#mic feedback: shan
kantostarter · 2 years
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—“climb up these steps and my trial begins!”
acerola 🎤 set of 7 reply icons
💌 raffle prize for @lesbianoutrider!
please don’t use unless you’re lumine!
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mafiaexecutives · 2 years
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sigma ➢ misc. icons
—set of 6 circular icons, in blue
req’d by: anya! @ginfangirl
🎤 please like or rb, and credit if you use!
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greyias · 4 years
FIC: Smoke and Mirrors - Chapter 7
Title: Smoke and Mirrors Fandom: SWTOR Pairing: Theron Shan/f!Jedi Knight Rating: T Genre: Pre-Relationship, Slow Burn Synopsis: Something’s rotten on Carrick Station, and Theron won’t rest until he finds out what. But picking at the frayed threads of suspicion quickly unravels a conspiracy much larger than even the Republic’s top spy can handle on his own. (A mostly canon-compliant retelling of the Forged Alliances storyline, as seen through the eyes of Theron Shan.) Author’s Notes and Spoilers: See Chapter 1.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Crossposted to AO3
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Time dragged by as they watched the HUD overview on the holotable, waiting for some indication of the mission’s failure or success. There was an occasional affirmative as Darok’s backup squad swept through and finished securing the Academy.
“I had my doubts at first,” Darok rumbled, “but you sure can pick them, Shan. Highwind and her team practically razed the place by themselves.”
It was a bit of an overstatement, but correcting the colonel at this point would just likely turn into a drawn out discussion. Theron didn’t have the time nor patience for that.
“Malcom asked for the best.” He shrugged as nonchalantly as he could, but his eyes were still trained on the security feeds and the map of the Academy.
He had stopped checking the chrono since the signal from his strike team had winked out as the constant countdown was starting to drive him up the wall. The holotable was now filled with several different feeds from the armor cams of Darok’s men as they secured the exfiltration path. The extra relays they had set up along the way had strengthened the comm signal, but it still wasn’t enough to breach the shielded upper levels. Theron had tried poking around the system some more, just in case he had missed any backdoor to the security system of the Dark Council. Unfortunately that network was still completely separate. It hadn’t miraculously made it’s appearance and unless Highwind and her team stopped what they were doing to try and take down the shielding preventing communications, he was just going to have to be patient. Which was something he was entirely capable of — when time allowed. 
That was a resource they definitely were lacking at the moment.
A cluster of dots representing the backup team approached the Academy’s foyer. On the HUD in his optical implant, Theron could see a tall Jedi leading the way. Commander Jensyn’s bearing had more in common with the the SpecOps group he’d been embedded with than that of the softer spoken Jedi Master that had yet to make her reappearance. Jensyn stalked through the halls of the Sith Academy aggressively, wide shoulders tense and ready for combat. Theron hadn’t tapped into their comm frequency, but the armor cam feed occasionally showed him giving out a terse set of orders to the men trailing behind him. There was no time wasted as they secured the area, and moved on to the elevator leading to the upper chambers.
When that cluster of dots disappeared behind the shielding, the tension radiating off of Darok seemed to increase tenfold. Not that Theron was wholly unsympathetic. The lack of feedback from his own team was about to send him up the walls, but all the same he busied himself with fiddling with the comm protocols in an effort to avoid attracting any undue attention. If something like this came up again, maybe he’d be able to find a way to get on the actual extraction team. Dodging blaster fire was preferable to dodging SpecOps’ tempers.
Darok glanced at the chronometer for the tenth time, deep set frown threatening to take up permanent residence there. Theron himself was so absorbed in his busy work with the comms that he almost missed the reappearance of a dot on the holomap. The fuzzy security feed of the elevator treated him to the image of three figures emerging from behind the closed doors. Highwind’s cape billowed behind her as she took large strides down the crumbled stairway, Teeseven and Kira trailing behind closely. The tension drained out of Theron and he keyed his comm, not bothering to hide his relief.
“You like to cut it close, don’t you?” he asked.
“Tell Colonel Darok I have the item,” she replied tersely, “and we are heading back to the landing site now.”
“He’ll be thrilled.” Theron glanced over to see that the man’s deep set frown had given way to a very satisfied, self-congratulatory smile. “Good job, Master Jedi.”
She gave him a small noise of acknowledgement, but seemed more set on leaving the Academy as fast as possible. Not that she shouldn’t have been, but the terse silence was a stark contrast from the amicable banter from before. He keyed up the security feed and enhanced it to get a better look at his operative. Her brows were drawn together in a deep frown, lips pressing together to form a tight line. Theron felt the first stirrings of unease wind through his gut.
He thought about asking if there was a problem, but before he could even open his channel, he heard her quiet voice speak up.
“Did you recruit everyone on this mission, Theron?”
He frowned, wondering exactly where this was coming from. With a quick glance at Darok, he keyed in the subvocal mic and surreptitiously moved out of the other man’s line of sight. “No, I didn’t. Darok brought most of his own people in.”
“Including Jensyn?”
“Yes.” That uneasy feeling that had plagued him from the start of this whole thing began to creep back up. “Why are you asking?”
“I had just finished subduing the Sith who had been guarding the inner chambers when Jensyn and his men arrived. He began talking about a prophecy—”
The line went quiet again, and he was about to ask why when he noticed that her position on the map passed by an outcropping of several of the men securing the exit route. She didn’t speak again until she had reached another open stretch of the path. “Jensyn executed him. Claimed it was self defense.”
“Are you sure?”
“I know what I saw. He could barely stand, he was no threat.”
“He was a member of the Dark Council. You can’t expect—”
“That is not the Jedi way!”
The ferocity in that statement took him aback for a moment. “We can bring him up in an inquiry, make him answer for it.”
“This doesn’t feel right, Theron. None of this does.” The line went quiet for another long stretch as she passed by another contingent of SpecOps soldiers. “I’m starting to think that we shouldn’t have come here.”
“Don’t you think it’s a little late to get cold feet at this point?”
“That’s not what I meant.” Frustration and weariness were starting to seep into her tone.
“Then what did you mean?”
“I’m just getting the feeling that I’m not seeing something. Like we haven’t been given the complete picture.”
“I gave as accurate a picture as I could. Especially considering you had someone with inside knowledge of the Academy on your team and didn’t think to mention it.”
“I wasn’t accusing you. And it is not my place to mention others’ pasts, especially ones they are trying to put behind. If you are suggesting that would somehow compromise—“
“I’m not,” he cut her of curtly. “Just sympathizing that it’s hard to do your job when you don’t have all the facts.”
“I was not trying to deceive you.” A thread of contrition wound its way through the frustration and weariness in her tone. “I hope you understand that.”
“It doesn’t matter,” he said dismissively. “All worked out in the end, right?”
“Are you sure about that?”
Highwind came into visual range on the camera feed from the landing zone, her astromech and fellow Jedi struggling to keep up with her quick pace. While she still carried her head high as she swept past the SpecOps forces, he could see from the droop in her shoulders that fatigue from the near constant battles must have taken their toll. Theron was unable to completely ignore the twinge of guilt at her wearied state.
“What you did today wasn’t easy, but it was good work,” he added. “It’s a long flight back to Carrick Station. Maybe you can get some rest. You’ve earned some.”
“I am not sure I agree completely,” she said quietly, “but perhaps I will take the opportunity to meditate. On many things.”
“And that offer of a drink stands, if you’re still interested.”
“I will consider it.” A bit of warmth chased away some of the weariness in her tone. “Thank you.”
His reply was lost as a large contingent of people swept from the shuttle and nearly overwhelmed the tired Jedi. It took him a moment to realize that they were the slaves from earlier as their profuse thanks filled the comm line almost to the point of cacophony. Theron could barely make out her assurances of finding everyone a home in the Republic, but even so he could hear the tired smile in her voice. It was only the intervention of Doc that managed to break through the over enthusiastic and grateful crowd.
Theron logged off the comm as the shuttle entered hyperspace, the excited din of chatter on the shuttle making it too hard to discern anything of value. If Highwind was able to get any meditation in with all of that racket, he would be impressed.
“The package is secure and on its way back to Carrick Station.”
“Excellent.” The satisfied smile that spread across Darok’s face had no trace of the colonel’s characteristic intensity or grimness. “Very good work, Shan.”
Something about that sharp smile set Theron’s nerves on edge. He was grateful they were almost done. The sooner this assignment was over, the better.
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Smackdown Live! Review: April 3rd, 2018
Hey guys, I know it’s been awhile since I’ve done a Smackdown review, but it’s Mania week so I figured why not, right?!
Please let me know what your thoughts on the show were, your Mania predictions, and what you thought of this review. Any type of feedback is welcomed!
Daniel Bryan- Opening
Holy shit, Daniel has the biggest pop in the company right now, without question. 
Daniel and Shane, partners this Sunday against Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn, have returned to the ring after vicious attacks from KO and Sami. They’re probably here to talk shit against their opponents and talk about the show.
Wow, Shane got a pretty hype pop, too!
Shan rightfully congratulated Daniel on being cleared to compete again. But what I think he meant to say was “hey thanks for letting me be involved in Mania again’. I don’t personally need Shane as a wrestler anymore. I think what he’s done since he’s been back has been satisfying enough, but I don’t need to see another jump off a cage or West Coast on a trash can. I’m fine with him being a GM still, I actually love that, but wrestling Shane, I’m done with.
Daniel referenced Team Hell No I love it. He and Shane actually hugged it out.
Ooooh, I’m loving Daniel on the mic again. I think he’s always had some great mic skills, but he’s owning it now.
Charlotte vs. Natalya
This Sunday, Charlotte will be taking on Asuka for the title, and I think the thing I’m most excited for right now about that match is for the new gear that these women will probably debut at Mania.
Natalya, however, will most likely be participating in the women’s battle royal, and I think Nattie deserves better than being in the battle royal. She’s had a pretty great year in my book, and her abilities in the ring should have her in the title picture. 
Charlotte and Nattie lock up, and it’s Charlotte who takes the upperhand in the lockup with a hip toss. Nattie now gets Charlotte on the ground, but Charlotte breaks, and both women are back on their feet. Charlotte tried for a roll-up, but was unsuccessful. Nattie has now locked Charlotte in a headlock.
I love seeing these two paired up. I think both of them are matched in strength and ability, and they’ve always put on great matches when given the time/opportunity.
Charlotte and Nattie keep going back and forth, locking each other up and throwing each other down. Charlotte is doing some amazingly athletic flips with Nattie between her legs, and this makes me think that her match against Asuka is going to be highly athletic. I’m really looking forward to seeing this match.
Both women are still keeping this match at a fairly medium pace, which I think is working well for both of them. It’s not a super intense match, but it’s also not super technical, which would also be an amazing match if these two women participated in a submission match.
For the last few minutes, Nattie has been all over Charlotte, knocking down Charlotte’s strikes and bringing her down every chance she gets. Charlotte finally fires back with some chops to Nattie, followed by a neck breaker and a big boot to the face. Charlotte was doing well, but then Nattie countered with a sleeper hold. Charlotte countered that with a nice drop to Nattie’s tailbone, and she attempted a moonsault, but Nattie brought her knees up in time.
Both women are down, and now Carmella has made her way to the ring and wants to cash in her money in the bank! But it goes nowhere as Charlotte kicks the briefcase away from the ref in time. Charlotte throws Carmella out of the ring, and Nattie tries to roll Charlotte, but Charlotte locks in the figure eight, getting Nattie to submit. Victory Charlotte.
...Charlotte and Asuka had a weird moment on the mic? Asuka hyped the crowd up, but maybe Charlotte forgot her lines? I don’t even know, but I’m excited for their match on Sunday.
Rusev vs. Jinder Mahal
These are two of the competitors in the fatal four-way match on Sunday for the U.S Title, along with Randy Orton and Bobby Roode. This is a big case of “we’re trying to fit everyone into the show as we can”. I think this match could’ve waited until the next PPV after Mania or something. I know WWE probably wants Rusev on the card, and a big name like Randy cannot be missed at Mania at this point, but this match just seems like too much. And it’s copying the IC title match!
There wasn’t a bunch to say about this match, and neither did the crowd honestly. It was a lot of back and forth mostly, but Rusev took the win in the end. The most exciting thing that happened was one of Jinder’s buddies tried to sing, and Aiden did a little rap. And Randy came out at the end. That’s it. I’m not really thrilled about this match, but I hope Randy comes out on top again.
Corbin/Primo/Mojo/Dolph vs. Ryder/Breeze/Fandango/Dillinger
All of these men will be participating in the Andre the Giant Memorial battle royal on Sunday, and I feel like this match right now is just filler for the show? It seems like it’ll be messy, but I love seeing Zack on the show! That makes me happy!
I almost forgot that Smackdown does that split screen thingy that plays commercials at the same time as the match. I’m seeing Ziggler and Dillinger fight it out, and it looks really intense! But I can’t focus all my attention on it because the commercials are very distracting! 
I also think everyone forgot that Primo is still a part of WWE, and that Fandango is actually a legitimate wrestler. He was very impressive against Primo tonight.
This was, as I figured, just kind of a cluster of talent showcasing their moves to get the crowd hyped up and give them a show. Baron was the one to pick up the win for his team. Will he be winning the battle royal on Sunday?
Styles/Nakamura vs. Gable/Benjamin
Let’s see how much wrestling AJ will be doing tonight. The rumor over the past few weeks is that AJ is injured in some way? He hasn’t been wrestling at house shows as far as I know, and he definitely hasn’t been wrestling on Smackdown as of late. I hope that this time off has been very beneficial to him, and that he’s able to put on a great match on Sunday. I know a lot of people will be let down if that match doesn’t happen.
Hey! Kevin and Sami showed up! I love them so much :))))
I don’t see the need for this match tonight. I’m pretty much sold on the story of AJ v. Shin for Sunday, so I really didn’t need to see them in action myself. I do think that this will be a pretty low-key match for them tonight, so hopefully neither of them over-exert themselves.
Shinsuke did tag in AJ, but Gable took advantage and attacked them both. It looks like AJ’s taking bumps? Gable’s beating on him pretty hard it looks like.
Back from commercial, and AJ looks to be doing well. He landed a huge Pele kick, and just tagged Shinsuke back into the match. Gable and Benjamin really attacked Shinsuke when he got into the match with some great teamwork, and now Shinsuke needs to get out of Gable’s grasp in order to get the victory.
Benjamin is now in against Shinsuke, and both men are down after Shin finally rallies back. AJ is back in the match as both men make it to their partners for the tag. AJ makes it in and saves the day for him and Shinsuke, getting them the win for the match. 
At the end, Shelton Benjamin came and attacked Shinsuke, and AJ came in to help out, and threatened Shinsuke with the phenomenal forearm, but he missed on purpose to scare Shinsuke, and he patted him on the head. I’m very looking forward to seeing this match on Sunday, I cannot wait to crown Shinsuke my WWE Champion.
That does it for the final Smackdown before Mania! I didn’t think this was a bad show, but I also wasn’t super entertained by it either. I think the show did fine, and if you compare it to Raw last night, I think Smackdown did a bit better honestly.
Thanks for reading this review! I hope to make another post for NXT tomorrow since it’s Mania week, but we’ll see!
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kantostarter · 2 years
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—“so, everyone can be happy!”
laby (radiant soul) 🎤 set of 6 icons
💌 raffle prize for @lesbianoutrider!
please don’t use unless you’re lumine! 
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kantostarter · 2 years
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—“outrider amber, reporting for duty!”
amber 🎤 aesboard, with & without effects (art used)
💌 raffle prize for @lesbianoutrider!
please do not tag as kin/irl, unless you’re lumine!
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kantostarter · 2 years
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alright, the raffle has ended! here are the winners:
1st place: @maidenofthewind
2nd place: @x-resonacewaves-x
3rd place: @lesbianoutrider​
please send me an ask off anon with what you’d like for your prizes!! (if i don’t hear anything from you by june 9th, i’ll reach out and ask.)
and everyone else that entered, please send in an ask (off anon, again!) with a character and your favorite aesthetic; for the little gift that everyone who entered will receive!
thanks so much for participating, and for all the support! 
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kantostarter · 2 years
hello!!! thank you so much for this raffle omg <33 im going to split up what i want for my prizes so its easier to read
1. may i have pink laby (radiant soul path) icons?
2. may i have purple acerola (pokemon) reply icons?
3. may i have an outrider amber aesboard with themes of adventures and unconditional friendship!!
4. may i have an acerola header?
if i need to be more specific/change any of these please lmk!! thank you again so much and please take care of yourself <3
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hi hii, lumine! thank you for entering our raffle; your prizes can be found here:
radiant soul icons, acerola reply icons, amber aesboard, and the acerola header will be under the cut!
i am.. Very sorry that these took a week; we had some other things going on and editing was kinda, pushed to the back burner for a bit. that aside, thank you again for entering, and i really hope you like your prizes!! <3
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acerola didn’t have.. a whole lot of easily editable material? so this was the one that came out the best -w-” hopefully you like it!
0 notes
kantostarter · 2 years
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—“i’d prefer to settle this peacefully, in fact.”
dimentio 🎤 set of 6 icons
💌 req’d by: anon!
please like or rb, and credit if you use!
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kantostarter · 2 years
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—“i come from the black forest!”
laby (all paths; 3rd job) 🎤 set of 6 icons
💌 req’d by: @amodernpersephone!
please like or rb, and credit if you use!
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kantostarter · 2 years
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—mimikyu, the disguise pokémon.
mimikyu 🎤 set of 6 icons
💌 req’d by: anon!
please like or rb, and credit if you use!
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kantostarter · 2 years
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—“it's almost time to begin the show ♪”
megurine luka 🎤 set of 6 icons 
💌 req’d by: @amodernpersephone!
please like or rb, and credit if you use!
no kin/irl tags, unless you’re the requester!
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kantostarter · 2 years
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—digimon adventure: last evolution kizuna!
yagami hikari & tachikawa mimi 🎤 set of 6 icons
💌 req’d by: anon!
please like or rb, and credit if you use!
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kantostarter · 2 years
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—Searching at Twilight... 
🎤 550x550 icons for meika hime & mikoto! 
💌 requested by anon!
➢ no kin tags, unless you’re the requester!
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kantostarter · 2 years
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—“entry no. 2! why, it’s najimi-chan!”
osana najimi 🎤 set of 7 reply icons
genderfluid flag themed 💌 req’d by: @ginfangirl!
please like or rb, and credit if you use!
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kantostarter · 2 years
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—“my skills are top notch, right?!”
kirigaya touko 🎤 aesboard (wlw, fashion, makeup)
💌 req’d by: @amodernpersephone!
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