bumblebeeappletree · 1 year
Honeybees are the world’s most important pollinators, but their population is on the decline — here’s how one Bay Area teen discovered a way to repair the effects of pesticides on honeybees😮🐝
#Bee #Earth #Environment #ClimateCrisis #NowThis
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morragriculture · 5 months
Protect Your Tomato Crop From Insect Infestation With Chester Boone’s! 
#ChesterBoones #Tomato #Tomatoes #CropProduction #IPM #AGPestControl #CropPesticides #GrowSupplies #Horticulture #Floriculture #CEA #Hydroponics #Aeroponics #Plants #Crops #Greenhouses #Farms #Agriculture #AG #IndoorFarms #GrowRooms #GrowOps #Farmers #Farming #LosAngeles #LA #CA
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47-protons · 2 years
Love my job and seeing something out of the corner of my eye and having friends nice enough to just. Stop and wait and talk amongst themselves until I'm done going through the leaves on a boxwood to announce it has spidermites
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six-of-ravens · 2 years
garden update: there are definitely radishes growing!!!!!!!! they're not big enough to pick yet but!!!!! I've grown radishes for like 4 or 5 years now and this is the first year they haven't gone to tops!!!!!!
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xzcezkgej · 1 year
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thisquietdust · 3 months
This crow has allowed itself to be covered in ants. Birds engage in a fascinating behavior called anting, where they rub insects, especially ants, on their feathers and skin. This can be done actively by picking up insects and applying them to their body or passively by lying in an area with abundant insects and performing dust-bathing-like movements. The insects secrete chemicals like formic acid, which possess insecticidal, miticidal, fungicidal, or bactericidal properties, providing potential benefits for the birds' health and plumage maintenance.
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tomwambsgans · 2 years
"i've been infected with a virus and anyone i tell i effectively kill" + "i have the virus don't i?" + willa's play being unfinished due to her having had a virus + greg having just saved some last few documents before tom could burn them + "there's something living in it? perhaps thriving in the sand?" + greg's attempts to fix his mites problem making it worse bc the miticide is attracting midges + the shadow logs and specifically the attempts to cover it up being on the cusp of coming out and taking everything down + shiv weaponizing tom's sex appeal against his will to kill rhea + "just stop!" "i just feel uncomfortable in my skin right now!" + logan being "the most singularly responsible for the death of the planet" + logan telling greg "in the end it's up to you" + greg neglecting to secure his future in favor of something he enjoys, a real connection, even if he's also staying connected to an abundance of death, so to speak = every line in succession meaning at least 3 things depending on the angle you view it from + greg forever speaking tom's mind even and especially when his own context is seemingly unrelated + the aids crisis haunting the narrative + this is not a show about gay sex but gay sex is looking through the window trying to get in
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resistantbees · 9 months
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2022dirt · 11 months
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This crow allowed itself to be covered in ants.
Birds engage in a fascinating behavior called anting, where they rub insects, especially ants, on their feathers and skin. This can be done actively by picking up insects and applying them to their body or passively by lying in an area with abundant insects and performing dust-bathing-like movements.
The insects secrete chemicals like formic acid, which possess insecticidal, miticidal, fungicidal, or bactericidal properties, providing potential benefits for the birds' health and plumage maintenance.
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morragriculture · 9 months
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July 2022: Say Hello To My Little Friend
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Despite its size, this is one of this year’s litter. An experienced squirrel wouldn’t have let me get this close: 
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We went to Plot 420 to do some watering of the containers plants (They dry out quick because there is zero shade) & some seeds that we planted on our last visit. I also sprayed the beans, tomatoes & cucurbits with a combination of Neem oil & BT (Bacillus thuringiensis) mainly for insect control but Neem oil is also a miticide & a fungicide. I had done a little online research & discovered Neem oil & BT could be combined with the caveat that BT doesn’t store after dilution so you never want to mix more than you are planning to apply on any given day. Since this is our first year using this combo, we’ll see how well it manages pests.
I’m thinking this zucchini will be ready by the weekend:  
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commajade · 2 years
Some people say hose it down and then clean it with alcohol (diluted. Spray and wipe) and you might have to do it several times. But in this time it could also spread so if you want to be sure go straight to miticide. If it's only one leaf I'd say you have high hopes!
man now i have to buy miticide 😭
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natures-nectarhoney · 2 months
Nature’s Nectar: Unveiling the Sweet Secrets of Organic Honey, India’s Finest
Honey — a golden nectar revered for centuries for its taste and potential health benefits. But with countless options on the market, finding the “best honey in India” can be a sticky situation. At Nature’s Nectar, we believe the answer lies in the purity and integrity of organic honey, a product that not only tantalizes your taste buds but nourishes your well-being.
Organic Honey: A Commitment to Purity
Organic honey goes beyond the simple act of collecting nectar. It’s a commitment to ethical beekeeping practices that prioritize the health of the bees and the quality of the honey they produce. Here’s what sets organic honey apart:
Chemical-Free Environments: Organic beehives are located away from conventional agriculture, minimizing exposure to pesticides and herbicides that can contaminate honey.
Natural Beekeeping Practices: Organic beekeepers avoid using synthetic antibiotics or miticides to treat bees, promoting a healthier bee population and ensuring a more natural product.
Sustainable Practices: Organic beekeeping emphasizes sustainable practices that protect natural ecosystems and support the vital role of bees in pollination.
Nature’s Nectar: The Essence of India
India boasts a rich beekeeping tradition, with diverse regions producing honey that reflects the unique floral landscape. At Nature’s Nectar, we source our organic honey from these diverse regions, each offering a distinct flavor profile:
Himalayan Blush: This light-colored honey, harvested from the foothills of the Himalayas, boasts a delicate floral aroma and a subtle sweetness.
Forest Reserve: The deep amber hues of this honey, collected from pristine Indian forests, hint at its robust flavor with earthy undertones.
Wildflower Symphony: A captivating blend of floral nectars captured by bees across the Indian countryside, offering a complex and ever-changing taste experience.
Honey for Weight Loss: Debunking the Myths
Honey has been touted as a weight-loss miracle cure, but the reality is more nuanced. While honey contains natural sugars, it has a lower glycemic index compared to table sugar, meaning it may cause a slower rise in blood sugar levels. Additionally, honey can contribute to a feeling of satiety, potentially reducing cravings and aiding in weight management, but it shouldn’t be viewed as a standalone honey weight loss solution.
Nature’s Nectar: Beyond the Spoonful
Organic honey offers a variety of culinary and wellness applications:
Natural Sweetener: Replace refined sugar in your tea, coffee, or baking with honey for a touch of natural sweetness and added depth of flavor.
Skincare Savior: Honey’s humectant properties can help keep your skin hydrated. Look for natural skincare products infused with organic honey for a gentle, nourishing experience.
Soothing Relief: A spoonful of honey can help soothe a sore throat or cough thanks to its potential antimicrobial properties.
The Nature’s Nectar Promise
At Nature’s Nectar, we strive to deliver the finest organic honey India has to offer. We use a meticulous cold-extraction process to preserve the delicate enzymes and nutrients naturally present in honey. Our commitment to purity and quality ensures you experience the true essence of organic honey, from the diverse flavors of India to its potential health benefits.
Embark on a Journey of Sweet Discovery
Explore the world of Nature’s Nectar organic honey. Discover the unique flavors of different regions, incorporate them into your culinary creations, and experience the potential wellness benefits they offer. With Nature’s Nectar, you’re not just indulging in a delicious treat, but embracing a commitment to ethical beekeeping, sustainable practices, and the natural goodness of organic honey.
This conent has been taken from: bit.ly/3U59Lho
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mobilenotary24524 · 4 months
Overcoming Challenges in 5-Frame Nuc Management: Practical Solutions for Beekeepers
Introduction While 5-frame nucleus colonies (nucs) offer an excellent starting point for beekeepers 5 frame nucs for sale, they also present unique challenges that require careful attention and proactive management. From issues related to colony establishment to maintaining optimal hive conditions, beekeepers must be equipped with practical solutions to overcome these challenges effectively. In this article, we explore common challenges encountered in 5-frame nuc management and provide actionable strategies for addressing them.
1. Colony Establishment and Queen Acceptance One of the primary challenges in 5-frame nuc management is ensuring successful colony establishment and queen acceptance. To mitigate this challenge, introduce the nuc to its new hive environment during periods of favorable weather and abundant forage. Provide ample ventilation and minimize disturbances during the initial integration process to encourage queen acceptance and colony cohesion.
2. Varroa Mite Infestations Varroa mites pose a significant threat to the health and longevity of 5-frame nucs, particularly during the critical early stages of colony development. Implement integrated pest management (IPM) strategies such as screened bottom boards, drone brood trapping, and organic miticide treatments to mitigate varroa mite infestations effectively. Monitor mite levels regularly and intervene promptly to prevent population outbreaks.
3. Maintaining Hive Strength and Population Maintaining optimal hive strength and population is essential for the long-term success of 5-frame nucs. Monitor brood patterns, population dynamics, and honey stores regularly to assess colony health and productivity. Provide supplemental feeding and hive expansion as needed to support population growth and ensure sufficient resources for colony development.
4. Queen Health and Productivity The health and productivity of the queen bee are critical factors influencing the performance of 5-frame nucs. Monitor queen activity, egg-laying patterns, and brood quality to assess queen health and productivity. Requeen colonies exhibiting signs of queen failure or diminished performance to maintain colony vigor and productivity.
5. Resource Management and Forage Availability Effective resource management and access to abundant forage are essential for sustaining 5-frame nuc colonies. Plant bee-friendly flora and cultivate diverse forage sources in close proximity to the apiary to ensure a continuous supply of nectar and pollen. Monitor local floral blooms and weather patterns to anticipate forage availability and adjust management practices accordingly.
6. Environmental Stressors and External Threats External stressors and threats such as adverse weather conditions, pesticide exposure, and habitat loss can negatively impact the health and resilience of 5-frame nuc colonies. Minimize environmental stressors by siting hives in sheltered locations away from potential sources of contamination and disturbance. Implement measures to mitigate pesticide exposure and promote habitat conservation to support bee health and biodiversity.
7. Education and Continuous Improvement Continual education and skill development are essential for overcoming challenges in 5-frame nuc management effectively. Stay informed about current research, best practices, and emerging trends in beekeeping through participation in workshops, seminars, and online forums. Cultivate a network of experienced beekeepers and mentors for guidance and support in navigating challenges and refining management techniques.
Conclusion Successfully managing 5-frame nucleus colonies requires a combination of knowledge, skill, and proactive intervention to overcome common challenges effectively. By addressing issues related to colony establishment, varroa mite infestations, hive strength and population, queen health and productivity, resource management, environmental stressors, and ongoing education, beekeepers can cultivate thriving and resilient apiaries capable of weathering challenges and sustaining healthy bee populations for years to come.
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vasmatesulphur44 · 4 months
Sustainable Farming with Vasmate Sulphur Industries' Sulphur WDG 80% Benefits
Sulphur WDG 80%, known for its remarkable benefits in agriculture, is a standout product from Vasmate Sulphur Industries. This wettable Sulphur is not just a fungicide and insecticide but is also renowned for its low toxicity, making it a suitable choice for organic gardens.
The Agricultural Advantages
Sulphur WDG 80% controls fungal diseases like powdery mildew, rust, and brown rot. Its ability to manage mites is also noteworthy. Beyond disease control, it contributes significantly to maintaining soil pH, enhancing nutrient uptake, and supporting essential processes like photosynthesis and protein synthesis.
Properties and Applications
Characterized by its dust-free, micronized granules, Sulphur WDG 80% is easy to handle and measure. Its quick dispersion in water and high suspensibility make it a farmer-friendly option. Its triple action as a fungicide, micronutrient, and miticide amplifies its value in sustainable farming practices. From grape vineyards to apple orchards, its versatility across different crops and plantations is evident.
Crop Benefits and Packaging
Sulphur WDG 80% has shown effectiveness in various crops, including grapes, apples, pears, and peaches, as well as in fields of ornamentals, vegetables, and forestry. Its packaging options, accommodating different scales of agricultural needs, come in 25 kg and 50 kg variants.
Global Outreach and Operations
Vasmate Sulphur Industries stands out not just for its product quality but also for its extensive operations. Annually, the company manufactures 5,000 MT of Sulphur Rolls and supplies 20,000 MT of Crude Sulphur. The company maintains a holding capacity of 50,000 MT Sulphur at its industrial facility. The company's reach extends beyond India, working closely with partners in the Middle East to procure various forms of Sulphur and trading across Southeast Asia. Their focus on creating a larger market for Indian-made Sulphur products like fertilizers, fungicides, and pesticides is noteworthy.
Diverse Product Portfolio
Beyond Sulphur WDG 80%, Vasmate Sulphur Industries offers various sulphur-based products, highlighting its versatility and dedication to meeting various industrial needs. Among these products are Sulphur Granules, widely used by Sulphuric Acid units, and Sulphur Powder, a natural fungicide and pesticide used in agriculture with a purity of 99.5%. The company also produces Sulphur Bentonite, known for its quick dissipation of Sulphur nutrients to plants, and Sulphur Pastilles, finding applications in the fertilizer industry.
Innovation in Rubber Industry
A notable segment of Vasmate Sulphur Industries' product range is the Rubber Grade Sulphur, which plays a crucial role in the tire, rubber, and latex industry. The company’s specialized sulphur formulations are a game-changer in rubber manufacturing, offering enhanced durability, improved traction, and superior performance. Their sulphur compounds, acting as cross-linking agents in Vulcanization, strengthen rubber, enhancing its resistance to wear and tear. This expertise in rubber manufacturing reflects not only their technical prowess but also their commitment to sustainable and environmentally responsible production practices.
Vasmate Sulphur Industries' journey from a humble beginning to a global player is a story of dedication, innovation, and commitment to quality. The company's diverse product range, extensive operations, and contribution to various industries, especially agriculture and rubber manufacturing, mark it as a leader in sustainable industrial practices. For more information about their products and operations, visit vasmatesulphur.com.
For More Info:-
sulphur pastilles supplier
High-Quality Sulphur Powder Supplier
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kisan4u · 5 months
Maximizing Crop Yield Naturally: Exploring the Benefits of Bio-Growth Fertilizers
With the growing environmental concerns, the acceptance of bio-growth fertilizers is rising significantly. The pandemic has motivated the population to start their small home gardens to cater to their basic vegetables and herbs needs. This has also contributed to the growth of the fertilizers market. Furthermore, considering the negative impacts of synthetic fertilizers both for the environment and the crop itself people are shifting consciousness to bio-growth organic fertilizers.  Thus, the blog aims to discuss some of the benefits offered by organic fertilizers with a motive to promote sustainable development.
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Benefits of Bio-Growth Organic Fertilizers
Improved Soil Health
The utmost benefit of using organic fertilizers is their long-term contribution towards soil health, contrary to synthetic fertilizers that provide the soil with nutrients temporarily and degrade the soil profile over time. Organic fertilizers introduce beneficial microorganisms (such as bacteria, fungi, algae, and more) to the soil that helps to improve soil structure, increase the availability of nutrients, and enhance the soil's ability to retain moisture. As a result, soil fertility improves over time, creating an optimal environment for plant growth.
Increased Crop Yield
Bio-fertilizers provide the plants with the required nutrients in sufficient quantities to improve crop yield. These nutrients are released slowly as per the needs of the plants to avoid the burning of the roots and foliage.  Additionally, the microorganisms in bio-fertilizers protect plants from diseases and pests.
Enhanced Nutrient Availability
Many bio-stimulants and plant growth regulators online aid in nitrogen fixation and phosphorus solubilization. These contain mycorrhiza fungi which help break down complex minerals, releasing essential nutrients such as phosphorus and potassium. This ensures that the plants receive a well-rounded diet, leading to healthier and more robust crop yields.
Reduced Environmental Impact
Bio-Growth fertilizers are largely preferred today, as they offer environmental sustainability. These fertilizers break down only as per the requirement and do not flow to the water bodies causing pollution. They also do not leave any harmful residues. Thus, they help to preserve water quality, protect biodiversity, and reduce the overall environmental footprint of agricultural practices.
Cost Effectiveness
Bio-fertilizers are also generally more cost-effective than synthetic fertilizers. They do not normally require multiple applications as they are only consumed as per the requirement. They are also less expensive to produce and, hence, are available at a more affordable rate. This can help to reduce the overall cost of fertilization and make it more affordable for farmers and gardeners.
Buy Bio-Growth Organic Fertilizers Now
Now that you know the numerous benefits of using bio-growth organic fertilizers, it is time for organic fertilizer online shopping. You can visit the online platform of Kisan4u to shop for organic fertilizers. It offers fertilizers from some of the best brands including Atal, Katra, Virus-G, Miticide, PROSPER, CLASSIC, and Ezzy Garden. So do not wait any further, and order bio-fertilizers online from Kisan4u now.
Author’s Bio
The blog is authored by the efficient team of Kisan4u. We are glad to offer some of the best plant growth promoter products in Indiaacross some of the best brands. Buy organic fertilizers online in India to fulfill your diverse planting needs. We offer a huge range of products s which include but are not limited to pesticides, bio-stimulants, plant growth regulators, adjuvants, and garden care organic fertilizers. You can also find hardware, virucide, and personal care products on the platform. Our products are affordable and the platform rates best in the services. So, do not wait and visit the website of Kisan4u now, to cater to your plants’ needs substantially. 
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