#mdzs role play
h3artf3ltint3nt · 4 months
//because I am bored, have my mediocre edits with Kexin & canon characters lol
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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M'lady, doth this harlot bother thee?
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sandumilfshou · 5 months
still kind of insane to me that people talk shit about jiang cheng without fully understanding what he has been through so lets just understand what his mental state is like BEFORE canon begins:
born via a dysfunctional marriage to be the sect heir
father doesnt care for him, mother expects too much from him/everything he does is not enough
has his three dogs just kicked out randomly with no notice because of some kid he's never heard of by the father who never gave him love and/or attention
said father then favours this kid more than him, to the point that the entire world basically thinks that this kid is biologically your father's son as well, which causes even more family dysfunction
despite this still learns to love this kid as his unofficial brother
works his absolute hardest but is always second-best because his new shixiong is naturally talented
nobody appreciates the hard work he puts in at being second place despite the fact wwx literally doesnt work hard for it
masks his emotions with anger as a coping mechanism to minimise the amount of hurt he feels
ok great so now lets actually take all of the above and apply this mental wellbeing to canon events FROM HIS PERSPECTIVE (keep in mind this is literally what jc is seeing/experiencing because he DOESNT KNOW what the reader knows):
brother is off being the protagonist and getting in trouble and gets their sisters marriage ruined
comes home from a year away and then almost immediately has to go and be a hostage where brother continues his protagonist behaviour
gets trapped and nearly dies in a cave with a 400-year-old monster, is in charge of finding a way out and making sure everyone else escapes
brother and a guy who maybe hates him get stuck behind in the cave so now jiang cheng has to boost it home ON FOOT, without food, to get manpower to rescue them, which takes a minimum of a few days likely without any food or sleep
no appreciation or thanks for doing that since brother was more heroic and killed the 400-year-old monster
gets scolded by his father for being annoyed by this
parents immediately get into another fight about father loving wwx more than jc
because of the above shenanigans their sect is targeted next
tries to defend brother against being whipped to death and/or having his hand cut off by mother
witnesses his entire sect being burned and murdered
loses both his parents
decides to sacrifice himself to save his brother's life, instead of dying he is tortured and has his golden core melted
on top of his inferiority issues, the ONE THING he was expected to do was be the sect leader for the yunmeng jiang. the sect that no longer exists. he is now a sect leader with no sect and no golden core. no shit he wants to mcfuckin die
miraculously gets a new golden core but loses his brother
immediately plunged into a war and he's only like 17
spends 3 months trying to find his brother only for his brother to show up doing the Forbidden Magic and necromancy which is Super Disrespectful in their culture like holy shit what are you doing
brother refuses to use his sword in favour of the Forbidden Magics and kind of keeps undermining jc's orders as sect leader which makes jc look weak in front of all the other sect leaders when he's actively trying to rebuild their sect and be respected as a leader
fights a war for [handwaves] an amount of time, certainly a few years minimum, while watching his brother descend further into Unhealthy Behaviour but brother refuses to do anything or talk about it
ends up lowkey being a war hero
the other three great sects (of which there are now only four) swear brotherhood, leaving out ONLY ymj/jiang cheng, which, what the Fuck dude
is now a teenager who has lost his parents who now has to rebuild his sect from scratch with fuck all money, supplies, and support
brother, who promised to always be at his side helping, is not helping, and in fact is actively just getting drunk and being a nuisance and STILL REFUSING TO SAY WHY
entire cultivation world starts to turn on his brother who is now looking like a loose cannon bc he has Forbidden Magics that are Terrifyingly Powerful and also it has been proven that he does not give a fuck about jc's opinion since he's constantly doing whatever the fuck he wants
literally out of nowhere said brother decides to piss off everyone, start fights, and then KILL JIN GUARDS at a camp and MAKE OFF with like fifty people who are part of the family that he just fought a war against and were responsible for slaughtering his family/sect
go to the terrifying haunted mountain where wwx and the wen remnants are and sees that he's essentially starting a new family with a kid and crops, doesn't seem to care that jiang cheng is still trying to keep the ymj afloat and look like they have any strength
brother is still doing Forbidden Magic and refuses to explain why, and now says he'll secede from the ymj so his bad reputation doesn't reflect on jc like he HASNT BEEN DOING THAT THE WHOLE TIME
so now shixiong wants to just abandon jc completely after jc has lost his parents, had to rebuild everything from scratch, while ignoring the promise he's made their whole life? ok fuck you
jc also can't defend him in public because that would turn the ymj into a target and please keep in mind he is a teenager who was expected to do this ONE THING by his parents and he has poured his heart and soul and blood and tears into rebuilding the ymj and they are So Vulnerable Right Now
uhhh what the fuck suddenly wwx kills their sister's husband ?? bro what the FUCK?
everyone rallies to go and attack wwx for this and again jc literally cant do anything about it and refusing to go will just make everyone assume he's on wwx's side and their sect can't afford to be attacked rn
bro what the fuck now THEIR SISTER IS DEAD?????
oh even better now said brother is DEAD
jiang cheng literally has NO ONE LEFT. no friends. no family. no parents, no siblings, everyone he knew growing up is dead. its literally just him and his infant nephew, who by the way, is living with the sect who are the most powerful and also most likely to be super fucking shady so jc has to tread very carefully
so jc spends over a decade raising his nephew ALONE while trying to make ymj powerful and also hunting/killing demonic cultivators that now p much only exist bc his brother invented/popularised the technique
oh yeah and also this whole time the guy who maybe hated his brother is now like EVEN colder and more antagonistic towards jc like it was HIS FAULT that wwx is dead? get fucked lan wangji you didnt even like the guy (or if this is cql/untamed canon: you literally did nothing either so where do you get off on acting like you're better than jc)
over a decade passes and suddenly his dead brother is alive again and causing more problems and acting like the things he did were not major contributors towards jc's entire family and sect dying
More Political Drama Happens and jc has to manage it
suddenly its revealed that the guy he's been co-raising his nephew with is the major villain who caused the entire world to turn on wwx in the first place oh and also it turns out that the fucking miraculous core jc has IS HIS BROTHER'S, WHO NEVER SAID ANYTHING, AND THIS IS THE REASON HE STARTED THE FORBIDDEN MAGICS AND STOPPED HELPING AROUND THE SECT, but he didnt even BOTHER to tell jiang cheng about it
by the way did i mention this was done via an entirely unconsented experimental surgery
and now the brother of the doctor who did the unconsented experimental surgery is ?? mad at jiang cheng about it ???? like he was supposed to KNOW ABOUT THIS when wwx was KEEPING IT FROM HIM ON PURPOSE???
and now theyre all nearly dying in this dumbass temple - and the ONE family member jc still has is literally being threatened with a garotte
oh cool now jc's brother is saying forget the past let's just leave it all behind !!! as though THAT ISNT JC'S ENTIRE LIFE AND TRAUMA and the ONE THING he EVER wanted was for him, wwx, and jyl to be alive and happy, and now wwx is saying just forget it! like FUCK YOU???? does jc truly mean NOTHING???????
oh and now his brother is off gallivanting with the guy who hated him - who it turns out doesn't hate him - and now they're getting married
and jiang cheng is meant to just. pretend all of this never happened and live his life normally. while wwx is out there. being happy and married.
like... if you can read all of this and still treat jc like he's the bad guy, i'm sorry, but you have literally zero empathy. dude had it probably more rough than any of the other main ensemble cast, and i am including jgy in that, because jgy Made His Choices. jc literally just had to let things happen around him helplessly
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I love the idea of like. Nieyao reconciliation but specifically with the flavor of Jin Zixuan accidentally being the one to make it happen.
Jin Zixuan is a brother now and he has no goddamn fucking clue what that means or how to be good at it and he's not usually someone willing to ask for help but Yanli has been encouraging him to speak up and be honest with people more often, and this is important -- arguably one of the most important things he'll ever do! -- so. So. He's gonna need some advice, and there are few places where he can go to get it.
Jiang Wanyin and Wei Wuxian are the most immediately available, but their whole relationship is so messy and complicated and weird that even Jin Zixuan can tell that he should take their interactions with several grains of salt.
Lan Xichen would probably be the most gracious about offering his help, and he and Jin Guangyao are close, so his advice will probably also be like. Custom tailored to whatever is most likely to make a-Yao like Zixuan. But therein kind of also lies the problem, because he and a-Yao are close and he also has a weird psychic-link thing going on with Lan Wangji and Jin Zixuan isn't convinced that Zewu-Jun actually knows how to bond with people; he's pretty sure Lan Xichen has never in his life had to work to build a relationship. Everyone who has ever met the man has walked away seeing stars.
So. That leaves Nie Mingjue. The Nie brothers are very close -- Chifeng-Zun is protective and doting and supportive of Nie Huiasang, who in turn will sing his brother's praises to anyone who is willing to listen (and many people who are unwilling but trapped.) But they're also both normal about it. They bicker. They don't always seem to get along. Sometimes they seem endlessly frustrated with each other. And a-Yao and Nie Mingjue are sworn brothers, which does kind of technically give Zixuan and in even though it doesn't make the idea of speaking to Nie Mingjue any less terrifying.
I don't have very much more plot for this but please just imagine Nie Mingjue's utter bafflement at receiving a letter from Jin Zixuan that basically says "Hello, senior da-ge. I have recently gained the title of da-ge myself. Unfortunately I have no training or prior experience in the art of da-ge-ing and I am Terrified of screwing this up. Any advice you could offer on how to be da-ge would be deeply appreciated." and then somehow through the course of helping Zixuan figure out how to bond with his brother (and through Jin Guangyao suffering through Jin Zixuan's attemps for them to bond) Nie Mingjue and Jin Guangyao end up fixing their shit.
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mxtxfanatic · 1 year
Jin Ling and the Curse of Escalating Abuse, Pt. 2
This post will cover Jin Ling and Jin Guangyao’s relationship in much the same way that the first part, here, analyzed Jin Ling and Jiang Cheng’s relationship. Note: just as with the first part, I will not be addressing Jin Guangyao’s (supposed) love for Jin Ling. As I said before, the love an abuser has for their victim(s) means absolutely nothing in the face of that unchanged abuse. For each scene I analyze, I will be using one source per scene, but if I have multiple translations for a scene, I will put them under the cut for comparison.
As discussed in the first post to this duo, Jin Ling does not grow up with a caring uncle from his mother’s side. However, I rarely see people discuss the abuse that Jin Ling faces from his paternal uncle, Jin Guangyao, and I think this is because 1) we don’t see Jin Ling and Jin Guangyao directly interact for much of the story the way that Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling do and 2) Jin Guangyao’s style of abuse looks vastly different from the very straightforward toxicity that Jiang Cheng displays. But still, there are a lot of tidbits in the story to give us insight into this uncle-nephew relationship, so let’s get into it!
From the very beginning, we are shown the ways in which Jin Guangyao cares for Jin Ling, such as that he gifts Jin Ling his spiritual dog who serves as his first and closest friend, pre-canon, and Jin Ling regards this highly:
Jin Ling’s black-maned spirit dog was of a rare species, and it had been given to him by Jin Guangyao.
–Chapt. 20: Sunshine II, fanyiyi
“How could your donkey compare to my spirit dog?” Jin Ling said. “Xianzi was given to me by my younger uncle. If something happens to it, even ten thousand donkeys wouldn’t make up for it!”
–Chapt. 34: Flora II, fanyiyi
Jin Ling is also very protective of his paternal uncle, warning “Mo Xuanyu” away from “his people” even as he is reluctantly charmed by Wei Wuxian’s personality:
“...Don’t bother or mess around with other men, especially if they’re my people! Otherwise, don’t blame me if I do something about it.”
By “my people,” Jin Ling meant both the Lanling Jin Clan and the Yunmeng Jiang Clan. It appeared that his tolerance for the passion of the cut sleeve had increased—as long as Wei Wuxian wasn’t trying to involve himself with men of either clan, he could look the other way.
–Chapt. 45: Beauty III, fanyiyi
He even gets upset that “Mo Xuanyu” has returned to Koi Tower given the scandal of his banishment and especially when he finds “Mo Xuanyu” outside of Jin Guangyao’s private rooms:
As Jin Ling was just about to speak again, he glanced behind Lan WangJi and finally saw Wei WuXian. Temporarily astounded, he blurted, “Why are you here?!”
Wei WuXian, “To get a free meal.”
Jin Ling was somewhat angered, “How dare you still come?! Didn’t I warn...”
–Chapt. 47: Guile, exr
Jin Ling felt goosebumps climb over his body, “Shut up right now! Who’s all lovey-dovey with you?! Didn’t I warn you already not to mess with our sect’s people? Why have you come back?!”
–Chapt. 47: Guile, exr
The first to hurry over was Jin Ling. His sword was already unsheathed in his hand as he asked, “Why are you here?”...
...Jin Ling fumed, “Just what do you want? Everyone is here because of you! This is my uncle’s bedchamber, bedchamber, you understand?! Haven’t I told you not to...”
–Chapt. 50: Guile, exr
But unlike with Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling’s turbulent relationship, the feelings of care seem to be overtly reciprocated between Jin Guangyao and Jin Ling. In the first direct interaction we see between uncle and nephew, Jin Guangyao acts as shield and comfort to Jin Ling, being the calming buffer between Jin Ling and Jiang Cheng:
Jin Ling followed Jin GuangYao out here. He still didn’t dare meet Jiang Cheng alone. Hiding behind Jin GuangYao’s back, he mumbled, “Uncle.”
Jiang Cheng replied harshly, “So you still know that I’m your uncle!”
Jin Ling quickly tugged at the back hems of Jin GuangYao’s robe. Jin GuangYao seemed as though he had been born to resolve conflicts, “Now, Sect Leader Jiang, A-Ling realized his mistake a long time ago. During the past few days, he’s been so scared you’d punish him that he hasn’t even been eating well. Children just like to make mischief. I know you love him the most. Let’s not bother him about it so much.”
–Chapt. 47: Guile, exr
...as well as calming Jin Ling down when he gets upset at “Mo Xuanyu” being present at the discussion conference:
Jin Ling was somewhat angered, “How dare you still come?! Didn’t I warn...”
Jin GuangYao rubbed Jin Ling’s head, pushing him behind himself, and smiled...
–Chapt. 47: Guile, exr
And Jin Guangyao manages to do this all without appearing as overbearing or condescending towards his nephew, allowing Jin Ling to be a vulnerable child with him in a way that he refuses to be with the ornery Jiang Cheng. However, it is this same chapter, still, that we begin to see cracks in the relationship. Not long after the above interactions, Jin Ling runs into his childhood bullies. After Wei Wuxian helps him deal with it, this is what Jin Ling has to say:
Jin Ling glanced at him and couldn’t help but answered, “Why are you like this? My younger uncle has always advised against this, but you’re egging me on.”...
...Jin Ling’s face betrayed faint yearning, yet he still sounded contemptuous, “What are you talking about? Uncle’s advice is for my own good.”
–Chapt. 47: Guile, exr
Despite being Jin Ling’s guardian and leader of the Jin Clan, and despite being aware of the bullying Jin Ling is experiencing by his peers, Jin Guangyao’s solution is to tell Jin Ling... not to defend himself. We are given no other indication in the text, either through Jin Ling or other characters, that Jin Guangyao takes any other steps to mitigate this bullying. He simply washes his hands of the situation and leaves Jin Ling to fend for himself. Wei Wuxian even notes the strangeness of this, how a man who is so good at people-pleasing and reading the room would act ignorant on how to solve his nephew’s issues with socializing:
After a while of silence, he replied, “With Jin Ling’s temper, he offends other people whenever he opens his mouth, he pokes at the hornet’s nest whenever he raises his hand. Your sect’s JingYi calls him Young Mistress—well, he’s right. The many times before this, if it weren’t for how we protected him, he’d have no lives left. Jiang Cheng isn’t at all someone who knows how to teach children. Jin GuangYao, on the other hand...”
–Chapt. 47: Guile, exr
If not for Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, Jin Ling would have been dead many times over, particularly at the goading of his maternal uncle, but Jin Guangyao seems illogically unaware of this. But is he really, or does he simply not value Jin Ling’s life outside of his facade as a loving uncle? Enter the second siege and Guanyin Temple, where Jin Guangyao’s true feelings towards his nephew are revealed. At the second siege, Jin Ling is amongst the kidnapped children used as bait to draw in the rest of the established cultivation clans, meaning that Jin Guangyao was perfectly willing to sacrifice his nephew to keep his secrets hidden. And when Jin Ling stumbles upon Guanyin Temple, Jin Guangyao continually betrays Jin Ling’s former affections, from not saying anything to stop his lackeys from taking fatal aim at his nephew, to ordering them to kill Fairy, to even personally threatening Jin Ling’s life:
Within the courtyard, all the cultivators were attentive and high-strung. With arrows drawn on their bows, they aimed at the gate, holding the bowstring tight, waiting for an order...
...The moment Jin Ling reached the top of the wall, he was confronted by an entire courtyard of bows drawn and aimed at him. His pupils shrunk instantly. One of the monks had either never seen Jin Ling before or had already prepared to annihilate any and all intruders. The monk released his bowstring and the arrow soared towards Jin Ling!
–Chapt. 98: A Hatred for Life Part 1, boat-full-of-lotus-pods
Jin GuangYao said, “Find it and kill it. This spiritual dog is very intelligent. We wouldn’t want her to lure over other people.”
“Yes sir!”
The monk left with a sword in his hand and the temple’s gate closed behind him. Jin Ling was beyond stunned. “You’re really going to kill her? You gave Fairy to me!”
–Chapt. 99: A Hatred For Life Part 2, boat-full-of-lotus-pods
Shrugging, Jin GuanYao smiled, “I can’t help it. Even after doing all the worst things imaginable, I still want the sympathy of others. That’s just the type of person I am.”
At the word “person”, he sudden flicked his wrist. A piece of red qin string looped around Jin Ling’s neck.
Jin GuangYao’s eyes were still brimming with tears when he warned in a low voice, “Don’t move!”
–Chapt. 106: A Hatred For Life Part 9, boat-full-of-lotus-pods
Jin Ling is completely surprised by this seemingly 180 his uncle has pulled on him. After all, this was the uncle that had appeared to care for him the most and that he regarded highly:
Jin Ling had always been close with his Youngest Uncle. In the past, Jin GuangYao had often doted on him. Even now, Jin GuangYao still had that pleasant, compassionate look on his face, but it would be near impossible for Jin Ling to ever see him with the same eyes again. Quietly, Jin Ling walked towards Wei WuXian and Lan XiChen, obediently standing by their side.
–Chapt. 99: A Hatred for Life Part 2, boat-full-of-lotus-pods
So what was the point? Why care for Jin Ling if he didn’t, you know, care about him? Well, simple: Jin Ling represents that perfect life Jin Guangyao thinks Jin Guangshan barred him from. When asked why Jin Guangyao plotted to kill Jin Zixuan, Jin Guangyao finally explains his reasoning:
Turning to Jin Ling, he continued, “A-Ling, can you tell me why then? Why is it that even though I always put up a smiling face for everyone, I rarely received one in return? Meanwhile, your father was arrogant and proud everywhere he went, yet everyone was always chasing after him? Can you tell why is it that, though we had the same father, why is it that your father could leisurely stay at home and tease his child with his most beloved wife while I, who barely dared to stay alone too long with my wife, who’s frightened every time I gaze upon my own son, got sent out to deal with these things by my own father as if it was only natural for me to handle them— to ambush an unstable, dangerous man who could lose control of his fierce corpses at any moment and turn everything into a massacre?!
“Why is it that, though we even shared the same birthday, Jin GuangShan could be throwing a lavish celebration for one of them while watching the other one get kicked off from the Koi Tower on the very same day, all the way from the top of the first stair down to the very bottom?!”
–Chapt. 106: A Hatred For Life Part 9, boat-full-of-lotus-pods
On the outside, Jin Guangyao had a perfect life similar to Jin Zixuan, but on the inside – from being trapped into marrying his sister, to unwittingly (or not) having an incest baby, to being forced to do his father’s dirty work – it was clearly inferior to his arrogant half-brother’s, who had to suffer nothing to be valued by their shared father. Jin Guangyao may have only truly hated Jin Guangshan in this equation, but that hatred made everyone else disposable to him. Jin Zixuan had to die and Mo Xuanyu had to be permanently banished because they stood in the way of Jin Guangyao inheriting what he thought was his due from his father. Jin Rusong had to be killed because he would have revealed the terrible deeds Jin Guangyao committed in the name of protecting his image for his father’s benefit, despite the original sin being committed by his father to begin with. However, Jin Ling was just useful enough to live, because Jin Guangyao couldn’t have another child with Qin Su now that he was fully aware that she was his sister, but he also couldn’t divorce her, cheat, or kill her without risking his alliance with the Qin Clan that helped solidify his power to begin with. So Jin Ling became his neat little pawn: a potential heir that makes his need for biological children unnecessary, but also one who is so endeared to him that Jin Ling (if he were ever to become clan leader) would serve as a new shield and enabler for whatever Jin Guangyao decided to do after he stepped down (if he ever stepped down).
And once Jin Guangyao’s actions are exposed to the cultivation world with his reputation in tatters, he no longer has a need to preserve his “nice uncle” facade to Jin Ling or spare his nephew’s feelings. Jin Ling is no longer useful to Jin Guangyao so they may as well be strangers, and Jin Ling is left to pick up the pieces of what he thought was a loving relationship with one of his last living close relatives who, in reality, only saw him as a bitter rival’s son. Unfortunately, this kind of abuse is more shattering to deal with once the betrayal happens and the victim has to face knowing that they meant nothing to someone they loved (with assumed reciprocity), more so than the overt physical and verbal abuse Jin Ling experienced from Jiang Cheng. But fortunately, Jin Ling has Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji to lean on as he deals with the emotional fallout of these reveals.
Information on Fairy:
This black-haired spiritual dog was a prized species gifted to Jin Ling by Jin Guangyao.
–Chapt. 20: Harmony Part 2: Husband and husband going down the mountain as a pair, taming wangxian
This black-haired spiritual dog was a rare species given to Jin Ling by Jin GuangYao.
–Chapt. 20: Contenment, exr
Jin Ling, “How can that donkey be more important than my spiritual dog? Fairy was given to me by my youngest uncle. If something happened to it, not even ten thousand donkeys could pay for it!”
–Chapt. 34: Grasses, exr
Jin Ling being protective of Jin Guangyao:
“...Don’t go about messing with other men, especially people from our sect! Or else, don’t blame the results on me.”
The “our sect” that he said included both the LanlingJin and the YunmengJiang Sect. It seemed that his ability to tolerate cut-sleeves had increased, that as long as it wasn’t anyone from the two sects, he could turn a blind eye to it.
–Chapt. 45: Allure, exr
Jin Guangyao showing his true disregard for Jin Ling:
Within the courtyard, all the cultivators were tensely braced, bows taut, facing the door and awaiting orders...
...When Jin Ling reached the top of the wall, he was greeted with the sight of an entire courtyard of arrows aimed at him and his eyes widened in shock and fear. One of the monks had either never seen Jin Ling before or was determined to silence any intruders, released his arrow, aiming straight for Jin Ling’s heart!
–Chapt. 98: Hatred – Time to Beat Sister Yao, chiaki_himura
Amid the courtyard, all of the cultivators held their breaths. Resting on the bows, the arrows pointed towards the direction of the doors, waiting for orders...
...On the other hand, Jin Ling saw an entire courtyard of arrows aimed at him as soon as he arrived. His pupils shrank. One of the monks had probably never seen Jin Ling before, or perhaps he had the determination to kill off any intruders. He let go, and an arrow shot towards the direction of Jin Ling!
–Chapt. 98: Hatred, exr
Jin Guangyao rebuked, “Find it and kill it! This spirit dog is very intelligent. It would be highly inconvenient if it manages to attract the attention of others.”
“Right away, Sect Leader Jin!”
The monk then drew his sword and left the temple, closing the doors behind him. Jin Ling was shocked speechless, and implored, “You􏰞re really going to kill Fairy? Fairy was given to me by none other than yourself!”
–Chapt. 99: Hatred – Scars, chiaki_himura
Jin GuangYao, “Find it and kill it. The dog’s quite bright. It wouldn’t do us well if it led someone over.”
 “Yes!” The monk left with his sword, and the doors finally closed.
Jin Ling was more than astonished, blurting, “You’re really gonna kill it? You were the one who gave me Fairy!”
–Chapt. 99: Hatred, exr
Jin Guangyao’s smile remained on his face as he played with his fingers, “It can’t be helped. Still trying to seek others’ sympathy after committing all these evil deeds. I’m just that kind of person.”
Just as he finished saying “person”, he suddenly flicked his wrist. A thin, red zither string wrapped itself around Jin Ling’s neck. 
His eyes still watery, Jin Guangyao growled, “Don’t move!”
–Chapt. 106: Hatred - Gathering Together, chiaki_himura
Jin GuangYao shrugged as he smiled, “I can’t help it. To seek pity even after doing all the bad things—that’s the kind of person I am.”
At the word ‘pity’, he suddenly flipped his wrist. A red guqin string wrapped around Jin Ling’s neck.
Tears still hung at the corners of Jin GuangYao’s eyes as he spoke, voice low, “Don’t move!”
–Chapt. 106: Hatred, exr
Jin Ling’s care for Jin Guangyao:
Jin Ling had always been on amicable terms with his uncle; Jin Guangyao had always spoilt him, and he had always donned a cheerful and affable personality. But as of today, Jin Ling found it very hard to look at Jin Guangyao the same way. He broodingly moved to where Wei Wuxian and Lan Xichen were standing, looking very sombre.
–Chapt. 99: Hatred – Scars, chiaki_himura
Jin Ling had always had a good relationship with this uncle of his. In the past, Jin GuangYao doted on him quite a lot. Right now, he appeared to be as nice as always, but with the way things were, Jin Ling found it difficult to view him in the same light as before. Quietly, he walked towards Wei WuXian and Lan XiChen, looking quite obedient.
–Chapt. 99: Hatred, exr
Jin Guangyao revealing the reason for his hatred:
Turning to Jin Ling, he said, “A-Ling, then can you tell me, why? Why is it that even though I always treat everyone graciously and courteously, I might not even get half an ounce of greeting in return, but your father can ignore everyone, but everyone still flocks around him in awe and respect? Can you tell me, why is it that even though we have the same father, your father can stay at home comfortably with his beloved wife and dote on his own child, but I don’t even dare to be alone with my wife for too long, even getting goosebumps when I see my own child? Why I was sent by my own father to ambush a dangerous man who could lose control anytime and summon hordes of fierce ghosts and corpses?!”
“Why is it that even though we have the same birthday, Jin Guangshan would host a huge banquet for one son, yet watch as his subordinates kick his other son down the stairs of the Golden Pavilion, from the highest floor all the way to the lowest?!”
–Chapt. 99: Hatred – Scars, chiaki_himura
Nie HuaiSang hurried to pull back Jin Ling, who seemed as though he wanted to fight with Jin GuangYao. Jin GuangYao returned the question, “Why?” He turned to Jin Ling, “A-Ling, then could you tell me why? Why is it that even if I face everyone with a smile, I might not even receive the lowest form of respect, while even though your father was extremely arrogant, people flocked to him? Could you tell me why we were born from the same person but your father could relax at home with the love of his life playing with his child, while I never even dared be alone for long with my wife, shivering out of fright at first glance of my son? And I was ordered to do such a thing by my father as if it was natural—to kill an extremely dangerous figure who could flip out and conjure up a bloody massacre with his corpses anytime!
“Why is it that even though we were born on the same day, Jin GuangShan could host a grand banquet for one son, and watch with his own eyes how his subordinate kicked his other son down Koi Tower, from the first stair to the last!”
–Chapt. 106: Hatred, exr
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raeyhem · 1 year
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what a nice young man! I hope he doesn't do something to completely change the trajectory of everyone's lives!
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he’s my babygirl
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gentil-minou · 8 months
What if I just... Xiantober Falling
"Wei Ying!"
"Lan Zhan, let me go."
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"Wei Ying... I do not have arms..."
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"Well that was fun Lan Zhan! Wasn't it?"
*holding back tears* "We will never do this again."
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chaoticmindandmuse · 21 days
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📍 Pinned Post 📍
Hey~ I’m Mav, and this is my:
Personal and Multi-muse/fandom blog
I started this when I recognized how many retired muses I had, and after revisiting my most popular and favored one from years back, I decided to finally make something personal, and give myself the chance to play with some ideas and even roleplay if I feel like it.
Currently, my list is as follows:
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
🩸Judar ( @peacheatingmagi is my old blog)
Hazbin Hotel
🩸Angel Dust
🩸Lucifer ( @thestarofmourning )
Kingdom Hearts
🩸 Vanitas
🩸Yiling Louzhu ( @demonxianxian )
Magnus Chase
🩸Natalie Chase ( @deadmomclubattendee )
🩸Freya ( @goddessofloveanddeath )
🩸Alex Fierro ( @sharpwitandwire )
You’re welcome to interact with the blogs or just hit me up here tbh. This is just part of the list, but I am willing to expand to other muses not listed.
I’ll also be posting writing stuff to promote fanfic writers and to give some boosts to my wife as well.
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10holmes · 1 year
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Just re-read Going Back The Way We've Come again because I was feeling nostalgic and craving some sweet angst and because I still love this fic of mine so very much.
Anyway, I am now mentally and emotionally stuck in a painful daze reflecting on chapter 2 - where Xiao Xingchen's past is relived - especially concerning that personal headcanon of mine that I included there.
Back when writing this chapter, seeing that canon apparently wasn't painful and tragic enough, I thought:
What if XXC and XY had almost met sooner?
What if there had actually been a slim chance that XY would have even not encountered Chang Cian at all... but Baoshan Sanren instead, back when he was seven?
What if Baoshan Sanren actually descended her mountain once a year to look for orphans and then came to Yueyang that specific year?
And what if she had allowed then ten-year-old XXC to come with her and help her look for a potential child to join them?
This would have actually been the perfect grounds for a little canon-divergence AU that's all happy and cute with maybe some minor angst.
But as I am fond of gut-wrenching and soul-splitting pain, I decided, let the possibility be there but then have them miss that chance by a very very very small margin.
And now I've made myself cry because it is just so damn painful to read and think about that missed chance... The two of them almost meeting... Xue Yang being so close to a happy childhood, not having his hand crushed, his finger turned into pulp or almost losing his life, not going on to commit all of the attrocities later on, and then Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan would also not have had to go through any pain and emotional and physical torture either...
There could have been that wholesome happy future for all of them... But it was missed by just a heartbeat because Xue Yang had been detained elsewhere, got back too late and wasn't there when Xiao Xingchen could have chosen him but selected another orphan first...
Oh the sweet sweet pain....
In a similar way, I thought long and hard about their actual first encounter in canon and why it escalated the way it did and, yet again, my angst-driven self was like
What if all of it was in fact ultimately just based on one big unfortunate really minuscule misunderstanding?
What if what each of them thought they heard or what they said was not at all perceived the way it was intended to and what was meant to be said and heard?
What if they had even been trying to say something but were interrupted too soon and didn't get to say what might have been significant to diffuse the tensions and avoid any growing resentment?
So we might have Xiao Xingchen, who is actually quite smitten with young Xue Yang already, despite his rather unruly behaviour, and even muses about the younger’s potential as a cultivator when receiving the proper training, but before he can even begin to say anything along those lines, Xue Yang, who is already or still too heated and angry by Song Lan's attack, interprets XXCs manner all wrongly as self-important and haughty and interrupts him to lay words in his mouth and thus never learns of the man's true thoughts...
Another twisted knife to the heart for another possible diverging path to a better outcome not being taken...
And now you may lie with me, staring at the ceiling, contemplating our existence...
@verycatbluebird & @ba0shanblack
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h3artf3ltint3nt · 5 months
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"We Were Children Thrust Into War And Once It Ends, What Will We Become"
Independent | MDZS OC | 18+ | Penned by Kiry
Info Can Be Found Here
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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If a ghost says it, you have to do it.
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labyrynth · 2 years
okay so apparently this is the "quick and dirty" version, except that it's...a lot less quick than I intended.
Was Mo Xuanyu a threat to Jin Guangyao (and/or his position)?
Why Not?
To his Position: Jin Guangshan brought mxy to Koi Tower after Jin Zixuan died to threaten jgy's newfound position as heir...except that jgs never legitimized him. Mxy's presence would be much more effective as a threat if he was legitimized, so why didn't jgs legitimize him? Most likely, he didn't want to piss off his wife (even more than she already was, anyway), but mxy's general lack of skill and...uncharismatic nature weren't exactly "ideal heir" material.
To Jin Guangyao himself: [i.e. reputation, safety, etc.] lack of will, mostly; according to Jin Ling, mxy basically idolized jgy. but also, lack of ability: if he had the ability to make himself seem like someone to take seriously, his situation with both the Jins and the Mo family would have been completely different.
Did Jin Guangyao perceive Mo Xuanyu to be a threat (to him and/or his position)?
Why not?
He isn't stupid. He would know everything I mentioned above.
Jgy's upset at mxy's presence wasn't because mxy was a legitimate threat to jgy, but because Jin Guangshan, the father he had been working so tirelessly to try to earn the approval of was actively trying to undermine him and spite him. Who wouldn't be upset?
Did Jin Guangyao fabricate a story about sexual harassment as an excuse to get rid of Mo Xuanyu?
[canon-typical content warnings]
(Aka, did Mo Xuanyu actually sexually harass Jin Guangyao? Probably. At the very least, he probably did something that looked a lot like it to an outsider.)
Why not?
Comes from MXY's Account: when mxy summoned wwx, he had written several notes that explained his situation. It's after reading mxy's own notes that wwx concludes that mxy was sent home for sexually harassing other men (ch2)
WWX dismisses this theory: when wwx witnesses the argument between jgy and qin su, he theorizes about what the letter might say, and considers the possibility that jgy may have played a part in mxy's removal; he dismisses the theory, concluding that mxy getting kicked out was most likely legitimate (ch47)
No need to remove MXY: mxy's presence alone isn't a substantial enough threat to warrant addressing, and he ceased to be a potential threat entirely when jgs died, with no path to legitimacy.
MXY has no grudge against JGY: If mxy had done nothing wrong, but was still disgraced and sent back to his abusive family, it stands to reason that he would hold a grudge against the person who slandered him and sent him back. Adding one more person to his vengeance list wouldn't cost him anything extra, but he's satisfied with just the Mo family. he doesn't appear to even make any mention of jgy in all of his notes. (wwx doesn't realize the person sexually harassed was jgy until ch47)
Not how JGY would handle a threat: if mxy was in possession of some piece of information that jgy didn't want him to know, there's no reason to just...send mxy home. the information is either consequential or inconsequential. if it's inconsequential, it isn't worth the hubbub of such a damning rumor (see next point), and if it's consequential, it isn't worth the risk of letting mxy wander around freely when he could keep him close (with mutual blackmail), imprisoned (a la sisi), or just kill him (we already know he's not a very good cultivator, and hey--accidents happen).
Not a rumor JGY would create: circulating a rumor that "the bastard son of a whore turned sect leader was involved in homosexual incest" when said bastard son of a whore IS actually involved in incest (albeit unintentionally) is just knocking on the devil's door. if he's making up a rumor, there's literally no reason to have it hit so close to home, especially if it's something as attention grabbing as "bastard son of a whore turned sect leader receives unwanted sexual advances from his own half-brother"
in conclusion:
headcanon whatever the fuck you want, but the way that the text currently is, Mo Xuanyu was never a threat to Jin Guangyao, Jin Guangyao never thought he was, and Mo Xuanyu wasn't just some hapless uwu gay baby that fell victim to eeevil Jin Guangyao's Power Hungry Plotting
sometimes...other people do bad things...and make mistakes...and it's because they're exercising their own agency.
Speculation Zone: I think mxy probably was trying to come onto jgy, and had been for a while, with jgy doing his best to gently rebuff his affections and keep things under wraps; he really Does Not need any more scrutiny or speculation about his character. Based on the way he reacts in the present (especially when he shows up at Koi Tower), I'm guessing it was probably Jin Ling who saw, probably panicked and ran away, and told the first person he saw...and the rest is history.
#mdzs talk#jgy tag#jin guangyao#mo xuanyu#jin guangshan#jgy and mxy have a complicated relationship#im getting really fucking tired of the self-proclaimed 'jgy fans' who unashamedly put bashing in the tags#and then insist that it's possible to 'love villains for their evilness'#like ok the problem here is that calling jgy 'evil' is missing so many points and is like. pretty classist?#nobody is saying that jgy didn't do bad things but calling JUST jgy evil or toxic or abusive or manipulative or whatever#just comes off as classist.#like you're perfectly fine with the degree of cruelty and wanton violence that everyone else in the book displays#but it's only a problem when...what? when the bastard son wants the power that should have been his to begin with?#when he tries to protect the honor of the mother his father only valued enough to fuck?#when the servant values his own life over the lives of others?#when the whoreson isn't willing to die for someone who wouldn't die for him?#when he kills a man who demanded his death for years?#also btw jgy's relationship with nmj is complex but jgy most certainly does not *abuse* nmj#nmj's supposed 'mental illness' does not give him a free pass for assault & literal attempted murder & i cannot believe i have to say this#jgy plays the literary role of villain but he is not *A* Villain. he's a ridiculously complex 3 dimensional character#and specifically...one that would have MINDED HIS OWN FUCKING BUSINESS if nie fucking huaisang hadn't tipped the boat over#huaisang caused the inciting incident and the rest of the plot AND is the one that provoked the 'antagonist' into action. conclusion?#nhs is the actual antagonist badabing bada boom. ive connected the dots.#(i do actually think there's a good case for this tho. jgy is remarkably passive until he's directly threatened with 'kill urself or die')
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admirableadmiranda · 2 years
This is just a silly ask because you might get some interesting ones in response to this lol. I'd like to share the thought of post canon wangxian teasing each other by calling each other wife and husband and ending up in a silly fight over who is who. It's like the gege debate, except this time no one ever wins and they just alternate based on who's doing what at whatever time, but LWJ does end up being wifed the most.
That is an interesting thought! Just trading off the title of furen depending on the situation and mood. One furen pours the wine and makes the dinner and keeps the house clean, the other one bottoms in bed and married into the other's sect. They both take on aspects of what is seen as the wife role in tradition, why not take turns with the word?
They're a queer couple in a time where the literal word for their marriage is 夫妻 fuqi, using the characters from husband and wife, who says they aren't allowed to have a little fun with it? Couples nowadays do it all the time, why would they not get to enjoy it? There is no 'wife' in the traditional sense in the marriage, but they can both be the husband and the wife as they wish.
(also if you're ever confused as to why ExR translated what LWJ said in 112 as "we are now...husband and wife. It is not an affair" instead of using the word married, that is literally the word that he uses. MXTX definitely has used fufu for talking about them outside of the book itself, but inside even if it's set in her own conglomeration of what aspects she wanted to use in ancient China, she is very consistent on language options they would have had and it is part of how they do not quite fit into the society they are in, but refuse to let them push that out. The word isn't quite right for who they are, but it is what they have, so it is what they use and isn't that so delightfully queer? I know I have felt far more represented by them than so many other couples that might technically fit me more just because I so rarely see the stark acknowledgement of not quite fitting combined with the determination to do it anyway.)
Thank you for the ask! I hope you and the rest of my followers enjoy it!
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chickie-empress-kie · 2 years
MDZS Roleplay Server!
Hey heyyy! This one's for all my MDZS lovers and role players out there!
“At best, you’re the untamed hero; at worst, you offend people wherever you go.”
Welcome to Mo Dao Zu Shi - Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation!
『 Jianghu had been peaceful for five years.
With the resurrection of the Yiling Laozu, Wei Wuxian, and the fall of Jin Guangyao, the Cultivation World had begun to move towards a brighter future, rebuilding themselves and healing their grievances.
But peace rarely lasts in a world as volatile as Jianghu.
The forces of nature have brought drought and calamity to the lands. A new threat arises in the form of the Moling Su sector. All the sectors are on edge as the lull threatens to shatter.
Now the choice lies with you. What's your story? Who will you choose to be? Will you stand with the righteous ones, or do you have a penchant for the darker side?
Whatever your choice, We'll meet once again in the Cultivation World. 』
≪•°❈°•≫ What do we offer? ≪•°❈°•≫
↳ A fun and welcoming community, with a niche for everyone! ༉‧₊
↳ A Lore and Plot-driven role play experience. ༉‧₊
↳ A wide range of characters to choose from! ༉‧₊
↳ Canons and OCs are both welcome! ༉‧₊
↳ An open-world server, with detailed locations! ༉‧₊
↳ Channels to hangout and vibe in. ༉‧₊
↳ Flexible semi-lit to lit RP. ༉‧₊
↳ We're system friendly! ༉‧₊
↳ Open to partnerships! ༉‧₊
↳ NSFW only for those 18+ ༉‧₊
“… Who cares about the crowded, broad road? I’ll walk the single-plank bridge all night long.”
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Hey guys...! I'm finally making my dream of editing videos to come true!
That's just the third one I've made in my life, so, be kind XD I know well it's kinda simple 😆
I've made an homage to my new oc. Hope you all enjoy. 💖
(the arts are mine)
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