#michael mair
spilladabalia · 1 year
Rue Oberkampf - Kalt
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les-mizurablus · 2 years
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badgaymovies · 2 years
5 Fingers (1952)
5 Fingers by #JosephLMankiewicz starring #JamesMason and #DanielleDarrieux, "There’s a lot to be admired about the way this film refuses to play into an audience’s emotional need for constant nick-of-time cliffhangers"
JOSEPH L. MANKIEWICZ Bil’s rating (out of 5): BBB.5 Alternate Title: Five Fingers USA, 1952. Twentieth Century Fox. Screenplay by Michael Wilson, based on the book by L.C. Moyzisch. Cinematography by Norbert Brodine. Produced by Otto Lang. Music by Bernard Herrmann. Production Design by George W. Davis, Lyle R. Wheeler. Costume Design by Charles Le Maire. Film Editing by James B. Clark. Time has…
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cliozaur · 3 months
Oh, so this is the chapter with Javert’s leather stock askew! I had a false memory that it happened in his “punish me, Monsieur le Maire” episode and was surprised not to find it there. It means that he came to Monsieur le Maire’s office unshaken and balanced, Inspector at his best. However, the mere possibility that he could have nearly missed Jean Valjean profoundly stressed him.
In this chapter, Hugo attributes some of the most unforgettable characteristics to Javert. “Javert was a complete character, who never had a wrinkle in his duty or in his uniform; methodical with malefactors, rigid with the buttons of his coat.” And his belief system and all the things he is forever associated with are also here:
he, Javert, personified justice, light, and truth in their celestial function of crushing out evil. Behind him and around him, at an infinite distance, he had authority, reason, the case judged, the legal conscience, the public prosecution, all the stars; he was protecting order, he was causing the law to yield up its thunders, he was avenging society, he was lending a helping hand to the absolute, he was standing erect in the midst of a glory.
So, he is “avenging society” – the same society, most of us agree, is the main villain and culprit of “Les Misérables.” That’s very telling. Javert is triumphant, satisfied, “erect, haughty, brilliant,” but also very wrong.
I have just noticed that he is simultaneously likened to a demon and to the “monstrous Saint Michael” – while one is supposed to fight the other.
Javert is not the only intriguing figure in this chapter. How do you like the moment when the royalist court president was shocked to hear how Valjean said “the Emperor, not Bonaparte”? Valjean has pro-Napoleonic sympathies. That’s amusing, for it makes him akin to Marius in this respect.
My hero here is the counsel for the defence: this man really does his job well and effectively defends poor Champmathieu, despite the fact that the defendant is an obscure labourer. It seems to me that such counsels for the defence are the only positive aspects of the whole legal system of the early nineteenth century.
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scotianostra · 4 months
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25th January marks the annual celebration of Burns Night - a time to celebrate Scotland's favourite son, and world renowned poet and song writer Robert Burns who was born on this day 1759.
I have covered Oor Rabbie on may occasions so on this day I hope to bring you a few facts about Scotland's National Bard and his legacy.
Known as somewhat of a ladies man, Burns is known to have fathered 12 or 13 children, depending on the source, to 4 different women. His last born child, Maxwell, was born on the same day as his funeral 25 July 1796, meaning his wife Jean Armour missed his send off.
As a lad growing up in Ayrshire, Burns was always fond of supernatural stories, most of which were told to him by an old widow who helped out on his father's farm. These stories no doubt had an influence on his writings in the future and perhaps were the inspiration for his classic masterpiece, Tam O'Shanter and the lesser known Adress to the Deil and Halloween. Even in these poems he flattered the fairer sex with his words, this from the latter poem.....
The lasses feat, an' cleanly neat, Mair braw than when they're fine; Their faces blythe, fu' sweetly kythe, Hearts leal, an' warm, an' kin':
Of course Burns also gives another of his favourite subjects a mention in this verse, "the deil himsel," Look it up it's another guid yin!
Burns didn't always want to stay in Scotland - he hoped to move to the Caribbean island of Jamaica. Although following the success of his poetry collection 'Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect' (or the Kilmarnock Edition as it is known), he opted to move closer to home, settling in Edinburgh for a time.
For all his fame, Burns never forgot his humble roots. His love for farming stayed with him throughout his life and his writing often dealt with issues affecting the poorer classes, notably highlighting the need for greater social equality. Indeed he is known as the Ploughman Poet, a nod to his farming life.
And on his legacy, Burns has gathered some very famous fans since his passing, US president Abraham Lincoln could recite Burns’ works by heart. Bob Dylan says that ‘A Red, Red Rose’ by Burns is his source of greatest creative inspiration and Michael Jackson song Thriller is said to have been inspired by Tam O'Shanter.
In Japan at pedestrian crossing you don't get beeps like here in Scotland, they play a rendition of the Burns song ‘Coming Through The Rye’.
There are more statues in honour of Rabbie than any other male figure in history, only surpassed in total by Queen Victoria. (I am not including religious statues).
In 2005 Robert Burns was the first person ever to feature on a bottle of Coca Cola, about a million were made they currently trade for around £10 and I have one, unopened in my kitchen cupboard.
Arguably Burns most famous song, Auld Lang Syne, has appeared in over 170 Hollywood films including The Apartment, It’s A Wonderful Life and When Harry Met Sally. , but he only rewrote the verse, he sent the poem to the Scots Musical Museum in 1788 indicating that it was an ancient song but that he'd been the first to record it on paper. The phrase 'auld lang syne' roughly translates as 'for old times' sake', and the song is all about preserving old friendships and looking back over the events of the year.
In the US city of Atlanta, there is a life-size imitation of Burns’ first home in Alloway, South Ayrshire, although it doesn't have the famous thatched roof.
In Scotland, there are some 20 official Burns memorials dotted around the country, from Aberdeen to the final resting place of Burns in Dumfries, which commemorate his journey from Ayrshire to “Auld Lang Syne”.
‘My Heart’s in the Highlands’ was translated and adopted as the marching song of the Chinese resistance fighter in the Second World War.
In 2009 STV viewers voted Robert Burns ‘The Great Scot’, beating the likes of William Wallace, Robert the Bruce among others.
There are Burns Clubs scattered across the globe, but the very first one, known as The Mother's Club, was founded in Greenock in 1801. They held the very first Burns Supper on what they thought was his birthday, January 29th 1802, only to discover that his birthday was actually January 25th!
Since then Burns suppers have been held worldwide.
I know some of you out there will toil to understand some of Burns's poetry, don't fear you will find the Best of Robert Burns, translated into the "de'il's tongue" just Click here...
The song Ae Fond Kiss, was one of my mums favourites the words "Never met-or never parted, We had ne'er been broken-hearted" are inscribed on her grave......"
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my-chaos-radio · 2 months
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Release: June 29, 1987
Who needs friends who never show?
I'll tell you what you wanna know
I could have saved a broken heart
If I'd found out long ago
I'm just thinking about those lonely nights
When I waited on your call
'Till found out all my friends were right (Ooh)
I didn't know you at all
I heard a rumour (Ooh-ooh, I heard a rumour)
They say you've got a broken heart (I heard it)
I heard a rumour (Ooh-ooh, I heard a rumour)
Yes, I did boy, ooh-ooh
Now it seems they're telling me
You've changed your wicked ways
But should I give you a second chance?
Baby, I'm too afraid
So you realize what hurt you made
And the love you threw away
How can I forgive or soon forget?
It's never gonna be the same
I heard a rumour (Ooh-ooh, I heard a rumour)
They say you've got a broken heart (I heard it)
I heard a rumour (Ooh-ooh, I heard a rumour)
Yes, I did boy, ooh-ooh
I heard a rumour (Ooh-ooh, I heard a rumour)
They say you've got a broken heart (I heard it)
I heard a rumour (Ooh-ooh, I heard a rumour)
Yes, I did boy, ooh-ooh
I'm just thinking about those lonely nights (I'm just thinking about when I waited)
When I waited on your call
'Till found out all my friends were right ('Till I found out, ooh)
I didn't know you at all
I heard a rumour (Ooh-ooh, I heard a rumour)
They say you've got a broken heart (I heard it)
I heard a rumour (Ooh-ooh, I heard a rumour)
Yes, I did boy, ooh-ooh
I heard a rumour (Ooh-ooh, I heard a rumour)
They say you've got a broken heart (I heard it)
I heard a rumour (Ooh-ooh, I heard a rumour)
Yes, I did boy, ooh-ooh
I heard a rumour (Ooh-ooh, I heard a rumour)
They say you've got a broken heart (I heard it)
I heard a rumour (Ooh-ooh, I heard a rumour)
Yes, I did boy, ooh-ooh
Peter Alan Waterman / Matthew James Aitken / Keren Jane Woodward / Sarah Elizabeth Dallin / Siobhan Maire Deirdre Fahey / Michael Stock
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thecrimecrypt · 1 year
Crimes That Shook Britain (Yorkshire)
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The Crossbow Cannibal Between June 2009 and May 2010, Stephen Griffiths murdered three sex workers in Bradford, West Yorkshire.
His final attack was captured on CCTV and led to his arrest. He shot his last victim - Suzanne Blamires - with a crossbow as she tried to escape his flat, before stabbing her in the head with a knife.
In custody, he boasted to officers of West Yorkshire Police, ‘I’ve killed loads,’ and also claimed to have eaten body parts of his victims. It’s thought his other known victims - Shelley Armitage and Susan Rushworth - also suffered this fate. Griffiths, who called himself the Crossbow Cannibal, was jailed for life and will die in prison.
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The Murder of Jo Cox Jo Cox, 41, was MP for Batley and Spen, West Yorkshire - the constituency where she was born - and was married with two small children, aged 5 and 3.
On 16 June 2016, she was killed outside the library where she was to hold a constituency meeting. She was shot in the head and chest with a sawn-off hunting rifle and stabbed 15 times. Jo’s killer Thomas Mair - a far-right extremist - was convicted of murder on 23 November 2016 and was given a whole-life term.
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The Yorkshire Ripper Known as the Yorkshire Ripper, serial killer Peter Sutcliffe, from Bingley, in Bradford, West Yorkshire, was serving 20 consecutive life sentences after he was found guilty of 13 murders and seven attempted murders in 1981.
Over five years, he attacked women across West Yorkshire and Manchester, picking victims he believed to be prostitutes, though not all were.
Once arrested, he attempted to plead guilty to manslaughter, claiming diminished responsibility and saying God told him to kill prostitutes. Sutcliffe served most of his sentence in Broadmoor Hospital, a high-security psychiatric facility, but was judged sane enough to be moved to HMP Frankland in 2016.
Sutcliffe died at University Hospital of North Durham aged 74 on 13 November 2020, having been sent there with COVID-19. He had a number of underlying health problems including, obesity and diabetes. He reportedly refused treatment.
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The Kidnapping of Shannon Matthews In February 2009, Karen Matthews, from Dewsbury, called the police when her daughter Shannon, 9, didn’t come home from school. What followed was the biggest investigation by West Yorkshire Police since the hunt for the Yorkshire Ripper.
Every newspaper in the country reported on the case, with one offering a £50,000 reward for information leading to Shannon’s safe return.
Three weeks after she’d gone missing, Shannon was found alive at a flat less than a mile from her home. The flat belonged to Michael Donovan - the uncle of Karen’s boyfriend - Donovan was arrested and, soon after, so was Karen Matthews.
In November 2008, both denied charges of kidnapping, false imprisonment and perverting the course of justice. Leeds Crown Court heard Karen had engineered Shannon’s kidnap with Donovan to claim the reward. Shannon had been drugged, tethered, and hidden inside a divan bed during her captivity.
Matthews and Donovan were found guilty of all charges and jailed for eight years. Both have now served their sentences.
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The Fox Killings Arthur Hutchinson, also known as The Fox, was wanted by police for rape. Then, on 23 October 1983, he broke into the Sheffield home of Basil and April Laitner.
Also there were their children Richard, 26, and Nicola, 18. Hutchinson killed Richard, Basil, and April, then raped Nicola at knife point before fleeing. He’d already spent five years in prison for attempting to murder his brother-in-law.
After a 39-day manhunt, The Fox was captured and serving life. He will never be released.
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The Murder of Sharon Beshenivsky Sharon Beshenivsky had been an officer with West Yorkshire Police for nine months in November 2005. On the day she was killed, the mum of five and her colleague went to an emergency call at Bradford travel agency.
There, they were fired on by armed robbers and Sharon was fatally wounded, her colleague seriously injured. Three men were convicted of her murder and got life. Three others were also jailed in connection to the killing.
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the-fruit-tea-devil · 6 months
Chomos that were unalived part 2
⚠️TRIGGER WARNING: Violence, rape⚠️
Chomos that were unalived part 1
1. Dennis Pegg
Dennis Pegg was a former scout leader who molested young boys, one of his victims was Clark Fredricks. He was sexually, physically, and emotionally abused by Pegg from ages 7-12. Clark Fredricks also recalls a moment when Pegg’s dog heard his screams and Pegg beat up the dog and threatened to do the same to Clark.
His murder: In 2012, Clark broke into Pegg’s home and stabbed him to death and cut his throat. He later became a motivational speaker for sexual abuse victims.
2. Mitchell Harrison
A young British man named Mitchell Harrison was jailed in 2009 for luring a 13 year old girl in his apartment and r*ping her. He was arrested for an indefinite amount of time with a minimum of 4 1/2 years.
His murder: In 2011, Michael Parr and Nathan Mann, two inmates both jailed for murdering people at a hospital, wanted to torture Harrison and even eat his liver, likely because they found out he is a sex offender. They basically disemboweled and murdered him in short. They were both given life sentences, if not already for their prior murders.
3. Christian Maire
40 year old Christian Maire was an online child exploitation ring leader who exploited and manipulated over a 100 adolescent girls to strip, perform sex acts and even cut themselves on camera. He was sentenced to four decades of prison time.
The murder: Christian was killed by two men, Alex Albert Castro and Adam “Creeper” Wright. Castro was convicted of gang crimes like drugs and Creeper was allegedly convicted of a robbery. They kicked him, stomped him, stabbed him and threw him down a flight of metal stairs. They each served an additional 20-24 years for this second degree murder.
4. Deandre Austin
In 2008, Deandre Austin was sentenced to life in prison for the continuous SA of his 3 elementary school aged nieces from 2002-2006. His murder: In 2020, Deandre Austin was killed by his cellmate, Rodney Jordan, who was convicted of a burglary. Not a lot of details were released but it is said he probably killed him because…you know… he was a chomo…
5. Roy Whitling
Roy Whitling was the killer of 8 year old Sarah Payne and he already had a history of child SA and kidnapping. In 1995, he was already given a four year sentence for the kidnap and r*pe of an 8 year old girl. In 2001, he was convicted again for the murder and kidnapping of 8 year old Sarah Payne.
His attack: I say “attack” because he wasn’t murdered but attacked. Convicted killer Rickie Tregaskis (who was already serving life imprisonment with a 20-year minimum for the 1999 murder of a disabled man in Cornwall) slashed Whitling’s cheek with a razor and left a 6 inch scar. Roy is also said to have been (possibly on a separate incident) beat up with a wooden plank with nails and called a “nonce”
6. David Kever
David Kever was convicted on four counts of lewd and lascivious indecent assault on a child under 16, sexual battery, and attempted sexual battery in 1996. He was temporarily released in December 2009 before being reincarcerated a few months later. He was sentenced 8 or 9 years in jail for failure to register as a sex offender. In 2019, he was killed and stomped to death by his 44 year old cellmate Jimmy Ray Carruthers. Now before you cheer him on, just note that Carruthers himself was also a child molester.
Jimmy Ray Carruthers has been in bars since 1994. He was convicted of aggravated child abuse on a victim under the age of 13, two counts of sexual battery on a victim under 12, two counts of battery against a law enforcement officer, and misconduct related to a false fire alarm. Before the murder, Carruthers was going to be released in 2021.
7. David Oseas Ramirez
David Oseas Ramirez was serving life in prison for molesting an 11 year old girl. In 2019, he was killed by Paul Dixon, who was already a convicted murderer. They had an argument, it got physical and Paul ended up shoving David’s head down a toilet and drowning him.
8. Jason Turnball
Turnball was serving a 10-15 sentence for a single count of third-degree criminal sexual conduct and 4 counts of fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct.
In 2016, he was killed by Timothy Dickerson, a 24 year old inmate who was serving a 6-15 year sentence for two counts of robbery. It was said he killed him due to a heated argument between the two. Because of this Dickerson was given an extra 20 years.
9. David Bobb and Graham de Luis-Conti
David Bobb and Graham de Luis-Conti were both child molesters killed by Johnathan Watson during prison. Both men were already serving life sentences for the aggravated sexual assault of a 14 year old girl.
Their murders: David Bobb was shamelessly watching PBS kids in front of the other inmates, all of whom were very uncomfortable since they knew about his crime. Watson then proceeded to beat him to death with a walking cane. When Watson found other that Graham was convicted for the same crime as Bobb, he decided to beat him in the same way he did to Bobb.
10. John Geogan
John Geogan was a defrocked priest with many charges and scandals of child sexual abuse.
In 2002, he was defrocked and arrested with a 9-10 year prison sentence. But in 2003, he was killed by Joseph L. Druce. His murder: When Druce found out about Geoghan’s crimes, he “saw him as a prize”and planned to murder him. Druce was arrested for killing a man who he thought was flirting with him. Druce was also said to be a member of a Neo-Nazi hate group and had a deep seated hatred for sexual abusers and homosexuals since he was molested by his father.
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moonah-rose · 1 year
Lyra meeting all the people stuck in the land of the dead and making them feel alive with stories again is gonna have me fuming again about the lost potential of the Good Place S4 where they fix the Bad Place and speak to people who have even suffering real torture for centuries, like I know it's a comedy but you could mine dark humor from that like group therapy sessions etc. Also Michael having to face people he hurt and his friends seeing others look at him like a real monster. Instead we got MAIR. 😒
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mairen-marionette · 1 year
Hi Mair :D. What do you think the holiday season is like for Billiam, Butler, n Hubert? Or maybe the wild west town?
Thanks for the ask! I like questions like these honestly, they're fun. Also, this might get a little long.
Masquerade Trio:
Okay so firstly, if we're talking the Winter holidays, it's one of the few times a year when they actually like, don't kill anyone- or well, don't host Egg parties. I've mentioned this before, but there are two main parties they host around this time- the big one for all of Billiam's associates and peers who can make it, purely for connection, networking, showing off and that, and a smaller, more sincere one for just the trio.
They'll also go and attend other holiday parties as well, of course. It's very fun. They'll go and partake in holiday festivities, of course- the nearest town has a couple things they do and Hubert, Billiam, and Moon all take turns as to what thing they do and see next. They go into town every year for that time, together.
The holidays they spend together are some of the nicest memories they have.
The Wild West Town
John and Moon used to decorate the bar together, and John still decorates even though Moon is gone. Moon had a particular way of decorating, and John always does his best to replicate it.
The bandits sometimes show up, and either actually behave themselves for once and so are tolerated by the townsfolk, or try to pull something and are so chased off by the combined duo of Sherman and Crops. This is the one time of year that Crops is sure to behave himself, and one of the only times the town as a whole has trusted him since The Discovery. No one likes talking about The Discovery.
Sherman and the Priest both tell stories, mostly ones from before they came to the town. Moon, John, and Percy always liked hearing those stories.
Speaking of Percy, this is also one of the few times when he's merciful regarding debts owed unless something happens that sours his mood majorly- like, say, Ron Ronson aka Michael having some kind of weird, drunken (?) one-sided argument with his chicken wife or the shopkeeper William Williamson drinking just a little too much eggnog and deciding that it's a good idea to try to fist fight anyone who curses ever.
More importantly though, this is the time of year when John gets to bust out the novelty holiday drinks and he loves that honestly, it's great.
That's all I can think of for now, hope you like it though!
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k00282802 · 2 years
temporary brief: limerick gallery of art trip
this Friday (25/11/2022) me, my peer group and others went to the limerick city gallery of art, to get ideas for our own projects.
there were three exhibitions currently running when we visited, "in seeing" by Marie foley, maire and Maurice foley collection, Jim Kemmy remembrance and Michael o conner poster collection 2022.
some pieces that i found related to my project, and my theme for temporary as a whole, were two pieces, called " Arthur's quay" by Charles mils (pic 1), and old thomond bridge, by Anonymous (pic 2)
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I liked how these pieces reflected on what limerick used to be like during its past, and how it contrasts with what we know these places to be today and how they look compared to then. for more of my project i want to look at old maps and get more reference to medial times of limerick, so i like how these pieces are similar in themes to that.
other pieces within the gallery that I found interesting, were "the raid of balleyneety" by anonymous
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I really like the colours and the composition of this piece, how the red of the fire/explosion contrast with the almost ghostly blue of the sky and moon. I also found the faces and emotions of the animals faces, specifically the horse of the main rider, to be really well done and crafted.
the final thing I found really visually interesting during this trip, was the poster exhibition. I really enjoyed how the posters were colourful, engaging and depicted aspects of the stories they were trying to sell, despite none of the posters themselves being in full English.
some of my favourites were " der tod in diesem garten", "dzien szakala" and "chicago"
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dailyrugbytoday · 2 years
The New Zealand Kiwis squad to prepare for October’s Rugby League World Cup.
New Post has been published on https://thedailyrugby.com/the-new-zealand-kiwis-squad-to-prepare-for-octobers-rugby-league-world-cup/
The Daily Rugby
The New Zealand Kiwis squad to prepare for October’s Rugby League World Cup.
The New Zealand Kiwis have named a 34-man wider squad to prepare for October’s Rugby League World Cup.
Headed by coach Michael Maguire, the squad includes an additional 10 players to their mid-year Test line-up that beat Tonga 26-6 at Mt Smart Stadium.
Veterans Shaun Johnson, Jared Waerea-Hargreaves, Kodi Nikorima and Charnze Nicoll-Klokstad are among the additional recruits, while Canberra’s Sebastian Kris and Matthew Timoko have gained their first selection.
Seven players are yet to make their Kiwis Test debut in Kris, Timoko, Jeremy Marshall-King, Bailey Simonsson, Griffin Neame, Jordan Riki and Scott Sorenson.
Of the 24-man squad that faced Tonga in June, only hooker Erin Clark is absent after being ruled out following knee surgery.
The Kiwis will convene on September 27 in Sydney for two days of training before they head to England, where they will play a warmup match against the Leeds Rhinos at Headingley on October 8.
Maguire’s side will open their Cup campaign against Lebanon on October 16, followed by Jamaica and Ireland later in the month.
New Zealand Kiwis’ wider World Cup squad:
Nelson Asofa-Solomona – Melbourne Storm Jesse Bromwich – Melbourne Storm Kenny Bromwich – Melbourne Storm Dylan Brown – Parramatta Eels James Fisher-Harris – Penrith Panthers Kieran Foran – Manly Warringah Sea Eagles Braden Hamlin-Uele – Cronulla Sutherland Sharks Corey Harawira-Naera – Canberra Raiders Peta Hiku – North Queensland Cowboys Jahrome Hughes – Melbourne Storm Shaun Johnson – Warriors Sebastian Kris – Canberra Raiders Moses Leota – Penrith Panthers Isaac Liu – Gold Coast Titans Joseph Manu – Sydney Roosters Jeremy Marshall-King – Canterbury Bankstown Bulldogs Te Maire Martin – Brisbane Broncos Ken Maumalo – Wests Tigers Ronaldo Mulitalo – Cronulla Sutherland Sharks Griffin Neame North – Queensland Cowboys Charnze Nicoll-Klokstad – Canberra Raiders Briton Nikora – Cronulla Sutherland Sharks Kodi Nikorima – South Sydney Rabbitohs Marata Niukore – Parramatta Eels Isaiah Papali’i – Parramatta Eels Jordan Rapana – Canberra Raiders Jordan Riki – Brisbane Broncos Bailey Simonsson – Parramatta Eels Brandon Smith – Melbourne Storm Scott Sorensen – Penrith Panthers Joseph Tapine – Canberra Raiders Matthew Timoko – Canberra Raiders Jared Waerea-Hargreaves – Sydney Roosters Dallin Watene-Zelezniak – Warriors
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alexlacquemanne · 2 months
Le Petit Baigneur (1968) de Robert Dhéry avec Louis de Funès, Andréa Parisy, Franco Fabrizi, Robert Dhéry, Colette Brosset, Michel Galabru, Jacques Legras et Pierre Tornade
Coup de foudre (1983) de Diane Kurys avec Isabelle Huppert, Miou-Miou, Guy Marchand, Jean-Pierre Bacri, Robin Renucci, Patrick Bauchau et Jacques Alric
Agence matrimoniale (1952) de Jean Paul Le Chanois avec Bernard Blier, Michèle Alfa, Julien Carette, Marcelle Praince, Madeleine Barbulée et Anne Campion
Les Suffragettes (Suffragette) (2015) de Sarah Gavron avec Carey Mulligan, Helena Bonham Carter, Brendan Gleeson, Ben Whishaw, Anne-Marie Duff, Meryl Streep et Natalie Press
Titanic (1997) de James Cameron avec Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, Billy Zane, Frances Fisher, Danny Nucci, Gloria Stuart, Bill Paxton et Suzy Amis
Boléro (2024) d'Anne Fontaine avec Raphaël Personnaz, Doria Tillier, Jeanne Balibar, Emmanuelle Devos, Vincent Perez, Sophie Guillemin, Anne Alvaro et Alexandre Tharaud
Le Coup de l'escalier (Odds Against Tomorrow) (1959) de Robert Wise avec Harry Belafonte, Robert Ryan, Shelley Winters, Ed Begley, Gloria Grahame, Will Kuluva, Kim Hamilton et Mae Barnes
Sister Act, acte 2 (Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit) de Bill Duke avec Whoopi Goldberg, Kathy Najimy, Wendy Makkena, Maggie Smith, Mary Wickes, Lauryn Hill, James Coburn et Jennifer Love Hewitt
Le Discours d'un roi (The King's Speech) (2010) de Tom Hooper avec Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush, Helena Bonham Carter, Guy Pearce, Michael Gambon, Timothy Spall, Jennifer Ehle et Derek Jacobi
Downton Abbey (2019) de Michael Engler avec Hugh Bonneville, Elizabeth McGovern, Michelle Dockery, Laura Carmichael, Maggie Smith, Allen Leech, Brendan Coyle, Rob James-Collier, Joanne Froggatt et Tuppence Middleton
Dune, deuxième partie (Dune: Part Two) (2024) de Denis Villeneuve avec Timothée Chalamet, Zendaya, Rebecca Ferguson, Josh Brolin, Austin Butler, Florence Pugh, Dave Bautista, Christopher Walken et Léa Seydoux
Katia (1959) de Robert Siodmak avec Romy Schneider, Curd Jürgens, Pierre Blanchar, Antoine Balpêtré, Françoise Brion, Monique Mélinand, Michel Bouquet et Bernard Dhéran
Maguy Saison 1, 2
Crise cardiaque - Aux armes mitoyens ! - Le prix concours - Fou et usage de fou - Le péril John - La position du démissionnaire - Changer de look, quel souk ! - Échec aux maths - Ni fête, ni à faire - Maguy lave plus blanc - Un ami qui vous veut trop de bien - En avant l'amnésique - Connu comme le loulou blanc - Pour le meilleur et pour le Pierre - Play black - Médecin malgré elle - Juste a rigolo - L'entre deux mères - Cœur de pierre - La plus belle girl - L'homo, ça pince - C'est grève, docteur ? - La marche funeste - Un mari classé ex - Électrode à la joie - Le vide par le nettoyage - Héla ! Elle est là - A votre bunker, messieurs dames - Souvent l'infâme varie - Fossiles et marteaux - Recherche sosie désespérément - Macho effroi - La comtesse aux pieds noirs - L'humour en héritage - L'amère porteuse - Hip hip hip Oural - Ça déménage à trois - Papy fait de la résidence - L'envers du jeu - Silence, hospitalité ! - Des flics et des claques - Une Maguy… démagogue - Épouse et maire - Fiançailles aïe ! aïe ! aïe ! - Tiens-toi à Caro
La croisière s'amuse Saison 2, 3, 4
La Fête à bord - Meurtre au large - La Fête des mères - Tiens mon frère - Mais vous êtes toujours jeune - La Sérénade - Sauve qui peut ! - Du rythme, toujours du rythme - Un peu de cœur, que diable ! - La Perfection - Bizarre, bizarre - Sacré Gopher ! - Les Amis - Ah ! C'est la fête - Qui est le maniaque ? - Amis et Amours - La Proposition : première partie - La Proposition : deuxième partie - Un trait de génie - Folie double - Boomerang
The Grand Tour Saison 4, 1
Seamen - Virée à l'Italienne
Les Simpson Saison 2
Aide-toi, le ciel t'aidera - Le Saut de la mort - Simpson et Delila - Simpson Horror Show - Sous le signe du poisson - Le Dieu du stade - Mini golf, maxi beauf - La Fugue de Bart - Tous à la manif - Toute la vérité, rien que la vérité - Un poisson nommé Fugu - Il était une fois Homer et Marge - Tu ne déroberas point - Jamais deux sans toi - Fluctuat Homergitur - Une vie de chien - Un amour de grand-père - Le Pinceau qui tue - Mon prof, ce héros au sourire si doux - La Guerre des Simpson - Un pour tous, tous contre un - Le sang, c'est de l'argent
Affaires sensibles
La malédiction du triangle des Bermudes - Les Brigades rouges : la fin de l'exil ? - Qui a eu la peau du tramway ? - Le « Grand smog » de 1952 : Londres asphyxiée - 1972, le rapport Meadows : premier cri d’alarme pour la planète - Le roi maudit de Pyongyang - Mediapart, l’indépendance en bandoulière - Jeffrey Epstein, le prédateur de la Jet Set - Front National : petit meurtre en famille - Ku Klux Klan : histoire d'une Amérique de la haine - La rumeur d'Orléans : l'histoire d'un délire antisémite - Les zones d'ombre de l'affiche rouge
Coffre à Catch
#157 : Goldust ne vieillit pas! - #158 : Prochain arrêt : Night of Champions 2009! - #159 : Christian ECW Champion 2.0 ! - #160 : Extreme Rules avec Dimby !
Messieurs les jurés
L'Affaire Lusanger - L'Affaire Hamblain - L'Affaire Savigné Montory
Les Petits Meurtres d'Agatha Christie Saison 3
Meurtres au Pensionnat
Kaamelott Livre V
Corvus corone - La Roche et le Fer - Vae soli
Commissaire Dupin
Un cadavre disparait
Castle Saison 5
Après la tempête - Nuageux avec risques de meurtre - Œil pour œil - Meurtre dans les Hamptons - Sans doute possible - Tueur intergalactique - Rock haine roll - Seuls dans la nuit - Pas de pitié pour le père Noël
Alfred Hitchcock présente Saison 4, 5, 7
La Gentille Serveuse - La commère - Flic d'un jour
Top Gear France Saison 9
Ceux qui partent en Allemagne - Ceux qui infiltrent la police - Ceux qui revivent leurs années tuning
Inspecteur Barnaby Saison 23
La fin du monde - Secrets et mensonges
Les Brigades du Tigre Saison 2
Collection 1909 - L'Auxiliaire - Les Compagnons de l'Apocalypse - Le Défi - La Couronne du Tzar - De la poudre et des balles
Meurtres au paradis Saison 13
Une vie gâchee
Billy Cobham & George Duke Band Live At Montreux Jazz Festival (1976)
Deux sur la balançoire (2006) de Bernard Murat avec Jean Dujardin et Alexandra Lamy
Billy Idol In Super Overdrive (2009) Live from Congress Theater, Chicago
Bungalow 21 (2024) de Jérémie Lippmann et Sarah Gellé avec Mathilde Seigner, Emmanuelle Seigner, Michaël Cohen et Vincent Winterhalter
Une enquête du commissaire Dupin : L'inconnu de Port Bélon de Jean-Luc Bannalec
Kaamelott, tome 2 : Les Sièges de Transport d'Alexandre Astier, Steven Dupré et Benoît Bekaert
Kaamelott, tome 3 : L'Énigme du Coffre d'Alexandre Astier, Steven Dupré et Benoît Bekaert
Deux sur la balançoire de William Gibson et Jean-Loup Dabadie
J'écris mon premier roman de Louis Timbal-Duclaux
0 notes
carnetcritique · 11 months
Annoncés depuis le MIPIM de Cannes, les résultats très « French Touch » des Folies, projet urbain emblématique de la ville de Montpellier, ne semble même pas mériter un dévoilement local, depuis l’hôtel de ville : cela montre en creux que le véritable sujet de cette consultation est une projection de l’image de la ville sur l’extérieur, une réponse économique à une situation de pénurie, le fameux choc de l’offre, et non pas un sujet architectural. Convenons-en, l’Architecture est ici utilisée comme une excuse commode, un cache-sexe cynique.
Quand Georges Frêche et Raymond Dugrand appelaient le Taller de Ricardo Bofill pour concevoir le nouveau quartier d’Antigone en 1978, c’était visionnaire et optimiste. Bofill n’avait alors rien construit en France, et s’il commençait à être pressenti pour réaliser de nombreuses villes nouvelles autour des Paris, il n’avait pas encore mis en œuvre ses théories sur le logement et la modernité classique à grande échelles. Il était engagé dans une voie radicale, et en incarnant dans la décennie à venir le visage de l’architecture du parti socialiste accédé au pouvoir, cela lui permettra de pousser l’expérience de l’architecture et de l’urbanisme jusqu’à son extrême limite. Montpellier, en lui faisant confiance à cette époque-là précisément, s’est positionnée sur la carte de France de l’architecture contemporaine, et Antigone restera un exemple frappant, une pièce urbaine majeure, symbolisant cette manière de faire la ville si caractéristique de l’époque. Bofill était un architecte d’avant-garde, révolutionnaire, l’exact contraire d’une « signature », comme on dirait maintenant à Montpellier.
Avec ces "signatures", Decq, Gautrand, l’OMA, Coldefy, des images de projets montrant clairement une architecture surannée, dépassée, tirés tout droit d’une publication de AMC saison 2004, notre maire se trompe lourdement. Sa volonté maladroite d’instrumentaliser l’architecture va se retourner contre lui par méconnaissance totale du domaine. Pourquoi personne dans son entourage ne le lui dit ? C’est un mystère. Parce qu’en réalité dans cette histoire de folie, Michael Delafosse n'est ni l'héritier de Frêche, ni de Dugrand, et en faisant primer son gout, ses fantaisies personnelles, il se comporte plutôt comme Jacques Chirac qui évinçait Bofill, et redessinait le projet des Halles, gagné lors du concours de 1974 parce que « ça ne sentait pas assez la saucisse ».
L’architecture est une expression de la culture. A l’heure de la finale de la candidature de la ville à la capitale européenne de la culture, avec de tels projets qui sentent bon les années 2000 et le quinquennat de Nicolas Sarkozy, il y a fort à parier que l’on est passé en dernière position si quelqu’un dans le jury par malheur s’y connaissait un tout petit peu dans le domaine de l’architecture. Que penser de la folie d’Odile Decq, tirés d’un mauvais nanard des années 2000, sombre blop patatoïde sans queue ni tête - mais avec des cheveux - et futur siège social d’un promoteur située stratégiquement dans le centre historique de Montpellier ? A l’heure ou un changement de vélux pour un particulier se heurtera invariablement aux plus grandes résistances administratives combinés de la DRAC, de la Mairie, de la Mission Grand Cœur, c’est non seulement atterrant, mais c’est surtout un bras d’honneur à tous les architectes qui ont toutes les peines du monde à faire accepter un permis de construire dans le centre ancien, pour des choses souvent bien raisonnables. Fort avec les faibles, et faibles avec les forts, voici un crédo bien étrange pour une mairie socialiste.
Le plus triste dans cette affaire, c’est que l’école d’architecture est en grève, et les étudiants vivent tous les jours une perte de sens de leur futur métier. Je pense que c’est un signal criminel qu’envoient les pouvoirs publics, la presse, dans leur direction. Cette injonction à penser en 2023 que l’innovation architecturale réside dans le fait de faire des formes molles dans des ZACs absurdes, de séparer toujours plus l’image du projet du programme, qu’être beau c’est être différent, en occultant complétement les enjeux sociaux, sociétaux, environnementaux, est très grave. Ce n’est pas comme ça que nous allons motiver nos jeunes étudiantes et étudiants. Que quelqu’un prévienne enfin notre maire : l’architecture est tout sauf une Folie. Tout sauf un outil de marketing urbain au service d’un élu en manque de bruit d’unités médiatiques. C’est au contraire un sujet extrêmement sérieux : ce territoire est rempli de gens compétents, gardés sous le boisseau, et il suffirait de les écouter, pour sortir par le haut de cette triste situation, et se mettre au service de cette ville merveilleuse où tous le monde parle d’architecture sauf les architectes.
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Every once in a while, I remember how funny it is that the Britcom stand-up streaming site NextUp has seven shows under its section called “Angry Acts”, and two of them are Michael Legge:
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This sort of thing makes me want to watch/hear everything Michael Legge has ever done. Which I’ve not done, but I have heard those two NextUp specials, and they’re both excellent, up there with the best stand-up specials I’ve watched in the last couple of years. I cannot recommend them highly enough, if you happen to be the sort of person who will click on a category called “Angry Acts” because that’s likely to contain the sort of comedy you like.
The only other show on this list I’ve seen is Jen Brister’s Meaningless, which was also very good. I watched that one last year when I went on a binge watch of all the stand-up specials by queer women I could find, and that one was one of the best. I almost wrote “the best”, but I don’t think it quite beats Desiree Burch’s Unfuckable. Is it problematic to pit all the stand-up specials by queer women against each other so I can rank them? Probably. So forget I did that, they’re all good and worth watching. I mean, okay, not literally every stand-up special ever made by a queer woman is great. But the Jen Brister and Desiree Burch ones both are.
The other shows in that screenshot – the Jonathan Pie one has a premise that looked so interesting that I almost watched it, until I looked it up and saw Andrew Doyle of GB News was involved in it. So fuck that. I think I can’t watch a stand-up show by Bobby Mair, because he has to remain just “Harriet Kemsley’s husband” in my mind. That’s the feminist thing to do, right? Make sure there are at least a couple of male comedians whom I only know for being married to more successful female comedians, to make up for all the female comedians who’ve had to put up with being defined by their male comedian husbands. Bobby Mair and Gary Delaney, taking one for the team that way.
Anyway, I get my first proper pay cheque from my new job next week, and as soon as I have that, I’m going to buy Michael Legge’s audiobook off Bandcamp. I don’t know exactly what to expect from it, but I have found the description:
Michael Legge is a stand-up comedian and this collection of his writing from 2008 to 2020 is his way of apologising for inventing online anger and wrecking all our lives. Stories of romance, success and bravery are not included. Instead of writing about how fun and exciting the life of a comedian is, he decided to tell the truth. Join Michael as he tries hard to control his fury at absolutely everything in this selection of 15 of his favourite arguments (but probably not yours) from his archive, plus the brand-new short story Mister Err Gets Blocked.
And the Bandcamp descrption:
Hey, dicks! This is the audiobook version of Strawberries To Pigs. It might be the loudest audiobook ever recorded. And that includes My Megaphone Collection by Brian Blessed and I've Hurt My Knee by Robin Ince.
So I actually have a while before I need to pick a new long-running audio thing to get into. Because whatever turns out to be in that audiobook, I need to listen to it before I start anything else. His stand-up specials left me consistently impressed by the way he managed to not stop shouting for the entire hour or more; I kept expecting him to run out of steam and have to calm down for at least a little while, but he never did. I cannot wait to hear him keep up the shouting for the length of an entire audiobook.
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scotianostra · 6 months
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Happy Birthday Gregory Edward “Greg” Hemphill born 14th December 1969 in Glasgow.
I think the majority of us will know who Greg is, one half of the successful partnership with partner, Ford Kiernan that is Still Game.
The family left Scotland when Greg was twelve years old, and he spent much of his childhood in Montreal, Canada. Greg returned home to study at Glasgow University, in the Department of Theatre, Film and Television Studies, graduating MA in 1992.
Greg made his acting debut at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in 1990. His work includes roles in God Plus Support in the Theatre and Only an Excuse. He is a regular on the comedy circuit. He also ventured into radio as the original presenter of football show, Off the Ball on BBC Radio Scotland and The Eddie Mair Show. As well as writing for Still Game and Chewin The Fat he has written for Channel 4 programme Space Cadets, BBC’s Pulp Video and The Ferguson Theory.
Still Game has transferred successfully onto the big stage and has sold out countless times at The Hydro. The third and final run of the shows Still Game: The Final Farewell was officially announced on 1st November 2018. The ninth and final series of Still Game was screened in 2019 The show won an ‘Outstanding Contribution’ TV award at Scottish Baftas that year.
Away from his work Greg is a bit of a card shark, he plays in competitions, he has won over thirty thousand dollars in competitions and was third in the Scottish Championships in 2002
Greg has been kind of quiet of late, but the good news is he returns to our screens on Hogmanay with a new sketch show. The show is set to bring up all the biggest talking points of this year – from COP26 to the wild swimming phenomenon. The show titled “Queen of the New Year” will star Greg and Robert Florence along with Barbara Rafferty, Clive Russell, Gayle Telfer Stevens, Louise McCarthy, John Gordon Sinclair and Juliet Cadzow, so some familiar faces from Still Game and Burnistoun.
Greg is married to Balamory star Julie Wilson Nimmo, 46, they announced they are to their own production company launch Blue Haven Productions Limited. The latest from Greg and Julie who live in the West End of Glasgow, is they will be teaming up who live in the West End, are appearing together in Olga da Polga, the first-ever television adaptation of Paddington creator Michael Bond’s beloved books. The new 13-part, live-action and animation series is produced by Glasgow-based production company Marakids, and it has been made with the full support of the Bond family.
Greg and Julie have been married since 1999, they met while both were working on the 90s sketch show Pulp Video. Greg says of them;
“We met on sketch shows, and we always laughed a lot. We still do. There are lots of laughs, lots of carry on when we work together.”
Greg and his Still Game sidekick Ford Kiernan launched a whisky, named after their characters Jack and Vioctor two or three years back, and the knobs at Jack Daniels objected after the pair later applied to register the name as a trademark for whisky and other drink-related services. The matter ended up going to an arbitrator. The Tennessee-based company claimed the drink, named after Still Game’s two main characters, could confuse customers and make them think they were endorsing the Scotch blend.
The firm argued the name could allow the Scottish whisky to cash in on the recognition of the well-known brand.
Hemphill, who plays the character Victor, provided evidence during the dispute while managing director Justin Welch provided evidence for Jack Daniel’s.
Hemphill said Still Game was a popular show across the UK, particularly in Scotland, arguing that “Jack and Victor” has become synonymous with the BBC programme.
It was a great triumph for the small guy versus golliath, Jack Daniel’s was ordered to pay £3,200 to Jack and Victor Limited, the company used to market the whisky earlier this year.
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