#marty scurll x reader
kcloveswrestling · 2 years
The Charming Villain
Marty Scurll x fem!reader
Author’s Note: this is based on the bingo prompt made by @elitehunter Also, reader is 23
Warnings: None
Marty Scurll. The Villain. A guy that caught your interest very fast, but you would never say anything because Will Ospreay was your older brother.
Marty flirted with you constantly.
He wanted you to be his. He wanted so badly to ask you out, but Will wouldn’t let him.
Everyone knew that you and Marty were interested in each other but didn’t act on it because of Will.
Though, one day while you were in the back alone talking to Marty, he started flirting with you again.
“Love, I really think you should give me a chance. I know what Will says, but you and I are a perfect match. We have similar interest. We’re both British. We have the same taste in music, food, drinks, movies, etc.”
“Alright. I’ll give you a chance.”
Marty smiled at you and took your hand in his just happy you’re finally giving him a chance.
Y’all heard Will approaching, which led to you and Marty quickly saying bye to each other as Marty went to find his friends.
“I heard everything Y/N. Why? Of the few things I ask you not to do, you date someone I work with?”, Will said as he walked up to you.
“He’s really charming. I guess you could say he’s ‘The Charming Villain’.”, you replied making Will laugh.
“Please never make a joke like that again”, Will stated.
“I won’t. I just knew it’d make you laugh.”, you said to your older brother.
“You two really are cute together.”, he replied.
You hugged your brother happy that he wasn’t gonna make you and Marty stay away from each other.
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ambootyos · 6 years
Hate It Pt. 4
Part 3 
A/N: Okay, so the flashback chapter was just gonna be one, but since this one went on a little long, it’ll continue into pt. 5. Enjoy! Feedback is welcomed, I apologize for Marty being horrible. 
Word Count: 2,341
Tags: @breakfastwiththesun @i-ship-it-okay @originalbish98 @thegenericluchadora @littlebluespoon @yaboichrizach @that-lolachick @sweet-villain @reigns420 @bolieve-that @laziestgirlintheworld @wrestlingismyguiltypleasure @theprestigious0ne @sheaxdevitt @earl-01 @thirstiswet @princesstoniii @lunatic-sambrose @lclb13 @adam-cole-bay-bay 
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“Are you sure you wanna hear about this? I don’t wanna annoy you with it..” I said, unsure if I really wanted to tell Will about everything that happened between Marty and me.
He nodded. “If you wanna tell me, I wanna listen.” He smiled, as he sat across from me at the table, and held my hand as we waited to eat.
I cleared my throat and nodded. “Well..I guess I’ll start at the beginning.”
“I hate ‘vat ‘ya can’t be here ‘wif me.” Marty smiled, as he rested his hands on my waist. I smiled, and wrapped my arms around his neck.
“Me too Marty, but Stardom, is gonna be a lot of fun. I think WOH can wait for a bit.” I chuckled. He nodded in agreement as he ran his thumb over the fabric of my shirt.
“Well, Japan is lucky to ‘ave you Love.” He flirted, I couldn’t help but blush. Then, he smirked slightly. “Do you ‘fink we ‘ave some time to ‘ave some..fun?” He winked.
I licked my lips, and sighed, before shaking my head. “Unfortunately no. I have to go like right now. Sorry Sweetheart.” I chuckled, before kissing him, and grabbing my stuff to leave.
He exhaled sharply, annoyed by my abrupt absence.
Marty, went out with the rest of his Bullet Club friends later on. They all joked around with each other as Marty pouted around, and stayed pretty silent unless you count the occasional annoyed sigh at the sight of his friends having fun.
“Marty? What’s wrong with you? You’ve been completely silent all night.” Cody commented.
“He probably just misses Y/N.” Matt smiled.
“Aww.” Cody added, but Marty just shrugged.
“Yeah, I guess.” He mumbled. “I think  ’m just bored. Like, she kind ‘ov just left ‘wifout a goodbye. So I don’t know how to feel about it.” He whined.
Nick cocked his brow. “Uh, she definitely went to say goodbye to you. Or she lied to me, so which is it?” He asked, already being annoyed with how childish his friend was being.
“She said goodbye, sure. But she just rushed out. We didn’t say goodbye the way we normally do..if you know what I mean.” He sighed.
“So, your girlfriend, is about to do something that’s HUGE for her career, and all you could think about was if you were gonna get to sleep with her before she left?” Brandi questioned.
Marty rolls his eyes and scoffs. “No offense, but ‘wha goes on in my relationship isn’t any ‘ov your business.” He hissed.
Brandi’s face hardened, and she cocked her brow. She attempted to bite her tongue to keep the peace, but as most would in her situation, she failed.   “Actually, it is. And I’m concerned about how you’re treating my girl. So-”
“Actually, she’s my girl.” Marty hissed, cutting Brandi off. He must’ve forgot just who he was dealing with though, because there was no way she was gonna take that from him.
He turned his attention away from her, deciding he was done with the conversation. She exhaled sharply, and grabbed his face, and forced him to look at her.
“Then act like it. Go to your hotel room. Call ‘your girl’ ask her if she’s on her flight yet. Tell her you’re proud of her. Tell her you miss her. Send her a*s some flowers, because you know what? She f*cking deserves them.” She continued.
He rolled his eyes. “It’s really not ‘vat big ‘ov a deal Brandi.” He shrugged. “It’s kinda just ‘anova match.”
Nick clenched his jaw, trying not to say anything out of fear he’d make it worse. But, his blood was boiling, hearing Marty speak this way.
“You’re a total a*s.” Brandi scoffed.
Marty sighed, and rolled his eyes yet again. “Fine ‘whaeva. I’ll just leave.” He said, before standing to leave, but then looking at Cody. “Please, learn ‘ow to calm your wife down.” He smirked, before walking out.
Brandi fought the urge to chase after him, and Cody fought the urge to punch him.
“I think we should probably leave too. I’ve had enough ‘fun’ for one night.” Brandi said, rubbing the temples of her forehead. Cody nodded in agreement.
With that, they left as well.
Nick shook his head, and crossed his arms, before leaning back in his chair. “I just..” He started, before taking a deep breath. “I don’t get get him sometimes. She thinks the world of him, and he just doesn’t even care.” He shrugged.
Matt pursed his lips together and nodded. “Yeah, he needs to grow up. That’s for sure.” Matt added. “I don’t know about you, but I need to sleep.” He yawned, as he stood to his feet. Nick breathed a laugh.
“Yeah, I’m exhausted.” He agreed, before following his brother out.
Marty was walking back to his hotel when I called. He let out a sigh before answering it.
“Hey Y/N. How’re ‘fings Love?” He asked, already sounding a bit tired, and slightly frustrated. I ignored it though, thinking it had nothing to do with me.
“Pretty good. I just made it to my hotel. I thought that flight was gonna kill me.” I chuckled, but heard silence on the other end. Marty’s focus was on the girls walking into the bar, little did I know.
“Oh, ‘vat’s nice.” He said, finally responding to me. I furrowed my brows.
“Um..okay. I guess. Are you busy?” I asked, assuming maybe his attention was focused on work.
He cleared his throat. “No, not really Love. ‘Neva too busy for you.” He flirted.
I breathed a laugh, and blushed slightly. “Aww, I miss you. But, I should get some sleep. I’ll call you later?” I responded, trying not to fall asleep as I talked to him.”
“Uh, before you go..do you ‘fink maybe, ‘ta makeup for ‘aving ‘ta leave so soon, you could send me some...well, you know.” He hinted.
I breathed a laugh. “I would..but I just, I don’t really feel ‘sexy’ enough for that right now..I’ve been on a plane for hours, I’m not wearing any makeup, my hair is a mess. I’m sorry..” I frowned.
He rolled his eyes, annoyed at my answer. “Fine. I’ll talk to you tomorrow I guess.” He sighed, before hanging up, before I’d even said goodbye, or told him I loved him.
I contemplated sending him pictures anyway, but fell asleep before I could even make the decision.
Marty went back to the bar after all of his other friends had left, and started a conversation with one of the girls from earlier. It started out pretty harmless until she asked him if he was with anyone.
He breathed a laugh and shook his head. “No, not tonight.” He shrugged.
She cocked her brow, as she studied him. “What’s that mean? Are you single or not?” She questioned, worried she may be overstepping her boundaries.
“If I wasn’t single, I’d be with that person instead of alone in a bar, flirting with a pretty girl, wouldn’t I?” He flirted.
She bit her lip. “Yeah, I guess so.” She smiled.
They talked for a little over an hour, and flirted back and forth, to make things worse, they hadn’t had a drop of alcohol, meaning Marty was completely sober when he decided to ask her, what he’d been wanting to ask her since they met.
“Do you..wanna get out of ‘ere? My hotel room isn’t far.” He flirted, as he put his hand on her knee.
She blushed, and nodded. “Oh, I’d love that.”
I’d woken up from my nap, and tried to call Marty before my match. There was no answer, but I blamed that on the time difference. “He’s probably sleeping..” I mumbled to myself, feeling slightly hurt, but I ignored that feeling, and went to do what I came to do, wrestle my a*s off.
*Present Time*
Will cleared his throat, and held my hand tighter. “I..remember ‘vat night. I was wrestling for New Japan. We saw each ‘ova. Didn’t we?” He smiled softly.
I nodded, and chuckled slightly. “I’m getting to that.” I nodded.
After I won my match, and went back to my hotel. I recognized a friendly face checking out. That of course was Will. But, back then I wasn’t as excited to see him.
Mainly because me being friends with Will made Marty furious. Will was always flirty, and so I tried to keep my distance, out of respect for Marty.
“Y/N!” He said happily, as he made his way over to me. I smiled awkwardly in response. “Great match by ‘va way.” He smiled.
I cocked my brow. “You watched it?”
“Of course I did! You’re a total bad*s.” He smirked. “Not ‘ta mention, you look pretty good doing it.” He flirted.
“You know,” I chuckled. “My boyfriend really hates you.”
He breathed a laugh. “That may be true. But,” He started before cocking his head. “You don’t.” He winked, before waving goodbye, and walking out.
I let out a sigh of relief, thinking that’d be the last time I’d see him this trip.  
I had to check out too. I was gonna get on a flight to the next town ROH would be at, so I could meet up with the rest of my friends. While I was waiting at the airport, I finally heard my phone ring, but to my surprise, and slight disappointment, it wasn’t Marty.
Instead, it was Brandi. I was happy to hear from her obviously. But, it’s always upsetting when someone you’re in a relationship with let’s you down. But, I kept telling myself there was a good reason for it. There had to be.
I answered with a smile.
“Brandi hey!” I exclaimed.
“Y/N! I’m so proud of you!” She bragged. “You did amazing!”
I chuckled. “Aw, you’re too kind.” I smiled. “Thanks for the call. It’s good to hear from at least one of the people closest to me.”
She cleared her throat, and her face fell. I obviously didn’t know that last part considering I wasn’t able to see her face, but she was beyond upset to learn Marty hadn’t called me.
“So..Marty hasn’t called you?” She asked, trying to keep her voice calm, so she wouldn’t upset me.
“Well, we talked for a minute or two when I landed. But no. Not since my match.” I said, my tone weak. I guess I was just realizing how weird it was I hadn’t even gotten a text from him. I cleared my throat, and prepared to fake a happy tone. “But! I guess he’s probably overwhelmed with..work and all. Tell him I love him. Talk to you later.” I said, before hanging up.
“Uh, ‘m sorry Darling. Did I ‘ear ‘vat right? Marty hasn’t called you?” I heard a familiar voice say. I turned around to see Will, a cheeky grin on his face. “Looks like we’re on ‘va same flight by ‘va way.”
I breathed a laugh. I was happy to see him, for a second anyway. Then, I felt guilty for it. But, it was a long, long, flight. I could use someone to talk to. “Hey Will.” I smiled softly, trying not to sound too excited and feed his ego.
“Hi.” He smirked. “Now, what’s ‘vis about Marty not calling you?” He asked, seeming less cocky than he did before.
I sighed, and rolled my eyes, still smiling as I started to walk towards my flight. “You know, you shouldn’t listen to people’s conversations.”
“Fine, dodge ‘va question. I’ll find ‘anova excuse ‘ta talk to you.” He flirted.
I couldn’t help but blush a bit.
“Are you okay? You look mad. It’s not at me is it?” Cody questioned nervously, being able to sense his wife’s aggravation.
She rolled her eyes. “You’re friends with a real jerk. You know that?”
Cody nodded, and shrugged. “Yeah, I can believe that. Which one are we talking about though?” He questioned, chuckling slightly in attempt to add some humor to the situation and maybe brighten things up.
She rolled her eyes. “Marty. Who else would I be talking about?” She scoffed. “I swear, I just might kill him.” She growled before storming out of their hotel room.
Matt, was already on his way to talk to Marty, they needed to do some taping for BTE and all that. He was about to knock on the door to his hotel room, when it opened before he could.
Out stepped a girl, she looked like she was in a rush. Her hair was a mess, barely dressed, holding her heels, as she tried not to make eye contact with Matt when she walked past him.
His mouth fell a jar, when he looked up at Marty, who was now standing in the doorway, looking away from Matt’s glance. Not because he was ashamed, or felt guilty.
No. It was because he got caught.
Matt, scoffed and shook his head knowing exactly what happened. Before he could even put together a sentence to let Marty know how upset and shocked he was, Nick joined them with a smile, clueless as to what was happening. But his smile faded when he saw their faces.
“Is everything okay..?” He asked, cocking his brow.
Matt cleared his throat. “Are you gonna tell him? Or should I?” He mumbled, clenching his fists, causing Nick to look more confused as tons of possibilities passed through his head.
Marty said nothing, as he rubbed his eyes.
“Fine. I’ll do it.” Matt said dryly. “Marty cheated on Y/N last night.”  
Nick’s face turned to stone, as he tried to fight the urge to punch Marty in the face. “You did what?” He said through gritted teeth, trying not to snap until he knew for sure that’s what had happened.
Marty let out a sigh, before finally looking Nick in the eyes.
“I-I made ‘ah mistake.”
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itsreigns · 6 years
Marty Scurll x reader Angsty/Fluff    
(Y/N)'s car breaks down and in a panic she dials the first number she can think of- Marty, with whom she's currently on break from. He shows up, worried sick about her and getting all protective, and they're talking over each other, both trying to get to the same point: that they want the other one back.
(Reposting some of my works. If you want to get tagged or untagged, let me know.) Tags:
@xfirespritex | @hardcorewwetrash | @shadow-of-wonder | @kylesnowreilly | @wwesmutdonedirtcheap | @wwe-smutfics | @heelturn-timesten | @heelsamizayn | @heelsamiheel | @helluvawriter | @tryingtofindaplaceinthisworld | @dorkyvillain |
For the first time in over a year, you’re traveling by yourself in your old car. Your chest tightened with anxiety, considering you weren’t used to be alone in such long trips, much less being the one driving, and especially so late at night.
Then, your mind started slipping to subjects you didn’t want to, especially as you drove. You started thinking about Marty, and your break up, which is why you’re alone in this old, stupid car.
In all honesty, the reason you broke up is just so… stupid. You started arguing over a fucking beer some guy had paid you that night at the bar. He got jealous for some reason and angry because you actually accepted it.
You never thought it’d have such repercussions, it was just a beer, you never meant to do any harm or to disrespect your boyfriend. But it was too late now. You both started raising your voices, both said things you didn’t mean, and then, there was no way back.
He told you it was over, shutting you up instantly. You didn’t say another word, as tears threatened to spill, and you really didn’t need to be told twice. You crouched slightly to grab your stuff, and he opened his mouth to speak but you never let him, walking away in just a matter of seconds.
You turn on the radio, and turn the volume up, trying to cloud your racing mind. There’s barely anyone on the road this late. You had passed by a couple of cars but not too many, and honestly, you didn’t know if you were glad you didn’t pass by more cars or if you should be scared that there weren’t many people out.
So far, the radio was being successful in its job, keeping your thoughts at bay, and the drive itself was going smoothly. Until suddenly, your car breaks down. In the middle of nowhere. No single car in sight. Barely any lights on the side of the road.
You somehow manage to pull up on the side of the road, trying to turn the engine on multiples times, all with no success. You let your head fall against the wheel, tears burning your eyes as you try to control your unstable breathing.
It wasn’t working at all, and it all got worse when you started looking around, nervously. Your overthinking-self starts to observe and analyze all those details, your breath quickening at each information you’ve come to terms with. But the last drop was the fact that… you didn’t have anyone you could call, or anyone who’d care if you called them. You were alone.
After the break-up, you distanced yourself from everyone, considering your closest friends were also his friends. Yes, it was an enormous price to pay, but you couldn’t afford being close to him, and you didn’t want to make things between all of you awkward.
Your brain quickly did a summary of your current situation: your car broke down in the middle of nowhere, you’re alone, you also have no one to call for help, so you’re extra alone, you have no idea how you’ll get out of here.
It all culminated in a major breakdown, bringing to surface everything you were trying to bury: the break up, the heartbreak, the current fear and panic… everything. You started sobbing, a panic attack rushing through you. You move to the passenger’s seat, as if stepping away from the danger, but fully knowing it was stupid.
You pull your knees to your chest, hugging them tightly. You can’t think straight, everything is blurred. Honestly, you don’t even know how long you stayed like that.
Somehow, you find yourself calling someone, you weren’t even sure who. It’s like the nerves erased your mind. And that’s when he answered the call.
“(Y/N)?” The voice on the other end says quietly, unsure.
God, how you missed his voice. Just hearing him say your name again was enough to kill you. That’s when you break down again, letting out a sob and pressing your face tightly against your knees.
“What’s going on? Are you okay? Did someone hurt you?” He asks, worriedly. When you didn’t answer, and kept on crying, he pushes again, pleading even. “What happened? (Y/N), talk to me, baby. Please.”
“My car- broke. I- alone. No one- I can- call.” You manage to get out in between sobs.
“Your car broke? Where? Where are you?” He questions, fearfully, and you could distinguish shuffling and the sound of keys in the background. You try and calm yourself down a bit, so you could help yourself and him.
“I don’t… know. I just… I passed by that diner… the one that has the eggs-“ You start, trying to organize your thoughts, but tears still rolling down your cheeks.
“Those eggs with the secret ingredient we always tried to get the waiter to tell us what it was?” He cuts you off, quickly, and you heard his engine starting.
“Y-yeah.” You confirm, your heart somehow warming up at both the thought and knowing he remembers it too.
“Don’t get out of the car. I’ll be there in ten, okay?” He informs, now quietly again, but also sweetly.
“Okay.” You whisper, ending the call right after.
You put your phone down, hugging your knees once again, and hiding your face against them. You want to forget where you are, all the circumstances… everything. You just want these 10 minutes to pass by quickly, even if it means talk to your ex after months of not talking, and get to a safe place.
Suddenly, you hear a car pull up, and your first thought is that it’s someone strange, someone who’ll hurt you… You didn’t even think it could be Marty already.
A light knock on the window beside you, followed by your door opening gently, make you sob harder in fear, your heart bursting in your chest.
“Hey, hey, I’m here. It’s okay. You’re okay.” He says soothingly, somehow managing to sit on the corner of your seat and pulling you into his arms, hugging you tightly. You unravel your arms from your knees, wrapping them around him.
You missed him so much. His touch, his voice… all the little things.
He held you as long as necessary, running his fingers through your hair, just as he did many times before, until you finally calmed down.
“Are you feeling better?” He asks softly, once you finally pull away from him, tugging a strand of your hair behind your hair as he takes in your features.
“Yeah… Thank you. And I’m sorry.” You reply, your voice hoarse. His brows furrow in confusion, urging you to explain. “For bothering you… I shouldn’t… I shouldn’t have called.”
“You didn’t… You never bother me. And you should call me. I care about you. I honestly never stopped.” He declares tenderly, locking his gaze with yours. “Neither did the guys. We all miss you.”
“Can you just… call the tow truck?” You ask in a pleading tone, silently begging him to drop the subject.
He lets out a sigh, hanging his head. “Yeah… I can.”
But he still didn’t move. He’s still sitting there, waiting for something. You’re not sure what, but he definitely is.
“(Y/N)… We need to talk.” He says after a couple of minutes. The second those words left his lips, you tried to get out of his grasp and out of the car, but he didn’t let you. “Just hear me out. Please.” He pleads, holding you in place. You didn’t fight him anymore, so he took a deep breath and started talking. “I know I was the one who broke up with you, but… it was so stupid, I was angry and hotheaded and I said some stupid things.”
“You hurt me a lot, you know? I haven’t done anything wrong and you lashed out on me, unexpectedly.” You say, your voice small, as you avert your gaze from his.
“I know… I just… I was scared. I was so fucking scared. Because in that little action, that small moment, I realized that… I was in love with you. It showed me how fucking scared I was of losing you, how easily another guy could take you away from me.” He explains, a small tad of anger still lacing his tone.
“So… you broke up with me instead of telling me all that?” You question, incredulously.
“I’m an idiot. And I’m stubborn. You know me.” He sighs, his eyes falling to your somehow joined hands.
You look at each other as if asking each other when did that happen, and truth is… neither of you knew. It just happened. Naturally. He runs his thumb softly along the back of your hand, his eyes attentively watching it.
“I never told you before, but… I love you, (Y/N).” He finally admits, his voice not above a whisper. “I wish I could take it all back and have you back in my arms.”
“I’m literally in your arms right now, Marty.” You chuckle softly, blushing a bit.
“You know what I meant…” He frowns, once again averting his gaze from yours.
You smile, and reach up, cradling his stubble-covered cheek in your hand, and caressing it gently. He looks up at you again, hope written all over his features.
“You’re so lucky I love you too.” You mumble, shooting him a small smile. He mirrors you, before leaning down unexpectedly and pressing his lips to yours.
“I really am lucky.” He smiles widely, pecking your lips a couple of times. “I’m never letting you go ever again, you hear me?”
“I hope you don’t.” You whisper, pressing your forehead against his.
“I won’t.” He assures you, kissing you once again. “Now, let’s call the tow truck and head to the hotel, because I need to smother you with cuddles all night, because 1, I miss you, 2, I have to make up for the lost time.” He informs, chuckling softly.
“Oh, only cuddles?” You tease, fake pouting. He groans before replying, a grin forming on his lips.
“Okay, maybe not just cuddles.”
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salted-barbed-wire · 6 years
I Get Off by Halestorm for Marty Scurll??? please???
Ooohhh… I love this song!!! Great choice anonny :)
“I Get Off” by HalestormFeaturing: Marty ScurllWarnings: masturbation; “peeping Tom” Marty Scurll  
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The chilly air nipped at my nose as I shuffled down the sidewalk to my apartment complex. It’s Monday, I thought to myself with a smile, slowing my footsteps. My gaze drifted to the building across the street and sure enough, there he was walking towards the stair way that lay opposite to the entrance of my building. 
He drug a rolling suit case in one hand and talked on the phone with the other. He wore all black, including the shades, it was kind of sexy. I bit my lip and just before I turned towards my door, our eyes locked.
After a long day at work a girl really could use some time to unwind and home was the best place to do it. I jiggled my door knob to my flat and walked through the thresh hold. A furry, white body mewed and rubbed against my legs.
“Good evening, Beeblebrox.” I reached down to nuzzle my cat. “Are you hungry baby? Mommy needs some wine before the show begins.” He purred and padded over to his food bowl at the sound of food.
I reached up into the cabinets to grab the cat’s food, a wine glass, and my large bottle of Merlot. I could hear Beeble crunching as I took a large sip from my wine glass and licked my lips as warmth spread throughout my body. My teeth grazed against my lower pout and I sauntered off to my bed room for the usual Monday night show.
Shutting the bedroom door wasn’t necessary, but it was part of the ritual as I walked into the room. There was a sliding glass door that lead on to the balcony outside of my apartment, usually I kept the curtains closed; except for Monday nights, when he was home. I hit the the play button on the stereo system and my soft R&B playlist filled my room. My foot steps glided along to the beat as I reached for the curtains to the door.
I flung them open, allowing the moon light to fill my room. Across the street, a light was on, his light. I smirked, knowing I’d soon see his face in the window. Turning away from the window, I looked in the full-length, oval shaped mirror at my figure in the black work dress I had worn to my business meeting. I looked hot, running my fingers along my body, feeling my skin. I wonder if he’s watching yet? I thought to myself as I turned my back to the mirror, to slowly unzip the back of it. Leaving my stilettos on, I let the material flow down my body, revealing my black lacy thong was all that I had worn under the fabric.
My eyes slid to the window and I could see a shape peering through the window I had been watching earlier. I continued on the facade, not wanting him to know that I knew he was watching me, that he watched me every Monday night. I loved standing here in the light, allowing him to look over me as I touched myself.
Marty’s POV:
Marty shifted in his chair that he had pulled over to the window so he could watch. His palm rubbed over his aching bulge as the dress she had been wearing fell from her body.
“Fuck,” He hissed to himself.
Every time he came home, she seemed to put on a little show for him and every time her body took his breath away. Marty wondered if she knew he was watching, if she got off on the way he watched her with hunger and lust in his eyes. 
His adam’s apple bounced as he swallowed watching her hand rub over her bare breasts. Her delicate finger tips teased the perked nipples, her head fell back with her mouth agape. He licked his lips and slowly undid his jeans to allow his cock some room, watching her made Marty’s pants feel too tight.
What I wouldn’t give to hear her moan my name, he thought to himself as his hand ran over his shaft. I bet her voice sounds so sweet when she’s screaming. I bet her pussy is so wet right now.
“Come on, baby, touch yourself for daddy.” He muttered to himself.
Almost as if she could hear him, she took two steps and laid on the bed. Marty groaned at the way she pushed her ass out towards the window. He palmed his cocked and let out a gasp as her fingers wandered down her tummy to her panties, carefully removing them.
“That’s it, baby girl,” he whispered, mentally pleading for her to continue pleasuring herself.
Her hand began to move, rubbing in a circle pattern. Marty could see the girl’s eyes close and her mouth forming “Ooo” and “ahhh” shapes. His hand moved up and down his shaft faster and faster. She pushed the lace down her thighs and past her ankles. Marty moaned at the reveal of her single digit moving in and out of her wetness, her other hand lightly rubbing her clit.
“Fuck, I bet that pussy tastes so delicious. Bet it’s tight and wet,” He growled, eyes transfixed on her blissfully wiggling against her own touch.
Marty almost couldn’t take it any long when she added another finger, her breasts heaved as she gasped and moaned and made all the wonderful noises he couldn’t hear from this far. He continued to jerk himself watching her eyes roll back and mouth drop open. Marty groaned feeling himself nearly to the edge as he watched her come undone in her room. 
“Shit,” he hissed aloud. He fucked his hand, quick and hard, desperately wanting to be inside of this girl that teased him every week. 
Just as his release came close, Marty looked up to see her staring through her window, she pulled her fingers out of her cunt and brought them to her lips. Marty’s jaw dropped as she sucked the juices off her fingers, making full on eye contact with him.
“Holy fuck,” he groaned as his seed spilled out over palm and onto the floor at the sight.
The two of them locked eyes for what seemed for an eternity before the girl across the street reached up, a naughty grin spread across her face, and turned off the light.
Marty grinned out the window, before shutting the curtains to his own flat. “I’ll get you alone very soon, my pet.”
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poedamneron01 · 3 years
hello fellow kenny simp hehe🧎🏻‍♀️ may i request a dom!kenny smut? the scenarios up to you <3 thank you :)
I had this thought the other day, and now that you requested it I am actually going to post it 😌Summary: reader is sexually frustrated while travelling so much between Japan and the US, decides to try and get laid but it doesn’t help her, she talks to the boys about it (they are all really close, its normal for adults to do this shit gtfo), Kenny offers to help when they are alone. I AM SORRY THIS IS SO BAD!
TW: 18+ ONLY! smut, smut and more smut!
Kenny Masterlist
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You and the guys were meeting in Kenny’s room to sign some things for the NJPW shop before the show started tomorrow. You wouldn’t lie, you were so sexually frustrated that you had been moody and you were afraid to take it out on them so you tried your best to distance yourself. As you made your way to Kenny’s room, you ran into Marty who as always was smiling wider than the Cheshire cat “Hey Y/N.” He waved and you forced a smile onto your face “Hey Marty.” You hugged him quickly and continued your way over to Kenny’s room. “So how was last night?” Marty asked with a smirk and wiggled his eyebrows. Last night you had attempted at taking a guy home, but to no avail, you went home alone. You knocked on Kenny’s door and turned to look over at Marty with a sigh “I went home, alone.” You frowned dramatically and Marty giggled to himself “It’s so annoying though!” You exclaimed frustratedly and the door was pulled open “I am so lonely, it’s been months!” You walked in without a second glance at whoever opened the door, stomping over and flopping onto the bed with a huff. “Well hello to you to Y/N!” Matt called from the door and you felt the bed dip beside you “What’s so annoying anyways?” Matt asked as him and Marty walked in and sat on the bed “I believe itty bitty Y/N is sexually frustrated.” Marty teased and you flipped him off “I thought you went home last night with a guy?” Kenny asked confused and you perched yourself up onto your elbows, meeting his gaze from where he sat by the window in nothing but his shorts. You couldn’t help but look down at his bare chest, looking so toned and muscly, you felt your underwear flood with a pool of wetness “U-Uh, well not exactly.” You sheepishly admitted, tearing your eyes reluctantly away from Kenny as Nick and Matt choked on their laughter “Assholes.” You muttered and sat up some more, avoiding Kenny’s gaze as it burned into the side of your face.
A couple hours had passed and you guys had signed hundreds and hundreds of items. What didn’t help was that Kenny had sat next to you, his strong, muscular leg grazing yours send jolts to your core. “I-I’m not feeling the best guys, I’m going to go lay down for a bit.” You left the group without a second glance, practically running back to your room. Once you made your way back to your room, you slammed the door shut and slipped off your shoes before jumping onto your bed, your eyes closing in the process. You could not get Kenny out of your mind, wondering what his fingers would feel like on your skin, squeezing your ass as he pounded into you. Your hand slipped past the waist of your yoga pants, and delved into your panties. You moaned softly as your brain continued to play images that only fuelled your need for a release. You moved your index finger and middle finger through your folds, spreading your slick. You let out a loud moan as you began rubbing your clit roughly, chasing the release you needed so badly. That familiar feeling built up in the pit of your stomach, your body feeling like it was on cloud nine as your fingers worked your swollen and throbbing clit. You were nearly there, so close, you let out a loud moan, almost a yell, before a knock at the door interrupted you. Your eyes snapped open and you pulled your hand out of your pants “Y/N?” A voice called and you cried in frustration, pushing yourself up off your bed and over to the door, yanking it open “Listen, I am trying to sleep-” a pair of lips cut you off, roughly moving against yours. The door shutting brought you back to reality, pulling back from the person and opening your eyes “Kenny?” You asked in shock and he reached out, grabbing your hips “Let me help you Y/N.” He whispered and you closed your eyes while taking a deep breath, feeling him delve into the crook of your neck, placing wet and sloppy kisses. You let out a quiet whimper, feeling him smirk against your skin “How about it Y/N?” He asked and walked you both to the edge of the bed, your calfs coming into contact with your bed “I seen the way you looked at me, when every time we touched you would jump.” You let out a moan as he kissed your throat, biting it gently. You fell back onto the bed, opening your eyes and looking up at Kenny “Please,” you began “I need it, please.” You begged in a pathetic tone and Kenny chuckled, crawling onto the bed as you yanked and pulled your clothes off. His large hands ran over your soft skin, causing you to shiver and squirm with need. His hand moved down to your core, hand cupping your mound and you moved your hips desperately “Tell me how bad you need it Y/N.” He huffed in your ear as he moved his hand back and trailed his fingers through your soaking wet folds. “Please Kenny, I need it so bad, I need you to fill me, fuck me so hard, please!” You exclaimed and Kenny grinned, bringing his mouth down to yours in a hard kiss as he pulled his shorts down, freeing his throbbing cock. He spread your legs and knelt between them, his hand pumping his cock a few times and spreading the pre cum over the tip. Kenny pulled back and pulled your head up roughly, bringing his hand up and under your mouth “Spit.” He demanded and you did, eyes flicking down to his hard cock and you felt your pussy clench. He was fucking huge. He spread your spit across his shaft and leaned forward, rubbing the head of his cock through your folders, where you let out a moan. Without any warning he plunged into your pussy and you both gasped “Oh my god.” You whimpered and Kenny groaned “God Y/N, you’re so tight, gonna stretch you out till you’re gaping.” You reached out and wrapped your arms around Kenny’s neck as he began to move at a steady pace. “God you fill me up so well.” You muttered, unwrapping your arms to claw your nails down his back. “I want you to scream my name.”
He grunted as his hips continued to thrust at a wild pace, cock pumping in and out of your soaking pussy faster now, the sound of skin on skin and your moans filled the room. You looked down at Kenny’s cock disappearing into you, and the tip of his cock hit your g-spot and your back arched off the bed “Oh god right there Kenny!” Your eyes slammed shut as the coil in the pit of your stomach became tighter and tighter “Cum for me Y/N.” He rasped out, picking up the pace and hitting that spot over and over again. “Oh god.” You cried, hands holding on for dear life around Kenny’s strong shoulders as you felt yourself come undone with a harsh snap. You gasped, and Kenny felt his release coming fast, his hand held your leg up and around his waist as your orgasm tore through your body. “There you go.” Kenny mumbled as he watched your body shake underneath him, your pussy clenching around him had him falter his pace slightly. He felt his balls tighten and cock twitch as your pussy milked him. You lay beneath Kenny, eyes screwed shut, chest falling and rising heavily as you came down from your high. Kenny pulled out and jerked himself off a couple of times as spurts of cum littered your stomach. You were coming down from your high, head feeling airy and empty as your body still lightly shook. Kenny fell beside you, where your chest’s moved up and down rapidly as you both came down from your highs. You felt Kenny move, hearing his heavy footsteps walk around your hotel room, probably leaving, you thought to yourself with what thoughts you could gather. “Here.” His gentle voice filled the now silent room, causing your eyes to open as Kenny began wiping your stomach clean. You sat up as he finished, tossing the hand towel on the ground beside the bed “Thank you Kenny.” You bit your lip to hide the smile from making it’s way up onto your lips, he went to respond before a knock interrupted you both. Your eyes widened and Kenny looked at the door “Y/N open up!” It was Marty. “Shit.” You slipped on your underwear and the first shirt you could find, which was huge? You opened the door making sure you were only in view “Hey Y/N I- wait is someone in there?” He asked with a grin and you nodded, pursing your lips “Yeah, they are sleeping.” You spoke softly, and Kenny had to hide his face in the pillows to not give away it was him “Is that Kenny’s shirt?” He asked pointing down at the top you wore and you felt your blood run cold. You don’t remember Kenny wearing a shirt when he barged into your room? “Uh, this was a spare he gave me last time we were here.” You cooly responded and he nodded “Alright, well, have fun you saucy minx.” He winked and left you alone. “Come back here you saucy minx.” Kenny called in the worst British accent you had ever heard, making you smile and let out a laugh, before you made your way back over to lay beside him.
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writtenbyz · 7 years
Daddy Duties (Marty Scurll)
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Actually very fluffy but includes hospitals and surgery. 
Y/n and Marty’s son barely turned a year old and he already had one operation to go through. 
Marty was the literal definition of dad of the year. Ever since y/n had their baby boy Mace, He’d make sure to keep his schedule open for anything that would happen, and the moment y/n told him their son had to have surgery Marty was already booking a flight home. Marty never played around when it came to his son’s well being. 
“Martin, I swear we have everything packed for Primary Children’s calm down.” Y/n says to her husband of 4 years. 
“But we have to make sure.” Marty says looking around and the thing about Marty was he had to make sure everything was okay when he was nervous. 
“Look at me Marty, You have nothing to be scared about.. It’ll be okay.” y/n says grabbing his hands and she cut him off when he tries to say something. It was late at night and they already put Mace to sleep for the long day tomorrow. Marty looks at her with his green eyes and sighs softly, being scared. 
“You’ll  be okay..” y/n says quietly pulling them to their shared bed. 
The next day was filled with nerves on both ends. Y/n didn’t really want to stress about this but somehow she was. Marty was sitting in the back with Mace as she drove to the large Salt Lake City Children’s hospital. 
As they got there Marty’s nerves were through the roof. They get the diaper bag and Mace held his blanket in his hands as Marty holds him in his arms. 
“Dada!” He points looking as they walk into the hospital. Marty chuckles and looks around the colorful painted walls of the entrance. Y/n goes to get tags for Marty and her for the day and get directed to the place they had to go. Mace’s curly hair was all messy and his bright green eyes wandered the hospital hallways as Marty followed y/n. 
“Dada!” Mace would pat Marty’s shoulder and point to whatever fantasized the young baby which was everything they get to the third floor and y/n gets everything set and Mace checked in them putting on his wristband with his information on his little wrist. Marty looks at it seeing ‘Mace Scurll’ 
Marty smiles lightly and sets him on his lap. Mace looks around and sees a little play area and slides off his dad’s leg and drops his blanket waddling over to the toys. 
“Well there’s one way to go..” Marty chuckles picking up the blanket and watches Mace. Y/n finished filling out a  few things and hands it to the woman. Mace squeals excitedly as he saw the aquarium filled with the fish from Finding Nemo. 
Marty looks up quickly thinking he got hurt. Marty gets up and goes over to him crouching down and setting him on his knee. Mace quickly was in awe with the colorful fish in the tank. Y/n watched and takes a quick picture of the two. It was 6:30 in the morning and no other family was in the waiting room. Marty sets Mace down once more and goes to sit down again, Mace looks up and follows his dad and lifts his chubby arms up. Marty smiles and quickly swoops him up and kissed his cheeks. Y/n smiles lightly and they get called back checking his weight and the hard part was getting blood drawn. Marty looks at the nurse and picks Mace up from the examination table. Marty absolutely hated hearing Mace crying. The nurse tries to make it quick as possible and he starts crying as hard as he could. Marty looks away as they get blood drawn quickly and the nurse quickly puts a band aid on him and apologized as he cries. Mace hides his arms and face on his dad’s chest. 
“I’m so so sorry guys..” She says cleaning up and Marty grabs his blanket and wraps it around him rubbing his small back as he chokes up on sobs. She leaves and the doctor tells them where to go next. So they can actually prep him for surgery and get him set. Marty was calming Mace down as they walk to the other office and Y/n gets everything figured out again, there was more kids and adults there and Mace wasn’t happy about getting poked. He was cuddled up against his dad as they waited. 
They again get called back and the nurse gets his information about his gallbladder and she gets him a light blue gown and pants to match with small animals on it, Y/n helps him in it and the nurse leaves to go get more things. 
Marty chuckles looking at Mace sitting on the hospital bed with his little bear blanket that Marty bought him when he found out his wife was pregnant. 
A few nurses came in to help distract Mace as they get an IV in. Again the crying starts and Marty closed his eyes looking down as they finish the nurse apologized to the small baby boy and wraps his arm up with orange gauze. Mace reached for his parents and cries. Marty picks him up once they were done and sat on the bed with him.  He makes sure he was okay before going into surgery..
--Should I continue? This was a really weird idea that popped into my head..
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daddyhendo · 7 years
Marty Scurll and C for the NSFW alpha?
Marty Scrull NSFW
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum)
Unlike most guys Marty actually prefers to cum on you instead of in you. It’s his way of proving you’re his and no ones gonna take you from him. It also gives him a little sense of dominance and buzz of excitement gazing at your body full of patches of cum.
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rollinsdar-blog · 7 years
You Lost Me [Marty Scurll]
I was inspired a LOT by Rachel and Ross’ break up scene in Friends cause I love the show and I think the scene is heartbreaking, but I hope you guys like this :)
Marty Scurll x Reader
“Please, baby. Don’t do this, I-” you cut him off, anger evident in your eyes, as he followed you into your bedroom where you had gone to get away from him.
“Don’t ‘baby’ me, Marty! I’m not the one at fault here, you were the one who slept with someone else,” Marty was the one to cut you off this time as he came towards you.
“I know, Love, and I’ll never forgive myself for it but I just-” 
It had quickly become a battle between the two of you as you competed against each other to speak. You interrupted Marty yet again as he began to justify himself and you felt the anger that had been running through your body being replaced with utter devastation.
“You don’t get to defend your actions, Marty. I was lying here, in our fucking bedroom, night after night while you were off fucking some other girl. Do you have any idea what that feels like? To find out that the person you love more than anything was with someone else while you were at home, waiting for them to come back to you? I’d lie here,” you sat down on the edge of the bed you shared as you felt the adrenaline rush out of your body, “and cry myself to sleep sometimes because you were so far away from me…”
Marty had stopped pacing the room as soon as he heard the heartbreak in your voice, and his eyes began to water as he watched you from across the room. Your eyes remained glued to the floor because you knew that, despite how much he had hurt you, there was a huge chance you would find yourself eventually forgiving him if you looked into the eyes of the man you loved.
“I just…I’m so sorry Y/N. I never meant to hurt you, I’m so stupid to have fucked up the most important thing in my life. Those girls meant nothing to me and I would always ignore them if they tried to get in contact with me, and make sure that I showed you just how much I loved you.”
“Girls? There was…there was more than one?” Marty eyes hit the floor and his face crumpled with guilt as you looked at him through your teary eyes, “And they contacted you while you were with me? Oh my God…that’s why you always hide your phone from me and ignore the texts that you get every morning. And then you would have sex with me because you felt fucking guilty?!”
Marty rushed towards you, sitting on his knees in front of where you sat on the edge of the bed, “No, no, I didn’t do it because I felt guilty. I-I did it because I love you. You have no idea how much I love you, Y/N, and I’m so sorry that I’ve hurt you. Please forgive me, baby?” Marty held your hand gently as he began to place kisses up your arm, starting at you knuckles and working up to your shoulder. Tears had now begun to run down your faces as Marty gingerly sat next to you on the bed and kissed along your shoulder, up your neck and along your jawline, towards your lips. 
“No, Marty, it’s not that easy. You can’t just kiss me and make this magically disappear.” You had jumped up from your place on the bed, now standing in front of Marty with every muscle in your body clenched in defence, “I told you, when we first started dating, that I had been cheated on before. I confessed to you how shitty that had made me feel, how I hated myself after that, and you go and have sex with some other girls.” 
“I know, Darling, and I can’t tell you how sorry I am for it. It was a moment of weakness and I’m so, so sorry…” Your muscles relaxed as you saw the tears in Marty’s eyes, but you wouldn’t give in.
“Please don’t patronise me, Marty. You’ve got one chance, right now, explain this shit to me or I’ll walk out that door and not come back.” Marty’s face lit up as he nodded frantically, preparing to win you back.
“Okay, okay. I-I missed you so much while I was away and I know that it doesn’t justify what I did, but I was so lonely and I wish I’d never done something so stupid, especially when I risk losing you.” Marty gently reached his arms out from where he sat on the edge of the bed and pulled your body towards him, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist and hugging you against his chest as he stared up at your face, “I love so, so much and I can’t live without you. Please tell me that we can work through this?”
Tears clouded your vision as you watched Marty’s hopeful face staring up at you, tears also welling up in his eyes. You let out a deep sigh as you mentally prepared yourself for what you were about to say.
“You lost me the minute I found out that you’d cheated, Marty. You knew how much I love you and you still did it, even though you say you love me too. This isn’t going to work now, I can’t be with someone who hurts me like this. I thought I had a future with you. I thought that you cared about me as much as I cared about you, but I guess I was wrong…I’m gonna leave first thing tomorrow morning.”
Marty’s grip on your waist tightened as tears ran down his cheeks and he shook his head, “Don’t…,” he let out a shaky breath as he swallowed a lump in this throat, “You don’t have to leave. You’re in this house more than I am so I’ll go. Just…Please remember that I’ll never forgive myself for hurting you and I’ll never stop loving you.”
Marty unwrapped his arms from your waist as he stood in front of you and gripped your face between his hands. His slightly taller figure meaning he had to lean his head down in order to rest his forehead against yours. You would’ve flinched away, but you were so physically and emotionally exhausted, that the only thing you could do was close your eyes and let the tears run down your face. 
Marty whimpered slightly as his voice left his mouth as just more than a whisper, “I’ll sleep on the sofa tonight, I’ll make sure I’m gone in the morning…I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I hope you can forgive me one day.”
You screwed up your already closed eyes as he reluctantly pulled his hands away and shuffled out of the bedroom, leaving you alone as your weak knees gave out and you collapsed on the floor in a sobbing heap.
I listened to Once In A Lifetime by One Direction while writing this, and that was a huge mistake 😭
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My brother finally admitted that he has a bro crush on Kenny Omega. So I made and sent him this.
He did not appreciate it.
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fandom-imagines-001 · 4 years
Kenny Omega X Reader #001
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Kenny Omega
5. "Why do you hate me?"
"Don't touch me" you glared at Kenny when he passed by and accidentally grazed his hand on yours. He didn't say anything to you, just frowned and continued on his way following your big bother Cody.
"Why does she do that?" Kenny said to Cody as they continued into their locker room. "Don't ask me Omega" Cody shook his head but he knew why. Cody has known all along why you do what you do to Kenny.
You watched the monitor dazing into the match, and to be honest you really didn't care who was wrestling or what was going on. All you could think about was Kenny, everything he does. He bothered you, every single bit of him bothered you.
"Hey sis" Cody pulls you from your daze, and you turn to look at him. "Hey Cod" you smiled at him. "You know he really cares about you, and not just because your my sister. I could swear he's in love with you." Cody was right, and you knew it. You knew Kenny was in love with you. "Can we not talk about this right now?" You ask him still not looking at him. "No, we're talking about this right now. You're starting to effect his mood" You give him a dirty look and shake your head. "Good" you snort and try to walk away but Cody pulls you back towards him. "Seriously, what is your problem with him?"
You grit your teeth, how could Cody ask you this. He knew what your problem with Kenny was. After all your time here and the months before your tried to get Kenny to notice you, and notice that you were madly in love with him. He never noticed not once, and once you finally gave up he started to care. "Are you serious Cody? What is my problem with him? I was in love with him! And he never once noticed! I tried for months after you asked me to join the club! He doesn't get to act like he's the victim! And how can you stand there knowing exactly what I mean and ask me why I have a problem with him?" You unload on Cody, you couldn't believe Cody right now. He acted like this was all your fault and it pissed you off.
Cody looked down and sighed "Do you want to know why Y/N?" He looked you in the face, and you could see his demeanor change. "Why Cody, tell me exactly why" you say , still obviously pissed off.
"I told him to stay away from you, I though I was looking out for you. I didn't want my little sister being hurt, especially by someone so close to me. I should have never done that. I'm sorry Y/N, I really am. After I seen the way he actually cared about you I felt so terrible." You just looked at Cody, you really couldn't believe him.
Before you knew it, your fist was bawled up and you punched him. Not just once not just twice, you unloaded on him. Punch after punch you began to feel better, and he wasn't trying to stop you either.
"Hey hey hey" Matt pulls you from Cody. "Y/N, what's going on" you pull yourself from him and shoot him a glare. "Ask him" you say holding your fist and looking down at Cody before walking away.
Matt starts to walk after you "Don't, let her go." Cody stands up and stops Matt. "What's going on, what is this about?" Cody just looked down moving his hand under his nose to wipe the blood off his mouth. "Kenny" Cody says as he walks in the opposite direction that you walked away in earlier. Matt just shook his head, still standing there.
"Marty I can't believe him!" You cry in to his chest as he moves the strands of hair from you face. "He was only looking out for you sweetheart, I'm sure he meant well" his voice always so calm and caring. "But he knew we both liked each other" you continued to cry as your words were muffled into his chest. "Who says you guys can't just start over, you know from the beginning." Marty cooed, you loved talking to him about your problems. He's always so sweet and makes you feel so good. "Kenny thinks I hate him now!" You look up at Marty, your make up stained on his shirt and running down your face. "You know, I bet I could talk to him for you beautiful" he smiles at you. "Did you just call me beautiful Mr. Scurll?" You laugh at him. "I have to say, if I didn't know Kenny was crazy about you...I'd be showing you this-" you cut him off "Marty please!" You laugh again slapping his chest. "But really, if you want me to go talk to him I will. No hesitation for you sweetheart." You smile at him "you're great Marty" you lean over to kiss his cheek. "As are you Y/N"
You wave Marty off as he exits your locker room. You close your eyes, and lay your head back.
Your almost asleep when you hear a knock on your door. "Come in" you say softly while keeping your eyes closed.
You heard the door open, and someone shut it behind them. Heavy footsteps stepped across the floor and sat next to you.
You kept your eyes shut expecting it was Cody, or Marty.
"Why do you hate me?" He said. Your eyes shot open to see Kenny sitting next to you with his hands fisted in his pockets. "What did I do that made me hate me so much?" your shocked by his presence.
"Kenny, I don't" you sit up and cross your legs so your closer to him. "I never did really".
"I could never hate you, Kenny"
A/N; this one kinda sucks, bare with me though...I haven't wrote in almost a year, not to mention I have a tremendous case of writers block. So many ideas, so little time. Also whenever I write anything about Kenny, Cody is always the readers brother.
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kcloveswrestling · 2 years
Marty Scurll x fem!reader
Description: Marty and his girlfriend build a snowman while it’s snowing a lot outside.
Warnings: None
Author’s Note: If you do not like Marty, don’t read this.
Being Marty’s girlfriend meant you two were always doing something fun.
Like today for example, it was snowing and y’all had spent most of the day cuddling and watching movies but Marty finally checked how much snow was outside.
“Babe, we should go build a snowman.”, he said while picking you up off the floor from where you were laying near the heater.
“Martyyy, it’s cold outside.”, you replied not really wanting to go out in the cold.
He walked to the laundry room and took one of his hoodies and scarves out of the dryer for you to put on.
“Oh see, warm clothes changes my opinion completely. Let’s go.”, you said as he handed the hoodie and scarf.
He laughed at your response and waited for you to get ready to go outside.
After building the snowman, you were ready to go back inside because you were cold but Marty had other plans.
“You bloody numpty!!”, you yelled at him while throwing a snowball back at him after he hit you right in the face with a snowball.
The two of you had a snowball fight for about an hour before y’all went back inside.
“Love, I think you’ve been around me too long. You’ve started saying ‘numpty’ are you alright?”, he said while laughing.
“I didn’t even realize I said it, but can we cuddle by the fire now? I’m freezing.”, you replied while hugging him.
“Of course.”, he held you close to him and sat by the fire with you.
This one is kinda short but it’s the vibes I got from the prompt.
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itsreigns · 6 years
Request Rules & Guidelines 2018
Welcome to my comeback set of WWE Fanfiction Requests! ✨
Hey everyone, I’ve been thinking a lot, and I decided to give writing a new chance. So, if you’re reading this and are interested in submitting a request, here are the rules/ guidelines.
A special thank you to @xfirespritex for letting me use her guidelines as a base for my own. 😚💕
📌 Requests will remain open as long as I feel like. I will let you know when they are closed.
📌 Rules/ Guidelines:
1. All requests will be for male superstar / female reader (i.e. Finn Balor x Y/N).
2. No self-harm/rape/death stories. They aren’t for me. I can’t write them. Note: Other things such as depression, anxiety, etc. are allowed to be a part of the request but I will not write extremely triggering things.
3. No horror fics, creepy or weird plots, etc.
4. Requests will be filled as I am inspired by them. Not first come/first serve. You can’t rush writing.
5. Relating to the above rule you must be patient. If you are pushy or flat-out mean about how long it is taking to fill your request I will not finish it, no matter how good an idea it is.
6. I will write fluff and angst. No smut for now. Be specific in what you are looking for.
7. I will accept requests from Anonymous but please know that if I can’t reply to your request there is no way of notifying you when it’s going up/ if I would like clarification on your request.
8. Requests need to include the wrestler you want the reader paired with. After that, you can request prompts, scenarios, plots, etc.
📌 Give me specifics. Don’t just say “A cute fluffy story with Pete Dunne, please and thanks!” That’s not enough. And I will not accept it, it’ll get deleted.
📌 Wrestlers I will write for:
· Adam Cole
· Baron Corbin
· Cesaro
· Corey Graves
· Dean Ambrose
· Fandango
· Finn Balor
· Johnny Gargano
· Marty Scurll
· Pete Dunne
· Roman Reigns
· Sami Zayn
· Seth Rollins
· Sheamus
· TJ Perkins
· Tony Nese
· Tyler Bate
· Zack Ryder
📌 A final reminder: If the rules are not adhered to/ a request makes me uncomfortable I will not complete the request. You all need to understand that a request is just that, a request. I will do my best to fill them all but this is not a contract. So please, be understanding of mine, as well as all, writer’s limitations and guidelines.
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salted-barbed-wire · 7 years
You’re Better
(A/n) Whoops Jordynn tried to write fanfiction and it turned to smut.
Summary: This is only 5% plot. You can probably guess what happens from the warnings tbh WARNINGS: Swearing, sex toys, mention of masturbation, daddy kink, angry sex, hair pulling, slight choking, SMUT SMUT SMUT SMUT filthy smut Featuring: The Villain Marty Scurll Word count: 1786- super short but packs a punch (i hope)
Master List (update coming... eventually)
Tag Squad: @i-kneel-for-king-loki @straight-outta-the-asylum (shield sisters get tagged whether they like Marty or not, deal with it) ALSO! @shieldlovereve @wallflowerfangirl-life @earl-01 @princess3733 @wrestlingbabe @heelturn-timesten @laigy2213 @phyreblue @satansstrawberry @therealfivefeetoffuckingfury @kakakatey @monsteramongmen-tamer @scentedwerewolfphantom @theresnosuchthingasfate11 @sarastolichnaya @baybayforlife @vipervenomisgoodforyou (not sure if the tags are working. I’m sorry!)
I’ll be home late tonight. What time do you get off?
I read the text that lit up my phone as I stretched, waking up from a midafternoon nap. Checking my watch, “More than enough time to shower before work.” I sent a reply, hoping he would get it before his flight took off.
I work third shift so probably not until very late. Don’t wait up.
I put my phone down as I pulled a towel out of the linen closet. My dreams had of course been of him and I was still thinking of the way he had been touching me. The way his lips pressed against mine. God, I had missed him. But that’s what happens when you date a wrestler. Marty Scurll was absolutely the best boyfriend ever, even when he was away. I just so happened to look forward to the passionate, desperate, hungry sex that followed his arrival home.
A sigh escaped my lips as I knew we probably wouldn’t be able to enjoy the throws of passion until the following night after both of us had some rest. My core clenched at the thought of the things we’d do to each other.
“I don’t know if I can honestly make it through work.” I grumbled aloud. Since the day he left, I had been worked up, and it only got worse as his arrival came closer. Stripping down to nothing and starting the hot water, my mind wandered to the little toy in the drawer or Marty’s bedside table.
I walked back to our room and opened the drawer. Sure enough, there sat a pink vibrator with the words, ‘Little Rabbit’ written at the base. I remembered the day that Marty had brought it home for us to try; “Now this is just a toy for Daddy to use on you, love.” He had told me as he hit a button. I had been nervous at first, unfamiliar with toys for the bedroom. But with Marty’s gentle push, the whole night we played with it and afterwards I was a quivering mess.
My hand reached out and touched it. It wasn’t as big as Marty’s cock, but it would sure be nice to have something inside of me. I bit down on my lip, looked around and snatched the toy out of the drawer. “Good thing I have extra time in the shower.” I muttered with a smile.
Later that night, I walked through the door of mine and Marty’s flat. My whole body felt heavy from work and I couldn’t wait to strip down and get in bed. I smiled as I locked the door and put my purse next to Marty’s coat that he had hung up when he came home earlier. He must be in bed, I thought excitedly. It would be amazing to get to curl up to him and fall asleep.
Strolling into our bedroom, I shuffled out of my shoes. It was dark inside the room and it was hard see anything. I scrambled to look for my phone only to jump when the lamp string was pulled, shining a soft light into their room. Marty sat there on the edge of the bed, his hair looked ruffled and his suit was still on from traveling.
My eyes glanced at the clock, “Marty, you scared me.” I breathed, “It’s late, why are you still away? And why are you still dressed?”
Marty licked his lips, looking me up and down. “Something caught my attention earlier and it’s been bothering me all evening.” His arms were propping his upper body up on his knees, as if he was reserving a pounce. “Come ‘ere, my pet. Come sit on Daddy’s lap.”
I crossed the room and he sat upright, allowing me to drape my legs across his thighs. His hand immediately squeezed my knee. “Is everything okay?” I asked him, concerned.
Scurll let out a sigh, “I went to go take a shower when I came home.” He started, reaching around his back he pulled out the toy she had been using earlier. “And I found this wrapped up, drying in a towel.” I swallowed at the sight of the pink vibrator I had used not but hours ago. Marty swung me around onto the bed so I was laying beneath him.
His eyes engulfed me, “Naughty girl.” He growled at me while I whimpered below him. He knelt between my legs on the mattress and undid his belt, tearing it from the loops with force. I bit my lip, thankful he had decided to toss it aside. Marty took hold of my bottoms and ripped them down my legs, not bothering to even leave my panties behind. He dove between my legs, mouth immediately connecting with my heat. I moaned and wriggled beneath the Villain as his tongue teased my clit.
“M-Marty, oh God!” I exclaimed, the sensation was delicious. I had missed him so much since he’d been gone.
Marty sat up all too quickly, he undid the front of his trousers and his rock-hard cock sprung free. I moaned at the sight of it. My walls clenched together at the thought of him filling me up to the hilt, pounding me relentlessly as I screamed his name. Marty wasted little time taking hold of me by my hair, “Suck.” He commanded, pulling me to his cock.
He forced himself between my lips, pulling my hair so my mouth slid along his member. My throat restricted as the head pushed against it. Tears formed in my eyes.
“Such a bad girl,” He growled, pulling me from him. Marty held the vibrating toy for my view, “Show me how you used it.” His finger hit a button and I heard the buzzing through the dimly lit room.
My face went red, he had always been the one to use it on me. The one time I played with it I was alone. To say I was nervous to have him observe would be an understatement.  “No.” Was all I whispered before returning to suck him off, hoping it would distract him.
An animalistic noise rumbled through his chest as he took firm hold of my locks, ripping me from him and throwing my body against the pillows. “Daddy didn’t ask, pretty girl. Show me how you fucked yourself earlier.” He put the toy into my hand, forcing my fingers to wrap around the base. Marty wasn’t careful as he took my hand in his and pushed the vibrator against my heat.
I whimpered at the sensation and lined the cool tip up to my entrance. There was an audible groan from Marty as I pushed it into my wet, waiting heat. It was colder than having him inside of me but just as thrilling.
“Move it, love.” Marty encouraged while he jerked himself, still kneeling on the bed next to my body.
I did as I was commanded and pumped the vibrating toy in and out. My mouth dropped open and I moaned, “Fuck. It was the only thing I could manage.
“That’s it,” Marty whispered moving up to my head. He pulled my hair, lighter this time, to bring my mouth back to his throbbing cock. I took it, hungrily, and drug my lips along the shaft. My free hand gripped him so I could use it as an extension. I could taste the precum on the back of my tongue as I sucked him, still using the toy on my now quivering pussy.
“God, I love the way your moans feel on my cock,” Marty commended. “Is that how you like to get that pussy fucked, darling? You like how that feels?” I could only respond with a muffled, ‘MMhmm,’. My hand moved faster at his words. “You like it more than Daddy’s cock, don’t you, pet?”
I released him with a ‘pop’. “No!” I whined, “Marty, Daddy I-“ My protests were cut off with him pushing me back onto the bed and ripping the vibrator from my cunt. Quicker that I could process what was happening, Marty moved between my legs, lining himself up with my entrance.
“No?” He asked, slapping the tip against my swollen clit, “You want this, love? You want me to fuck you into this mattress? You want me to make you scream my name?”
“Please, yes!” I whined trying to arch up to meet him. “Please I need you. You’re better.”
Marty’s hand took hold of my throat, his forearm positioned between my breasts, “Damn right.”
He slammed himself into me, his cock hit my cervix causing me to gasp for air I didn’t have due to the pressure on my throat. Marty was relentless. His hips slammed against mine repeatedly and I could hear the bed posts hitting our wall behind me. My moans were choked out but my walls squeezed around him. I was so close and the only way to tell him was with my body as my hips bucked upwards to meet his.
Marty’s lips pressed against my ear, “Tell me, love. Tell me who’s better.”
He released his hold on my neck in time for me to scream his name. “Oh God, Marty, you! You’re better!”
“Fuck.” He hissed giving a few more thrusts into me to guide me through the rush of the orgasm. I felt him release inside of me, filling me up with weeks of wait and longing. A shiver ran down his spine and he groaned above me, still pushed inside of me to the hilt.
I watched as Marty rolled off me and we lie there on our backs for a minute, gasping for air. The ceiling spun before my eyes and I felt his arm move above my head, inviting me to come snuggle against him. Rolling over to my side, I laid my head onto his chest listening to his heart pound against his ribs.
“I’m sorry, baby,” I told him. “I just missed you so much. I knew I wasn’t supposed to play with it but I couldn’t resist.”
Marty chuckled, stroking my hair, “It’s okay, Love. I saw it in the shower and just…” he sighed. It sounded almost dream-like, “All I could picture what you did with it.” He kissed my hair lightly, “If you really can’t wait for me to come home, I understand. Just next time, send me a FaceTime so I can watch the show.”
I giggled and propped myself up to kiss his lips, “It helps but it’s definitely not as good as the real thing. You’re better.”
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poedamneron01 · 3 years
summary: based off the 2017 video of being the elite (the best bits), where the guys are waiting to film Kenny’s video with Marty for firing Adam on ROH.
A/N sorry it’s short, just a small idea i had while watching BTE!
Kenny Omega x F!reader, The Elite x f!reader
TW: swearing
Kenny Masterlist
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“Hey guys.” You greeted tiredly as you met up with Kenny, Marty and Nick for some filming of Being The Elite. “Hey Y/N!” Marty called from under his mask and you laughed, plopping down in the seat beside Marty, where Kenny was sat on the arm. “Did you sleep okay?” Kenny leaned down and pecked the top of your head, you shrugged “I slept the best I could, it’s fucking cold here.” You frowned and Nick chuckled “Y/N you always think it”s cold!” He exclaimed and you smiled “Fuck off.” You muttered and the guys all laughed “Have you filmed anything yet?” You looked up and Kenny shook his head “We’re waiting for Matt, he was talking to his kids.” You nodded and looked over at Marty, who was sat like a statue on the other side of Kenny and you couldn’t help but lightheartedly laugh “I can’t take Marty seriously right now.” Some loud voices caused your head to turn and see two women walking around the corner. Kenny nodded politely at them “Hello.” He spoke and you sent the ladies a kind smile “Do you mind if we get a picture?” They asked, looking past Kenny and over at Marty. They walked over “Maybe I’ll sit in your lap.” One spoke and you choked on air as they walked closer to Marty “I’m sure he’d love that.” You muttered over at Nick and he giggled to himself. “Could you take the picture?” The other asked Kenny, “Is he your friend?” She asked as she unlocked her phone and Kenny nodded, turning to look back at Marty who waved “Sure is.” and he took the phone, standing up and getting in position to take the picture. “I love the ol’ gimp masks!” One of them spoke and you and Nick looked at each other, laughing under your breath hysterically. “Smile Marty!” You called, noticing he flipped you off before posing for the photo. “Alright, you guys ready? Three, two, one.” Kenny took the photos as you and Nick calmed down, watching the scene unfold in front of you both. Your eyes settled on Kenny’s face, smiling as he took the photos “Thank you!” The women smiled and Kenny nodded “Why are you dressed like that?” One asked and you sent Kenny a wink as he sent you a small smile “He doesn’t talk much, unfortunately.” You told them and the women frowned as Kenny handed the phone back. “So where’s you from lads?” The dark haired woman asked, while adjusting her jacket around her body and Nick spoke up “Just around the area.” You chuckled at Nick’s choice of words and nodded “Yeah.” You agreed and the woman didn’t even send you a second glance, ignoring you. Kenny walked over and sat on the ground in between your legs, back resting against the comfortable seat you were sat in as the women slowly walked away. “Bitches.” You muttered under your breath before running your fingers through Kenny’s curls gently, he chuckled and leaned his head back and sent you a shit eating grin “It’s okay Y/N, they prefer the company of gimps.” He added and you looked over at Marty who still sat as still as a statue, and you giggled. God you loved these boys.
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xfirespritex · 7 years
Updated Request Rules & Guidelines
My first set of WWE Fanfiction Requests!
Hey everyone, if you’re reading this and are interested in submitting a request here are the rules/ guidelines of my doing requests. I thought long and hard about doing this and while I’m nervous I feel like doing requests will give me a kick to write more.
Requests will remain open as long as I feel like. I have the right to close them but will give fair warning in advance of closing the request.
Rules/ Guidelines:
1.      All requests will be for male superstar / female reader (i.e. Finn Balor X Y/N). I have not written slash in a long time and am not prepared to jump back in. I will be dipping my toe back into that in the future but not now.
2.      No self-harm/rape/death stories. They aren’t for me. I can’t write them. Note: Other things such as depression, anxiety, etc. are okay and allowed to be a part of the request but I will not write extremely triggering things. It’s difficult to write for me and even more difficult for some to read.
3.      Requests will be filled as I am inspired by them. Not first come/first serve. You can’t rush writing.
4.      Relating to the above rule you must be patient. If you are pushy or flat-out mean about how long it is taking to fill your request I will not finish it, no matter how good an idea it is.
5.      I will write fluff, angst and smut. Be specific in what you are looking for.
6.      I will accept requests from Anonymous but please know that if I can’t reply to your request there is no way of notifying you when it’s going up/ if I would like clarification on your request.
7. If you request smut you must be 18 years of age or older (AKA off anonymous and someone that lists their age in their profile). Also, if you request smut I cannot guarantee it will happen. If it doesn’t fit the story I won’t just throw it in there. 
If you want to help inspire me:
1.      Submit a particular image/ lyric/song/quote you associate with the request. I will try and use that as a guideline for my story.
2.      Give me specifics. Don’t just say “A cute fluffy story with Pete Dunne, please and thanks!” That’s not enough.
Wrestlers I will write for: (Note, I know much more about WWE wrestlers than other promotions so please be kind if I don’t their characterization just right.)
·        Adam Cole
·        Adam Page
·        AJ Styles
·        Aleister Black
·        Alex Shelley
·        Andrade “Cien” Almas
·        Baron Corbin
·        Bobby Fish
·        Bobby Roode
·        Brian Kendrick
·        Cedric Alexander
·        Cesaro
·        Chad Gable
·        Chris Jericho
·        Chris Sabin
·        Cody Rhodes
·        Corey Graves
·        Dean Ambrose
·        Drew McIntyre
·        Elias
·        Finn Balor
·        Jason Jordan
·        Jay Briscoe
·        Jeff Hardy
·        Johnny Gargano
·        Kassius Ohno
·        Kyle O’Reilly
·        Mark Andrews
·        Mark Briscoe
·        Marty Scurll
·        Matt Hardy
·        Mojo Rawley
·        Mustafa Ali
·        Neville
·        Pete Dunne
·        Roderick Strong
·        Roman Reigns
·        Sami Zayn
·        Seth Rollins
·        Sheamus
·        TJ Perkins
·        Tommaso Ciampa
·        Tony Nese
·        Trent Seven
·        Tye Dillinger
·        Tyler Bate
·        Velveteen Dream
·        Will Ospreay
Note: If you have an idea for a wrestler not listed above send me the request but PLEASE include an alternative choice for the character. This list doesn’t mean I absolutely will not write for some people but this is who I feel I am comfortable writing.
A final reminder: If the rules are not adhered to/ a request makes me uncomfortable I will not complete the request. You all need to understand that a request is just that, a request. I will do my best to fill them all but this is not a contract. So please, be understanding of mine, as well as all, writer’s limitations and guidelines.
Tag List:
@thedeboniardevistation @xxnobodyshero13xx  @speedilyghostlycloud
@fan-fiction-galore  @amaranthine-reign @lordoftheringsmyass  
@justtheaverageblog1 @alpha-american @aineslight @reigns420 @deajm2116
@redroseblackwolfpack96 @blondekel77  @shieldgirl95 @gelinas22
@vebner37 @banrioncethlenn  @moxtiel  @caramara3
@fmlallthewayup @breezy14fan @secretagentfangirl @crowleysqueenofhell
@abominablestrowman279 @laochbaineann @wrestlingnoob @logandemico
@calwitch @sleeplessandcynical @sjwrites22 @georgiadean37
@houndofjustice-imagines @squirrel666 @dorkyvillain @heeltothequeen @heelturn-timesten @satansstrawberry @imnobodiesbitch @leteverythingexist @sonjashuterbugjohnson @serious-stressed-sparkles  @andie01 @thegenericluchadora @thedeboniardevistation @thirstiswet @wweburnitdown
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daddyhendo · 7 years
Marty Scurll #4?? Pretty please??
The house was full of drunken bodies, they were dancing like no one was watching, but you, you had your own fair share of drinks, glued to the dance floor that’s where they’d find you although you never really had your eye on any one there, well expect for one, across the dance floor that’s where he stood, Marty Scurll the British wrestler that you grew to have a crush on, he was everything you were looking for in a guy and you wanted more than anything for him to take you.
The drinks got to you abit too much when you decided to finally approached Marty, without thinking you walked over and planted a kiss on his lips, luckily he did not pull away instead he kissed you back harder, he then took it up himself to drag you to the nearest room and have his way with you, kicking the door shut he pushed you on the nearby bed, without warning he ripped off your clothing stripping you bare.
Marty then striped himself of all his clothing throwing them in places unknown, he quickly worked on your neck kissing you roughly while his other hand massaged your clit making you more wet, his kisses then turned to your jawline, planting sloppier ones on you, just then Marty pushed inside you with no warning what’s so ever and the feeling began overworking your body, “fuck Marty you’re so big” you moaned drunkly, “fuck babe you are so tight right now, let me see if I can stretch you out” Marty said darkly, his pace quicken faster than you noticed, he pumped in harder and harder each time wanting you to cum as fast as you could
Soon enough Marty became bored of this position and flipped you over in one move, he pulled your ass up toward him and shoved your face in the pillows, again no hesitation Marty was straight inside you viscously fast, the pain mixed with pleasure was overwhelming but you enjoyed it a hell of a lot, you were close and Marty could feel it against him, he rose his hand and smacked your bare ass harshly, “fuck yes Marty!” You moaned he then continued smacking you until your ass was red raw, “fuck Marty I’m gonna cum, I’m close” a few hard movement later and your orgasm washed over you as you released your juices, you collapsed forward on the bed but Marty hadn’t finished.
He continued fucking you hard against the bed slapping your ass as he did so, “fuck fuck” little whispers escaped your mouth, seconds later Marty pulled out and came all over the bed below you “shittttt” Marty moaned as he too collapsed on the bed beside you, you were both out of breath and too drunk to move, none of you said a word but instead cuddled together and fell asleep, who knows what would happen in the morning.
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