#meliadoul x reader
jals-stuff · 2 months
hello :) saw ur headcanons! mind doing one w deli and the sl*tty jester pleaseeee?
good day anon~ I see that everyone is barking for Domina and Famin so I'll do just that.
SPOILERS AHEAD FOR MASHLE! If you do not know Domina, Famin, Delisaster and Meliadoul, please do not read!
Unless you don't care about spoilers. Then you're free to read~
How would these Mashle characters react if they found their s/o stuck in the washing machine? + personal ratings (again)
For Meliadoul, Domina, Famin and Delisaster.
Warnings: embarrassing? there's an f-bomb somewhere in here
short washing machine headcanons (part 2!)
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She’s probably training Ochoa to do stupid things she saw on the internet when you call for her. (Thank you for saving the little guy.)
She’s going to laugh out loud when she sees you stuck head first inside the washing machine! Of course she will. “Please c’mon, please say Stepsis, I’m stuck!” but you won’t, because she’s laughing too hard for you to even understand what she just said.
When she’s finally calm again, she will try to get you out, struggling quite a lot and muttering insults towards the poor washing machine’s family tree, then finally give up and cut through it with her Magical Chainsaw. 
You’ll get very scared, of course, and the chainsaw will absolutely cut through you, but you’ll feel extra relaxed afterwards. She will occasionally tease you about this episode, mostly if you’re cuddling with her.
Made fun + cut you with her Chainsaw, but now you feel nice. You aren’t even mad, 8/10.
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Domina is attempting to make some apple pie when his focus is broken by a muffled scream coming from the laundry room. He sighs and immediately makes his way there.
With anyone else, he would get super angry, but it’s you, and he loves you very much. “Oh no, (Y/N), are you alright?” He isn’t panicking, but he’s a little worried that you might be feeling in pain or too uncomfortable.
He will undoubtedly get you out very nice and slow, and make sure to inspect your face and arms to be absolutely certain that you aren’t hurt (you’d better hope so if you don’t want him to molest your poor washing machine afterwards).
If you’re embarrassed or uncomfortable about it, he’s going to bring you with him and keep making apple pie (it was supposed to be a surprise for you but fuck it) to distract you.
Gentle and cute, definitely makes good pies. 9/10 don’t forget to praise him for this please
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He’s.. I don’t know, probably stealing stuff from his brothers’ rooms when you call him, and his head makes a whole 180° turn before he realises that you need him, and he comes to see you.
Will probably sit on your back while you’re stuck. “Is it nice in there?” he’s going to ask while giggling. If you say it isn’t, he will pull you out immediately and sit next to you to check your expression for any discomfort.
However, if you’re dating Famin, you’re the type that will say it’s nice, so he will first of all pull you out of the washing machine, and then take your spot in there. He’s going to end up being stuck too.
Now you have to pull him out and you don’t know how to do that, you’re left with a jester inside a washing machine. Sounds like the beginning of an awful pun.
Helped, but got stuck instead. at least it was funny, 7/10.
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He is 100% scrolling on social media or taking selfies when you call for him, and he’ll keep his eyes glued to his phone while making his way to you.
Upon seeing the pitiful display in front of him, he chuckles. “Oh, em, gee. Are you, like, stuck or something?” He will definitely sit down next to you and take selfies showing his face next to your figure, completely stuck.
He will start a TikTok livestream (titled "LMAO F IN THE CHAT FOR (Y/N)") and ask his followers for advice to get someone out of a washing machine, and make absolutely sure that everyone can see you. What a jerk.
If you start sulking or being too uncomfortable, he will put his phone away and get you out of there immediately, without any further questions. Maybe he’ll take you to a party or let you rest on his lap as an apology.
Mean, and why does he speak like a frat boy?? But at least he’s pretty and the party was nice. 7/10
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luxthestrange · 1 month
MASHLE Incorrect quotes#33 Gossip-
Imagine you are an immortal cursed human, you have seen it all, and instead of mourning the loss of past friends and lovers or cursing the gods...use your immortal life for evil or good...you just live happily...with endless knowledge ...of facts and gossip...ALWAYS ready to dish-
Kaldo: There must be endless information you’ve gathered throughout all your past lives-
Immortal!Y/n: I know everyone’s dirty little secrets
Kaldo: I don’t suppose you’d share any with me…?
Immortal!Y/n: You would never guess which Adam Jobs three pupils have a foot fetish
Kaldo: Not at all the sort of information I was looking for...
Kaldo: Who?-
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renonm · 2 months
Hi! Can I ask for a headcanon about Meliadoul as a mother figure for the readers? The readers will enter Walkis academy and I want to know her response to it because she is an alumni of Easton academy 👉🏻👈🏻
A/N: she definitely serves as mother
•sowwy that it's kinda short I'll be a good kwitten next time🥺(im joekinv plz)
• After finding out that you got into Walkis Academy, she was slightly shocked because well, she was an alumni of Easton Academy and well… You’re entering Walkis Academy… Stares…
• But will respect your choice for choosing that Academy, it has its perks…. maybe… yeah…
• Scrap that!! As your mother figure, she should be happy for you!! I mean, you looked sure about going there, so Meliadoul must trust you in your decision.
• “You know my child, back when I was in Easton Academy, I used to—” starts yapping about her life back then as a youngster, that would have been enough to make you fall asleep…
• “Do this” and “Do that” she will nag you on preparing for the Academy, but what can you do? Obviously follow Meliadoul because she’s apparently “right at everything.”
• Wheew!! Intense training as apart of preparation, but you literally passed the exam why would you need to train more— WRONG!! Keep training!!!
• Lets you take a break though, “Even the most powerful mages need to rest in order to remain stability and power.” But during that break she will yap more about her youngster days.
• At the first day, Meliadoul would insist to walk you there, and will literally (fake) sob as you walk away to enter the Academy.
• “Look at my child. They’re already fully grown, even now going to an academy.” weeps…
• If you ever come back, she'll ask you about what's happening in your school life, give you advice, and nag you more about your magic…
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vikuo-kuma · 4 months
Spoilers for my Fanfic from my Wattpad
A/N: It’s a reader x various 😭
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luxthestrange · 24 days
MASHLE Memes #6
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luxthestrange · 24 days
MASHLE Incorrect quotes#34 INTRO!
Immortal!Y/n Shennanigangs-
Adam*Introducing his young pupils to his friend*-That's Y/n, one of my most closets recruits*Pointing to You who is waving at the wizards holding a rope*
Immortal!Y/n*Smiles as they let go of the rope*...
As the boulder crashes into them, Killing them instantly the boulder slides their body starts to rise up, They groan sitting up as if nothing happened to them...The three students are left in shock at this
Adam*Sighs and rubs his temples* -They are immortal, Which is kind of a hassle for them since they don't want to live apparently...
Wahlberg,Amy & Zero:...
Immortal!Y/n*Whines in defeat* Will nothing end this vicious cycle?
Adam: They also talk, Which is a hassle for me, since they never shut up-
-Present time-
Immortal!Y/n: And that...my dear boy is how I met your father...*Puts the intro of "How I met your Mother"*
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part 2 of:
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