes the room smell like old knowledge. Then I would have lunch outside by the fountains, and maybe bump into Don with Colby or David, discussing a case with Charlie and Amita and Larry. I would not eavesdrop too hard but I would listen a little. I would grab a cup of coffee and wander the halls a bit, perhaps run into Alan, say hello, ask how the koi are doing. Then I would soak up a California sunset and do some homework around campus and simply exist in the silly little world that’s literally exactly the same as mine, but with a few people that I wish I could say hi to even just once.
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shrikebrother · 7 months
what YA books i think the succession characters would like if they were lonely teens going to the school library
(according to a YA enthusiast)
tom: looking for alaska by john green. i feel like i don't really need to explain this one. he thinks he's miles halter & the whole "anti manic pixie dream girl" message kind of went over his head
roman: forgive me, leonard peacock by matthew quick. i think he'd enjoy leonard's character voice & his teen self would relate to him a lot, especially in a certain part of the book that i'm not going to spoil
shiv: she would've secretly liked twilight by stephenie meyer. i feel like she definitely went through this "not like other girls" sort of phase when she was a teen, which is part of why she'd like twilight & also why she'd never admit it to anyone
kendall: 13 reasons why by jay asher & i'm not even sure what my reasons are for this choice. i just feel it in my gut. the whole time reading it he'd be thinking "wow... girls go through so much... i would have supported her" . sometimes he fantasizes abt killing himself & doing what hannah baker did
greg: i don't even know if this counts as YA but i guess maybe the harry potter series? i don't think he would be a super fan or anything. he would just be like "oh um yeah i read those books... uhh 3 points for gryffindor am i right? haha" in conversations when he doesn't know what else to say
some extra commentary in the tags
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fearlessmuses · 6 months
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🚓 ───── as he breathed in and as he was rising from his table to consider his breakfast finished he was turning only, as cliche as it seemed even to him, to nearly take out the woman heading for her own table. "geez, shit -- sorry." he spoke quickly as he moved to set his paper on the table to avoid hitting her with it. "i'm really -- can buy your coffee for nearly knocking you over?" he offered quickly.
@lovest0rie ♥ for a starter from charlie swan for elaina hirsch
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dinogal95 · 14 days
Fanfic prompt
Fusion fic
Don gets a blast from the past when a old undercover case in Alaska brings a new suspect and old friend.
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men-men-everywhere · 19 days
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Nicholas Braun
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tardisman14 · 1 year
I seriously recommend supporting this new indie animation project. More info:
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pierppasolini · 2 years
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Miss Barton’s Famous Cakes (2019) // dir. Jared Hirsch, Nelson Vicens
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sun-ni-day · 4 months
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Numb3rs 5x03 Blowback
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I'm suddenly delighted by this concept, what if an AU where Kendall+Shiv+Roman and Dennis+Dee+maybe Charlie (for rule of three and because they've all thought Frank was their father at some point) have swapped parents? Not sure whether to include Connor because of the age difference but the possibilities for the havoc they could wreak is deliciously endless.
(Actually maybe swap Charlie with Greg because they have similar connections? 🤔 Whatever I just want the evil capitalist Gang and white trash Roys)
I've absolutely thought about this! I can see Dennis and Dee's degraded incompetence driving Logan mad in a different way than the golden trio. He and Dennis are a little too dangerously alike, with the explosive rage and obsession with control. Logan would be fonder of Dee but see her clearly for the distaster she is, unlike Shiv where he's (at first) proud of her intelligence and accomplishments. Dee's too crass and it embarrasses him that his only daughter is like that. He's haunted by the tabloid covers of her passed out on garbage bags outside of fancy New York nightclubs.
But what really pushes Logan over the edge is their utter lack of ambition to enter the company. He'd see red when Dennis tells him, "I know what's important to you is money and power, but I don't want real power because with real power comes real responsibility, and I don't want any of that shit. I just want the money and the illusion of power." At least with Kendall, Logan knew he earnestly craved leadership and did have good ideas. Same with Shiv and to some degree Roman. Dennis and Dee may occasionally make half-hearted efforts to grasp for the throne when properly motivated, but ultimately they want to sniff gas with Charlie and dance to Genius of Love in Waystar's board room -- which they've done frequently, just as Logan enters with a bunch of potential investors.
And so, yeah, maybe Logan turns to his nephew (or bastard son) Charlie as a potential heir. While Dennis and Dee openly scoff at Charlie's illiteracy and less privileged background, Logan would see someone who came from nothing like him, someone who might have potential if he smooths out the rough edges. But unlike Greg, Charlie is not at all intimidated by Logan. After all, Charlie is consistently the only character who isn't that cowed by Dennis's rage and in the rare times he's lucid, Charlie's pretty unflappable and tells it straight. Kind of the Shakesperean Fool type, y'know? So if Logan pulls the "I like you, Charlie" line that he used with Greg in Dundee, Charlie would just deadpan, "I don't give a shit." He just wants to stay Waystar's janitor, and any excitement he might feel if Logan offers to show him the ropes would fade like in Frank is Back in Business. He'd just point out all of Waystar's failings to Logan, and that would of course make Logan furious.
Meanwhile, the golden trio would end up very much like the Gang if raised by Frank Reynolds. I think Shiv would try to hold onto her dignity longer than Dennis and Dee, but deep down she's just as vulnerable and insecure as they are. She'd definitely have a "This doesn't represent me" breakdown on Family Fight. She'd force Willa not to acknowledge Frank and Roman at dinner until they come over to "pay tribute". Ken would grow up trying to get an in with Frank at his company, but he's way too fragile to just sit and watch his father bang a sex worker and not shrivel up and become another Cricket.
I'd bet Roman has the best chance of getting along with Frank as his father, because there's no way he'd feel the same pressure to conform and impress him like he does with Logan. He would eventually come out like Mac does (maybe not as gay, but maybe as some mix of panromantic graysexual). So in a weird way, I think he'd certainly not flourish, but at least feel more comfortable at Paddy's Pub looking down at Frank than he does at Waystar as the sleekly fashionable but fucked up little prince trying ever so hard to get a kiss from daddy.
Connor I see as maybe the wildcard Charlie in this scenario. Instead of being obsessed with the presidency, he's obsessed with rats and ghouls and composing.
(Tom is Pondy and Greg is a mix of Charlie, Mac, and Gail the Snail.)
(Dennis tries the D.E.N.N.I.S. System on Tabitha, Rava, Jess, and Gerri, and ruins the RECNY gala by screaming that he's the Golden God when they all reject him.)
(Barbara and Caroline are already twins in spirit so I don't see much changing in their relationships with the children. Roman/Dennis would still be the favorite, Shiv/Dee would still get the fucked up projection.)
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dazesanddoodles · 1 year
why did i not notice the shrug through the window
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baeaisling · 1 year
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