foodffs · 7 months
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Sweet Potato Casserole (With Marshmallows)
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strawbeelemonade · 1 year
We need more of spider punk❤️❤️❤️
ROMANTIC HEADCANNONS (Part 2!): Hobart brown
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GIF by fizzytoo
SO many requests for this guy,,, i hope you like!
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🕷 - hobbie likes watching you stand up for yourself.
🕷 - he knows you have spunk, no matter how deep down, it’s there.
🕷 - it thrills him to see you fight back, fills him with satisfaction. He will back you up in a heartbeat, no matter what it is he will fight with you and for you.
🕷 - he’ll fall back to back with you, you won’t have to worry when fighting along side him, let yourself go and spread CHAOS. He’s got your back
🕷 - he’s very deep thinking. He values your morals, your conviction and who you are in the face of hardships.
🕷 - He thinks real hard about what he chooses to put his faith in. And that includes you.
🕷 - he trusts you with his life.
🕷 - he’s a bit of a wanderer. There isn’t really a reliable routine he follows, so you might go a little while without seeing him.
🕷 - but don’t worry, he’ll always come back to you. He won’t leave you lonely for too long, gorgeous.
🕷 - he’ll pay you random visits just because!
🕷 - and by that I mean he’ll let himself in.
🕷 - its not uncommon for him to show up in the middle of the night, and if your not asleep, he offers to sneak you out for a few hours of fun.
🕷 - It’s alright, beautiful/handsome, there’s no safer place then by his side.
🕷 - If you live here, you’ll know that the UK can get pretty cold, especially at night. he’ll lend you his jacket if he catches you shivering
🕷 - Hobie will take you to concerts. You’re his first choice.
🕷 - he’s got a lot of connections and he can get you in easily.
🕷 - if you think he is anywhere other than right in the front then you are CRAZY. and he wants you right there with him.
🕷 - the music is so loud it’ll shoot through your chests, filling both your senses. sharing that exhilaration with you means a lot to him.
🕷 - he keeps you close to him the whole time, and makes sure you don’t get too roughed up by the other people around you.
🕷 - If it all gets too much don’t worry, he knows a cushy spot in the rafters away from all the people, and its a great view.
🕷 - when Hobie’s the one on stage he’ll be looking for you in the crowd
🕷 - he plays better when your there
🕷 - knowing your eyes are on him makes him more bold.
🕷 - don’t take your eyes off of him. Don’t you dare look away. He wants to see your face.
🕷 - he’s on the run a lot, so he’ll need to crash at your place often to lay low.
🕷 - “thanks, doll. I knew you wouldn’t mind.”
🕷 - if you play guitar he will play solo’s with you
🕷 - if you don’t know how to play he’ll sit behind you and rest his hands over your own, pressing your fingers into the right chords.
🕷 - his chest pressing in to your back are the least of your worries, though. His breathe is hot and his lips are soft. And, oh! your cheek and jaw, which are his favourite places to kiss, are completely exposed.
🕷 - good luck.
🕷 - he’ll give you piggy back rides.
🕷 - wrap your arms around him as tightly as you want. He doesn’t mind. his hair might tickle your face as he turns his head to give you a peck on the cheek, though.
🕷 - when you both sleep next to each other you won’t have to worry about his hair getting in your face. He’ll wear a wrap.
🕷 - his hair is NICE in the movie. those wicks were P R I S T I N E
🕷 - if you play with the little baby hairs poking out from the bundle then he’ll be all over you I bet he’d love that.
🕷 - if he loses his wrap then he might use his mask in a pinch. It’d be really fun if the inside was lined with silk just to keep his hair nice.
🕷 - If he sleeps in that then your gonna have to put something on the spikes to stop them from poking you 😭
🕷 - "nah fam i am not sticking marhsmellows on my head."
🕷 - Honk shoo
🕷 - he will pierce you ears for you.
🕷 - he knows how to sew. mending clothes are more cost effective, and punks have been DIYing outfits since the very beginning.
🕷 - if you don't know how, he can hem or mend your clothes. like i don't he he knows just surface level knowledge either. Hobbie is IN the sewing community
🕷 - he'd get zesty with it too!
🕷 - yeah, he could sew your clothes to look good as new, but have you seen visible decorative mending? there are so many ways to get creative with mending- his personality would really shine through in his work.
🕷 - your favourite pair of jeans that used to have a hole in the knee are now fixed, but with am embroidered spider web spriraling outwards.
🕷 - this is an example of how incredibly thoughtful he is. he spends lots of time and love to turn something broken into something new. and thats one of the ways he'll show you he loves you.
🕷 - you won't really ever be questioning if he loves you though.
🕷 - he's blunt. he'll let you know.
🕷 - tee hee
🕷 - Hobart doesn’t really get Jealous.
🕷 - But he LOVES rubbing your relationship in any clueless suitor’s face when he gets the chance.
🕷 - after watching the movie I am 100% certain that he is willing to clock someone over the head for you.
🕷 - intimidation tactics work great to ward off most creeps. But some people need a demonstration.
🕷 - his hand will snake around your lower tummy or waist, and he pulls you flush against himself
🕷 - he’d lean down to whisper “is this one bothering you?”. Real quietly so no one else can hear.
🕷 - if your friends with Hobart, your friends with Pavitr.
🕷 - and if your dating Hobart, then your basically gonna date him too LMAO
🕷 - Pav thinks you're both so cute! You have his full support. He is INVESTED. The moment he sees you after rough housing with Hobie he gasps! Hello you!
🕷 - he’s all over you.
🕷 - Pav thinks you’re a sweetheart. If Hobie isn’t there you can count on him to have your back.
🕷 - I’ve said this before but he’s canonically got a good read on people, and that’s probably especially so for his best friend.
🕷 - and so he sees how happy you make him. Pav absolutely treasures you.
🕷 - Chances are you'll end up getting close with Gwen too! she stays over in other universes since her situation back in her own isn't great. you guys end up hanging out because of it and ya'll grow close.
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You put me back together, actually (leefelix)
You roll over on your other side, pressing your cheek into your pillow, sighing in frustration as another strong pang hits your lower abdomen and you momentarily break out in cold sweats from the pain. It's the fact that periods not only make your tummy feel like someone is straight up cutting your uterus from the inside out but also the sheer amount of pain that distributes evenly on your lower back and your hips for you. As if being in an almost constant state of discomfort and annoyance and quite literally loosing spoonfuls of blood wasn't enough of an experience in itself.
Fed up and tired, you decide to just give up on your failed attempt at a little afternoon nap and quietly pad into the kitchen to make yourself some hot chocolate. Cause hot chocolate fixes everything. Once you pulled out the milk carton and the chocolate mix, you start rummaging through your cupboards, looking for the little marshmallows packet you stashed somewhere in there. Except that you find none. And then you remember your boyfriend has the biggest sweet tooth and would probably eat sugar out the jar as a snack if he had no other options available.
You giggle to yourself for a second, immediately regretting it cause the mere vibration makes your tummy hurt, and then climb back upstairs, stopping at Felix's game room to knock softly on the white wooden door:"come iiin!!".
You step hesitantly just an inch inside the room and lean your head in the door frame, looking fondly over at the blonde head peeking from the professional black gaming chair Felix is sitting in, multicolored led lights reflecting on the white blonde tufts sticking in different directions, the white blue glare of one of his computer screen hitting him on one side and the multicolored ones emitting from his main one where he's playing some video game hitting his other side. And the marhsmellows. Sitting there next to his loudspeakers, all squished and fragrant in the little plastic sachet.
"Oh, hello!", Felix pauses his game and spins on his chair, turning to you, he removes his headphones from his head as he smiles warmly at you, "what are you doing all alone over there? Come here", he exclaims, stretching out his arms, inviting you in.
And you really don't make him ask you twice. You basically leap into his arms, letting him embrace you so tight, his hands pressing into your skin, squeezing your back and your sides and guiding you onto his lap, "did you have a nice nap, honey?", he asks then, and you frown, "couldn't sleep much. I got my period earlier this morning and I've been cramping ever since", you reply, holding onto your tense abdomen.
Felix pouts and ever so gently caresses your tummy, "I'm so sorry, is it really painful?", you shrug, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, "it's bearable. It's mostly just annoying. My back feels stiff and a bit achy, and my hips too and funnily enough that hurts more than my actual tummy", you smile a bittersweet smile and he nods sympathetic, his hands now palming down your sides, his inner massesuse instincts kicking in as soon as he senses your tender body.
And his touch feels so nice. Like so nice. You find yourself closing your eyes and relaxing into his chest as he draws you closer and starts rubbing your back gently, his fingers making fast work at loosening up all your knots with both a certain amount of forcefulness and gentleness that makes it hard for you not to moan in pleasure, just a little.
And he somehow notices your face muscles twitching and you biting down on the inside of your cheek to restrain yourself from emitting any sounds, he snickers quietly and plants a kiss on your cheek, "you don't have to hold back, my love, I like the sounds you make", he whispers in a low voice, his hands then moving down to your hips, palms spreading and pressing down warmly, your whole body feeling like soft clay being molded into shape.
And then he massages his fingers right into the knot at the base of your spine, and it's like a sudden epiphany as all of your back muscles click back into place, your hips buckle and your body instantly looses whatever residue resistance it ever held, all the build up tension and strength immediately leaving your limbs as you can't help a little "ah" escaping from your lips.
Felix smirks, he pats down your back gently, helping you straighten up again on his lap, "how the fuck did you do that? I feel like a whole new person, with a whole new back", you ask incredulous, not an ounce of pain left in your body, "I barely did anything, I just knew where to put a little more pressure", he says with a satisfied look on his face, "woah I came here for cuddles and marshmallows and I'm leaving a whole new person! I truly don't think my back will ever hurt again like ever ever".
Felix giggles in that loud, adorable way that makes him close one eye and squint the other while his smile lights up his whole face and he's so devastatingly beautiful you have the physical need to kiss him. You kiss his lips and then the tip of his nose and both of his cheeks, him giggling and making his cutest, typical noises all the while.
"You said you came here for marshmallows?", Felix asks after a little while, his plump, now very swollen lips still hovering yours, "oh… Yeah", you murmur, slowly recouping from the little haze, the flurry of kisses you two just shared still numbing your senses as you pull yourself up, "I was going to make hot chocolate with marshmallows on top as a comfort food cause I was achy and restless but I honestly completely forgot about it", you confess, "hahaha I love you", Felix laughs and hugs you, "did I really mess you up that much?", he asks chirpy, smiling so big and so warmly, his eyes shiny and happy as he holds you, "no, you put me back together, actually. Beautifully at that".
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appleasks · 1 month
Would you eat this?
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"i  uh—are  those  marhsmellows?  i  don't  think  i'd  enjoy  eating  ducks  at  all."
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aita-blorbos · 9 months
aita for treating my friend like my sidekick
so long storys short i [OOC: These characters have no canon ages, but the one speaking and “Marshmellow” are both female] have this rival whos had it out for me ever since the beginning. well call her “marshmellow” since thats what she looks like
ever since she started going to my old school she’d always been showin’ off just how much better than me she is at everything. everyone always completely ignored me and flocked to her whenever she entered the room, and sometimes she even had the AUDACITY to make her spite extra obvious like that one time where she stole my pickled onion off my lunch tray or psyched me out and made me miss the round-winning kick in some big soccer tournament. or when we were competing in a bread race and she fucmking SNEEZED on the side of the bread that i was supposed to eat. and then was all “kUrOmI~cHaN aReN’t YoU gOnNa EaT tHe BrEaD. Go On KuRoMi EaT tHe MeLo BuGgErS”. or when she got lost on a field trip so i got off the bus to go look for her and when she found her way baxk without my help she LET THEM LEAVE WITHOUT ME
and our rivalry led me to start this cool biker gang of ppl like me and meet my sidekick (17M) who well call eggplant for funsies. and eggplamrs family is DIRT POOR and one day i stole some bread from the market for them and got caught and thrown in the dungeon and had to lie about why to make sure they didn’t get in trouble too (for what? STARVING?? BECAUSE YOU DIDTN FEED THEM???). and nobody i knew visited me because they were too busy SIMPING FOR MARHSMELLOW. and to this day they all owe me 8 birthday parties (except my homies theyre cpol)
but one day i escaped and me and eggplant found a cool magical artifact in the same castles treasure room that could help me cast spells on humans that would bring their dreams to reality in rlly fucked up ways and if they enjoy it i get a black note and if i get a humdred of them i can play this special song that will summon this ancient evil to KICK MARSHMELLOWS ASS
and i went to the human wrld to enact my plan and ended up scoring a room in the most AWESOME house with djffjdjfhshfsh the most handsome most awesome most loving human EVR!!! youve prolly already heard of him since litrrally everyone has. and me and eggplant share a room
and ever since we started this journey hes been my sidekick, doing all the housework, going out adn fetching me stuff when i ask for it, paying the remt for our room, and letting me use him as a punching bag to vent my anger. and we fly around the human world together in search of black notes and he sniffs out humans dreams. and i dont say it often but im glad hes so willing to just sit there and take it all. is what i WOULD say if he he didnt suddenly decided he had enough of it and LEAVE. TO GO STAY WITH MARSHMELLOW (oh yeah marshmellow followed me to the human world and made friends there who shes also staying with. theyre collexting pink notes which dont really do anything but stop me from getting blsck ones)
and he says hes happier living there than he is living wiht ME. and i had to work my ASS off to get him back but its all cool cuz i punished him accordingly later <3
but while i was still tryna get him back i thought of how good our friendship was before then and realized i never treated him like that before coming to the human world and thought for a split second that i might not be being the best friend
prolly gonna keep doing it anyway bc thats just how this cruel world works lol. but i cant get ot outta my head so i might as well ask. aita?
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akechisu1 · 1 year
love your idv art u draw ithaqua so ^_^ ... bnuuy ...
TYYY!!! Hes so…likeeeee marhsmellow yk ♥️
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sinners-zz · 9 months
marhsmellow sowrsd...
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bxti · 10 months
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chaos-burst · 2 years
I just finished listening to Outlaws and Obelisks (consider this to be another advertisement. That podcast made me laugh hysterically, cry, go “awww” and “what the actual fuck” multiple times and it’s just 16 episodes!), Critical Role won’t return for three weeks, Rusty Quill Gaming and Naddpod just ended and I’m sitting here like. Food? 🥺 Food please? 🥺🥺🥺
If you have any recs for shows (actual play or otherwise) or podcasts (... actual play or otherwise :’D), please feel free to drop them in my inbox.
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senruthmartinsbob · 5 years
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Imma be shanked fer bein fick lads
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snazzi-strawberri · 3 years
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damn how did a lil marhsmellow ghost outrun a scary ai hand i do not know
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beetlebeee · 3 years
how to feel small during the holidays <3
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wear holiday bows / socks
write Santa letters
light the Menorah with help from your stuffies
put out the Kinara while in pretty clothes!
bake cookies with your cg (or yourself!)
hum holiday songs while coloring
wear holiday pajamas!!!!
watch the Christmas specials of your kid shows
make your own decorations and put them up in your room
give your stuffies a gift!
listen to holiday stories before bed on youtube (or have your cg read to you)
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ever been sad enough to buy marhsmellow fluff and eat out of the jar? cause
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stellawolfe30 · 4 years
my favorite old wattpad memory is when me and two other people became the rulers of hell in the comment section. i was like the commander of the army serving my loyal queen and we burned the remains of our enemies and roasted marhsmellows over thier corspe fire
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F.R.I.E.N.D.S #annemarie #marhsmellow #speltthatonpurpose #collabwithship #mylittlefuckeduptown
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