#me thinks...me thinks im gonna make new tags for f/os
pinkferrets · 1 month
erm. i love makoto and sometimes selfship w him. but i love byakuya and makoto more. so wat the heck does that mean for me 🤨🤨
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moving-to-dreamwinged · 8 months
OK HEY soooo sort of an update under the cut regarding sharing / other tangentially related selfship stuff !!
feel free to not read , i put it under the cut cuz its long/not super important but yea ;3
so idrk how to word this but basically since iv started hangin out on tumblr my views on selfshipping have changed a lot!!! i honestly was not expecting everyone on here to be so lovely and accepting and im so happy to be in a community i feel so comfortable in :'3
but!!! basically: with the nature of me not being open abt f/o on here things have gotten lowk really complicated LMFSJDFJHSF long story short i ended up having to sb a moot today bc i didn't realize we shared a main </3 i feel really bad abt letting that slip thru the cracks, but i just honestly did not know until i saw smth they reblogged today; and i wanted 2 respect their "dni if we share" !
however at the same time as this my views have also changed on sharing !! one week on selfship tumblr and im much more relaxed about it,,, crazy. tbh youre ALL canon and real to me even if we share cuz different versions n multiverse theory n all that. ;p SO
i realized that im comfortable interacting w/ people that i share w if it's not one of their mains, and if they state that theyre comfortable sharing on their profile bc ofc i wanna respect their boundaries!! so from now on i think thats prolly gonna be how i go about things bc it honestly just doesnt trigger me anymore yippee yahoo.
i know tht might be worrisome tho for some who dont wanna view content potentially centered around a character they *also* are dating so if that concerns you, feel free to reach out to me and ask me if we share, ill tell u!!!
or u can just block my #. 🔮 tag entirely bc that covers anything posted w The Blorbo in mind. i will never explicitly post a character tho so dont worry about being triggered either way! (yeah im prob never publicly revealing sorry)
sorry this is so long and probably WAY deeper than it actually is but im so new here and idrk the ettiquette so i just wanna make sure i dont unintentionally hurt anyone! tbh i never expected anyone to see or interact w this blog in the first place (my policy at first was . "i dont feel comfortable naming my f/o but if we share i wont interact w u!!" not accounting for the fact that ppl could interact w ME first... LMAO i just didnt expect everyone to be so nice and welcoming 😭) and im so grateful to have virtually met all u guys and ur lovely f/os ;3
anyway x o x o SORRY THAT IS SO FUCKING LONG oh my god anyways. back to ur regularly scheduled programming
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novieight · 1 year
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I posted 192 times in 2022
That's 192 more posts than 2021!
12 posts created (6%)
180 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 25 of my posts in 2022
#novasspeaks - 8 posts
#like - 4 posts
#splatoon - 4 posts
#novaswrites - 2 posts
#hey woah i actually tag for once - 1 post
#splattubers - 1 post
#im gonna bleach my eyes - 1 post
#actually traumatizing - 1 post
#im terrified help me - 1 post
#aaaaa - 1 post
Longest Tag: 82 characters
#like you cannot stop me from creating a whole new version fitted to my preferences
My Top Posts in 2022:
okay so apparently ive lost my marbles because like i remember a ending different to the rainmaker ending from splatoon 2???? and no its not the bad ending (if there even is one idk) like
i remember an ending where callie jumps onto the truck and sings the calamari inkantation with marie but in the ending i remember the rainmaker never happened and neither did the riderails like you were fighting with dj octavio the exact same way as before marie sniped callie but like now it was only octavio and not hypnoshades callie (i call hypnoshades callie Hypno, and i call fanmade hypnoshades marie Hazy but thats besides the point)
like i actually thought the rainmaker was an alternate ending??? i specifically remember an ending where sheldon never gave you the rainmaker and the riderails never spawned and it was just a more intense fight with your hero shot
and in this ending i remember you literally just shoot octavio back into the octobot and it explodes the end basically
like i was talking to my friends and they were like “...the rainmaker was always a part of the ending?” and i was like “WHAT NO THATS NOT TRUE”
please im so fuckin confused this has been eating at me all day
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1 note - Posted December 6, 2022
i had like the best dream last night
i dreamt that i was in a private battle turf war with jaymoji and a few other splattubers
like i saw etce, i saw hackerling, i saw vulpixie, i think i saw fyrus and failboat too
it was so funny we were just doing random shit but then i think jay switched the mode to rainmaker because i remember diving to grab the rainmaker but hackerling stole it
i wasnt even splatting anyone i was just having fun chasing people around
i would love to write more about this dream but unfortunately being afab sucks and its that time and im in excruciating pain
1 note - Posted December 6, 2022
expect a real post from me tomorrow becuz tomorrow's my birthday and i need to draw myself some bday tks 😤
1 note - Posted November 21, 2022
im absolutely terrified because apparently in my tiny pea brain i saw a bunch of callie and marie pins on pinterest and saved them to my splatoon board because i thought all of the fanart was familial
now my pinterest is full of callie x marie and im scared/srs
3 notes - Posted December 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
im bored so here are some little imagines for myself of some of my f/os
ill probably make multiple posts so this post will include Callie and Marie
Callie is a romantic f/o, while Marie is platonic so please keep that in mind
Marie is more of an older sibling lol
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Callie loves to give me kisses and hugs right when i get home from school, she knows its extremely stressful for me but she's proud of me for surviving another day
Marie helps me with my homework, and has not even once ever screamed at me (shes not even gotten mad in the slightest)
once, as a birthday gift, Callie managed to convince Marie into letting me have exactly ONE day wearing the Hypnoshades... it was an interesting experience and it was really fun to battle (though Marie made sure that Octavio didnt hypnotize me as well as Callie, it was more of a mild hypnosis (somehow))
Callie gives tight and energetic hugs, while Marie gives looser and more of sleepy cuddles
one time Callie caught me in my room dancing to Bomb Rush Blush, as i had learned the whole dance from a video of her on YouTube) and surprised me by picking me up from behind and calling me cute names
Marie tried to teach me how to use a squiffer and let me hold her Hero Charger, but took both because she saw me begin shaking out of anxiety
ive been caught a million times singing the Calamari Inkantation, and i wouldnt even notice i was singing until it was pointed out
im really, REALLY short (4'7) so Marie does that thing where she rests her arm on my head jokingly; if i get grumpy about it she'll pick me up and twirl me around to raise my mood again
thats it for now, i wanna go play some chill season
i may make a part two of Squid Sisters at some point but i think next post will be of Off The Hook
4 notes - Posted November 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
fun fact ive had this account for like literally four years and for the longest time i just never ever posted anyting
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dakarimainink · 3 years
Happy New Year
WARNING: Fluff, friendly, little bit of alcohol, angst, a bit of bullying
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x You (Reader)
Wordcount: 1.6K
Note: Not betad, all mistakes are my own.
This was a request by anon:
"heyy could u write a os about reader and pedro meeting each other at a mutual friend's party and they just hit it off??"
I'm so bad at fluffy writing because 'Im such a slut
I hope you like it.
I'm not gonna lie, I actually struggled writing this 😭
Extra note: Y/F/N = Your friend's name
DISCLAIMER: the number is fake! I got it off a fake number site!!
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You knew your friend was popular with a lot of people, but when you were invited to their New Year’s Eve party, you had no idea there would be so many and you barely recognised any of them. You guessed some of the guests were your friend’s partner’s, but it didn’t really make a difference to you now that you were standing alone on the side-line with a drink in hand.
You contemplated to just leave and go back to your original plan to celebrate in front of your TV with pyjamas on, it wasn’t as if you hadn’t done it before, but it was nice to see your friends again, at least some of them.
While contemplating what to do next, you absentmindedly plucked one and one chip from the bowl next to you, your eyes glossing over the mingling people around. Your thoughts drifted over to how your next year would be like, what goals you would set for yourself. It had been a slow year and you were truly ready for a fresh start.
In the corner of your eye, you noticed a small group of people approaching you. You took a step to the side, getting out of the way of the snack table. You turned your head away and looked at the fairy lights slinging across the walls.
The voice made you snap your head to the source, meeting a pair of curious baby blue eyes. You gulped as ice prickled in your veins. Fuck…
“Oh my god, it is you.” She giggled and turned to glance at the three other people standing with her. “Haven’t seen you since high school.” Your eyes dragged along her beautiful features and her silver cocktail dress. “Do you remember us?”
“How could I ever forget?” You mumbled with your head hanging low, dread washing over you as old memories hit you left and right and all you wanted to do was crawl away to the safety of your bed.
“I’ll never forget that time you got your period in the middle of the class, your seat was gushing red.” The woman cackled and you cringed inward at the memory. You had to go home that day and didn’t return to school until a week later once your period was done. “Or that time you got gum stuck in your hair.”
You chewed on your lip as you looked up at her, a hint of anger lingering at the back of your throat. “That was because of you.” You pointed out; your fingers tightened the grip around your glass.
The woman took a step closer to you with a smirk playing on her lips. “Mmm, and it was hilarious. You truly rocked your new hairstyle after that.” She grasped at your hair. “You should have kept it short.” She chuckled, lightly tugging at your hair before taking a step back.
You wanted so badly to snap back at her for what she put you through. Years of humiliation you had fought to suppress resurfaced as you were facing her for the first time since those horrible years.
She folded her arms and leaned her weight to one side. “Let me take a guess, you’re here alone? I wouldn’t be surprised, someone like you are born to be lonely.”
You met her cocky gaze and furrowed your brows. That was the last straw for you and you inhaled sharply, ready to bark out at her.
“There you are.”
Everyone snapped their head to the warm and vibrant voice to your right.
“I’ve been looking all over for you.” You met the man’s gaze, warm dark eyes that radiated kindness. He stepped right up to you and pulled you in by the waist with a caring smile. “We need to get outside if we’re to catch the fireworks.”
You could feel the warmth radiate from him and the smell of dark spice and light citrus hit your senses and you inhaled deeply. You gaped at him, not sure as to what to say or do.
“If you’ll excuse us, ladies.” Shifting his hold to your hand, he led you away from them and towards the garden. You barely kept up with his long and confident strides through the crowds of people until you finally stood outside under the clear night sky.
The air was crisp and fresh, feeling grateful for getting out from the cramped and uncomfortable situation, you looked up at him with a grateful smile. “Thank you.” You breathed out.
“And I thought we were all grown-ups here.” He mumbled to himself as he gave you a once over. “You okay?”
You nodded.
“I’m sorry for just marching in there, but I couldn’t help but overhear how rudely they spoke to you.”
You cleared your throat, feeling the fuming heat cool off of you. “Actually, I’m grateful you did. I almost snapped at them, which would probably turn into a whole scene.” You rubbed the back of your neck uncomfortably.
He nodded understandably. “That would probably turn a few heads.” He chuckled and took a sip from his beer. He held out his hand to you. “Pedro.”
You took it with a smile on your lips. “No, that’s not my name.” You said with a serious tone.
“N-no I mean…” He noticed your smile had twisted into a playful smirk and he rolled his eyes teasingly.
“I’m Y/N.” You chuckled and let go of his hand, licking your lower lip in the process.
“So that’s how it is, huh?”
You nodded, proud of your little joke. “That’s how it is.” You took a sip from your glass. “You know what, I think you would look great in a hat.” You giggled, the thought had popped so randomly into your head, and usually you would have kept it to yourself, but the alcohol was already making you a bit smug.
His eyebrows shot up in amusement. “A hat? What kind of hat?”
“I dunno, just a hat.”
You both chuckled at the random thought. He nodded with a smirk playing on his plump lips. “A hat it is then.”
You cleared your throat, shaking off the thought of him reminding you of someone. “So, are you ready for the new year?”
“Yeah, ready for a new year with new adventures and new projects. And you?”
You shifted your weight to one side. God yes! “Pretty much, yeah. It’s been a long year, so ready to put it behind and get a new start. At least that’s what it feels like – a new start.” You smiled “I definitely won’t waste away in my pyjamas at all.” You added sarcastically.
He chuckled. “You know what, that sounds pretty nice. It also sounds like the plans I initially had for New Year this year.”
You snorted at his honesty. “Mine too.” You admitted with a chortle as you looked around at the other unfamiliar faces glancing at you.
“How do you know these people?” He asked, snapping your attention back at him. You couldn’t shake off the feeling of having seen this man before.
“Y/F/N and I have known each other since we were like three years old.” You replied. “And you?”
“Ah, Y/F/N is also a friend of mine. We met like - … - four years ago I think it is.” Your heart lightly fluttered at his furrowed brows as he thought about it. “Or is it three?” His eyes bounced to your gaze with a warm glow. “I can barely remember, time flies by so fast.”
You both looked out on the growing crowd by your side, everyone facing away from you to look up at the clear night sky. You felt a smile grow on your lips as you realised it was soon to be a new year.
They all chanted together as some fireworks flew up in the air and exploding, painting the black canvas with colours and sparks. You turned to look at Pedro beside you, who already had his gaze on you.
“ONE. HAPPY NEW YEAR!” Everyone shouted out in unison.
He held out his beer bottle and you clinked your glass to it. “Happy new year.” He smiled sincerely, filling you with warmth.
“Happy new year.” You both took a sip from your own drinks and held each other’s gaze. You both took half a step closer and he bent down, wrapping his arms around you and hugged you tightly.
“To new beginnings.” He whispered.
Safety washed over you as you stood in his embrace. His scent overrode your senses as you wrapped your own arms around him. He pulled you a little closer as you heard him inhale deeply.
“Pedro.” An unknown voice called out in the distance.
He let go of you slowly, as if he was reluctant to part from you and looked behind you.
“Alex.” He chimed and took a step to the side to greet what you thought was his friend. “Happy new year.”
“Happy new year, man. The others are looking for you, they wanna wish you a happy new year as well, come on.” Alex grabbed Pedro’s wrist and pulled him with him.
You chuckled at the sight as Pedro looked over his shoulder at you with an apologetic look. You waved at him, hiding the feeling of dismal and emptiness as you watched him leave. Pedro… You echoed his name in your head, when suddenly realisation washed over you. Pedro…! You gaped at yourself in disbelief. Holy shit!
You woke up with a throbbing headache, rolled over and grasped for your phone. You had a few texts from different family members, but what caught your attention was a text from an unknown number.
You’re right, I do look great in a hat.
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Omg, ahaha
You're definitely rocking that hat!
How did you get your hands on a hat so quickly?
Have coffee with me and I’ll tell you the thrilling story of how I got it
Hahah sure. When?
El Barrista in an hour? I will be wearing my hat
See you in an hour
(Wanna be added to my tag list for Pedro Pascal and his characters? Let me know and I will happily add you)
@cynic-spirit, @lililolli, @notabotiswear, @sara-alonso, @blankmooon, @xoxo-callie, @mamacitapascal, @thewaythisis, @greeneyedblondie44
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astralshipper · 4 years
OKAY HI IM SORRY I HAVENT BEEN ON IN A COUPLE DAYS REALLY!! i had midterms the past two days so i have been. stressing. BUT the worst of them are over! while i was gone i got tagged in that new selfship tag game a couple times (thank u k and aricka!!!) and ALSO HELLO IF U HAVE TAGGED ME IN APPRECIATION POSTS U ARE ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE AND I APPRECIATE U SO SO MUCH!!! THANK U SO MUCH!! okay! gonna do the self ship tag under the cut!! doing it as astrael bc Fun :000
KEY: Italics is Astrael. Bold is Sam.
Introduce yourselves. Who are you? What do you like to do? Hi! I’m Astrael, I’m an angel of the lord, and all that fun stuff. I like music a lot, and I’m really into art, even though I’m not the best at it. I also really love reading and writing! Those rare nights that we can just hang out in the silent bunker and dive into a good book, they’re the best nights for sure. Hey, my name’s Sam, I’m a hunter. Like, “things that go bump in the night” kind of hunter, not the Bambi kind, heh. When we aren’t out on a hunt or stopping the world from going off the rails for the seventeenth time this week, I really like reading and history. True crime stuff is really interesting to me, and I’m a huge fan of ancient lore and really just any knowledge I can get my hands on, you know? If I’ve got the time, watching football is always a good way to spend an evening too. 
How was your first meeting like? Oh, dad, I don’t know if I wanna really say... it’s kinda embarrassing. So, I kinda... searched him down? Not in like! A creepy way! I’m an angel, right? So, Sammy boy over here was supposed to be big bro Lucifer’s vessel for the apocalypse. Big family dinner drama and all that. So, us angels were tasked with basically... trying to kick his ass at any point possible. Ha! That didn’t work out too well, did it? So, yeah, she found me at this library while Dean and I were working a case. She didn’t tell me what she was or who she was, but she ended up helping me with the case and we got to talking for a while. Then, Dean called me, and I had to run before I could get any contact information. Not that you needed it anyways. You were friends with my brother already, luckily. I had found him because I wanted to see who this big bad evil guy was that everyone was talking about, and I... didn’t expect this... giant puppy, basically. Hey!
How did you get together? Who confessed first? Oh god, this one... Listen, I didn’t MEAN for this to be how it went down! What he’s trying to tell you is, he’s the one that confessed at the absolute worst possible time. Okay, well, I thought you were gonna die so I wasn’t exactly thinking straight. The words just kinda came out, alright? 
What are your thoughts on PDA? Believe it or not, I’m... kinda shy. So I worry a lot about making people uncomfortable. That’s not that I don’t WANT to be affectionate with Sam in public. And that’s where I come in. Hi. Most PDA is initiated by me, somehow. 
How do you show your affection towards each other/what are your love languages? Sam reacts best to acts of service, I feel like. Though, different moods tend to call for different things. If it’s general love, it’s more of the acts of service. If he’s scared or worried, it’s more physical affection. I show my affection mostly through physical affection and verbal affirmations, since that’s usually what Astra prefers. But I’m big on performing acts of service too. 
Who's more introverted and who's more extroverted? We’re both introverts.  Oh, but you KNOW you’re the more extroverted one. You can handle being around people way longer than I can. Well, yeah, but it’s not my favorite thing in the world. We took that, uh, personality type test? I’m INFJ, she’s INFP. Just in case that means something to you guys.
Who's the big spoon and who's the little spoon? I’m big spoon. Okay, not ALWAYS. Don’t say it so intensely like that. Nope, it’s definitely always me. Sam, baby, you aren’t fooling anybody. That, like, 5% of times that you’re the little spoon doesn’t make you any less of a man.  Can we please move on?
What do you like doing together the most? Reading! Netflix! Making fun of Dean! Sleeping! That’s YOUR favorite, angel.
Tell us a fun fact about the other! Ooooh, okay. Well, Astra takes notes in her books as she reads them. Like, keeps a pencil with her and writes notes on the sides of pages. I have no idea what she’s taking notes on, but I don’t think she knows that we’re not in grade school and she doesn’t have to do the annotations anymore. I trusted you with that information and you betray me. I can’t believe this... Just for that, hi everyone, Sam once tore the whole bunker apart because he couldn’t find this one specific damn flannel, as if he didn’t have seventy other identical ones hanging up in the closet already. Also, I’m an angel, I never went to grade school, asshole. Check and mate. I don’t think that sounded quite as cool and intimidating as you wanted it to.
Tag other selfshippers and their f/os. anybody that wants to!!!!!
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*slides in on my heelies* okay quill, gush time. Scream about anything and everything with your f/os. No holding back —Nic
@me-myself-and-my-fos you're so gonna regret giving me this ask but THANK YOU TGTGSHSGS
putting it under a cut bc its just a big gush dump abt literally all my f/os but to anyone who does read it all thank you and srsly i love u so much i hope u know that i would die for u 🥺🥰 💕
// literally like. where do i start my mind is EVERYWHERE and im having a CRISIS i just love them all ?? sm ?? yknow ??
// i think mainly i’ve been thinking abt mon and winn like .... omg. theres this thing mon el does in c*non where he was reading romeo and juliet and underlining lines that reminded him of kara and I WANT HIM TO DO THAT FOR ME SO SO BAD ........... like that is so soft and usually i dont like taking ideas from c*non ships but oh my god that one is so good .......... 💕💕
// i had a not so good dream last night so i was thinking abt winn comforting me after a nightmare ( and not letting me have coffee at like 2 am to keep myself awake bc he wants me to get some sleep ). and him staying up to help me fall asleep again even tho he’s tired. like. wow he would so do that for me 🥺🥺
// winn is just so cute like hes such a good soft boy and hes so awkward but silly and so CUTE like .... he has a very cute face yknow ?? like a puppy ?? i just ???? i adore him i ADORE HIM and every time i see him im like. sir. sir give me a KISS.
// also i cannot stop thinking abt .... reunions with both of them yknow .... bc theyre both in the 31st century rn and it literally does NOT help that cw keeps teasing them coming back this season like i am so impatient let me see my BOYS AND GIVE THEM BIG SMOOCHES !!!!!!!!!!!! 😤😤
// ok OK BUT ALSO OFC after the last supergirl ive been thinking abt brainy but more specifically female brainy like ......... GOD SHES SO PRETTY. LOOK AT HER. 
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// wow that is my WIFE RIGHT THERE THAT IS HER MY WIFE A LITERAL GODDESS I LOVE HER SM. shes so badass and stoic too and you already KNOW thats my type just LOOK at kate and jessica. my brain refuses to be on straight activity today i am SO bi. should i make a new tag for her or should i just keep her under brainy’s tag ??? IDK BUT SHES THE GREATEST. pls. marry me
// and speaking of my wife .... like ,,, wow. kate ,,, she is just. i SWEAR 90% of what she did in last nights ep was stand around in her suit but oh my god i love her so much i was in AWE. luke wasn’t on her comms when she went on missions in that episode so i kept imagining myself taking his place ( since hes my brother ) and being in her ear during missions and wow ..... we’re a power couple aren’t we ..... 
// also. she was just standing around letting those teenagers take selfies with her bc she cant say no lmfao shes adorable.
// ok ok thinking abt mon again bc he helps so much with my anxiety like ..... i can easily think of so many soft scenarios with him and they really help distract me when i get upset or anxious. i think of so much angst with him too but its GOOD ANGST and it still makes me really happy to think abt if that makes sense ??? i just wanna hug him and be in his arms and have soft domestic moments with him .......................... is that so bad ?? i love him so so much ??? 
// its kinda funny that a lot of the time i cant think abt mon without thinking abt winn what does that MEAN
// literally just putting this here bc i started thinking abt female brainy again. miss dox. i’d be so lovestruck the first time i meet her i swear. like. i’d be pining so hard alex would tell me to just go home bc im not getting any work done LMFAO. she is literally the DIRECTOR OF THE DEO WHERE SHES FROM OH MY GOD. she is so powerful and knows it i love her. help.
// yknow .... ive been thinking abt the last ep of crisis and how much more cheerful/happy barry seemed and its just so good to see that again. it feels SO GOOD to see that again. all ive wanted this past like 4 MONTHS is for him to be happy again and its happened finally and gosh i am the big heart eyes @ him because im so happy and proud of him ................. i got lost in pics of him on pinterest this morning i SWEAR hes such a big comfort for me that i just go to him even when i dont need comfort tgbtrhgshg. barry sir i cannot wait to marry you. look how far we’ve come
// tomorrow is a new legends ep and i get new nate content .... like ... i love my historian boy i do not give him enough love but i adore him with all my heart. he’s actually one of my longest kept f/os since i’ve been shipping with him WAY before i even made that blog and i think thats pretty great of us 😤👌 im just hoping he gets a lot of screen time !!!!
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joonbugged · 7 years
getting to know me *:・゚✧
hey @rapmonphile tagged me in my first tag game!!! i thoroughly appreciate her so follow her for quality content (esp joon)
your last …
1. drink: tropicana pink lemonade bc i go hard
2. phone call: my mom. she was mad at me for being injured?? thanks mom
3. text message: to an old friend who i just put puzzle pieces together and realized hes a kpop fan!! we’ve been reconnecting and its gr8
4. song you listened to: as if its your last by blackpink (my queens)
5. time you cried: @btsatschool admins made me hecka emo like 2 weeks ago
have you ever …
6. dated someone twice: nope
7. kissed someone and regretted it: yes but never immediately ya know
8. been cheated on: yes
9. lost someone special: yes
10. been depressed: for! the! past! 5! years! of! my! life! im ok though, if anyone can relate pls keep fighting its worth it
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: funny story. yes ive gotten drunk. like shitfaced. but i never throw up!
list 3 favorite colors
12-14. shit... usually I just say green but since you asked for 3: mint green, maroon, and any silver or gold shit thats also holographic
in the last year, have you …
15. made new friends: yes!!!
16. fallen out of love: not sure if it was love to begin with
17. laughed until you cried: absolutely
18. found out someone was talking about you: ive had my suspicions but they’ve never actually been confirmed. at least not when it comes to negative stuff
19. met someone who changed you: idk if this counts bc i havent actually met them but bang! tan! so! nyeon! dan!
20. found out who your friends are: see i always think im having this moment but then the people in question always pull shit that changes my mind back to being like “ok yeah i guess youre a real friend”
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: two of em
random questions
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: i wont add someone unless i know them personally, save for a few ldr that im very VERY close to. so i know them all
23. do you have any pets: THREE CATS THEY ARE THE LIGHT OF MY LIFE
24. do you want to change your name: all the time.
25. what did you do for your last birthday: i had to do college shit!! (it was on june 9th btw) and i got my period!!! so it was f a n t a s t i c
26. what time did you wake up: 9:30 ish
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: talking with my friendos from here
28. name something you can’t wait for: idk... im gonna be in a couple shows soon but i can wait for them all to happen really. lame answer but i cant think of anything atm
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: monday morning
30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: just one??? i guess i was just more secure with myself and knew who i truly was. bc i have a bad habit of acting differently to please different people and not being confident in myself and that needs to g o
31. what are you listening to right now: the sounds of me typing this lmao. and my roomie watching netflix. its so quiet i can hear the noise from her headphones
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: hello?? my lifelong best friend is a thomas
33. something that is getting on your nerves: im trying to hang with some of my pals this week and they keep not responding to me
34. most visited website: tumblr and youtube
35-37. apparently these questions are lost to the void
38. hair color: brown with leftover maroon and dark brown dyes in it
39. long or short hair: im growing it out so its short atm
40. do you have a crush on someone: y e s too many people
41. what do you like about yourself: i can do makeup real well and i have cute tiddies (when they in my bra)
42. piercings: just one on both earlobes. im considering a nose ring
43. blood type: a positive?? but i still dont understand why thats important to know in terms of kpop idols. do i need to donate blood to them?
44. nickname: if you wanna be hip call me mitch
45. relationship status: single. desperately seeking a fwb
46. zodiac: gemini ass
47. pronouns: she/her
48. favorite tv show: the walking dead and the 100
49. tattoos: cant get any bc of theatre. wanna get a small semicolon on my finger
50. right or left handed: right
51. surgery: never major surgeries. i once has to get an inflamed salivary gland removed and ive had my run in with stitches. but nothing major
52. piercing: yep this is a repeat
53. favorite sport: dancing, swimming, and biking
55. favorite vacation: my trip to nebraska last year
56. favorite pair of trainers: what are trainers
57. eating: about to go get dinner. if this is a question about fave foods then i guess my moms spaghetti (no irony here)
58. drinking: currently nothing. i would sell my firstborn for sunny D tho
59. i’m about to: get changed for a partayyyy
61. waiting for: my other roomie to wake up from her nap so we can eat
63. get married: im a hopeless romantic so you better believe my ho ass is tying the knot one of these days
64. career: got my sights set on being an actress. i currently make pizza.
which is better
65. hugs or kisses: kisses
66. lips or eyes: eyes
67. shorter or taller: if its a s/o i prefer them to be taller
68. older or younger: older if s/os
70. nice arms or nice stomach: im a sucker for a cute ass tummy
71. sensitive or loud: i agree how do these relate but i like it when people are sensitive. not when they like cant handle anything but more like when theyre in tune with their own emotions and thoughts and try not to be a toughie
72. hook up or relationship: relationship
73. troublemaker or hesitant: my fam would wanna say troublemaker but im hesitant af
have you ever …
74. kissed a stranger: i wish
75. drank hard liquor: yeeeeeah
76. lost glasses/contact lenses: im not a fuckin genie of course i have
77. turned someone down: yes
78. sex on the first date: heck no
79. broken someone’s heart: yes!
80. had your heart broken: yes!!
81. been arrested: no
82. cried when someone died: yes
83. fallen for a friend: yes esp with my gay ass
do you believe in …
84. yourself: i wanna laugh and be like heh no, but i really do
85. miracles: sorta
86. love at first sight: i believe in lust at first sight
87. santa claus: nope but i used to be hardcore as a kid
88. kiss on the first date: yeah. i support cheek pecks but lips are game if it went real well
89. angels: not guardian angels no
90. best friend’s name:  tom, katie
91. eye color: poop brown
92. favorite movie: warm bodies
heres one for the babes: @disastermanjoon @btsatschool (B) @myhomeistuan @eomma-eagle @bunnybubkook @minswaggy-dt @teaacuptaee
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