#mlb x yj
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I posted 3,210 times in 2022
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3,183 posts reblogged (99%)
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I tagged 104 of my posts in 2022
#maribat - 20 posts
#mlb x dc - 16 posts
#ml x dc - 15 posts
#damian x marinette - 7 posts
#biodad! john constantine - 3 posts
#graveyard siblings - 3 posts
#adrien salt - 3 posts
#lila salt - 3 posts
#maribat fic - 2 posts
#brucie wayne and jack fenton - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 114 characters
#i finally see the irony of dick killing tim when both jason and damian wanted to kill tim when they first meet him
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hear me out, i had an idea for a Miraculous x DC prompt. So, after defeating Hawkmoth the JL invites Ladybug to join them, she agrees but as a kind of support hero, she still wants to help just not fighting If possible. That's how the JL gets a healer for their party, yay. It's all fine and dandy until some of the older members start noticing how some sidekicks are more reckless in training so they can go see the cute new nurse
I probably butchered the characterization of some of them but it can't be worse than some DC writers, right? P.S, this is a mix of YJ show and the DC comics.
Ladybug placed the Butterfly Brooch into the Miracle Box. She felt exhausted and wanted to go straight into bed and sleep for a week straight. After years of blood, sweat and tears since a pair of earrings came into her possession, she finally did it. Hawkmoth was defeated.
Adrien had renounced his ring and moved to London with his mother so he can take care of her in peace without the shadow of his father’s actions hovering over him.
Marinette on the other hand was set to move to New York, and hopefully, get a fresh start but she was undecided on what she wanted to do.
After Lila and the reveal of Gabriel being Hawkmoth, she had lost the passion she once had for designing. The man was the reason she had started getting into fashion. With Lila and Chloe both destroying every sketchbook she had, in addition to lack of time or inspiration, she doesn’t have the same drive for it like she did when she was thirteen. Although she does still design for Jagged Stone, Clara Nightingale, Kagami’s family and the Graham de Vanilys.
Her JL-issued communicator beeped with a message. When the Justice League caught onto the situation in Paris, Ladybug arranged with Wonder Woman so no Leaguer could enter without her say-so. The message was to arrange a meeting so they can discuss what to do since Hawkmoth was defeated.
She was surprised when they offered her a position in the League which she turned down.
She told them that she was tired of fighting. She was tired of being on the battlefield with the smell of burning flesh and silence after the screams of people were cut off. While she wanted to help people, she would rather do it from the wings instead of being at the frontlines. She also wanted to take it easy since Hawkmoth had finally been defeated. She instead offers to be a back-up hero in times of crisis and the use of her healing magic to assist other heroes. They all agreed.
Flash noticed that Impulse had been getting reckless lately. He is usually reckless since superspeed and all but getting hit by Captain Cold’s ray gun which could have been easily avoided if he didn’t stop suddenly was a little suspicious. Impulse then made a big show of needing medical care with his foot still encased in ice after Captain Cold and Heatwave were both arrested. He sped away before Barry could get some answers.
In Star City, Green Arrow and Arrowette were chasing some robbers. During the chase, Arrowette had fallen off the roof. Arrowette insisted that she was fine and that Oliver should not stop chasing the petty criminals on her behalf. Would you look at that the zeta tubes are a block away. She can go and get herself checked out for injuries if Oliver is so worried about her. Green Arrow left and continued chasing the thieves but there was a strange feeling that he was missing something.
At the Watchtower, Superman, who had been looking for Kon, finally found him in the medbay while their newest member, Ladybug, was healing him. Her hands were glowing pink as she hovered it over Kon’s face and healed his black eye. Ladybug giggled at the story Kon was telling her about one of his many adventures with Red Robin. The glow in her hands died and she told Kon to be more careful since she had been seeing him a lot. Kon laughed it off and flirtily said, “Of course, sweetheart. But sometimes, I can’t help but fall at the sight of you.”
As soon as he left the medbay, he ran straight into Superman who had one eyebrow raised.
“You do remember that you have a fast healing factor, right?” Superman said.
Kon sheepishly answered, “Well, sometimes, I want to speed up the process even faster. So what brings you here, Kal?” “Well, Jon told me that you antagonised Robin and he had punched you with kryptonite knuckle dusters. So I was worried and wanted to check on you. You look fine.”
“Yup, thanks to Ladybug. She’s awesome.”
“See, I am fine now. Thank you for checking in. Go back to doing JL founder stuff. And I think I hear someone calling for help. See you later. Bye.” Kon then hurriedly took off.
Superman shook his head at Kon’s antics when Impulse appeared with his right foot partially covered in ice. The boy cheerfully greeted Superman. The Kryptonian heard the already fast heart rate of the speedster get faster as soon as he saw Ladybug. A moment later, Arrowette showed up, appearing mostly fine. Then, she began limping and clutching her left wrist. To other humans, she might look like she was in pain but Superman could tell that she was faking it. The reason why became increasingly clear as he hears her heart rate also pick up when she is greeted by Ladybug and she became annoyed at the sight of Impulse in the medbay.
Superman decided that whatever was going on was none of his business and to let the kids figure it out on their own as he went for his shift for monitor duty.
Nightwing and Red Robin both groaned as they sat down at a table in the Watchtower cafeteria. Batman didn’t look up from his salad and the latest case file on the string of murder in Gotham as he asked them what was wrong.
“Red and I decided that it would be nice if both our teams do some training together so we can coordinate if we ever have an overlap in our mission.” Nightwing started.
“Only most of them weren’t bringing in their best. The training exercise was a complete nightmare.” Red Robin grumbled. “Now, most of them are in the medbay getting treated for their injuries. I don’t know what has gotten into Kon and Bart.”
“Cassie and Kara wouldn’t stop fighting to focus properly.”
The boys continued to complain about the problems between their various teammates while Batman grunted here and there to indicate he was listening.
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212 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
Biodad! Bruce Wayne
Realised I haven't posted anything Maribat related in a while. Also realised that it's Biodad! Bruce Wayne month.
I am currently on break from fic writing until October. This happened because the wifi was out for a while and I lacked motivation to study.
Marinette is a Wayne and everyone knows except for the new kids aka Alya, Adrien and Lila.
Mari doesn't flaunt her wealth or tried to hide it but everyone just sort of forgets when she is as down to earth as the rest of them.
Except for the certain times she shows it and everyone is violently reminded that she is richer than Chloe Bourgeosis (who can't stand that fact.)
Picture this, Set season 3-ish, Spring Break is over and everyone is coming back from their vacation.
Chloe comes in a limo and bragging about her vacation in the Carribean or something.
Adrien looks around and is like, "Where's Marinette?"
Marinette hasn't been heard from all break and Alya is only aware that she is visiting family in the States.
Anyways, bell rings to signal classes and still no sign of Marinette.
Then, the chopping sounds of a helicopter is heard and everyone looks up to the sky and sees one.
Everyone moved out of the way as they realised that it was going to land in the courtyard (Or the sake of crack and the magic of imagination and fiction, let's pretend this is allowed and possible)
"I wonder if that is a new student." Adrien wondered.
"Ooh, I hope they aren't another Chloe. They seem rich if they are coming to school by helicopter." Alya said.
"That's Marinette." Nino explained.
"Where?" Adrien looked around for his very good friend.
"The helicopter. It's hers. Well, it belongs to her family. See?" Nino pointed out the Wayne logo to his friends.
"No freaking way." Alya exclaimed, "Marinette's not…" She stopped upon seeing a familiar girl exit the helicopter, arguing with a man in English.
"B, I am not going back out on this. I am staying in Paris and that is final." Marinette yelled.
"Sweetheart, but think of the akumas. They are dangerous." The man tried to appeal to her.
"It's fine and I am not dead yet. Plus I don't want you bubble wrapping me to 'protect' me if I stay in Gotham."
"I am not that bad."
"It's that Bruce Wayne? That's Bruce Wayne." Alya pointed and turned to Nino, "Why is Bruce Wayne here and why does Marinette know him?"
"You don't know?"
"Of course, I don't." Alya feels like there is a story here and Nino is not telling her what it is.
Adrien raised his hands, "Same here."
"How do you not know?" Nino waved towards the pair, "Mari's father is Bruce Wayne."
"What?" Alya and Adrien exclaimed. Brain.exe has stopped working.
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305 notes - Posted September 21, 2022
The urge to write a broken and angsty Marinette who became a villain in Gotham after being kicked out of Paris. (P.S Hawkmoth is defeated and the Order forced her to hand the Miraculouses over.)
She had been causing trouble in Gotham for a while and the Bats know that she used to an ex-hero but couldn't find which one.
Anyways, Marinette gets dragged into the hero business as Ladybug because of some world-domination obsessed people who the Order used to tangled with in the past so they are making it everyone's problem. The Order is working with the JL to defeat the WDO people.
And Ladybug to her dismay realised that the other holders the Order had chosen were her old classmates (Class salt because of Lila. She is holding the Butterfly and being HM 2.0.)
Adrien is Chat Noir again and very happy to see his milady again (Adrien salt for the angst)
They all don't know that LB is Marinette who they had condemned with the exception of Kagami and Luka who are in the know.
Upon realising this, she makes detour and walked towards the Bat clan. Better the devil you know. Although they were on guard about this new/old hero who joins them, they relax a little when she gives them her villain name. (Also with proof that she is who she says she is.) She is more of an antihero and kinda friends with a few of them.
Ladybug makes a believable lie that she lost her memories of Paris and threaten the Order so they wouldn't disprove it. She hangs out with the Bats when they are not on missions so the Miraculous team is mad that she's hanging out with the Bats instead of them with the exception of Kagami and Luka.
Also they all had revealed their identities to one another and Ladybug is the only one who hasn't and they really want to solve the mystery of who it is. Especially Chat Noir. Kagami and Luka ain't snitching, knowing the shit the rest of them put Marinette through.
The Bats even though Marinette is a Gotham Rouge, they are also ain't snitching (because she knows who they are) and not budging on letting the Miraculous team get near LB. Because they know that the Miraculous team are part of the reason Marinette gets kicked out of Paris. Whatever they did to Marinette was probably so fucked up that she prefers Gotham of all places over Paris, the literal city of Love.
Also sprinkle in some enemies to lover between Damian and Marinette.
*peeks into my WIPs and pets my bio!dad Joker AU.* Soon my pet. Soon.
307 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
Damian the Dog
Inspired by Grumpy Cat, written by @adrestar
So what if Marinette moved to Gotham Academy, probably because of Lila bullshit or Guardian Duties.
She is mostly alone so she get a dog who she named Damian.
I actually look up on what type of dog she would have because I don't have a lot of knowledge on dogs. I wanted a small cute black dog. I am going with a Pomeranian or a Scottish Terrier.
It's all fine and going dandy. When one day, Damian overhears the new girl talking about him.
Marinette of course has zero interest in celebrities so she has no clue she is in the same class as Damian Wayne. Her classmates asked if she had any pets so she starts talking about her cute little Dami and showing off pictures of him.
"Look at my Dami. Isn't he adorable?" Marinette cooed, "I just love running my hands through those thick black luscious hair."
Damian gets the idea that Marinette is a stalker or a fangirl who is deluded herself into thinking she is dating him but brushes her off as mostly harmless. He can correct her at any time she steps out of the line.
Let the misunderstandings commence!
Fast forward the next few days, where Marinette keeps talking about her dog and no one has clued her in on the fact that there is a human with the same name as her dog going to classes with her.
Human Damian thinks she has very active imagination, going as far as to fake bite marks on her arms after a supposed passionate embrace.
(Damian the Dog is still being trained. Idk abt raising dogs so I hope I am right.)
The weekend arrive and Damian is at the dog park with Titus. Then he heard the insufferable voice calling out for him,
"Damian. Where are you? Come out. Damian. Dami."
He hid himself for a while, hoping she will give up sooner or later. But no, she keeps coming closer to the spot where he was hiding and calling out his name. Then, Titus blew his cover by coming back with the ball he was sent to fetch.
Thinking he had no choice but to reveal himself, he burst out of the bushes, scaring Marinette.
Meanwhile, Marinette was at the dog park to let Damian out of the apartment and get some exercise. She was kept an eye on him as he ran around but after a phone call from Jagged Stone for a new jacket, she had lost sight of her dog.
Then, while she looked for Damian the dog, someone jumped out of the bushes, giving her a scarce.
She realised that he was a boy from her classes and before she could ask if he had seen her dog, he began yelling at her.
"Listen up, harlot. Get out of your delusional fantasies of dating me and leave me alone." He yelled at a very confused Marinette. Human Damian continued to threaten her with lawsuits on the grounds of stalking, defamation and false claims.
Marinette gets fucking pissed at what the rude guy was yelling at her for no reasons but before she could retort, he stomped away with his dog trailing behind him.
"Come on, Titus. We don't have spend more time with this waste of space."
Marinette is so furious that if she was in Paris, she would have been akumatised for sure. She decided to calm down and go look for Damian, not the human. Arriving at home, she found a lawyer waiting for her and they handed her a thick files of all the charges she was being sued for. It was official she had met someone worse than the Chloe Bourgeosis.
So Marinette decides to stress bake about the problem. Ultimately, she made too much and decided to give away some to her next door neighbour, Jason.
Marinette had been living in Gotham for about a month and Jason knows about her habit to stress bake. They first met when Jason accidentally snuck up on her and she judo-flipped him who was 3 times bigger than her. Jason is impressed and Marinette is mortified. They became friends. Jason cooks her meals sometimes and she bake him desserts. It was a fair trade.
Anyway, Jason asks about her problem and Marinette starts a rant about this rich entitled dick she met who was from her class and she had coincidentally met him at the dog park while looking for Damian. Then, he called her a bunch of insults and names, accused her of stalking him and he had sent lawsuits to her address. Which was bad because she had her business as MDC to consider and this will affect her income.
While ranting, Marinette saw Jason's law degree which he had displayed, partially for his cover as a normal civi but mostly to brag to his siblings about being the only one who graduated from college and law school and rub it in Bruce's face. (We all seen the Jason became a lawyer to get Joker a death sentence post right? So Joker is dead here.)
"Can you be my lawyer? Or can you recommend me one? I promise I can pay you."
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355 notes - Posted October 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Imagine a daminette au where Ra's makes himself yet another heir but this time it's Damian's kid with the "Guardian of Miraculous", so a great grankid, but the kid just disappears in thin air. Some time, maybe a few little years Damian hears about It from Talia, after lots of searching he finds the kid with one Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and he might or might not get some flashbacks when the kid says they thought he would be shorter(all this build up, because i think this line is funny)
Wasn't sure if this was an ask prompt or something. I never done one before. But this sounds like a nice AU so I took a swing at it.
Marinette walked through the League of Assassins base, invisible thanks to Trixx’s magic. She tried to suppress her shivers as hazy memories of her brief imprisonment in the place flashed through her head. Now wasn’t the time for reminiscing right now. She was here to grab the Miraculous that was said to have fallen into Ra’s hands.
Normally, she would have stayed away from the place but the thought of leaving powerful jewels in that vile man’s possession left a bad taste in her mouth.
She crept along, dodging any guards that were coming her way. She used the magic inside her as the Guardian to guide her to the Miraculous. It led her to a rather lavish room.
(Shit, if it was kept with him in his private chambers, then it would be harder to get it out without him noticing. Although the lack of guards near the entrance surprised Marinette.)
After checking if the hallway was clear, she entered the room and shut the door behind her. Observing the room, it was not what she had imagined what Ra’s living quarters would look like, especially the crib in the room.
Curiosity came over her, she went in for a closer look to see a sleeping baby. What surprised her more was that it was wearing the Miraculous she came here for and surrounded for a few more.
As she reached inside to get the Miraculous, the babe opened its eyes, revealing familiar bluebell eyes. It was strangely quiet for a baby but it allowed Marinette to give a better look. She doesn’t know how since she doesn’t remember ever being pregnant but in her heart, she knew that the infant in front of her was definitely hers.
Her imprisonment by the League came to mind again. Marinette hugged her body as she realized what Ra’s did to her to make the baby. She felt sick to her core.
The child then let out a cry. Panicked, Marinette failed to notice that the illusion magic she had cast on herself had worn off as she tried to calm it down by picking the baby up and started humming a lullaby her mother used to sing to her. She packed up her emotional baggage to unpack it later because one, she needed to stay rational so she could get what she came for and two, no matter how it was created, she was going to take care of her child. For starters, she should probably stop calling the baby an ‘it’. As the baby calmed down, she unwrapped the blanket to see that she had a son.
A son. She has a son now.
The door creaked open. Immediately, Marinette turned around and went into a fighting stance as best as she could with a baby in her arms and no quick way to put it down so she could grab her weapon. She had a serious disadvantage in the fight.
Talia Al Ghul stood in the doorway, glare on her face and weapons ready. Upon realizing who was holding the baby, Talia lowered her weapons and shut the door behind her. She walked towards Marinette who was looking warily at her with some mild confusion. Marinette didn’t let her guard down.
“Guardian.” Talia greeted her calmly, further confusing Marinette, “I am not going to harm you. In fact, I would say that you have great timing coming here right now.”
“Talia, what’s going on?” Marinette asked tersely.
“Father wanted a powerful heir since my son, Damian had turned his back on his title as Al Ghul so he had used your DNA obtained from your last….visit here and my son’s to create Malik.”
“That is my grandson’s name. Your son.”
After a minute of contemplating the existence of the baby in her arms, Marinette whispered, “Does he know?”
“Hmm?” Talia tilted her head at the question.
“Your son. The father. Does he know?” Marinette clarified.
“He is not aware of his son. But I would rather entrust Malik’s well-being to you, Guardian.” The assassin explained.
Talia hesitated, “Damian was raised in the League for the first ten years of his life, learning and training how to kill. That same faith will befall on Malik if he stays here. Damian was then sent to live with his own father. I love my beloved but he is not the most emotionally in tune with his emotions. In short, my son hasn't had the best home life and a child being thrust into his life is not what he needs right now.”
Marinette contemplated, slightly rocking the baby in her arms to fall back asleep, “I will do it. As his mother, I will do my best to raise him well.”
“That’s what I want to hear.”
The next morning, Marinette flew back to Paris with a new son and a duffel bag containing Malik’s ‘official’ documents, some spare clothes for him and the Miraculouses.
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435 notes - Posted January 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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rhub4rb · 4 years
Project: Null
[Chapter 1] - Chapter 2 - [Chapter 3]
Tensions were high in mt. Justice as the Young Justice team stood and waited. No one looked particularly happy about being there, though there were some hopeful expressions between the sour ones. Kaldur seemed calm as always, calculative and contemplative. Robin and Wally seemed more curious than anything. Artemis had a more reserved expression, seemingly content to keep her thoughts on the matter to herself. Conner looked mad, but that wasn’t exactly new, and M’gann just smiled awkwardly, trying to gauge the tension in the air.
“And no one knows why Batman wants to have a meeting with us?” Conner asked, his patience on the situation lost.
“Nope,” came Wally’s reply, popping the ‘p’ in the process.
The conversation came to a standstill again, everyone looking awkwardly at each other, before Conner was the one to break again.
“I’m not the only one who thinks its weird that they completely ghost us, refuse to tell us what happened, then just call us in to an important meeting?” Frustration laced his voice, his eyebrows knitted together.
“They wouldn’t keep just anything secret,” Kaldur reasoned. “If there’s something that they’re keeping from us, then they are doing it with good reason.”
“They’re treating us like kids,” Wally grumbled.
“We are kids,” Artemis snapped back, before they heard the zeta beam turn on.
“02 Batman, 13 Black Canary, B-09 Abyss.”
Batman and Black Canary walked towards them, Batman’s figure as tall and intimidating as always, despite the fact that he was just a normal human. It was impressive, really. With him and Black Canary was one other figure that none of the Young Justice team recognized.
The tension only rose, the members of the Young Justice team tensed. The other figure, Abyss they could only assume, contrasted with Batman in an almost comical way.
The girl wasn’t very tall, and her figure was petite. A white, wooden bird mask, beak and all, covered most of her face, save for striking bluebell eyes that peaked through the circular holes in the mask. Her short, lightly curled hair at first glance seemed to be a dark blue, but as she shifted her head to the side, they could see more clearly that one half of it shone green.
Batman let the tension settle in the room, let the Young Justice team get more and more uncomfortable for what seemed like forever, before he started to speak.
“Everyone, I would like for you to meet Abyss. She will be your new teammate from now on.” The onslaught of outcries and protests should have been expected, but it clearly seemed to irritate Batman nonetheless as he clenched his jaw. “This is not something I will argue with you about. The decision was made by the Justice League days ago, and it will not change. That’s final.”
It didn’t help the situation, but it made their protests seem to quiet down, if only slightly. The lack of information was what seemed to be the biggest issue as questions hit Batman from left and right.
“Who, exactly, is she?” Robin asked confusedly. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust Batman’s judgment, but he wasn’t happy about having been left in the dark for as long as he had been.
Robin wasn’t the only one to ask questions however, as Wally quickly followed with, “and why exactly will she be joining our team?”
More questions followed after that, but it didn’t seem like Batman was all that interested in answering them all, as he mostly remained quiet and let the team talk over each other. It didn’t help that Abyss refused to say anything, making the team wonder if she could even speak to begin with.
“Agh!” M’gann suddenly cried out, clutching her head in her hands as she staggered back. “What was that?!”
The team huddled around the martian almost protectively, shooting accusatory glares at the girl in the bird mask.
Conner growled through gritted teeth, “What did you do?” a hand on M’gann’s back.
Everyone were quiet as two seconds passed in complete silence.
“She tried to read my mind,” came Abyss’s reply, and the team took a second to register her accent and how much softer she had spoken than they had expected. “I didn’t agree to letting anyone do that.”
For a moment, the lights in the base flickered, and their gazes turned to Abyss, but she seemed completely unphased, and just as quickly as the lights had begun to flicker, it had returned back to normal. Robin ended up asking before anyone else got the chance to, asking, “what was that?”
A couple of seconds later, Batman answered, “Abyss doesn’t have complete control over certain aspects of her powers.” It didn’t seem he was all that happy about sharing that tidbit of information, and Abyss shrunk at the tone, the first outward reaction the team had seen from her that wasn’t vocal.
“So we’re getting a complete stranger who can’t even control her powers and who has already hurt M’gann as a teammate?” Conner accused.
The outcry should have been expected, but Abyss curled in on herself, the lights flickering more than before. It was clear that the yelling was only serving to distress Abyss more, and if her powers really were unstable, then that was the last thing they wanted.
Kaldur put a hand on Conner’s shoulder, Conner clearly being the one most dissatisfied by the news, understandably so after M’gann was hurt.
“You weren’t happy when M’gann did it to you the first time either,” Kaldur said, trying to reason with Superboy before he did anything too rash, then turning to look at Abyss. “It’s nice to meet you, my name is Kaldur and I’m the leader of this team.”
He extended a hand to her and hesitantly, she took it, shaking his hand slightly.
“I’m Abyss,” she introduced herself quietly, but Kaldur supposed that she didn’t feel the most welcome at the moment.
The team began introducing themselves, albeit some more reluctantly than others. An awkwardness settled in the base, but it seemed that nobody was all that eager to change anything about it.
“So…” Wally started, before trailing off, unsure of what to say that could maybe ease the tension. M’gann seemed to have regained her bearings, but now she looked at Abyss in a critical way.
“You’ll be sparring,” Black Canary spoke suddenly, the first time since she arrived. “I want to get a proper view of Abyss and her capabilities.”
“You mean to say you don’t know what she can do?” Conner asked, disbelief clear in his voice. “Who is even her mentor?”
Black Canary winced, realizing her mistake though she was quick to cover it up. “We know enough,” she snapped back at Conner, with a tone that clearly said that this wasn’t an argument that she was going to continue.
“So,” Black Canary started, clapping her hands. “Does anyone want to fight against Abyss?”
It probably wasn’t the best decision to let Abyss fight against anyone in the team currently, and it should not have come as a surprise when Conner gladly volunteered, but Black Canary took it all in stride and looked at Abyss questioningly.
“Are you okay with fighting against Conner?” Black Canary wasn’t sure how much Abyss knew about her new teammates, but she trusted the young hero as Abyss gave an affirmative nod. “Alright then.”
The team found it almost comical how it seemed the Justice League was babying their new teammate, but no one voiced these thoughts aloud.
They moved to the training area, Abyss looking around the cave with curiosity. She was hard to read, and with her mask covering most of her features, it was hard to tell what she was thinking. Mind reading was off the table completely, obviously, so they would have to settle for going in with this blind.
Conner and Abyss got ready and in position, though the team would hardly call how Abyss stood a position. Her arms were behind her back, her left leg behind her right daintily. Neither Black Canary nor Batman said anything about it however.
Conner seemed to be waiting for Abyss to take a different stance, but when she simply tilted her head to the side, he charged. The team had expected him to hit her swiftly, seeing as she seemed completely unprepared, so it came to their surprise when she simply stepped to the side and evaded just before Conner hit her, causing Conner to lose his balance for a moment. He charged at her again, but much like the first time, she evaded, her arms still behind her back. It continued on like that, until Abyss was back to back with Conner, moving alongside him so he couldn’t reach her. And then, she pushed herself away from him by bending forward slightly, snickering as Conner lost his balance again and almost fell.
“Abyss,” Batman suddenly called, and though she gave no outward indication, the team was certain she was listening. “Don’t play.”
The team, despite knowing that Batman would never, thought he was joking for a moment. But then Abyss changed position again, until she stood much like she did when the fight started.
Conner was starting to get irritated, and it showed in the way he charged at her with a roar, faster than before. It didn’t seem to phase her though, as she kept up with her evasions, sweeping under his punches easily. Then, Abyss suddenly grabbed the arm Conner was punching with, turned herself quickly so she stood side by side with Conner, and kicked him in the face. She let go of his arm quickly, and while he was disoriented, kicked him in the back so he hit the ground. Abyss jumped, twisting herself in the air to kick him again, but Conner rolled away before she managed to hit him.
Conner quickly got off the ground and tried to hit her again with a quick jab, but he failed as she jumped back, acrobatic skills showing clearly. Then, she charged at Conner and tried to kick him in the chest swiftly, but this time, Conner managed to grab her leg and throw her. It didn’t seem to do much though, as she landed herself elegantly in a crouch, her head tilted to the side as if amused by his attempt.
She ran at him again, this time faster, and rather than going for his chest again as Conner had expected, she jumped, climbing on Conner. The team couldn’t follow her movements, but they could see her legs in the air she twisted him around, disorienting him again, then used his momentum and weight to throw him, landing herself elegantly on the ground once again as Conner was high in the air, then hard on the ground, grunting at the impact.
Slowly, almost leisurely, Abyss walked toward him. A short blade, around the size of a short sword with the appearance of a feather, detached itself from her back, something that the team had previously thought was just part of her costume. The feather went flying towards Conner but stopped just short of his throat.
Complete and utter silence filled the cave as everyone took the scene in. Abyss’s right arm was extended, and as she lowered it again, the feather moved back to her. She had beaten Conner, and the fail which appeared beneath him proved as much.
“Well done, Abyss,” Batman said, breaking the silence.
Black Canary nodded, “I know what I have to work with now.”
Conner glared at her, but Abyss stayed quiet, just once again nodding in affirmation. It was like all the energy she had used fighting was suddenly just gone.
Black Canary looked at the rest of the team. “Anyone else up for fighting Abyss?”
They shook their heads. She was better at fighting than they had expected, though Conner didn’t fight with his head in the game, not really. Abyss probably knew that when they started.
It would be an interesting couple of days, no doubt about that.
@skyel0ve @theatreandcomicfreak @daminett4life @nothernbluetongue @toodaloo-kangaroo @slytherin-batbitch @tired-butterfly
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vln-vibes · 4 years
Ephemeral Flowers
WEEK 3 DAY 7 of Maribat March; BROKEN Part of Staying Whelmed and Erable.
Ships: Dickinette, AdriKon, NatMarc
Summary: They won. Earth was saved from the Reach... but at what cost?
Paris, France June 20, 12:20 CEST
“Everyone get to the shelters!” 
Adrien was lucky he was already out when this disaster began. His mom had called to see if he’d been alright, he felt an uneasy squeeze to his heart when he told her that he was in the safety of the Bourgeois hotel; he never liked lying to his mom before, but he didn’t have the choice right now. Not especially after he just got her back.
Somehow, he thought six hurricanes surrounding the Eiffel tower and making their way around the city was easier to handle than their Final Stand barely a month ago.
“You think this has anything to do with the Reach?”
“Most likely, Chaton” Ladybug’s voice was in his ear, the team going around and helping the citizens head to previously designated akuma shelters. Ryuuko had activated Wind Dragon form to try and contain the hurricanes in one place, but they seemed to be more powerful than the average hurricane… y'know, considering there were six.
“Any word from the Team?” Bunnix asked.
“Guys, I know what's causing these things!” Viperion’s voice was hard to hear, a lot of interference where he was. All their devices got pings, each of them showing an oval shaped device floating in the air with a swarm of drones surrounding it, currently in statis.
“What the hell are those things?” Monarch asked, indigo locks, where normally red hair was, blew wildly in the air.
“I’d say that looks pretty alien to me” Paon responded, their embroidered royal blue mask shaping to the same furrowed brow they had. “It's like the Reach’s final present to Earth, if anything. Y’know, one last kick to the heroes and all that.”
“Mon ange, now is not the time to think of how fitting this would be in a writing point of view”
“Look, it's either this or panicking.”
“It.. a.. Eiffel….attack..g hurry!” Viperion’s signal was beginning to cut out, but they all got the idea.
Paris, France June 21, 05:16 CEST
The Dupain-Chengs watched as the Justice league announced that the reach had been defeated; the world was now safe.
The world panicked as machines began to pop up in different places of the world, two even in Paris, but were dealt with by their own heroes. Many had wondered if they would continue once Hawkmoth was defeated, but they continued to protect their home. It was of no real surprise when they teamed up with the other heroes to take down the Reach. But something deep within told them that all was not well when the announcement was made.
“The Reach is being sent back into space and will be awaiting trial Green Lantern Corp.” Captain Atom announced as the crowd began to cheer, but his face was not one of celebration. Wonder Woman taking his place at the podium, sadness and acceptance in her eyes before speaking.
“But it was not without a cost; Today we mourn and celebrate the lives of the Parisian heroes who gave their lives to save the planet”
A hologram appearing behind them, one by one appearing as she said their codenames;
“Souris,Tyger, Paon, Monarch, Bunnix, Taurus, Roi Singe, Pegasus, Ryuko, Viperion, Carapace, Queen Bee, Rena Rouge, Chat Noir and Ladybug.”
The permanent smile on the holograms made Sabine’s heart ache, those young heroes who’d been protecting Paris for more than five years. They had finally defeated their villain only for them to parish.
But she knew there was more to it. She might have been paranoid, but a mother’s instinct was never wrong
“Oh their poor families,” Tom said, shedding a few tears for their beloved heroes. A knock on the door interrupting their solemn thoughts, going downstairs to open it they were surprised to see a red eyed Richard with his younger brother, Tim, and friends, Artemis and Wally.
“Richard? Is everything alright?” Sabine tried calming her voice, but alarms rang in her head as she noticed their matching expressions. The same look of guilt and regret as no one dared look her in the eye.
“I-It’s about Marinette “ Richard softly spoke, the group silently entering the apartment. “I think you need to sit down for this, both of you”
Tom and Sabine shared a look, both instinctively knowing that they would not be seeing their little girl for a long time.
“... She wanted to tell you for so long” Artemis’ voice cracked, handing them a small device. Sabine cradled it in her hands, one last thing from their daughter she was sure. Pressing the sole button on the device a hologram popped up before them; Marinette was there from the waist up, as though she had been sitting when recording this message, the only identifiable item of clothing was a black zipped up half-jacket.
‘Hi maman, papá. If you’re seeing this then it must mean that my mission is complete or I gave it my best til the bitter end’ her little girl looked so tired, as though the weight of the world was on her shoulders. Had she always looked like that?
``I don’t know how long I have before our final fight, but I gave it to Dick so he’d give it to you guys just in case. For nearly the past seven years, I have been at the front of what seemed to be an endless war. I’m sure I’ve changed, hopefully into a respectable woman that will make you proud. The truth is…’
‘Please don’t.’ Sabine stubbornly thought as the tears welled up in her eyes, her husband's squeeze on her hand tightened as they heard her next line, a familiar mask being placed on her face. The world froze and her blood grew cold.
‘I am Ladybug; wielder of the Miraculous of Luck and Creation, Guardian of Miracles and Protector of Paris. I wanted to tell you for so long, but with Hawkmoth out and about I just𑁋I just couldn’t! I couldn’t allow you to suffer, knowing I was out there everyday  risking my life because of some maniac with too much power in his hands. I didn’t want your lives in danger because of my selfishness.’
Their sobs echoed in the now too empty house, regardless of the other guests in the room who accompanied them in silent tears.
‘I hope you can forgive me for having to learn this way. I can only pray I made you proud. Know that wherever I am, I’ll always love you. Signing out, your daughter Marinette Dupain-Cheng.’
Paris, France June 21, 05:16 CEST
Conner Kent hated the news he had to give.
But he owed it to Adrien.
He stepped into the gates of the newly named Graham de Vanily Manor, knowing that it was late, but hearing soft speaking voices come from inside. Part of him wished that he had agreed to let someone come with him, but he knew that there’d be other places that need visiting.
Too many.
As he softly knocked on the door, knowing its residents could hear him, Conner felt like he would throw up. The last look of those emerald eyes haunted him and made his heart ache.
He heard the heavy doors open and thought he saw a ghost.
“A-Adrien?” he felt his throat tighten before noticing the differences; this new figure was taller, leaner, hair platinum blonde instead of honey, green eyes with specks of gray.
“No. I’m his cousin, Felix,” the lean man asked, clearly perturbed by the fact that a complete stranger was knocking at their doors at five in the morning.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Can I come in, it’s about Adrien” Conner could hear his spiked heartbeat as he moved to the side and beckoned him to the family room. 
In the room were three figures, two of them looking nearly identical if for differences in hues and a few hardly noticeable grays on the paler one (then again losing your sister and husband would do that to you). It explained why Felix looked so similar to him, at first glance they could be mistaken for twins. The other was a big burly figure, bigger than himself.
He knew Emelie Graham de Vanily and Guillaume ‘Gorilla’ Durand. He could only guess that the other woman was Amelie, the aunt that lived in England with his cousin that Adrien would sometimes talk about.
“Conner.” Emelie caught his attention from her wheelchair next to her sister. He hadn’t known her for long, mostly through stories he was told, until she was woken up; then he was introduced as Adrien’s boyfriend.
“Mrs. Grah- I mean Emelie” 
Conner couldn’t do this.
He didn’t want to.
But they deserved to know the truth.
“It’s fine dear. I’m afraid Adrien was going to spend the night with Chloe when that disaster started.” her eyes clearly worried, looking out the window, the first few rays of sunshine peeking through this somber morning.
“I hope they were fine” Amelie sighed in agreement, “Can I offer you something to drink?”
“No. No it’s fine, thank you” he took a deep breath, not wanting to allow his own emotions to overcome him. 
“I need to speak to you about Adrien.” Everyone’s heartbeat elevated as he did nothing to hide the somber tone in his voice, and Conner wanted to hate his super hearing. 
“Adrien left this behind. In case anything happened, he wanted for you to read it before letting anyone else say anything.” he pulled out a black envelope, in silver cursive it said, ‘To my Family’
“Co-Conner, what is this about?” Emilie’s hands shook as she got a hold of the thing, as though she were afraid it would burn her.
“I think you should read the letter first.”
‘Hey fam,
I know I just got you back, which is why I’m sorry this had to happen. What I’ve been doing this past half decade has been a real wild ride. After what happened with mom, Gabriel practically locked me up in the mansion, only letting me leave whenever it was for his convenience. I was just the trophy son, I wonder if he ever loved me.
Life is full of unexpected turns, one minute you feel like you’re locked up in the highest tower by an evil witch, the next you’re on the adventure of a lifetime with the best friend you can ever ask for.
There’s a lot of things I regret not doing; not stopping Chloe from becoming a total brat and bully when we were younger, not going to uncle Arthur’s funeral, being complicit in Gabriel’s will and therefore Lila’s and especially harassing one of my best friends because I couldn’t take no for an answer just like that man. 
I regret not telling you that I am Chat Noir, the Black Cat of Misfortune and Destruction and  Protector of Paris.
I hope you can forgive me for not coming out with the truth sooner but m’lady and I had already come to an agreement to not tell our families in fear that they’d be targeted by Hawkmoth; can you imagine what would have happened?
Even with all of that over and done with, the risk was too high, and honestly I didn’t know how to casually bring it up in conversation. Oops.’
Emelie’s voice cracked as she choked on a laugh, her vision too blurry to see what the next word was, quickly engulfed by her sister in a hug as she passed the note to Felix. His own eyes were bloodshot but he refused to let any tears run until he finished reading.
‘Most importantly I regret not proposing to Kon.’ 
Conner felt his heart stop. The world was spinning around as the line repeated in his head; did everything always look so blurry?
``I was going to ask mom for her ring, but I thought it’d be better for a wedding. I even started wedding planning with Mr. Dupain-Cheng, did you know he’s a hopeless romantic?. Mari thought I was insane when she helped me pick out the ring. We got it custom made too; Tungsten𑁋 one of the strongest metals on Earth, it’s harder than Steel!
I had hoped to give it to him myself but things don’t always turn out the way we want them to and I’ve learned that that’s okay. I lived my life to the fullest and experienced things no others have; pretty cool I’d say.
Forever your little cat waiting for his knight,
Adrien Agreste Graham de Vanily’
Conner hadn’t realized he was crying until he felt a small object placed in his hand, Felix having placed it as he shook in an attempt to suppress his tears. Connor realized that it was the ring Adrien had gotten him.
The mansion was filled with sniffling, the shadow of a cat seemingly looming over them.
The WatchTower  June 20, 07:16 EDT
Lex Luthor did not think everything would go to shit with the Reach so quickly. Neither he nor the Light trusted those aliens as much as Superman could throw them; that is to say they were just using them and planned on backstabbing them once their usefulness was done.
Not only had they killed one of the members of the Light, not that any of them thought he’d be gone for long, but they had also planned to betray the Light as well.
He convinced the most likely fired United Nations secretary general Zhang in order to call the League; he may not like them but he also enjoyed living on Earth… maybe until they find a sustainable planet to move their society to should anything happen.
“Luthor! What are you𑁋”
“ Secretary Zhang was kind enough to let me borrow his frequency,” he decided to ignore Captain Atom’s outrage and cut to the chase. “As I have a possible solution to our mutual problem”
“A problem created by you and the Light when they collaborated to bring the Reach to Earth.”
“But as I believe you know, the Light always planned to betray the Reach. Lexcorp𑁋”
“I think that’s enough of that Luthor,” the man could say he was surprised by the sudden appearance of the Parisian superheroes who’d “recently debuted” after defeating a magical terrorist that had been rampaging for the past years. He hated having not known that, apparently it was something no one in the Light knew.
Though Vandal Savage and Ra’s al Ghul gave interesting looks when finally catching glimpses of them.
“We have already created a solution, one that needs no help from the likes of you,” Ladybug’s eyes glowed red as she looked at Luthor, a ladybug themed flash drive on Nightwing’s hand.
“And trust that the Light will see justice for their crimes”
With that Chat Noir cut the transmission, the team turned back to Blue Beetle as he continued to create Reach Tech eggs, as per Ladybug’s instructions, and Pegasus transferred the flash drive's information into them.
“Alright guys, we have 19 Magnetic Field Disruptors to destroy and stop the world from ending”
They distributed the eggs with groups of two going up against each MFD; one as cover while the other went to disable the device. There were barely enough heroes available as the majority had gone out to help with rescue of the citizens.
“I love it when she takes charge like that.” Nightwing sighed before helping distribute the eggs and sending the teams to their designated areas.
Paris, France June 21, 05:16 CEST
Kaldur’ahm found himself in front of a ship, The Liberty. He never ceased to feel like it matched Luka’s easy-going attitude.
As he boarded the ship he could see some water remaining from the storms earlier, quickly using his hydrokinesis to throw it back into the river.
He was procrastinating.
He walked down the deck towards the door leading to the cabin. With a swift knock on the door, he could not hear anyone approaching; that’s when he noticed the bell. 
He needed to deliver the news.
He pulled on the rope as the bell chimed loudly, a muffled yelling coming from within. A woman with graying hair in a messy braid came out, although tired, there was a clear resemblance to them in the way she currently looked like she’d skin him alive and feed him to the fishes for waking her so early. It was a few times he’d seen the siblings genuinely angry and he could say it matched the woman before him.
“What’re ya doing on my Liberty so early?” she wipes the sleepiness from her eyes and adjusted her glasses. Despite how carefree she’d been described, he couldn’t help but think she looked older than she should.
Oh right.
She became a single mother of two at barely thirty years.
“My name is Kaldur'ahm, a friend of Luka and Juleka. I am… sincerely sorry. I am afraid I did not come bearing good news” the woman, Anarka Couffaine, looked alert and like she was about to fight him. He gave her the item the siblings entrusted the team to deliver should anything happen.
Luka and Juleka had left a song. 
Anarka did not hesitate to go down to her children’s room , an old radio with a DVD player being used to play the song; Luka’s soft guitar strums soon became accompanied by Juleka’s gentle voice.
Happiness and joy
Sorrow and sadness
You and I
We shared them together
Shared for a time
But suddenly faltered
Flowers of a dream
Anarka slowly sank onto the floor, Kaldur holding her to the best of his abilities as silent tears. As soon as the strums of the guitar started she knew what it meant; she had learned to understand her husband, and then her son's way of communicating after all.
A field of grass
Leads to heaven
A gentle wind passed by
When you gave a smile
Nothing to fear
Forever in my heart
Blooming flowers prevail
“H-How did they… ?” Anarka’s broken voice softly spoke as the music continued.
Despite what Nightwing had said earlier, he couldn’t help but blame himself; if they had captured all of them earlier, then perhaps the Reach would not have gotten the chance to implement the MFDs. If they had detected the two remaining at the poles, then none of this would be happening…
“They were heroes.”
Paris, France June 21, 05:25 CEST
Batgirl and Impulse were there at the Kante residence only for Claudie to beat them to the punch.
“Max programmed Markov to tell me everything if his vitals couldn’t be detected anymore” her sad but proud smile did nothing to help them feel less guilty for the single mother.
Wonder Girl stood in awkward silence as Eden and Roux Lavillant-Piaf reacted to the news of their daughter’s death. The two men taking comfort in each other's presence as they cradled one another, Eden humming a tune she thought was familiar while Roux shed silent tears, one she later realized was one of Souris’ favorite songs; La vie en Rose.
Kid Flash didn’t know what to take of Kagami’s note;
‘I do not need that woman’s tears, nor those of whom call themselves my family. I would rather tell the Dupain-Chengs or Couffeine, however, if these are being delivered they are already heavily burdened. Knowing my friends shall mourn my loss is enough’
He also didn’t know what to make of Nathaniel’s request;
‘Don’t tell my family about Monarch. I doubt they’d even care’
The beautiful smell of the land that lingers in our history
Sands of black that color every little corner
I saw eternity only once, but I realize it cannot be kept in sight
Paris, France June 21, 05:30 CEST
Bumblebee was not surprised by Abeille’s video to her parents or even the fact that she was ‘fired’ by Audrey Bourgeois. When Guardian asked her about it she just shook her head in somber.
“Some people mourn differently”
“I always knew my little Marc was a hero” Mrs. Anciel, Paon’s grandmother if Garfield remembers correctly, said as she sat in her rocking chair in a daze “I just never thought it’d be so literally”
The Le family had just thanked L’gann with clear tears forming in their eyes after giving them a letter in a language he did not recognize. It wouldn't be until after that he learned Roi Singe’s native tongue was Vietnamese .
Our lives are truly in a world of wonder
A poem of my life - it's a pretty song to remember
We already acted a thousand lives
For the briefest moment in our long history
Paris, France June 21, 06:16 CEST
Robin, Tigress, Blue Beetle and Miss Martian felt their hearts heavy.
They had decided to be the ones to inform the Cesaires, Kubdel and Lahiffes of what happened to their daughters and son.
They were the only heroes apart from the Couffaines that had siblings.
“If I had never given her that watch” Mr. Kubdel buried his face in his hands.
“You didn’t know but maybe she did… She was always a spitfire, I don’t think we could have stopped her if we tried” Jalil told his father. Neither men wailed, they simply hugged each other for a while.
“No! She𑁋She can’t be gone!” Ella and Etta had viciously tried to beat at Tigress as he kneeled down to them. The hug she gave the twins seemed to trigger the waterworks as they devolved to sobbing.
“I couldn’t protect her…”
“You can’t blame yourself for this” Blue Beetle tried consoling Nora as she sat on the couch, hand on her head as she hid her face from everyone; he knew that if he heard about Milagro he’d feel the same. 
“He’s too lame to be a hero!” Chris yelled out “You’re lying!”
“You know we’re not,” Miss Martian said soothingly from her place with Ms.Lahiffe, trying to help the crying woman.
“I hate him! I hate him!” Chris’ yelling got louder 
“No you don’t” Robin spoke next to him, “No matter how much you fight, no matter how much you get on each others’ nerves, no matter how much you wish you’d never see him again… You still love him. He’ll always be your big brother”
“How would you know?” Chris’ voice cracked as he finally realized that his denial would do nothing to bring Nino back.
“Because I lost my big brother too”
I love you; I miss all of you
No warning what had happened then
I won't ever say goodbye
Metropolis June 20, 08:30 EST
“So now that Hawkmoth’s gone are coming back to Gotham?” Robin asked from behind Taurus, the hero engaging in a fight with one of the drones, headbutting it into the other one.
“Don’t know replacement,” he grunted “I kinda like it there, but I do miss the English language, as annoying as it is”
“Well,” Robin continued, using his bo-staff to push away the drone blocking the main device, “You know you always have a place back home, right?”
With one last dash he pressed his egg onto the MFD, deactivating their device. The two heroes looked at each other proudly as Taurus smirked.
“Yeah I know”
Birds are singing
Clouds are drifting
Trees are rustling
They cover the night
Gotham City June 20, 08:30 EST
“Hey Ma fée?”
Nightwing leaped across the street, throwing an EMP on one of the drones before Ladybug used her yo-yo to throw them away.
“Yes, Mon coeur?” Ladybug looked at him curiously
“I was thinking” he touched the MFD with the egg, letting the machine fall onto the Gotham street, “Maybe it's time we take a break from the whole hero business. I doubt we’ll be able to fully take off the capes like Wally but𑁋”
The two shared a tender kiss, the last strike of lightning disappearing from the Gotham sky.
North Magnetic Pole June 20, 13:50 UTC
They missed two MFDs.
Their locations blocked them from the initial search until Blue Beetle and Tyger told them that there were still two out there in separate parts of the world.
Ladybug had volunteered her Team to go, originally just planning to go by herself and Chat Noir while Rena Rouge and Carapace could get the other; Viperion and Bunnix immediately objected and instead her whole team was deployed to go.
They were herself, Monarch, Paon, Taurus, Viperion, Ryuuko, Tyger and Souris. The other team was Chat Noir, Rena Rouge, Carapace, Abeille, Bunnix, Pegasus and Roi Singe. Pegasus would teleport both teams to their destinations due to the simple fact that there were no Zetas in the Arctic or Antarctic.
She would lead the team to the North Magnetic Pole; Chat Noir would go to the South Magnetic Pole.
“We’re too late…” 
Ladybug’s crestfallen expression was felt by her team as they watched the Magnetic Field disruptor reach its chrysalis state as they watched the ice cave collapse in on itself. The Earth will fall in a new ice age… 
South Magnetic Pole June 20, 13:50 UTC
“Both MFDs have reached Chrysalis state” Chat Noir informed the Watchtower. He didn’t think it would all end like this.
After everything they went to, after finally defeating Hawkmoth, after finally getting his mother back and the literal end of the world had to happen.
‘No! This isn’t how it’s supposed to be!’ Plagg’s voice echoed in his head, ‘We can still stop this if we combine our powers’
“Ladybug, is Tikki𑁋?”
“Yes, she also says we can do it.” Ladybug’s steeled voice responded before he finished asking.
They could still save the world, they could still stop the Reach from winning.
But Chat Noir knew better than to think that there would be no consequences to their wild plans.
“Are you in, Noir?” 
“Always, my Lady”
Adrien could only hope they could forgive him, and that the letter would get back to them in safety before feeling his consciousness merge with the god’s.
Time passes by
With merciless pride
The sun will rise again
Mount Justice Remains June 21, 00:02 EST
Batman found the need to stop himself from gaping at the remains of Mount Justice. Sure it had been sabotaged and destroyed partially before, but now it was gone.
All of it thrown with chunks of rock and metal scattered around the beach.
As he and the others descended with help from the Green Lanterns, Hal and John. He couldn’t help but fear it was too late. 
They were too late.
“By the Gods” Diana gasped, suddenly clutching at her head, “Something is wrong”
With a gust of wind they were greeted by Flash, followed by Miss Martian’s bioship landing on the beach. One by one the Team came in various forms of disarray and emotionally compromised.
“Oh” Martian Manhunter sumbered, likely reacting off of the wave of sadness the teenagers made no effort to hide. Batman missed the look of remorse and sympathy sent his way.
“What happened?” He hadn’t meant to growl it out, but there were only so many reasons why the whole team would feel this way; there were casualties.
Batgirl and Nightwing could barely look his way before Robin decided to take a step forward. Tim had always been able to push aside emotions better than Barbara or Dick.
Our lives are truly in a world of wonder
A poem of my life - it's a pretty song to remember
We already acted a thousand lives
For the briefest moment in our long history
“The Reach left one last surprise for Earth in an attempt to cover their tracks; Magnetic Field Disruptors meant to cause natural disaster before forcing the next ice age. All but two MFDs had been deactivated, each located at the two poles. By the time we arrived they were already at their chrysalis stage. Those sent were able to deactivate them… at a cost” Tim choked out as he heard Diana, Kal and Sheyra take sharp breaths, it had to be bad for him to get so emotional.
“Robin?” Batman kneeled as he placed a hand on the younger’s shoulder.
“T-There were no survivors B”
“... Who was dispatched?” Diana asked, fists clenched in frustration of being too late and having others pay the consequence.
Batman must have been too distracted by Tim’s state to have noticed Nightwing launch himself into his arms and silently cry.
“I’m sorry Batman.” Flash stepped forward, and he knew Barry well enough that the man was probably holding back tears. Batman felt a familiar sense of dread build up inside him; the last time he felt this way had been when….
“Team Miraculous was sent.” 
Bioship June 20, 13:55 UTC
“Whatever they’re doing, it's working!” Atom’s voice could be heard on the comms as Miss Martian, Kid Flash, Tigress, Robin and Nightwing sped as fast as they could to the North Magnetic Pole. Aqualad, Superboy, Impulse and Blue Beetle made their way with Sphere to the South Magnetic Pole.
“The power’s too strong” they could hear Chat Noir mutter with Plagg’s familiar echo.
“Can’t stop! Won’t stop now!” Ladybug gritted out as the interference with their comms got stronger.
“AHH!” The sudden screams made their blood freeze as they could only think of the worst case scenario.
“It’s not time, not yet!” their mantras continued as the static became painful.
Both groups made it to their destinations as the bright white light of the MFDs became tinged with color. The rainbow of lights shot up higher in the air before a similar bridge of light joined it, both Team’s powers combining in that moment.
“They’re doing it!” M’gann and Bart cheered before Jaime and Tim interrupted.
“Something’s wrong!”
“What do you mean fade!”
Suddenly the light began to expand, encasing the heroes inside before their figures began to shimmer and break.
With one last look the lights gave one last powerful glow, it dissipated, spreading a warmth like that of a hug to each of them.
But by the time each group managed to look, the cold finally seemed to reach them.
There was nothing left behind.
Paris, France June 26, 10:00 CEST
The official story was a kidnapping.
The teenagers that disappeared some time last week during what many had taken to calling “The Reach Invasion”; Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Adrien Graham de Vanily, Luka and Juleka Couffaine, Chloe Bourgeois, Kagami Tsurugi, Alya Cesair, Nino Lauffey, Max Kante, Le Chien Kim, Alix Kubdel, Nathaniel Kutzberg, Marc Anciel, Rose Lavillant and Jason Todd-Wayne. The fourteen children and single adult had been caught up during the chaos of the Reach’s invasion and had been taken when looking for shelter. 
There is always a little truth in every lie.
The amount of missing children cases in general had been increasing since the Reach had arrived on Earth, but even after sending them off to Oa they had yet to find evidence of all of them. Only a small percentage had been freed, now having to undergo Metahuman training, and sent back home or relocated. 
Over half had been deemed unsatisfactory and were subsequently terminated.
But that still left about forty percent of potential victims to be found and rescued.
But their parents knew that their little heroes would not be part of that percentage.
They had saved their planet at the ultimate sacrifice.
“Today… We would like to honor the fallen heroes of Paris by lifting a new statue in their memory for all their services… One that is long overdue and that we can only hope they will see from wherever they are'' Mayor Bourgois spoke, though his eyes seemed so far off, not that anyone would blame him after they caught word of his daughter’s disappearance. There was a major turnout for the unveiling, it seemed as though all of Paris was present; guests like Jagged Stone, Clara Nightingale, Bruce Wayne and his sons Dick Grayson and Tim Drake, Oliver Queen and his newly found son Roy Harper, Lex Luthor, Prince Ali of Achu, Audrey Bourgois and reporters like Lois Lane, Cat Grant and Iris West-Allan were in charge of reporting live.
The statue was golden, each hero caught as though they were in the middle of action with it’s two longest heroes in the center, the rest surrounding them for a 360 effect; 
Ladybug and Chat Noir back to back, one with her scarlet yo-yo flying midair and the other using his baton to jump like a cat with a black gloved hand behind him. On Ladybug’s side was Viperion strumming his harp, his arm’s bangle glowing turquoise, while on Chat Noir’s was Rena Rouge caught playing the orange flute in the middle of a leap. Next was the newest heroes Monarch and le Paon on Ladybug’s side, one with a white with purple butterfly about to fly away from his outstretched hand, the other blowing into a single blue feather, while Tyger and Souris were on Chat’s, Souris also leaping while using her pink jump rope and Tyger getting ready to roar, magenta claws cusping around her mouth. Roi Singe was in the back of Ladybug and Chat Noir, his yellow glowing bo staff frozen mid twirl before calling for “Uproar”, assisting him was Bunnix, using her umbrella with a baby blue glow at the tip as a sword, and Pegasus with his horseshoe boomerang, arm encircled with a blue ring. Ryuko, in the middle of transforming into Wind Dragon form, with her ruby sword at hand and Abeille, launching her glowing spinning top, charging into the fray. On the sides were Carapace, with his shield armed up in front of them, the beginnings of his shield being formed in a translucent green glass, and Taurus, with his fists in the middle of punching and eyes glowing red, defending the group from oncoming attacks.
“I’m so sorry,” Dick found himself whispering once the ceremony was done and everyone had left their offerings. If only he had done better; if only he had asked them to join the raid; if only they had caught everyone instead of leaving them divided and scattered;
The rose gold ring weighed heavily in his pocket.
I love you; I miss all of you
No warning what had happened then
I won't ever say goodbye
They talked about what would happen in the future; neither saw themselves leaving the hero business anytime soon, it was too hard to after so long. She  had dreams of becoming a top-tier designer while he wasn’t sure what he’d do. They jokingly said he’d be a stay-at-home father or a model for her line.
Now none of that would be happening.
“He looks different from when he was Robin” he heard Tim whisper, melancholy and reminiscence, in his look as he stared at Taurus. Definitely more brute stregth and hands on but that look of mischief and cockiness were the same as Robin II. 
“He was always a little shit” Dick laughed softly, remembering that they’d be adding the Miraculous team to the new Grotto at the Watchtower, Jason’s being specially made to display both his time as Robin and Taurus.
Today would be his last day at the Watchtower for a while.
He was tired, after all of this, and was ready for a break. He knew Conner also planned on doing the same thing while Artemis was coming back to active duty despite Wally’s reluctance. He wasn’t too sure about his best friend, but the redhead insisted that he wanted to get his degree first before going back to the hero business, even part time, he even began hinting that Dick could go to college and try and get a semblance of normal life; they both knew it was in vain but neither said anything.
But before any of that he still had business to take care of.
Paris, France June 19, 00:20 CEST
Marinette woke up in a cold sweat.
The same nightmare she’d been having for the past week.
Her Team would fall for the sake of the world.
“I think we both know what this means Mari,” Adrien said silently as they watched the Parisian night atop of the Eiffel Tower.
“I don’t want it to come true” Marinette could feel the tears starting to sting her eyes.
“Then we’ll do our best to stop it” Adrien’s determined face made a soft smile appear; something told her that as hard as they’d try it wouldn’t change a thing.
But it was nice to hope.
“Why should we make these goodbye messages?” Chloe asked skeptically that morning after the team had gathered. They had just been told to do them or write any  requests for someone to follow if anything should happen to them. After all Marinette and Adrien had finished theirs.
"Come on Chlo, just do it."
"Better to do it than regret not doing it."
"Think of it as a little thing to look back at when we come back after missions. A motivation to come back and destroy it"
They just hoped they’d be forgiven.
Paris, France June 26, 12:30 CEST
Walking into the Dupain-Cheng household he found that it was much colder than anytime he’d come to visit. Sabine and Tom had let him in with no hassle, the duo still reeling in the fact that Marinette was gone, he was too. They made little small talk for once, just checking to see how the others were doing and to not be strangers, before they excused themselves to meet up with Tom’s parents. Dick went up to the familiar step of stairs and opened the familiar hatch.
Her room looked the same as it ever did except it was missing a certain shine, an aura of creativity. He supposed that with the owner of the room and the goddess of Creation missing that would happen.
Her scattered design sketches and pieces of fabric reminded him of the latest project she told him about. Balls of yarn from when she started knitting or would use to play with the Kwami, and Adrien from time to time. Schedule reminding him of all the plans they had for once Hawkmoth was caught.
He made his way to her desk, a secret compartment on the side of the desk had been almost invisible to all except those who were aware of its existence. Opening up the small door he let out a small gasp, the Miracle box reminding him so much of her again; 
The box was in the shape of an apple blossom, fading from red at its center to white at the tips, overall its appearance was rather simple but then again they always said appearances are deceiving. He then took out an old phonograph, a tablet, and an ancient book, the Miracle Book or Grimoire. With a sad sigh he pressed the small apple blossom’s center at the top before tapping the top petal, followed by top left, bottom right, bottom left, top right and center again. The lid to the compartment lifted, revealing seven empty slots, before opening up its petals, two layers of six petals stretching themselves so as to not cover each other. Only four compartments were being used. Using a bag he carefully stored the box inside the phonograph while using a satchel for the Grimoire and tablet.
He already told Zatanna and Zatara about the Grimoire, the two assuring him that it would be safe and that they’d even get other magic users like Constantine and Doctor Fate, who seemed to think he owed a debt to the Kwami and would honor their remaining comrade, to help protect it. The tablet could go to Tim and Barbara who’d have the best bet in perfecting the translations and encrypting it further so even if someone got their hands on it they’d have a hard time even unlocking it.
But he hadn’t thought of the Miracle box.
He looked up at the pink room with nostalgia, remembering every video chat, midnight meeting, talks at the terrace, impromptu sleepovers, designing frenzy, fashion talks, modeling session, strategy meetings, emotional breakdowns and kisses they shared in the very room.
He couldn’t help but want to take it with him.
Dick looked at her desk, a photo from when they were still Ladybug 1.0 and Robin, one he took as Dick Grayson when he commissioned her to make him a suit for the Wayne Gala (only to wear it to the Sweetheart’s Dance), one from Rolling-Stone wedding as he was twirling her around the dance floor and another from a few weeks ago when they were celebrating Hawkmoth’s capture with the Team. More photos littered her wall; Adrien and Wally arm wrestling, Artemis and Alix doing parkour, Kaldur learning some guitar from Luka, Conner being subjected to a makeover from the girls and Adrien (which he needed after his third year of wearing the same outfit), M’gann meditating with Barbara, Nino and Marc, Tim and Max looking at some sort of schematics on screen, of Jason during combat training with Kagami, Chloe and Black Canary.
It felt like a lifetime ago.
“Are you alright?” Dick hadn’t realized that the tears began to fall again. He turned around but saw no one there.
No one would be there.
“We miss her too” the voice spoke again, Dick knew he couldn’t be hallucinating, looking inside the bag he noticed the Miracle Box glowing even as it was held shut. With far more patience and calm than he truly felt Dick opened the Miracle Box again with four bursts of lights appearing as he did so.
He barely remembers Marinette explaining the Miraculous to him but he did recall the kwami’s names and powers;
Barkk, dog kwami of Bonds and Foraging.
Ziggy,  goat kwami of Endurance and Speed.
Daizzi, pig kwami of Abundance and Ingenuity.
Orikko, rooster kwami of Forethought and Cycles.
“I miss our Guardian” Daizzi cried into Ziggy who seemed to be in a similar state, Orikko looked quiet but clearly saddened given his downward feathers and comb, Barkk was the one who had been speaking to Dick.
“You loved our Guardian, she loved you very much” Barkk sniffled sadly.
Dick realized that they not only lost their Guardian but their fellow Kwami as well;
He wasn’t the only one left with a gaping hole in his heart by the love of his life and little brother.
“Hey now,” he said, taking the miniature gods into his arms in a small embrace, “You won’t be alone. We’ll make it through this, together”
As Dick made one last glance at the room, memories playing out like ghosts before him, he secured the bags containing Marinette’s precious items and made his way out of the cold apartment.
He didn’t know if he’d ever recover, just like with his parents; But he knew he wouldn’t be alone.
He just hoped that he’d make them proud, from wherever they were watching.
Nothing to fear
Forever in my hear
Blooming flowers prevail
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Do You Believe in Magic?
AYO second day in a row can you believe it? I come with more content.
Fics Masterlist
Wallynette Oneshot 3.1K words (no warnings apply) Summary: “What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?”
without further ado:
“That’s ridiculous!” He was pacing back and forth, arms waving in the air to compliment his theatrics. “Magic shouldn’t be able to do that, it defies all logic!”
“That’s the point! Magic exists outside of logical reasoning!” The shorter girl was equally as furious, standing in place and growing redder by the minute.
“Nothing exists outside of logical reasoning! Everything can easily be explained with science.” The redhead had paused his pacing to stare down the noirette before him. He was uncaring of his volume, ignorant to how his voice echoed in the large cave. “Your Lucky Charm is nothing more than transdimensional materialisation. An already pre-existing object is broken down into subatomic particles and rearranged at your location.”
“Are you really trying to tell me how my own Lucky Charm works?” She had sounded absolutely livid at the assumption. And Dick had to agree with her. Wally was in no position to tell her how her own powers worked. Before he could interject the screaming match between his two best friends, she was going off again. “And are you really trying to tell me that somewhere in the world existed a red and black-spotted doughnut just waiting to be used? That when Antibug was around a ladybug patterned flamethrower was just lying somewhere?”
“Oh please, there are plenty of flamethrowers all over the world and they probably only appeared ladybug themed due to shifts in light refraction.” He had stopped waving his arms around and crossed them in front of his chest. He was standing in her space now, leering over her trying to be imposing. “Simple fact is magic. Isn’t. Real.”
“You can run faster than the speed of sound! If you really think it was your precious science that saved you after willingly striking yourself with lightning in hopes of tapping into a cross-dimensional ‘speed-force,’ then you’re dumber than I thought.” She had gotten even closer now, pressing a finger into his chest and pushing him back.
“Are they still at this?” Kaldur had walked up beside Dick with two soda cans, silently offering him one. His voice sounded tired, visibly annoyed at the constant bickering.
“An hour and counting,” he sighs. The sounds of their bickering slowly faded into background noise. “For today at least. But they’ve been butting heads ever since she’s joined the team. Kinda exhausting.”
Marinette, a.k.a Ladybug, had joined the team after Wonder Woman deemed Paris officially safe from any more magical mayhem. While the rest of Paris’s heroes chose to retire and preserve the rest of their teen years, Marinette did not have that option. Magical Guardian and all. The JLE welcomed her with open arms and Wonder Woman decided to introduce her to the Team. She got along great with M'gann, the two could almost always be found baking or exchanging recipes in the cave’s kitchen and they, plus Artemis, went on frequent shopping trips. Conner saw her as a little sister, which was unexpected but it probably had to do with the fact she was a whole foot shorter and he had natural instincts to protect those who looked meek. She was anything but meek but first impressions were a damning thing sometimes. Marinette was Kaldur’s biggest supporter, always ready to back him up when it came to tough Team related decisions, something born from her own experience as a leader. The two understood each other the best. She also related to Dick on the importance of secret identities and while the Team still only knows him as Robin, she was the only one who never pestered him on it, respecting the lengths he would go to for the sake of anonymity.
Wally was the only one the newest member clashed with. Magic skeptic, meet magic connoisseur. Unstoppable force, meet immovable object. They almost never agreed on anything. Every time the two were left alone for more than two minutes it evolved into a screaming match. Wally was insistent on pushing all of Marinette’s buttons and she was always eager to defend herself and magic as a whole. Her rather short fuse didn’t make matters any better. It hadn’t affected missions, arguments reserved for the safety of the cave, but it was only a matter of time before that became an actual issue. He voiced as much to Kaldur who agreed with only a contemplative nod.
It’s moments like these where Kaldur hated when Robin was right. At least he was on another mission with Batman so he didn’t have to bear witness to this fiasco.
The Team was currently in Louisiana investigating the disappearance of Dr. Kent Nelson, better known as Dr. Fate, the Sorcerer Supreme. And Wally was being argumentative with Marinette while simultaneously trying to impress M'gann. It had put Artemis on edge and she kept taking jabs at him whenever an opportunity arose. And even when one didn’t.
They had just barely escaped the pit above lava, standing above the cool platform.
“Don’t worry, Megalicious,” Wally had moved to support M'gann, throwing an arm above her shoulders, drawing her into his side. “I’ve got you.”
“Enough!” Artemis had cut in between the two of them, pushing Wally away from the Martian, her frustration palpable even from where Kaldur was standing. “Your little ‘Impress Megan at all costs’ game nearly got us all barbecued.”
“When did this become my fault?”
“When you lied to that whatever it was and called yourself a true believer.”
“Wally, you don’t believe?” M'gann sounded hurt at that. Wally looked across the room, before coming to a silent conclusion.
“Fine, fine! I lied about believing in magic. But magic is the real lie, a major load.”
“I can’t believe you’re still on that.” Marinette, who had remained silent before, finally entered the conversation, ready to defend her craft. “We just fell over five hundred feet below ground into an almost fiery death and you still don’t believe it? Was the magically appearing Tower not enough? Or the fact that our feet are not being scorched right now?”
Wanting to put an end to this conversation, Kaldur said his piece.
“Wally, I have studied for a year at the Conservatory of Sorcery in Atlantis.” He had crouched down, rubbing the surface of the floor. “The mystic arts created the skin icons that power my water bearers.”
“Dude, have you ever heard of bioelectricity? Hey in primitive cultures fire was once considered magical too. Today it’s all just a bunch of tricks.”
“What I do is not a trick. Do you really think destroying the Eiffel Tower, and putting it back in place is just some trick? Or how about when an old akuma was able to control the weather and created a volcano in the middle of Paris? Were those all tricks too? Were the casualties just results of things that don’t exist?” Marinette was becoming increasingly agitated as her rant went on. M'gann moved to comfort her, embracing her slightly.
“Don’t put words in my mouth! I never said the lives lost weren’t real! It was tragic, yeah, but that was due to real scientific explanations.”
“Science can’t bring people back from the dead.” Her voice was more subdued and sombre and her shoulders were curling into her body. The atmosphere was increasingly getting more depressing so Kaldur grabbed onto the latch, hoping that making progress into the mission would revive the Team’s energy.
He ignored Wally’s protests about heat backdrafts and came face first to a rush of frigid air.    
“Do you ever get tired of being wrong?” Artemis was rather smug as she threw a smirk over her shoulder. Kaldur just wished the rest of the mission wouldn’t be like this.
Artemis was going to tear her hair out. Or probably Wally’s. Yeah, she was going to tear Wally’s hair out. It had been a week since the Dr. Fate mission and he still hasn't apologized to Marinette. His refusal to believe in magic was not only screwing up the team dynamics but it was forcing Marinette’s hand, pushing her to dig up trauma, to try and prove to him that magic is real. Artemis didn’t understand why it was so important to her that Wally believed in magic but it was and that was enough for Artemis to stand by her friend.
The two haven’t even spoken to each other since the mission and it was painfully obvious that Marinette was avoiding him. Valid, but still aggravating when it put everyone on the team on edge. Artemis wasn’t one to play peacemaker, leaving that to Kaldur and Marinette, but since this ongoing conflict involved the Parasian, and Kaldur had his hands full with a mission in Atlantis, someone had to step up and that person was her. Wonderful.  
She had tracked Wally in the medical facility, tinkering with some of the equipment and taking inventory of their supplies, a job Red Tornado routinely asks him to do. She skipped any greeting and just started plucking items out of his hands. Ignoring his protests, she kept going until his hands were empty then grabbed his wrist, pulling him into the training room and shoving him into the center ring.
“Shut up and stay,” was all she said, crossing her arms and freezing him with a glare. She wasn’t in the mood for any of his gimmicks tonight. The sound of the zetatubes announcing the Ladybug designation alerted her to Marinette’s return from Paris. Time for the next part of her plan.
“Don’t move,” she said as she turned to retrieve the other person for her plan. A firm ‘I mean it’ was tossed over her shoulder as she left.
Collecting Marinette was easier said than done. Artemis was headstrong on a good day, she will admit, but now as a woman on a mission she was down right intimidating and she knew it. Marinette took one look at her expression and bolted for the zetatube she just stepped out of. Artemis was having none of that and was able to grab the much shorter girl before she could get any further. While Artemis was mentally applauding herself she was also begrudgingly impressed with how difficult it was to hold the girl. Dragging her to the training deck was becoming more trouble than it was probably worth.
Artemis could pinpoint the exact moment Marinette’s eyes landed on the speedster because her efforts doubled and she almost escaped Artemis’s grasp. She dropped her gracelessly on the floor and moved to block the exit before either could do anything.
“Neither of you are leaving until you work out your issues,” she was huffing from exhaustion, both mental and physical. “Whether that means punching the shit out of each other or talking it out like normal people: I don’t care. But no one leaves this room until you two stop screwing with the team dynamics.”
She left no room for arguments and turned to stand outside the exit, giving them some semblance of privacy. If they didn’t work out their issues here, Artemis’s plan B involved Connor tossing them into the far end of the coastline. Hopefully, Wally and Marinette were reasonable enough it wouldn’t have to come to that.
Oh, who was she kidding?
Wally stared at Artemis’s retreating figure and then at a very interesting spot on the cave wall. He felt like an asshole all week and, after his experience with the helmet of Fate, he knew he would have to be the one to mend the ever growing gap between him and Marinette. Still, he couldn’t face her yet. Every time he looked at her, or saw her hastily leave any room he was in, his mind flashed to those haunting words she had said.
Science can’t bring people back from the dead.
He knew that. He knew there were harsh limitations on what science can and can’t do. Magic shouldn’t have been any different. And he thought he understood what she had to deal with during her time in Paris but he was wrong. He was so painfully wrong that it took his body being overtaken by a mystic ‘Lord of Order’ for him to really comprehend that. He just… He just couldn’t wrap his head around someone so young being entrusted with so much power. Magic was inexplicable. It defied reason and was unpredictable so he never understood how someone as self-assured as Marinette could put her faith in something that unreliable. So he lashed out at her. Then he did it again. And again so much so that he can’t remember ever having a civil conversation with her.
He messed up and he knew it but the shame he felt in the past week was too much for him to handle and he couldn’t bring himself to speak.
“Look,” his head snapped to the sound of her voice. She wasn’t looking at him, holding herself for comfort. “I’m sorry for ignoring you, I didn’t realise it was affecting the rest of the team.”
No. no no nonono.
She shouldn’t be apologizing. She had nothing to apologize for and Wally is the ass in this situation not her so why is she apologizing? He needs to fix this. Fast.
“You don’t need to apologize,” such a terrible start, Wallace. Congratulations. “I was the one who pushed your buttons and called magic a big trick.”
She had lifted her head slightly but her gaze still wasn’t focused on him, rather she was looking beyond him just above his shoulder. He took a step closer and when she hadn’t made a break for the exit, he took that as a good sign.
“Listen, Marinette,” her eyes dart to and away from him in an instant. He didn’t let that stop him though. “All those times, times when I called magic fake or belittled its legitimacy, I wasn’t trying to hurt you. I was just trying to wrap my head around its absurdity.”
“It doesn’t matter what you were trying to do,” she finally locked her gaze on him and the pain swimming in her eyes was going to burn him alive. “You still hurt me. You took everything I did, everything I’ve learned and lost and loved and called it a hoax, you called it unreal, and you doubted everything I’ve ever accomplished. I have memories I may never recover from because of magic, scars that will never heal from something you didn’t want to believe in.”
There were unshed tears in her eyes and Wally wanted to brush them away. He didn’t, but fighting the urge was herculean of him. He didn’t get the chance to respond, though, but he wouldn’t dare interrupt her.
“Did you ever realise how those arguments affected me? I used to look up to you, Kid Flash, before joining the team.” He never knew that. Why didn’t he know that? “You were always so cheerful and the media framed you as someone who believed in the impossible. That was something I needed back in Paris. Because there was nothing more impossible to me than ever getting a chance to defeat Hawkmoth.”
She was openly crying now, her cheeks blotchy and eyes red. Wally didn’t know what to say so he took a chance and opened his arms to her. A silent invitation, a quiet apology. Whatever this little spitfire needed from him. He would willingly give it.
She took the offer and crashed her face into his chest, hands grabbing fistfuls of his shirt. He wrapped his arms snuggly around her, almost crushing her to his chest.
“I needed someone who believed in the impossible to believe in me.” Her sobs were heartbreaking. Wally could only caress her on the back in a futile attempt to comfort her. “That someone was you but then you had no problem looking me in the eye and saying you don’t believe in magic. How could you?”
“I am so sorry, Marinette.” He could never apologize enough. He was willing to dedicate his life making it up to her. He was silently praying to gods he also didn’t believe in that she would let him try. Before she could say anything, and he felt the hitch in her shoulders as she was taking steadying breaths to do so, he continued.
“I never knew what I—Kid Flash— meant to you. I only argued against magic so much because I didn’t want to believe that something that unpredictable was the only thing keeping someone like you safe. I heard all the stories; Wonder Woman loved to gush and brag about her mother’s successor, but I could never believe that someone could do such incredible things by magic alone. It was mind boggling.”
Wally felt more than heard the faint gasp at his confession. He pulled her off his chest, holding her a short distance by her shoulders, so that he could look into her eyes.
“I’m really sorry; I don’t think I can ever tell you how sorry I am.” She needed to know how genuine he was. He may clown around a lot but he was absolutely serious in this moment. He hoped she could see the sincerity in his eyes.
“I—,” she cut herself off, and Wally could see her growing frustrated with her own loss of words. She opened her mouth to speak again but she was interrupted.
“OH just kiss already!” Artemis’s rough voice echoed in the room and Wally’s gaze flashed to where her back was facing them by the entrance. She looked uncomfortable standing there but clearly she had an agenda she was seeing through. He didn’t pay her any more attention as he focused back on the increasingly red girl still within his grasps. The hurt that was previously in her eyes was quickly replaced with embarrassment and she couldn’t look Wally in the eyes.
He felt a sudden rush of confidence at her demeanor and hoped he wasn’t about to make the second biggest mistake of his life. He bent his head slightly, casting a smirk at the small girl.
“Well, if that’s what the people want,” he pulled her closer to him then, her mousy ‘eep’ sounding adorable in response. He cupped her chin between two fingers, tilting her head up. “May I?”
She didn’t speak but her answering nod and slow closing of her eyes encouraged him to close the distance between them.
Wally’s been struck by lightning before but it doesn’t compare to the feeling of her lips on his. Her lips tasted like slowly drying tears and her favourite vanilla lip balm. The kiss wasn’t perfect, her lips were slightly chapped, as were his, and their noses bumped into each other, but it was the best kiss of his life.
They broke away from the kiss but neither moved far from each other. They stayed like that for who knows how long. Staring intently at each other, committing the other’s face to memory. And as Wally stared at her tear streaked face and into her slightly red and puffy eyes, he came to a single conclusion.
He definitely believed in magic.
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ketchupqueenboiiii · 3 years
Charge - Chapter 2
A/N: Welp this is really late, but it's here so please enjoy :)
"So, like, when something planned goes bad or not in favor of whoever planned it, you say, 'Oh, how the trees have greened.'" Wally said smiling from his seat in the front row. He and Robin poorly hid their laughter at Kaldur's solemn nod of understanding and M'gann's enthusiastic thank you.
They all got bored in the mountain and decided to patrol the town. He occasionally grunted or nodded to show he was listening but was otherwise silent. He was trying to sort out the noise, there's much more than there was in Cadmus. More variety, really. So he focused on the teams' noises.
Wally's heart beat a faster than what he thought was normal for humans, even when he was just lounging on the couch.
M'gann didn't have a heartbeat but she had different sounding footsteps. They were quieter than humans, probably because of her flight.
Robin walked quietly and almost inaudibly when Superboy didn't concentrate on his footsteps. But his heartbeat was normal.
Kaldur's were loud compared to the other's, like thumps. It's probably because his weight, he guesses Atlantean's had to be of certain weight to be able to not float to the surface, and whatever helped them withstand water pressure probably played a factor in weight too. Kaldur's heartbeat was a little faster than Robin's but not nearly as much as Wally's.
He came back to real time in the middle of M'gann's query.
"There's somebody out on the roof of that building-" she stood and changed the Bio-Ship's design, allowing everyone to see outside, where somebody in costume stood on a rooftop roughly 50 feet away, "-they're wearing a..." she paused, in thought, "I think it's a super-suit, like the ones we have but I guess there's the possibility they're not a danger. I think I should go check it out."
Kaldur nodded, "That's a good idea, M'gann, go invisible and evaluate them, report on the mind-link what you learn and we go from there." She nodded back.
They all watched, well not really if you think about it, as M'gann went invisible and left the Bio-ship.
He listened for her steps but couldn't hear them. She's flying then. He heard the other person take a heavy breath. Then saw them whack M'gann with a horn from their headband.
Everyone's eyes widened at the smacking noise of the horn against M'gann and then hardened into battle-ready expressions.  They won't get away untouched when the team was done with them.
Superboy didn't hesitate as he jumped out of the Bio-ship with Wally. He saw red and felt the others' similar attitudes through the mind-link.
"M'gann!" They yelled as they fell to the ground.
"Superboy, help M'gann. I'll deal with her." Kid Flash sped off as he mentally hummed in response.
Superboy glared at the stranger before making his way to M'gann. He helped her up while Kid's hands flew as they attacked the stranger, them dodging skillfully but still getting caught in every few punches and backing away uselessly; since Kid's assault was coming in from every angle he could get. But then they stopped moving and glared. At what, he couldn't guess since there was nothing in their path to glare at.
Then they thrust out their weapon and Kid froze mid-run. His momentum, though, sent him straight to the ground. Superboy winced at the crunch that was surely his nose and wrist breaking against the concrete.
Robin's took in a hasty breathe, his heart skipped a beat then rushed back to rhythm, beating harder than before.
"Kid!" He jumped from the Bio-Ship, and rolled into his landing. Gingerly, Robin inspected Kid on the ground. "Wally, are you okay? What'd they do?" His voice was laced with concern.
Wally groaned, "I'm okay, -ish. I can't move though. And it's not like a 'frozen-in-ice' kinda way, I can't move anything. Can't use my body heat or vibration to get out."
"Do you know what they hit you with? Maybe I can use some... pressure-point-massage-therapy combo thing."
"They jabbed me in the gut and whispered 'Venin', then I froze and I couldn't make myself run again. It was like in that episode, you know with the Chi-Blockers-" Wally led on until Kaldur interrupted.
"Wait, are you sure they whispered 'Venom' as they jabbed you and then you froze?" He sounded put off and skittish but like he was trying to hide it.
"Yeah, but in French."
He hesitated until letting out a breathe, "I need a better look at her, I'm taking the Bio-Ship closer. Keep them busy but in the general area, I need to see all angles."
"Yeah, okay, but can someone get me off the ground? I can feel my nose healing wrong and it's already wonky from every other time I broke it."
Superboy stood protectively in front of M'gann, glaring at the stranger. And they had the audacity to smirk and took out their weapons. A spinning top children's toy and a horn from their headdress. They were taunting him. He glared right back.
They narrowed their eyes and took off to the end of the roof top, jumping down, likely to escape.
He ran to follow but Kaldur intercepted, "They're bluffing. They're circling back with their grapple, probably going for your blind spot behind you, be ready for it."
"Okay." He heard them and swiftly turned, using his forearm to hit their legs; sending them across the roof top. Robin started throwing batarangs at them as he ran back to the fight. He learned he could move Wally so he took him to the Bio-Ship to Kaldur after he set the speedster's crippled nose. They quickly ran to the neighboring rooftop.
Kaldur took an unsettling breathe, "I was right," he whispered, before returning to a more assertive tone, "I'm calling in a high priority call to Wonder Woman and Aquaman."
The team's simultaneous aghast questions were outshined by Robin's, "What? A high priority call? Kaldur, we have 'em beat! We don't need the League's help-"
"I'm not asking, Robin, this person is a serious threat, and should be considered dangerous. Wonder Woman and Aquaman are best suited to apprehend them."
Robin, completely masking his attidude, throws his voice, "Boo."
They shriek, "Merde!" and throw a smaller horn at a wall. With their back turned, Robin threw a ball that expended into weighted net. As they turn, a look of panic flashes over their face and the net entraps them.
Superboy lifts her into a kneel and stands behind her. M'gann and Robin stand in front of her.
"See? We didn't need the League's help. We got this under control."
"We're going to hand them over to Wonder Woman and Aquaman when they get here. Whoever this is, somehow has access to a power artifact."
M'gann tilted her head in confusion, "What do you mean, 'powerful artifact'?"
"I mean, their power isn't their own, it comes from an ancient source that we are not ready to handle."
"Not ready to handle? Did you not see the last thirty minutes?"
"This is not up for debate, Wonder Woman and Aquaman are a minute away."
Robin looks like he wants to continue the argument but M'gann interrupts, "I'm gonna try and find more about them." Her hand rises to the stranger's forehead, but they roll backwards and knock him down. He hears them tear the bottom of the net, freeing their legs. They start running towards the next rooftop and Robin begins throwing batarangs again. M'gann takes of flying and he runs along side Robin.
They were close to finished getting out net when Kaldur announced Wonder Woman and Aquaman had arrived. Wonder Woman flew past M'gann and swung her lasso at the stranger, successfully capturing them again. She pulled them in as she landed on the roof.
The Bio-Ship set down on the rooftop and opened for Kaldur to walk to Aquaman.
"That was a good call, Aqualad. An inner circle wielder could have caused some problems. Good job, Kaldur." He smiled to his apprentice.
"Thank you, my King." He smiled back, "They hit Kid Flash and he became completely paralyzed so I assume they hold the miraculous of subjection. Do you a cure for him?"
"It should wear off soon, but if not, I'll contact a healer from Atlantis."
Wonder Woman tied the stranger from behind before kneeling to see their face. Her eyes widened and her torso flinched back.
The stranger spoke awkwardly,"Ça roule, Diana."
"Wonder Woman, you know them?" Aquaman's question really didn't help with the embarrassment Chloe was feeling right now.
"Yes, I do. She's one of the hero's from Paris I helped a few months ago." She helped the tied up girl and undid the lasso around her.
"Then why did you attack Miss Martian?" Even newer guy had good questions. She was about to jab at the name before Diana silenced her.
"Lets go back to the Mountain before we do any questioning." Wow, yeah, this would be a great time to run, but the chance to see the inside of a Justice League headquarters? She had to do this for Adrien. But it seemed not everyone was as enthusiastic with the plan.
"What? Wonder Woman, you can't be serious. She attacked Kid and Miss M!" Well, yes, but in Chloe's defense, she was antsy and really bored.
"We'll talk about that at the Mountain, lets go." She says it with such an air of finality all they can do is pout and grumble. Maybe the voice was a ladybug thing.
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thegreysman · 4 years
Tumblr media
Based in last chapter of fanfic Someone’s Waiting For You by  ShivaVixen
Crossover YoungJustice X Miraculous Ladybug
@nobodyfamousposts, @susanphoenix
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jarl-alf · 4 years
Miraculous and The Light
Having read several ML x DC where the justice league ignores what is happening in Paris. I have been disappointed to not find one where the villains come to Paris instead. Instead I decided to try to make one.
After the call for help from Paris falls on deaf ears with the Justice league. The Light learns of the situation and decides to intervene in favour of the miraculous team.
 Reasons for The Light to support the miraculous team:
-          The miraculous are powerful and it is better to have their wielders be friendly towards them.
-          Showing the Justice League ignoring teenage heroes would strongly impact their public image.
-          It would create a lot of discourse within the League and the Team. At least 3 in the League will have a connection to the Miraculous (Wonder woman, Aquaman and Doctor Fate). The Team is made up of mostly teenage heroes so the League leave other teenage heroes to fend for themselves will not go over well with most of them.
-          The Light also have 3 members connected to the Miraculous (Vandal Savage, Ra’s al Ghul and Klarion). Vandal Savage once wielded a miraculous, Ra’s has encountered the order multiple times and has great respect for the miraculous purpose (maintaining balance) and Klarion knows some of the kwami (like Plagg and Trixx) and would rather stay on their good side.
 Other ideas:
-          Vandal Savage mentoring Marinette and giving her guardian training.
-          The Miraculous team receiving proper combat training from the the league of shadows.
-          Lex Luthor giving business advice.
 Feel free to add more ideas and write a story based on this idea.
This is my first post so if there is anything I could do better it would be greatly appreciated if you would help me improve.
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electricgreen13 · 5 years
Miraculous Ladybug x DC
I’ve spent the past few days doing way too much fanfic planning and not nearly enough schoolwork.
I now have the bones of both the Young Justice fic AND the Arrowverse/Rogue Canary fic!! Hooray!!
(Like honestly, it just started pouring out, my new google docs are so long.)
So to make this a bit easier (and cuz I’m not yet an expert in doing fanfic on tumblr) I will be using specific tags on all future posts for both stories (even after I give them specific story titles, I’ll still use the tags). I’ll also tag them with my username: electricgreen13. Tags are as followed:
Young Justice: Miraculous Young Justice & YJ in Paris
Arrowverse/Rogue Canary: Miraculous Rogue Canary
So follow the tags for all future stuff!!
Expect lots of questions and ramblings (I’m very indecisive and would LOVE help/feedback on certain story stuff). Get hype!
And yes, I will be posting these on FF and Ao3; both are the same username: electricgreen13
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maribat-fic-library · 3 years
Can you find any wallynette fics??
here’s what I found!
Flash meeting by @boldlyanxious
Married to a stranger | chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | ao3 by @readingismyoxygen [note: incomplete]
Pure Energy | by @loveswifi
don’t you love me? | tumblr by @m3owww
Project: Null | chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 by @rhub4rb [note: incomplete]
the YJ x MLB series by TheFairMaidenofFandom 
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bisexualsforprompto · 4 years
I Wish It Was You
My take on the angsty MariBart MLB x YJ idea
Tw: death
Thank @ethelphantom and @persephonebutkore for this lmao (plus the Maribat discord server)
“Run! We can still stop this!” Marinette cried to Adrien, who was wide eyed with fear.
“M-Marinette.” Adrien crumpled to the ground.
“What?!” Marinette shrieked. Bart was on Adrien’s side in an instance. “Adrien what happened?! Don’t tell me you got-“
“I got hit.” Adrien said before coughing up a small spurt of blood. He motioned to a hole in his leather Chat Noir armor that was covered in blood, “I-I didn’t tell you before. I’m sorry. I didn’t want you to slow down for me.”
“You dumb cat!” Marinette yelled as she cupped his head between her hands, “You're gonna be fine okay?! We’ll go back to the past and get a doctor for you.”
“Whatever you say Bugaboo.”
Marinette didn’t yell at him for the nickname. She smiled softly and picked him up in her arms.
“Mari?” He hacked. “B-Bart?”
Bart ran quickly to Adrien and placed his hand in Adrien’s, “You’re gonna be fine. I promise. We’ll get there, it’ll be crash.”
In the distance an explosion went off, causing the ground to shake violently.
Adrien nodded, “Mari, here.” He took off his ring in an instant.
“Adrien, no.” Marinette said firmly, shoving the ring back to him.
“Please, take it. The Reach already has the miracle box. If you only have the Ladybug and fox miraculous you won’t be able to do much.”
“Stop talking like you’re not coming with us. Let’s go to the time machine now, I’ll carry you.”
Adrien gave her a knowing smile. Still detransformed, he slipped a small item into her yo-yo before she noticed. Marinette hiked him up bridal style and yo-yoed off. Bart ran behind her.
It didn’t take long to reach the machine, and they were already so close that Marinette and Bart had newfound determination that moved them faster.
Bart shoved the door to the machine open with reckless abandon. Marinette was just about to place Adrien in when-
“Hero scum.” Scoffed a voice, a familiar one at that. Marinette turned around to see Blue Beetle.
“Get in.” Marinette said, gritting her teeth, as she pushed Adrien into the machine. Bart and Marinette stood in between the machine and Blue Beetle.
“Protecting your friend. How sweet.” Blue laughed, “Too bad you’ll all die anyway.”
“No!” Adrien exclaimed just as the Blue Beetle began to fire up his weapon. With the last remaining strength he had Adrien pushed out of the machine, shoved Marinette and Bart in while they were distracted by Beetle, and shut the door.
“ADRIEN!” Marinette screamed. Adrien looked back at her with a small smile.
“Now is not the time to be a hero!” Bart sobbed as he pounded onto the door of the time machine, trying to get it open.
“I trust you two to bring me back.” Adrien said with a wink. He faced back to Blue Beetle.
“How touching.” Blue said, shedding a mock tear.
Then he fired.
Marinette gagged as she saw Adrien being completely blown to bits. She felt tears streaming down her face as Adrien fell to his knees and to the ground.
“No! No! No!” Bart yelled pounding on the door again. The machine fired up, likely started by Adrien before he left it.
“Adrien.” Marinette sobbed into her hands.
They sat in stunned silence for a while, neither dared to say anything. They just cried silently, not willing to seek comfort from the other.
“He’s not dead.” Bart whispered. Marinette glared at him. “I mean...we can bring him back.”
“I’ll bring him back. This is my responsibility, you’re not doing anything.” Marinette hissed with searing anger, “It should’ve-“
“Don’t you start with that ‘it should’ve been me’ bullshit, Marinette! You always make it about you!”
“It shouldn’t have been me!” Marinette yelled, shoving a finger onto Bart’s chest, “It should’ve been you.”
“What?” Bart depanned.
“You and I both know that hit Adrien took was meant for you.”
Bart sat in shock. His face hardened, “Fuck you Marinette. The only reason I ever agreed to go with you was because of Adrien.”
They glared at each other.
Bart felt his anger flare up again, “I can’t believe-“
“I wish it was you.” Marinette chuckled. Then tears started falling down her face, “I wish it was you instead of him.”
“Then the feeling is mutual.” Bart muttered, “I never wanted you here.”
“Good.” Marinette said indignantly, “I’m saving Adrien. Sticking to my plan. Don’t help me, I can do it on my own.”
“Are you kidding?! No! I’m just as much a part of this as-“
Marinette and Bart’s argument was interrupted by the machine as it crashed into the training room of a certain mountain.
Marinette pushed open the door and jumped out, she tried to slam the door on Bart and trap him, but he was too fast.
“What is your problem?!” He yelled, sweeping her legs out from under her.
“My problem is you!” Laying in the cold metal floor she used her yo-yo and squeezed it around his legs to send him flying to the floor like her. “The so-called fastest man alive couldn’t even save the one person who he needed to!”
Bart was on his feet in an instant, as was Marinette, “Like you’re any better Bugaboo.” He spat.
“Don’t you dare call me that!” Marinette screamed as she sent a roundhouse kick aimed straight for his face.
Bart grabbed her leg before it could meet its target and pushed her, face first, to the ground.
Wiping the blood from her mouth, Marinette stood up, “Lucky charm.”
A spotted red and black knife fell into her hands. She laughed, “At least I know what to do with this one. And there are many ways to skin a speedster.”
“That’s enough!” A new man boomed as he pulled Marinette away and sent her flying into the wall. A blur of red and yellow did the same to Bart.
Marinette groaned, then she saw Superboy, who had thrown her, and Artemis, who was holding her bow in front of Marinette’s face.
“Talk.” Artemis said, narrowing her eyes, “Who are you?!”
“My name is Ladybug.” She said calmly, “I’m not here to hurt you, I’m here because in the future a catastrophic event causes the Reach to take over Earth. Your team and the Justice League fail.”
Artemis was taken aback as she withdrew the arrow from her boy. Superboy narrowed his eyes and cracked his knuckles, “Why were you fighting Kid Flash junior over there then? And how are we supposed to trust you.”
“I was fighting Impulse because of some differences that came between us while we got here.” Marinette stated, trying to keep Adrien’s lifeless eyes out of her mind, “And you can trust me. I’m willing to take any tests you want to perform on me.”
“Good.” Nightwing said, appearing from the shadows, “In the meantime we have some questions for you and Impulse.”
“You’re taking this better than I expected.” Marinette noted.
“Oh, no.” Superboy said, “We’re all furious, but we also want to get to the bottom of this. And make sure you’re who you say you are.”
Kid Flash ran over to join Superboy, Artemis and Nightwing, “The kid calls himself Impulse. Says the little one here is Ladybug.”
“Matches what she said.”
“He says he won’t talk to her though.” Kid Flash continued.
“Of course he did.” Marinette scoffed, “I think I’ll do the same.”
The team shared a look.
“Okay.” Nightwing said, “Let’s get started then.”
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