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”Buzzing the Tower”
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daemiondesign · 2 years
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(Swipe for pics) will be at the @pr_tattoo_convention in #puertorico December 2, 3, 4, with my brother from another mother @jakewhite_tattoo we both have availability! I am looking to do some killer work at this show reach out to book! @pranaofrome @puertoricogram @happygurutattoocare #puertorico #puertorico🇵🇷 #sanjuan #mirimar #tattoos #tattooconvention #ink #art (at Puerto Rico) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClShN7gOcan/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sorchathered · 4 months
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Something in the Orange
Happy Valentine’s Day babes! Just a little Bob one shot to celebrate the day.❤️
Pairing- Bob Floyd x reader
Warnings- Drinking, language, smut
Summary- North Island’s new medical officer seems to have caught everyone’s eye, but she has her sights set on a certain WSO.
Knuckles rapping against the shitty cafeteria table startle you out of your thoughts, looking up you audibly groan at who has decided to grace you with his presence. Jake Seresin, or Hangman as you know him has sidled up to the table of aviators and medics with a cocksure smile and flirty demeanor almost every day this week and to be frank it’s really starting to get on your nerves. Being the head medical officer for the dagger squad isn’t a boring job by any means and sometimes all you want is to just eat in silence, today unfortunately no one is giving you that opportunity.
“What’s up doc?” He says while wiggling his eyebrows at you, and you roll your eyes, he has got to be the cheesiest man you’ve ever met and you still don’t know how any of his lines get him a date.
“Just living the dream Hangman, trying to catch a break and hoping one of you doesn’t wind up in my infirmary today.”
If he gets the hint that you aren’t interested he doesn’t acknowledge, just makes himself at home in your space and swipes a chip off your plate.
“Hard deck tonight, everyone’s going, you gonna tag along? I’d love to buy you a drink.”
You had in fact planned to go, but not to spend time giving Seresin any more attention than his giant ego needed. You had your eye on someone else entirely, but being the shiny new toy in fightertown (single, under 40, and hot) meant that every available guy (and some girls) on the squad had been vying for your attention the past few weeks since your arrival. It was becoming tedious, you knew you would need to set up some boundaries but you’d been testing the waters and just trying to make some friends, not looking for anything serious yet. Well unless a certain someone wanted that but that was a whole other can of worms.
So you just smiled up at Mirimar’s golden boy and told him you’d see him later that evening, not missing the glare a certain bespectacled WSO had directed in his teammate’s direction. You’d unpack that later.
Bob Floyd had been your one serious boyfriend in your navy career, you’d both been stationed together in Maryland in your mid twenties and had gotten on like a house on fire. But you both were young and not ready for anything substantial so when he moved to Lemoore you both agreed to stay friends and see where life took you. It was hard and you were heartbroken but you knew now it had been for the best, neither one of you were ready for marriage at the time and your careers kept you both on opposite sides of the planet which made things even more difficult. But now you were here, seeing each other every day and it was slowly driving him insane having to watch every one of his squad mates flirt with you on the daily. He knew you probably found it hilarious how it got under his skin, he didn’t have the right to say anything about it anymore and that was what frustrated him the most. He’d been the one to break things off, he’d put you both in the position you were in and he couldn’t stand it. But you two had barely spoken since you’d joined the team, and who knows if he even still had a shot in the first place?
Hard Deck Fridays had become a commonplace for the Dagger Squad and their crew, and tonight was no exception. The bar was packed to capacity, everyone tossing back drinks and toasting to the weekend, congregating by the pool tables near the jukebox while Hangman and Coyote ran the dart board. You finally squeezed your way through the crowd after getting a beer for you and your medic buddy Carrie, grateful that she had claimed a table with Phoenix and a few of the other girls in your group. You all chatted and gossiped over the news of the week and you could finally feel the tension release from your shoulders, it really had been a good idea to get out tonight you hadn’t realized how much you’d needed the girl time.
“Uh oh girls, Rooster’s headed this way”
You all craned your necks to get a good look, there was no denying that Bradley Bradshaw was hot, but he definitely wasn’t your type. He’d made it known more than once that he wasn’t a commitment kinda guy and you were perfectly fine with viewing him as eye candy and letting that be that. But he had his eyes set on you tonight and his heated gaze raking over your body had you feeling some kind of way. “Down girl, it’s been a while but damn you need to get it together” you thought as he made his way over, one night in the sack with Bradshaw wouldn’t be worth the weeks of awkwardness that would be sure to follow and the repercussions were enough to keep him at arms length.
“Evening ladies,” he said with a lopsided grin, sunglasses still perched on his nose despite being indoors, which should have looked stupid but on him it was definitely working.
“Y/n wanna take a walk outside with me for a bit? I’d love a chance to get to know our new medical officer a little better.”
Well he certainly took the direct route, you had to hand it to him. He knew what he wanted and went for it, you could respect that. But as your eyes flicked up to make your response you noticed Bob at the table across from you with Fanboy, eyes boring into yours with a look you knew all too well. That I know what you look like on your knees kind of look, and damn it you were turned on just at the memories of him. So you smiled sweetly at Bradley and politely turned him down, making your way towards the bathrooms with a slight nod of your head in Bob’s direction. He slung back the last of his whiskey and made an excuse to leave the group, no one the wiser at what was transpiring.
In the dark hallway by the restrooms he found you, nervously playing with your bracelet and eyes darting all over as you looked for him. You sighed in relief when you saw him and he reached out for your hand to take you through the back exit into the balmy summer night.
You felt like every nerve was on fire, you’d been avoiding him the past few weeks, afraid to ask how he was or how things had been. What if he was in a relationship? What if he was over you and wasn’t interested anymore? You’d spent way too many nights with your hand hovering over his contact in your phone, way too chicken shit to make the call. But now he was here and holding your hand and you might explode just from the proximity alone. He had bulked up since you’d seen him last, muscles stretching that white tee just right and his hair was lighter from all the days in the California sun. Freckles covered his nose and cheeks and you wondered if they were along his shoulders and back as well, wondered what it’d be like to be in his arms again, in his bed, listening to him sing to you as you fell asleep like he used to. You needed to know if you had a shot, it was right on the tip of your tongue and you couldn’t bury it anymore.
“Robby, uh I know it’s been a while but-“
“I missed you.”
You blinked up at him with shock now, how much time had you wasted the past few weeks avoiding him? Regret flooded you at the realization that you should have had this talk sooner.
“I missed you too.”
He didn’t wait for you to say anything else, crowding you up against the weathered wall of the bar and leaning in to cup your cheeks with his hands. He rubbed his nose along yours and you let out a shaky laugh, he’d always been so good at rendering you speechless, drunk on the smell of his cologne and heat of his body pressed against yours.
“Can I kiss you sweetheart? Wanna make up for all that lost time we wasted.”
You nodded maybe a little too enthusiastically because he huffed out an amused laugh but pulled you impossibly closer, lips molding to yours as you wrapped your arms around his neck and sighed. God you’d missed him, no one had ever filled the void he’d left in his wake no matter how hard you’d tried. The two of you a tangled bunch of limbs and tongues in an all too familiar dance that had your hands roaming and bodies grinding into each other, barely aware that you were in a very public space. The bar door flung open and startled you both, Phoenix peeking out into the darkness to find the two of you still pressed together, chests heaving as you gasped for air.
“So I see you two have kissed and made up” she said with a laugh, and Bob hid his face in the crook of your neck, giggles pouring from him which brought on a round of them from yourself. She smiled knowingly and with a wink waved you both off, of course Bob had told her everything about the two of you, it wasn’t a surprise at all in her mind that she would eventually find the two of you like this; it had only been a matter of time. “I like her” you said as you fixed his crooked glasses. “Yeah, she grows on you, like mold” which sent you both into a laughing fit, it felt good to be with him like this again. No more tension between the two of you and it had you craving domesticity with him even more.
“What does this mean?” You whispered up at him, you didn’t know if you could bear it if he didn’t want to start over and the uncertainty in your eyes broke his heart.
“I was stupid, so so stupid. I love you, I never stopped. I won’t screw it up this time baby, I swear it.” He reaches for your hand and sticks his pinky out, knows your affinity for pinky promises and that they are law in your heart. It’s binding, if you two cross this bridge and he makes this promise there’s no going back.
With a shaky breath you link yours with his and blink back the tears that blind your eyes, he really does mean it. He won’t break your heart again.
“Let’s go inside before Phoenix comes back, she’s relentless and it’s time I introduce you to her properly. Want everyone to know you’re mine.”
He pecks your lips and then helps you fix your hair and dress, leading the way back to your table. To say the group seemed stunned was an understatement, no one but Natasha had known you even knew each other and now here was their quiet WSO with the new girl in his lap kissing her like they’d known each other for ages. Bradley turned to Jake who gave him a flabbergasted look as well, how the hell had Baby on Board managed to snatch you up when they couldn’t even get a second glance from you? Coyote ever the nosy gossip of the group sidled over to the two of you pulling you both from your conversation, Bob giving him an eyebrow raise clearly annoyed at being interrupted.
“Ease up Bob, just curious about how you two kids know each other, you two look awfully cozy.”
You patted Bob’s cheek and smiled, the rumor mill would swirl regardless so why not get ahead of it now? You leaned in to give Bob a quick kiss and then turned all your attention to the group who clearly couldn’t mind their own business, eavesdropping on your conversation and failing miserably at hiding their interest.
“Not that it’s any of your business Lieutenant Machado but Bob and I go way back. Now if you’ll excuse me I think I’m going to have my boyfriend take me home and fuck me senseless so if you’ve gotten your answers I’d suggest you find somewhere else to be.” You smiled a saccharine sweet look at him, laced with a bit of venom as you dared anyone to say anything untoward. You knew the guys liked to pick on him and you wouldn’t have it happening on your watch anymore. Coyote gave an incredulous look but got the hint and with a fist bump to Bob made his way back to the group. Everyone else seemed awestruck until you glanced over the room, then they magically all had something else to do or look at that wasn’t the two of you.
Bob and Phoenix choked out a laugh and he squeezed your side, when you looked at him his eyes were hungry, heat pooling in your stomach at the look he gave you. It’d been so long since you’d been together but you would never forget what that look meant and you gasped for air, squeezing your eyes and legs shut at the same time as he leaned in to nuzzle next to your ear.
“Think we should get out of here pretty girl, what’dya say? Time to go home so you can get fucked senseless like you put so eloquently?” He huffs out a laugh, he’d missed your smart mouth and zero tolerance for bullshit.
Your response gets lost in your throat somewhere, but you follow him out of the bar as he waves everyone off, they’ll no doubt have plenty to ask you both on Monday but he didn’t give a shit, you were here and he’d been an absolute fool to let you go. He wouldn’t do it again.
He’d tried to move on countless times over the past few years, if he was honest with himself he looked for you in every woman he dated but no one seemed to fit the bill. You two had kept in contact over the years and he knew you hadn’t settled down either, hope always in the back of his mind that you’d find your way back to each other.
He’d barely made it in the door before he was on you, wrenching your tiny dress over your head to find you in nothing but the tiniest scrap of underwear he’d ever seen. You were grinding your body all over his and whining deep in your throat as he ran his knuckles up against your nipples. Scooping you up and tossing you over his shoulder he made his way down the hall to his bedroom, peals of laughter leaving you and he swatted your ass, God he’d missed this. He’d never had this kind of intimacy with anyone else. It was easy, like breathing when the two f you were in bed, always talking and laughing while also rough and dirty, the sex was always hot but the partnership you shared was something neither of you could find anywhere else.
You bounced backward as he plopped you onto his bed, and you were suddenly very aware that he had too many clothes on. You needed him now, there would be plenty of time to talk and take time relearning each others bodies but in this moment you wanted him inside you.
“Robby, please. Please fuck me, need it so badly missed you so much.”
He didn’t need to be told twice, pulling his shirt off and tossing it somewhere in the dark. Pants made it just below his ass before he was pulling himself free and sliding into you. You gasped as he manhandled you, grasping his face to lick into his mouth as he slammed back into you with a sharp thrust, you had been soaked the minute you two got in the car and were more than ready to let him have you. It was animalistic the way he was fucking into you, sucking and biting whatever skin he could reach as he grunted praise in your ear, how tight your little wet pussy was and how badly he wanted to mark you up, keep you stuffed full of him every second of every day, needed to fuck you until you couldn’t walk anymore and you clenched down on his cock, it was too much and not enough all at once, you needed him like oxygen, so many nights you’d spent pretending your fingers were his cock but nothing could ever substitute how good Bob could make you feel.
He needed you to cum, his resolve was crumbling but he couldn’t let himself finish without you letting go first, needed to see you come undone and watch that fucked out stupid smile on your face he’d missed so much while he took what he needed from your spent body. He snaked a hand down to your throbbing clit and swiped slow circles to build you up, watched your chest and neck flush as you began to wail and thrash in his arms, pussy pulsing around him and he couldn’t hold it in anymore, biting down on your shoulder as he came hard, painting your walls in his release as you cried and bucked into him, still coming down from your high.
Finally the heaviness in his chest he’d had since you arrived felt bearable, he took a deep breath that he swore he’d been holding for days and appraised his handiwork as you sucked in deep breaths. Your chest was littered in what would be dark hickies before the weekend was through, bite mark on your shoulder would definitely cause some looks but you looked like an angel from the orange glow of the hallway light, and Bob finally felt himself relax.
You giggled into his shoulder as he melted into you, broad heavy body crushing you into the mattress and you felt like you were floating from the afterglow.
“So, is it safe to say we’re back together?” He said with a sheepish grin and you slapped his ass causing him to yelp and rub his stubble into your cheek.
“Might have to keep my options open, apparently I’m a hot commodity these days” you cackled and he pulled back to pin you by the hips to the bed, attacking you with tickles as you kicked and fought his advances. The two of you would spend the whole weekend wrapped up in each other, and Bob would spend every day proving to you he was in this for the long haul.
Monday morning came too soon, and when the time came to change in the locker rooms the guys were treated to baby Bob Floyd covered in hickies and scratch marks, needless to say they didn’t pick on him again about his lack of sexual prowess, and the incessant flirting from Seresin and Bradshaw miraculously stopped. You were Bob’s girl, off limits and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Tagging- @attapullman (thank you for clearing the writer’s block a little!)
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topgun-imagines · 1 year
Peppermint Hot Chocolate
Requested: yes
Summary: A vacation in the mountains leads to you and your fiancé enjoying some alone time.
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: Slight smut. Sexual innuendos.
Pairings: Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky x fem!reader
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Snow cascaded down around the car. The long driveway up to the cabin was slightly slippery due to the ice that covered it. Your hand was clasped in your fiancé’s as he drove up to the cozy-looking cabin. You and Ice had planned to take a trip up to Montana for Christmas, choosing to spend the holidays in a cozy cabin with snow rather than a tiny bungalow with lots of sand. The cabin was beautiful. It overlooked a vast mountain range covered in green trees. Fog rolled softly over the bottom of the valley.
When the car stopped, Ice got out first, moving toward the trunk of the car. You followed suit, your hip bumping into his when you stood new to him. That brought a grin to his face. You both grabbed your bags before heading toward the cabin. Ice unlocked the door, looking down at you with a smile that mirrored your own. The inside of the cabin was even more gorgeous than the outside. A beautiful light fixture hung above the beautifully decorated living room. Next to it sat the kitchen and dining room, all furnished with what you would expect to find in the mountains of Montana. It gave the cabin a very homie feel.
You and your fiancé dropped your bags off in the bedroom. Ice lead you back to the living room, sitting down on the couch and pulling you to his chest. “What do you wanna do, baby?” He murmured lowly in your ear, sending shivers up your spine. You tilted your head to the side, allowing him to pepper kisses over your neck and jaw. The soft scratch of the stubble he had been growing out recently caused you to giggle quietly. You could feel Ice smile into the crook of your neck.
“Hmm,” You hummed quietly, turning your head to capture his lips with your own. His tongue nudged against your bottom lip softly. Pulling back from the kiss, you half-smirked at the groan that came from Ice. He rested his forehead against yours. “How about we eat then check out the hot tub?” You suggested. The trip up to the cabin had consisted of two days full of driving. You had gotten up early in the morning that day, meaning that you had arrived just before you would usually have dinner. He nodded softly, pressing one more kiss to your lips before standing from the couch.
The pair of you began to make dinner, Ice searing the pork while you tossed the salad. It appeared to be a smart idea to stop for groceries before coming up to the cabin. Dinner was done shortly after. You and your fiancé sat at the large dining room table next to the windows that overlooked the valley. You smiled softly when Ice lit the candles at the center of the table.
A calm and peaceful ambiance filled the cabin. The only sounds that could be heard throughout it were the soft scraping of forks and knives and your soft chatter with Ice. When you were finished you stood from the table and headed to the sink. The dishes were washed in silence. Suddenly, a genius plan entered Ice’s mind. When you were distracted with drying your cutlery, he tipped his plate at just the right angle, sending streams of water toward you. He chuckled heartily at your surprised shriek. When you pouted at him playfully he only grinned and pressed a sloppy kiss to the side of your face.
The rest of the dishes were washed without incident, leading to where you and Ice were now. Standing across from each other on opposite sides of the bed, you were each digging through your suitcases in search of your swimsuits. Of course, seeing as you live in sunny Mirimar, you had many swimsuits that were perfect for the warm weather. However, seeing as you were going to be in a much colder climate for the next week, you had only brought one of your more insulated swimsuits. Your fiancé, strangely enough, seemed to have a strange affinity with ice baths, which is why the only thing he brought was a pair of loose-fitting trunks. If you had to guess, you’d estimate that he didn’t just plan on simply relaxing in the hot tub. Knowing him, he had a much dirtier idea in mind.
You pulled the swimsuit from your bag before glancing up to see Ice. You were instantly lost in your thoughts, mind reeling as you tonight about how much you loved him. It wasn’t a secret to anyone that Ice usually wasn’t a very affectionate person but you were the one to change that. Ever since Ice had met you, it was as if he decided to abandon the reputation he had made for himself years ago. You knew that before you came into the picture, Ice was very well known for not being close with anyone except Slider. But the second he met you, any presence of his cold exterior melted away.
An arm winding around your waist and a gentle kiss against the side of your head pulled you from your daydream. “Whatcha thinkin about, baby?” He murmured softly against your skin. A soft, domestic smile grew on your face. When you glanced up to meet his eyes, you saw a similar one beaming down at you. You only hummed, reassuring him that it was nothing, before kissing him lightly. He chased your lips when you pulled away, eyes half-lidded. Ice groaned when you pulled away fully. You only grinned, stripping out of your clothes. That seemed to change his attitude rather quickly.
The two of you got changed wordlessly, Ice unable to help himself from stealing glances at you every now and then. When your fiancé was finished getting changed, he headed to the bathroom to retrieve two of the large, fluffy bath towels. He entered the room, stopping short when he saw you bent over, ass very prominently showing through the fabric of your bikini bottoms. You strained yourself out, turning to find Ice staring at you starstruck. With a cheeky grin, you turned back around. Slipping your bra from your shoulders, you can feel Ice’s eyes burning into your back. “Can you help me?’ You question in a sickly sweet voice once you had pulled your bikini top on. The next thing you felt was his warm fingers softly brushing against your skin as he carefully knotted the strings.
Moments later you found yourself in the hot tub, nestled up beside Ice as you drank from the spiked hot chocolates you had made. The two of you were sitting in comfortable silence, watching the snow fall over the valley in front of you. You shuddered slightly when you felt his fingertips brush over your shoulder. You thought it was innocent, how his hand drew small shapes into your skin, almost causing you to nod off. However, when his fingers began tugging lightly at the knot he had tied, you instantly knew that you had been wrong. With an amused smile, you turned to face your fiancé.
You found him staring off into the valley with a not-so-subtle smirk on his face. “What are you doing?” You chuckled quietly. His only response was to turn his head and nuzzle into your neck, finger still attempting to undo your top. The stubble on his cheeks rubbing against your neck and face caused you to giggle. You tried to tuck your head, immediately becoming ticklish. ‘Ice stop,” You tried, giggling relentlessly. You could practically feel his smile against your neck as he started peppering kisses on it. Laughing even louder, you tried to move away from him only to find his arm wound around your waist. “Please, that tickles,” You tried one last time. He only shook his head, mumbling something into your skin that you couldn’t quite hear. “What was that?”
When he pulled back so you could hear him clearly, you nearly fell into the hut tub in a fit of laughter. “Suck my candy cane,” He murmured. You were laughing even louder now than you were when he was tickling you. His fingers which had been tugging on your top for the past three minutes had finally undone the strings. You were kind of amazed that it had taken him this long. When your top fell into the water your fiancé’s head shot upwards. There was a teasing smirk on his face as he spoke. “So, what are you waiting for?” Shivers ran down your spine.
“Yes sir.” You replied quickly, already pushing him up to the next ledge of the hot tub. His hand found its way to your hair. You had high expectations that you would be in for a long night.
a/n: Thank you for reading! Requests are open.
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warnersister · 2 months
The Highwayman Series | Chapter 16 | Prologue (if you aren't quite ready to say goodbye)
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“Tha’s how you met?” Your son gawked and you laughed and nodded, kissing the top of his head “shut y’mouth you’ll catch flies” you warn and his mouth quickly closes shut. “But there’s one thing I don’t understand” your daughter says “wha’s that, baby?” You ask “but we don’t live in Sacramento. We live in Maverick, Texas” she says, matter of factly. You look at Jake and eye him once over before offering your daughter your left hand and your son your right “c’mon. There’s something I need to show ya.” You say, leading the family outside, as Jake carries your baby son in his arms.
You walk to the end of town, to the new and shining entrance sign. “Why’re we here, momma?” Your daughter asks and you remove the top slab of wood on the town sign, ‘Welcome to Maverick’ becoming ‘Welcome to Mirimar’ she gasps at you and you replace the sign “they renamed it after my daddy died, thought his mistake brought some kind of looming curse on its name, so they named it after your granddaddy” you say, stroking her hair softly.
“Speaking of” Jake says as the two elder folk stroll out of the Hard Deck, to wave at your young family “how’d you like to stay over tonight?” You suggest and they giddily agree, sprinting over to their honorary grandparents while Penny takes sleeping baby Bradley and coos at him. “Oh I don’t wanna leave ‘em” you say, painfully looking at the way your children ran inside “hush up. I want my grand babies” Penny says warningly, but smiles at you warmly and leans to kiss your cheek as Maverick offers you a hug.
“Goodnight dad” you tell him, looking over to the grave in the field behind him “goodnight daddy” you whisper, you and Jake turning to head back towards your home across the way. Passing Floyd’s Physician, Coyote’s Sheriff’s office and Rooster’s restaurant - also happening to pass by Natasha’s house who waves through the window.
“Now how ‘bout baby number four?” He asks, grinning. You gasp and place a hand on your chest, feigning offence “Mr Seresin, your new baby son is only seven months old” you scold and he shrugs, throwing you over his shoulder “well, I recon y’ could manage another” he states, smacking your ass gently as he hits that squeaky step.
“We could call the next one Beau.”
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Chapter 16 | Prologue (if you don't want to say goodbye just yet)
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jungle-angel · 9 months
Loving the fall themed prompts! Can I request 49 for sweet Bob please?
AAAAAAGGGH!!!!!! Babes of course!!! Sorry if I haven't compiled all my prompt lists together but this is just perfect and so Bob coded I can't shake it!! (lol).
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Bozeman, MT
Fall, 2023
Moving to Montana had been the best decision that you, Bob and the Daggers had ever made. After his honorable discharge had gone through without a hitch, you and Bob immediately put a down payment on the land, the house and everything, hoping with all hope that it would be yours.
California, though a huge part of yours and Bob's lives, had been too much. Leemore had been an absolute disaster, the townspeople spreading rumors about the two of you that were utterly nasty and untrue as far as the Daggers were concerned. Bob was absolutely furious when the rumors had reached his ears, going to whatever lengths he could to prove that he was devoted to you and your children.
Mirimar had been better after you and Bob had left Leemore behind forever, wanting to move closer to family and friends and to be near the coast. Yet even with Bob's pay-grade and future pension, it wouldn't be enough to be able to pay for housing. Even other Navy families with mouths to feed, found that they could barely make ends meet, even with the help. But once Bob's father had called and told you that the final payment went through on the land in Bozeman, you, Bob, the Daggers and the rest of the family were set.
And now, two years later, you and Bob were thoroughly enjoying yourselves with fall finally having arrived. Auggie and the other older Dagger kids had all started at the local Waldorf school and would continue their education there right up through high school. You yourself, taught there during the school year and helped Bob work the ranch in the summer. Your dreams of a blissful, happy, domestic life had finally, at long last, come true.
The screen door of the house squeaked open and crashed closed with a loud *BANG!* as Bandit, Bob's little blue heeler, bolted right out across the porch and leapt down the steps, barking like mad.
"Bandit, what are you doing?!" you called, half laughing, half startled.
The dog hardly heeded your words as he ran towards the giant leaf pile in the yard that Bob had just blown, diving right in and causing the kids to squeal with joy.
"Bandy!" Bob called. "Bandit! Come!"
Bandit barked and followed his master's orders, sitting right at his feet and wagging his tail, Bob cleared away a few leaves stuck to his fur before Bandit was once again off and diving into the leaf pile. You joined Bob once you had finished your coffee, watching with pure love as your children and Bandit wrestled with each other in the huge pile of crunchy leaves.
"Whaddaya think sweetheart?" Bob asked, smiling broadly. "Perfect start to a good autumn?"
You stood on your toes and kissed Bob's lips. "I couldn't have asked for better," you told him sweetly. "Now what do you say we get in that leaf pile with'em?"
Bob went absolutely bug-eyed at the thought, the two of you laughing as you dove in with Bandit and the kids with leaves flying everywhere and the squeals and laughter filling the air around you. It was indeed, the perfect start to a new season and one in a sea of beautiful memories that you and Bob had created together.
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rhettabbotts · 1 year
Ahhh Shelby sweetheart!!! Congrats on 1.2k 🫶 would love to request for “you’re lucky that you’re cute.” and ADJUST (from fluff prompts) with our one and only Hangman 😌💗 thank you and congrats again!!!
anna my dear thank you so much ily!!!!
pairing: jake seresin x reader
w/c: 644
warnings: none. fluff. wedding festivities. some suggestive content. kissing in a coat closet. jake is a simp. jake also looks incredible in a suit.
prompts: sender fixes receiver’s tie / necklace / article of clothing. "you’re lucky that you’re cute."
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When Jake asked you to fly to Texas with him to attend his sister’s wedding, you didn’t know what to expect. You had never met any of his family before, only a random FaceTime appearance here and there but you were excited, a little nervous. Jake kept reassuring you that they were going to adore you, grabbing your hand and kissing it gently. 
The week leading up to the ceremony was nothing short of wonderful. His family was incredible. They were so welcoming and kind, treating you like one of their own. You were now an honorary Seresin in their eyes. You helped with last minute preparations, spending lots of time with his sisters and mother and learning more about who Jake is. 
Seeing him with his nieces and nephews made your heart twinge with something you’d never felt before. Though you had not been together very long, you could see this as your future with Jake. 
He was relaxed here in Texas, he was more himself. In California, he felt like he had to put on a front. All cocky and arrogant and while you knew that was just how Jake was sometimes, he was a goofball here. It made your chest tighten and your smile ever present. 
Jake was a groomsman so he had to leave you for most of the day, giving you time to get ready alone. You waited anxiously to see Jake and when he walked down the aisle, your breath caught in your throat. He gave you a quick wink that made your body flush. The suit he was wearing fit him like a glove, clinging to his muscles in every delicious way. 
The ceremony was beautiful, full of laughter and tears. You couldn’t stop yourself from looking at Jake multiple times throughout, mouthing “I love you” to him as the newlyweds made their way down the aisle. 
He found you shortly after their exit, wrapping his strong arms around you and hugging you tightly. 
“Hi, baby. My god, you look stunning,” Jake said, pulling back to look at your dress. He lifted his arm and spun you under it, catching you and pulling you in for a deep kiss. “Follow me.”
Jake grabbed your hand and tugged you behind him, down a long hallway and around a corner before he had you backed into a small closet. He had you pressed against the door and he was licking his way into your mouth before you had any time to protest. 
“Jake- we- we can’t- your family-,” you tried speaking between kisses to no avail. 
“I love you. I love you. I love you,” Jake muttered against your lips. His hands roamed your body, gripping your hips and thighs. Things were getting a little hot and heavy and as much as you loved him, you couldn’t bear the thought of having sex in the coat closet while his family was right down the hall. 
“Alright, flyboy. We should wait.”
“M’sorry. You’re just so- I can’t believe you’re mine.”
While it was a little dark, you could still see the flush on his cheeks and nose. There was lipstick smeared on his lips and his hair was sticking everywhere, tie askew. You grinned as you swiped your thumb over his bottom lip, straightening his tie and suit jacket. 
“Can't believe you pulled me into a coat closet, you heathen. You’re lucky that you’re cute, Seresin.” 
“You gonna dance with me tonight?”
“Wouldn’t want to dance with anyone else, baby.”
You knew things would be different once you got back to Mirimar, you could feel the shift in your relationship. But you weren’t scared. You were ready for whatever the future held for you and the blond pilot that stood in front of you right now. You placed one more kiss to his mouth before shoving him out the door. 
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
#stricklyscandalous Usually dominant Hangman just being a simp for his girl. Like on his knees submissive.
Oh, what a concept. We all love those stories, those fan fiction plots where there's some tough, usually egotistical douchebag who's so infuriating and rugged but is only ever soft for the girl he's chasing. The girl he has the biggest soft spot for. Jake Seresin is the definition of that concept.
“Thats right, eat my fucking pussy baby–” Its the way your voice sounds that eggs Jake on more than anything else in the entire world. “Oh my god yesss!!” throwing your head back under the steam of water that ran from the shoulder head. Bless the Mirimar base for having unisex changing rooms. 
“So sweet–” Hangman's mumbling as he laps away at your dripping cunt. His hands tied behind his back with your work issued belt. One of your legs is thrown over his shoulder as he sits back on the balls of his heels. Exercising the strongest muscle in the body–his tongue. 
“What do you say Jake?” You moaned as you gripped his blonde locks, pulling to invoke a hiss from his mouth as he pressed kisses against your thigh. Looking up at you like you hung all the stars in the night sky just for him. If his colleagues could see him now, down on his fucking knees with his hands tied behind– begging like some bitch simp for a omen who held his entire heart. He’d be a laughing stock. 
“Thankyou–” It was soft and oh so sincere. “Thank you, letting me eat you out– like this.” Jake moved his way back to your cunt, diving back in. his jaw aching, tongue tired. But he wasn't about to give up so easily. “Taste so fucking sweet.” 
“Make me cum baby, come on–dont leave me hanging.” The way you spoke to him like you knew you could do better made Jake want to prove you wrong, sucking a little harder against your sensitive bundle of nerves as you pressed yourself further back against the tiles. Starting to lose your balance as Jake worked you over. “Bet I could have done a better job on my own.” That did it. Jake had been kind, he’d played your little game– he’d been submissive and patient and eaten you out like a staved man. But he was done. 
“Okay pretty girl, you’ve had your fucking fun.” Jake hissed as he broke your belt, freeing himself from his restraints. You didn't mind, you wanted him to ravish you–his fingers delving deep into your core. Coaxing you towards your high as he continued his adult against your clit. Thick fingers stretching you. Filling you. “So good baby, might just have to keep you on edge for the whole afternoon.” 
“You wouldn't!” You could feel your high coming, lapping at the shore as your stomach tightened and breath hitched. Your grip on Jake's hair growing together every passing second as you tried to climb the wall, run away from the overstimulation. “Jake, Please!”
“Anything for you pretty girl–”
#stricktlyscandalous Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
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film-in-my-soul · 10 months
Icemav missing scene please!
.⋆。°✩ Maverick and Ice have a little goodbye after the Layton rescue. ✩°。⋆.
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Maverick is still buzzing, even two days later, even when the threat is gone and he's being told to pack his things so he can head back to dry land, where he thinks he needs to be, where it should be safe. He tells himself it's all that adrenaline from nearly getting shot out of the damn sky. From almost getting Slider and Hollywood, Wolf and Iceman shot down, too. If he ignores a closer, more probably truth, well, that doesn't have to be between anyone except him and his front seat.
He's folding his spare uniform in precise corners, following the sharp creases of it, and lets the routine settle him enough that the slight tremor under his skin doesn't make him shake. It's a familiar comfort, arranging his life into a box. Each fold and tuck as ingrained in him as slipping on his flight suit.
There are only a few hours left before he's on transport. He's said his goodbyes to Wolf and Wood, both of them staying on for their redeployment, and Sundown had wished him farewell and good luck in the mess hall that morning, his belongings already moved out of the temporary bunk they'd been put in. He knows there are more people he wants to shake hands with, tell 'em to keep the skies warm for him while he goes and teaches, but Maverick keeps himself to the room, worried the jitters still living in him will make him do something stupid, get his position at Mirimar revoked.
There's no Goose to temper him now, no RIO to back up his bullshit, no-
A knock against the frame of the door Maverick left open stops him cold, spiraling thoughts and all.
It's both usurping and a shock to see Ice leaning there, hip cocked and chin tipped down, eyes flicking over Maverick's mostly filled pack. He'd been up on a hop with Slider when Maverick had been given the departure information. Someone must have told Ice he was shipping back to California. As far as Maverick knew, Ice and Slider were getting dropped off at some European port for their next assignment.
For a moment, neither of them says anything, Ice just standing there, watching, like he's looking for an answer that might have been hiding in the layers of Maverick's shirts and Maverick watching him back, throat tight for some unknown reason.
Though, if he lets himself consider it, he might know. He could guess, at least.
They had their moment on the tarmac after it all. They were wingmen, friends now, and to pretend it wasn't at least a little bit cowardly to cut and run without a metaphorical Dear John was, well... cowardly.
"Teaching?" Ice doesn't say it like Maverick thought he might, all shit-eating and sarcastic, no follow-up like Wood had, ribbing him hard and asking if he was gonna ask the female cadets to turn in 'extra credit.' Ice sounds strangely approving, and for some dumb reason, Maverick wants to bristle at that.
"Yeah. Looks like you're gonna have to find someone else to keep sharp on your wing." It's more bitter than he means to be, than he should be, but Ice, catching him off guard again, doesn't rise to the admittedly weak bait. He smirks instead, snorting with an amused shake of his head as he stands up straight and walks into the room. He saddles up beside Maverick and knocks their shoulders together lightly before snagging the half-done undershirt from his fingers.
"Nah. They wouldn't measure up."
And that- that's a goddamn compliment, isn't it? Maverick's almost too stunned to speak, so instead, when he catches the sloppy way Ice is tucking his clothes into his pack, Maverick jabs him with his elbow, laughing when the taller man almost trips to get away from the strike.
"Guess I'll just have to train 'em up so they can."
"A dozen more Mavericks flying around? Don't think the Navy will go for that."
Maverick lifts his head and catches Ice's eyes. There's a lightness there, a fondness he hadn't been expecting, but it looks right, living there on Ice's normally stern-set mouth and pinched eyes, and just like that, all that restless energy rolls out of Maverick like it wasn't there to begin with.
"Guess we'll just have to see about that Iceman."
A pause, a look, a quirk of a mouth, and another nudge, maybe just for the sake of the pressure of touch.
"Guess we will."
Ficlet Bingo!
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seedlessmuffins · 11 months
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nocternalrandomness · 4 months
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Marine Birds arriving at the Mirimar Airshow
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arianna-bradshaw · 2 years
Some Things Never Get Old
Chapter One
Summary: Bradley Bradshaw left years ago, so seeing him again as a Top Gun recruit was shocking. Definitely inspired by, "Take my Breath Away"
TW: 18+ Smut, Mentions of Death Word Count: 2,586
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Bradley Bradshaw was the man of your dreams, your twin flame, your soulmate. Your father was a Navy Aviator, who passed five years after Goose did. Bradley was your support system at just ten years old, and after that you were inseparable. The two of you had shared so much of life, from singing at the Hard Deck with your dads and Uncle Mav to going through high school together. After your dad passed, mom shut down. Penny and Carole were who you viewed as a caregiver, and more often than not you were at Carole’s place after school being served snacks while ‘studying’ with Bradley. 
When Bradley told you he was going to join the Navy you had mixed feelings. You knew it was everything he wanted, to follow in the footsteps of his father; but for you it was terrifying. You vowed to wait for him here, in Mirimar until he returned to Top Gun. The day he left for the basics was heart breaking, he was being shipped out to Illinois for the Naval Training Center. You knew this is what Bradley was destined to do, but after both your fathers passed the way they did- you couldn’t help but be hesitant; especially with him leaving so close to his mothers death.
After eight weeks, Bradley flew home. He hadn’t done any training flying yet, as he had to wait for Naval Academy to start that, but he was so damn happy to officialy be qualified for the Academy, where he would get his education and then move up to flight school. Your reunion was tearful, and you held him tightly. Bradley murmured out an, “I miss you,” and over the next few weeks he awaited his response to his Naval Academy application. It wasn’t until a month and a half later that he found out it was Maverick who did it. Maverick was the reason that he wasn’t being accepted- the reason he’d have to wait four years. 
As soon as he found out he was throwing his things into two suitcases, face red and aggressive. You tried to calm him down, grabbing his arm, “You… you don’t have to leave- Please, Brad.” You cried. But he was determined, shaking you off, and zipping the bags; hauling them into the Bronco. 
You were heartbroken, and you’re one bedroom apartment on the beach was suddenly empty again. No Bradley or much sign of him, other than the framed photos of your life.
Years later you were working at the Hard Deck, any closeness to your father was here. Penny was the best boss ever, other than constantly trying to set you up with random pilots. You hadn't dated anyone since your high school sweetheart ran off, I mean sure you’d had a couple hook ups and the obvious bar flirtation but… part of you still hung onto Brad. He was your soulmate- even if he didn’t feel the same way. 
A new batch of Top Gun recruits in their twenties entered the bar, immediately staking  claim on the pool table and some chairs surrounding it. They were rowdy and excited, clearly just starting their new training- and visiting the legendary spot that was a right of passage for Top Gun. You glanced towards the door as it opened to let in another man in a khaki colored uniform and your heart stopped, Bradley Bradshaw was grinning making his way to the table his teammates surrounded. He hadn’t seen you, or at least didn’t acknowledge it. Penny followed your eyesight and raised an eyebrow. “Look whose back in town.” She winked, nudging your side. 
“Uh yeah, I didn’t know that.” You busied yourself cleaning glasses and avoiding looking over to the group of pilots. 
You didn’t notice as Bradley approached the bar, faceing back towards his table as they shouted orders at him. When you looked up, he turned and saw you- eyes wide and shocked. “Y/N, I uh… hi.” He said, a small smile and blush on his face. 
“Hey Brad,” You swallowed, looking over him, “...Rooster?” You couldn’t help but laugh, (even as pissed, embarrased and nostalgic as you felt.)
“Oh yeah, that’s my callsign.” He said proudly, tilting his chin up; that cocky grin plastered on his face. 
“You’re really taking after your dad,” You said softly, then giggled “Even the porn stache.” 
“Yup! You like it?” Brad- Rooster wiggled his eyebrows. You slightly hated that you both immediately fell into your old pattern; without a chance for you to scream at him about how he left you.. 
“Yeah, you look good.” You swallowed and looked back at his friends, who seemed confused by how long he was taking. “So what can I get for ya?” 
“Oh um, lets do… ten beers and some tequila shots.” Rooster said, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“Gotcha, I’ll leave you to open them yourself.” You handed him the beers on a tray with an opener, and got to work pouring tequila. He looked so good, so… mature and he had definitely gained a lot of muscle under the khaki shirt he wore. 
“Thanks, honey.” Bradley walked back over with the drinks to his table- immediately bombarded with questions of how he knew you. 
“Kid, you can take off early if you need to.” Penny hummed softly, and you shook your head, wiping your hair out of your face.
“I’ll be fine, he’s probably not interested and either way, I’m still so fucking pissed with him.” You decided, serving some drinks up. 
You were distracted with customers when the loud music suddenly stopped, and a chorus of boos followed. Your eyes immediately went to the piano when you heard the starting keys of Great Balls of Fire; and you couldn’t help the grin that broke out on your face as Bradley belted out. God, he looked so much like his dad- he was fully in his element. He made eyecontact with you as the bar sang along and “Kiss me baby… Ooh that feels good.” he winked and motioned you over. You were wearing tight shorts and a cropped tanktop; quickly shaking your head at the idea of all these people seeing you like this- on display with Bradley. 
But Penny pushed you over to him and he pulled you onto the piano bench, you couldn’t help but belt the familiar song with him; softly dancing along. You’d done this plenty of time before you were even old enough to drink and now here you were. Back in Bradleys arms, feeling your childhood- your family all around you. As he finishes singing; he’s staring down into your eyes, the bar erupting in the chant of his callsign; before going back to the jukebox music blaring and ordering drinks. 
You quickly looked away from him, down at the piano keys. 
“Let’s get out of here, honey. Please.” He looked down at you, an arm around your waist. 
“Brad- I… I’m still on shift and-” You looked up at him, his honey brown eyes pleading, “I’m still so pissed at you.” Swallowing, you took in a shaky breath. 
“Then let’s talk please, I know I made a mistake.” Rooster gently cupped your cheek and you bit your lip. 
“Fine, but you’re talking to Penny for me.” You stood off the bench, and watched him walk to the bar, talking to Penny quietly. He made his way back to you with a soft smile and Penny winked at you; making you roll your eyes.
Bradley was holding your hand, walking towards the beach. “I… I want to explain what I did after I left- even though I know there’s no good excuse.” He said, sitting in the warm sand. You sat to his right side and nodded; arms around your knees. 
“As soon as I was on my flight I regretted it, but I had to… had to do something. I needed to save my career- I went and begged and eventually just ended up using my GI bill to take courses in Virginia Beach at a University- so that I could try to stay on track. I was so…. So scared to come back after being gone for so long. I was worried I’d see you with someone else or just the fact that you wouldn’t want me anymore. So I was a coward and didn’t come back until I was called to Top Gun and I’m so fucking sorry, Y/N. That is my biggest regret, because I need you. You’re it for me, baby.” He was looking down at you, and you knew he was being honest.
You swallowed and nodded, “O-okay, but we cannot just pickup where we left off. I need to be able to trust you again, and I’ve grown a lot. I’m not the same girl, Rooster.” 
Bradley nodded eagerly, “Of course, I couldn’t ask that of you.” He gently cupped your cheek, staring into your eyes. You turned to face him and nodded softly in response to his silent question. He kissed you deeply, his free hand quickly grabbing your waist and pulling you closer. He deepened the kiss more and pulled you ontop of him and you pulled away giggling. 
“Rooster we’re on the beach, if you want this to go farther take me home.” You said breathlessly- okay yeah, you were gonna make him wait, but feeling his touch again you were too impatient. His eyes widened and he stood up, throwing you over his shoulder. “Show me the way home, honey.” He replied, throwing you into his Bronco through both of your laughs. 
When he slammed the door and got into the driver side you scooted against him. “I still live in the apartment.” You said softly, leaning into his side; and his arm naturally fell around your shoulders. God, it felt like highschool again.
As he pulled into the parking lot and parked, he kissed you deeply. You grabbed his khaki shirt and whined, kissing him back. “C’mon take me to bed, Rooster.” You huffed, and he quickly got out, pulling you into his arms bridle style. You giggled as he bolted up the stairs and set you down to unlock the door. Your shaky hands took a couple of tries but then the door was opened, and you were pushed against the opposite side as he shut it; kissing you deeply. “Fuck.” You mumbled. 
Rooster kissed down your neck and his hands were running up and down your hips, causing a moan to leave your lips. 
"God I missed you," He huffed, kissing you again his hands cupping your cheeks. He pushed a knee between your thighs and clung you closer to him. 
"B-bedroom." You gasped, and he lifted you up as your legs wrapped around his waist. You could feel his hard on pressing against you, causing you to grind down as he made his way to your bedroom. He kissed down your neck, groaning, and threw you gently on the bed. He relished in your giggles as he crawled ontop of you with a grin. 
"You're wearing too many clothes," He claimed, pulling your tanktop over your head. You nodded in response, "So are you."
He kissed your neck as you unbuttoned his top, pulling it off his shoulders. He struggled like a teenager- unclasping your bra before attacking your chest. You moaned, grabbing his hair tightly as he sucked a nipple into his mouth, "Bradley!" You yelped. He chuckled and leaned up, "You're so fucking goregous." 
You both made quick work of your pants and underwear, and Bradley sat up to pull his undershirt over his head. You gasped slightly, and ran your hands over his broad chest, "Fuck Rooster, you really grew into your body." Blushing, you pulling him back into a kiss. His hands were all over you, and then his kisses began their descent down your neck- sucking small marks all over. Your hands held a steady grip of his hair and he groaned. 
"Your body, baby. You have no idea what you do to me," He ran his hands over your thighs, kissing along the soft skin of your stomach. He finally dipped two fingers over your slit and almost fucking growled. "God, you're so wet- Fuck Y/N." 
You moaned in reponse, letting him pull your legs over his shoulders as he stared at your cunt. He stared into your eyes as he licked a stripe through your folds, savoring the taste. He quickly got more eager, eating you out like his life depended on it; pushing two fingers inside of you and sucking on your clit. He moaned into you causing you to squeal out his name, tugging on his hair. "Please Bradley, fuck you're so good." 
Rooster got more cocky, curling his fingers quickly and pulling away for a minute, telling you to "Cum on my fingers sugar," before returning back to licking quickly over your clit. It didn't take long before you gave him his demand; moaning high pitched and clinging to him. You came with a loud whine of "Bradley!" He helped you ride out your orgasm as you grinded on his face, panting and squirming. 
You gently pushed away his head when it became to much, and he pulled out his fingers- crawling up your body and kissing you urgently. His mouth tasted like you, and his mustache scratched against your lip at how hard and desperate he was kissing you. 
"C-can I please fuck you? Please Y/N. I need you," He was grinding against you, and panting. You nodded quickly in response. 
"Please Rooster," You held the back of his neck, staring into his eyes. He pushed in gently, not breaking eyecontact. He let out a low groan and his arms framed your shoulders. One hand moved to your hips, bruising and marking you as he waited for the go ahead. "Move Brad, please." You whined, grinding down gently. 
He took that and ran with it, pulling out and slamming into you, over and over. Pure bliss took over and you arched your back. 
"Fuck baby, you're so tight- so wet, Jesus Christ." Rooster groaned, his voice was like a fucking angel, so beautiful. So fucking erotic. He pounded into you, eventually sitting up for a better angle, pulling your hips up off the bed and ramming. You couldn't speak, just moaning and whining in response to his rough thrusts; and then he leaned down to kiss you deeply. He was so good at this, at knowing what you needed. He took pleasure from you and gave it right back, grinding into you harder. "I'm close honey, need you to cum with me." He gasped, kissing down your neck. 
You nodded quickly, "Please Bradley, fuck I need you." He moved impossibly closer, and his spare hand snaked down to quickly rub at your clit. After seconds of this, your back arched and you gasped loudly- one that turned to a long moan as you came around his cock. He pounded into you another time as he came, grinding slowly into you- making sure you both got the most out of your twin orgasms. He fell to the side, panting. 
You both stared up at the ceiling, trying to catch your breath. He was the first to start laughing, and you followed with your own chorus of giggles, turning to kiss him gently. I guess some things never get old. Especially with Bradley Bradshaw. 
"So is that why they call you Rooster?"
Part Two: https://arianna-bradshaw.tumblr.com/post/688972764614361088/some-things-never-get-old-part-two
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telahmareetravel · 1 year
Travel Guide to Brisbane, Australia
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Important information about Brisbane
Currency: AUD
Summer: December, January, February
Winter: June, July, August
How to get from Brisbane Airport (international) to Brisbane CBD: 20 minute car drive (you can rent a car from the airport) OR catch the AirTrain which costs $15.30 one way from International station to Central Station.
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Map of Brisbane
Places to stay
Low budget options
City Backpackers HQ: $44.90 per night (8-bed mixed dorm room) 2.3km from the centre of the CBD (17-minute walk)
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Image: hostelworld.com
Chill backpackers: $37 per night (6 bed mixed dorm) 1.2km from the centre of CBD (16 minute walk)
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Image: hostelworld.com
Medium budget options
George Williams Hotel: $166 per night (standard double room) 500m from the center of the CBD (7-minute walk)
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Image: booking.com
Ibis Styles Elizabeth Street: $173 per night (standard king room) 300m from the center of the CBD (4-minute walk)
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Image: booking.com
Oakwood Hotel & Apartments: $190 per night (studio) 1.5km from the center of the CBD (19-minute walk)
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Image: booking.com
High budget options
Capri by Fraser: $249 per night (studio deluxe) 400m from the centre of the CBD (5-minute walk)
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Image: booking.com
Brisbane skytower: $269 per night (one bedroom city view apartment) 500m from the centre of the CBD (7-minute walk)
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Image: booking.com
Queen Street Residence: $391 per night (one-bedroom apartment) 1km from the centre of the CBD (13-minute walk)
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Image: booking.com
W Brisbane: $509 per night (one bedroom partial river view) 400m from the centre of the CBD (5-minute walk)
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Image: Telah-Maree Travel
Things to do
Story Bridge Adventure Climb Cost: $129-$159 depending on the time of the climb 1.6km from the CBD (20-minute walk with a ferry trip) Buy tickets here
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Image: Telah-Maree Travel
South Bank Beach Cost: free 1.5km from the CBD (19-minute walk)
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Image: eatsouthbank.com
Wheel of Brisbane Cost: $19.95 per adult 1km from the CBD (13-minute walk) Buy tickets here
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Image: queensland.com
Queensland Performing Arts Centre Cost: $70-$180 depending on the show 800m from the CBD (10-minute walk) Buy tickets here
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Image: QPAC
Gallery of Modern Art Cost: $0-$30 depending on the exhibit 1.3km from the CBD (17-minute walk) Buy tickets here
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Image: queensland.com
Brisbane Botanic Gardens Cost: free 800m from the CBD (11-minute walk)
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Image: mustdobrisbane.com
Howard Smith Wharves Cost: depends on the restaurant/bar 1.4km from the CBD (19-minute walk)
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Image: howardsmithwharves.com
Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary Cost: $39-$49 depending on age 20 minute drive or Mirimar Cruise from Southbank Buy tickets here
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Image: queensland.com
Kangaroo Point Cliffs Cost: free 3km from the CBD (38-minute walk)
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Image: queensland.com
Mt Coot-Tha Cost: free 72km from the CBD (17-minute drive)
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Image: Telah-Maree Travel
North Stradbroke Island Cost: $201 per car for the return ferry trip Travel to Cleveland Ferry Terminal to catch the ferry Buy tickets here
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Image: Telah-Maree Travel
Mt Tamborine Cost: free 8.3km from the CBD (17-minute drive)
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Image: klook.com
Cedar Creek Falls Cost: free 67km from the CBD (54-minute drive)
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Image: Telah-Maree Travel
Eat Street Cost: $5pp entry fee 7.8km from the CBD (18-minute drive)
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Image: visitbrisbane.com
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topgun-imagines · 1 year
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Try Losing One
After a big fight, Hangman takes a drive to clear his mind. A song that comes on the radio fits perfectly. Warnings: Fighting, Arguments.
Clock Don’t Stop
After a big fight, you need some time away from Jake. A song that you are listening to reminds you of a very important lesson. Can you and Jake fix things? Warnings: Angst, Fighting, Arguments.
The fight that leads up to the events of ‘Try Losing One’ and ‘Clock Don’t Stop’. Warnings: Cheating, Bad childhood, Arguments.
Nothing To Lose
The real reason behind why Jake Seresin’s flying is so reckless. Warnings: Car crashes, Death, Child loss.
Come Get Me
Your boyfriend comes to pick you up after a fight between your parents spirals out of control. Warnings: Angst, Parents fighting, Alcoholism, Cheating,Domestic violence, Arguing, Throwing objects, Panic attack.
I Hate You
Jake finds you injured in the parking lot. It leads to a confession of feelings you never saw coming. Warnings: Cuts, Scrapes, Drinking, Light angst, Enemies to lovers.
Cheap Perfume
After weeks of your boyfriend staying out until the early hours of the morning, you final find out why. Warnings: Cheating, Drinking, Break ups.
Forget Me Not
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Broken Boundaries
Things get taken too far in the bedroom. Warnings: smut, bondage, overstimulation, foul language, oral sex (f!recieving), fingering, use of safe word, daddy kink, aftercare.
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Birthday Girl
Hangman wants to surprise you for your birthday. Warnings: None.
Shark Week
Jake comes home to find that you have an extremely sore back. Luckily, he’s become an expert at massaging it. Warnings: Periods, Cramps, Allusions of smut.
Ohio State
You take your fiance to an Ohio State football game. Warnings: None.
Summer Breeze
Jake shows you the perfect spot to escape the California summer heat. Warnings: None.
Cheering Casualty
Your boyfriend comes to watch you cheer. When something goes wrong, he immediately rushes you to the hospital. Warnings: Broken bones, Pain, Hospitals, light angst, Allusions of smut.
Prank Wars
When you and Iceman become invested in a prank war between Jake and Maverick, all bets are off. Warnings: None.
What Can I Say
At Peace
Jake comes home after a long day at work to find you asleep during the thunderstorm. He can’t help but join you. Warnings: None.
His Little Girl
You knew that Jake would be an amazing father to your baby girl. He didn’t hesitate to prove it. Warnings: pregnancy, hospital, & mentions of blood.
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Summer Chronicles
Ever since you and Jake were younger, you had been attached at the hip. It only seems like fate when the two of you become part of a permanent detachment in Mirimar.
When your friendship is tested in ways that it never has been before, will the two of you make it through? Will you end up as strangers? Or will you make it through with a newly formed bond? And maybe a new title to go with it. Warnings: Angst.
Something In The Orange
Forget Me Not
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Nothing To Lose || Moodboard
His Little Girl || Moodboard
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callsignrooroo · 2 years
Second thought is that I wished I lived in Mirimar, cause hot damn I bet they are all sexy douche bags and that is exactly my type😮‍💨
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jungle-angel · 2 years
Nightmare (Bob x Reader)
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Summary: Bob’s always been with you through the worst of the worst....even the nightmares (P.S the reader is pregnant, sorry for not clarifying)
Beep....beep......the heart monitor ticked away....
Beep.....beep.....fainter and fainter as you howled for Bob’s name in the dark red void, your own racing, your feet running in ten foot bounding strides as though you were running after him......
BEEEEEEEPPP......!!!!!!! The flatline screeched in your ears.......
“BOB!!!!!! BOB!!!!!!” 
“OH MY GOD!!!! BOB!!!” you screamed out loud. 
Bob suddenly awoke to the sound of your screaming, shaken to the core as he tried to wake you. “Baby? Baby what’s wrong?” he questioned, the panic in his own voice evident. 
You sobbed into the pillow, hardly noticing the feeling of his hands running up and down your arms. “(Y/n), honey talk to me? What happened?” 
“I can’t, I can’t,” you squeaked. 
Bob tossed aside the covers and made his way over to your side of the bed, kneeling at your side as you shook and trembled, even under his gentle touch. Just by the look on your face alone it must have been really bad. 
“Shhh, sweetheart it’s ok,” Bob murmured, gently scratching at your shoulders. “Gimme one second, I’ve gotta go get my glasses.” 
You nodded weakly as he went and grabbed his glasses, a terrible feeling of nausea beginning to creep its way in as well as the violent kicking in your belly. “Oh baby,” you murmured. “Mama’s sorry. Mama’s so sorry...” 
Bob came right back to you and helped you sit up, easing you up slowly so that the rush of blood to your head didn’t cause you to pass out. “You ok?” he asked, cupping your face so that his thumb gently brushed away the tear stains on your cheeks. 
“God it was so scary,” you whimpered. “Everything was red and black.....like the Upside Down......I could hear a heart monitor and you, you were......oh Bob, I can’t even right now.” 
“Aw sweetheart come here,” he said, drawing you in close to him, your head resting on his chest. His heartbeat echoed in your ear, racing a little as his panic began to subside. “It’s alright. I’m here....I’m here.” 
Your fingers clenched, gripping a handful of his t-shirt in your fingers. You felt it once again, the kicking that literally took your breath away. “Oh....ow....ow! Shit.....” 
“Here, lay down,” Bob said. 
He helped you ease onto your back, propping your head and shoulders up to make you comfortable. When Bob looked at the clock, the green digital numbers read 3:45 am......the Witching Hour. God why was it always between three and five in the morning that shit hit the fan? For the longest time he had only thought it was the deep seeded beliefs of his superstitious Irish grandmother.....but later on, Bob had realized she had been right.
“First thing’s first,” he chuckled. “We are not.....I repeat not ever.....watching Stranger Things before bed, ever again.” 
You laughed a little, gripping his hand in yours. It was so warm, so comforting.....you didn’t want to let it go. All too soon your bliss was broken as the kicking started again. “Oh you’ve got to be kidding little guy,” you winced. 
Bob crawled in beside you, his hand and his head coming to rest on your belly. “Shhhh,” he murmured. “It’s ok, it’s ok buddy. Daddy’s here.....Daddy’s got you. I’ll never let anything bad happen to you or to Mama....I promise.” 
Your fingers raked through Bob’s shiny, dark blonde hair as his gentle hand and voice seemed to soothe the baby. It wasn’t long before his voice began to sing, the tune as familiar as the jets that flew over Mirimar. 
“ It goes on and on Bound to forever Even when we're gone It goes on and on We'll be together At the rising of the dawn It goes on....”
His voice was as low and sweet as rain, singing every word perfectly, just as he had when you had slow danced at the Zac Brown concert just weeks after your wedding. You felt so much more relaxed with Bob there as he rested against you. In no time at all, you felt the baby resting inside you, no longer squirming or frightened. You laughed a little as Bob’s snoring soon filled the room as you drifted back to sleep. Thank God the two of you didn’t have to work in the morning. 
3 months later
Bob looked around the room with one arm around you and your son, Michael, resting his tiny head over his heart. The other pilots, Penny and Maverick included, were all asleep, having arrived in the middle of the night to see their new nephew. 
 Michael twitched a little, a squeaky little cough escaping his throat along with a cry. Bob very carefully lifted his arm from behind you, trying his damndest not to wake you. “Shhhh, shhh it’s ok,” he murmured. “Did you have a nightmare?” 
Michael’s eyes blinked open, staring right up at Bob. “You know,” he said. “Mommy had a bad nightmare once too. But you know what? Your mommy, your daddy and all your aunties and uncles will make them go away. You know why? Because we love you.” 
Bob shifted him a little bit in his arms so that Michael’s head came to rest over Bob’s heart, his shirt open just slightly enough for skin-to-skin contact. Michael’s eyes began to slowly drift shut at the sound of his father’s gentle heartbeat, his fingertips brushing lightly over the soft tufts of dark gold hair. Bob looked over at you, a tired smile on your face as you looked up at him. Your eyes met for the briefest second before he pressed a soft kiss to your lips. 
“I love you Bob,” you whispered. 
“I love you too (y/n),” Bob said, giving you an Eskimo kiss before he kissed your lips again. “I always will.” 
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