#meeting a lot of sleep token fans in the wild
sleepanonymous · 20 days
After Red Rocks, when I got out of my post-concert shower I laid in bed and made this list so I wouldn't forget some important details of the ritual. I was gonna turn this into a cohesive post but I'm home and I'm lazy so you get screenshots instead 😅
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joontier · 4 years
mile high memoirs | oneshot
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synopsis: you and the two other rappers of the global sensation BTS make a collaboration of sorts 
pairings: namgi (namjoon and yoongi) x reader
rating: R (18+)
genre: fluff, humor, smut | au: idol! au; established relationship! au
warnings: pwp basically hnngnhng; and yes sex on a private jet bc why tf not ; cunnilingus, oral sex (m and f receiving), cum swallowing, dom! Yoongi undertones, threesome, double penetration, anal sex, multiple orgasms; i have nothing else to say at this point except im dragging yall with me to thirst hours
word count: 5.9k
g/n: NAMGI NATION RISE!!!!!! anywho, this is a lovely gift for @mintseesaw​ for being an awesomesauce person in general and yes, we’re thirsting for the same men bUT SHE WONT SHARE HNGNNNG SO I’VE WRITTEN THIS INSTEAD (in the hopes that this might satiate my obviously unquenchable thirst for the hyung line!?/1!?!?) ALSO THIS IS HEAVILY UNEDITED KJFSKDJFSDJF please let me know what you think! x
between the lenses navi. |  navi. | m.list
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“_________! Please look this way!”
“How do you feel about New Day becoming the number one streamed song in more than forty countries after being released just last week?”
“Is it true that you’re in a relationship with BTS’ Suga? Or RM? Or are the three of you engaged in a polyamorous relationship?”
The last one catches you off guard and you look away from the cameras to hide the amusement on your face. The last thing you need is people speculating about your personal life once they see your reaction to their questions, so you continue on your way to immigration, face down and expressionless.
If you were being completely honest, there was always a crowd that came with you when you had schedules overseas, fans and paparazzi huddled together as they took pictures of you. But today was different, especially considering the fact that you were also at Gimpo, and not Incheon.
With Gimpo, a significantly less busier airport than Incheon, you had only anticipated a smaller crowd but you seemed to have forgotten that you were scheduled to fly with two of the rappers of BTS to Amsterdam today to film the music video for your collaboration, “New Day”.
Upon your arrival, a throng of security guards placed themselves as barricades to bar the large group of people from crowding the hallways. Your team successfully weaves your way through the massive crowd and arrives safely by the immigration.
You soon see your boyfriend lounging by the private boarding area, and Yoongi immediately stands to greet you. You place a quick peck on his lips when you meet. Namjoon stands to greet you as well and you turn to the younger man to give him a huge hug. “It’s been a while since I saw you Joonie!” The tall rapper gets shy at your nickname, dimples peeking as he looks down.
“It must have been wild out there,” Yoongi says, giving you a once over as he checks if you got hurt or injured on the way to the boarding area. You coo at your boyfriend, face crumpling at his concern even after years of being in a relationship. Nuzzling your head onto the crook of his neck, you inhale the wonderful scent of the perfume you’d gave him when you came back from your US tour.
“Yeah it was! Honestly whenever I leave Korea, the amount of people who’d send me off isn’t even half of the crowd out there – and that’s already in Incheon! Not Gimpo! I always seem to forget that you guys are worldwide superstars!” Yoongi just laughs at your observation, shaking his head at you as he offers his iced Americano. 
Unbeknownst to those outside your private lives, you had initially met Yoongi pre-debut. You used to attend the same school back in Daegu and fun fact: you were the same ex-girlfriend he’d composed a letter for during high school and sent the same to a radio station to have it aired.
You had both met at a tender age, and admittedly, there were a few petty reasons for your break-up, but one of them was because you both wanted to pursue a career in music, and with the kpop industry not exactly big on the idols dating, you had decided to remain friends, for the time being.
It was Yoongi who contacted you first when you debuted in late 2012, and as you caught on with your lives, sharing similar stories during your trainee days, he’d also asked you to anticipate their debut in a few months’ time as well.
True to his word, their group debuted the following year in June, and you had sent congratulatory flowers to BigHit, praising them for their powerful stages and a very promising career. You and Yoongi had kept in touch ever since. Nothing wrong about rekindling an old flame, right?
Funny enough, dating under the radar seemed to have fallen naturally for the two of you as you both prefer staying indoors and improvising dates rather than having to go out and risk getting caught by the media. Besides, it would have been easier just in case things got a little bit heated. Which happened most of the time. In your defense though, being able to meet at least once a week was already a blessing – so occurrences like that were bound to happen…
One day while you were trying to work out this melody for a song you composed, Yoongi sat next to you and pulled you on his lap as he rested his chin on your shoulder. “Why don’t I help you with that love?” He lets you rest your back on his chest as his fingers fluidly move against the piano keys. Genuinely satisfied with what he played for you, you placed a kiss on his cheek as a token of your gratitude. “Thanks, Suga PDnim.”
“Speaking of that… do you want to have a collab – you and me?” You look at him, expectantly, mouth slightly open at surprise of his proposal. Truthfully, you had thought about that even before you actually got back in to a relationship, but you could never really bring the subject up because he always seemed so busy and you didn’t want to burden him any further by asking for extra work.
And that’s what you told him, but your boyfriend only laughed at you, intertwining his hands with yours on the piano. “Baby, I would’ve dropped all the other collaborations if you had just said the word.”
You were beyond elated, and honored, and when Namjoon came in to check on Yoongi, the latter asked if he had any opinion on a collaboration between Yoongi and you. Your boyfriend even convinced the younger rapper to get involved in the track. With the blessing of Bang PDnim, you’re finally here, scheduled to travel overseas to film the music video for the track the three of you had worked on which went global in mere hours, thanks to the very talented men you got the chance to work with.
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You take out your camera from your bag to film a little, just in case you’ll get to release a ‘behind-the-scenes’ vlog for your collaboration. You make an attempt to film Yoongi who’s half-awake but all to no avail. Namjoon gladly offers some screen time for your video. The younger rapper laughs shyly when you squeal in excitement asking him for a few words about your collaboration. Namjoon does so like a professional: telling the camera where you’re headed off to today, thanking the fans for their never-ending support, and wishing them to anticipate the upcoming music video. 
It doesn’t take long before someone tells the lot that your plane is ready to board, so you wake a dazed Yoongi and bid goodbye to the rest of the staff who were taking a separate flight to your destination. 
Ever the hardworking idol, Yoongi decides to make some revisions on a song he’s working on while you take this time to finally finish a book Namjoon himself recommended a while back. You don’t notice the hours that have passed by when you check the window, and it’s already pitch-black outside, save the occasional gray because of the clouds.
Unbuckling your seatbelt, you head over to the lavatory to relieve your bladder. On your way back to your seat, you glance Namjoon’s way and see the flesh-colored screen your eyes getting glued to the screen watching two men pound a girl into the mattress. You get drawn back to reality because of some minor turbulence and you quickly avert your eyes from the screen.
“Babe, Joonie’s watching porn,” you whisper as you get to your seat, snuggling into your warm blanket. “And who told my girlfriend it was right to snoop into other people’s preferential pastimes?”  
You roll your eyes at him, “It’s not like I purposely watched what was on his screen! Just in case you needed the facts, he was seated with his back facing me, so it’s just natural that I’d get a glimpse of whatever ‘preferential pastime’ it is that you he was doing on his phone! It’s not my fault he didn’t dim the brightness if he truly wanted to watch it privately- “
“You didn’t need to go off, babe,” Yoongi laughs, placing a kiss on your head. “Should we head to bed now? I wanna sleep…and cuddle. Sleep, really, but since you’re here, I guess we could cuddle.”
“You make it sound like it’s a chore!”
Yoongi gives your indignance no attention, just tugging you up from your seat towards the bedroom. “Joon, we’re going to go to sleep now. You should go do the same soon.”
Namjoon’s lips part to reply, but Yoongi beats him to it. “And don’t even think about attempting to sleep in that seat. There are two beds back there for a reason. _______ and I will just share one. Feel free to take the other.” A small smile graces the younger man’s face in gratitude, nodding his head as he wishes you both a good night’s sleep.
Of course, life is bittersweet – so even with an insanely comfy bed and your boyfriend beside you to snuggle freely – a good night’s sleep is the last thing you get. Restlessly turning to lie on your back for what seems to be the hundredth time tonight, you heave a sigh as you stare at the jet’s ceiling. Must’ve been the iced Americano you shared with Yoongi before you boarded. Damn him and his triple-shot Americano.
Namjoon enters the room and notices your state of restlessness. “Can’t sleep?”
“Sort of.”
“There’s warm milk by the galley if you want some.”
“I’m too lazy to get up…”
Namjoon chortles, finding it’s moments like these that remind him of your likeness to Yoongi. “I can get you some if you want?” Namjoon offers, already turning to leave the room but you grab his arm, stopping him from doing so.
“No, please! You really don’t need to. I know I’ll be able to sleep in a few more minutes….”
“The average person falls asleep in twenty, and you and Yoongi hyung came here about an hour ago,” Namjoon points out. Giving him a blank stare, you reply, “Why don’t you head to bed and rest? We’ve still got a long day tomorrow.”
“Okay. Good night, noona.”
“Night Joonie.”
You have proven all of Google’s methods of falling asleep faster to be false. Warm milk, the 4-7-8 breathing method, relaxing music, even counting sheep in vain. You’d even tried working on your vlog to Amsterdam (that you probably aren’t even going to release), giving up when you couldn’t make out Yoongi’s slurred speech when you tried to interview him while he was napping (you don’t know why you even bothered at this point, but you probably thought it was funny earlier this afternoon).
Nada. Nothing was working, not when you’ve still got three shots of espresso coursing through your veins.
There was only one way left and you had a feeling that this was going to definitely knock you out. You need to get exhausted, and the only idea left is sitting cross-legged at the back of your head, blowing a huge bubble with her gum as she files her nails. She looks at you with taunting eyes. You glance over to Namjoon’s bed, analyzing his features to see if he had gone to sleep already or not. A light snore that escapes his lips assures you so.
Letting out another exhale, you turn to face Yoongi on your left, studying his features. Your boyfriend wakes when your lips graze his cheek as you place a light kiss on his milky skin. One eye pries open to peer at you. “Babe, what are you doing?” His groggy voice shouldn’t have appealed to you as strongly as it did now, but your desperation to get some sleep had seemed to travel south.
“Just kissing my beautiful boyfriend,” you shrug innocently, fighting the teasing lilt in your voice when you see the corner of his lips rise at your sudden compliment. “You don’t fool me, Miss _____, Billboard’s Top Female Solo Artist of the Year, MAMA’s Best Rap Performance, Golden Disc Awards’ Best…”
“Okay, okay, you got me.” You giggle as Yoongi pulls you closer to meet your lips in a chaste kiss. “What’s wrong princess?” You state the obvious, pointing to your eyes which now probably had bags under them. “Can’t sleep,” you pout, slipping your hand underneath his shirt to give him a back rub as you snuggle to his chest.
“And what do you suppose we are to do about it?” Yoongi asks, chest rumbling as he speaks. You take your bottom lip between your teeth as you look up at him expectantly, giving him a knowing look.
Yoongi looks at you incredulously, the lack of rest still visible in his features. You instantly look away, guilt spreading across your chest. You internally scold yourself as you had to wake up your boyfriend for selfish reasons. Your boyfriend senses your sudden hesitance and places a finger under your chin, ordering you to look at him. “Hey, hey, look at me darling. Right here, right now? I’m gonna be honest with you, I don’t have the energy to-“
“Doesn’t matter, I’ll do all the work.”
“And Namjoon, who’s just a mere meter away?” His pitch lowers, voice now barely above a whisper. You nod shyly and Yoongi’s eyes darken at your unspoken offer.
“You’re a naughty little slut, aren’t you?” Yoongi hisses, placing his hands on your waist and lifting you easily to have your sit on his thighs, just below his crotch. “Wanting to fuck on a plane, while another member is sleeping right beside us?”
Placing your hands on Yoongi’s chest for support, you move your hips forward, grinding your crotch against your boyfriend’s. Yoongi pulls you forward by your arms, just enough that your face is merely centimeters away from him. Wasting no time, he presses his lips against yours, darting his tongue out to deepen the kiss. He expresses his desire to help you with your dilemma by thrusting upwards gently to join your gyrating hips.
You peek sideways to check on Namjoon and breathe a sigh of relief when he finally turns to the other side, back facing the both of you. 
You hastily discard your top and your bra in desperation, hands roaming all over your torso and eventually letting them end at your chest, fondling with your breasts and tweaking your nipples between your fingers. Not satisfied with your own ministrations, you guide Yoongi’s hands to your breasts, letting him squeeze them as he pleases beneath his open palms.
“God, you’re so fucking hot,” Yoongi murmurs, bending his knees to push himself upwards to make himself more comfortable. Yoongi quickly attaches his moist lips to one of your breasts, sucking at the supple flesh. You grind heavier against him in response and Yoongi takes this as an opportunity to fist a handful of your hair and tug sharply, baring your neck to him. 
You barely manage to hold in your whimpers when he sucks on a particularly sensitive spot on your neck, definitely leaving a purplish mark there that you’ll eventually have to cover up with foundation. Nothing you’ve never done before. “Remember that short dress you wore on stage last week with that dangerous cleavage?” You nod shakily, remembering the way Yoongi tried hard to not stare at you too long as one of his fansites might catch onto something. 
“Guess what baby? It’s payback time.” 
“For what?” You flutter your eyes innocently at him and you suddenly feel the temperature rise a few degrees with Yoongi’s intense stare. 
“You knew exactly what you were doing that night, naughty little tease.” Okay, maybe you did, and maybe you bit your lip in front of the camera at the exact moment you knew he was looking. Needless to say, he avoided your eyes for the rest of the evening during that particular awards show. 
He thrusts up harshly, his clothed hard-on grinding deliciously against your likewise covered cunt. “Mhmm, Yoongs… I- I wanna…” You don’t find the need to say anything else, just one look at the bulge inside his sweatpants was enough for him to understand.
“Yes please.” Yoongi sighs in contentment, raising his hips to help you remove his clothes. You include his boxers as you take his sweatpants off, cock slapping against his stomach as it springs free from the confines of his underwear.
Giggling excitedly, you hide beneath the covers, fitting yourself snugly between Yoongi’s legs. You take your time as you stare at his dick, long and girthy and curved just the right amount – always a tight fit inside your walls. You couldn’t wait for later when he’ll let you impale yourself on his cock as you ride him – the vivid picture makes you even wetter.
Building up his anticipation, you start placing kisses from his happy trail down to his groin, kneading his balls gently while you’re at it. Finding it difficult to communicate his feelings is one trait of Yoongi that definitely has its pros and cons. For one, people actually think Yoongi doesn’t care for others but it’s actually the complete opposite, but along with this, he gives the most genuine reactions, one which you are thankful for, especially during times like these.
Yoongi’s pretty responsive, and vocal at times when he’s really in the mood, and when you tentatively flick your tongue against his frenulum, the instantaneous quiver of Yoongi’s body has you reveling, giving yourself an imaginary pat on the back.
Momentarily leaving his red, angry shaft, you gently take his balls in your mouth, sucking on it, and gently massaging it with your tongue. “Quit the teasing, _______.” Being the good, obedient girl that you are, you comply immediately, paying attention to his dick this time.
You see his abdominals contract when you finally take him in your mouth, veiny hands grabbing at your temple to fist a handful of your hair. Inch by inch, you let his cock sink into your mouth, swallowing when he reaches the back of your throat. Yoongi hisses at the sensation, cursing to a throw pillow he’d taken from the seats.
Not wanting to agonize him any longer, you get to a pleasurable pace, bobbing your head up and down his length. Yoongi’s chest starts heaving and his grip on your hair tightens – the tell-tale signs of his impending orgasm. “Shit, baby…” Your boyfriend warns you that he’s about to cum, and you pull back a little, just to feel him release ropes of his cum inside your mouth.
Yoongi beckons you closer, weakly pulling at your arms to have you lie on his chest. He’s still panting when you get closer, “You, darling, are perfection personified.”
Slapping his chest lightly in jest, you reply, “You’re only saying that because I just gave you the best blowjob of your life.” Yoongi pulls his head back, facial features exaggeratedly contorted to fake being offended. “Okay first of all, you always do. And second, do you want me to get sappy and make a list what makes you the perfect woman ever?” He asks, letting two of his fingers dance on the bare skin of your belly, eventually leading southwards, “Or…I could just show you how much you mean to me by doing something else? Something you and I will both enjoy, hmm?”
Expressing your approval with a hum, Yoongi wastes no time, meeting your lips in a feverish kiss. Gasping at the sensation of his wet lips trailing all the way from your cheek, down to your jaw then your collarbones and onto the valley of your breasts, you squirm impatiently underneath your boyfriend.
“Patience, darling,” Yoongi chuckles, sending you a flirty wink as he gets down on you, teasingly pulling at the waistband of your shorts before removing them. His gaze darkens when he notices your underwear choice – a lacy red thong just for him. You’ve meant to have him remove it from you once you reach the hotel in Amsterdam, but doing it in a jet seems just as hot.
When he gets the thong off of you, he quickly pockets it inside his discarded sweatpants by the end of the bed. Getting back to his task at hand, you’re unable to control the gasp that escapes your lips when Yoongi brazenly flattens his tongue on your bare core.
Keeping your folds open with two fingers, he curls his tongue around your clit, thighs subconsciously squeezing his head in between because of the stimulation. With one hand, he keeps your legs spread open for him. Alternating between your clit and your entrance, Yoongi makes sure not a single region of your core is left out.
Wanting to put your limits to the test, your boyfriend tentatively slides a finger against your folds, the coldness of your couple ring on his digit making you quiver to the bone. He slowly slides a finger in, prepping your hole for what’s to come. You plead for one more, fully aware that your greedy little pussy isn’t contented with one. Yoongi complies with your request at once, pumping his digits inside of you and occasionally curling them inside. That familiar coil inside you tightens with every second, and with one particular curl of his digit and his mouth on your clit, you reach your high.
Your body trembles with the intensity of your orgasm, and Yoongi won’t stop just yet, still licking long stripes on your cunt. Your boyfriend stops abruptly and rises, resting all his weight on his arms as he crawls forward and lowers himself to whisper something in your ear. “He’s awake. You want me to do something about it?” 
Legs closing subconsciously while in thought, Yoongi gives you a few choices to ponder on. “We could pretend he’s not awake and get done with this, or…” Yoongi looks at you, carefully studying your facial reaction, “we could have another collaboration of some sort…” 
“It’s really up to you baby, I’m honestly okay with both.” 
You raise your eyebrows at his statement, never really taking Yoongi as the type to explore your deepest sexual fantasies. But then again, Yoongi has always been one to support you in everything, even with your kinks. Maybe the idea didn't surprise you as much as it should have considering the level of trust that came with living with someone for almost ten years already. 
Yoongi gently falls to your side for a moment as he lets you decide. “You know, Namjoon used to have a crush on you,” your boyfriend informs, twirling a loose strand of your hair around his finger. Now that was a surprise. “He did?” 
“Mhmm. At one point, he even had you as his phone wallpaper when you released your second single.” 
“Oh really?” 
“Yeah, I really don’t mind if you wanted to indulge him, you know, as an early birthday present? We actually had this kind of conversation a few years back and honestly, we’re both willing to try a threesome… what better way to do it with a person you trust right?” 
The bluntness of his words catches you off guard - several trains of thoughts scattered throughout your brain. Namjoon had a crush on you? Birthday present? Threesome? How did you even get in this situation in the first place? Yoongi shifts a little as you continue contemplating, then you take notice of Yoongi’s bare lower half, cock still stiff and upright. Shit! 
“You’re still hard,” you comment lamely, staring at his dick. “I know, and I’d greatly appreciate it if you tell me your decision quickly…” 
You look at him again, checking if there is the slightest hint of uncertainty in his eyes. When you see none, you ask him again, “You’re really sure you’re okay with that?” 
“Of course, as long as you’re comfortable with the idea. Honestly, I’m willing to have it any way because we still have a very pressing problem,” Yoongi points to his crotch, “and honestly, I think Namjoon is too. There’s nothing more that can turn a man on other than a woman’s moans,” he shrugs. 
You want to laugh at Yoongi being totally nonchalant about this whole situation, but if you’d listen to your gut feeling, you’re sensing it’s Yoongi’s outstanding self-control that has him so calm and collected about this proposal. 
Once you tell your boyfriend of your approval, he calls Namjoon at once. When the younger man won’t budge, you look at Yoongi who just shakes his head at you with a playful smirk on his face. He points at you then back to Namjoon, gesturing you to do the talking. 
You gulp before saying a short plea to the heavens above. Surely, they’re bound to hear you better since you’re already in the sky right? “Joonie, darling, it’s okay to look. We don’t mind.” You cringe at the tone of your voice, surprised at how convincing you sounded while you were having an inner turmoil. 
When you see Namjoon’s head raise a little, you subconsciously bite your lip in anticipation. Wanting nothing more than to see what he has to say about this. Yoongi probably senses his hesitation so he starts to speak, “It’s okay, she’s covered with a blanket.”
“But you’re not!” Yoongi juts his head forward, a grim look on his face. “As if you haven’t seen me naked before!” 
“That’s different! T-This is a completely different situation.” 
“Listen to me you kinky ass motherfucker, I just know you’re hard. I am too, and you know damn well it’s painful and uncomfortable. So, unless you want me to fuck her while you’re watching or pretending to be asleep, I suggest you take your clothes off and come here.” 
“Are you both sure you’re okay with this?” 
“Didn’t you just hear our conversation a while ago? I mean your bed is just a meter away.” 
“I know, I heard,” Namjoon says, hands already at the hem of his hoodie, then instantaneously looks at the older one dead in the eye, “But, hyung, did you really have to call me out like that?! The whole crush thing and the wallpaper - jeez!” 
Namjoon takes his phone out of his hoodie first, placing it by the window, then removing the rest of the clothes he has on quickly under your heated gaze.
“Try having a conversation while you’re hard,” Yoongi mutters, rolling his eyes. Yoongi scoots closer to you when Namjoon moves forward, standing with only his boxers left on. Your mouth waters at the outline of his straining bulge while Yoongi clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth.
“Why don't you show your Joonie what that mouth can do?” 
The tall man makes a sound between a cough and a groan, and you lie on your stomach, crawling a little bit closer to come face to face with Namjoon’s crotch. You just know he’s longer than Yoongi judging from what you’re seeing, but Yoongi’s definitely girthier and fuck - the thought alone is enough for you to come undone, completely untouched. 
Namjoon shivers lightly when you trace a finger along the length of his boner, placing a light kiss atop his cloth boxers. Impatiently, you hook a finger on the waistband of his Versace boxers. Holy fuck - you send another prayer to their hard stans, wishing them an equally intense life inside the bedroom.
His cock springs free, and you scoot closer, wanting to have a better look at his pretty dick. You get into action quickly, hand wrapping around the base of his cock. You place a kiss on the leaking head, before licking a wet stripe along the length of his shaft. 
You get more confident when Namjoon inhales sharply at the simple action. A few more licks and you decide to finally take him in his mouth, gradually moving lower until you have at least a third of him in your mouth. Namjoon sighs, fingers carding through your hair as you pull your mouth off him with a pop. Once more, you sink down, shallow and easy as you tease the younger man. 
The grip on your hair eventually tightens, goading you on and encouraging you to go deeper. Namjoon becomes more vocal when you pick up the pace, and when you go down all the way to the hilt, you pause for a moment, then swallow. “Holy fuck!” Namjoon cries out, head lolling backwards in pleasure. “God, I wish I had a girlfriend too.” Yoongi chuckles from behind you and you almost forgot he was there too with Namjoon’s pretty length keeping you preoccupied. 
Yoongi praises you and calls you a good girl. Beaming at your boyfriend, he tells you to continue giving Namjoon the blow of his life. Under Yoongi’s compliments, you work harder, ignoring the slight burn in your jaw. Namjoon starts bucking his hips, desperately chasing his high in your mouth. As you feel that coil slowly forming in the pit of your stomach, you gather some of the blankets between your thighs, bunching them up against your cunt so you have something to shamelessly grind your folds with. 
Namjoon’s breathing gets strained, and you feel a tap on your leg, causing you to momentarily stop with Namjoon. Yoongi says nothing as he tells you to flip over. Settling your weight on your elbows, you watch Yoongi hand Namjoon a silver packet. “You really think you won’t get caught wetting the sheets babe? You’re not the only who gets to have fun here.” 
He peppers a few kisses on your things before placing a hand between, spreading your legs open. “What are you waiting for, princess? Wanna leave Namjoon hanging just like that?” Unsure of what he has in mind, Namjoon helps you guide his shaft back to your mouth. As Namjoon returns to a rhythmic pace inside your mouth, you feel Yoongi settling himself between your legs. Good lord, was this really about to happen? 
Your back arches when Yoongi starts with light vertical licks from the bottom to top. You feel his hand trail upwards, gently caressing your breasts. You’re mewling by the time Namjoon increases his pace, and Yoongi starts and toying with your clit mercilessly. 
The feeling gets too much when Yoongi sucks on your nether bud, then proceeds to tease your rim a little, using your essence to slowly ease a ringed finger inside your hole. Namjoon hisses with your every moan, the vibrations coming from your throat an added blessing to having fucked your mouth. 
From your view, you see Namjoon’s balls tighten and seconds later thick ropes of cum slide down your throat and you swallow before pulling back and licking your lips. Not wanting to be left out of the fun, Yoongi, once more, asserts his dominance, ordering you to get on your knees. 
You feel your heart hammering against your ribcage in exhilaration, secretly hoping that this will finally be the day your deepest fantasies will come to life. Yoongi scoots over a little to lie horizontally on the bed. He calls you over, index finger curved like a hook to beckon you to ride him.  
You move over to him in shaky legs, hooking a leg over his body to straddle his hips. “No, no, not facing me…” Yoongi waves his hand as he helps you up. “Facing him,” your boyfriend points to Namjoon whose mouth falls open in shock. Yoongi rips a packet open and rolls a condom onto his shaft.
“Hyung…” This was plain torture.
“I thought this was supposed to be an early birthday present for me?” Namjoon mumbles, scratching his neck with the small silver packaging between his fingers. “I know. But great things never came easy right?” Namjoon visibly deflates at the older rapper’s words. He had a point yes, but some points weren’t supposed to be applicable to all fields of life…
Not wanting to prolong your waiting any longer, you lower yourself onto Yoongi’s cock, inch by inch until he’s fully seated inside your warm, velvety walls. Your head falls back at the feeling of his cock inside you. Every time feels like the first.
Once you feel you’ve adjusted enough to Yoongi, you stabilize yourself on Yoongi’s thighs, sliding up until it’s only his head left inside before sliding back down. Your thighs get tired after a while, and Yoongi helps you by gripping your hips and thrusting upwards. As you move up and down and grind back and forth in circles, Yoongi calls Namjoon over just before you reach another climax.
“It’s about time you join the fun here, no? Joonie?” Yoongi playfully mocks the taller man, using your nickname for Namjoon to rile him up even further. You whine when Yoongi pulls out for a moment, closing your eyes as he places a quick kiss on your shoulder 
You hear the ripping of a packaging and as you open your eyes, you see Namjoon near you until his thighs are hitting the edge of the bed. You let out a wanton moan when you feel Yoongi prodding his cock against your other hole, shallowly dipping the head in then pulling out. He repeats the action until he deems you’re ready, the slowly lowers you down onto his length.
“Namjoon…” Yoongi says breathily, having difficulty with his self-control with your rim having a vice-like grip on his cock. The other man in front of you doesn’t need to be told twice, slapping his dick against your folds. The action sends lewd sounds resonating throughout the small room, which only sends a jolt of pleasure down your spine.
Namjoon rests one of his knees on the bed, lowering himself onto your cunt. “Noona, you’re so wet. Fuck… I could just…” Namjoon finally pushes himself inside, “easily slide right in…” he lets out a deep exhale once he’s balls deep inside you.
You’re not doing any better than any of the men, thinking you could just orgasm from the fullness alone. And much to your surprise, you do. And both men keep their hands on you as you tremble like a falling leaf in autumn. “Holy shit!” Namjoon explains, staring at you with his mouth open. Once you stop quivering, they both ask you if you were still okay, and you take a breather before answering them, “I’m good. Just… nothing great ever came easy, right?”
You can practically feel Yoongi smiling from behind you. “That’s my girl.”
“Can I?” Namjoon asks, looking down to where your bodies are connected. You nod once, and Namjoon and your boyfriend start thrusting into you alternately. It doesn’t take long before you reach your climax again, with a ton of help from Namjoon who toys with your clit while snapping his hips into you.
They reach their orgasms not long afterwards. You let them ride out their highs until their cocks gradually turn softer inside you. Feeling spent and immensely satiated, you fall over to Yoongi’s side, falling asleep in mere seconds.
The two rappers collapse onto the bed, but sit abruptly sit upright when they hear a very familiar voice coming from Namjoon’s phone. “Fucking hell! That was the hottest shit ever!” Hoseok exclaims from the screen.
“You called him?!” Yoongi asks, hitting Namjoon’s forearm. “No! I- I must’ve contacted him while I put my phone there…crap.” Namjoon looked completely bewildered.
“Hyung, can I come to Amsterdam too? Please?!”
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© hhyungz 2020
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robbiessutcliffe · 5 years
Imogen X F!MC (Ariana) Fluff ABCs
A/N : I haven’t seen many fics about Imogen... And I absolutely love her, especially with my MC, Ariana, so I had to write this!
Pairing : Imogen X Ariana (F!MC)
Summary : Just some fluff ABCs (courtesy of @pixelburied )
Word Count : 3,577 (this is a lot longer than I originally expected)
Tag List (if you want to be included in the tags in the future, just tell me!) : @melodyofgraves @brightpinkpeppercorn
A = Anger (what was their first fight about?) :
Their first fight took place about three weeks after they had started officially dating, just as they were leaving that “honeymoon phase.” Imogen was staying the night at the Vance’s house with her, but Ariana… Well, she had barely looked away from her laptop. She had been busy the entire day getting overdue assignments turned in to her classes, to make sure that she was able to keep up her good grades. But, she had barely gotten any sleep due to that fact.
Her girlfriend was simply getting worried, due to the fact that Ariana seemed absolutely exhausted. So, she did what any girlfriend would do, and suggested that she should stop for the night. However, Ariana snapped back at her without even thinking, due to lack of sleep. Imogen wasn't happy with that response, and… Let's just say things escalated into a bit of yelling, before Imogen practically trapped Ariana to the bed by wrapping herself around her, and the problem was solved as they fell asleep in each other’s arms.
Obviously, it wasn’t anything big, but both absolutely hated it, because they didn’t like being angry at each other. They’ve barely fought ever since, unless it’s over petty things that they can laugh over afterwards.
B = Best (what would they say is the other's best trait?) :
After a long time of deliberation, Imogen would finally decide that her favorite trait of Ariana’s is her selflessness. She knows that she can always count on Ariana to help her whenever she needs help, or to listen to her whenever she simply needs to be listened to. But, she also hates that about her, considering the amount of times Ariana has either gotten hurt or in some kind of trouble because of it.
Ariana, meanwhile, wouldn’t take that long to decide. She’s always appreciated Imogen’s generous spirit. She loves how kind Imogen is to everyone she meets (unless she has a reason not to be), and how willing she is to help people. They’re both similar in that manner, for being the ‘martyr-type,’ and while it does cause some trouble for them, they both love each other just as much for that.
C = Camera (how do they document their relationship?) :
They both love documenting their relationship in almost every way. Both of them love taking pictures, especially of each other, or while on dates. Sometimes they’ll even have Danni take more professional photos of them. Neither of them mind posting the pictures to the internet, as they’re very open with their relationship, but a lot of the pictures they keep for themself, just as little treasures that they’re able to remember specific moments by.
Apart from pictures, they do document it in other ways. Ariana is something of a collector, so she usually picks up some sort of souvenir or token to remember every one of their dates. She didn’t show these things to Imogen for a while, but when her girlfriend questioned her about it, she did show all of the “tokens” to her. Imogen found it adorable.
Oh, and perhaps it should be mentioned that once, Imogen commissioned an artist to paint a portrait of the two of them, mostly as a joke, on their first anniversary.
D = Dates (what are their dates like?) :
Their dates vary, quite often. They like to take turns planning their dates, so that they continue to get that variety, and the dates never disappoint. Quite often, Imogen is the one to plan the more daring dates (white water rafting and bungee jumping are among the most memorable), but she also plans some of the most classy dates, of going to restaurants or to botanical gardens.
Ariana, meanwhile, likes to plan dates that are more simple. This may be because these are the dates she always imagined going on when she was younger. She likes going out to lunch, or just stopping by the bakery. And, being the pop culture fan she is, she loves going to the movies. Besides, someone has to be the more calm one in their relationship.
E = Early (what was their first month of dating like?) :
After Ariana finally asked Imogen out while they were hanging out at the bakery, they were both very clearly happy. To not be pining after each other, and instead actually be able to show their feelings? It was amazing.
They entered something like a “honeymoon phase,” and were practically inseparable. Ariana often stayed the night at Imogen’s, or the other way around (most of these nights were just pure cuddles, despite what many must be thinking). They never really had any awkward moments between them. Really, they just took their first month of being together as a chance to truly get to know each other, as both partners and as closer friends.
F = Friends (how is their relationship with each other's group of friends?) :
They get along perfectly with each other’s friends — especially because they’re in the same main friend group. Other than those friends, though, Ariana never really made any friends in the town, and she didn’t really have any friends before that either. Imogen, however, is friends with almost everyone in the town. Her girlfriend doesn’t know most of them, and doesn’t really care to know them, but she is on friendly terms with the people that Imogen is closest to.
G = Gifts (do they like giving each other gifts? what kinds?) :
Unsurprisingly, Imogen loves giving gifts. It’s just in her generous nature. It helps that she has a lot of money to spend on those gifts. And as she’s told Ariana many times, she’d be willing to spend every penny on her, even if it was just on something small. And yet, despite Imogen saying this, Ariana doesn’t really like receiving gifts. She doesn’t really have much money, especially compared to Imogen, so she always feels bad when getting some expensive gift from her girlfriend.
Because of this, they made a deal. On any normal day, the only gifts Imogen is allowed to give are her endless affection — meaning lots of kisses, hugs, and cuddles. But on holidays, Imogen is allowed to go all out. And she took “all out” literally, especially on Ariana’s birthday, when she rented out an entire zoo, just because she knew how much Ariana loves animals. She also got a diamond necklace that day, and a sumatran tiger adopted for her (though it still lives in the wild of Indonesia, obviously).
H = Hugs (all things involving hugs) :
It’s not really surprising that Imogen is the one who usually loves giving hugs. Even before they were dating, she constantly gave Ariana hugs, so now that they are actually together? It’s basically a constant cuddlefest. Not that Ariana minds. She loves the surprise hugs from behind, or the hugs where Imogen cuddles under her arms and rests her head against her chest. She loves all of it, so there’s definitely no complaining on her end.
I = Inside Jokes (do they have any? what are they?) :
Quite often, Imogen will warn Ariana not to fall out of or off of anything. The reasoning for this is pretty easy to understand… Ariana is quite clumsy, as has a habit from falling. She once got drunk during a frat party in college that she was forced to go to, and fell out of one of the first story windows into a bush. That seemed to start it all. She’s fallen out of bed countless times, has fallen into Imogen’s pool an embarrassing amount of times, and whenever they go into the forest on horse rides, she’s always determined to climb a tree, despite knowing that she’ll almost always fall. The only one in their group that understands this other than them is Elliot, as he knows of his sister’s tendency to fall.
They do have a few other than that. Such as, they’ll often talk about the previously mentioned tiger that they adopted as if he’s their own child. Many people get confused by this.
“Have you heard anything about Rhys lately, Genny?”
“I can’t say that I have… I hope he’s doing okay.”
“I’m sure they’d call us if he weren’t. But if he is hurt, you better believe that they will have a lawsuit upon them!”
“Not really though.”
“No, probably not.”
J = Jealousy (who gets jealous easier? how do they show their jealousy?) :
Though she denies it every time it’s brought up, Ariana gets jealous easier than Imogen. She doesn’t exactly get jealous of people, but of how Imogen acts towards them. She doesn’t particularly like it when other people hug Imogen, most of all. But she doesn’t do anything to stop it, as she knows that Imogen is friends with all of these people, and she doesn’t want to stop that. Imogen doesn’t mind the fact that Ariana is a little bit possessive, and actually finds it kind of cute. So whenever she gets back from hanging out with a friend, she makes sure to reserve a little bit of time for just her and Ariana, when they usually simply talk and cuddle up with each other.
K = Kiss (how do they kiss? who usually initiates?) :
Contrary to how Imogen usually gives hugs first, Ariana is quite often the one to initiate their kisses. She loves giving Imogen kisses, as her girlfriend usually blushes a small bit despite being used to it, and Ariana thinks that it’s one of the cutest things in the world. So, she loves giving kisses. It doesn’t matter where. Sometimes it’ll be a kiss on the forehead, on the nose, the cheek, maybe on her fingertips, or on her wrist, or on her shoulder. She’ll practically place a kiss on any skin that’s bare to her, as long as she’s sure that Imogen is comfortable with it. Which, she usually is, unless there’s too many people around. In that case, Ariana will stick mostly with quick little kisses on the cheek, forehead, or lips, but nothing too much.
L = Love (how do they say those three words?) :
It was about four months into their relationship that the words were finally spoken. Ariana had known for quite a bit of time before she managed to say the words. Despite knowing, she held back from doing so, because she had never been in a real relationship before, so she was very anxious about whether it was too soon.
But, one day, they were swimming in the lake together, and had just gotten out to dry off. She saw Imogen’s bright smile, and how her curly hair was a mess due to being wet. And she couldn’t help it when the words just tumbled out of her. She was terrified that Imogen would react badly, but after a moment of Imogen actually processing the fact that her girlfriend had just seemingly read her mind, she threw herself in Ariana’s arms and returned the words without hesitation.
M = Movies (what kind of movies do they watch together? do they watch movies regularly?) :
They do quite enjoy watching movies together, though they don’t really agree on a favorite genre. Ariana’s favorite kinds of movies are thrillers and mysteries, while Imogen’s are romcoms, or plain comedies. However, they have managed to find quite a few movies that they love to watch together. And they’re always willing to branch out and watch different genres.
Plus, watching movies gives them a chance to cuddle up together. So of course they love it.
N = Nicknames (what are some names they call each other?) :
Both of them have quite a few different nicknames that they call the other. Though, Ariana seems to use them a lot more often, and also seems to come up with a lot more. In fact, when Ariana and Imogen first started going out, Elliot found it important to warn Imogen that Ariana absolutely loves nicknames and pet names.
Some of Ariana’s favorite nicknames that she has for Imogen include sweetheart, buttercup, speckles (she thinks that this is quite a clever pun, as speckle sounds similar to spectacle, and Imogen has glasses, and Imogen also has freckles, which is a synonym for speckles. Imogen doesn’t mind it, as she thinks it’s cute that Ariana put so much thought into it), baby bear, and cupcake. Though, she has plenty more that she uses.
O = One (what was the moment that they realized they were the one?) :
Ariana knows very specifically, which moment that she realized that Imogen was the only one she wanted to be with. They were walking through the town together, hand-in-hand. It wasn’t exactly a date — they were simply spending time together. When they neared the bakery, Imogen started tugging on her hand ever-so-slightly, asking repeatedly to stop for just a moment. Upon seeing Imogen’s excitement, Ariana felt her heart swell, and she recalls thinking that they could do anything that Imogen wanted, as long as she stayed happy. Thinking that she wouldn’t be able to stand not seeing her happy. And she simply wanted to make Imogen happy for the rest of her life, if she could.
Imogen, meanwhile, has a bit of a difficult time placing her finger on the moment that she realized it. She says that it was something like a gradual realization, just little moments where she thought to herself that she simply didn’t know what it’d be like without Ariana. So it wasn’t exactly a specific moment, but it was still an important realization, of course.
P = Pizza (what's their favorite food to eat together?) :
This is an easy answer. Almost any kind of pastries. It reminds them of what they both consider to be their first real date, when they went to the bakery for breakfast together. That same bakery was also the place where Ariana actually asked Imogen to be her girlfriend. So, that bakery, and any of the pastries that they make there, remind them of many happy memories.
Q = Quit (do they break up, or almost break up? what happened?) :
Two months after everything happened, and Ariana was packing up to head back to college, both were mildly panicking. Ariana didn’t know if she’d be able to make it through a long distance relationship, especially considering that this was her first real relationship. Neither of them knew if they’d actually be able to keep up with it, and not grow a little distanced. But they talked it out, and they figured that they might as well try. And they’re both incredibly glad that they did, as it’s hard for them to imagine not being with the other.
R = Rainy Days (how do they comfort each other on bad days?) :
If either of them are ever having a bad day, they both know exactly how to help. Imogen will pull Ariana to bed, and wrap them both in blankets, and simply lay down with her. She’ll run her thumbs over Ariana’s knuckles, and draw patterns in her skin with her fingers. Sometimes,  It helps Ariana calm down, and she usually falls asleep eventually.
Meanwhile, if Ariana sees that Imogen is upset in anyway, she’ll immediately go to Imogen’s stables and ready two horses for a ride. Then they’ll ride through the forest together, usually in silence, before Imogen starts talking about why she’s upset. Usually, they’ll arrive back in high spirits, with the mood lifted.
S = Soft (what's something one of them did that turned the other into mush?) :
Sometimes, Ariana will sing softly to herself. It was something that she never noticed herself doing, until Imogen pointed it out one day. Though she’s incredibly embarrassed by that fact, as she knows that she doesn’t exactly have the prettiest voice ever, she continues to do it, because Imogen absolutely loves it when she sings to her. It’s actually not uncommon for Imogen to ask Ariana to sing her to sleep.
T = Texting (do they text each other a lot? what do they usually talk about over the phone?) :
When not together, they’re almost always texting, unless they’re doing something so incredibly important that they can’t. After all, with Ariana not in Pine Springs while in college, they have to keep in contact somehow. So, they do this by texting, calling, and facetiming. They’ll talk about anything and everything through the phone, unless they feel it’s so important that they have to talk about it face to face. Their favorite texts to send to each other are good morning and goodnight texts.
U = Unique (what are some of their odd habits that surprised the other?) :
Something that surprises most people, is that Ariana is actually quite routine-based. This is surprising due to the fact that she always seems to do things very spontaneously. And she usually does, any time besides the morning. After waking up, she has an exact morning routine. Wake Elliot, eat breakfast, brush her teeth, take a shower, and get ready. If she does even one thing out of order, she’s convinced it’ll throw off her entire day. The only exception on that list is waking Elliot, due to the fact that he’s not always around.
Imogen didn’t really have any habits, or anything, that surprised Ariana, as she seemed quite straightforward in those kinds of things. But one thing that did surprise her a bit, when they first became friends, was the fact that Imogen didn’t constantly post on social media. She had come around to thinking that all popular girls, like Imogen, were obsessed with that, as that’s how it seemed back where she originally lived.
V = Vanity (what's something they're proud of in themselves and in their partner?) :
Imogen is very proud of the fact that her girlfriend is studying to become a lawyer. Sure, she doesn’t like how Ariana can often get too focused on her work, but she loves talking about how one day the girl she loves is going to be one of the best lawyers in the country. Ariana always gets pretty embarrassed when she says things like that, but she truthfully doesn’t mind. It helps boost up her confidence a lot.
Meanwhile, Ariana is proud of Imogen’s powers. Not for the fact that she has them, but for the fact that she was able to keep them, even when her mother tried taking them away. She knows that it took a lot of strength to keep them despite the ritual. Imogen is very proud of this fact as well.
W = Wedding (have they had one, or have they even thought of going that far yet?) :
Both of them have thought about getting married, and they talk about it often. Not directly about one of them proposing, but what they’d want their wedding to be like. Already, they’ve planned quite a bit of it, including the color scheme (navy blue and seafoam green), their maid of honors (man of honor, in the case of Tom, who’s Ariana’s best friend, and then Danni is Imogen’s), and more, even though they aren’t even engaged.
But, the fact that they aren’t engaged brings up another point. They may not be engaged to marry, but they both know that Ariana is planning on it. That was basically addressed when Ariana gave Imogen a promise ring. A promise to loving her always — and a promise to make that come true by proposing in the future. She gave Imogen the small diamond-encrusted ring on Imogen’s birthday, after the party and after all of the excitement of the day.
X = X (what's something they hate about the other?) :
It’s not really a hatred towards it, but Imogen strongly dislikes the fact that Ariana focuses on her work so much. She knows that it’s important for Ariana to do her schoolwork and all, but she knows that sometimes, she pushes herself a little too far, and she’s exhausted the next day. But that seems to be the only thing that she’d ever complain about when it comes to her girlfriend.
Ariana, on the other hand? She claims that she loves every single thing about Imogen, and she does. For the most part. The only thing she doesn’t like is Imogen’s perkiness in the morning. She only has the strength to finish her morning routine and get out the door, so she has no idea how Imogen manages to be so happy in the morning.
Y = YouTube (what are they like online? do they post about their relationship constantly?) :
As a matter of fact, they don’t. At the very beginning of their relationship, both of them did seem to post about their relationship constantly. This was because they were both so happy, and they wanted everyone else to know it. But as they settled more into their relationship, they didn’t find it a necessity. They still post about their relationship and about each other, but not nearly as much as they once did.
Z = Zoo (do they like animals? do they have or want any pets?) :
Both Imogen and Ariana are obsessed with animals. Altogether, they own five animals (or, are friends with, is a different way of phrasing it). Diavolos (Imogen’s horse), Dory (Ariana’s otter), Fray (Ariana and Tom’s coyote), Thumper (Ariana and Elliot’s mutant bunny), and Rhys (Imogen and Ariana’s tiger (that lives in Indonesia)). And they plan to get many more when they move in together (preferably ones that they can actually own and keep on their property).
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nereiarts · 5 years
More boyband AU headcanons under the cut:
Philip - 24 - the serious guy - wears a lot of red - always has That One Leather Jacket - explosive temper - lots of fan theories that he and Clarence are a Thing but they're really not - voice of reason - amazing dancer Hard worker, takes schedules and work very seriously. Practice, practice, practice. He and Clarence have a lot of pair choreographies and aggressive songs they sing as a duet. Despite his personal problems with Clarence the two are inseparable at rehearsals and on stage, and they work together so seamlessly that it's almost eerie. Usually the one who yells at Alexander for being an insensitive prick (only away from cameras, though). Has had awkward post-tour drunken make-outs with Daniel; they both pretend it never happened, despite photographic proof. Loves cinema and spends most of his disposable free time watching movies. Clarence - 24 - Bad Boy™ - does all the rap parts - tough guy on the outside, existential crisis on the inside - drinks and smokes too much probably - does lots of pair choreography dance moves with Philip - they’re often cast in similar-looking clothing like they're a duo Has that raspy smoker voice that makes him good for angry, angsty songs. Packing a lot more existential dread and self-loathing than he lets on. Mortally afraid of being alone, probably has some serious abandonment issues. He has piercings and a tattoo or two (or more), despite their contract forbidding that. No one knows what the connection between him and Philip is, whether they're related, childhood buddies or something else, but they always seem to end up hanging out together anyway (and somehow look a little alike, too). Has definitely beaten up paparazzi before and cussed at interviewers.
Daniel - 25 - looks like a cinnamon roll, is actually pretty wild and into creepy shit in private - wears glasses sometimes - all hell breaks loose if he's allowed to drink - speaks several languages, usually handles all interaction with international fans at meet-ups and events - has a Stage Persona™ that's rashly different from his off-stage personality - finds Alexander weird but gets along with him better than the other guys - doesn't sleep - persistent fan rumours that he and Alexander have a thing going on but for some reason no one denies or confirms this anywhere Daniel is seen as the smart and studious guy by their fans. He's fluent in several languages and if a non-English cover is made of one their songs, he's usually the one singing it. Wears his glasses a lot in promo photos and shoots for the Aesthetic. Usually the one to do all the sexually provocative dance moves. In general a freak on stage, more aggressive and wild than in private. Doesn't always remember everything he does while on stage (adrenaline-fueled amnesia) and is all “????? did I really do that?” when watching the footage later. Besties with Simon and secretly a huge nerd. Gets along with everyone pretty well, tends to go to the gym with Philip and Clarence. Often covers up for Alexander after he's blurted out something weird again.
Simon - 22 - looks like a cinnamon roll and is a cinnamon roll - the token cute nerdy guy - wears big sweaters, pastels and cute cartoon shirts in promos - Existential Crisis - sings a lot of ballads and light-hearted pop songs - also depressing rock music - screaming inwardly 24/7 Tries. Tries so hard. Someone please help him. Was in a near-fatal accident before the band thing happened but he doesn't talk about it much. Philip and Daniel are constantly worried that he's gonna die from stress or something so they act like a pair of dysfunctional parents and go out of their way to look after him (which is usually hilarious as they can barely take care of themselves). Tries to get along with everyone to his best ability. Embodiment of Nervous Laughter™. Probably into tabletop RPGs. Has the cutest smile. Looks like he's walked in on accident.
Alexander - 29 - Deep Voice™ - taller than you - for outer space, probably - super intelligent, tends to be insensitive about sensitive subjects - there's a popular fan theory that he's a vampire or something bc Weird - looks good in photos though - intimidating persona but solos a lot of romantic ballads - their stylists either dress him up as the Rich Kid™ or a androgynous space alien person, no in-between
Alexander tends to act so aloof and unaware of how insensitive his remarks are that the other boys started referring to him as Space Alien as a joke, “because he doesn't fit in and acts so strange that he might as well be from another planet, it's like he doesn't know how to people properly”. Daniel turned it into a pet name eventually, also calling him Star Child, Space Man and other similar names. Alexander doesn't show it but he actually kind of likes the nicknames (only when coming from Daniel though).
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ezzydean · 7 years
stars in your eyes, lightning in my heart 6
Daichi Rare Pair Week Day 1: Seasons / Injury / Same team AU
Daichi Rare Pair Week Day 2: Stars / Memes / Modern fantasy AU
Daichi Rare Pair Week Day 3: Colors / Video games / Sport swap AU (kind of)
Daichi Rare Pair Week Day 4: Pets / Valentine’s Day / Soulmates AU
Daichi Rare Pair Week Day 5: Dreams / Road trip / College AU
Daichi Rare Pair Week Day 6: Distance / Rivalry / Superhero AU
“Sawamura Daichi.”
Daichi groaned and rolled over so he could bury his face into Hajime’s shoulder.
“Sawamura Daichi, I know you’re up there.”
Kyoutani rumbled low in his throat.  A warning though Daichi wasn’t entirely sure if it was for Daichi himself or the man on the ground calling him out.  He didn’t really care.  He just wanted to go back to sleep.
“You will answer me, Sawamura Daichi.”
“Is he obsessed with my name or something?  Believe me I know who I am.”  
Hajime patted Daichi’s head consolingly and then shoved him away to roll over and bury his head in the blankets bunched up against the inside edge of Kyoutani’s large saddle.
“Sawamura Daichi!”
“Go answer your adoring fan before I throw you down there myself,” Hajime grumbled.  “Some of us were awake half the night with research.”
“If it’s someone you slept with please tell them visiting hours are after the sun is actually fully risen and if you left them with child then I have dibs on being godfather or cool uncle,” Issei stated.  He pushed Daichi towards the edge of the saddle without opening his eyes.  “Though he sounds familiar.  Let me see who it is before I decide if I want to be godfather of your children with him.”
Daichi finally dragged himself to his feet and stumbled over to the edge of the saddle.  The rope down was tricky, but he managed without falling and cracking his head open so that was a plus.
“Did you really think that you could truly get away?  That just because my lady let you leave you were truly free?”
The man a few feet away from him was wearing a familiar uniform, one that had haunted Daichi’s dreams for far too long, one that he had seen for a brief time a mere week before deep inside the meeting hall in Ushar before Yui had sent them from the room.
“Terushima,” Issei growled from high above Daichi.  “What the hell are you doing here?”
Terushima grinned wildly as his gaze swung up.  “Ah, Matsukawa.  Don’t worry I’m not here for you.  Today anyway.  But don’t think that you’ve been pardoned just because of your background.  You both have a lot to answer for.”
“Wouldn’t that be more of Yui’s decision and not yours?”  That wild gaze whipped back down to Daichi and he felt the familiar curl of anticipation of a fight wind around his spine.
“I, Terushima Yuuji, challenge you, Sawamura Daichi, to a duel.”
“Good,” Daichi practically purred, “I was itching for a fight.”
“Please tell me you didn’t sleep with him too.”  Daichi flipped Issei off even as he caught the sword that Hajime tossed down to him.
By the time they left Terushima tied to a tree the sun was nearly directly overhead and Daichi was itching for more than just a simple duel.
They decided to put as much distance between them and Terushima as possible in hopes that they would also distance themselves from what could only be Daichi’s connection to Yahaba.  It was a simple plan that would have worked absolutely fine if Tanaka hadn’t stumbled into the tiny clearing with a herd of bandits directly behind him.  As much as they were rivals they couldn’t just leave Tanaka to fend for himself.  Especially when they saw the seal dark on his throat that cut off his magic and left him largely defenseless against the heavily armed and armored bandits.
Plus Yahaba couldn’t have been too far away considering the roiling of emotions warring in Daichi’s chest that made him want to crush everything and everyone that wasn’t his into dust beneath the heel of his boot, so he motioned the others into position and waited a few moments.  The flare of emotions was stronger than he could ever remember his link to Yahaba allowing it to be but before he had the chance to mention it to Hajime or really question it Yahaba burst into the clearing and skidded to a stop next to Daichi.  Dust rose around them as Yahaba took heavy breaths and stood to his full height next to Daichi, looking down his nose at the bandits surrounding them and slowly closing in.
“Bit off more than you could chew?”  Daichi sized up the bandits to their right.
“Tsukishima may have chosen the wrong pockets to empty,” Yahaba replied as he studied the bandits to their left.  Tanaka clambered up to the safety of Kyoutani’s saddle with Hajime right behind him.  The tree branch above Daichi’s right shoulder creaked and rustled, signaling Issei slipping into place.  “No way he could have known they had magebinder in their midst though.  His link with Tanaka is the only reason he’s probably still functional.”
Daichi’s stomach bubbled with anger and his heart beat rage through his veins.  Having knowledge of bindings was one thing.  Actually using that shit against a person was an entirely different story and he wasn’t sure if the urge to find the binder and rip their throat out with his teeth was his own, Yahaba’s, or the rushing high of them both fueling each other.
“Five minutes?”  Daichi tapped his elbow into Yahaba’s side.
“Why not three?” Yahaba growled back.
Their emotions, they had found out one blustery fall evening, weren’t the only things that ramped up when they were in close proximity.  Their fighting skills, reflexes, the power of their blows, their accuracy, all jumped in a way that was frightening.  Tanaka had compared them to superheroes that day, all nigh invincible and unstoppable.  All they needed, he had said, were some tights and the ability to not play grab ass for more than ten minutes and they could almost work together reasonably.
As it was they had the bandits laid out in under three minutes.  Issei had barely needed to lift a finger and was only out about half a dozen arrows.  Tsukishima was curled in the shadows under Kyoutani’s front leg waiting for them.  Yahaba and Daichi both barely had a scratch on them.
The moment it was over Tanaka was back out of the saddle and throwing himself into Daichi’s arms, gesturing between one of the bandits and Daichi and back again almost frantically.  Daichi carefully searched the fallen bandit and froze when his fingers wrapped around a familiar token deep inside the bandit’s pocket.  He knew what it was before he even pulled it out and he barely heard Issei’s sharp inhale of recognition.
It seemed that no matter how much time passed or how much distance they covered the past was determined to chase them down and make them face it.
“You can go,” Hajime said.  His eyes were distant as he flipped the token between his fingers idly.  “But we’re not coming.  You promised Issei he’d never go back and I’m not letting you break that promise.  And I’m not leaving him alone.”
“Forever our protector,” Daichi murmured.
“Someone has to be.”  Daichi dropped his head onto Hajime’s shoulder and plucked the token from his fingers. Without Hajime and Issei there it wasn’t going to be easy and it was, more likely than not, going to be messy. “And if you take Yahaba with please remember that neither of you are actually invincible superheros.  No matter what Tanaka tries to tell you.  As much as I pretend otherwise sometimes I really do prefer you in one piece.”
“Aw, Hajime,” Daichi cooed and nuzzled at Hajime’s cheek, “you really do care.”
Hajime stared at the mountains in the distance and sighed softly.  “Just finish it once and for all and then come back to me.  To us.”
Daichi pulled Hajime into his lap and buried his face against Hajime’s neck, warm and secure, pulse beating steadily.
“No matter how far we stray from each other I’ll find my way back.  I always do, Hajime.  You know that.”
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linandara · 6 years
My Last Jedi review
I like how this has been a bit of a "coming out" season: Serious, edicated, professional people suddenly post Star Wars reviews, sometime very critical, and I realise they really care, and are crazy life long fans just as I am.
Here is my contribution. I watched The Last Jedi (TLJ) twice. Discussed it with the family, then read other reviews. I did enjoyed quite a lot of it and may watch it again but my overall opinion is, sadly, negative. Spoilers are coming.
The biggest, greatest mistake is the lack of good strong relationships. Space is cold, but ALL previous Star Wars movies always had plenty of warmth from the the various forms of love and affection: between children and parents (Luke's towards his father, Anakin and his mum, Jyn Erso and her dad), best friends (Han, Luke, Chewie, Lando), siblings (Luke and Leia), teachers and students (Obi-Van and Qui-Gon, Obi-Van and Anakin, Luke and Obi-Van, Luke and Yoda), lovers (Leia and Han, Padme and Anakin). Where are any of these in the new movie?
Whatever was developing between Rey and Finn, Finn and Poe in The Force Awakens (TFA) is mostly forgotten. Rey and Luke are not getting along, which is particularly disappointing. Finding a lost close relative (father, sister) always was a Star Wars shortcut to developing a relationship and strong feelings. Alternatively, people spend years "in the same boat" and have got to the same point, when they knew and cared for each other. Rian Johnson did none of those. It seemed for a while that there was a spark between Rey and Ben Solo but it went nowhere when they parted. A glimpse of something between Finn and Rose was at the very end. A very short heart warming scene with Luke and Leia and that's it. I really liked the moment when Yoda said he missed Luke in his nicely mocking way. But all was just some rare raindrops in a wast emotional desert. Even through Luke had known Obi-Van for a day or so, he was so upset when the old man died. Yet Rey and his own sister didn't spared a tear for him. Like saying "this was for the best".
I really liked TFA and "Rogue One". I was looking forward to seeing TLJ a great deal. Now I like TFA less as its promises went unfulfilled.
Plot holes and apparent disregard for the laws of nature was another blow. Did rebels abolished autopilots? Why did they need to sacrifice pilots with their ships? How they better than the First Order then? Why can the admiral trust her soldiers and explain the situation avoiding a mutiny?
Creating a consistant fantasy reality or suspension of disbelief is essential to fictional stories. Only once before this was broken for me in Star Wars: in the Revenge of the Sith when Anakin turns to the dark side. His downward ark was badly written which was a pity because the first half of that movie was really good and strong. In TLJ this was happening several times! Leia floating in space didn't work. Lots of aliens were badly made (including Yoda himself). I thought we are past this with the modern technology! The "Luke milking an alien" scene was disturbing because in Star Wars it is often difficult to distinguish between intelligent and non-intelligent species. One of the frases Rey said to Luke sounded definitely awful. Why wasn't it retaken? The Luke's face when he was thinking of slaying teenage Ben in his sleep was so wrong, probably because Mark just couldn't believe his character, who saved Darth Vader despite all odds, would do that.
I think, the Luke's last stand and dying scenes were good. Well made, dramatic and original. I think, him projecting through the space rather than being here in person was necessary because he was already too weak to face Kylo Ren. That's the reason he never got back. He appeared to his former student and Leia younger, as he would look like before his exile, because he wanted to be remembered strong, proper Jedi, not a broken old man already dying far away, alone.
I wish it all happened in the next movie because I just have nothing to look forward any more. Unless JJ will have a lot of Luke's ghost appearances - which would be something new for the series. Luke was the most unique and alive character in TLJ. Grumpy, weird, but thinking and feeling. None of the young characters are good enough for me to care. Especially when Rey is now really nobody from nowhere, which is boring (unless Ben lies about her parents). And she is a "Mary Sue", which is boring again. Pity, because she had a good potential to be a great character after TFA. Ben has tantrums, which is funny but I can't take him seriously. Finn, Rose and Poe are just you average token generic good rebels, nothing much to say. They are nice and are played by good actors, but it's not enough. We need true heroes for these movies to work. Luke was a simple rebel character in the New Hope which never was my favourite Star Wars movie. But he grew steeply into a proper wise knight, which was the main point of the original series to me. Rian Johnson made him broken by guilt and fear, destroying everything he had achieved. That I could potentially forgive because he finally redeems Luke and brings my favourite ever fictional character back, when he returns to Leia and confronts Ben Solo. I wanted more so much - but instead he dies.
I really hoped Luke will leave his exile and go on a quest (several quests - even better) together with Rey, his new apprentice for years to come, building a strong relationship, whether they related by blood or not. When I've seen the casino pictures I thought by some reason that this will be one of their destinations, like great scenes with Obi-Van and Anakin, Obi-Van, Han and Luke, Rey and Finn in alien bars. Nope.
As Han dies quite suddenly and frankly pointlessly in TFA, a connection between the generations seems to be unfortunately lost. I think Han should have been very seriously injured but survived his meeting with his son for a better plot.
Lots of plot lines in TLJ lead nowhere. One can say this is what real life is but if the movies will be "nothing in particular happened on that day" what would be the point of watching them? Art is in selecting and prioritising what's matters, in making good stories, not simply copying the mundane.
There was so much of an introduction from Maz for the master code breaker - and then another one chosen. And then it all was unnecessary after all. A silly Rose monologue about evils of arms dealing and revenge on the rich, just to erase all that by showing that the rebels shop for their x-wing fighters at the same casino planet… Incidentally, were rebel generals so overdressed because they were planning to go arms shopping here after the battle? I loved the costumes and the jewellery (even hope to buy some replicas) but it was too much for the rebel situation. The casino planet, as Finn noticed, was beautiful - apart from some badly made aliens. And captive animals suddenly released in the wild are not likely to survive, Rose and Finn! Whole "rebels loose all the time" situation reminded me of Blake's Seven, which I find very depressing.
Were Knights of Ren got to? Phasma was easily killed without any chance to do or to say anything important. Characters which don't enrich the story are not necessary. It's not a tv series, time on the screen is pressious.
The sword battle in the Red room was very good and the way Ben killed overconfident Snoke was, I thought, excellent. Although unfortunately we didn't learn a thing about Snoke.
Unlike many critics I liked the humour in TLJ. Luke winking to C3PO, brushing dust of his cloak and saying to Ben something like "see you around" just before he died was good. The red sand planet was hauntingly beautiful. Riding the huge alien beasts was fun to watch althrough that whole part of the story was pointless. I liked Rey in the "dark side" cave but the scene didn't gave as anything apart from feeling weird. What is the dark side about? What is the attraction?
The movie is criticised for paving the way for merchandise to be sold. Rubbish. I wish me and my friends, teenagers in the Soviet Union, had any merchandise to cherish when we watched the Original Trilogy. Instead we had to stop the videotape and take black and white photos to have at least something.
The music score in TLJ was the worst of Star Wars. Especially painful because TFA and Rogue One scores were so good. Almost no unique tracks to listen, just a mishmash of old tunes plus something reminding totally childish Harry Potter music.
Another big problem is the meaning of good and evil. How Snoke got to Ben? Why did Ben chose the dark side? Why Rey didn't? It is good that Luke admits the Jedi Order's flaws to Rey but why didn't he went to the dark side knowing all that? This is a big problem for the whole Star Wars saga. In real life people do horrible things thinking they are doing good. Nobody "chooses evil side". So Snoke, a vilian for the sake of being a vilian, already was a mistake in TFA. I think it was Aristotel who said that confrontation in a story should be between relatives or former friends to keep us engaged. This is why Luke, Leia or Han are needed to oppose Ben. Unless Rey is Ben's cousin after all. An opportunity for a romance (which would bring some necessary viewer engagement) for those two young people, I think, is already lost as nothing even started so far, after two movies.
TLJ is very entertaining to watch but that's not good enough for Star Wars. For Jurassic Park or James Bond, yes. A Star Wars story needs a strong emotional connection with the viewer and the latest doing lots of thinking about "What is Good?" because of what he sees.
All the flaws were very surprising considering that movies are done by groups of people. Could somebody brave point the mistakes and the weak moments to the director? How so many "professional" reviews ignored them and why?
I hope JJ will rescue the ending of this three parter but not in a way in which the ending of Lost was done, ruining the series! And maybe in a few years time somebody will make good quality CGI movies or an Dragon Age Inquisition/Witcher-like choice game, either set in alternative reality or in between The Return of Jedi and TFA. To give Luke, Han and Leia a bit more screen time they deserve and to reestablish the good proper heroes they originally were.
Saying that, I think all movies, games and books should come with a waring "To avoid disappointment, write your own stories" ;)
So here's the list of Star Wars movies in the order I rate them, from the favourite and much loved ones to the less loved.
The Return of Jedi
Empire Strickes Back
Rogue One
Attack of the Clones
The Force Awakens
A New Hope
Revenge of the Sith
The Phantom Menace
The Last Jedi
Still, I think it's the best film series made so far on this planet and any one is far ahead (in my rating) of other sci-fi, adventure and fantasy movies I ever enjoyed watching. Honestly I tried to find other good stoies and other good heroes many times since I was 15. Maybe I will one day.
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