#mid term vote
drmprop · 2 years
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And I scream at the fools wanna jump my train - Psychedelic Furs
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decolonize-the-left · 2 years
"nothing changes if you don't vote"
"republicans vote"
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They also do active work towards their political goals that go further than just screeching at people to vote. Like running for office so people can vote.
I can not express how much of Every election Ever is not voters fault, but the fault of every capable liberal and leftist who sits around telling us to vote/read theory but never actually uses their privilege to do any active part of dismantling racism or anything else they pretend to care about, including the actual bare minimum of getting blue votes which isnt voting, but running for office so people can vote blue.
Non-voters aren't the problem. The people to blame are the same fucking people that are always to blame throughout all of history. People who see awful things happening around them and still sit around doing nothing but feeling guilt and fear they might be treated the same way. So they choose to follow the fucked up laws and status quo of a government that doesn't give a shit about them, meanwhile finding ways to blame the Actual victims of the government so they can feel better about protecting themselves instead.
A fairy tale for liberals who don't wanna confront the reality that they don't have any power over their lives.
My executively dysfunctional, depressive, disabled, unstable ass sure doesn't. Couldn't run for office even if I wanted to. Relying on EBT and racist federal workers. Relying on others to run for office with my best interest in mind. I rely on on this government and it's people to take care of me and people like me but look where that got me. You think that was my choice? That I voted for this life? Did you vote for me to struggle like this?
No, you didn't.
But I am. Lots of people are. Because voting doesn't work. Because our problems are systematic and the things influencing us are systematic. They aren't things you vote for or would be ever put up for a vote in the first place. You can't vote blue without a Democrat that isn't on your ballot, for example. And lots of us can't fix things ourselves through normal political means like running for office cuz every branch of the US is inaccessible to us in a very racist, queerphobic, ableist, and classist way.
Voting isn't enough, it never was. It's not even the bare minimum. The bare minimum is doing something. Protest, burn something down, participate in mutual aid, run for office yourself, become a journalist that's Honest and unbought. But just saying "yeah I like this one" and coloring in some boxes every 2-4 years isn't fucking it. It never was. And thinking otherwise is exactly why I'm looking at ballot with no fucking democrats, progressives, or leftists on it.
I'm fucking begging you all to do more than vote and scream at everyone else to vote. Begging. Please fucking do more than that. And don't "we are" me because I'm looking at a ballot in one of the most progressive states in the country and objectively no you're fucking not.
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antivanruffles · 2 years
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Image text from ACLU:
Know your election day rights.
If the polls close while you're still in line, stay in line - you have the right to vote.
If you make a mistake on your ballot, ask for a new one.
If the machines are down at your polling place, ask for a paper ballot.
If you run into any problems or have any questions on Election Day, call the Election Protection Hotline: 1-866-OUR VOTE (1-866-687-8683)
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calliopechild · 2 years
Latest GOP bullshit update!
Because the GOP believes in nothing like they believe in voter suppression, the only Saturday that would have been within the early voting period for the Georgia runoff is now unavailable because of a. a law Georgia Republicans rammed through last year to cut runoff election periods in half and b. a ludicrous rule related to Georgia state holidays. That means that the early voting period is now limited only to Nov. 28 to Dec. 2, which--per GOP standard bullshit--of course makes things difficult for everyone, but especially for the groups most likely to vote Democrat.
So it is super important that if you live in Georgia and can vote, you do so--and check your options/available days now. Confirm your voting status, check and double-check your voting place and the available hours, and start planning now if you might need to vote early or if you can go on Election Day. Below is a link on voting rights in Georgia re: getting time off from work to vote.
Losing the Georgia seat could cost the GOP the ability to deadlock progress there, so they are going to disenfranchise as many people and throw up as many extra barriers to voting as they can, because they know that’s the only way they can win. Spread the word so that anyone who was counting on a non-weekday voting day has enough advance notice to make new plans.
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imkeepinit · 2 years
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scarfacemarston · 2 years
Tw mentions for: Racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, abortion discussion, anti-Semitism mention, anti-islamic mention, voting rights, miscarriage mention
Guys, please please please go out and vote. I was born in dictatorship that my country still hasn’t recovered from. I and millions of others lost so much in my country and my country is FAR from the only one. With that said USA:
Democracy is on the block for so many countries, but we have early voting and the Election Day. GO OUT AND VOTE. If Republicans get the majority in the House or Senate, our rights could be taken away. People say it won’t happen, well, people said the same about Roe vs Wade, but it did. 
You have no excuse. Voter apathy because things are bad? So you’re just going to sit there and do nothing while things get worse? The biggest voting demographic are boomers. Why the hell are people, especially young people, allowing THEM to make the decisions that will affect everyone with people under 50 being affected the most. Voter apathy is handing the election to the far right. 
Lgbtq+ people are in serious danger. People are banning lgbtq+ affirmative care, especially for transgender people. People are wanting to harm lgbtq+ people for EXISTING. Not even libraries are safe. LGBTQ+ marriage is at risk. 
Teachers are finding it increasingly difficult to be allowed to teach history, literature or politics because of the far right narratives they’re being forced to teach. LGBTQ+ kids are not safe in the class room.
People are dying from not being able to access emergency abortions and DNCs (a procedure that helps remove excess tissue build up that can sometimes be from abortion but often times not. Considering there is even a small chance of the dnc being used for abortion, it’s why republicans are attacking it.)
Btw, an ectopic pregnancy is impossible to survive without medical intervention. People are nearly dying or dying in hospitals because it’s too late - the hospitals have to consult their lawyers first. 
People aren’t being prescribed medications that have even the tiniest side effect of a miscarriage. These are drugs people need to LIVE. Drugs that treat lupus, cancer and reproductive disorders to name a few.
And for many others, Medicare, Medicaid and social security benefits are being attacked. Yes, that is something old republicans are going to suffer but for those saying everyone deserves it - what about the democrats that are that age? Why should they have to suffer? What about the tons of POC whose votes were ignored because of gerrymandering? And voting rights are under attack RIGHT NOW.
People of Color’s voting rights are in serious danger because of government officials redrawing boundary lines so their vote is skewed, or how they have less voting places and have to travel farther, or deal with a lot of voter intimidation in addition to what’s already out there.
Immigrants are still being treated as second class citizens with cruel stunts by republicans like flying them to other states to be used as political pawns and it’s getting worse.
Anti-Semitism and anti-Islamic sentiments are growing and are becoming increasingly dangerous with attacks on religious institutions and violence.
Gun violence “thanks” to republicans blocking everything from the state level to federal level. I’ve lost track of all the school shootings.
Our world is burning due to climate change being ignored and corporations. Again, don’t let republican boomers and older make these decisions for us.
Get. Out And.Vote. I understand there are some individuals that truly can’t vote due to circumstances including lack of access or even safety reasons, but if you have the chance to vote and you choose not to? Well, that’s in your right but you may not have the right to choose to go ahead and vote in the future. Do not get complacent if you see democrats winning at the polls. People thought the same thing in 2016 and 2020 was a VERY close call.
Brazil won their elections and got rid of a horrible man. It shows it CAN BE DONE.  Save  yourselves from the dictatorship I and so many others have gone through.  I BEG you to please vote. So many people are scared right now. I already voted. I know this is going to piss people off, but I’ll say it anyway: If you are someone able to vote, have access and you’re still not convinced or care enough to vote, then I find it really hard to respect you.
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Realistically, if we wish to break free from the machinations of the deep state, the public needs to break free from the false dichotomies that enable them. A total shift in public consciousness.
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Evangelist and teacher Elijah Abraham of Living Oasis ministries shares about his recent month-long trip to Indonesia and surrounding countries preaching and teaching Christian pastors. We discuss the true gospel, evangelism, theology and sound doctrine, and the cancer of seeker-sensitive churches. Elijah has been on three international trips since last November. We also address next week’s Midterm elections in the U.S. and the need for Bible-believing Christians to vote while we still have our religious freedoms.
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decolonize-the-left · 2 years
"Stop gaslighting us! Stop telling us to go vote and get out in the streets. We've been voting. We've been in the streets. This is gaslighting! We cannot make change in the same system that harmed us. That is an abuse cycle! Stop!"
It's actually the 4th and last phase of the abuse cycle before it repeats.
The next step will be Tension. The unrest before violence is committed again.
Do you already feel the pressure and anger of Democrats? Have you already seen them warning you about impending doom if you don't vote blue? You notice how they're setting the stage to justify whatever disappointments and violence happens after the coming elections?
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Do not forget this is the same party that promised to address police violence, abolish student debt, codify Roe v Wade into federal law, and stand with natives, and then did the total opposite.
The system itself, regardless of party affiliation still enables violence such as death, sickness, forced births, kidnapping, forced sterilizations, pain compliance, and slavery against some of the most oppressed groups in the country. Legally.
So in 2022 do not be gaslit into thinking voting blue is enough to save your rights when the judicial system itself is what allows them to be violated and when a democratic president could not stop them from being entirely removed.
We need to change the system, not just the color of it's mask. And to change the system we must be a threat to it, not active participants.
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At this point it’s pretty well know that Gen Z played a major role in making the historical midterms happen. So I can’t help but wonder how long it’ll be before Republicans start banning election talk in schools. When I was in high school they helped seniors register to vote and let us use official equipment for homecoming. Our teachers and staff were all the time telling us to vote, no matter what. So I wonder how long it’ll be before that type of thing gets banned since clearly Gen Z has an affinity for voting like no other recent generation, and that’s bitten Republicans in the ass.
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toruandmidori · 2 years
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We know who we’re voting for in 2024, do you?
Spread some cheer this election season with our range of fun movie, TV and music inspired pop culture political campaign pin buttons. 
Check them out over at our Redbubble store, links below: 
Forrest Gump - He just felt like running
Dolly Parton for President
Lesley Knope for President! 
Vote Lebowski - he’d really tie the whole country together
Ru Paul for President
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dominiqueshaw · 2 years
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I recognize that voting is not *the* solution.
I recognize that having complex feelings about voting is valid.
I recognize that my duty goes far beyond the polling booth and is actually a daily practice of showing up--a practice that I am often imperfect at.
What I do think voting is, is an opportunity to further dismantle the illusion of individualism. We need each other. We always have.
Today we need each other in the polling booth.
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tomthefanboy · 2 years
Coworker: I like going to the ballot box in person. it feels more important. Me: I get that, I sent my vote in by mail last week but I didn't get a sticker. Boss: I voted in person this weekend and they gavem e two stickers and one must be yours. I think it was halloween themed because it has a weird gremlin on it. Me, remembering meme history: Is it a multicolor head with legs? Boss: Yeah how'd you know? https://elections.ulstercountyny.gov/i-voted-sticker-contest/
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Me: Yes... that's definitely "my" sticker...
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jmkitsune · 2 years
If Voting didn't matter:
-a certain party would not be trying to make it HARDER to vote
-entire groups of people wouldn't have had to fight for the right to it in the past
-they wouldn't put armed people as "poll watchers"
-they wouldn't be scared of you voting against them
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anais-nyx · 2 years
Not to be alarmist but the gop is trying to introduce a petition into the house to ban transgender athletes from competing in high school sports that don't conform with their birth gender, on the heels of Idaho introducing and passing a law stating trans kids are subject to "genital inspections" by school nurses OR school officials to confirm their gender before competing. They're literally trying to legislate child abuse enshrined into federal law
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hareofhrair · 1 month
Gonna need yall to stop putting Biden is Just As Bad propaganda on my dash. Had to unfollow someone because I don’t want to a start a fight with them over it, but I’m about to bite the next person who puts that shit in front of me.
If you don’t like Biden, vote in your god damn local and mid term elections for third party or further left candidates so that we get better democratic candidates for future elections. But this one is already fucking decided, and I’m NOT ending up under a Trump led dictatorship because yall value protecting your personal sense of moral purity over the collective good. Whether it offends your personal morals to vote for Biden is IRRELEVANT in the face of the alternative.
This isn’t a lesser of two evils situation. One guy sucks. The other guy is LITERALLY PLANNING TO OVERTHROW OUR DEMOCRACY AND INSTALL HIMSELF AS A PUTIN STYLE DICTATOR.
PLEASE look up Project 2025 and stop acting like abstaining is some kind of personal ethical decision!
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