#mentions of injections and needles
(for that sentence starter thing)
"Did it hurt?"
- @the-slightly-younger-harrington
//I’m gonna answer as both, assuming Bucky metal arm and Steve with the serum. You can take both or just run with the one you want!
Bucky looked at his arm “the hydra one did. My arm was pretty bad from the fall and I was going in and out pretty bad. Sheri did a great job fixing it up and replacing it, so it doesn’t hurt anymore”
Steve nodded “it did. Growing over a foot in a few minutes and being injected with multiple things was painful. But worth it”
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uncanny-tranny · 5 months
When you're given the needles for injection HRT, you might be given two sizes for needles, or two sets.
A draw-up needle is what you will use to draw up the medicine into your syringe, and often you will use the larger of the needles in order to draw up the medicine if you're given two differently-sized gauged needles. When I first started testosterone, I was given a set of 18G needles and 20G needles, so I would use the 18G to draw up and the 20G to administer the medicine.
Remember that a SMALLER number is a LARGER needle, and a LARGER number is a SMALLER needle. An 18G needle is LARGER than a 20G needle, and so on. If you need clarification about injection, ask whomever is prescribing your medication to clarify which needles are intended for draw-ups and which will be administered into the body.
This might seem pretty arbitrary, but a smaller-gauged needle will feel differently than a larger needle. Now, I inject with a 23G needle, and I barely feel it compared to a 20G, and that can make it so much easier to take your medicine.
I wanted to make this post because I have seen many people have misconceptions about how an injection is supposed to hurt, and part of what can make an injection painful is the needle you are using.
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shevr · 6 months
im scheduled to attempt to do a self injection on monday anybody got tips
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greenglowinspooks · 1 month
Just took my new medication for the first time (injections) and I almost passed out from how scared I was but I’m being so brave about it
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batboybisexualism · 5 months
was all excited to do my first at-home t shot today, got everything ready and then I couldn't get the juice into the syringe after multiple tries...tried a second syringe figuring the first was busted somehow but that didn't work either?? had to make a last-minute appointment to get them to do it at my endo and was feeling all stupid not being able to do this since everyone else can do it...I get there and find out that the needles on the syringes my idiot endo wrote me a scrip for are too small for the liquid to get into?? not to mention I'm apparently only supposed to inject half of the little bottle they gave me which she also didn't tell me about lmao so it's actually lucky she gave me the wrong syringes because I would have given myself a mega injection hashtag roid rage 🤣🙌
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 9 months
I don't remember if I asked this about the SK bois
Who's the most likely to rip and tear Rulebreakers using their hands? That and inject them with non-lethal but agonizingly painful for the reciever
Also, could I 3d model your SK bois? No telling when I'll finish modelling, but I'll send to you when I do (I said the same about making Kandi's OC and its been like 6 months since then-) Just my personal project, I have no intention to make them marketable, not that I even know how to do so.
Sun. If his sadism is high enough he will get hands on. Especially if the Rulebreaker pisses him off enough or the punishment fits the crime. But Sun has used his hands to rip apart Rulebreakers--even while they were still alive.
As for injections, I'm not sure. It's a possibility. They would have to find a way of getting the tools needed.
And sure! As long as they're not used anywhere without my permission.
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whumpy-wyrms · 6 months
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TW: injection
Fun fact: if you inject too shallow, you end up with a track mark-shaped mosquito bite-like lump. It is not pleasant. This is permission to fuck up your whumpees’ injections.
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graveyardrabbit · 5 months
recent unexpected skill transfer discovery: I’m good at using a basting syringe, apparently
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angelictactics · 5 months
after being afraid of doing my own insulin injections for approx two years I have somehow completely managed to bypass that fear by rationalizing the insulin as my "wolfgirl shots". this somehow has made it so I can do them just fine and I'm baffled but going with it
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vanidrabbles · 1 year
When Columbina is sick & has to get an injection; but all the segments fade & they have to call another doctor until Omega Build returns...
Columbina: *sad in the floor*  I’m not Dottore’s immaculate Test Tube anymore (✿◕^◕✿)
Sandrone: Bina it was just Dipyrone...
Columbina: I don't care about his name... he is not my Dottore...  
Sandrone: No, Bina, I mean what you were injected with
Columbina: R e g r e t
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uncanny-tranny · 6 months
One tip I learned as a young kid that I use now for my IM injections is to relax the muscle I'm injecting into make it as painless as possible. The idea behind this is that when your muscles are less tense (i.e., when it is relaxed), the needle will have an easier time penetrating into it to administer medicine.
Here's how I, personally, relax my muscles for injection:
Put on music or a YouTube video that piques my interest
Make sure I am focused on exactly what I'm doing to ease my anxiety; basically, being intentional and mindful
Sit myself down since I inject into the thigh, then slightly position my foot further than I normally would when I sit
Jiggle my thigh a bit before prepping it with an alcohol wipe (I don't know why, but this helps me so much)
Take a deep breath before injection, making sure the injection needle is at a 90° angle
Look away! (helps because I have very shaky hands that get worse when I look at what Im doing. Do check on your progress as you push the plunger down, but I find I don't have to look to know now)
This will be different than if you do SQ injections, so this is geared toward folks who are doing IM. These tips are things I find, personally, to be helpful, and so I implore anybody reading to realistically explore if it would work for yourself.
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cyber-therian · 21 days
Can I ask where u usually get your plushy guys? They’re super cute!
If it’s like a local store u don’t need to say but like if it’s an online store, can u drop some recommendations? (/nf)
funny enough, i get them at the drugstore when i go to get my testosterone injection 😅 however! both Finnegan & my sugar glider are WWF brand (World Wildlife Fund) and Yam is Wild Republic. Dune (my silver fox) is from the Douglas brand!
WWF is definitely my favourite affordable realistic plush brand, plus they support a great cause
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theofficialsheogorath · 9 months
sheo, in your hit album Zoom, there are multiple references to juice. is this in fact boy juice, also known as testosterone? and do you use patches, gel, or injections
uhhh um uhhhh *disappears in a puff of smoke*
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I had a question about T injections under the cut.
I'm back on T after being off of it for two years and forgot how itchy the injection site can be. Does anyone else deal with this? How can I remedy it? Benadryl is great but only at night, because it makes me drowsy. And will every injection be like this? I can't remember but it's been itchy after every injection so far. And it's a DEEP itch, given that it's intramuscular, so it's extra annoying.
- 💙💚
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haredjarris · 8 months
>be me
>school getting inspected by you know who (the organisation teachers hate)
>be bitten by child
>no blood so carry on
>be bitten again and this time drew blood
>get sent to a&e
>have to get tetanus jab and antibiotics
>no more inspection for me!!!!!
Tumblr media
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