#me: i want to be stronk
maxthesillyy · 1 year
dear lord somebody stop my drinking nothing but soda i CANNOT survive like this
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mewkwota · 2 months
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These two were complimenting each other's moms in OSS, so it made me want to see them talking about their dads. Just the image of them right next to each other sounded so funny to me, like, it's Lan's Computer Nerd Dad and then Geo's Astro Jock Dad.
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ferahntics · 1 year
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I shant stop
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grin-unsettling · 9 months
i see, so poly romances were a lie
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frenchfry99 · 8 months
Do any of your OCs need a bodyguard in mob au-
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(zoom in for better quality cuz tumbler CHEWS my art) doodles & info under cut ✿
Haha and yes she does try to replace cigarettes with stuff like chewing gum
(Detailed) human ver jumpscare! Ha!
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sleeve tattoos? sleeve tattoos. (I was too lazy to make em as detailed as they're supposed to be-)
I don't have much on my mind for their current lore, but I have some for the past
Not as open and cuddly as her original version, Magnolia Monroe appears to be a cold-minded and tough person. Their past cheery character faded away, now it's rare to hear any puns from them or at least see them genuinely smile. But is this what they really are? Who knows who knows
She knew Barnaby long time before he joined the mob, Magnolia spent most of their childhood with him before their ways parted. Seeing him years later was definitely...suprising! she was devastated lol
But more heartbreaking was when mafia took the most precious thing she had in their life - their fiancée. Her and Poppy were happily together for quite some time, maybe they'd get married soon too but one day Poppy was just gone without a trace. Magnolia couldn't protect even their dearest one
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(Local she/they beats ur arse)
Magnolia as bodyguard surely has more pros than cons but one of their very few major flaws is that they may get too attached to whoever she's guarding. Losing her fiancée so suddenly and seeing whatever her brother figure turned into in the mob would make her afraid to lose someone again. As a professional they wouldn't show it but deep inside she'd be almost paranoid about something taking away this person (again).
I feel like she'd be the type to bottle up emotions in order to keep her always reliable and strong character-
And ig I forgot to mention in her original ver post that they're married to Poppy :33 (letting at least her og ver be happy)
In this au even if they meet, which is rare but not impossible to happen due to their jobs, Poppy obviously doesn't recognize Magnolia. And even if Poppy catches feelings in response, the next time they see each other she won't remember a thing, which only breaks Magnolia more.
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mandareeboo · 3 months
I wanna be a big man but I also don't wanna be a threatening man but I also want to learn to box and fight people who think my rights are a debate but I also want to learn to bake and tend a bar but I also want to be able to carry someone if they needed it do you see the problem
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bloomingbluebell · 2 months
could wild bench press twilight? considering that botw link is canonically strong enough to a) move a boulder twice or three times his size and b) stop a charging lynel in it's tracks without even budging?
i think wild could bench press twilight. easily.
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discocandles · 9 months
Sarah Phillips is the 2nd strongest MC in Liberty's Kids, or she should be at least
after almost spilling this whole headcannon to my bff who def was just humoring me, i'm telling the whole class.
By strongest I mean strongest physically. and I say second strongest bc there was no way she's outlifting Moses, who has lifted multiple people with ease in cannon. Sarah could lift Henri easily, but that's like picking up a large sack of potatoes(that boy is basically a mischievous french tree branch).
Anyway back to Sarah, bc that's what's important here. While it was debatable if she was stronger than James before Sarah left for Ohio, she wasn't the one slightly winded after doing chores for the Adams. It's just another part of their banter at this point. Who's the brain, who's the brawn, etc. etc.(Henri is the something else). they really need to find better flirting mechanisms. But post-Ohio she's absolutely won that battle, no questions asked.
I just love the idea of seeing Sarah, a proper young English lady politely turning down the offers to help her with some heavy luggage to easily hoist it up and briskly walk off to wherever she was headed. Or that she accepts and hands it over to the other person and they nearly drop it bc they didn't think it'd be that heavy.
And it's not uncommon in the continental camps to see a redheaded young lady carrying cannonballs across the grounds with the other soldiers like the thing hardly weighs more than a lunch basket. Washington has explicitly told his colonels to not question/worry about it.
I know it's not the most refined hc, but its been wafting in my brain(and drafts) for so long, I knew I needed to get it out of there.
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b-blushes · 1 year
i'm going somewhere with a giftshop tomorrow but my primary objective is to do something else there and. i am wishing SO SO SO HARD that i have the physical ability to go to the giftshop too i cannot tell you how much i would like to look at and purchase postcards!!!!!!!
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rubenesque-as-fuck · 1 year
Took Velma to the vet today and apparently she's put on like 3 pounds of pure muscle since her last checkup 💪💪💪
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I'll admit, Caiatl makes me question my gayness as a man.
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k--havok · 8 months
anyways the dream I had was mainly vibes BUT I do recall some bits and pieces. In this dream there was this church, but it wasn't related to any form of current religion but was still monotheistic. In this church, there was a priestess (I think?) in training who was being trained by a fellow priest.
And although the two seemed quite normal on the outside, both actually belonged so some sort of cult? Or well, possibly another religion? It was not clear but the priest had incredibly strong "dark powers" that he kept hidden and was helping train the priestess due to her having a lot of promise with her own abilities/magic.
And they were fuckin' too lol ofc 'cause its me. The priest was not fully human and neither was the priestess, but I cannot recall what they looked like....... again just vibes.
I'll probably end up doing something with the idea but like I really do NOT need anymore ideas or stories 'cause I cannot even finish what I have going on currently.
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mephorash · 1 year
It's weird how I'm too physically strong for my mom to abuse me now. If she tried to hit me like she used to I could legitimately hurt her enough to get her off me. I suppose it doesn't mean much when I'm a 17 year old boy and she's 37 but I'm gradually not the helpless child I used to be
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loadsofcats · 1 year
Plague Doctor fandom, very important question for all of you: Can Toma lift Lera up?
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astral-catastrophe · 9 months
When I look at the two people I have been romantically attracted too, I really do have a type, don’t I
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oddogoblino · 10 months
Sigh, I want sonadow in my recommendeds but all tumblr and youtube want to give me is Sonamy and I'm tired of it 😔 Not even polycule sonamadow. Disappointed
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(Points to you if you know why I put this guy as my reaction image for this, source of image being from Aphmau)
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