#marisol's actress posted a transphobic 'joke'
diazevan · 1 year
honestly can't believe that instagram story. I can't believe people actually think like that, it's just ugh.
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multishippinghussy · 2 months
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This is Edy Ganem, an actress that plays Marisol on 9-1-1, one of ABC's highest rated shows.
She's previously posted a transphobic joke that she never apologized for, and now this.
I know most of us in fandom just want to have fun. I get that. But this? This is a slap in the face to the lgbt+ community that 9-1-1 typically supports. Whether you just want to scroll on by or repost to ABC, I get it. But this is a reminder of why representation is important.
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watchyourbuck · 1 month
I am a newer lurker in the fandom, and I would LOVE to know about what exactly Marisol's actress has done
I’m sure there’s post that explains it way better than I can right now, but basically she posted a transphobic joke on her Instagram stories, then proceeded to do a half assed apology when she was called out (one that had a picture of herself in the background). Also she continuously likes incredibly homophobic comments talking about Buck or Eddie and queerness — there’s actually a specific one going around on a screenshot where timeline shows that she basically already knew about Buck being bisexual.
Those are the things that I’m aware of, so there may be more, but in my books that’s enough to dislike her plenty.
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mazzystar24 · 2 months
Hello, I'm sorry to ask and I hope it's not upsetting to ask but what happened with the marisol's actress? I know there is a lot of jokes about marisol but is the hate for her character in relation to whatever is happening irl? As I said I don't want to upset anyone but I personally don't have the info but if it's not shareable it's OK
Oh hey hon! Dw about it I’m happy to explain you’re not upsetting anyone!!
(cough cough seeing marisols face on our screens is the only upsetting thing🤭🤭)
I don’t have all the screenshots and stuff for it but if someone wants to drop it in the reblogs please do!
But basically a quick breakdown is that she posted transphobic stuff making fun of trans people then like never apologised awkwardly tried to bullshit her way out of it then like went for a little while came back straight away
Then she started saying a bunch of homophobic shit too and also just targeting buddie fans and being very petty and rude and passive aggressive
She was liking and agreeing with homophobic comments too
One comment she liked was someone saying something about how people keep ruining stuff and making characters gay and obviously in light of the new episode people have put together that that timeline meant she was liking that comment and on her little homophobic spree just as they finished shooting 7x04
So in conclusion come join the hate squad for her we will make t shirts and bake cupcakes🫡🥰🫶
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deluweil · 30 days
Lol.. first they promote the hell out of things only to cut it and then they go and delete critical comments on Insta... nicely done ABC.
Guess someone had to do overtime to delete over 500 comments on the Oliver reel. First I checked it was over 700, then suddenly you couldn't click on the answers anymore and now there are about 240 comments left.
Only a few about the cut karaoke. A lot where about how they bait and keep the transphobe around. All those seem to be gone now.
I have a bad feeling about this.
LOL yeah, PR team made a big boo-boo 😂
Not the first time, mind you, Fox used to make the same mistakes I wonder if these are the same ppl.
Also they are not responsible for the cuts, they work with what they get from the director and producer along with showrunner's descision.
Considering Oliver was talking about his favorite parts being filmed at the bachelor party and how much fun they had and how much they drank just to get through that karaoke scene, I'm guessing all cuts were made last minute and the responsibility is less on the PR ppl and more on the decision makers who has been known to be pathological liars over the years.
Moderation in the comments of a tv show is good to a degree imo, I've seen many pages on IG of big soccer teams and tv shows where the comments aren't moderated and it all borders on harassment and negative vibes between the fans themselves and the actors see it more than the decision makers anyway and the ppl talk about why they take a step back from social media.
Do I want the Marisol actress on the show? absolutely not, and that was before I found out about her bad joke on ig. - If you're a public figure and want to get work (in the US at least, where I come from if they fired every idiot who opens their mouth out of turn everybody would be out of a job) you keep your mouth shut and keep your account clean, she only has herself to blame for the hate she gets, especially considering that she didn't even apologize.
But sadly, she is here, crossing my fingers she won't be for long, not only because she's is a bad person, but also because her character is so lukewarm and trivial it's bordering on the absurd.
I am sad for Ryan and Oliver because they seemed so excited about these scenes in the bachelor party and the put in a LOT of effort into it.
BUT if that means the episode of Madney wedding focuses on Madney and nothing else, I am more than okay with that.
That is why you make the bachelor party in a separate episode, or like in CF in Mouch's party, you see them in the elevator dreading what may come, the get to the door figuring out that they've been played and that it is going to be a kick-ass party - the door closes- and opens up again in the morning and they all step exhausted and hungover into the elevator where it's clear the party was epic!
In 10 episodes season, you need to plan out, in advance, your time and scenes carefully, clearly it doesn't happen on 911,
My biggest fear is that from the hour and 15 minutes that were cut into 43 minutes, that the episode would feel rushed and not have emotional impact a Madney wedding should induce and maybe it would have been better if they cut guest stars storylines and calls down to make more room for a proper ceremony.
A kidnapping at this point feels like an overkill, they could have gone for a rough and dangerous call before the wedding and after everyone walk away, they are seen later that day or the next. at the wedding with a beautiful ceremony, like in Cruz's wedding in CF.
I really hope this episode focuses on Madney, everything else is completely unnecessary, I would be pissed if this episode focused more on other ships and take the spotlight off of Madney.
And the PR team should be handed the RIGHT materials in order to make a valid promo and post the right promotional pictures because otherwise it looks like they're deceiving the fans on purpose and that could be the reason why ppl would stop watching the show, ppl don't like to be played for fools.
Now, knowing that everything we were told we'll see was cut, and that final cut was made last second and SO much was cut, I have a bad feeling too, I am hoping we are both wrong. Because they can't afford another 6x18 episode - the format should be better with the move to abc not stay just as bad.
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officialbuckley · 27 days
thoughts for today:
seeing ppl say they think eddie and marisol will be endgame makes me wanna hurl. and it’s not even because i believe it or that i’d be upset over buddie not being endgame, but it’s simply the fact that she’s had like 5 minutes of screen time, none of which actually bonds her with eddie in any way, in fact the one piece of information we get causes eddie to not even want to be intimate with her anymore. not to mention her actress was openly liking homophobic comments about 9-1-1 and posted a shitty apology for a transphobic joke she made where it ended with her saying “should i die?” which made the entire apology automatically insincere.
heres the deal, when you’re bringing on a love interest for a character, at least make them likable. give them a story, give them bonding time, actually show them falling in love. i don’t even like taylor that much but out of all of bucks previous girlfriends, she was the only one i wouldnt have been mad about him staying with, because she had story, she was integrated into the plot, we saw her and buck actually interacting outside of sex and it wasn’t these two ppl just smushed together.
not only does 90% of the 9-1-1 audience probably not even care about marisol, but having them be endgame would kill half the fanbase and not even because of buddie, but because she’s legitimately so unlikeable and unimportant to the show, plot and any characters outside her small bits of screen time with eddie alone. im actually 99% sure the only time we’ve seen buck SEE them together on screen is for 5 seconds during his date with tommy.
not to mention, s7 is 4 episodes away from being over and while i’m sure theres an episode with marisol and chris interacting, it’s fucking weird we havent seen them at all, or heard anything about how chris feels about her, nor eddie even discussing with chris about marisol moving in while hes AWAY.
eddie and marisol legit feels the most forced out of any girlfriend eddie or buck has had, even ana had more chemistry and screen time with eddie and chris like 110% more and they still broke up.
i’d legit rather bucktommy be endgame than have eddie in this bullshit relationship that no ones cares about.
if marisol’s part in this show is anything other than eddie realizing he’s 1. queer or 2. does not need to keep looking for someone to fill shannons role because he’s never felt true freedom before and is allowed to be content being single and waiting for the right person to come along
then you’ve fucking lost me. get that girl out of here. if you’re going to keep eddie straight, at least give him a good and interesting love interest the way bobby, chimney and hen all have.
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shaunashipman · 26 days
The BOB anon is being so delusional. No one called Marisol homophobic and transphobic, they called the actress who plays Marisol that because she has liked and posted transphobic and homophobic stuff on her insta. Imagine hating on a guy so much because he dared to play a character that dates on half of your fanon ship that you start defending an actual homophobe and transphobe. This is why I know most of these BOB only care about Buddie and not queer people or queer representation.
there was a "theory" going around that marisol was going to be homophobic to buck and that's why eddie would dump her, and while i'm sure 99.9% of the people floating it knew it was just wishful thinking, at least a few probably took it as a legitimate possibility.
the unfortunate fact is, the actress's transphobia and homophobia most likely isn't even on TPTB's radar. she's an actress in a bit role, and her offences consist of posting a joke then deleting it, and liking a comment. we know she's terrible, but it's not going to be a factor if/when the character leaves
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chaosandwolves · 1 year
Went on twitter
Stumbled upon the newest 911 drama
And all I have to say is
I love Oliver Stark so much. Knowing this man has our backs and always stands with the community and wouldn't hate me for who I am is amazing
I know the bar is low these days but way too many ppl still don't manage to reach it so yay for Oliver
(for everyone who is wondering: the actress of Marisol posted a transphobic joke in her story and Oliver apparently unfollowed her immediately. She apparently has deleted the story by now)
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I think the links in your post (718700279078518784 - the one about the details on Edy's behavior) are not working
I've just checked this out, thank you for the heads up nonny.
Apparently the tumblr that created those posts I linked has been deleted. I apologize for any frustration this causes.
To summarize for anyone now confused because they can't see the links, the actress who guest-starred as Marisol in 9-1-1 re-posted a transphobic joke from a conservative, racist, pro-Trump account on Instagram. The joke referenced the recent incident where a trans woman ran in a marathon and anti-trans people threw a fit. When the actress was called out on this "joke," she issued a "sorry you were offended but actually I did nothing wrong" style apology and said she'd do a live to discuss it. She has since deleted the apology. I don't know if the live is still going forward.
That's all I know, that's all I'm saying on it, and I'm sorry that the informative links are now not working. It's a good lesson to me to remember to put things in the post itself instead of just linking - with how often people change their urls in this fandom I've often had a problem with linking things and then the link going to a "ghost blog! this blog does not exist!" page because the person changed their url and didn't incorporate an automatic redirect.
If there's more information to be had I'm sure it can be found on other people's tumblrs so you might want to go looking. Again I'm sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.
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messyhairdiaz · 2 months
genuine question! The actress who plays Marisol, I know she posted some “joke” that was transphobic. I’m not super in the loop, but is it possible that she was/is just ignorant? Which doesn’t excuse it, I just see people calling her a transphobe and I’m just wondering if there’s more to it than that one post? Just asking because I know people who are absolutely just ignorant and wouldn’t realize the issue. which is still… ugh but it’s more about needing to educate them than anything else.
It’s been a while since it all happened so I don’t quite recall the specifics of what the ~joke~ was but if I remember correctly it was fairly obvious that it was a jab against trans people. But even if it was something that could be explained away with ignorance, she doubled down instead of apologizing when people called her out. There was also some recent weird af behavior from her regarding letting homophobic comments slide and even liking the posts and responding to them. So she clearly has no interest in not being a shitty person.
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