moonluringfrost · 6 months
simon is aroace.
he did have a wife once a long time ago, but she was a lesbian and the two of them were simply good friends.
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arabella-strange · 2 years
so wait gang
do we think Ludinus Da'leth is not just hiding out in Marquet but is also actually the one behind the attempted assassinations on Keyleth/in Zephrah? Because Ludinus Da'leth — de facto puppeteer of the Volstruckers after Trent is removed, involved (sorry Essek) in stealing and researching the Beacons and possibly thereby building a massive dunamis-infused army of supersoldiers, willing to pay others to put out hits on his enemies (Yeza, maybe Vess DeRogna), possibly involved in excavations at Aeor well before C2's present-day, that Ludinus Da’leth — seems like he... wouldn't be above that.
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heygoldenb0y · 1 year
rant in the tags
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purplecladmerchant · 2 months
I don't want to go full foto fetish to show it. But NY erlin have paw pads.
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hatutannews · 5 months
EUA Apoia Mellora Kampu Aviasaun Iha TL
Hatutan.com, (12 Dezembru 2023), Díli— Embaixada Estadus Unidus Amérika (EUA) iha Timor-Leste (TL), reprezenta hosi Enkarregadu Negósiu, Marc Weinstock hamutuk ho Majór Jenerál Cornelio Ximenes Maunana no Reprezentativu hosi Ministériu Defeza (MD) partisipa iha Serimónia entrega iluminasaun Pista iha Aeródromu Baucau, Tersa (12/12/2023). Continue reading Untitled
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th3b4dk1dzz · 1 year
NADDPOD spoilers:
If there is no fanart of Cobb being welcomed into Mellora's after life by Marabelle and Deadeye I will riot.
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timriva-blog · 25 days
«Anicamento», «teito de cristal» ou «birimbao», entre as novas entradas do Dicionario da Real Academia Galega
Birimbaos ou trompas galegas © Alba Vázquez Carpentier, Consello da Cultura Galega Agachamento e anicamento, teito de cristal, cultura da cancelación, escaleta ou esgrafiado, -a figuran entre as últimas entradas incorporadas ao Dicionario da Real Academia Galega. O Seminario de Lexicografía engadiu na última actualización a esta ferramenta corenta voces canda novas acepcións ou melloras na…
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notasdecidade · 2 months
O relevo espido
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O Modelo Dixital do Terreo (MDT) representa a superficie do solo sen obstáculos, é dicir, sen construcións nin vexetación. Cada píxel contén un valor de elevación nunha malla de x metros. Os MDT xéranse co escaneado das curvas de nivel de mapas, imaxes aéreas ou satélite e permiten, por exemplo, cálculos de sombreado, ventos ou pendentes.
Na web pública de información xeográfica, un comparador permite compaxinar desprazando o cursor central, a ambos os dous lados da pantalla e a calquera escala: as fotos aéreas desde o voo americano do 57 ata hoxe e poñelas en paralelo ao MDT do noso territorio, denominado “sombreado”. É impactante.
Nunha primeira ollada a esta imaxe do relevo espido en calquera zona urbanizada que procuremos, familiar ou non, impresiona ver a cantidade e tamaño das transformacións realizadas. A unha distancia duns 10km na vertical da pantalla, vemos nas zonas negras, os maiores desmontes e terrapléns, escavacións e explanacións para as grandes infraestruturas (viarias, ferroviarias, etc) e os polígonos industriais. Ver ao tempo, o MDT e o voo americano sobre o noso sistema agrario e este, xunto coas fotos aéreas recentes, completan o lenzo para calquera análise. Outro baixorrelevo total, poderiamos obtelo incorporando a este, o mapa do subsolo, é dicir, cos sotos escavados e as redes agochadas. 
O MDT soporta tamén a proximidade, onde poder seguir a transformación de mazás ou grandes parcelas e detectar os mellores e peores casos. Como ademais, este mapa simula o volume ao incorporar a terceira dimensión, é onde máis sofre o urbanista planificador de solos e superficies. En moitas zonas escuras no “sombreado”, a imaxe é un sudario territorial, coas cicatrices e cortes na súa dimensión e forma reais.
Nalgunha área determinada o noso coñecemento dos cambios en perspectiva e sobre todo, das causas polas cales isto ou aquilo está aí, conduce á dialéctica sobre a racionalización do uso do territorio versus a oportunidade dos seus operadores. É dicir, sobre a adecuación dos enclaves escollidos a miúdo pola xestión inmediata, o prezo ou dadas as urxencias, a falta de previsión. 
É mellor que se fagan xa, aínda que sen xeito, os nosos novos servizos ou deberían agardar o que fose necesario?, como a inicial Cidade da Cultura ou as recentes estaciones intermodais. Canto do que vemos está onde non debía e en malas condicións para poder crecer?, como o hospital CHUAC coruñés. Canto medrará nun lugar mal elixido dende o comezo?, como o campus do CUVI vigués.
E xa unha vez feito o dano, debe esixirse a reparación ou reposición paisaxística á que nunca se comprometen os interesados informes de impacto ambiental. Qué debera impoñerse a cambio de cada construción?, non debería limitarse o tamaño en certas condicións de pendente ou obrigarse a utilizar na propia parcela o material escavado ou beneficiar directamente non escavar?, ou mesmo, non podería algunha operación ser elevada para que a cidade en planta baixa siga a súa marcha? Aceptando a pertinencia de novas transformacións e tomando como base a nosa mellor tradición, será necesario impoñer un novo respecto topográfico. Se é necesario perder, é para gañar, pero para gañar todos. Destruír so para poder construír a mellora da cidade-territorio de toda becha vivente.
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Imaxe // fonte:
1. MDT, foto aérea recente e vo americano sobre Compostela. // mapas.xunta.gal
2. Polígono de Morás, un millón de m2 explanados por Xestur // estraco.es 
52 Sermos, nº 596, páx. 29 (30/04/2024)
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perplexed-confusion · 4 months
This Mellora girl would do wonders on Hannibal
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elcultivodelapatata · 7 months
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moonluringfrost · 6 months
3: Cathedrals 
This spotify ficlet is set in the A Viscous Curse universe. Canon-adjacent. Simon's point of view. Content warning for minor self harm? (it's simon) This one was requested by @bloodlessheirbyjacques. Hope you enjoy~
Life would be easier if your children could avoid getting lost, getting separated from you. In the smaller towns, having them scatter in all directions is fine, but in a city this large… 
You heave a heavy sigh, pulling your cloak tighter around you. They’ll  come looking for you eventually. Or the sound of commotion will lead you to them. 
You now have complete free reign to decide where you want to go in this city. 
Which is why you’re wandering aimlessly. Deciding what you want is difficult. 
You look around as you walk. The architecture is different from what you’re used to seeing, still. More angular, stark. Still, there’s an echo of another empire from long ago. Especially when you find yourself standing outside the Cathedral. It’s in the center of the city, one tradition still followed. 
It lacks the columns, but retains the stained glass. You see familiar faces there. Harvest, Change, Order… Of course Conquest has the largest panel, and much more iconography besides. They always did get on the good side of people like the ones that ordered this building’s construction. 
There’s someone unexpected amongst the pantheon. Not knowledge, of course. He’s been replaced by wisdom. But there she is, in all her angular cut glass glory: Guidance. 
You should make an offering. She deserves something from you. Anything. 
Putting gold into her offering bowl would be a sorry start, she deserves something more. 
The most personal thing you can give her is a piece of yourself. Her pound of flesh. 
You reach into your clothes to probe at the spot in your chest where your heart would be if you still had one. You scoop out some of your ‘flesh’ with your hand. It doesn’t hurt, not much of a sacrifice at all, but it will have to do for now. 
The hole you leave in your chest disappears within the minute. 
You shape the goo in your hands, carving a symbol into it before it can completely harden into amber. 
You can feel eyes on you as you set the newly made offering into the offering bowl, but when you look around, none of the occupants of the room are paying you any mind. 
You glance up at Mellora’s visage. Ah, yes.  She is watching you. What a shame. You were hoping this could remain anonymous. 
You blink your goodbye to the ‘goddess’ before turning away, heading back out onto the street without any further sentiment. 
It’s a little colder than you remember. And still no commotion that you can discern. 
The children must be up to something particularly mischievous, then. You’d best find them quickly, before they close off the chance of getting decent rest tonight.  
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Who came up with that hair concept for mellora hardin’s character.
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mrlovepainter · 1 year
Do thus fucker use he or it .
Or even they??
Up to interpretation of the viewer/anons ! Same with:
Heartbeat monitor, Mellora, Fungi, Father, G0_D, Samuel, Gradie, Gravekeeper, and #!
The rest has canon pronouns :]
But fun fact: Fungi uses they/him or he/them
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onosolar · 1 year
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📢 A CIG-Ensino esíxelle avances na mellora das condicións docentes ao conselleiro de Educación. ⚠️ Os responsables da central volveron poñer enriba da mesa os mesmos temas que levan centrando a acción sindical destes anos pero desta vez co respaldo dos 9.765 votos das recentes eleccións sindicais e o referendo da maioría absoluta na Mesa Sectorial. ℹ️ https://www.cig-ensino.gal/nova/a-cig-ensino-esixelle-avances-na-mellora-das-condicions-docentes-ao-conselleiro-de-educacion-4704.html https://www.instagram.com/p/CoXnpD6s1to/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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purplecladmerchant · 3 months
Guys. Where did Erlin draw powers during the final battle? Bev had to do his whole thing asking the dusk mother and Mellora for then do the whole Mellora thing, and ofc being a titan. But Erlin???
Was it ever answered in some extra content??
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hatutannews · 5 months
Governu Tenke Investe Iha HNGV Atu Bele Sai Ospitál Modernu
Hatutan.com, (19 Dezembru 2023), Díli—Prezidente Repúblika (PR), José Ramos-Horta husu IX Governu Konstitusionál atu tau orsamentu bo’ot ba Hospitál Nasionál Guido Valadares (HNGV), hodi mellora liután servisu sira, liuliu atendimentu saúde bá komunidade iha ospitál ne’e. Continue reading Untitled
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