iamafanofcartoons · 1 year
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Credit goes to:
@lilithfairen @matrixdragon @murphymakestherules @lee-rambles-about-rwby
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tumblezwei · 1 year
Doodle request of Ruby cuddling the Cat.
Nothing like a good cry with a cat that doesn't really get it to lift your mood
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dextixer · 1 year
Also, this is a continuation of my last post, got some receipts. Lilith did not just not talk about how RT abused it workers of various races and LGBT+ expressions. No no no. She DEFENDED RT during that entire time.
So @matrixdragon​ @tumblingxelian Dont you fucking dare to call yourselves progressives when your own leader, when faced with RT abusing its workers and pretending to be progressive. Chose to DEFEND RT and attack those who criticized RT.
Dont you fucking DARE to call yourselves progressives, ANY of you.
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kdinjenzen · 2 years
Thing you miss most about Texas and (if you're comfortable with it) thing you are happiest to be away from.
Thing I miss most about Texas?
Things I am happiest to be away from?
All of Texas. Holy crap that place was awful and harmful to my health. So many awful things happened to me there and I kept hearing "BUT AUSTIN IS SAFE" every time and I would go on to explain how ALL THE WORST THINGS THAT HAPPENED TO ME HAPPENED IN AUSTIN.
Texas is BAD.
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twilightguardian · 1 year
New review from Lilith Fairen where I really begin to wonder if she has reading comprehension so poor that I should feel guilty for being harsh to someone with a mental disability. The lack of fundamental comprehension is that bad.
Either that or she does this on purpose because like CanonSeeker, she thinks that "criticizing the critics" aka bullying, is a sane thing to do.
But of course Lilith doesn't comprehend the first thing about criticism because it has to come from some sort of intellectual place. But she doesn't do that. She's just hating because she hates Celtic Phoenix/Raymond, and not for anything that he's done, but because he's a fan of a show she dislikes: Madoka Magica. She is peak petty and childish.
Where as most so-called "capital C Critics" and "RWDE" are genuine fans of RWBY and look at it through this lens of being a fan, Lilith is not a fan of FRWBY. She doesn't understand the point of it, doesn't comprehend it. It's rather sad considering she's a writer and should know how writing works, and that it can involve editing. Someone who is more artistically inclined takes their criticism to an artistic level, but she doesn't understand this.
Anyway, by now it's clear that I'm not really responding to Lilith or any of her pathetic ilk because they're going to keep doing this no matter what. My goal isn't to communicate with those who have gouged out their ears in order to keep hating. My goal is to make sure anyone who talks about Fixing RWBY and becomes curious about it will see how Lilith and people like her twist things around to lie about a fan project done out of passion, telling people its done out of spite because people like her cannot stand it when people are more successful and popular than her. Especially if it's a man, doubly so a Madoka Magica fan.
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You have an illness. You are mentally obligated to make yourself unhappy. Dislike FRWBY all you want, but no one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to watch a fan video. Having gone through all the saved logs of your previous tumblr, I know for a fact that you have a visceral need to be unhappy. You can't help yourself. Seek therapy or at the very least unplug your internet. Go outside, breathe some fresh air. The internet has obviously not been good for you.
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Mistral is canonically meant to be based on Asia. How dare the worldbuilding actually reflect that. No, it should be more Western or else you're fetishizing. Because erasing other cultures from existence for no reason is totally a logical route to take, right? Absolutely bonkers insane fucking logic. This woman is stupid or racist. Pick your poison.
Also keep in mind the only fandom Lilith regularly partakes in is still a Japanese anime. It's fundamentally Asian. All the characters are Japanese and they likely partake in Japanese culture. You write stories based on these characters I guess you're automatically "fetishizing" Asian culture. That is Lilith's twisted ass logic.
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Lilith wouldn't know what a good reason was if it slapped her in the face and stole all of her possessions.
Plot isn't the only important thing to the story, and as a writer I'd HOPE that Lilith knows this, but unfortunately it seems not. That doesn't bode well for her story, which I've been struggling to get past the first twenty or so paragraphs.
Essentially what she's complaining about is the fact that characters take some time to actually be people. We get time for the characters to breathe, but more importantly for character relationships and dynamics to be established, enforced, reinforced and enhanced. But no, it's not plot, so it's not important. No wonder she likes the canon show, which neglects this. If she does this with Glints Saga as well, I can't see many people actually caring about the characters or the romance she's so interested in writing for in the first story. Then again, I'm sure she's perfectly fine with it if it's in something like Precure. Though she only seems to like a la mode.
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Look at how the logic here doesn't follow. The girls are aided a little bit by their companions which means they aren't protagonists.
Apparently according to Lilith a protagonist is someone who doesn't get assistance from anyone ever, who doesn't interact with anyone. Effectively what Lilith wants is a mary sue protagonist, which canon RWBY never was nor will Fixing RWBY Team RWBY ever be. Plus the girls in canon get help from other characters all the time, and rarely do anything for themselves unless Jaune brings up an idea first and if they do it's after sitting around a whole lot and the only thing they manage to accomplish is getting a lot of things destroyed and people killed.
Raymond also hates the female protagonists so much that he makes them more active characters in their own story than canon. Because he hates them. Makes perfect sense.
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Lilith once again showing she knows nothing about anything. Changing the location of a scene from a train station to a festival and expanding upon it isn't padding. Unless Lilith is actually a critic after all. She's using Fixing RWBY as a way to critique the canon show but hide it behind the guise of hating on a "critic" so she doesn't lose her friend group. Because heck knows she doesn't have friends anywhere else from the look of it.
She doesn't understand what padding is in a story. Padding is useless fluff that adds nothing to a story. If there are important character dynamics going on, and worldbuilding being shown through the setting, it's not padding. Simple as.
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Raymond's writing of Madoka fanfiction has nothing to do with this. Lilith is trying to label Raymond a pedophile, I suppose, which is incredibly cunty behaviour. Salem is canonically 16 during the setting of The Lost Fables and yet her design makes her look like she'd fit in with the cast of Grease. Making a 16 year old actually LOOK like a 16 year old isn't gross, Lilith. Grow the fuck up, I implore you.
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This is what happens when you only scroll through the video. Neo, Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Roman and Qrow are all framing devices. Neo just happened to be the first one, followed by Yang. But she wouldn't know that because she doesn't pay attention. Her goal, despite calling Fixing RWBY a "spitefic" is to act spiteful and to lie and be a massive bitch in service of defending a show that she barely cares about and likely wouldn't if it hadn't been for hearing through the grapevine that RWBY had a massive "hatedom".
Also really telling how obsessed Lilith is with the idea of subservience. I'd think she's projecting quite a bit. Just like how obsessed she is with complaining about Fixing's Shiloh or Roman. Raymond lives in her head rent free.
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Ahh. So she does know that Neo isn't the only framing device used. Love that she implied that but then had to admit that's not true. It didn't even take her a full paragraph to admit she lied.
You can dislike the framing device all you want, but it's more engaging than what canon did. It also wasn't pointless, and her saying that it was doesn't make it true. The point of it was to show that these are stories that the girls know, possibly modified over the millennia, to show that these stories are all interconnected. These are fairy tales of Remnant, but also those fairy tales weren't the whole truth. Lilith can't comprehend anything unless it's directly spelled out to her, and she admits it by calling it confusing. If it requires her to rev up a braincell, it's too confusing. Just sit back and consume product, that's how you watch RWBY, this is bad because it makes you think!
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She doesn't want to summarize the rest of it because it's actually good and that ruins her narrative lol
Yes, I repeat, a child didn't look like a child. It's like those really cheap 80's movies where a 14 year old is played by a 38 year old. Yes, I totally believe you're a high school student, sir.
It's apparently wrong to want Salem to look as old as Ruby was during volume 1. Because she looks like she's 30. She looks no different than she is now when you take off the special effects. She looked no different in age than when she had children, which is unfortunate.
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lmao she's mad
Like what does she want? This isn't an AU or a full rewrite. It's a reconstruction project with the goal in mind to show how RWBY could be a lot better with a couple of little tweaks and changes. Like I said earlier, what Raymond is doing is essentially developmental editing. He's not the author so he's not going to do any major changes to the story. Ozpin still has a host at the end of the day. Vernal was still a little servant of Raven and died. These preserve the overall plot beats of the stories while being different, but there's nothing that fundamentally changes by design. That's on purpose.
There's a difference between hating or being frustrated with aspects of a show and hating the entire thing. Raymond falls into the former camp. He likes RWBY. Doesn't mean he can't have problems with it. That's too much for some people's little pea brains to understand and that's very unfortunate. It creates unnecessary division and toxicity in the fandom than there should or really needs to be.
Some people have this revulsion to others actually wanting to engage with their fandoms in ways those people don't like and have this sense of entitlement to the fandom and what goes on in them. It's a disturbing trend, especially with those that have a problem with discourse and critique. Some think that any kind of fandom engagement that isn't wholly, unquestioningly positive is automatically hate and that's disturbing.
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It's really not. Raymond has only watched the first episode and he disliked it, though couldn't put his finger on why. This has nothing to do with that spinoff, and I have no idea why Lilith would think that. The episode was recontextualizing a bunch of fairy tales in Remnant's world that everyone would have known.
Raymond has said a few times that he doesn't want to touch Fairy Tales of Remnant because he has no interest in it at all, so there would be no sense for him to do it in episodes 6&7 of all things.
It's commendable that Lilith is trying very hard to use that dusty old thing in her head, but she's still got a ways to go. Her logic doesn't follow, the speculation that she has doesn't come from anywhere and has no follow through.
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She loves repeating herself, doesn't she? Girl, this isn't twitter. Saying things over and over and over doesn't make it more true.
Just because you can't comprehend why something was done doesn't necessarily make it bad lol
Also can't say that I've really come across anyone except for Lilith who says it's disorienting, which leads me to the conclusion that until further evidence of someone who isn't an "anti-Critic" says the framing device was confusing, that it's said deliberately to have something to complain about, because otherwise, there would be nothing to complain about. She's already struggling so much with this review because she knows it wasn't that bad so she has to look for things. I am so happy that Lilith is so boringly predictable that I said hours before her 'review' came out that she was going to focus on Neo being the first in line for the framing of the story.
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What's telling about it, Lilith? The point of words is to actually have meaning behind what is being said.
She says the emphasis isn't on Team RWBY, but they take up the majority of the transitions.
Neo to Young Yang, Adult Yang to Young Blake to Adult Blake, Young Weiss to Adult Weiss, Young Ruby to Adult Ruby to Teen Qrow to Adult Qrow then finally to Young Roman. So she's not even correct that Qrow ends the section. Neo and Roman bookend the segment, but the meat of the segment is taken up by Team RWBY+Q.
Now, could he have started with a member of Team RWBY? Sure, definitely. But if you look at the bolded names you'll notice a pattern.
1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6
The bookends get the first and last, but the middle portions get double focus. It balances out.
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Only Ruby's weapon is damaged, but it's presumed to still be able to fight in gun form. She just cannot transform it into a scythe. He said nothing about Blake's weapon, Yang's weapon, Weiss' weapon or any other weapon. Not only are none of the other characters are impacted due to their weapons. Yang and Neo are injured. Blake, Weiss and even Ruby are still readying to fight.
Also really ironic she's so bent out of shape that she thinks FRWBY doesn't have the main characters do anything when canon doesn't allow them to do much, either. Why aren't you complaining about that, Lil? Could it be that she doesn't actually care? She just has such a hateboner for Raymond because he likes Madoka.
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Raymond has never insisted that everything about RWBY is 'horrible and terrible'. It's heavily flawed, and frustratingly so. Raymond has consistently been the more positive person of his reaction friend group over the years, often saying he likes many things of the show. But Lilith doesn't know this because unlike me, who tried to understand Lilith before speaking about her, she's only seen his skits and videos specifically for Fixing RWBY. She knows nothing about him, and thinks nothing of trying to pin every terrible thing she can think of onto him, from pedophile to racist.
Lilith doesn't understand the concept of deep editing. Not anything beyond the basics of spelling, grammar and maybe attempting to change a few minor points around. Comparing the beginning to her older draft of Glints Saga: Papillon to her newer version, she doesn't do much significant to change it.
Don't get me wrong, it's BETTER than the older version, but that's not saying much. Lilith is too precious with her story to do something like what Raymond is doing: a developmental edit, a large edit that might change a lot of things but make the overall story better.
And Matrixdragon decided to chime in as well.
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Yang is trying to stave off hypothermia with Neo. She can probably move, but it wouldn't be the best thing for her. But like I said above, Yang's weapons are not damaged.
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I think this is actually a fair criticism, and one I've seen a little bit with other people. To each their own, really. It's not like RWBY didn't try and do the same thing with Volume 1 and the whole background NPCs, keeping the events isolated to a small group of important characters. What Raymond is doing here is cutting out background characters that don't need to be there and can be filled with other ones, ones that can lead to better character dynamics and interactions than if they were strangers. Some people are going to like that, and some people won't, and that's fine. It's certainly not unique to FRWBY and no one else complains when coincidences for story happen in any other franchise, though. So it's a little eyerolling when it's suddenly a problem because a fan did it for a fixit fic.
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Do old ladies have a stereotype of being curious? Maria didn't wander into the middle of a battle zone during her first introduction in canon, either, so what's your point? The whole train was being attacked so it wouldn't matter where she'd go she'd still be in the middle of a battle zone. We know from context that she's a former huntress but it makes no sense otherwise why she'd wander in other than to have a contrivance that she's there, which makes the contrivance more noticeable. We don't even learn that she can still fight until late into the Atlas arc.
At least with Fixing RWBY's new introduction of Maria, she is shown off the bat to be a capable fighter and we know right away that she likely came to the area to help fight. That makes the contrivance more understandable as a reason why she'd be there. She's a character that got a lot of focus in canon even if she just walked past the camera because she has a highly unique character design, so it's not a secret she's going to be important, and some people even rightly pointed out she was likely a silver-eyed warrior due to how they framed the opening to the anime.
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The characters don't trust Roman. Blake certainly doesn't. But they acknowledge he's in this with them for better or worse and now they're all stranded together, so there wouldn't be any point in lying to everyone.
Yang is not someone I would call 'mature' in canon. Being an angry little sourpuss when things don't go her way or someone challenges them is not what anyone would consider mature.
It's also not that Yang is unwilling to give Blake a chance, either. She hasn't completely forgiven Blake for what she'd done, and Yang is under no obligations to forgive her, either. Forgiving someone has nothing to do with maturity, and the fact that this seems to imply you think so is unsettling. It means that someone cannot have feelings about something traumatic that happened, and the more 'adult' thing to do would be to just get over it. Things like this don't resolve overnight. They take time, and before Yang and Blake can become a proper couple, they need to properly work things out, not sidestep the issue and pretend like nothing's wrong until there might be, then step on eggshells around each other, wondering if the other is mad at them for no reason.
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I don't think Adam gave a shit about being detected. It's not like he was trying to ninja his way through the train car. It also wasn't just Cardin he had to deal with, but Qrow and Russel at the same time. I honestly don't remember whether Cardin was a competent fighter in canon, but we know he was at least tactical and not an idiot. So 'the likes of Cardin' only means someone thinks he's an incompetent fighter because he's a bully. But Cardin in Fixing isn't like Cardin in canon. He was more competent in the scenes where he fought and he likely became stronger during aftermath of Beacon.
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The only ones being spiteful around here are you two. It's seriously pathetic.
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Are we only including G1 themed universes for Shockwave toys? Because his Prime: Beast Hunters toy was a voyager.
I figured I'd be proven wrong but not within an hour of creating the blog
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sevenofreds · 5 months
"The duality of appreciating that hbomberguy took down a serial plagiarist and still disliking him for that stupid rwby video lmao"
Have you tried coping and seething that your bad harassment campaign didn't work no matter how hard you try to make it a thing whenever hbomberguy uploads a video? I know you, Crimson, Canonseeker, MatrixDragon and the rest of your sad basement-dwelling harassment brigaide hate the reminder, but sincerely try coping and getting a life. :)
rwby still shit btw volume 10 never happening lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Damn, the psychological projection is astounding here lol
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voidsentprinces · 2 years
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Crossing Over
Special thanks to: @matrixdragon for kick starting this idea in my brain
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on our fates alight (general masterpost)
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FFXIV Write 2023 posts
astrid protesting
gaius van baelsar, black wolf and eikon's bane
Susano (written by @saesama )
absolute ass of a man
situation disharmony
strange new guest
rumor chasing (written by @matrixdragon )
geometric jailbreak ( written by @driftward )
hidden dominant
quiet interlude
declaration of intent
known treachery
limited options
mothercrystal's ruling
unfortunate normal
halone's second son
old rumors
ill realization
the black wolf's prey
serious question
the golden hunter (written by @erickgage )
memo (partly written by @driftward )
the scholar's secret
trap (partly written by @erickgage )
spymaster's report
one night in the shroud
briefing (starring @matrixdragon 's Alice with @erickgage 's Erick)
the shieldmaiden, her witch, and a bird (starring @driftward 's Zoissette)
the lost songstress (written by @lunarosewood23, starring their Raven Cross)
the archivist (written by @eorzeanflowerss 's Archie)
decisions to be made (written by @eorzeanflowers, starring their Archie)
dominant of storms (written by @dominantofstorms, starring their Alisa)
the moogling
scouting (starring @autumnslance 's Iyna and @erickgage 's Erick)
aftermath (1)
asura enters the chat (starring @autumnslance 's Aeryn)
fixin' to storm soon (starring @saesama 's Klynt)
storm a'brewin (written by @saesama )
become the enemy
dominant of carbuncle (starring @eorziapple 's Apple)
before bed
on guard
fraught recovery
drain (starring @autumnslance 's Aeryn and Zaine)
questioning senses (starring @driftward 's Zoissette)
the fall of ala mhigo
surprise houseguest
limited intel
wrench in the works
willingly imprisoned
late arrival
body count
First Dominant of Halone
Second Dominant of Halone
false society
Roderick and Emma DeGlass
holy treachery
first warning
blindsided (starring @autumnslance 's Aeryn, Zaine, and Emelia
Vierapril starring @scalefeathers 's Bylti
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matrixdragon · 4 months
I wonder if any of the people who insist on their perfect candidate realize that if said candidate did exist and did get into power, they'd still ultimately have to deal with all of the same bullshit that EVERY other president has dealt with? you know, having to get their hands dirty and all that? And thus stop being perfect and ideal?
And is therefore not perfect and so, they will decide that person is the literal devil, and turn around and vote for someone blatantly worse.
Or they'll just claim it's moral and right for the perfect leader to act like a dictator and dismantle the evil government. I wish that was just sarcasm, but I've seen more than a few people with that mindset over the years
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yzeltia · 5 months
Happiest Starlight Ever 2023 Day 12: Have Yourself a Merry Little Starlight
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Ft. @matrixdragon 's Alice, @reassambled-dragoon 's Storm, and @darbiebot 's Apple
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driftward · 10 months
Junelezen 2023: Aftershocks
Last week, I had a masterpost of every single entry I made for Junelezen 2023, which I dubbed Echoes. This week, I am posting annotated entries for every post from there, except this time I am linking to specific entries in the reblog chains, or to posts that others made as responses to Echoes. In particular, one member of my FC, (here on Tumblr as @yzeltia), took it upon himself to create a reblog response to every post.
The previous masterpost can be considered the 'original cut', consisting solely of my entries. This is the 'fat cut' I mentioned there. What parts of all this are canonical? I don't know, come back with a warrant.
As already mentioned, this post will have annotations on the various entries. I could go on for hours about my thought process, things I learned, and I may yet make some other posts about such things, but for now, I am (mostly) restricting myself to commentary here, both on my work, and the work of others.
I have learned a lot during this. One of the things I have learned is that in the future, readmores and reblogs do not necessarily play well together for these round-up posts, as readmores will roll out without the linked reblog, and if you just look at the reblog chain, you'll miss whatever was in the readmore. If I do this again in the future, I think I will stick to making posts, and maybe just link back and forth between them. And maybe if I am responding to someone else's work like this, instead of a reblog, I might just tag OP? I am uncertain. Reblogs keep tumblr alive. The cleanest for archive purposes would probably be reblog the original, then make the follow-up and tag the originator. Still though, that's neither here nor there. What is here is the fantastic work done by others.
And I appreciate all of it. I am humbled by the response.
Final note, these will largely link to Y'zel Tia's responses, since he reblogged almost every response with his own screenshot and words. Click throughs and context should make it obvious which ones are which.
Where we got started, with a bit of a literal framing device. Y'zel Tia belongs to @yzeltia; part of his character canon is being a cousin to Y'shtola Rhul, and so that'll explain why you'll often see both of them in his responses. I'm not at all sure why Y'shtola would be interested in what happens to some random feckless adventurer, though...
Special shout out to @matrixdragon and @sabbactroll who both had, uh, opinions on this development. :)
Look, haven't we all had a scientific experiment go a little sideways and light someone's world on fire. This is, of course, the bridge between the Incident and Junelezen: Echoes.
What strange sights are seen beyond the veil of reality, and what utterly normal places those left behind would go. I picked Coerthas as an early anchor point, since that's where Zoissette grew up.
.new adventure
I was still learning a lot here, both about my tools (gpose+more/Affinity Photo) as well as the posting medium (tumblr). An early goal I had was that the Junelezen 'entry' would be its own screenshot with minimal words, and I would build on the 'story' portion in reblogs or readmores, so that way people who were only interested in the Junelezen part could ignore the rest. This one I used a reblog to expand the story.
Studying Her History (by @yzeltia)
Zoissette would probably prefer they stay out of her room at the Baldesion Annex. Y'shtola is always cute when passed out from studying too much though.
Using a reblog chain to expand the story portion again. I couldn't figure out how to make the jobstone work, so I added a light source to Zoissette's hand to make a kind of 'glow'. Not real happy with how it turned out, but making mistakes makes the learning happen.
Informing Alka Zolka (by @yzeltia)
Okay Y'zel was just trying for emotional damage here. I mean, he succeeded, but still. :|
I have written about part of Zoissette's mission of mercy before. Look ma, my lore has lore. This event left its mark on her; it did not change her in any great way, just sort of underlines who she already was at that point. In the reblog, Y'zel went for the emotional damage again. Writing in my FC is a PvP activity.
Absence Felt (by @ladyofvoss)
Incredible work here, in the expressiveness of the posture, and the choice of shots taken (at my heart). This is Thalia Voss, belonging to @ladyofvoss. Where she's at is Zoissette's office at Gage Acquisitions (designed by fellow FC member Ghurab)
Another reblog chain. Compositing the 'shards' to put the faces of friends into them was quite difficult, each one requiring four layers (the way I did it) and quite a bit of manual touch up work. The color scheme was chosen on purpose. Look, Junelezen is also Pride Month, I don't make the rules, but I do make things queer.
1000 words remix (by @yzeltia)
Y'zel has a real fondness for all things music, and that's seen here. As @saesama put it, 'he made an AMV in tumblr form'. Having not played FF X-2, I was not familiar with the song, but I am now. This will not be the last musical piece from our aurally inclined catboy.
With this one I really found the problems with reblog chains when making archival posts. This links to the reblog I made to my own post to add story, but in going to the original post, it's actually really hard to fish out the reblog!
We get further hints here that 'Adriané' may not be who Zoissette thinks she is.
Dancing Alone (by @yzeltia)
Dance like nobody's watching. Hey. Why are you watching. Go away, this is meant to be a private moment!
Getting to here took a lot of false starts, fiddling with Affinity Photo, getting samples from in game, changing outfits, and it was all worthwhile in the end. I really like the end result. Y'zel went for a more chaotic approach.
Absence Mourned (by @scrollsfromarebornrealm)
For context, the character in these shots is Mathye Bishop, who belongs to @scrollsfromarebornrealm, a character who has been courting Zoissette for over a year by this point. They are close, in any case. The tone provided by the filter and his posture all scream of the devastation he feels in the wake of Zoissette's absence.
A memory that never happened, but did. Strange things in these echoes, and as has happened before, Y'zel's character visits the 'real' location, feeling a twinge of what is going on out beyond the rift, thanks to his own Echo gift. Klynt Gohtawyn belongs to @saesama, and this hearkens back to the days she and Zoissette may have crossed paths back when they both worked for the Maelstrom.
Klynt's a jerk.
Not much to say for this one. I thought the sun would make more of an arc crossing the sky, making for an interesting dynamic shot, but it turns out it makes kind of a very straight line, which makes sense if you think about it. I had an alternative shot planned that, while it was gorgeous, I just couldn't make the story aspect of it work out. I will probably share that shot, and others, at a future date.
You can see I am choosing more and more often to use readmores instead of reblogs, and I will probably stand by that decision in the future. Also here is where I found out I had been doing a crime these many years. Due to her somewhat reserved nature, I usually have Zoissette have very subtle almost-nonexistent expressions. Clearly, this entire time, I should have been turning them up somewhere around 11. I love her face.
Echo Disrupted (by @yzeltia)
Looks like in the search for their friend, someone may have overdone it a bit. Overdoing it a bit, in fact, seems to be a bit of a theme with Y'zel, both player and character.
.ancient times
I am not going to take the space it would require for me to say everything that I would like about Atlas, so instead I will just mention that this served as a useful pivot for the story, and provided a path forward. I had actually been juggling several ideas up to this point, and this is where I hard committed to a specific direction. Thanks, Atlas.
Sanctuary remix (by @yzeltia)
Honestly I think Y'zel having his character black out was just an excuse to have a space to put this entry without having to worry about what I was doing. Which, really, is a stroke of genius. Another AMV in tumblr form. Should we make a new word for that?
It was around here that I decided to lean more on my strengths - writing - and less on screenshots. That decision did not last long. Junelezen started as a screenshot event, and I was having fun with those. Here we anchor for everything ever after.
Connected remix (by @yzeltia)
Y'zel introduces me to a new song that lives in my heart.
Zoissette, no longer losing herself in the echoes, shows up only in the containment suit in shots from here on out. I continue to be cheeky about the colours I use whenever she's in the rift, and Y'zel drops a slick FF8 reference, which just really plays into my love of multiverse shenanigans.
Not completely sworn off of reblogs yet, though this reblog was pushed out fast, before I had a riot on my hands. This is also where I started hinted more heavily at things to come, with another Lavender PoV piece.
In the reblog chain, where you see the fairies, from left to right, is C'oretta Khell's (belongs to @autumnslance) Lotus, pink-shifted compared to the others; Ryssthota Sundstyrwyn's (belongs to @erickgage) Glitterdust, and Riven Fortemp's (belongs to @scrollsfromarebornrealm) Sugarplum, who I tried to make the little hairtufts rounder for.
.magic response by Y'zel Tia
You can ask Y'zel about this one.
And pulled that trigger. This is where I finalized the smoke effect I wanted to use for Lavender, and I'm rather proud of how it turned out, particularly in future shots.
I really like this shot, for the utter alien landscape I managed to make using FFXIV assets and some aggressive photo editor work. My only regret is that it does not -quite- look like Zoissette and Lavender are actually in that place, but I think that can be fixed with a few more adjustments.
I'd been leaning on Y'zel's entries to sort of weakly gesture at what may have been going on in the 'real world' while Zoissette was gone, but here I start to make my own narrative about the matter. Judging from conversations I've had, there is one thing I could have made clearer in this story. Zoissette's perspective of how much time has passed is dramatically different from that of the Source. In the Source, it has been a short time. For Zoissette, it has been quite a lot longer.
I think this is the only one with a single screenshot. I lean more heavily on my writing abilities once more, and I think they speak for themselves.
Figures. Zoissette is having one of the worst days of her life, and the cats are napping. It took me a while to settle on a ghostly effect for the people 'yelling' at her, and I rather like how it turned out. We also are spending more time with Lavender. Hard decisions to be made, but just because they are hard does not mean they are difficult. Lavender and Zoissette are alike like that.
Some trivia. Zoissette's mom lost her right arm fighting a dragon, back before the Calamity. The Deity is supposed to be a mix of Halone and Zoissette's mother, and so, she, too, is missing her right arm.
Reaper job unlocked. Un-edge-lording your edgelord jobs since at least 2016.
So while I was writing a follow-up story for The Incident, I was also trying to follow the Junelezen prompts. And one of my goals was that someone who was just here for Junelezen could just see the photo, nod, go 'ah that makes sense' and move on without having to know a damned thing about the Incident or about Zoissette. I probably did not succeed as well as I would have liked, but I did try.
Having said that, the location of the hobbies prompt in the middle of the others and what I had planned presented some real problems for me, and I did not solve it until pretty late. So we get this moment of downtime. I like how it turned out, but it sure did vex me getting there.
Back where we began. A lot has changed, a lot has stayed the same. There are a lot of subtle things I did intentionally throughout this story. In this shot, the shift to the skybox and lighting, as well as changing where they are sitting relative to the fence, were decisions I made on purpose.
Speaking of changes done on purpose, Y'zel-the-character's hair goes white as he once again overdoes it. We do recurring themes here, sir.
I will stop composing shots of Zoissette and Y'shtola sitting like this the day I die. Also, seriously Y'zel, is NOW the time to be forcing that question??? Ridiculous, now we have -two- casualties.
Under the readmore, we spend more time with the science team, as they try to work out what to do next. But here...
A Relaxing Summary (by @matrixdragon)
I will let @matrixdragon provide the summary.
.fancy clothes
A schematic of the Aurora Laboratories Containment Suit. And two more questions from @matrixdragon, who picked up on my oh-so-subtle (okay no it wasn't) Babylon 5 reference. On that note, I adore the Babylon 5 questions, and I think they serve as an extremely useful framing tool for just about any character in any universe.
Some very touching possible answers from Y'shtola in Y'zel's reblog.
Midnight talk
Things are happening, and faster, now. I did not use a readmore or the reblog chain for these additional entries, which I made sure were scheduled for 2300 in my time zone every night. 1100 for the Junelezen post, 2300 for additional story posts. I keep to this plan for the rest of the run. These special additional entries I refer to as The Eleventh Hour.
Thank you to everyone in these shots. I have a little story in my mind for each one. Maybe I will even write them one day.
The Trapeze Swinger remix (by @yzeltia)
As I go through these entries, I can tell how and where my skills are improving. I can say the same for Y'zel, whose 'tumblr AMV' skills expand. While they are all very good, this is one of his best works, in my opinion, and I found another new song through him.
Recovery plan
Another Eleventh Hour entry. You know, it's funny, this arguably all started because Zoissette was trying very hard to not be a burden on her FC or an inconvenience to anyone.
Sure seem to have inconvenienced a lot of people here.
The Last Contingency: Judgement Call (by @saesama)
This one stabs right in the feeling-parts, but somebody has to think of these things, and Zoissette isn't here to do it.
Erick Gage (@erickgage) has something to say about this whole mess.
The Only Exception remix (by @yzeltia)
You may have invented the AMV. But Y'zel tumblrized it. Perfected its new form. And then he unleashed it upon us all.
And truth, at last. I could say so much here. I elect to say nothing.
The final shot was a pain to composite, and I am so proud of how it turned out.
One year, from Zoissette's perspective, give or take a lot. Two weeks for the world. But she's home again.
Ma there's a cat on the foot of my bed I don't know how it got there (but seriously, thank you @yzeltia :) )
Imposter Syndrome! (by @starladyquasar)
Ladies, ladies, you're both beautiful. Though also seriously, Squeenix, give us more customisation options.
ELEZEVANGELION (by @yzeltia)
You want to know what it's like being part of the funniest FC? It's pretty great, I tell you what.
Anyroad. Special thanks to all of you - those who stopped to leave a comment, or found me on the moon during a screenshot session (you know who you are), or even those of you who just followed along, in whole or in part. And for those of you who were just here for Elezen shots, I hope you found something you liked in here!
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chysgoda · 1 year
Make a new post and post your latest line from your WIP & tag as many people as there are words.
“What troubles have you found, pretty thing?” Tiya asked. The parrot’s wings stretched and Tiya gasped when the bird lifted its head to look at her. She’d never seen such eyes on a bird before. The eyes that looked at her were pink amethyst gems cut with a near perfect starburst pattern, surely no bird naturally had eyes like that. For a long moment the purple macaw and Arkasodara merchant watched each other. “Either you are the pet of an alchemist and maybe sampled something you shouldn’t have, or you are the alchemist who maybe sampled something you shouldn’t have.”
Tagged by @autumnslance (it is too early to try and remember what fic I touched last ;p )
Annnnnnnnnnd I’m not sure I know that many people that haven’t already been tagged
@scrollsfromarebornrealm @starswornoaths @ravencrossffxiv @koosei @ivalane @dragons-bones @matrixdragon @voidsentprinces
And whoever is reading this and wants to!
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dextixer · 1 year
Yknow what Lilith. This is low, even for your ilk.
I have watched through the ENTIRE playthrough of RWBY: Arowfell, because unlike you i dont want to speak out of my arse.
I know that Hanlon Fifestone is meant to be seen as the biggest villain of the game as he receives no proper explanation for his actions, gets TWO cutscenes of being villanous. Is made to grunt during his dialogue sequences. Laughs maniacly when making his attacks and is shown to ENJOY assaulting a faunus girl half his size.
No other character in that game even comes close to that level of villainization.
To accuse me of racism for calling out RT and how they have writen his character is low. Extremelly so.
The only time i brought up Hanlons race is when mentioning how RT is bigoted in their writing.
His CLOTHES look like they belong on a pirate or rogue character. Its not my fault that your media knowledge or literacy is that of a 10 year old child.
The accusations from you, Lilith, Xelianthought and MatrixDragon are disgusting. To paint a person calling out racist depictions as being racist is just peak performative activism from the three of you.
You three, are disgusting and a perfect example of fake-ass activists who will protect bigoted companies because you love them.
Now go back to lick the boot of RT.
EDIT: Also Lilith, i have sent you 0 anon messages. Because unlike your gang i am open with my beliefs and dont lie about them. The fact that you are still trying to accuse me of racism when even one of your own fans admited that they see the pirate design is extremelly rich.
But dont worry, i know that you are doing this for attention, because noone reads your stories. I sincerely apologize that one of my post receives more attention than entire books of your “work”.
Enjoy this little drop of relevancy you have achieved by being a shit person.
P.S. You need to work on your reading comprehension, i never said arowfell was a show. I have stated that its a game multiple times in this.
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kdinjenzen · 2 years
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
According to the Poetry Foundation, a woodchuck would chuck “As much wood as a woodchuck could chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood.”
Researchers at Cornell determined that a woodchuck could chuck about 700 pounds.
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twilightguardian · 1 year
I know I shouldn't expect anything to come from this, but Lilith posted something that actually excites me. Because it's something you can actually chew on and discuss.
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(Why bring up Critter here? Is she just a posterchild for you? I hope you don't think I'm Critter because lol)
Lilith proving she doesn't understand what critique is for or how to implement it. I mean, we kind of all knew it, but it's nice of her to actually say it herself. Because she thinks critique is nothing but spewing obscenities for the purposes of bullying, and not, genuinely looking into what you perceive as an issue with something and explaining why it's a problem to you for others to agree with or disagree with.
No one has 'pride' in being a critic, and that's a stupid concept to begin with and shows just how off the mark she is. How far away she is from understanding anything.
The problem I have with you, is that you do not critique Fixing honestly. There have been people who have legitimately critiqued Raymond's work and there was discussion to be had there.
One person talked about how he thought Nora's arc, feeling guilty over being so jealous of Pyrrha and never reconciling their differences before her death was poorly done. That's fine as a criticism.
Another person more recently (due to me responding to you) looked at the show and thought that it was hypocritical of Raymond to say he didn't want to 'cop-out' on things like Pyrrha's death and yet brought Roman back. That's also fine as a criticism.
A lot of people (including me) criticized Raymond for replacing Oscar with Roman, as much as people liked the idea of Roman, because they wanted to see what Raymond would have done with Oscar. That's also valid criticism. I think Roman replacing Oscar is ultimately fine, but it's still disappointing due to the anticipation and expectation. (Hell, Raymond is on record as saying he hates Oscar and yet I've given him an Oscar in a (heavily Alt Uni/template for OW) rewrite scenario that Raymond absolutely loves. Because if canon isn't going to deliver, and the one rewrite I actively follow isn't going to deliver, I must do it myself.)
You on the other hand say that the show is shit because Raymond hates women. That he's queerphobic and an alt-righter. That's not valid criticism, that's attacking Raymond's character. You purposefully lie about the contents of the project to paint Raymond in a bad light. Everything you say about it is all meant to say how Raymond and the SH are bad people. Do you not understand the differences?
Even when people criticize M&K they're (mostly) not attacking them as people. And those that do, I disagree with them. But I don't care about engaging with RWBY outside of Fixing, so I've never commented. Even then, the majority of that talks about their behaviour in relation to how their views and beliefs and behaviours may inform their writing of the show. They talk about them as professional writers being paid by a company to write for a show. Once your work is out there, it's fair game for criticism and it's not evil of people to have problems with your writing ability and criticize it. No, not even wrong to criticize Raymond. But how you criticize is the key difference, and that is where you fail.
Libeling someone about their character and motivations because you don't like their fan project is why I started responding to you. Because that is abhorrent behaviour toward another fan of the show.
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Rewriters don't have to come up with original plots. Depending on what the rewriter wants to do, it can be vastly different or similar to canon. With Fixing RWBY, Raymond liked enough of the canon show to see that it could be good. But there were a number of glaring issues that dragged the story down. Pointing those out and coming up with scenarios where those are rectified doesn't make one less creative. One criticism that a lot of people had was character bloat.
That comes in two parts:
The amount of characters that appear on screen who now have to have screen time devoted to them.
The lack of anything of substance to justify the characters' existence or make them feel like characters.
Why are these things a problem for people? Because if you aren't going to do much with the characters at all, then you're taking away screen time from the people who should be important: Team RWBY. This is why people criticize Jaune. As much as people like to claim he's meant to be a subversion of the typical shounen hero, he certainly gets a lot of big character beats played straight. Character traits and beats people think should have gone to someone from Team RWBY, or at the very least should have come after Team RWBY got their share. Because they're the title characters, yet people do not believe the show pays enough attention to them.
Now, do I believe you might possibly have valid criticism? If I'm generous, yes. You claim that he gives all of these character moments to various male characters. I disagree and I point out my reasoning as to why. So why do you believe he doesn't focus as much on the female characters? What constitutes the female characters having enough screen time for you to no longer be unhappy with Fixing?
As it stands, with how you go about your criticism, I can only conclude that you just dislike the inclusion of men at all in Fixing. Which, I'm sorry, but that's ridiculous. RWBY is a female-led story, yes, but it's not a female-only story. It's not in canon, and it's not in Fixing. Male characters are going to have some presence in the story. The issue is how much, and more importantly, how much in comparison to the girls based on their arcs.
If, for instance, you say that maybe Blake talking out her issues should have been given to another female character. That's fine and valid as criticism. I could argue that all the female characters are a little too close to the issue and that wouldn't feel comfortable, especially since Blake still feels like an outsider in the group despite Ruby's attempts at mending that. Even Nora, and Neo is best friends with Yang, which might make such a conversation uncomfortable. So where does that leave Blake? You could force an interaction with a female NPC, but that is an unnecessary character added for one scene. No one is going to care about them. Or, you can add in Cardin and Russell, who are replacing one-off characters Dee and Dudley, as they are far removed from the group dynamics.
Now, Velvet could have fit this role perfectly, but that also comes with it's own set of issues. Namely, why would Velvet be following Team CRDL and not sticking with her own team? Sure, she and Cardin are friends, but they're not tied to the hip. But if it had to be a female character, I'd think Velvet would have been the perfect choice. But there'd be a lot of hoops to go through, and if replacing CRDL with CVFY, one member of Team CVFY would have to die.
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That's... that's just fandom, man. Like I don't know what to tell you. This isn't unique to RWBY, it's just human nature. That's especially fandom that's been going through a dry spell of mainline content. Or do you mean Nitpick November, where the literal point was to talk about nitpicks because everyone accused critics of only talking about things that didn't matter?
What counts as worthwhile vs minor and inconsequential things, by the way? Who dictates what can or cannot be viewed as important? Immersion is not universal. Different things can take different people out of the story. Things that I miss, you might have stumbled with and vise versa. Something one person can overlook is something that bothers another person. Are you implying that there is a 'right' or 'wrong' when it comes to what people experience? And I'm talking about legitimate experiences here, not twisting something to fit a narrative. Since you mentioned Critter, I know for a fact that she ignored a lot of things that bothered her because she wanted to enjoy RWBY. She talked about it in her videos. And I sat there wondering why she'd tolerate so much, hand wave so many things that bothered her if it caused her a lot of grief. But that's what happens when you have passion for a show and it degrades in quality. As an outsider, I never got attached to the show to feel that frustration and desperation. But I've felt it with my own fandoms, so I can empathize.
Ironwood's actions are not minor in the story for V7&8. That deserves to be scrutinized, especially if people were unsatisfied with it. And people were also unsatisfied for different reasons. Sure, some people might have wanted him to be a good guy. Others did see where the writers were going with him but thought they stumbled and fell on their face just before the finish line. Others take issue with certain aspects and not the whole.
Characterization is more subtle and requires deeper dissection in order to properly define and justify. Ruby no longer focusing that much on weapons is a minor thing, sure, but people lament the flavour - the spice - it brought to RWBY, and it's little things like that which makes the meal. If enough spice is removed, you're left with blander food even though the larger meal is still intact.
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Some do. Again, it depends on what the goal is. Specifically with Fixing, the goal was to try and preserve as much of canon as possible, but not being precious with it. It's disingenuous to look at other people's complaints and apply them specifically to one person in particular. He might not agree with those other people. 'Critics' aren't a hive mind and they can disagree with each other.
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You haven't demonstrated anything of the sort. Would you have a problem if it was Oscar and not Roman getting all of these scenes? Then again, you've complained about Arslan getting any kind of development, even if it's just a few minutes sprinkled here and there, and she's not a male character. Velvet also got a lot more development in Fixing, even outside of Cardin, and the same with Neo. This is why I say you're disingenuous. You cherry-pick who you're going to focus on as getting development.
Team RWBY and Nora all have significant scenes for themselves and for their development.
Blake's entire arc in Menagerie was expanded and Sun kept his role as 'sidekick' to Blake. He didn't overshadow her at all.
Yang's arc had Neo to bounce off of and Neptune was a cameo. He only appeared briefly at the very end when Yang finally went to physiotherapy.
Weiss had an arc all to herself after leaving her home where she bounced off Vernal and Raven, two female characters. Shiloh was a background element, important enough only because he had a special relationship to Vernal.
Sienna gets more in the way of we see her actively working in the White Fang and with Adam where it's not just something spoken about in dialogue the moment she appears and a few minutes before she's killed off. We see her deteriorating relationship with Adam as their ideologies differ. We're shown, not told.
Ilia gets more in the way of showing her internal conflict with how the White Fang is moving and her dividing loyalties between her beliefs and where the movement is going before she meets up with Blake.
So... why are these things ignored if you have such a problem with Fixing not focusing on female characters? In order for your criticism to be valid, the criticism actually has to reflect reality. You don't get to ignore things that are inconvenient to your narrative.
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The meat of the story they love to criticize ceases to be a problem as long as male characters lead the group.
Huh. I don't remember the scene in Fixing where Roman declared himself leader and suddenly everyone - RWBY, JNR+Q are now following his lead. I seem to recall that had it been up to Roman, he'd ditch everyone and search for a way to pick Ozpin out of his body, fuck everything else. If you're talking about the one scene where Ruby goes off with Roman to actively search for leads, that was him leading a single investigation of many with only a single person beside him. Hardly what I'd call 'leading the group'. Like I mentioned before, Ruby went along with him as his handler, because no one trusted him yet. They still don't.
Like the concept of Raymond saying "60% of RWBY is fine, but we gotta touch up the rest of it" is completely lost on Lilith here. In her mind it can only be that either all of it is perfect, or none of it is.
(percentage is a random example)
Ah, and here I thought the 'husband' line was purely an Eren talking point. Do you not understand the concept that people can have children outside of wedlock? When did they say that Shiloh was Raven's husband, in or out of Fixing? They said he was Lily's father, not Raven's husband. Those are two separate concepts. In fact, Raymond explicitly says that they are not married. Raven just has her pick of the men around camp to get frisky with because she can do that as chief. Also, he was not 'random' in canon, either. He belongs to Raven's tribe.
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I've explained why this is bullshit. Lilith is a broken record. Pointing out you're a fucking moron isn't 'flipping our crap' it's pointing out you're full of shit and why. RWBY has flaws. All shows have flaws and you are legitimately delusional if you think there can exist anything in media that is perfect. And the very fact that you have to lie about Fixing proves that you have no ground to stand on. Because if you did, then you'd be able to engage with it honestly, like other people have. You want Raymond's Fixing to only be about men so you can hate on it because you hate anything that men are involved in. That's why you ignore any time women do anything in it other than when it suits your lies.
If you cared about women's representation, you'd focus on where he falls short on their focus, not spend all your time screaming about a joke character getting 3 minutes more screen time and a main villain for the volume being the goddamn main villain of the volume.
And because MatrixDragon loves commenting on Lilith's garbage
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I'm sorry, what? 20-25 episodes per season is a "real world limitation" of what can be animated and put on screen? Girl, you don't know anything about what you're talking about and it's probably best if you kept your mouth shut because this is highly stupid.
That shit is standard and even on the low end of the spectrum when it comes to season-long episodes. RWBY takes an entire year to get through its volumes with less than half the episode count most other cartoons with year-long productions have. These episodes aren't overly long, either. They're shorter than standard episode length.
"Real world limitations" don't make me laugh. Episodes that don't have a lot of action and fight scenes are standard fare and easier to animate and allow the budget to go where it needs to, like the fight scenes.
We all know that Rooster Teeth has issues paying its animators, so if that's the 'real world limitations' you're talking about, that's not a limitation on the story or the animators needing time or whatever, that's the company being garbage. Other companies can pay their animators and direct them in a way that doesn't lead to crunch and doesn't have to lay off artists because they're not bad at management. They also don't make artists work on multiple different things at once. A show that doesn't have that many episodes being produced through the entire year has no excuses.
Rushing through shit because you need to have action in most of your episodes is stupid. Not properly setting anything up because you're afraid if you don't start the season off with a fight scene to entice your audience is pandering and condescending. But who knows, maybe you don't mind being treated like you're dumb as long as you get the dumb action schlock. It ultimately doesn't matter. But Raymond's Fixing is not worse because he took the time to set things up that isn't just random fighting and if you cannot comprehend that, then maybe you don't know anything about storytelling either. You certainly don't know anything about animation and don't pretend you do.
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