#might as well anyway bc we haven't Touched it i don't think hell we didn't even buy it. it was our sib's decision HEHAJEJF
2-wuv · 2 years
ok Splatoon 3 is 60$ and a family nintendo online membership for a year is like. 35$. right. so that's. 95$ not including tax,
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xxlady-lunaxx · 2 days
Theme: uhm gay. (fluff w/ *slight* angst but ends in fluff)
Note: the last holiday was for the upm's so now we're doing the hashira<3 (as if I haven't only written the hashira for the past months 😭)
Ships (READ THIS BEFORE CONTINUING OR DONT COMPLAIN): SaneOba, RenGiyuu, ShinoMitsu, GenMui, Tengenxhis wives (bc they're poly!!!)
Gyomei is aroace :3
(MODERN AU!! ALL THEIR FAMILIES ARE ALIVE) —cw;; homophobia?? a slur??
They had unanimously agreed to come out to their families in june. Well, unanimously might be a stretch, but in the end they had all decided to at least try. For some, they knew it would go perfectly fine and had only held back from not wanting to deal with conversation over something so intimate to themselves. For others, however, it was a bit... iffy, to say the least. Since most to all were dating someone (save for Gyomei who was AroAce), they decided that their partner(s) should be present in the event for emotional support (or more, depending on the reactions).
Mitsuri was the first, knowing full well her parents would be supportive as hell. They had always been throughout her whole life and she couldn't be more thankful of them. Shinobu went with her. A couple days ago, Mitsuri's family had invited Shinobu to dinner because she and Mitsuri were 'close friends,' which was convenient as they wouldn't need an excuse as to why Shinobu was there in the first place.
Mitsuri found herself nervous, catching some of the doubts of the others. Shinobu soothed her with an encouraging smile as they entered the house.
Mitsuri's parents instantly welcomed Shinobu and ushered the two to the table, the dinner already set. There was lively chatter for a bit as Mitsuri composed herself, shooting Shinobu a quick glance.
"Uhmm, can I say something?" she said abruptly.
Her parents looked up and nodded. Mitsuri's siblings were in a different room, playing to not bother Shinobu—though she had insisted she wouldn't mind.
"Okay. Ehm... Shinobu-San and I are dating." She spoke slowly, allowing the words to roll off her tongue. "And I'm Pan? Pansexual? So I'm... attracted to anyone, despite their gender—but mostly to Shinobu-San, she's the best," she concluded, with a grin.
Shinobu let out a breath, turning her head to hide her own smile.
Mitsuri's parents blinked and for a moment, they said nothing. Mitsuri fidgetted, her smile wavering. Then: "See, I told you there was something more!" her mother exclaimed exasperatedly, turning to her husband. "Now tell me I know our daughter better!"
Her father frowned. "But-"
"I do, don't I?"
"Eh??" Mitsuri looked from one parent to the other, confusion written all over her face. "Did you know already?"
"Oh!" They instantly turned back to her, offering a chorus of congratulations. "I wasn't certain, but I had a hunch," her mother explained. Then they had another welcome for Shinobu—but into the family, rather than the house.
Shinobu was touched at how quickly they had accepted her and deemed them excessively sweet as Mitsuri escorted her home. "I suppose that's where you get it from," she commented, kissing Mitsuri's cheek.
"Eh... You give me too much credit, Shinobu-san," Mitsuri said, her cheeks a pretty pink. She hugged her briefly. "I love you, bye bye!!"
"I'll text you when I get back home," Shinobu agreed, waving as she walked down the street.
Tengen was next, though he only came out to his parents as a joke because there wasn't a single person in the world who didn't know about his wives.
He strolled into the living room, hands in his pockets and said proudly to his mother and father—"Guys, I'm poly, polyamorous, polysexual, whatever."
His father simply rolled his eyes. "You think I don't know? You told me last year, and the year before, and the year before that. And yesterday. And last week. I don't care."
Tengen grinned. "Yepp—anyway, I want you two to meet my wives."
"We arranged them to be your wives—we know them. We knew them before you met them!" his father retorted, growing irritated.
"Yeah, well, they changed. So you won't recognise them," Tengen said. On cue, his wives entered the room, stifling smiles as they stood by his side. "See? They're Hinatsuru, Suma, and Makio."
"They look the same," his mother commented, confused.
"They changed clothes," Tengen explained.
"I- I swear to fucking- Just... get out," his father sighed.
Tengen shrugged and he and his wives made their way out. "Thought you would like to know, though!!!" he called out, before closing the door.
His parents sighed and went back to what they had been doing.
Kyojuro and Giyuu were next, both having families that were always supportive and on their side. Giyuu insisted they told Tsutako first, since she was only one person and it would be able to make them more confident to tell Kyojuro's family.
Tsutako guessed what was happening the second the two entered the room hand-in-hand, but she let them talk. "Do you need something? Is he staying over?" she inquired, putting down what she had been doing.
Giyuu fidgetted, suddenly nervous. He told Tsutako nearly everything, and he was wondering what she would think that he had hidden this from her. She probably suspected that he was gay—no doubt she knew—but he had never formally told her, so it felt like he was keeping a secret from her.
Kyojuro went straight into it, however, enthusiastic as always. "Hello, ma'am!! We wanted to tell you that we're dating!!" he said, squeezing Giyuu's hand gently. "We have been for a couple weeks now!! And I'm very happy that he likes me back, you know. He's the best!"
Tsutako smiled. "I'm happy to hear that."
Giyuu's head snapped up at her quick response. "Ehm... You aren't surprised?"
"Not necessarily. You two seemed rather close recently," she explained, walking over and taking his hand. "I'm glad you have each other."
"But... what about that I'm... attracted to men?" Giyuu mumbled.
Tsutako's thumb circled the back of his hand comfortingly. "I know you better than anyone, Giyuu. Maybe even better than yourself. I've noticed you seem to be drawn to boys more since you were, even, a child. That's been fairly obvious to me," she said.
"Ah! That's cool!!" Kyojuro exclaimed. He flashed a smile. "I'm pansexual!"
Tsutako smiled. "That's lovely!"
Giyuu blinked. "Why didn't you say anything about it, then?" he asked, going back to what she had said before.
"I figured you would tell me once you were ready. I didn't want to push you, or assume if I was wrong," she said. "Now, is he staying over or not?"
Giyuu glanced at Kyojuro. "If you don't mind? We're going to his house in a bit to tell his family first, though," he said.
"Of course. And yes, you can stay the night," she said, turning to Kyojuro. "Leave the door open a bit, though."
Giyuu frowned. "Why?"
She only gave him a sly smile before dropping his hand. "I'll get started on making lunch, you two better go off and do what you want to so that the food isn't cold by the time you get back."
"Okay!" Kyojuro said, tugging Giyuu's hand.
Giyuu shifted his hair to hide his flushed face as he was practically dragged out of the house.
Upon arriving at the Rengoku Household, there ended up being a lot of welcomes and chatter before they even got to the point. There was also a brief re-introduction of Giyuu to Kyojuro's parents in case they had forgotten who he was—which they hadn't.
Somehow noticing that there was something to be told, Ruka interrupted the conversation about Senjuro's age—Giyuu had commented that Senjuro looked older than he had remembered, which had lapsed in a recap about the past few months.
"Is there anything the two of you need to say?" she asked curiously. "I'm assuming you didn't come here for a quick visit."
"Oh! Yeah!" Kyojuro said, as if just remembering. "Me and Giyuu are dating, and we wanted you to know."
"Oh?" Shinjuro asked, eyeing Giyuu. "Does he treat you well?"
Giyuu shrank back at the stare but Kyojuro hugged him. "Mhm! He's the best! He does everything he can for me, even though he does too much sometimes," he said, laughing.
"Too much?" Shinjuro pressed, still giving Giyuu a side eye.
"He buys me things and spends too much money on me," Kyojuro explained. "I had to have him return various things because they cost waaay too much!"
"Oh. Okay," Shinjuro said. "Fine."
Ruka shot Shinjuro a quick glare before smiling at Kyojuro and Giyuu. "I'm glad to hear of this. Kyojuro did talk a lot about you, more than anyone else," she said, ruffling her son's hair.
Blush crept up Giyuu's cheeks. "Really?"
"Yes, and he seems quite the more happy around you. We—my husband and I—are both glad to hear of this," she said.
Shinjuro nodded quickly at the inflection in the word. "Yes. Glad."
Kyojuro grinned. "Great! I'm staying at Giyuu's tonight, also," he said, as an afterthought.
"What? N-" Shinjuro started, only for Ruka to talk over him.
"That's wonderful. Have fun, and don't be too much trouble to the Tomioka's," she said calmly, kissing Kyojuro's forehead.
"Thank you!"
Giyuu nodded. "Thank you," he echoed.
Ruka smiled.
Sanemi and Obanai had perhaps been dating the longest, compared to the rest—save for Tengen. Which meant they had also been hiding their relationship for the longest. Which made sense, given that Sanemi's father could possibly be the most homophobic piece of shit ever—and that Obanai's family was anything but supportive. So it made sense for them to be weary of this. They had agreed, of course. But they ended up waiting till almost the end of June to say anything.
In the end, they told Sanemi's parents first. They knew, at least, that his mother would be supportive (she knew that Sanemi was gay, Kyogo did not). Of course, they told Shizu first. Genya and Muichiro hadn't spoken of their relationship to Genya's family yet (the Tokito's knew, though), and so they joined Sanemi and Obanai for the confession.
Shizu was curious as to why the four had approached her. She paused in folding the laundry, a shirt half-folded on her lap as she looked up. "Is something wrong?"
"No, we just wanted to tell you something," Sanemi said. Obanai hovered next to him, unsure what to do. Sanemi's hand slipped into Obanai's, their fingers intertwining.
Genya tilted his head to the side slightly, embarrassed. "Yeah."
"Mhm?" Shizu noticed the held hands but said nothing about it. They would tell her.
"Me and Genya are dating," Muichiro said abruptly, tugging on Genya's sleeve. "Pick me up," he said to him.
Genya sighed but crouched down. Muichiro clambered onto his back, resting his chin contently on his shoulder.
"Oh?" Shizu smiled. "That's nice. What's your name?"
"He's Muichiro Tokito," Genya responded.
"Right. He has a brother, right? A twin? I wasn't sure which it was," Shizu said.
She turned to Sanemi and Obanai. "And you two?..."
"Ah, we're also dating," Sanemi said, his hand tightening slightly on Obanai's. "We haven't told Obanai's family yet, but Tokito's knows about Genya."
"I'm glad you could trust me with this," Shizu said gently, putting the laundry to the side and standing to kiss both her son's foreheads. "I hope telling Iguro's family goes okay."
Sanemi nodded. "I hope so too."
"You don't mind that I'm dating him?" Obanai asked quietly, his voice barely audible as he hid behind Sanemi. He was always nervous around women, though he preferred to not make it so obvious. But this was his boyfriend's mother for fuck's sake! He had the right to be even more timid!—as much as he hated to act like a fucking child in front of her, he found himself unable to help it.
Shizu shook her head. "Of course I don't mind. As long as Sanemi's happy with this, then it's fine. You take care of him well, yes?"
Obanai gave a quick nod. Sanemi let out a breath. "Mother- He's great. And yes, he makes me happy. He's endlessly better than father, too," he added.
Shizu nodded. "I just want to be cautious. I made many wrong decisions at your age..."
Genya glanced at her, then Sanemi, unsure if he should still be here.
Sanemi's free hand clamped onto Genya's arm, holding him there. Genya had to learn to make good decisions too.
"Don't worry," Obanai said slowly. "If I do anything that makes Sanemi uncomfortable, I'll gladly pitch myself off a- I mean- I'll... make amendments to it, I swear."
Shizu offered a smile. "There's no need for dying, but thank you. You seem like a lovely person and I know the two of you have been friends for a while as well, so I trust you. Forgive me for my doubts."
"It's fine. I understand," Obanai said.
Sanemi nodded. "Right. Want to tell your parents today?" he asked, letting go of Genya as he turned to Obanai.
"I don't know... I mean, sure? But I'm worried they'll ruin everything," Obanai admitted.
Genya took that as his cue to leave and, hoisting Muichiro higher on his waist, he gave a quick goodbye before heading up to his room.
"That's true."
"Are we telling your dad?" Obanai asked, hoping to stall.
Shizu frowned. "You're telling him? I don't know if that's the best idea."
Sanemi sighed. "Well, we can only hide it for so long. But you don't have to be there when I tell him," he said to Obanai. "It'll probably be best if you don't get stressed about anything before we tell your family."
"But won't it be harder on you?" Obanai asked.
"If you're telling your father, I want to be there," Shizu said. Something in her voice gave no room for argument.
"Fine, then," Sanemi said. "You stay here, Obanai. I'll tell him now to get over with it."
Obanai nodded. "Okay." He sat down on one of the cushions as Sanemi and Shizu went to Kyogo's room.
Wanting to stay on his relatively good side, Sanemi knocked before entering.
"I want to tell you something," he said, in response to the loud and irritated "what?!" that followed his knock.
There was a pause. Shizu took the moment to breathe slowly, preparing herself. The door opened.
"The fuck do you want?" Kyogo asked, eyeing Shizu before turning back to Sanemi. "It better be worth my time."
Sanemi bit back a retort and let out a slow breath. "Right. I have a boyfriend."
Kyogo took a second to process this. "Boyfriend? Boyfriend?" he clarified.
"Yes," Sanemi said impatiently. "That's what I said."
"You're a boy."
"I know." Sanemi forced down the urge to roll his eyes.
"You can't date- Are you-? God! I knew it. You raised a fucking disappointment!" Kyogo practically shouted, turning his attention to Shizu. "You were aaalways saying how I was bad at raising the children, so you tried taking over, yet look where it's got you! Here he is, delusional and dating boys. He has no chance growing into a man at this point. It's a wonder he's survived so long under your wing, in the first place. Now he's gone insane and it's all because of your inability to be reasonable and let me do the work. Women are always like this, did you know? Bitches like you should just die."
Sanemi's eyes narrowed. His patience had already been treaded on and it dispersed now. "Don't talk to her like that."
Shizu raised a hand to Sanemi, stopping him from saying anything more. She turned to Kyogo and, despite her size, she seemed to almost tower over him, fury over his insults towards Sanemi urging her to stand up. "Sanemi is not a disappointment. He will never be. He's not the delusional one, in fact you might be. If you can't see what a strong and kind and amazing man he's grown up to be, then it's clear who's the unreasonable one. You can't talk about him like that when we all know that he's a far better person than you could ever be," she said. She spoke firmly, her eyes fixed on his glare.
Shizu shook her head and Sanemi fell quiet.
Kyogo spluttered for a response, not having expected her to talk back. She had never done it before. He hadn't anticipated that she would start now. "You- You woman!" he shouted pathetically. "As if you have any premonition of his future! You're just as bad as- as that fag," he spat. "Don't talk to me—either of you. I don't want to see your disgusting faces anymore. I've had enough with your nonsense."
The door was slammed in their faces. Sanemi grit his teeth, turning to Shizu. "Why didn't you let me talk to him?" he said, more angry at his father than his mother. He could never be mad at her.
"I didn't want him doing anything to you," she said with a sigh. "At the very least, I wanted to say something for once."
"Mother... I'm stronger now, okay? I can handle it fine," Sanemi assured her, his expression softening slightly. Then he brightened, offering her a smile. "But what you said was great. The look on his face—I should've taken a picture..."
Shizu laughed. "Why don't we go to your boyfriend now, hm? I'm sure he's worried," she said, taking Sanemi's hand.
Worried was an understatement, perhaps. Obanai had his knees tucked up, his chin dipping down and arms around his legs. He looked up immediately as they walked into the room. "I heard shouting," he explained.
Sanemi sighed, sitting down next to him and taking his hand. "Yeah, he'll probably get mad if he sees you here now. But he'll get over it. Also, Mother put him in his place," he said with a triumphant glint in his eye. He lifted Obanai's hand, kissing between his fingers. "We'll save your family for tomorrow, maybe. Sleep off any stress?"
Obanai nodded. "'kay. He didn't do anything besides shout, right?"
"Right," Sanemi agreed. "If he had, I probably would've taken the door off its hinges and hit him with it."
Shizu gave him a look of disapproval as she went back to her seat from earlier. "You can't do that," she said. "Your father is still dangerous. I have full faith in your strength, but he has a talent at getting his way, perhaps the only thing he's good at."
Sanemi let out a breath. "Fine. I'll try not to hit him with a door, then. Maybe something more effective like a hammer."
He grinned. "Sorry."
Obanai leaned on him. "Maybe we won't tell them."
"Hm?" Sanemi turned to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. "Your family?"
"Yeah. I mean, I don't even want them in my life anymore. If we don't tell them, then maybe it'll be more... concrete. Leaving them? Like, it could be a start. It's not like I haven't thought about running away every second I spend in the house," Obanai said, closing his eyes. "I don't want to tell them. I don't want them to know about you and try to ruin it because you're the best thing that's happened to me."
Sanemi nodded slowly. "Alright. If you say so. If this is just doubt because of my father's reaction, then—"
"No, it's not that. I was thinking about this before and I just... Is it alright for you, though?" Obanai asked, looking up.
"Of course. Whatever you want," Sanemi said, smiling reassuringly.
Shizu wore a smile of her own as she spoke. "How would you like to stay over tonight? I'm sure we could arrange some more room in Sanemi's bedroom. I'll make sure Kyogo stays out of your way," she said.
Obanai glanced at her. "Could I?"
Sanemi nodded. "Well, if she says it's fine, then it's fine. And yeah—I'll seriously punch his face if he tries to do anything to you."
Obanai laughed. "Noted."
"Alright, let's go get you another pillow. I'm sure we could steal one of my brother's. Shūya likes hoarding all of them, he should have plenty."
« Word count: 3255 »
this was unnecessarily long
and i have literally no idea what the hell I wrote so we pretend this isn't shitty? yes?, ok, love you all<3 happy pride month!!!
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respitelocklyre · 7 months
I made the cheer squad!!! I have a lil more to say but that's the important bit- updates under the cut like always ✨
Cheer tryouts were waaay different than i expected!! I kind of thought it'd be a big ordeal but it was just me and one other freshman who tried out, so we were obvs accepted lol Not that we wouldn't have made it in anyways since we both looked fucking great!! Especially considering I haven't even done any of those moves since last fall. The squad is pretty small and i don't think they do competitive stuff but that's fine, we never did in high school either. I'm more interested in getting to know the rest of the silkball team we'll be cheering on, if the try-outs were any indication of what's to come 🤭 There's this cute owl-guy I might have my eye on- i think he works at the tavern too!!
Oh yeah, i also got the work-study at the tavern! I figure i'll just quit if i don't like it lol but anyways come say hi if ur on campus- i promise you'll recognize me on sight. I'm pretty easy to spot hehe
Oh oh oh and congrats to Mire for getting on the team too!! and for scoring some points with their crush (they can thank me later~). I wonder if they're gonna be able to play well while being cheered on lmaaooo
Classes have been fine, but tbh i haven't rlly been able to pay attention to them since i've been busy partying, meeting new people, and adjusting to life on campus! It's kinda overwhelming, my contacts have like doubled since i got here. And everything is like...way different, yknow? Obvs I didn't think it'd be the SAME as high school, but the vibes are soooo different is all. idk what to make of it all yet but i know that im LOVING being away from home and enjoying my freedom so far <3 Cathy told me the first month or so would probably be rlly hard but idk what she was talking abt bc no one grounds me for waking them up when i get home at 2 am and not even the raven queen can stop me from eating icecream for dinner now.
In reality, this party was kind of lame, even as Respite typed otherwise to his friends— they'd opted to ditch him for a studying session, so he sure as hell wasn't going to let on that the party was anything but lit. They had a feeling most of them probably wouldn't care, but Willow might feel a touch regretful, so the lie was worth it.
After sending the message to the group chat and briefly checking tinder for any new DMs or matches— maybe he could escape this place and turn the night around— to no avail, they pocketed their phone. How annoying. They rolled their eyes and leaned against the wall, taking a slow sip at the drink they’d been nursing for the past hour. Respite wasn’t really a fan of drinking on the best of nights and all they had to offer here was shitty beer. After a moment of pouting and observing the dimly lit room, they turned and parted the dusty, moth-eaten curtain to look out the window again.
If anyone had noticed the way Respite kept flitting out to the porch or the front window, no one said anything. They did try to keep it discreet, at least, and simply worked it into the way they naturally made the rounds every now and then to talk to different people or get another drink. He liked to move around a lot at parties anyways to make sure that he saw everyone's faces and said hi to them all.
On the opposite side of the spectrum was Mettie, who, shortly after arriving and greeting a few people, had taken an edible or something and parked himself outside on the porch. From there, he seemed to be spending most of his time at the party smoking with other people who needed some fresh air and enrapturing (ensnaring?) them with his long-winded conversation. Respite wasn't sure if this had been his goal when agreeing to come to the party, but it had been the result.
It dawned on Respite slowly that they hadn't really seen Mettie at a party like this before. Well, okay— they'd seen Mettie at one or two big house parties in passing, but they'd never actually spent much time watching him. He’d been the dealer for about 75% of their high school (it was a devastating loss to the community when he’d done his year abroad), so it was hard not to run into him from time to time at parties. But in high school, he was mostly regarded as weird and off-putting. People got what they wanted from him and were generally polite, but it wasn't like he was always invited to stick around. And when he was, it did usually end up like this— he'd put himself in a less populated corner somewhere and make puzzling conversation with those willing to listen.
In their hometown, it had felt like everyone else tolerated it because Mettie was a valuable resource. They knew his penchant for rambling, though, and tried not to engage— Respite himself included.
They couldn't place the feeling as they watched Mettie from the window now, with a handful of people gathered around him, held captive by the way he spoke. These people weren't just being polite, either. They were listening— sometimes even smiling and laughing with him. Sure, they were probably stoned too, but that hardly mattered. It's not like this was the first time it had happened since he’d learned Mettie was also attending Strixhaven. At their cafe shift, during orientation, and at the career fair...things were clearly different here.
A couple of years ago, Respite never would've invited Mettie to a house party with him. It would've been social suicide— he knows; he'd thought about it once early on and didn't even get far enough to invite Mettie before the ridicule started up— and though it had taken a lot to fight against their instinct, they needed to test their theory: Did people here actually like Mettie's company? This party seemed to confirm it for the positive.
In Respite's mind, the jury was still out on whether or not Mettie was cool, but at the very least it seemed like no one was going to corner him in the bathroom and interrogate him about why they saw him talking to the freak who looked like he was one bad day away from shooting up the school (untrue, of course, and tasteless in a way only teenagers could be, but Respite had forced out a laugh at the time).
There was a feeling of relief in that. In knowing that neither of them would be under constant scrutiny from peers and adults alike. Being unknown was freeing in some ways.
But there was a dread in it, too. In losing the structure Respite had spent years delicately building the pieces of their identity around.
A memory from when they were kids came to mind unbidden, of the time Respite had accidentally knocked over one of Mettie's earliest sculptures. It had been unsteady and the base made of air-dry clay toppled easily when Respite bumped the dresser in a fit of energetic excitement, sending it crashing to the ground. The roughly attached bits and bobs came loose and scattered across Mettie's bedroom floor, transitioning from art to disjointed pieces without purpose or clarity in an instant.
For what it was worth, Mettie had taken it in stride even as Respite desperately crawled under his bed with a flashlight to gather everything, apologizing and promising to help him glue it back together. After staying quiet for some time, he'd declared it an act of fate that only added to the piece and gave it new meaning. Respite didn't understand, but they'd been so terrified of being yelled at that they nodded in agreement even as their cheeks were pink from crying. They still attempted to fit some of the pieces back together until Mettie insisted they just put it in an empty shoe box so that he could make something new of it. To this day, Respite had no idea if Mettie had ever fixed it, restructured it, or simply left it as a memorial in his closet.
They wrinkled their nose up at the unwarranted assault of a flashback. Clearly they'd been hanging around Mettie too much already if their thoughts were starting to get this metaphorical. He downed the last of his warm beer, hoping the bile on his tongue would force him to refocus on the party.
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clonehub · 1 year
Episode 15 of the bad batch
The pacing of this show is insane what do you mean this is the penultimate episode and you actually haven't moved the needle on characterization in any significant direction. What do you mean world building has progressed an inch. They had the chain codes but those appear in other parts of star wars. This is episode FIFTEEN. Episode 13 was a waste imo. The writers for tbb gotta get in touch w the writers for Andor and arcane bc this pacing is not it
Damn not Gregor gotta chill w cid
Why are my subtitles only half working
I think this character (the Black woman) lives. I hope so.
Okay I wonder how omega knows about this landing platform if she's never left Kamino. They might reveal it soon tho
Are there other cities in Kamino I wonder
Okay Nala se told her
Wonder where they put all the regular clones.
"the empire will be phasing out clones next" "not the ones that matter" again Crosshair really does think he's above the regs and I know this is obvious to anyone who has eyes but like this fear of a) not having his power/prowess affirmed by the state and b) his being relegated to the same position as the regs he derides so much is whats fueling. Is there love for his brothers? Probably yeah. Is crosshair ultimately a very selfish person who'll pick ego over family? Yeah. Also any instance of the batch hating on the regular clones looks racist soz
Also sidebar bc it's getting on my nerves but deliberate changes to something cannot make that thing defective. Omegas not defective if the Kaminoans specifically made her the way they did on purpose like huh. Having special skills isn't defective AGAIN they'd have to have their ability to perform or their health impeded in some way in order to do that. How the hell is being a genius or really strong a defect who tf thinks like that 😭
Crosshair ain't even being fair here this is so funny. "We didn't have a choice but to leave you because you were trying to kill and us specifically targeting a child" and he's like. Well I didn't have a choice either. And it's like yeah the chips but again you did say "aim for the kid" like were they supposed to stand there?? And let you kill them and the BABY? TBB wanting to live trumps crosshair feeling abandoned sorrryyyy
She's dry now
"your MUTATIONS were ENHANCED in this room" methinks the writers just. Keep flipping back and forth on what they want tbb to be depending on the mood they're going for
I wonder how old omega was when she saw tbb being created
Again with the I in the name but nobody says AZI it's just AZ
Hunters eyes annoy the shit out of me why can't the animators pick a color
An interesting conflict between hunter and crosshair would have been their strategizing skills, like if it's clear that crosshair is as good as or even better than hunter in terms of planning and execution, that could be something they'd butt heads about before the chips and O66 were even a thing
Echo's ARC training would ideally be kicking in now
I'm surprised they don't have more weapons
"we're running out of time commander" this man's voice
Not crosshair saying he'd be justified in killing them fbsndnmsdns
"you weren't loyal to me" again. You Tried to Kill Them. including the Kid.
And the use of loyal from him feels to me more like how someone in power expects loyalty, not how equals expect it
"we're not like the regs. We never have been. We're superior" die. die!
This is one of those lines that gets approved bc not a single person in the story telling process was like paying attention at all to what they were writing and they have like no clue of their own context for their series.
But anyways crosshair thinks caring about other people is something those mean gross """regs""" do. He wants tbb together but does he really want to take care of them? Does he want them to take care of him? No. He wants power. Hence why even w the chip out he stayed w the empire.
"think of all we could do" "the empire can't protect the galaxy without strength" "this is what we were made for" he's a fascist idk why ppl still try to argue about this
Kinda weird he actually believes in the ability of the empires protection
You know what else this is? All these TK troopers were PoC and now they're nearly all dead
God he's just. So fascist he's SUCH a fascist. "Don't become my enemy" like goddamn
The theme will NEVER FIT IN it's always such a punch to the face
These droids seem tougher than what the clones actually have to fight in the war
This is like the only part of the series that has emotional depth, when they fire on Kamino.
This delivery 🥴
See this would be more sad if I felt the bad batch earned any of the emotional pay out they're expecting. The destruction of tipoca city is huge. As evil as the kaminoans are, this is also an entire people that's been displaced (depending on if there are other cities on Kamino w other populations)
Anyways this is the kind of conflict that we should have been steadily fed from the beginning.
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company-policy-ntmy · 3 years
Hey hey hey… CRISPY(aka Kyler) IS BACK! So, we already know why I’m here… AND IT’S BC IT’S DRABBLE TIME! So lately, I’ve been doing fluff and to keep on going, how about your first kiss. Of course with none other than our lovely man: Shigaraki Tomura. Hopefully, this will get some of y’all smiling :-)
Ok, so Shiggy and you have been dating for some time now. It only started because you were brave enough to go to your boss and be like “I like you” or something along those lines. Either way, this relationship started because you took the first step. Now you were hoping that you didn’t need to take the second one. Just a small inkling of hope to have him make the first move to kissing you. Sure, he was a little troubled about touching in general… well unless it’s something he wants to destroy. He just doesn’t want you getting hurt and that’s good and all but man sometimes you wish he could just grab you and sweep you off your feet. You thought maybe you should give him a hint. Which you did and it ended up not getting to him. Either he’s dense as hell or just doesn’t want to kiss you. If the latter was true then that would hurt but you’ll respect him… then you thought a little longer and harder and came down to the decision of giving him space.
It has only been like 2 days of limited contact and Shigaraki is already pissed for the day. Why hasn’t his sweet y/n came to see him yet? Didn’t they want him? They were the one who said they liked him after all. They were all on him, and now where are they? Did they run off? Did Dabi steal them? He better have not! No one could stop him now. Shigaraki was heading to see you even if you didn’t want to see him (we would never mind him coming to us of course)
“Y/N!” Shigaraki saw you and yelled your name. Your body slightly shook with him yelling… It was probably because it was rare to hear him yell. Shigaraki just came storming towards you and loomed over you.
"What can I do for you today?" You tried to play it off cool.
"Why have you been ignoring me?" His raspy voice was harsh and his eyes seemed like they were staring lasers into you. You looked at his neck and you know what he's been doing for the past hour or so.
"You're scratching again… " You can't help but worry.
"Don't change the subject!" He was more assertive now.
"One, I haven't been ignoring you. Two, I can't help but worry about your scratching… I don't want to see you ge-"
"WHY HAVE YOU BEEN GONE THEN!" When he yelled at you it just shook you. He rarely screams… you think it probably because he has very chapped lips that might hurt if he opens them too much. It takes you a minute to recuperate from the yell.
"Like I said I haven't been ignoring you but I am giving you some space… I thought maybe you don't like being smothered by me all the time." This was the half of the truth, you couldn't bring yourself to tell him that you also thought he didn't want to kiss you.
"That isn't all of it, is it?" His words hit bullseye. "Come out with it."
"Did you ever think of kissing me?"
"W-What?!" If he was drinking something right now he might've spit it out. He took some time to come back. "What does that have to do wit-"
"I was giving you space because I thought it was annoying for me to keep hinting at it." You sighed "Maybe I just thought you were repulsed by the idea of kissing… I didn't want to cross any boundaries and it just ended up like this… "
"Does that mean you want to kiss ME?" He looked utterly confused. As if anyone would give any thought to even pressing lips with a crusted man as himself.
"Well, yeah… I mean YOU are my boyfriend." You go on and then all of a sudden you felt yourself get pulled in. Shigaraki had finally got the idea and kissed you. It was timid at first but then it slowly turned into him being like a hungry wolf.
Ok… that's what I have for now 👊😔. Idk this feels kinda ooc- but like then again it's been some time. Well anyways uncle Kyler gots to leave! Bye bby crisps!
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