#and then he somehow forgets that poison oak is fucking poisonous ?!?!
heygoldenb0y · 1 year
rant in the tags
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garpond · 7 months
happy birthday to neil young here are some of my favorite things about him
-by the age of 20 he had owned 3 different used hearses, all of which experienced some form of extreme mechanical failure that caused him to have to get rid of them
-in buffalo springfield whenever he had to go out on a date with a girl he'd tell his friends about it beforehand so that they could interrupt the date to tell him he needed to be somewhere and was late so that he could be allowed to leave
-hated going in grocery stores because he would get overstimulated and have to leave
-didn't like how the first pressing of Comes A Time sounded so he bought 200,000 of the first copies of it and used them as shingles for a barn roof
-when one of his tour buses was destroyed (i forget how) he had it brought to his ranch and buried on the property like a beloved family pet
-his early ambition before music was to be a chicken farmer
-when he and carrie snodgress where dating she'd have a ton of people over sometimes and it gave him anxiety so one evening he decided to open the living room window and crawl out of it to get away from people instead of walking through the room to get to the door because apparently he couldn't wait that long and everyone saw it
-another time he randomly showed up at a neighbors' house and they didn't really know why he dropped in all of the sudden because he wasn't very social and it turns out it was because his manager had set up a meeting for him with the band America and he didn't want to do it so he was hiding
-during buffalo springfield he would hide in peoples closets a lot
-once he was guitar shopping with stephen stills and when he was offering on a guitar stephen offered more money on it to try and get it and it pissed him off so he started bidding higher to kick off a bidding war between then and once it was up to a ridiculous amount of money he just dropped it and was like ok you win lol ! and stephen had to pay an insane amount of money for it
-during one filmed interview with MTV or something he decided to fuck with them by adjusting the position of his hat super slightly every couple seconds so that when they cut the footage together and shifted things out of order it would look confusingly different every time
-during the recording of deja vu he lived by himself in a motel but he brought his 2 pet bush babies (named Harriet and Speedy) and they scared the shit out of Graham Nash
-gave a stranger he met like a week ago unrestricted access to his finances because the guy claimed he was going to help him buy a boat and the guy ended up stealing a couple thousand dollars
-during last buffalo springfield concert he was the only person who was not even remotely sad and on the way home jim messina was literally crying and neil was just like :] the whole way
-one year on his birthday at the ranch there was going to be a party and it was a tradition to have a bonfire at it so he went out into the woods to get sticks for it but somehow managed to grab a bunch of poison oak and it was used at the fire and after that he was not allowed to gather bonfire sticks anymore
-while filming the lincvolt documentary he met a trans woman and when he was interviewing her to ask for her opinion about the car she told him that what he was doing with it was a big change and he should probably ask for the car's permission to do it and he actually did do this later
-"everybodys rockin" originated as an r/maliciouscompliance type of project because while he was on geffen records Old Ways was rejected and the label asked for a "rock and roll album" and this was his response to that
-the infamous Eat A Peach incident
-there is much more but this is all i can come up with rn
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aspiring-translator · 6 years
Sooo… Coraline AU Pt.2…
Carrying on from the last post. Remember, it's not MY au that I'm getting inspiration from, I saw @parfaitperi 's art for this and I loved it.
Dinner time! Lance’s dad sings the “Twitchy witchy,” song for Lance as food is passed around the table.
Anything edible is snapped up immediately and everything else is their dad’s hard work at making delicious foods they like whilst their mother is sporting a broken neck. And the baby. And a job.
They appreciate his efforts.
Lance is less than impressed at his dad’s flan. Which is more of a puddle of egg, milk and sugar on his plate.
“Think they’re trying to poison me?” He nudges the doll’s head ‘yes,’ and goes to bed early.
The one thing he does appreciate about the new house is that he gets a room to himself!
He puts origami animals his sisters made him and the friendship bracelets his brothers made him on his dresser.
He hangs bunting and posters of his favourite baseball team, and keeps a photograph of his friends from the Garrison close to his pillow, on a Mantis photo-frame. (Sorry to demote Hunk and Pidge to such minor roles).
The picture was when they had visited him at Veradero beach in the summer, just before they moved. Pidge had written in the sand, in huge bulking letters, “We’ll miss you, Lancelot!” Hunk had gathered seashells as a border and the two stood soaking wet and grinning in the photo.
Lance touched their faces through the glass. Don’t forget about me, guys.
His blue lion plush layed limp and lifeless on his light blue bedspread. He even managed to plug in a starry night-light to brighten up the room… but it still feels cold and empty.
He prays that nothing comes out of the crack in the ceiling and makes a note to ask one of his siblings to move into his room.
The doll has been left on the chair beside his head and he turns towards it before he sleeps.
“Goodnight… little me…”
His peaceful rest is short-lived, however, when he hears a soft “t-t-t-t-t-t,” just underneath him.
Raising himself up from the pillow, he checks under his bed for any monsters or ghouls that may be disrupting him.
A mouse is, instead, what he is greeted with, and he gives chase to it downstairs and into the living room, because why not?
The mouse manages to escape Lance’s clutches through a crack in the door’s wall.
Lance slowly opens it and instead of finding a brick wall, he finds a whimsical, swirling tunnel leading towards a light.
He crawls through and pushed past the door into…
The same living room.
However, there are differences. The painting of a boy with white hair is no longer miserable, but he seems much happier, smiling.(Lotor).
Not only that, but there is a delicious smell in the air!
Lance follows it, and he hears a soft humming sound as he walks towards the kitchen.
Lance sees his mother, diligently cooking away, no neck brace to be seen.
“Mom? What are you doing here in the middle of the night?”
His 'mother’ turns to him, and he is face to face with emotionless, soulless black buttons in place of eyes.
“You’re just in time for supper, dear!”
“You’re not my mother. My mom doesn’t have b-b-buh-”
“B-b-b-buttons? Do you like them?” She taps one with a smooth black nail, leaving a crisp ringing in Lance’s ears. “I’m your other-mother, silly!”
"Other... Mother?"
"Yes! Now, go tell your other - father that supper's ready. He's in his study." She lifts a golden chicken out of the oven and hums a merry tune. When she sees that Lance hasn't moved, she chuckles slightly.
"Well, go on!"
Understandably, Lance is both terrified and confused. Whilst in shock, he somehow manages to make his way to where he knows his real father’s study would be.
He passes his brothers and sisters, all with black buttons for eyes. They mostly ignore him and head straight for dinner.
He enters his “father’s” study, and sees him hunched over a small piano.
Then he swings around to face Lance.
“Helloo Lancey Lance. Wanna hear my new song?”
His dad doesn’t even seem fazed at the dorky nickname only Lance uses... for himself.
The “Coraline Song” is sung, but instead the lyrics change to suit Lance. (I can’t think of good ones right now, give me a break!)
Dinner ensues and it’s as loud and homey and as delicious as Lance remembers it before they moved.
No worries about his mom’s neck or her job, or if they can afford the baby.
He doesn’t need to worry about a new school he’ll be going to.
He doesn’t need to worry about the prospect of his eldest sister leaving the home for university
Instead, he can just watch his twin brothers fight over a chicken drumstick and two of his three sisters talk about whatever they cared for.
Save for the... eyes of his family, he almost felt at ease.
“This is absolutely delicious!” Lance’s cheeks were practically bursting, filled with chicken, potatoes and even vegetables.
“Have you tried the flan yet?” Other mother stifled a giggle behind her smooth, porcelain hands and watched as Lance shook his head and attempted to swallow the food.
He managed, not without being slightly berated and told to, “Swallow, for goodness sake!” by his loving eldest sister.
“Well, here comes the Flan-Tran!” Lance sees the train of food weave between bowls and gravy-boats before reaching his seat, gently lowering a soft, creamy looking dessert in front of him. Of course he dug in!
“Anything else, dear?” Her voice was warm. If he just closed his eyes (or avoided hers entirely) Lance could pretend that this was his mother. But he couldn’t pretend that he had yet to see her take a piece of food for herself.
“I’m really thirsty…”
“Of course!” Within an instant, her fingers snapped and the beautiful crystal chandelier came down. “Any preferance?”
Lance was slightly stunned by the sudden freedom of choice, and the ease everyone seemed to feel with it. He saw his brother give himself a mango milkshake.
That was just… wrong.
“…lemonade?” Of course, his request was fulfilled, and the chandelier stopped spinning just in front of him. Tentatively, he poured himself a glass. With ice, of course.
Once Lance had finished drinking, his plate was replaced with a smooth, white cake, reading "welcome home!" in red lettering.
His family crowded around him and watched him stare at the cake in wonder.
At this point, Lance starts to freak out.
When his other-mother says that they’ve been waiting for him, he decides to nope the fuck out.
Other-mother stops him from saying anything and suggests a family game of hide and seek. Her hands begin to tap excitedly against the wooden table-top.
Outside, a crack of thunder and a flash of lightning fill the sky.
As much as he loves rain, Lance isn’t nearly as excited.
He tries to go home but he’s ushered upstairs to his bedroom. Or at least, a version of his bedroom.
The origami animals are alive and running around, his blue lion plushie roars and purrs when he brushes his hand against it and the room is painted and clean, with plants and stars hanging everywhere! (Imagine a room from @elentori-art 's Klance stuff)
The best part would have to be the fact that his pictures could speak and move!
“Pidge??! Hunk?!” Lance practically screamed at the photo frame.
“Damn Lance, you look even worse, if that’s possible. What, can you function less than usual when we’re not around?” Pidge laughs, cheekily kicks water at Hunk and Lance’s heart soars.
“God, I never thought I’d be happy to hear another insult from Pidgeon! You’re both gonna visit soon, right?”
“We’re already here with you, Lance.” Hunk’s eyes soften as he upturns a bucket of seawater onto Pidge’s head.
'Yup! We're with you in good ol’ Or-i-gene!“
Lance is then laid into bed, with both of his other - parents and all of his other-siblings gathered around him.
Before he lays down properly, his other mother spreads some soft, black mud over his poison oak. If he looked carefully, Lance thought he could see some gold or shiny substance in the mud.
Lance slept relatively soundly, after that.
Next morning, he wakes to the bleak and cold room he thought he had left behind. If only for a small moment.
However, one thing that definitely isn’t the same, would be the poison oak.
"It’s gone! My poison oak, it’s gone!”
Fun fun fun~
Pt.1 ~ Pt.3 ~ Pt.4 ~ Pt.5 (coming soon)
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aibrechts · 7 years
Don't know if ur still up to it but...Poker Pair in Harry Potter AU please and thank you
MMMM I LOVE!!! THIS!!! YES!!!!!!!!! yyyyyyyyeeaAAAAAAHHHHM MMMM MMM MM M OKAY SO ive thought for the LONGEST time that tyki is slytherin (self above all else, clever, sly and a little bit chaotic neutral/verging on evil) and allen is hufflepuff (puts friends above himself, does what’s fair even if it’s not easy or even particularly clever).
because i always seem to go for quidditch aus when i dip into hp, tyki and allen ended up as rival Seekers who have a brutally competitive no holds barred type of dynamic on the quidditch pitch, who you can usually find making out all angry and heated and full of adrenaline behind the stands when the game is over. 
Sweaty, blood pounding in his ears after the match, Allen slipped out of the Hufflepuff locker rooms, leaving the raucous celebrations and dizzying excitement of his team behind. His hand was clenched so tight around the snitch, its delicate wings still fluttering desperately between his fingers. Futile efforts to free itself. 
A deep breath of the cool air outside, fresh after the stifling heat of the lockers. The excitement of the stands bubbled down from above, students filing out, meandering back towards the castle. Behind the stands was empty, though, and Allen closed his eyes, tilted his head back to the clear sky and breathed a helpless laugh. 
“Thought I’d find you here,” a smooth voice murmured, low as a threat, and before Allen could open his eyes he was shoved back with a hand at his chest, back hitting one of the heavy wooden struts of the stands.
His hand loosened for a moment and the snitch wriggled its way free of his grasp, fluttered up near his ear. 
It didn’t get much further than that, Tyki snatching it from the air quick as a snake striking.
“Really,” he mocked, dark gold eyes flicking to the ball in his hand before slinking back to pin Allen with dark amusement. “You can catch it, but you can’t hold onto it?”
“Figured you’d like to redeem your reputation,” Allen returned, his smile sharp and taunting. 
Tyki’s firm hand on his chest brushed aside, traced down his shoulder, eyes hiding concern when he murmured, “Thought that bludger hit you.”
“It did,” Allen said, shifting his shoulder uncomfortably to push Tyki’s gentle touch away from the tender bone, his skin probably already blue, “barely. Just a bruise.”
“Just a bruise,” Tyki repeated, scoffed a laugh under his breath, stepped closer to Allen, one foot between his, the hems of their green and gold robes folding together. “You’re something else, boy,” he breathed, fingers tracing up Allen’s neck. “I should be furious,” he breathed, lips an inch away from Allen’s
That adrenaline in his blood was spiking again, was making his fingers tremble when he curled them into Tyki’s lapels. He tilted his chin up, eyes narrow and challenging when he murmured, “Aren’t you?”
“Somehow,” Tyki said, low voice smooth and quiet, “I’m just impressed.”
He kissed Allen the same way he flew with him. Soft and hard, every subtle movement of his lips a taunt. Allen knew how to retaliate, knew how to play. Met Tyki with insistence, with biting dares and the tease of his quick tongue. 
Already breathless, already wound up, already feeling everything and too much, burning from their race on the pitch, Allen dragged his fingernails up the line of Tyki’s neck like a gentle challenge, grinned when he felt Tyki’s breath shudder across his cheek like a warm breeze. Scraped his fingers through his messy, windtorn hair, pressed his tongue past his soft, chapped lips and breathed a silent moan when Tyki pinned him against the wooden strut with his weight.
He let his mouth fall open to Tyki’s teeth, to his insistent tongue, sighed breathless and needy when Tyki pressed in to curl his tongue behind Allen’s teeth. 
His hand tightened in Tyki’s hair, dragging him back just far enough for Allen to drag his teeth along that tongue, to pull at his plush lower lip when he murmured, “Mmh, fuck,” against Allen’s mouth, voice rough and rumpled and all kinds of everything Allen wanted him to sound like when he was locked tight and wanton against him, thighs pressed as close as when they were racing for the snitch. 
“This means,” he mumbled, words caught on Allen’s lips, neither of them quite willing to pull away and let him speak, “I get to choose the place, right?”
“I swear,” Allen gasped, tilting his head back against the strut with a breathless sound when Tyki kissed down his neck, soothing sharp bites with his smooth tongue, “if you say Shrieking Shack one more time,” he gritted, one hand fisted in Tyki’s hair, the other in the front of his robes, “I’m breaking up with you.”
“Got it,” Tyki laughed, low and delicious, setting his teeth at Allen’s hammering pulse to suck a mark surely his whole team would see. “No shrieking, no shacks. No Forbidden Forest either, I gather.”
“Last time we went to the Forbidden Forest,” Allen breathed, struggling to find his words around how Tyki’s hands were curling around the small of his back, one slipping down to knead his ass, “we almost got attacked by a werewolf and you got a rash all over your hands from that poison oak.”
“No Forbidden Forest, then,” Tyki chuckled against his neck, and Allen sighed a breathless groan when he pressed his knee up between Allen’s legs, his lips finding Allen’s again like he couldn’t bear to stay away. 
Melting against him, Allen quickly found he was forgetting all about werewolves and shacks when he had Tyki pressing him against the stands behind the Quidditch Pitch, grinding against him slow and hard, both of them breathless from adrenaline, clothes and hair rumpled and messed from flight and each other’s hands both. 
Pulling away, breathing against Allen’s ear like a taunt, Tyki promised, “I’ve got just the place.”
“Where,” Allen demanded and caught his sleeve as he made to pull away, scowl heavy and threatening.
“You’ll see,” Tyki laughed, extricating himself and holding up the snitch in his hand, eyes narrow and sly. “You’ll like it,” he said, letting the ball go for half a moment before snatching it back out of the air, smile cocky and self-satisfied, “I swear.”
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middayreads-blog · 6 years
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black
Book review • Book talk CONTAINS SPOILERS (Please correct me if I’m wrong with some of the details. Thank you!)
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Holly Black is indeed the Queen of Faeries.
She did it. Successfully.
I had doubts with this book. I didn’t trust the hype, because I honestly felt like it was just an another overrated novel. But, well, I’m glad I didn’t trust my gut and digged into this book. I’m glad I joined the hype. Because this book was bloody awesome!
The Cruel Prince was one of those books you could never put down once you started reading. It was so magical that you’d probably wish you are living in Faerie land but at the same time you’d also detest the idea of it because that place was full of politics and treason.
I was completely blown by the twists. I somehow predicted some but despite that, I still found myself shocked at every revelations that happened.
The story is about Jude. A girl that was stolen from the mortal lands by her parents’ murderer— Mardoc— who was once her mother’s lover. She eventually loved Faerie land in the process and envied the faeries. She wanted to become one, but in order to do that she needed to prove herself worthy of living with the immortals.
So, let’s talk about the characters.
I really, really love Jude! She was ambitious, she wanted to prove herself to everyone. She did everything to avoid the fairies’ glamours. She practiced everyday to improve her physical skills, so she would become one of the knighthoods of the High King. She thought that by that, she would have everyone’s respect. She thought with power, that was cleanly earned by hers, anything would be possible. I love the fact that she was so strong, cunning and intelligent. She could be hard and at the same time soft if she wanted to.
Her twin Taryn, was her complete opposite. She wanted to always keep it lowkey. She would rather let Cardan and her troops belittle and discriminate her and her specie, for as long as she was safe in Faerie. She couldn’t stand on her own.
I love Vivi, the lesbian half-fae who was in love with a pink-haired mortal. I love her characteristic so much that she somehow reminds me of Mor from ACOTAR. She was a rebel. She would do anything to annoy her Father, Mordoc and their step-mother, Oriana— who has a son named Oak, but we have learned that Oak was really Prince Dain and Liorepi’s son. Liorepi was the wife of the High King.
Prince Dain wanted his son dead, because he couldn’t risk to lose the High King’s trust, who was his father.
He wanted to kill Oak. He tried to kill his son by poisoning Liorepi during her pregnancy, because he couldn’t lose his father’s trust. Not when he was personally picked by the High King to sit to the throne after his ruling years. Gladly, the boy still lived, but her mom didn’t get the luck to continue her life.
Did I tell you that Liorepi and Oriana were like bestfriends? That was why Oriana opted to keep Oak with her.
But Mardoc was an asshole and all he ever wanted was power, so he decided to create a coup with Balekin— Prince Dain’s brother— who was also thirsty to be the next king. Balekin and Mardoc killed Prince Dain during his coronation. He also killed their other brothers and sisters, so no one could ever steal the crown on his possession. But in order to truly pass the throne, he needed another one from their bloodline to put the crown in his head and declare him to be the true king of Faerie.
That was when Cardac significance in this series intensified. He was the youngest of them but also not truly the youngest of them because, let’s not forget about Oak, right? Uhhh… okay. Well, fuck.
This book has so much plot twist that I’m already having a hard time explaining it. Hahahaha.
Let’s get back to Cardan.
I honestly don’t know if he was really the Cruel Prince or it was his brothers but nevertheless, despite his attitude, I still like his character! He was vicious, mean and a control freak. An alcoholic brat who wanted to get all the things he wished for. Actually, scratch that, he didn’t need to wish. He could get what he want with just a snap of his fingers. And I love that! I love that I was stuck in between liking and loathing him.
But upon digging more, I have realized that he was just hiding in the shadows of his friends— Valerian, Narcasia and Locke, who were also complete assholes, by the way.
They had the most wicked attitude ever, specifically Valerian who loved violence so much. Good thing, Jude killed him first before he could do the same. Anyway, Cardan and his friends’ relationship was too complicated to explain, too, which made this book interesting for me.
Deep down, Cardan was just as sad as Jude was. He just wanted to be loved by his family who cared for nothing but politics and the throne. He belittled Jude because he was jealous of her. She was a mortal, yes, but her family loved her. That made Cardan despise Jude very much.
I don’t want to talk about the twist and turns this book pulled off anymore. It makes me dizzy. It’s exhausting to explain. Hahaha. But all in all, it was a good read. I had fun jumping in to the world of Faerie. Holly’s writing is beautiful and magical. I don’t want to do comparisons but all I could say is, Holly did a great job at making me want to be a fae. Kudos!
I’d still read the next installment and I can’t wait!
Rating: 4/5 stars.
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Episodes 17-20
The reason why Pikachu runs through the random Lass' legs in the theme song is because of a mistranslation of the theme song where the original says something along the lines of "under a girl's skirt"
Can Gyarados use Dragon Rage solo or does it always require 5 of them?
Krabby decides to just pinch the fuck out of Jesse and James' thighs while they're stuck head first in sand. Mouth foaming, they didn’t forget <3
Jesse got Ekans for her birthday last year and James got Koffing for Christmas? Is that a normal thing? Who did they get them from? Did they not have Pokemon before that? How long have they been trainers and how long did it take them to become villains?
How did Pikachu just know these were Ash's Pokeballs? Could it smell the Pokemon inside again like it did with Caterpie?
I fucking love Slowpoke.
Did they just leave the Pokeballs on the beach? If so, can you just put a Pokemon you own in another Pokeball if you lose the first one?
Why are Ash's Pokemon intelligent but Ekans and Koffing talk in "You not master, master is master" types of speech.
There are no bad Pokemon only bad trainers is one of my favorite ideas from this entire franchise.
Bulbasaur is such a Debbie downer, fuck that guy.
Are these fruits or berries from Gen 2 forward?
Giant Rhydon is unexpected.
Did the giant Zapdos know Ash and co. were under it or was it just shooting lightning for the yolo?
Giant Moltres shot fire at Jesse and James like it knew they were there but just kept going anyway? I'm confused on the motives of these giant Pokemon.
Why is there a ramen shop in the middle of this forest ran by a Slowbro?
Bulbasaur is sloshed and yelling at Squirtle.
So Giovanni's voice is always distorted for some reason?
Are Ekans and Koffing portrayed that way because they're Team Rocket's Pokemon or because they're poison-type, or?
These giant Pokemon are awfully hostile.
Bulbasaur is such an edgelord, holy.
This singular rail cart is able to drag the massive Kabutops without even slowing slightly.
Now it's dragging Kabutops and giant Pikachu with it, what is this rail cart made of?
It's dragging all of the Pokemon now. This is the most powerful force in existence.
Giant Pokemon are all machines so are they programmed to be aggressive toward bystanders?
Giovanni owns Pokemonland, makes sense.
The sexualization of Misty in her bathing suit is weird as she is 10.
Ash, Misty, and Brock steal a boat and then ram it into Team Rocket, crashing the boat into a dock. What a bunch of hooligans.
Whoa, creepy old guy gets perv blush when he sees Misty in bathing suit and says "you remind me of my granddaughter" that went over my head when I was younger.
So the Team Rocket vs Ash and co. in this episode will be over the restaurants they're working at.
Brock thinks Jesse looks hot in her waitress outfit. Pretty sure she's like 14. This series is weird.
Someone got paid to use the word twerpateria.
These are the most effective banana peels of all time.
Why does Moe owe Brutella so much money?
Oak is here with Ash's mom? Get you some, Prof!
How did Brock become the announcer for the beauty contest if he just learned about it the same day?
Oak and Ash's mom talk an awful lot for just platonic homies, just saying.
Starmie can just float apparently.
Holy he just called Ash out for literal no reason.
What is this rivalry even based off of? What did Ash and Gary do to even become rivals?
Why does the Gyarados submarine have tank treads?
This episode made negative sense.
Ash's mom has a nice butt.
Horsea ink spurts art of Tentacool and Tentacruel and Misty can only think to catch it.
How can Staryu and Starmie fly?
Nastina brings up eating Pokemon again, so I have to assume that this is a real thing people do. All meat must come from a Pokemon in this world. How do you find out if a Pokemon is better for battling or for eating? Do you sometimes do both?
When did they get the Horsea and put it in this random pool with Pikachu? Why was that done offscreen?
Nastina and Brutella are the same person but in one of those weird anime kind of ways not the same person.
The undersea horde of Tentacool is actually frightening to think about.
The stun sauce somehow made this Tentacool evolve into the world's largest Tentacruel for reasons.
Tentacruel is known as the gangster of the sea...but how?
I wonder if Godzillacruel and Godzillanite ever meet up and talk about what it's like to be 10x larger than the rest of their kind.
Tentacool and Tentacruel do the "tentacles on head to communicate through the vessel" thing from Independance Day.
Do Pokemon inside Pokeballs see what's going on around them? If not how did Pidgeotto know where Horsea was when Ash sent it out with only the command, "Catch it"
So Bulbasaur had to wrap vines around Butterfree to be carried but Zubat with no appendages is able to carry Squirtle just fine?
Why is Goldeen even ever sent out? It's more useless than Magikarp so far in this series.
The Staryu and Starmie kind of gripping Tentacool and throwing them into the water looks so disturbing.
So what makes guns acceptable in this episode and not the Porygon one? Where is the line drawn?
Nastina blasting of agaaaaaaaaaaain.
Nastina and Brutella are cousins it turns out.
Brock feels me on swimsuit season.
Misty keeps being called scrawny and honestly she dumb thicc for a 10 year old.
Holy shit that painting is over 2,000 years old? It held up miraculously well.
Oh wow, there's a bedtime curfew for Pokemon Trainers? Why is that a thing?
Jesse does a solo rendition of Team Rocket's Motto and this might be the saddest moment of the series so far.
Anti-Ghost Stickers, aren't these just charms or seals? I guess that was too occult for a kids show?
Jesse shot a bazooka at a ghost. This is a thing that just happened.
Gastly as a giant mongoose wearing a gas mask stepping on Koffing is an image I didn't think I'd ever see tbh.
Venusaur and Blastoise fusion dance into Venustoise, hmm.
So Gastly can only pull this act once a year? Why? He says he hates the sun but there's night literally every night?
So the ghost of the maiden is real and Gastly just pulls this shit so no one forgets?
Misty looks so much better with her hair down.
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